What is the best way to paint a house made of timber from the outside? Selection of facade paint according to color scheme. How to paint the outside of a wooden house

When thinking about how to paint a house made of timber from the outside, you must remember that painting timber is not only a decorative element, but also protection from the negative influences of the external environment, ensuring safety and durability.

Painting a house made of timber should include: antiseptic treatment of wood and coating with varnish or paint.

Have Vacation home or a dacha is the dream of many residents of cities and especially megacities. The constant city noise, stuffiness, crowds of people on the streets are very tiring and make you want to retire to a quiet place, breathe fresh air, and communicate with nature. Therefore, a comfortable country house is often not just a material property, but an urgent necessity of life.

Afford to buy ready-made country house maybe not everyone. But you can build a house on a country plot with your own hands. It will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and the result will be exactly what the owner of the future building requires. Especially if all the preliminary actions were done competently, thoroughly, sensibly: choosing a site, designing a future home, drawing up an estimate, planning construction work, choice of material.

The main thing, when starting to build a house, is to remember that this will require a certain investment of time, labor, and money. Starting construction country house, you need to carefully study the information about the materials presented on the market, consult with specialists and those who have already walked this path.

What is good about a house made of timber?

After the site has been chosen, the dimensions and layout of the future house have been thought up, you need to decide on the choice of material for it. This is the main question. Depending on what the house will be built from, the issue of necessary foundation, insulation, etc.

Currently, one of the most popular materials for country buildings is timber: calibrated, glued or profiled. It is environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive material with good thermal insulation properties.

Building a house made of timber does not require laying a massive foundation. Equipment will only be needed to deliver the material to the construction site. All this significantly reduces the cost of the house and facilitates construction.

In addition to the main house made of timber, you can also build an outbuilding, mezzanine, summer kitchen, bathhouse or sauna. For outbuildings this material is not used.

Insulation of the walls of a house made of profiled or any other timber is made from natural (moss, tow, etc.) or modern synthetic materials. To heat your home during the cold season, it is best to install an electric or gas boiler with a steam heating system.

Finishing a finished timber house

Proper painting of a timber house is a very important point. This issue should be addressed with special attention, because not only the appearance of the building, but also its safety and durability depends on this. A properly selected coating will protect the house from corrosion, rot, mildew, mold and other factors that shorten its service life. Waterproofing and protection against direct contact sun rays will also help preserve the original qualities of the wood and its natural color.

Basic rules for painting

Apply the antiseptic to the wood using a brush with hard natural bristles.

Exterior painting of a log house is carried out when the developer decides to refuse to use any finishing materials. Before painting a house made of timber, which has natural moisture, the entire structure must be thoroughly dried. Paints and varnishes adhere better to a dry surface.

After drying, the walls of the log house are cleaned of natural contaminants and thoroughly polished. This will improve the quality of the painting. Sanded dust is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner set to blowing mode.

A primer (antiseptic) is applied to the surface prepared in this way. The primer must be applied to all natural or artificial irregularities of the timber: bends, cracks, small chips. The primer usually dries in no more than an hour. After this, it must be applied with a second layer.

Only after the primer has dried again can the paint and varnish composition be applied. It is also applied twice or thrice. Drying of each layer must be carried out according to the technical instructions on the packaging.

It is better to apply finishing materials with a brush or spray. The main thing is to remember that the brush should only move vertically. Paints and varnishes applied horizontally apply unevenly, do not sufficiently paint the timber and look very sloppy.

What materials are best to use

Choice exterior finishing wooden house made of timber depends on the material used in construction. It would be more practical to cover the outside of a house made of calibrated or profiled timber with various finishing materials. In this case, you will not have to constantly renew the paint. It is better to paint a house made of laminated timber.

Typically, painting houses made of laminated veneer lumber is carried out using natural coloring compounds. This helps preserve the natural appearance of wood, its environmental qualities, and is also safer for home residents than, for example, synthetic compounds.

