Stone oil: properties and applications. Stone oil - what is it, its medicinal properties, rules of use and contraindications Stone oil balm medicinal properties

The history of stone oil is mysterious and poetic. In ancient times, many peoples shared amazing legends about a wonderful elixir that bestows beauty, health and eternal life.

“Tears of the Mountains” have been called differently. In Mongolia and Tibet, the properties of “brakshun”, or “rock juice”, were revered. Residents Ancient Egypt admired the “Illyrian resin”. The Slavic peoples preferred stories about stone oil. Read more about the benefits and harms of stone oil later in the article.

What is rock oil?

Stone oil mined in mountainous areas. It is scraped off the cave walls and ceilings of the grottoes. Typically, rich deposits of white shilajit can be found in areas where there is an abundance of metals, especially silver. The growths of the substance combine a variety of shades - white, red, yellow or gray. The color depends on the amount of zinc in the composition. The product itself is formed during the percolation of rocks. As extraction proceeds, potassium alum appears among the water-soluble salts and minerals - the base of the mountain elixir.

High-quality and pure stone oil dissolves in water, but does not react well with alcohol. Its aroma is pleasant and reminiscent of ginger. The taste is sour, similar to bird cherry fruits and lasts a long time in the mouth. The consistency is viscous, despite the fact that the processed drug is a powder. The substance has a delicate, light beige tint.

Alternative names for rock oil are braxhun, geomalin, mountain tears and white mummy.

It is not for nothing that stone oil is called white mumiyo. It is easy to confuse it with black - deposits of both mumiyos are concentrated in the highlands. Due to their rich range of healing properties, both substances in combination with water are used for treatment. However, they are very different in nature. Black mumiyo is an organic mineral, while stone oil does not contain the slightest admixture of organic matter.

White mumiyo, also known as stone oil, and black mumiyo is different substances. Due to their similar properties and places of extraction, they are often confused, so you need to be very careful when purchasing.

Residents of urban Russia had the opportunity to become acquainted with the amazing properties of this substance during the time of Peter the Great. At the end of the eighteenth century, the sovereign signed a decree on the supply of mountain oil extracted in Siberia to the capital. Russian scientists, two centuries later, gave the drug the official medical name “geomalin”.

Composition and beneficial properties

It must be remembered that the unique mineral composition of stone oil depends on the age and location of the product. On average, the number of ingredients contains about fifty elements vital for humans. Amazingly, this is almost half of the periodic table.

Among the most important components of rock oil It is worth highlighting the following elements:

  • Magnesium has a sedative effect, carries nerve impulses and is a structural part of the skeleton;
  • Potassium - a high concentration of this element affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, regulates the acid balance of the blood and coordinates the water-salt balance;
  • Zinc is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive system, insulin synthesis, and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Calcium forms and restores the bone skeleton, affects the functioning of the muscular system, lowers cholesterol levels, and has an antiallergic effect.

TO beneficial properties rock oils include:

  • Regeneration;
  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Immunomodulatory effect;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Rejuvenation.

Stone oil is familiar not so much to representatives of official medicine as to traditional healers. For dozens of centuries, eastern healers have used precious mountain tears in their recipes. It is difficult to find a disease for which stone oil would not have a positive effect. The only contraindications include obstructive jaundice, a disease for which medications with a choleretic effect are prohibited.

The substance improves the metabolic system, helps accelerate the healing of skin injuries, strengthens the immune system, and is also used as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent. In order for stone oil therapy to have a positive effect, on average, the course of prevention of any of the diseases listed below must last at least a month.

