What is a person's guardian angel? Who are Guardian Angels! Why did angels appear to people?

Every person has moments in life when he is left alone with the problems that have befallen him, and it seems that there is no one nearby who can help, and then melancholy and despair fill the soul, and life loses all meaning. However, people who believe in the existence of higher powers and God know that no one is ever left alone, because next to everyone there is a guardian angel - an incorporeal entity that helps a person, protects him and, if possible, guides him on the true path.

Belief in guardian angels is inherent in Christians, Muslims, adherents of Judaism and Hinduism, and people professing a number of other religions - we can say that the majority of people recognize the presence of “personal angels”. Undoubtedly, the name and description of guardian angels vary in different religions, but adherents of all beliefs agree that the main purpose of a person’s invisible guardian is to protect him from evil and misfortune and help him make the right choice.

Guardian angels in our lives

Skeptics and atheists are sure that supernatural forces do not exist, and guardian angels are just a fantasy of believers, but in the life of almost every person there have been cases that are difficult to explain from a logical point of view. All people are familiar with such a concept as intuition, a premonition that forces one to make a certain choice, action, or at the last moment abandon an already made decision, and as a result it turns out that it was the best option. Perhaps what we call intuition are the tips of a guardian angel, who, in order to protect the client and help, gives him knowledge of what...

In the lives of most people, at least once there have been accidents that turned out to be decisive - lost keys or documents, the search for which took time and the person did not catch the plane and crashed; a stalled car engine, thanks to which a car accident was avoided; the appearance at the right moment of close people or people who can help necessary help etc. There is also an invisible connection between loved ones (most often between mother and child), thanks to which people can feel that an accident has happened to their relatives or they need urgent help. Believers believe that all these are the acts of guardian angels protecting their charges and their loved ones from misfortunes.

When a person has guardian angels

Despite the opinion of some particularly fanatical followers of a particular religion, who believe that only they and their fellow believers are endowed with guardian angels, most likely this is not the case. As one great thinker said, “religions are different, but God is the same for all,” and perhaps he was right, because in all of them the key dogmas and rules for believers converge. Therefore, if guardian angels exist, then every person, regardless of his religion, nationality and origin, has his own guardian or several guardian angels.

Believers believe that a guardian angel is given to every person at the time of birth or in early infancy, but at the same time, the baby is looked after not only by his personal guardian, but also by the guardian angel of his mother. An angel follows a person throughout his life, helping him as much as possible and protecting him from misfortunes. No one can definitely determine how many guardian angels a person has - one or several, but many psychics and religious people are sure that the number of guardians and their strength depends on the kind of life a person leads - according to one theory, good and there are more guardians, but evil and down-to-earth natures can rarely count on more than one angel.

If you believe the priests, then the power of the guardian angel and his ability to help his ward depends on the person’s faith and his lifestyle. Many religions have prayers to the guardian angel that must be said to ask him for help or thank him for his support. It is believed that if you sincerely believe in the guardian and do not forget to constantly thank him for all the good things that have happened, then he will be able to help his ward more. It should also be remembered that angels are creatures of light and goodness, therefore evil deeds, foul language, and negative emotions destroy a person’s connection with his guardian, and those who live contrary to laws, morality and common sense risk being left without protection.

Church ministers and people who study extrasensory perception and esotericism have been trying to answer the question of how many guardian angels a person has for more than a century, but opinions differ, and for obvious reasons there is no single answer to this day. However, there are three main theories designed to “count” a person’s guardian angels:

1. Each person has only one guardian angel, given to him from birth . Adherents of this theory believe that what is important is not the number of entities protecting a person, but their strength, therefore, despite the fact that everyone has one guardian, some people have strong angels, and some do not hear the prompts of their guardians at all. The strength of the guardian angel and his ability to help directly depends on a person’s faith, his thoughts, intentions and actions, therefore, the more good a person does and the brighter his thoughts are, the stronger his angel will become.

2. How many guardian angels a person has depends on his purpose on earth . This theory is based on the fact that every person on earth has his own destiny that he must fulfill, and guardian angels are helpers along this path. Therefore, the more important the purpose of a person for the whole world as a whole, the more guardians he is given. Adherents of this theory believe that all people, depending on the path destined for them, can have from 1 to several dozen guardian angels.