For exterior painting of a finished timber house, paint compositions made from natural materials are used: clay, oil, water, etc. It should be remembered that painting with synthetic paint compositions is extremely undesirable.

Facade paints can be matte or semi-matte, glossy or semi-gloss. For timber the following are used:

  • acrylates;
  • antiseptics;
  • oil paints.

Acrylic paint compositions are highly durable, easy to apply and do not require constant updating. Their main disadvantage is their high cost.

For work you will need: a roller, brushes, rags and so on.

Antiseptic compounds are made from organic substances, water and various additives. Dried antiseptics protect the painted surface well. The main disadvantage of antiseptic compositions is low stability and long drying time after application.

Oil paints are still considered the most economical and reliable. Their popularity is ensured by their high protective properties and low prices. The main disadvantages of oil-based compositions: long drying time and susceptibility of painted surfaces to fading, cracks and small chips.

After applying the paint and the painted surface has completely dried, it is recommended to also apply a layer of natural varnish. This will help fix the paint and further level the surface, because the varnish, as a rule, goes on without streaks.

When choosing a specific composition, it is better to give preference to products from well-known manufacturers. Their long-standing presence in the market for these products will be the key to the quality of the product offered. A well-known manufacturer is unlikely to want to reduce its rating with a low-quality product.

Interior painting of a wooden house

Painting the timber inside the house is also a very important point in the finishing work. Painted timber walls look much better and become more resistant to moisture, temperature changes, and mechanical damage.

It is better to use special paints for internal processing timber. These compounds have high strength, various colors, stability and retain a bright and fresh appearance for a long time, providing additional protection against deformation.

You can emphasize the natural aesthetics of the timber on the inside of the walls using wax, drying oil or special oils. Minor natural imperfections in timber walls can be covered with mastic, which will not only help level the walls, but also give them a special velvety feel.

Properly selected and carefully applied paints and varnishes will protect and decorate a log house. A tastefully decorated interior will give a country house a special coziness. This will make such a house a wonderful place for the owner of the house, his family and friends to relax.

Painting a house made of timber involves several stages: preparing the surface for painting, impregnation with antiseptics, impregnation with fire retardants, painting . To do this, you will need a sealant, mastic, antiseptic primer, sandpaper, brushes, a roller, and possibly a spray bottle.

Preparing the surface for painting

Before you begin painting, the surface to be painted must be prepared for this. You will need a chisel to remove knots and resin, a staple to apply finishing material, and a grinder with an attachment for sanding wood.
First, be sure to clean the surface of dirt and debris. If the house is old, there are damaged rows of timber, it is better to replace them with new ones. If fungal diseases and a cluster of insects with damage from their presence are detected, it is necessary to carry out treatment for all this, and rotten damaged crowns must be replaced in order to avoid the same thing in the future.

Secondly, if this is re-painting, clean the surface from the old coating down to the wood fibers, while simultaneously determining its type (it is better to re-paint with the same type of coating). Cleaning (sanding) is done with a grinder with a special attachment, and to help - with a stiff brush or scraper very carefully, without damaging the wood fibers.

Thirdly, saturate the surface with antiseptics against insects and fungal diseases of wood, as well as fire retardants to increase fire resistance (they limit the access of oxygen to the fire surface). Treat the ends with sealant.

Fourthly, in order to remove all possible obvious damage, including microscopic defects (usually this should be taken care of if we are talking about interior painting), it is necessary to prime the surface, preferably with an antiseptic primer. This must be done for a beautiful and uniform application of paint. Allow time until completely dry.

The surface is ready for the next stage of work.

Paint selection

Typically, timber is painted with ordinary oil paints (they form a durable coating, although short-lived, highly toxic), alkyd paints (they form a durable coating, low toxicity, short-lived, frost-resistant), acrylic paints (form a durable coating, low toxicity).

Paints are used both water-based and oil-based. The first ones usually last up to 3 years, the second ones - up to 5.


After the surface has completely dried, you should start painting the timber. This is usually done in warm, dry weather, without wind or precipitation. To perform painting you will need brushes, a roller, a painting tray, and rags.

