Are plastic bottles dangerous? What to check when buying water in a plastic bottle. Myth: PET bottle is reusable

What do you know about buying bottled water? Most likely, you have heard the advice to make sure that everything is in order with her bottom. But this is not enough to protect your health.

Plastic bottles always contain a note on the label about what type of plastic they are made from. And this information is very important. After all, any plastic releases chemicals of varying degrees of danger into the contents of the bottle.

Any bottle contains one of these designations. Here's what it all means.

These are PETs, or disposable bottles. They can release heavy metals and substances into the liquid that affect a person’s hormonal balance.

PET is the most commonly used type of plastic in the world. It is important to remember that it is intended for ONE TIME use only. If you pour your water into such a bottle, then get ready for the fact that some alkaline elements and too many bacteria that literally adore PETs may enter your body.

This is very good plastic, which does not emit virtually any harmful substances. Experts recommend, if possible, buying water in these bottles. It’s both safe and good for the environment: almost all of this plastic is recycled.

This is a rigid type of plastic that is most often used to store milk, toys, detergents and in the production of some plastic bags.

3.PVC or V

Items made from this material release at least two dangerous chemicals. Both have a negative impact on your hormonal balance.

It is a soft, flexible plastic that is typically used for storage vegetable oil and children's toys. It is also used to make blister packs for countless consumer products. It is also used for sheathing computer cables. They make it out of it plastic pipes and plumbing parts.

PVC is relatively impervious to direct sunlight and weather, which is why it is also often used to make window frames and garden hoses. However, experts recommend refraining from purchasing it if you can find an alternative.

This plastic is used in both the production of bottles and plastic bags. He doesn't highlight chemical substances into the water it stores.

But it is safe only in the case of water containers. It’s better not to buy packages of it at the grocery store: you can eat not only what you bought, but also some very, very dangerous chemicals for your heart.

This plastic has White color or translucent tones. Used as packaging for syrups and yoghurt.

Polypropylene is valued for its heat resistance. When it heats up, it doesn't melt. Relatively safe.

Often used in the production of coffee cups and fast food containers. When heated, however, it releases dangerous chemical compounds.

Polystyrene is an inexpensive, lightweight and fairly durable type of plastic, which, however, is not at all suitable for storing hot food and drinks.

7. PC or plastic without special marks

This is the most dangerous type of plastic. Used in the production of water bottles and food containers.

It is strictly forbidden to store food or water in polycarbonate containers: it releases Bisphenol A, a known substance that destroys your endocrine system. Suppresses the production of a hormone called estrogen.

And here's another thing. Before buying anything in any plastic packaging, think twice. Still, glass is much safer.

All kinds of elegant bags, jars and bottles in which they are now packaging cold drinks and water - a great abundance. There are even more fears and myths in connection with the worsening environmental problem.

Headlines have reported that many types of plastic are made using toxic chemicals that can leach into products. The most famous and formidable heroes of the articles are bisphenol A and phthalates. Let's figure out what rumors abound on the Internet: myth or reality?

1. Myth: Most plastic (and even baby) bottles contain BPA.

Reality: The issue of child safety is always paramount for parents. IN last years EU countries have conducted many studies on the possibility of migration of bisphenol A from polycarbonate products into food and drinks. These studies have proven that the release of bisphenol A into food is extremely low - less than 5 parts per billion. The conclusion is that less than 0.0000125 milligrams of bisphenol A per kilogram of weight enters the human body.

This is 4000 times less than permissible according to the standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (USA). Even if your child drinks from a bottle every day, there is no reason to worry. For bisphenol A to harm a child’s body, the baby must eat and drink at least 600 kilograms of food and drinks that have been in contact with polycarbonate every day.

Advice: Do not store water in baby bottles for long periods of time. Wash and sterilize containers in a timely manner.

2. Myth: PET bottle is reusable.

Reality: PET bottles should only be used once and then recycled. This is due to the fact that this type of plastic, which is not resistant to alkalis and high temperatures, cannot be washed and disinfected well enough before reuse.

If used incorrectly, namely when heated at high temperatures, destruction of the polymer and active release of toxic substances into food and air are possible. However, don't be intimidated and use water bottles correctly!

Advice: Look on the Internet for places to return containers for recycling or check with water suppliers; many provide such a service.

  • Do not heat PET containers in the microwave.
  • Do not pour hot liquids (water, tea, warm milk) into PET bottles.