Rock oil and water can help with treatment of the following types of diseases:

  • Skin injuries and dermatological diseases - trophic ulcers, boils, cuts, bites and similar injuries;
  • Diseases of the urinary system - inflammation of the prostate gland, urolithiasis and so on;
  • Cardiovascular diseases - coronary heart disease, varicose veins, arterial hypertension;
  • Diseases endocrine system- thyroid disease;
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems - paralysis, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, frequent migraines;
  • Respiratory diseases - bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • Diseases of the digestive system - stomach ulcers, gastritis, duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis and other ailments;
  • Injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteochondrosis, gouty and rheumatoid, arthritis, dislocations and various fractures;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

The drug diluted in water will be quite good prophylactic for such diseases, How:

  • Female sexually transmitted diseases - female infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome, cervical erosion and polyps of the female genital organs and others;
  • Male sexually transmitted diseases - male infertility, erectile dysfunction, prostate adenoma and so on;
  • Oncological diseases - cancer in the early stages, it is extremely important to consult with your doctor;
  • Proctological diseases - rectal fissures, epithelial coccygeal duct, hemorrhoids;
  • Sick teeth and oral diseases - caries, stomatitis, periodontitis, pulpitis and others;
  • ENT diseases - sore throat, laryngitis, chronic tonsillitis and others;
  • Eye diseases - astigmatism, myopia and so on.

Many diseases, such as diabetes, cannot be cured. Other diseases are long lasting. People suffering from them are forced to adapt to difficulties and constant medication. For severe, long-term illnesses, a mixture of the drug with water helps alleviate symptoms (for example, itching pain). It is best to start using it in the early stages of the disease, although responsible and regular use also helps in later stages.

Stone oil can relieve symptoms of such long-term illnesses and disorders:

  • Diabetes mellitus - certain elements in stone oil, such as potassium and magnesium, help regulate insulin production and normalize blood glucose levels;
  • Obesity - in this case, white mumiyo helps normalize the metabolic process;
  • Rehabilitation after surgery;
  • Deficiency of micro- and macroelements;
  • Menopause disorders;
  • State of stress, psychological stress, excessive mental and physical stress.

Speaking about the cosmetic use of the substance, it is worth noting that regular use of a mixture of stone oil and water prevents the early appearance of wrinkles, strengthens the structure of nails, restores hair growth and prevents dandruff.

Applications of rock oil

Highlight three ways uses of stone oil: internal, external, and third - in the form of tampons or enemas. Most often the drug is used internally. For this purpose, special tinctures are made with the addition of water, healing oils and herbs. As for external use, rock oil can be an ingredient in balms, lotions and medicinal ointments. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug becomes an ingredient in cleansing and restorative enemas.

The operating principle is unique in nature. When a person uses a medicinal product based on white mumiyo, the cells of the affected organs begin to absorb the amount of microelements necessary for restoration and normal existence. The drug is non-toxic and does not cause allergic reaction.

Using brakshun is very convenient and budget-friendly. Extraction of the substance on an industrial scale has not been established, but this is not a serious problem, since several grams of the drug are required for the treatment course.

To prevent endocrine diseases, 1-2 grams of the drug are required, and for more severe diseases (for example, tuberculosis) - 10 grams.

The medicinal white mumiyo powder, which people purchase for treatment and prevention, is created by grinding pebbles mined in mountainous areas. Their color varies from case to case - white, yellow, brown.

Universal method uses of white mumiyo: It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of medicinal powder in three liters of boiled water, and then leave it to infuse in a dark place for several days. After this, you need to carefully pour the solution into another vessel without damaging the sediment at the bottom. Take a glass of medicine twenty minutes before meals for six months. The recipe is aimed at improving overall health and strengthening the immune system.

For cancer

Stone oil helps with cancer and prevents the occurrence of cancer. Braxhun is known to be toxic to lung, breast, colon, liver and ovarian cancers. Some researchers attribute the toxicity of the substance in relation to these complex ailments to the presence of heavy metals in its composition. The drug also protects the body from radioactive radiation.

Mountain oil makes the patient feel better after a chemotherapy session, for which solutions in boiled water and medicinal compresses are used. At an early stage of cancer, the drug slows down the growth of malignant tumors, and in some cases eliminates them altogether.