3. Guardian angels themselves choose their clients, and during the course of a person’s life he can either gain several angels or lose guardians. Adherents of this theory are sure that angels protect and protect good people, and do not want to deal; therefore, how many guardian angels a person has depends only on his lifestyle, and in order to acquire invisible protectors, you need to do good.

In a difficult situation, even an unbeliever turns to To higher powers for help. According to Orthodox beliefs, an invisible protector protects everyone from birth to death. The guardian angel invisibly monitors the actions of his ward and tries to protect him from steps in the wrong direction, to guide him on the right path pleasing to God.

Who are Guardian Angels

Guardian angels are immaterial beings, good spirits appointed by God for support and guidance. They are beautiful and more perfect than humans. Patron saints were sent to protect the entire universe; they have an influence on animals, people, natural forces and elements, thanks to the special qualities with which they are endowed. Defenders vary in their power to manipulate events and their capabilities, but they often help when doom seems imminent. The contact between the ward and the guardian grows stronger if the former listens to advice, trusts his intuition, and leads a pious lifestyle.

It is difficult to describe what these good spirits look like, because they are incorporeal. Guardian angels are immortal, but their lives, like everyone else on earth, depend on the will of God. They never rest, are always filled with energy, compassion, forgiveness and kindness, deal only with their care and never lose heart. Their goal is the salvation of man; these defenders accompany him to God after death and provide their intercession in the face of the Almighty. The calling and role of the guardian saints:

  • ensure a person’s constant spiritual connection with God;
  • make sure that people’s requests, prayers and appeals are heard;
  • protect from dangers and evil, guide on the right path;
  • to educate the soul of man;
  • help him understand the will of God;
  • pass through space and time and end up in the place where they are needed.

Hierarchy of Angels

Angels are divided by 9 various types and are subject to a strict hierarchy. The highest, middle and lowest levels of guardians each contain three ranks. Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones are the executors of his instructions closest to the Lord. They belong to the highest spiritual beings.

Seraphim are sanctified by burning love for the Almighty. These spiritual creatures are capable of elevating and inflaming lower beings with this feeling, filling them with kindness and light. Seraphim are located near the throne of the Most High and are in constant motion. Cherubim have spiritual wisdom and are the second-ranking celestial beings. They guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden. Thrones have a third rank. On them, based on the name, the Almighty sits as if on a throne.

TO medium degree The hierarchy includes Dominances, Powers and Powers, and the lower ones include Principalities, Archangels and Angels. The last rank is those closest to people. Guardians help to heal from illnesses, overcome troubles, and overcome difficulties.

The appearance of Guardian Angels

There are many religions, but their key commandments and dogmas converge. In almost every faith there is a belief that a good person is protected by invisible good spirits. A guardian is given to the baby at birth and cares for it until death. During childhood, babies are also looked after by the angels of their mothers. The Bible says that a person receives a saint at baptism. Therefore, many theologians are of the opinion that a person has at least two guardians. Their strength is determined by the life and thoughts of the ward, his good deeds. There are prayers and appeals to a personal angel that help you ask him for something or thank him.

The more active and more active person in good deeds, the more guardians can appear and support him in case of any obstacles. Angels are bearers of light and goodness. U bad people Those who have a cruel disposition, bad thoughts, or commit criminal acts cannot be angels. They leave him. Such a person remains without protection.

Number of angels a person has

The question of how many intercessor angels a person can have has been raised more than once among theologians, esotericists and psychics. The pages of holy scripture do not provide a clear answer, so opinions have diverged over the centuries. There are three main opinions about the number of keepers.

  1. A person has only one angel who takes care of him. He receives it from the Lord at the time of birth or at baptism. The power of an individual's angels may differ depending on the life a person leads.
  2. The number of holy protectors depends on the purpose and path on earth. The more complex the tasks of a particular individual, the more angels he can be given to realize them.
  3. The angels themselves choose their wards, so during your life you can acquire up to 9 angels or not keep a single one.

Determining your Guardian Angel

You can find out who your personal heavenly guardian is by character using your date of birth. To do this, simple mathematical calculations are performed. For example, if you were born on March 24, 1978, you need to add up all the numbers. 2+4+0+3+1+9+7+8=34, 3+4=7, the number of the personal intercessor is 7. The meaning of each number is given below.