3. Myth: After opening the bottle, try to use it within 5 days, otherwise harmful substances will be released into it.

Reality: Research shows that plastic normal conditions is not able to release harmful substances into the bottle. But after opening, the bacteria, along with the dust in the air, inevitably end up in the water, and if the water does not contain preservatives, they begin to actively multiply. After a few days (especially in a warm and sunny room), the concentration of microorganisms may reach such an amount that the water will develop an unpleasant odor (the water will dry out), and sediment may occur. Which of us will like this?


  • Drink water for 5 days and don't bother.
  • Never drink water directly from a bottle unless you intend to finish it that day. Remember how your mother reminded you not to “drink from your throat?”
  • If you need to store the container for more than 5 days, then leave the water in the refrigerator or on the balcony during the cold season.
  • If you (your family or office) cannot drink a 19-liter bottle of water in 5 days, choose a smaller container. Ideally, disposable.

4. Myth: You cannot store plastic bottles in hot rooms or in direct sunlight, as harmful substances bisphenol A, phthalates, chlorine, dioxins, etc. will be released into them.

Reality: The sun usually cannot heat water in a bottle to the temperature at which such substances could hypothetically be released. The sun or high room temperature contribute to the growth of unwanted microflora in the bottle (unpleasant odors, loss of liquid transparency, change in taste), rather than dangerous releases of harmful substances into the water. For example: polycarbonate (marking 7) can withstand water temperatures up to 100°C; at approximately this temperature it is washed in production. Bottles (most often 19 l) made of polycarbonate, like plastic ones, cannot be left under sun rays: bisphenol But this has nothing to do with it, it’s just that blue-green algae and other living creatures can develop in the water in the sun.


  • Always store water in a cool, dark place. In winter, it is ideal to store water at home near the cold balcony door
  • In summer, never store water in the passenger compartment or trunk of your car.

5. Myth: Plastic dishes and containers have a protective layer that becomes damaged when reused.

Reality: There is no protective layer in such containers; reuse is not recommended for hygiene reasons. Disposable tableware is difficult to wash without hot water and alkaline detergents.

Advice: Use disposable paper tableware. In addition to the environmental friendliness of the material, it looks much more attractive.

6. Myth: When packaging food in cling film, harmful substances pass into the food, so it is necessary to cut off the top layer from it.

Reality: Cling films have received greatest distribution as a means of packaging due to its low cost and the ability to work manually, without the use of additional devices. Vacuum polyethylene, in which meat and fish, vegetables, cheese and other products are often packaged, keeps them fresh longer, but reproduces well in an oxygen-free environment individual species bacteria that become active after the package is opened. And if you also store it open in the refrigerator for some time, then the chances of getting poisoned increase sharply. If you have heated food in film, we do not recommend consuming it, since harmful substances have already been released.

INTERESTING: you probably bought semi-finished products in a store on a tray covered with film. Everything is clear about the film, but white trays are often made of polystyrene foam, a material that emits carcinogenic poison.

To avoid health problems, it is recommended to store the film at a temperature no higher than +70 ° C, and never heat the trays. For your safety, it is important to use plastic as intended. Always carefully read the labeling on the bottom of the packages. Some types of plastics are more susceptible to destruction when heated, others - when exposed to alkaline detergents, and others - to alcohols and fats.

By the way, many of you probably wrap your suitcases in film when traveling, but not everyone knows that cling film made of a different material - polyethylene.

7. Myth: Bottled water in plastic containers is a marketing ploy; it is better to drink tap water.

Reality: You drink tap water, and over 25 years your body accumulates 27 grams of boron, 1 liter of petroleum products, and another 3 kg of iron, an excess of which kills our kidneys. For an adult, 15-20 kg of nitrates are harmful. What about babies? Using tap water To prepare nutritional mixtures, there is a risk of a terrible disease - water-nitrate methemoglobinemia. This disease affects the heart and respiratory system. We reassure ourselves by boiling water regularly, but remember that boiling is not the answer! But boiling is a completely different topic.

Do you know how to purify tap water? The most effective water purifier is chlorine (Cl) and ozone (O3), when combined with them, 99% of bacteria die. The advantage of ozone is that when it is added to water, it quickly breaks down and does not remain in the water, which is why it began to be used at water treatment stations. But how to deliver clean, purified water to consumers through dirty, worn-out pipes? No one says out loud that chlorinated water is dangerous. Why? No other method of water purification has yet been invented.

Advice: choose active and mineral water that will deliver beneficial macro and microelements to your body.