Usually the outer beam is painted in 3 layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Painting timber walls acts as an excellent protection for the material and improves its original natural appearance. This solution is the most budget and affordable among others. In order for the wood not to be afraid of external aggressive influences, the work must be done correctly.

Painting a house made of timber consists of the following stages: preparing the surface, priming with antiseptics and painting the surface.

If you want to emphasize the aesthetics of laminated veneer lumber, it is better to use drying oil, wax or oil, however, such solutions are not able to protect the wood, so they are best used only indoors.

If after painting the room is intended to be used immediately, then it is better to use water-based varnishes. There is another alternative - synthetic varnishes, which have a persistent odor and do not dry so quickly. Sometimes laminated veneer lumber needs not only to improve its original appearance, but also to eliminate minor defects in the form of cracks that can be masked by using mastic. It is the one that is made on a wax base that can give the walls of timber a velvety feel.

Tools and materials

  • sealant;
  • mastic;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush, roller or spray.

External painting

Painting timber walls is creating a barrier between the material and the environment.

Synthetic brushes for painting timber hold their shape better and do not leave lint.

Paint and varnish coatings intended for laminated veneer lumber can have a transparent or matte texture. The first version of the composition is called glaze, the second - covering. The painting process using such varnishes can be done using one of several tools, including: brush, spray, spray or roller.

The range of coatings for laminated veneer lumber today is so large that choosing the appropriate composition is extremely difficult; it is important to initially determine the tasks that must be solved after painting.

Despite the fact that laminated veneer lumber is a fairly high-quality material, it needs protection from moisture, the penetration of which can be protected by impregnating the ends of the timber with a sealant; such a procedure will clog the pores of the wood, which will repel moisture. In addition, laminated timber must be protected from mold and fungi. An antiseptic primer can help in the fight against these wood pests.

Sometimes home owners are faced with the question of returning the lost external gloss to the surface of the timber, then decorative painting helps, which involves several stages, including: impregnation, priming, eliminating cracks, painting with varnishes or enamels.

Choice of paint coating

The timber is sanded using a grinder with a special attachment.

In order for the façade of a house built of timber to be aesthetically pleasing and protected from negative factors, you should choose a suitable composition for painting. Below are the characteristics of coatings from different manufacturers that can help you make your choice.

Thus, the German manufacturer Zobel presents compositions for timber that are environmentally friendly, have excellent adhesion to wood and are inexpensive.

These compositions are also chosen because they are water-based and do not have an unpleasant odor. After application, these varnishes are able to retain their original color for a long time, but they also have a drawback, which is the need to periodically renew the coating every 5 years.

But the compositions of the German manufacturer Osmo, on the contrary, have a very high cost, but they have a lot of additional qualities that deserve attention, among them: ease of application and subsequent removal if necessary. These paints are oil-based, environmentally friendly and are able to hold color well while maintaining the wood texture.

If you want to save money, you can also prefer varnishes from the Finnish manufacturer Tikkurila; spending money on external painting of log houses is often impractical, since most coatings need to be renewed again after 5 years.

The Russian manufacturer Termika does not offer such a wide range of products for painting laminated veneer lumber; moreover, the varnishes of this manufacturer require even more frequent (every 3 years) updating.

Technology of coloring laminated timber

If you decide to paint a house built from laminated veneer lumber, then you should know that work must begin with sanding the surface, which is necessary even for factory-treated wood. Light sanding will remove various dirt from the surface and eliminate microcracks. This procedure should also be carried out when painting timber inside the house; sanding will improve the adhesion of materials.

After this, you can begin treating the ends of the beam with sealant. Then comes the turn of antiseptics and priming. The primer composition should be allowed to dry, only then can you proceed to painting, during which about 3 layers of varnish or paint will have to be applied. Each subsequent layer must be applied only after the previous one has dried.