1 - your holy protector angel. He is very fast and energetic. Provides protection immediately, even if the person does not have time to ask him for help. However, such patrons often go to energetically weakened people who really need strong support and continuous care.

2 - you are protected by an angel of light. It is larger than the others, they are usually depicted with large snow-white wings. According to legend, the protector kisses the baby during birth and freckles or a mole appear on the child’s cheeks. The Holy Spirit follows its ward everywhere and more often maintains contact with him, giving advice in dreams and subconsciously. Those protected by such a guard need to trust their intuition.

3 - air angel. It goes to those who love various minor troubles. The patron maintains contact with the ward through various sounds, light air movements, vibrations of curtains and other similar incidents. There is a belief that the air guardian loves to leave a person and go about his business, but instantly provides help if the needy turns to him with prayer.

4 - you are the owner of the angel of wisdom. Typically, such people are distinguished by good knowledge and success in studies, sciences, and careers. The wards of wise patrons are able to calculate the situation in advance, draw conclusions from any incidents and make informed decisions. The Angel of Wisdom is a very reliable advisor in any difficult situation.

5 - metal angel. This is a strong and brave guardian. Has powerful wings and rushes to help when those in need cry. The more upset and agitated a person is, the more unbearable it becomes. They love strong-willed people with courage and fortitude, and provide physical and energetic protection.

6 - rainbow guardian. Goes to creative people, art lovers. Helps to reveal abilities and use talent. Rainbow patron has colorful wings, plays on musical instruments, is able to dispel the sadness and sadness of those under care.

7 - angel of energy. Needs continuous interaction with a person, does not accept if his care is ignored, takes offense at rude words and unpleasant actions. The connection with the angel is strengthened if the ward is pious, gentle and filled with gratitude for the help.

8 - people. Such a guardian is the soul of a deceased ancestor. He is merciful, full of love and forgiveness. You can establish a connection with your patron by honoring deceased relatives and close friends.

9 - angel of warmth. She is distinguished by high moral support, gives optimism, filling the soul with faith in the best. People who have such a protector are calm and happy.

To find out the age of your guardian, use the following numerological calculations. You need to add the sacred number 4 to your birth number. For example, you were born on January 18th. 18+4=22. The holy angel has had this age for centuries, it does not change.

Some psychics believe that it is possible to find out the name of a personal intercessor. To do this, you need to enter into deep meditation, during which the patron will probably be named or even dreamed of. If this did not happen, then the concentration of attention was incomplete. Another method is mechanical writing. The angel himself will tell you the name if you put a pen and paper in front of you and mentally concentrate. With the right actions and thoughts, the defender will write it in your hand.

Meeting with the Guardian Angel

Christians believe that you can meet and see the Guardian Angel only if you have true and strong faith in God and the ritual of baptism and cleansing from sins. To do this, you need to turn to him in prayer, ask for help and appear in a dream. At this moment you cannot be irritated and embittered. It is advisable to remain alone with yourself and immerse yourself in a trance, meditate so that extraneous thoughts do not distract you during the ritual, then there is a high probability of seeing your guardian.

You cannot ask an intercessor to punish enemies, give privileges or positions and material values. All wishes must have good intentions.

Usually the meeting is described as a feeling of warmth and lightness, the presence of an invisible assistant or a vision of a shining, golden ball. Very rarely do holy angels appear in human form.

Common Myths About Angels

Folklore and art have endowed angels with new features that are far from the truth. If we use Holy Scripture as the basis for information about angels, then some ideas about them are false:

  1. Cherubs have baby faces and protect people. This image was created for them by folklore and art. Despite the fact that they are painted next to people, these angels do not contact or help a person. They are servants close to the Lord and have a very specific appearance, it is described in the Book of Genesis in Ezekiel, chapter 1: 5-11. Cherubs are similar to humans, but instead of feet they have calf hooves. Such an angel has two pairs of wings covering his hands, and four faces: in front like a person’s, on the right is a lion’s muzzle, on the left is a bull’s, and behind is an eagle’s. The Cherub's entire body and wings are covered with eyes.
  2. The angel has a halo. It has never been stated in the Holy Scriptures that there is a halo over the heads of the guardians. Perhaps the artists represented the rays of light emanating from some biblical heroes in this way. In fine art, the halo over the head of Christ began to be depicted in the 4th century AD. e. Then, as a symbol of kindness, he crowned the heads of all the saints.
  3. Cherubs are always kind. Cherub angels received sacrificial animals on the Ark of the Covenant. The ceremony was held annually, observing rituals and rules; deviation from them was considered fatal. After Jesus' crucifixion, it was believed that his blood was sufficient to satisfy the cherubim forever.
  4. Angels are either men or women. In the Bible, guardians often appear as men, but they are genderless, incorporeal, and take on the bodily form necessary to communicate the will of God.
  5. Guardians have two wings. The biblical descriptions do not indicate that angels have a pair of wings. Seraphim are often described as having six wings, while Cherubim have four.
  6. There is an Angel of Death. As the Bible says, only God has the power over life and death. An angel can realize his will and carry out the order, leading the person’s soul to the Lord after completion life path, but this will be one of many other assignments.


People have different ideas about guardians. Some see them as relatives who left them, others see them as men and women with a shining halo above their heads and with wings.

Theologians believe that these are disembodied invisible spirits that accompany and protect our world. They are endowed with unlimited abilities and support believers and good people. Patrons send warnings in case of impending dangers in the form of signs, premonitions and dreams. They should not be distracted by trifles; they are approached with prayer in case of need and with gratitude for their care and guardianship.

Finding out who your guardian angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy is easy. Determining the character, gender and age of the patron, as well as the name and getting into contact with the divine essence will be useful for every person.

In the article:

Determining the character of a guardian angel by date of birth

Everyone knows who a guardian angel is. But not everyone understands the importance of knowing his name, character, as well as other details about the heavenly patron. Understanding his character will help you navigate when you want to establish a relationship so that you can receive help and be able to recognize clues.

To find out what it is, you will need your birth number. In this way, the character of any person’s guardian angel is calculated. This gives a lot of information about an enemy or friend that you cannot find out in other ways.

The second number of the date of birth will tell about the patron’s character. When born on the nineteenth day of the month, the number that corresponds to the character of the angel is 9, and when on the second day - 2. Read below the meanings of all ten possible options.

  • 0 - got a keeper with fiery disposition. He is practically omnipotent and can be reborn like a phoenix. It will help in any situation - from minor difficulties to complex and dangerous ones. When he protects, you are lucky.
  • 1 - holy angel. Among everyone else, he is considered an active defender who will not leave him in trouble. But not everything is so rosy - such angels go to people with a weak energy field, and they need powerful protection from evil.
  • 2 - angel light. In the images they have large white wings - larger than those of other representatives of the celestial protectors of humanity. They are constantly with those they protect. At birth, an angel kissed you. Kisses take the form of moles and freckles. The Light One keeps in touch with the ward using numerology, dreams and reflections in mirrors. Pay attention to unusual things in your surroundings more often, and you will be able to detect traces of the presence of a guardian angel.
  • 3 - air. He loves to express himself with the help of rustles and other sounds. Do not be alarmed, this is how the angel shows presence and support. But he shows frivolity and goes away on business, leaving his ward alone. But the latter can call on an angel, and also turn to him with prayer - he will hear and rush to help.
  • 4 - protection wise keeper. Sends the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. The students are rapidly advancing career ladder- they know what is needed for this. Such people are prudent, smart and carefully think through the situation and consequences. It is better to listen to the advice of these people when you want things to be as they should be.
  • 5 - metal angel. Looks like an iron statue. Protects brave, determined people with strong character. Appreciates when the ward shows willpower. It helps both physically and spiritually, when you establish contact with him, it will save you from any trouble.
  • 6 - rainbow. Such patrons are for people with creative inclinations. Representatives of such professions are prone to sudden changes in mood - from inspiration to despondency. The rainbow guardian angel helps to disperse melancholy and get rid of depression, and inspires new creative successes.
  • 7 - energetic. Active and constantly interacts with the ward. But this guardian angel is distinguished by changeability and touchiness. In order not to lose this help, constantly give thanks for everything that happens to you.
  • 8 - acts as a guardian angel spirit of a deceased relative or close friend. After his death he became a patron. Such an angel is quite familiar with the character of the ward, is merciful and ready to help. To establish contact, honor his memory, thank him for his help and read prayers.
  • 9 - from an angel warm character. He is kind to his charges and likes to instill in them optimistic thoughts. The life of the one under his protection passes in harmony and happiness.