Based on brakshun, you can prepare the following means for the prevention of oncology:

  • For an oil solution that relieves cancer symptoms, you need to dilute 1 gram of the purchased product in a glass of boiled water. To improve the taste, add a teaspoon of honey. Take one glass at a time three times a day.
  • To prepare a compress or tampon for insertion into the vagina, you need to dilute 1 gram of braxhun in a third of a glass of boiled water. The procedure for applying a compress or inserting a tampon is carried out once a day.
  • To prepare the drug used orally, patients with stomach cancer should use a different recipe. The concentration of braxun in the solution increases. Now you need to dilute 3 grams of the substance in a glass of boiled water. The dose size is significantly reduced - no more than one tablespoon of solution before meals.

For the treatment of joints

Treatment and prevention of joints with braxun becomes effective due to the high concentration of calcium in the substance. For joint dislocation, an oil solution will facilitate the therapy process and also help avoid excessive muscle swelling due to prolonged atrophy. During dislocation, the injury affects not only the joints, but also the soft tissues that surround the damaged area.

For treatment of joint sprains and other injuries, you need to mix half a gram of stone oil with half a glass of rose oil. It is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​the damaged joint several times a day.

When treating the liver

Rock oil is considered a liver protector as it helps maintain the proper secretion of enzymes and juices that are essential for healthy metabolism. For the treatment of liver diseases, it is recommended to combine drugs traditional medicine like a braxhun with traditional medicines.

To prepare liver treatment solution, you need to mix 3 grams of stone oil and 1 liter of boiled water. Take a glass of the solution three times a day.

For eye treatment

Rock oil can be used to treat eye diseases such as cataracts. This disease is the most common cause of visual impairment in older people. The lens of the eye becomes cloudy and overall visual acuity deteriorates.

To prevent cataracts You can use a preparation based on stone oil, or braxun. Dissolve half a teaspoon of rock oil powder in a glass of boiled water. Use the resulting solution as eye drops three times daily. The serving size is three drops.

For general vision prevention Internal use is recommended. Dilute three grams of stone oil in a liter of boiled water. Take one tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals. If the acidity level is elevated, take it an hour before meals.

For hair

Stone oil contains a rich set of vitamins and minerals that are vital for normal height hair.

Regular use of this mountain medicine helps prevent hair loss and early graying of hair, compacts the structure of the roots and normalizes the natural development of hair.

Brakshun also has a positive effect on the health of the scalp, prevents dandruff and relieves inflammation.

To prepare preventative hair mask from stone oil, you need to dissolve a couple of grams of powder in a glass of boiled water. After regular shampooing, you need to apply the prepared solution to your hair. Use the product for a month and treat your hair with it every time after washing.

Contraindications and harm

Due to its strong choleretic effect, stone oil is prohibited for use by people who suffer from obstructive jaundice. It is also worth paying attention to the compatibility of the oil with other prescribed medications - antibacterial drugs, hormonal pills and medications for hypertension.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, age and level of physical fitness. Pregnant and breastfeeding women also do not always tolerate the use of stone oil well. It is better to refrain from taking the drug during constipation.

When using Braxhun, you also need to pay attention to your diet. It is better to give up meat of any kind, coffee, strong tea, chocolate, cocoa, radishes and radishes.

Unprocessed stone oil is prohibited. Raw braxun contains heavy metal ions and other contaminants that can adversely affect human health.

When purchasing, you must make sure that the mountain oil is purified and ready for use. Indeed, in most countries of the world, the quality control system does not apply to traditional medicine.

In any case, before using stone oil, you should consult your doctor and carefully read the list of contraindications.

Balsam Stone oil is ambulance for various pains, it has an almost instant effect immediately after application to the skin. The balm has a high penetrating ability into the deep layers of the skin, hence its instant and effective action.