The surface of the walls in the house after 3 months must be examined for the presence of new cracks, which also applies to the facade of the building if painting was carried out outside. If the cracks were found, then resealing will have to be done. Sealant should be applied to the new cracks. The platbands of the house are also subject to treatment.

You should start painting your house only in the warm season, when minimum temperature equals +5°. It will not be possible to give the house a renewed look even during periods of high humidity, when it snows or rains.

Prices for painting timber

If you decide that you can’t paint your home yourself, you can use the help of professionals. The cost of work in this case will depend on several factors, including: the volume of work, determined by the dimensions of the house; qualifications of the work team; the cost of the dyeing compositions used; type of work required.

If we take into account the average cost of similar and related painting services, we can highlight sanding of walls made of laminated veneer lumber, the price for which will be approximately 110-160 rubles, but antiseptic treatment will cost 70-80 rubles per 1 m 2, painting the timber in 1 layer will cost 80-100 rubles per 1 m 2. For the initial cleaning of pile from the base of the walls, the team will charge 30-50 rubles per 1 m2. Grinding and sealing the area of ​​the ends of the timber costs 350-400 rubles per linear meter. If it is necessary to dismantle, paint, and then install the platbands in place, the owners will have to pay 150-160 rubles per linear meter; balconies, fences and terraces made of timber also sometimes need to be painted, this costs approximately 600-800 rubles per linear meter.

Many owners want to protect and give freshness to a log house; there is no need to skimp on this, such a structure has an impressive cost and will be used for a long time. Therefore, you should not purchase a cheap, short-lived composition that is not able to prolong the life of wood, because it is more susceptible to external influences than other materials. If you don’t have the skills, you probably shouldn’t even take on the job yourself; you need to take the help of specialists.

When building a wooden country house, we expect that it will delight us with its appearance for as long as possible, without requiring serious repair work. However, the nature of wood building materials is such that without the necessary processing of a house made of timber, it cannot be guaranteed that after some time it will not change its original properties. Darkening of the walls, the appearance of mold, infestations of insects - there are plenty of people willing to spoil your mood at the first opportunity. That is why painting a house made of timber is a mandatory step in protecting the walls from external factors.

Processing a house made of timber - internal and external

Let’s immediately say that painting is appropriate in cases where you do not plan to hide its walls under finishing materials. At this stage, two tasks are simultaneously solved: protecting the material from adverse factors and determining the design of the premises and facade. The protective function comes down to preserving the original parameters of the wood: its color, the absence of rot and mold, etc. – due to the creation of a barrier impenetrable to UV rays and water. The ability of wood to “breathe” is not impaired for the simple reason that air exchange is predominantly carried out through the ends of the timber and micro-slits between the crowns. As for design, painting a house made of timber can make a significant contribution to its formation:

  • You can preserve the natural beauty of wood material by painting it with a transparent (glazing) composition. The option is appropriate if far from the worst material was used during construction;
  • or vice versa, apply covering paints and varnishes to the surface of the walls, giving the log house a more modern look. This approach is especially in demand if the timber is not of high quality;
  • There are also borderline solutions that involve the application of translucent compounds. The color palette in the last two cases is limited only by the imagination of the developer

How and how to paint a house made of timber

Only dry surfaces of the log house are painted. We draw the attention of those people who built with natural humidity to this - before painting you will have to wait until the log house dries out. What to paint with?

  • water-based compounds. It is the most environmentally friendly option, which is most often used for interior painting;
  • wax and oil based compounds. Wax mastics are used to treat timber houses on the inside, drying oil and special oils that saturate the wood well are used on the outside;
  • paints and varnishes based on organic solvents

Advice to buy a specific paint for a house made of timber would look like advertising. Therefore, we provide only a list of manufacturers whose products have proven themselves with positive side: German Zobel and Osmo, Finnish Tikkurila, Slovenian Belinka. Among the range of paints and varnishes from these companies, you will definitely choose a composition option that meets all your requirements and operating conditions. As a rule, all such paints and varnishes can be applied using sprayers or a regular brush. In any case, you should fully adhere to the manufacturers' recommendations.