8. It’s better to buy water in glass, it’s better for the environment.

Plastic is the leader among basic materials in terms of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. In addition to low emissions, consider that plastic is lightweight, has low thermal conductivity, is resistant to damage, and is versatile. It is easy to recycle in our country, and after repeated disposal it remains safe. Various products are made from recycled plastic. Glass waste in Russia is processed into small quantities. But even this amount of recycled waste ensures the conservation of about 10,000 hectares of land that could turn into huge landfills.

It is clear that any raw material that can be recycled is better sent to the necessary institutions. How long will it take for glass and plastic to decompose? Glass is not biodegradable. A simple glass water bottle has a decomposition time of 1000 years or more. A plastic bottle should also decompose, although its lifespan is slightly shorter. Without recycling and recycling, our entire planet would be completely filled with plastic and glass waste in a short period of time.

Advice: Find out where you can recycle bottles in your city.

Let's return to transporting bottles. What is easier to transport: a truck with glass or plastic? Plastic saves fuel consumption by 20% and reduces emissions of harmful substances. Example in numbers: transporting 14,000 liters of water in 0.5 liter plastic bottles over a distance of 1600 km (Moscow-Essentuki) will require 355 liters less diesel fuel and reduce CO2 emissions (carbon dioxide) by 60% than transporting the same volume of water in glass . In addition, glass containers can easily crack during transportation, while PET is durable. The harm of plastic utensils is greatly exaggerated and manifests itself when used incorrectly.

Summarize. Yes you are right. The glass is practically impenetrable. Packaging made from this material is suitable for oxygen-sensitive drinks. The disadvantage of glass is obvious - it is fragile and heavy. Complex transportation, glass melting processes and the formation of new forms lead to huge energy costs. How many harmful substances will a truck with glass emit into the atmosphere before it gets to the disposal site? Therefore, disposable plastic bottles are preferred for dispensing water.

A daily harmless plastic bottle of water seems to us to be a simple and affordable thing, and most importantly, convenient. But what if a plastic bottle is evil in pure form, which harms not only the environment, but also us?

How much has already been said about the need to protect nature and try to be the safest resident for our home, but all to no avail. Not long ago, scientists even stated that from a certain point we are “living on credit” and the Earth’s resources are no longer being restored. What if our habits harm not only the planet, but also us?

No matter how much you talk about the harm of plastic, it’s all to no avail. We cannot refuse a comfortable bottle, which we taste like the most delicious latte. But let's stop doing this, because there is a reason for it good reasons. Why is bottled water so harmful?

Firstly, it is worth noting that it is difficult to come up with a healthier and more necessary drink for humans than water. All these matcha teas and other useful things are not even close to one of the main components of our body. Hence the rule that you should drink a cold glass in the morning. Drink water, but not cold beer.

Plastic poisons water

The fact that plastic can poison water and contaminate it with harmful substances looks like the headline of another cheap TV show. However, this is a fact. A fact with scientific explanations and rather bleak sub-points.

Thus, residents of the privileged UAE would never even think of drinking water from a plastic bottle that had previously been left in the car for a while under the sun. Pampered Arabs will call such water “spoiled” and throw it away. The thing is that during minimal heating, A plastic bottle releases a substance such as bisphenol A. It quite logically goes into water, and is recognized by the human body as estrogen (a female hormone that can affect the functioning of our endocrine system).

It is safe to say that harmless warm mineral water in a plastic bottle can negatively affect the functioning of our brain, undermine the immune system and even develop asthma and diabetes. In the worst cases, cancer. Therefore, you should not heat any food if it is in a plastic container. And it’s better not to use them at all. Well, really.

Plastic causes infertility

Thus, plastic does not cause Houston at all, but infertility. It all has to do with the aforementioned stupid bisphenol, the presence of which in the body can directly affect our reproductive function. This is how a harmless plastic bottle can become a sponsor of constant attempts to do IVF. And suffering.

Plastic bottle cannot be refilled twice

A plastic bottle is not a bank card or even a glass container. She is disposable tableware. This means that, for economical reasons, it is no longer possible to pour anything into plastic a second time. Plastic can change shape and break, and this entails the growth of harmful bacteria.

So, you can easily catch norovirus and even ordinary poisoning. And all other reusable bottles, which, for example, we use while playing sports, need to be rinsed in cold water before use.

Plastic harms the environment

It's no secret that a plastic bottle is recyclable, but out of all the plastic bottles in the world, only 1 percent is recyclable. The rest rots in landfills for years, poisoning the air and the environment. According to the latest estimates, by 2050 we will have 26 million pounds of plastic lying around that won't go away.