The unique composition of the balm Stone oil

  • Safflower oil - used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, has a powerful restorative and healing effect.
  • Cinnamon tree leaves - have antibacterial, antiviral and warming effects, improve blood circulation.
  • Turpentine oil - in the unique composition of Stone oil, gives an exceptional healing effect for neuralgia, pain in muscles and joints, and has a powerful antimicrobial effect.
  • Winter green oil has pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
  • White camphor oil has a local antiseptic and irritating effect, is an excellent means for cleansing and disinfecting the skin, and resolves colloidal scars.
  • Clove oil - relieves inflammation, tones, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes, heals wounds.
  • Snake venom - eliminates pain syndromes, relieves inflammation in the area of ​​application.

How does Stone Oil work?

Thanks to its composition, Stone Oil balm is a multifunctional preparation:

  • Acts as an analgesic, warming and anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and arthrosis;
  • Used as an antiseptic for dermatomycosis;
  • Effective in the treatment of joint dislocations, toothaches, sprains;
  • Restores sensitivity during cramps and numbness of the limbs;
  • Relieves itching and inflammation after insect bites;
  • Eliminates pain in the heart and abdominal area;
  • It has a wound-healing and hemostatic effect on abrasions, bruises and burns.

Using body balm Stone oil

Clean the skin with a water-alcohol solution, massage with your hands or an applicator.
A small amount of Apply the drug to the sore spot with light massaging movements. For bleeding and burns, carefully apply a swab moistened with Stone Oil balm to the wound.

Release form: 25 ml bottle, instructions for use in Russian.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

There is a rare mineral formed from rock oil. It is the name given to the liquid that oozes from the rocks and hardens over time in the air, in other words, the sap of the rocks. Often hunters, watching animals lick these stones, could not understand why they were doing this. But, upon closer inspection, we noticed that these were not ordinary stones - they were hardened stone resin. This product is pebbles that are ground into a yellowish powder with a slight white tint. Stone oil is a real wealth, gifted by nature itself, and it is worth its weight in gold. This wonderful, incredibly healthy mountain product, extracted from rock cracks, helps against an innumerable number of diseases. Its healing properties have been known to people for more than 4 thousand years, but its fame as a healer has been preserved to this day.

Chemical composition

Rock oil contains large quantities of gold, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, vanadium, chromium, nickel, titanium, cobalt, silicon, sodium, copper and other elements. The mechanism of action of this stone is such that when it is used, each cell of one or another organ can take as many elements from it as it needs for its full existence. This version was confirmed by official medicine, which also adopted this invaluable product.

It also contains a lot of “organoforming” elements, such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Stone oil: indications for use and properties

Stone oil contains minerals that have the ability to normalize the balance of microelements in our body. This mineral also improves chemical composition blood and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the body, saturating it with vital elements.

Stone oil has a wide spectrum of action. It can have a beneficial effect on all affected and sore areas and heal them. The composition and incredibly high concentration of substances are both unique. This is what determines the effective influence on the functioning of the human body, individual organs and systems, even down to the cellular level (normalizing cellular metabolism).

Stone oil has powerful antitumor, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic (internal bleeding) effects, strengthens the immune system and improves blood quality. When using this oil, rapid restoration of the skin, mucous membranes and bone tissue occurs. The effective, lightning-fast action of this medicine is also striking - for example, in case of stomach upsets, it is enough to take 2 sips of the drug, and after 5-10 minutes everything returns to normal. When treating burns with this oil, pain can be relieved in a few seconds, while complete tissue regeneration occurs and no scars remain. The list of diseases for which stone oil helps is impressive. These are diseases internal organs, poisoning, gastrointestinal disorders, inflammation Bladder, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, streptoderma, erosion, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages and other women's ailments, prostatitis, hypertension, fractures, bruises, bleeding gums, and even infertility and cancer, various tumors (prevents metastasis and the occurrence of tumors).

It perfectly relieves toothaches, helps with epilepsy and strokes, and improves vision. The remedy also helps with otitis, stomatitis, sinusitis, pleurisy, wounds, cataracts, intestinal disorders, ulcers, colitis, cystitis, kidney disease and diabetes, after severe surgical interventions.