Are there icons of a guardian angel named after a person?

The icon of a guardian angel named after a person is a myth. There is a guardian angel and a saint, in whose honor the name is given at baptism. Both are patrons, but they are different personalities.

This fact is proven, among others, by the existence of separate prayers to the guardian angel and the saint to whom you wish to turn. They contact them in the morning. A saint has the same name as you, which is given in his honor.

You can contact any of the saints through prayer. Saint Matrona They pray to get rid of infertility. A person has only one angel, but there are exceptions, which you will read about below.

Guardian Angel in Orthodoxy - find out age and gender

Angels also have an age, and it does not change. It is also possible to find out the gender. When you wonder who protects you from life’s adversities, add up the numbers of the day and month of your own birthday. For the date August 8, the calculations are as follows:

0+8+0+8 = 16

In this example, the angel is 16 years old, but how many centuries in a row he is sixteen is unknown. But he looks his age. To find out your gender, add up all the numbers on your date of birth. In our example with the date 08.08.1996 the calculations are:

0+8+0+8+1+9+9+6 = 41

We bring it to an unambiguous form:

5 is an odd number, the angel is female. When even, the angel is male. In this example, it turns out that he is a sixteen-year-old girl.

How to find out the name of an angel

When you know the name of your guardian angel, it is easier to get in touch with him.
Those people who are in constant interaction with the heavenly patron are under his protection every second. It is impossible to harm them in any other way. They are lucky in all difficult situations.

Below we describe methods that are considered to be an acquaintance with a guardian angel. The name may be strange. Do not take it as nonsense; unbelief will offend an entity close to God. Concentrate and pronounce the name - and you will find a secret meaning in it.

First way - mechanical writing. To do this they go into a trance. Place a pen and paper in front of you, enter a special state of consciousness, mentally call the guardian and ask his name. When everything goes right, the angel will write the name with your hand.

Helps you find out who your guardian angel is by name in Orthodoxy, and meditation. He doesn’t have to answer during it, he will come in a dream, and in a couple of days. When there is no answer, they didn’t concentrate enough, and the angel was offended by the abundance of extraneous thoughts in his head during such an important meeting.

Another way - dream. When it does, it will be a plus. Summon a protector as you journey through the depths own subconscious and ask for a name. When this is not available, ask the question mentally as you fall asleep. He will answer it in his sleep.

The face of an angel - can you see it?

In iconography, the guardian angel is depicted as a young man with white wings, a drawn sword and a cross. Such images appeared in XVI century Byzantine iconography, examples of which date back to the 11th, does not contain them at all.

It is believed that the face of an angel is hidden from people. You can see him after death - a guardian angel comes to the dying person to become a guide of the soul to the afterlife. Therefore, the logical conclusion follows: no one saw them.

But the face of the guardian can be seen in a dream. When, try to call the angel, ask for a name and make contact. From the Lives of the Saints it is known that angels show their faces to people, but this is rare. They prefer to help invisibly.

How many angels does a person have according to Orthodoxy?

Many people are concerned about the question of how many angels a person has. It is believed that there is one, but this is not so. The number of patrons depends on the level of spirituality. Possibly from one to nine angels.

The more patrons a person has, the luckier and happier he is. Solving problems and achieving goals is easy. Those people who are abandoned by angels are called losers. But they come back, live according to your conscience, do good and do not expect gratitude for it. Read a prayer appeal to your guardian angel to attract the attention of divine forces.

Everyone should know how to establish contact with their God-given personal guardian. With the help of simple manipulations it is possible to find out the name, age, character and gender of your own patron. He may not be alone.

In contact with

There is no doubt that a guardian angel acts throughout our lives, for the purpose of his ministry is to help us achieve salvation. And some indications allow us to conclude that even after leaving this world, Angels accompany us to another world and do not leave us there either.