Not all plastic is harmful

Of course, we are not calling for a complete abandonment of plastic bottles, but we are calling for throwing away single-use plastic bottles. This is where so-called reusable plastic comes to the rescue. These are those fashionable bottles that are often featured in Instagram shots.

  • Large white bottles, such as My Bottle and any other sports container. This type of plastic has the clerical name “food grade plastic” and is capable of surviving secondary, five-fold, and simply reusable use. Therefore, if you do not want to drink harmful water and want to help environment, then you should choose a reusable bottle made of food-grade plastic. It is convenient, economical and safe.

    Typically, this sign is on plastic utensils that are suitable for reusable use. Simply put, you can recognize food-grade plastic by this symbol.

    Also, reusable or food-grade plastic has its own marking, knowing which you can understand whether this container is suitable for recycling or not. Be carefull.

    Armed with such a sign, you will know how harmful this or that plastic utensil is.

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    German and American scientists tried to answer this long-standing question.

    Supermarket workers note that store visitors in Lately People are increasingly purchasing water sold in plastic bottles. Of course, the advantages of a product in such packaging are obvious: it weighs significantly less, and plastic, unlike glass, does not break when hit or dropped. However, as we found out after a series of experiments, water poured into plastic bottles can contain harmful chemicals contained in the container.

    Researchers have tried to figure out how such hazardous water pollution occurs, and why consumers are encouraged to put glass bottles in their shopping carts more often.

    The hormone is playing!

    Drinks are an integral part of any person's daily diet. Nevertheless, perhaps each of us periodically thinks about what and in what quantities we should drink so as not to harm our health. Recently, researchers from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt published the results of their latest research, during which they were able to detect hormone-like substances in plastic drinking water bottles, similar in composition to the female sex hormone estrogen. “In twelve of the twenty bottles we selected for experiments mineral water from different manufacturing companies we found that they did not provide positive influence on human health, chemical compounds that affect the body’s hormonal system,” Martin Wagner, head of the department of biochemistry, chemistry and pharmaceuticals at the University of Frankfurt, said in an interview with the German Medical Journal.

    Tap water is the most harmless

    IN tap water, used by scientists during experiments as a comparative material, a significantly smaller amount of foreign impurities was found. The Frankfurt researchers emphasized that from the results of their experiments it is not yet possible to draw specific conclusions about a particular degree of risk to the health of people who regularly buy and drinking water in a plastic container. However, doctors were able to obtain a completely clear picture of the diffusion (dispersion) of natural hormones in food products, which, according to one hypothesis, occurs as a result of contact of the latter with plastic packaging. Thus, they hypothesized, chemicals such as plasticizers contained in plastic containers end up in the water through the leaching process that occurs. “We compared samples of mineral water bottled from glass and plastic bottles; Chemical experiments showed that the content of estrogenic substances in water from plastic (PET) bottles was approximately twice as high as the concentration of these compounds in water from glass bottles,” explained Professor Wagner.

    Dangerous plastic?

    Today, scientists and doctors cannot give a definite answer to the question of how dangerous and whether the water bottled by manufacturers in plastic bottles is dangerous to human health at all. But nevertheless, the above-mentioned studies by German specialists will undoubtedly serve as a starting point for further scientific experiments, the purpose of which will be to determine the exact degree of harm of hormone-like substances released from PET bottles. However, at the moment, scientists have no doubt that the concentration of foreign impurities in a glass bottle is significantly lower than in a plastic bottle. Whether anyone will be able to prove or disprove their words - only time will tell.

    Scientists from the United States of America have already joined their German colleagues, who also tried, through a series of experiments, to find out how the chemical compounds contained in plastic affect human health. Thus, recently researchers from the American University of Cincinnati announced the results of their experiments. It has been established that chemical plasticizers and bisphenol A, present, albeit in small quantities, in plastic baby bottles for milk formula, have an extremely negative effect on the development of brain cells in young children.

    The secret to health is in a glass container

    To be absolutely sure that you are not drinking water that is saturated with substances that do not have a positive effect on your health, try to buy drinks in glass bottles more often. According to the study, the content of hormone-like substances in water poured into glass containers is half as much as that of liquid in PET bottles. If you still choose water in plastic containers for various reasons, make sure that it is made of hard plastic - it contains fewer plasticizers.

    Every parent dreams of giving their baby the best, which is why all mothers and fathers are so careful when choosing food and drink for the child.

    Nowadays there are a huge number of special children's products on sale that make it easier for parents to choose and give moms and dads quality guarantees.