Stone oil: application

Stone oil can be used externally, internally, or in combination of both methods, depending on the disease. When using the oil for the first time, you need to use it carefully and in small doses. In addition, it is better to first check how exactly your body will react to it.

1. For mastopathy, thrombophlebitis, headache and neuralgia, make compresses: make a solution of 3 grams of stone oil, 150 grams of boiled water and 100 grams of medical alcohol. The gauze is folded in six, moistened in the solution and applied to the sore spots, with polyethylene placed on top. The compress is left overnight.

2. Lotions will help with skin diseases: dilute 3 grams of stone oil in 3 liters of water, moisten cotton swabs with the solution and apply to problem areas for a period of 5 to 30 minutes. This procedure is carried out twice a day, 1 month, after which they take a 2-week break.

3. To improve digestion, take half a teaspoon of oil and dilute it in 3 liters of warm water. It is enough to take a teaspoon of the resulting solution orally after meals, and if the body reacts normally, the dose is increased to a tablespoon three times a day, for 30 minutes. before meals.

4. For tumors and inflammatory diseases, take the oil as in the previous paragraph, only dilute 3 grams of powder in 500 grams of water.

5. For burns, bites and wounds, it is necessary to have stone oil in the house - it is excellent for wounds, burns and tick bites. If you are bitten by a bee, you should immediately apply a pebble of rock oil. The pain will quickly pass, and swelling will not occur.

6. For prostatitis, microenemas are used: 3 grams of stone oil are dissolved in boiled water (0.5 liters), the intestines are cleansed and a warm microenema is immediately given. Treatment - 1 month.

7. For hemorrhoids, dilute 3 grams of powder in 600 grams of water (warm). Microenemas are given daily. Treatment - 2 weeks.

8. For fibroids or erosion, dissolve 3 grams of powder in a liter of boiled water. Drink a glass three times a day, 3 times before meals. You can also use tampons: dissolve 3 grams of stone oil in 500 grams of water. Moisten a tampon with the product and carefully insert it into the vagina and keep it there overnight.

9. For stomach ulcers, dissolve 3 grams of powder in 600 grams of water and drink a tablespoon (tablespoon) before meals three times a day.

10. For diabetes mellitus, dissolve 3 grams of powder in 2 liters of water and take 100 grams three times a day for 80 days. The course is repeated after a month's break.

Stone oil can be used not only as a healing agent, but also as a powerful preventive drug. This is a unique and highly effective product.

Stone oil: contraindications

Oil is contraindicated for obstructive jaundice, as it has a strong choleretic effect. You should not use it for constipation, breastfeeding, pregnancy, or individual intolerance.

Caution: when taking stone oil, you should avoid black tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, as your teeth may turn yellow. You should also not take antibiotics, alcohol, radishes, radishes, goose, duck, lamb or pork.

Before using stone oil, consult your doctor - the drug has an extremely strong effect on the body!

Since ancient times, people have been trying to find a cure for all diseases that effectively boosts immunity and prolongs life. Healers and alchemists on all continents were searching for such a miraculous medicine, but everything that is needed for longevity and improved health has long existed in nature.

We are talking about an amazing substance called “rock oil” - it is also called “white mumiyo” or “brakshun”, which in Tibetan means “flowed out of the rock”. Its extraordinary healing properties, almost complete absence of contraindications and unique composition were known in ancient times - for more than 4000 years, stone oil has been used in different parts of the world in medicinal purposes.

History of the use of stone oil for medicinal purposes

Brakshun, or stone oil, was known in ancient China. There it was valued more than gold and was used only by members of the imperial family.

In Russia, this healing remedy has also been used since ancient times, but officially began to be used in 1777. Then Peter the Great issued a decree on the extraction of stone oil in Siberia and its delivery to St. Petersburg, where this natural balm began to be sold in pharmacies.