It is impossible for a person who trusts the Word of God and the experience of the Church to doubt that spiritual helpers are invisibly but really present next to us. Saint Philaret (Drozdov), when he heard about doubt about the participation of Angels in our destiny, said with bewilderment: how can one doubt what the Heavenly King Himself told us: “From now on you will see the sky open and the Angels of God ascending and descending to the Son Human"

And further, Metropolitan Philaret said: “Just as in visible phenomena people often mistook the holy Angels for people like them, so it can easily happen that a person mistakes their invisible actions for their own human or ordinary, natural actions. Is it a coincidence, for example, that in the midst of bewilderment or some kind of inaction of the mind, a pure, holy and saving thought suddenly shines like lightning? That in a troubled or cold heart, silence is instantly established or the heavenly flame of love for God is kindled? If every phenomenon by its kind testifies to the presence of an active force, then do not these internal phenomena of our soul testify to the presence of heavenly Forces, out of love for mankind, throwing rays into our mind and sparks into our heart...” “What a pity,” sighs the archpastor of the 19th century, “that we do not notice this angelic help! For, not noticing, we do not accept it as we should, and do not use it; Without taking advantage, we remain ungrateful and guilty and do not prepare ourselves for other similar visits - and thus we even remove our guardians from us.”

There is a lot of evidence in the writings of the fathers that believers are not deprived of the ministry of their Guardians even outside of this life.

St. Theodore the Studite, in one of his letters of consolation to Euphrosyne, who buried her mother, wrote: “Always keep in your mind the thought of death; for where the thought of death is, there is the removal of passionate dispositions; think about the very separation of the soul from the body - about the separation that will be under the commanding supervision of your Angel; think also about the subsequent transfer of the soul to the Heavenly Land.”

Ancient anonymous compiler of answers about Orthodox faith says: “After leaving their bodies, the souls of the righteous are separated from the souls of the wicked, namely, they are taken by Angels to where they are worthy; the souls of the righteous - to heaven, for blissful communion with Angels and Archangels and, as openly, for the contemplation of the Savior Christ himself; and the souls of the wicked - to hell... Both those and others are preserved in their proper state until the resurrection and Decisive retribution.”

That is why the Holy Church commands us to turn to our Guardian Angel with the following prayer: “before this (terrible) judgment, do not forget your servant, my leader... cover me from the body. You can’t even see the vile faces of demons.” We believe that the presence of the Guardian Angel will ease the difficult moments of separation of the soul from the body and will calm the good Christian who has not deprived himself of this help.

The Holy Church also believes that the Guardian Angel remains the patron of the Christian soul even after its separation from the body, during its ordeal. That is why we, Christians, pray to the Guardian Angel: “be my protector and invincible champion, when I pass through the ordeal of the cruel world ruler.”

The Fathers of the Church testify to the same thing. For example, St. Cyril of Alexandria in the word “On the Exodus of the Soul” says: “The soul is supported by the holy Angels in its procession through the air and, rising, meets the ordeals that guard the sunrise, hold and stop the ascending souls.”

We find evidence of exactly what and how the intercession of the Guardian Angel can be expressed in the life of St. Niphon, Bishop of Cyprus. Once praying in the temple and raising his eyes to heaven, St. Niphon saw open heaven and many Angels, some of whom descended to earth, while others ascended to heaven, lifting human souls there. Two Angels were carrying some kind of soul into the heights. When they approached the fornication ordeal, demons came out of there, saying with anger: “This is our soul; How dare you carry it past when it’s ours?” The angels answered: “What sign do you have on her, calling her yours?” The demons answered: “She sinned to death, desecrated herself, condemned her neighbor and, even worse, died without repentance; What do you say to this? The angels answered: “Truly, we believe neither you nor your father, the devil, until we ask the Angel, the Guardian of this soul.” The Guardian Angel said: “It is true that this soul has sinned much; but from the hour she became ill, she began to cry and confess her sins to God. If God forgave her, then He knows why; He has the power; to His righteous judgment be glory.” Then the Angels, laughing at the demons, went with their souls to the Heavenly gates.