We remind you that painting is preceded by. After this, apply the first layer of paintwork, wait until it dries, remove the lint and apply the finishing coat of paint. The most labor-intensive of all the above work is the grinding process. So pay attention in advance to the quality of the lumber you purchase.

A little about prices

Depending on the painting technology, the materials used and the qualifications of the workers, the cost of treating a house made of timber varies from 200 to 500 rubles/m2 (including paint and varnish). Below are prices for related work excluding consumables.

If you decide to paint yourself wooden house, That estimated cost LKM will be approximately 70-120 rubles. for application on square meter surfaces.

Instead of conclusions

Painting a house made of timber must be carried out in a timely manner - the amount of time that will pass from the commissioning of the building to the first repair work depends on this. Don't expect a coat of paint to protect your walls forever. The protective layer will have to be renewed at least once every 5 years.

When choosing an option for suburban housing, an increasing number of city residents are choosing environmentally friendly, high-quality houses made of timber. There are many reasons for this: the beautiful exterior of a log house is supported by its unique ability to retain heat, regulate humidity, and create a healthy and cozy indoor microclimate. There is only one point that owners need to take into account wooden houses– construction requires mandatory external finishing, which will significantly improve the appearance and extend the service life of the wood.

How to improve the performance of a wooden house?

For all its positive properties, wood, as a natural material, is subject to aging under the influence of precipitation, temperature fluctuations, sunlight, pathogenic microorganisms and wood-boring insects. This affects the appearance and strength of the house - over time, the wood cracks, loses its structural integrity, rots and darkens. Facade p painting a wooden house helps to resist the negative influence of the environment, prevent destruction and preserve the aesthetics of the building.

How to paint the outside of a wooden house?

The market for finishing building materials offers a wide range of paint and varnish compositions of domestic and imported production - paints and antiseptics, which help protect the structure from external influences. These are glazing and coating antiseptics, oil and alkyd paints. Choosing how to paint a wooden house outside, take into account durability, ease of operation, decorative properties LMB.

Glazing antiseptics

Glazing antiseptics (glazes) are intended for finishing coloring and protection of sawn/planed wood from biological damage, exposure to precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. These are durable translucent paintwork materials of increased thickness and strength, preventing cracking and fading of wood, emphasizing the beauty of its texture. Insecticides and fungicides included in glazing antiseptics reliably protect the walls of the house from damage by bark beetles and prevent the formation of rot and mold. Microwax inclusions contribute to improved elasticity and moisture resistance of the protective and decorative coating. The service life of glaze paints varies between 3-5 years.

Before applying antiseptic impregnation, the wood is cleaned of contaminants (dust, resin, oil stains) and disinfected from fungus (blue stains, mold) using a special bleach. The azure is thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted with a solvent (no more than 10% of the volume of antiseptic impregnation). The glazing antiseptic is applied with a brush, roller, or spray gun in 1-2 layers at a temperature not lower than +5 °C, evenly distributing the paint material over the surface of the wood. To make the texture of the wood appear brighter, the first layer of impregnation is treated with fine sandpaper. It should be taken into account that the consumption of glaze for planed wood is usually 1.5-2 times higher than for sawn wood.

Types of glazing antiseptics:

Tikkurila Valtti. Color, Color Extra, Color Satin, Aquacolor.

Pinotex. Classic, Ultra, Tinova.

Belinka. Azure, Toplazur, Toplazur Mix, Exterior.

Covering antiseptics

Covering antiseptics can be used to paint the outside of a new or previously treated wooden house built from solid timber, planed logs, or pressure-treated wood. Opaque paints reliably protect façade surfaces from adverse atmospheric conditions, the development of mold and blue stains for 5-7 years. Due to their composition, antiseptic coating compounds either emphasize the natural texture of wood or form a smooth layer of matte or semi-matte texture.