Official studies of the composition and healing properties studies of this amazing natural substance were carried out in the USSR in the 60s. At the same time traditional medicine recognized the usefulness of stone oil, which was given the official name "geomalin", on its basis the most different drugs for the treatment of all kinds of diseases.

What is rock oil, its composition

Stone oil is an exclusively natural product, it is potassium alum, it contains 65 elements and minerals, including magnesium sulfate, as well as water-soluble salts - they are formed during the leaching of rocks, as a result, precious stone oil appears on the surface.

The composition of rock oil includes:

  • Potassium is vital for the efficient functioning of the heart, stabilization of blood pressure, and is also involved in the regulation of water-salt balance,
  • Magnesium - also necessary for cores, important for good performance nervous system, regulates sugar levels, it structural element tooth enamel, bones, the deficiency of which affects the functioning of the whole organism, causing the development diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and other diseases,
  • Calcium, which stone oil is rich in, is especially well absorbed and is necessary for the full formation and restoration of cartilage and bone tissue in fractures, affects blood clotting, the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems,
  • Zinc, which is contained in significant quantities in braxhun, plays a huge role in almost all metabolisms, and is also necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, the entire musculoskeletal system, and the reproductive system.
  • In addition, the rock oil contains phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, iodine, nickel, cobalt, selenium, chromium, etc. All microelements included in the rock oil are listed in the laboratory tests section.

Most often, rock oil can be found in hard-to-reach mountainous areas - in rock crevices, grottoes and caves; it looks like amorphous deposits of different colors: usually a combination of white, yellowish, red, gray and brown. There are five types of stone oil: silver, gold, copper, iron and tin, depending on the geographical location.

Our stone oil is from the Chemal Gorge, Altai Republic, a four-day walk from the village of Chemal.

Rock oil is extracted in Russia mainly in Khamar-Daban, Sayan Mountains, and Altai.

The substance is easily soluble in water, but much less soluble in any other liquids. You can buy rock oil in both unrefined and purified form, and the second option is much preferable, because Carrying out cleansing at home is problematic and tedious.

The purified substance is a beige or yellowish powder and has a sour-astringent taste.

Are stone oil and mummy the same thing?

Stone oil is often mistaken for mumiyo, but these are two completely different, dissimilar substances, both appearance, both in composition and origin.

Thus, rock oil belongs to minerals, and mumiyo belongs to humic acids; it is a mass of brown-black color, resembling resin, which is of organic-mineral origin.

The only similarities between mumiyo and stone oil are that they are both powerful natural stimulants, increase the body’s immunity and resistance, and are also used in the complex treatment of many diseases. In addition, both rock oil and mumiyo are mined in similar places - mountainous areas.

What is rock oil used for?

The surprisingly wide range of uses of stone oil is due to its unique composition and minimum contraindications, which include only obstructive jaundice - in which drugs with a choleretic effect are contraindicated.

The following properties of healing stone oil are known:

  • Increases the body's resistance to various adverse environmental factors,
  • Significantly accelerates tissue healing,
  • Improves protein, lipid, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism,
  • Has an immunomodulatory effect,

It has bactericidal, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, choleretic and analgesic effects.

Stone oil is used both internally (in the form of oil, aqueous solutions, alcohol tinctures, herbal mixtures, as well as in the form of solutions for microenemas and douching), and externally (in the form of baths, as part of balms, creams, ointments) in the following cases :

  • Gastrointestinal diseases,
  • Wound and burn therapy,
  • Liver diseases,
  • Purulent, trophic ulcers,
  • Oncology (stone oil prevents the formation of metastases, stops the growth of tumors),
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, especially with diseases of the pancreas,
  • Restoration of sexual activity and rejuvenation of the body.

To obtain a stable result, the course of taking stone oil should be 30-95 days, and the effectiveness (according to studies conducted in the USSR based on 237 clinical cases) was more than 85%.

How and where can you buy rock oil?