But the Angel will be such a protector only for the soul that has repented and tried to improve. He will not be able to get closer to the soul that here on earth has closed the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for itself. Rev. Niphon saw such a soul drawn by demons to hell. It was the soul of a certain slave whom the master was starving and torturing. The slave, not enduring the torment, being tempted by demons, took the rope and hanged himself. The angel of this soul, walking from afar, wept bitterly, and the demons rejoiced - now the soul belonged to them, so grave is the sin of suicide!

The Guardian Angel fights for our soul as best he can, but his capabilities are limited by the number of our virtues. And it depends only on us, while we are alive, whether the face of our faithful and irreplaceable friend will be joyful or darkened by grief from the inability to help us.

Finally, here’s what else needs to be said: the believing Christian soul awaits consolation and help from its Guardian Angel even on that terrible day, “when thrones are set up, and books are opened, and the Ancient of Days sits, and men are judged, and angels appear, and the earth will shake, and everyone will be horrified and tremble...” We hope that when the Last Judgment occurs, at which both people and demons will receive an eternal sentence, the Guardian Angel will be with us. And he will intercede for us. And believing this, we pray to him: “When the terrible voice of a trumpet calls to resurrect me from the earth for judgment, then become quiet and joyful near me, taking away my fear with the hope of salvation” (“Canon to the Guardian Angel”).

Father Konstantin Parkhomenko

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Guardian Angels of man are divine beings who are intermediaries between God and people. They are assigned by the Almighty at the birth of a person, regardless of whether the person is baptized or not. Surely every person has encountered a situation in their life when it seems as if an invisible force is protecting you from an accident or trouble. Regardless of faith, everyone hopes that they are protected by a strong and reliable invisible friend, to whom they can always turn with a request for intercession.

It should be noted that few people think about the fact that every person encounters their guardian angel every day. This happens when he turns to his "inner self." No matter what decisions you need to make, complex or simple, the help of your Guardian Angel is always nearby.

Guardian Angel Meanings

As mentioned above, every person has a Guardian Angel from birth. For baptism, parents try to buy their child an icon with his patron. For Orthodox believers, Church Guardian Angels are very important. After all, their help and protection accompanies a person throughout his life.

Invisibly protecting every believer, they not only instruct everyone in good deeds, but also provide assistance in them. It is also believed that they record these good deeds in order to present them at the Last Judgment in the future. It is customary to keep such icons at home, but if you purchase a small icon, you can carry it with you.

Signs sent by the patron

People believe that there are signs of Guardian Angels, which they send to their ward to protect him from misfortune or an unpleasant situation. To do this, you need to understand and decipher them. Some people simply don’t pay attention to them, while others, on the contrary, pay attention to such clues and successfully avoid, if not all, then most of the troubles.

  • For example, if you are going to a very important meeting and when you go out into the street you are hit by a passing car, then you need to cancel the planned event. Thus, your patron is trying to warn you that nothing good will come from the meeting.
  • If you are going on a long trip and drop your keys several times in a row, then this trip should also be abandoned or postponed until a later time. Since a sign is being sent to you that either an accident may occur on the way, or you will get into a long traffic jam.
  • If, while signing an important contract, the pen stops writing, you must re-read the document very carefully, as this may be a sign that there is an incorrect clause in the contract or that they are trying to deceive you.
  • In such cases, it is recommended to pray to your patron asking for help, and you will be surprised, but you will quickly find an error in the document.
  • If a bird hits the window glass, then this is a sure warning that a terrible loss of a loved one awaits you in the near future. Pray to your Guardian Angel and ask him to protect your family and friends.
  • If butterflies fly into your home or office within a few days, then this is a sure sign that your protector is warning you of a serious danger that is looming over your life. Release the butterflies from the room and pray.
  • There is also such a sign when, when applying for a job, you dropped your documents - this is a sure sign that new job You may not have an easy relationship with your superiors.
  • If you are single or unmarried and have homeless cats or dogs attached to you, then this hint is given from above that a very important person will appear in your life very soon. But this is only if you feed the animal and pray to your intercessor.
  • If you are packing for a long journey, something may not let you go. And all sorts of everyday little things seem to keep you at home and prevent you from leaving on time. This sign indicates that it is better to postpone the trip due to some impending danger. If it is impossible to postpone it, then simply pray and ask the patron for protection.
  • If in the first half of the day you saw a spider going down the web, this sign is sent to you by your protector and it means that you will receive a very important offer during the day. You need to think very carefully before taking it.