    Baby food has been around for a long time. As for baby water, this product appeared on the market relatively recently, but the vast majority of parents managed to appreciate its quality, ease of use and benefits for children. child's body.

    There is just one detail that continues to worry millions of parents every day: baby water is poured into plastic bottles - Isn't this dangerous?

    Are plastic bottles dangerous to human health?

    Over the past decades, plastic bottles have almost completely replaced glass containers from supermarket shelves. Such changes can be explained by the fact that plastic bottles are simply ideal for transportation and storage: they do not break, they are very light. But aren't they dangerous to human health? Tens of thousands of scientists around the world have been looking for the answer to this question, conducting a huge amount of research and experiments. Opinions were divided, but as a result, it was possible to discover that plastic is different from plastic.

    There are types of plastic that can really be dangerous to the human body if used in the manufacture of containers. For example, bottles made of polyvinyl chloride, they are called PVC bottles, can pose a danger. This type of plastic releases the toxic substance vinyl chloride. The longer the drink is stored in such a bottle, the more of this dangerous substance is released into the liquid, the more a more harmful drink becomes for the human body. Therefore, it is recommended to store drinks in such bottles for no more than 1 month. Bottles made from this substance are easy to recognize; they are marked with a special icon on the bottom of the bottle - a three in a triangle and the inscription PVC.

    But there are other bottles, for example, thermoplastic bottles, so-called PET bottles, which are recognized as absolutely safe for human health. It is in these bottles that almost all drinks that you can find on store shelves are now bottled, including baby water. The material from which PET bottles are made is inert in relation to the drinks that are poured into it; accordingly, it does not release any substances into these liquids. It is very easy to recognize that this is a PET bottle - such bottles have a special mark on the bottom - a unit in a triangle and the inscription PET.

    What should be the container for baby water?

    When choosing baby water, you should pay attention to the following properties of its packaging:

    1. Security - choose water bottled in PET bottles (marked with a unit in a triangle and the word PET on the bottom );

    2. Appearance - a bottle for baby water should be transparent, without dents or damage, preferably of a convenient shape and small volume;

    Mom Alice, who is raising 2-year-old Valeria, says: “I always choose baby water “Malyatko”, this is my conscious choice. When buying this water, I know that I am buying a high-quality and safe product. And it’s also very convenient that there is a 0.33 bottle with a sippy cap - this is what my active and independent daughter needs. Thanks to Malyatko, my Lera can drink healthy water from a safe and convenient bottle absolutely independently, without spilling water on your clothes.”

    3. Marking- The bottle should indicate the expiration date, production date and recommendations for use and storage, which, of course, must be followed so as not to harm your baby.

    4. Compliance with global environmental standards- today all manufacturers in the world are trying to make their products and packaging more environmentally friendly. If the manufacturer you choose also keeps up with these trends, this can guarantee you the quality and safety of the product.

    Mom Christina, who is raising one-year-old Victor, shared her story : “I myself am an ecologist by education, so for me the issue of environmental friendliness of a product and its packaging always comes second after quality. I have been buying Malyatko water for a long time. Even before the birth of the child, I always bought myself a small bottle of this baby water, it is convenient to put it in my handbag. When I became pregnant, I also drank this water, and then began to give it to the baby. Just recently I learned that it turns out that “Malyatko” is a socially responsible brand, because now children’s water is bottled in a special eco-bottle, which contains 15% less plastic, and all this for the sake of preserving the cleanliness and ecology of our planet for our kids."

    How to keep your baby safe: rules for using plastic containers

    Any invention can bring great benefit, and great harm. Regarding plastic bottles - whether they harm you or benefit you - it all depends entirely on you. If you follow all the recommendations for using plastic containers for storing water, then everything will be fine.

    Alina Zelenina, pediatrician, says: “Very often it is the consumers themselves who are to blame for the fact that a particular product is harmful to their health. According to statistics, only 30% of people pay attention to the expiration dates of goods and how they are stored. And 70% act on a whim. This is very wrong, especially in relation to baby food. Even water that has been stored incorrectly can become dangerous for a child’s delicate body. Be careful, follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations, take care of the health of your children.”

    A plastic bottle opens up new horizons of convenience and comfort; a plastic bottle with baby water is very convenient to take with you on trips or walks; you can safely give it to a child so that he can learn to drink on his own from a young age. Do not deny yourself and your baby comfort, but also do not forget about the rules for using plastic bottles. The health of your baby is in your hands!

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