This effective natural medicine must be collected from environmentally friendly areas and properly purified. Therefore, it is best to buy stone oil from those who understand its value, know and know how to properly collect, purify and store it.

Today you can buy stone oil collected in the ecologically clean mountains of Altai and in Moscow - to do this, just call the numbers: 8 499 390 98 79 or 8 925 314 31 91. You can also leave a request in the contacts section.

A universal way to use stone oil:

5 grams of stone oil (1 heaped teaspoon), dissolve in 3 liters of boiled water (cooled to room temperature), leave in a dark place for 2-3 days. Then, carefully pour into another container without disturbing the sediment at the bottom of the jar. Use for 30-90 days, 20 minutes before meals and no earlier than 60 minutes after meals. The first 3 days, ½ glass 2 times a day, subsequent days, 1 glass 2 times a day. For cancer, the dosage must be doubled. ADVICE: Before using stone mala, it is advisable to undergo 1 course of mummy treatment.

Why spend money on pharmaceuticals with many contraindications and side effects, if nature already has everything that is needed for healing and healing the body? Stone oil is your ally in the fight against ailments!

Sincerely, Sergey Plotnikov.

Rock oil is potassium alum containing magnesium sulfate and water-soluble salts formed as a result of leaching of rocks, on the surface of which rock oil is formed.

In nature, rock oil is found in high mountain areas - in grottoes, caves or rock crevices in the form of amorphous deposits, the color range of which varies depending on the zinc content in the rock oil (stone oil deposits most often combine shades of white, gray, red, yellow and brown colors).

Purified from foreign inclusions (fragments of limestone and other rocks), high-quality stone oil, as a rule, is a fine powder of a white-yellow or beige hue with a sour-astringent taste. Mineral rock oil is easily soluble in water, and poorly soluble in alcohol, glycerin or ether.

It is worth noting that stone oil is often confused with mumiyo. But in reality, mumiyo and rock oil are completely different natural substances in composition (unlike the organo-mineral mumiyo, rock oil is a mineral product that does not contain any impurities of organic origin). The similarity between mumiyo and stone oil is, perhaps, only in the fact that the deposits of these products are mainly concentrated in inaccessible high mountain areas and that both of these natural balms have adaptogenic properties and a very wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects.

Composition of rock oil

Included Rock oil contains about 49 macro- and microelements necessary for the human body (including sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper, silicon, chromium, selenium, iodine, cobalt, nickel). Moreover, the mineral composition of rock oil largely depends on the age of this unique natural substance and on the geological features of its deposit.

Potassium, the high concentration of which is distinguished by stone oil, plays an important role in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance of the blood, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the heart, helps normalize blood pressure in hypertension (providing a diuretic effect, helps eliminate excess sodium).

Present in rock oil magnesium, just like potassium, is necessary for the full and coordinated functioning of the heart muscle. This macroelement, which is essential for human health, is a structural component of bones and tooth enamel, takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses and in the regulation of blood sugar, and has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, sedative, antispasmodic and choleretic effects. Magnesium deficiency in the human body often causes constipation, frequent headaches, insomnia, irritability or apathy, and also often provokes the development of gallstones and urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, and prostate diseases.

The mineral composition of stone oil is also characterized by a high content calcium- a macroelement with antiallergic properties, necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, playing an important role in blood clotting, the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, having an anti-stress effect, and also helping to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Rock oil is also a rich source zinc- a microelement that plays a vital role in many processes occurring in the human body (in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, in the processes of insulin synthesis and digestive enzymes, in the processes of hematopoiesis, spermatogenesis and embryonic development). Zinc, which takes part in the formation of immunity, is necessary for the full functioning of the reproductive system, brain and musculoskeletal system. A lack of zinc in the human body often leads to disturbances in brain function, memory impairment and decreased mental abilities, depression and delayed sexual development in children, the development of diseases of the organs of vision, diseases of the pancreas and thyroid glands, and is also often the cause of male and female infertility .