These are not all the Guardian Angel's tips. In fact, there are many more of them. To interpret and understand them correctly, simply pray to your intercessor and be attentive to every little thing that happens to you.

How to recognize your Guardian Angel

In Orthodoxy, it is not customary to address your intercessor by name. They turn to him either with the help of a special prayer, or in simple words. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that the name of the intercessor is correctly selected according to the date when the person was born.

So how can you recognize your guardian angel by date of birth? To do this, you can ask a priest at the church for help or use the following calendar presented in the table:

Birth period Guardian angel Icon
December 22 -January 20 Saint Sylvester, Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky.Icon of the Mother of God “Sovereign”
January 21 – February 20 Saints Athanasius and CyrilMother of God "Vladimir"
February 21 to March 20 Saints Alexius and Milentius of Antioch
March 21 - April 20 Saints Sophronius and Innocent of IrkutskIcons of the Kazan Mother of God
April 21 - May 20 Saints Stephen and TamaraIcon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”.
May 21 - June 21 Saints Alexei of Moscow and ConstantineIcon of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost”
June 22 – July 22 Saint Cyrilicons of the Kazan Mother of God and
July 23 to August 23 Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the ProphetIcon "Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary"
August 24 to September 23 saints Alexandra, John and Paulicon "Burning Bush" and "Passionate"
September 24 to October 23 Saint Sergius of RadonezhIcons of the Pochaev Mother of God
October 24 to November 22 Saint Pauland "Jerusalem"
November 23 to December 21. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Saint Barbaraat the icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvin"

According to the priests, one needs to turn to the saints not only at the moment when trouble happens. It is very important to pray to your holy guardian angel every day. It is also worth considering that each icon and saint has a specific revered day.

On such days, you need to go to a church or temple and light a candle for health in front of the icon of the patron saint and ask him for health and thank him for his help and intercession. If you do not have the opportunity to visit a church or temple on this day, then you can pray to your patron at home, while lighting a candle near his image.

IN last years It has become very fashionable to embroider and give embroidered icons of Guardian Angels. Of course this is a priceless gift. But remember that, having received such a gift, it must be consecrated in the church.

You can pray to the intercessor either with a special prayer or simply ask for intercession in sincere and simple words. The main thing is that they are from the heart.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for every day:

“O holy Angel, my good guardian and patron! With a contrite heart and a painful soul, I stand before you, praying: hear me, your sinful servant (name), crying with a strong cry and a bitter cry; Do not remember my iniquities and untruths, in whose image I, the accursed one, anger you all day and hour, and commit abomination to myself before our Creator, the Lord; Show yourself merciful to me and do not leave me, the vile one, even until my death; awaken me from the sleep of sin and with your prayers help me to pass through the rest of my life without blemish and create fruits worthy of repentance; moreover, protect me from the mortal falls of sin, so that I will not perish in despair, and may the enemy not rejoice over my destruction.

I truly confess with my lips that no one is such a friend and intercessor, protector and champion, like you, holy Angel: for standing before the Throne of the Lord, pray for me, indecent and most sinful of all, so that the Most Good One will not take away my soul on the day of my hopelessness and day of creation of evil. Do not cease to propitiate the Most Merciful Lord and my God, may He forgive me the sins that I have committed in all my life, in deed, in word and with all my feelings, and in the image of fate, may He save me, may He punish me here according to His ineffable mercy, but yes He will not convict or punish me according to His impartial justice; may he make me worthy to bring repentance, and with repentance may I be worthy of receiving Divine Communion, for this I pray more and I earnestly desire such a gift.

In the terrible hour of death, be persistent with me, my good guardian, driving away the dark demons that have the power to frighten my trembling soul; protect me from those traps, when the imam passes through airy ordeals, yes, we protect you, I will safely reach the paradise I desire, where the faces of the saints and heavenly Powers constantly praise the all-honorable and magnificent name in the Trinity of the glorified God, the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, to Him honor and worship are due forever and ever. Amen."

The Lord is always with you!

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