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of stone oil

  • Increasing the resistance of the human body to the adverse effects of environmental factors, improving protein, carbohydrate, lipid and water-salt metabolism, activating the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues, providing immunomodulatory, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiviral, antitumor, antispasmodic, choleretic and analgesic effects of stone oil recommended for use as part of prevention and complex treatment:
  • Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis, viral and alcoholic hepatitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis), food poisoning and diarrhea. When used regularly, stone oil helps accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines affected by the inflammatory or erosive-ulcerative process. Magnesium contained in stone oil, improving the processes of bile formation and bile secretion, prevents the formation of stones in the gall bladder, liver and bile ducts.
  • Dermatological diseases and traumatic skin injuries (cuts, burns, purulent wounds and ulcers, insect bites, psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, acne, boils, urticaria, bedsores, trophic ulcers, etc.). Stone oil contains a complex of macro- and microelements that have an anti-inflammatory effect, help eliminate itching and pain, and activate the processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin areas (among such “wound-healing” mineral components of stone oil are calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, silicon, copper, selenium, sulfur, cobalt).
  • Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (fractures, bruises, dislocations, osteochondrosis, arthritis (including gouty and rheumatoid arthritis), arthrosis, etc.), as well as neuralgia accompanying these diseases (radiculitis, etc.). Stone oil is a rich source of substances necessary for the formation and regeneration of bone and cartilage (among such substances are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, as well as silicon, zinc, copper and sulfur that stimulate the natural production of collagen). Potassium, present in significant quantities in stone oil, helps improve water-salt metabolism, and thereby prevents the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints. In the treatment of injuries and diseases of the spine, muscles and joints (as well as in the treatment of injuries and skin diseases), the most effective combination of external use of stone oil with its regular internal use.
  • Diseases of the urinary system (urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelocystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, nephrosis, etc.)
  • Cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart attack, stroke, diabetic angiopathy, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases heart and blood vessels (vasculitis, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, etc.). Stone oil improves elasticity and strength blood vessels, reducing the permeability and fragility of capillaries, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the arteries. Magnesium present in stone oil helps eliminate spasms of blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure in hypertension. Potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus contained in stone oil are necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle.
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems (poliomyelitis, polyneuropathy, discirculatory encephalopathy, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, epilepsy, paralysis, etc.), as well as frequent headaches. Magnesium contained in stone oil, having a sedative effect, helps reduce the increased excitability of the central nervous system. Zinc and iodine present in stone oil have an antidepressant effect and help improve memory and mental abilities. Copper, magnesium and manganese contained in stone oil are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (substances through which electrical impulses are transmitted between the cells of the central nervous system (neurons).
  • Respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory infections, etc.)
  • Iron deficiency anemia. Stone oil contains iron, manganese, copper, zinc, silicon, sulfur, cobalt, nickel and other macro- and microelements that stimulate the natural production of red blood cell protein hemoglobin.

Cosmetic uses of rock oil

Rich in macro- and microelements that have antioxidant activity, prevent premature aging of the skin and play an important role in the natural synthesis of fibrillar protein collagen (the complex of such macro- and microelements includes calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, silicon, copper, sulfur, selenium, chromium), and also characterized by a high content of zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, stone oil is excellent for cosmetic care for dry, aging and problematic skin.

When used regularly in hair care, stone oil prevents the appearance of gray hair, improves hair structure, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.


Individual intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childhood, obstructive jaundice, chronic constipation. Use with caution in combination with hormonal drugs, with arterial hypotension, heart defects, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, cholelithiasis, increased blood clotting. Before starting regular use of stone oil, you should consult your doctor. During the course of taking stone oil, it is prohibited to consume antibacterial drugs, alcohol, as well as food products that provoke the development or exacerbation of gout or urolithiasis (such as any type of meat (except lean chicken), coffee, cocoa, chocolate, strong tea, radish ).

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