Coating decorative and protective impregnations are convenient to use when it is necessary to give a dark wood surface a more light shade. Paintwork materials of this type are produced in several standard colors, tinted according to the manufacturer’s palette. Among the abundance of options, Tikkurila Vinha antiseptic coating paint has proven itself to be excellent.

Acrylate paints

Acrylate coatings for wood have high weather resistance, vapor permeability, and elasticity. They “breathe” perfectly, do not crack during shrinkage of the house, and retain their color and shine for a long time. The unique durability of acrylates (7-10 years or more) allows a wooden building to look good for quite a long time.

Oil paints

Oil paint and varnish compositions are distinguished by ideal weather resistance - they effectively penetrate wood and form a durable film on its surface that prevents damage to the walls of the house from moisture and mechanical damage. The disadvantages of oil-based coatings include their modification during operation: gradual loss of gloss and color brightness, short service life (4-6 years). In addition, the process of finishing a house is significantly more complicated due to the long drying time of oil paints (8 hours or more).

Preparing the walls of a wooden house for painting

Properly prepared facades of a wooden house for painting are the key to excellent adhesion of the paint coating to the walls and, as a result, a prolonged service life of the finish.

If you intend to paint a wooden house with your own hands, then you need to perform some preliminary operations:

Remove resin stains with a spatula, treat the knots with a special varnish, for example, Tikkurila Oksalakka.

Coat nail heads and other metal parts with anti-corrosion primer (optionally Rostex Super) and metal paint.

If there are stains of blue or mold, use wood bleaches, say, Tikkurila Homeenpoisto.

Seal gaps and cracks with jute/linen tow, cord for sealing seams, and treat with joint sealant, for example, Eurotex (Rogneda).

Dry the surfaces for several weeks, optimally a month.

Treat the wood with a deep-impregnation priming antiseptic, for example, Tikkurila Valti Pohuste.

The final stage – exterior painting wooden house made of timber or logs.

Previously painted timber buildings requiring façade renovation are prepared with special care for a fresh coat of paint. Leftovers old paint job houses are cleaned with a scraper or wire brush along the wooden fibers or resort to chemical methods removing the paint layer. Completely rotten or deformed sections of the wooden facade are dismantled and replaced with new ones, after which the walls are sanded and the above plan is followed to prepare the house for painting.

Materials for preparing wooden walls for painting

High-quality wood processing for painting largely depends on correctly selected and appropriately used compounds that increase the resistance of walls to humidity, critical temperature conditions, damage by fungi and insects.

Solutions for removing mold, mildew, rot

Wood bleaches are chemically aggressive compounds that effectively combat fungus, mold and rotten fragments wooden walls. Sodium hydroxide and hypochloride, added as ingredients to bleaches, clean wood not only visually, but also remove invisible spores of pathogenic microorganisms. Active mixtures are applied using sponges and sprayers, observing safety precautions. For successful treatment of walls prior to painting a wooden house, the following brands of bleaches are used: Tikkurila Homeenpoisto, Sagus, Neomid, Senezh Effo, Belinka Belotsid.

Wood putties

Acrylic joint fillers are sealants for wood, designed for sealing cracks in wooden structures, end cracks in beams and logs, and junctions of window and door frames with walls. Possessing high elasticity and excellent adhesion to wood surfaces, wood putties prevent biological damage to house facades, stop the penetration of moisture into rooms, and improve the thermal insulation properties of walls.

Before filling with putty, the joints in the walls are thoroughly dried and, using scrapers, spatulas and stiff brushes, cleaned of dirt, sawdust, resin and, if necessary, of old paint and varnish coatings. Rot, mold, and blue stains in gaps are removed with bleach. After treatment, the seams and cracks are sealed with acrylic sealant, smoothed with a special spatula and dried for about 8 hours.

The plasticity of acrylic-based wood fillers allows you to create joints of both curved and concave configurations. Basic shades of sealants can be successfully tinted into any color using tinting pastes: alkyd, acrylic, acrylic-silicone.

Fire retardant impregnations for wood

A separate category of protective coatings for wood should include fire retardants - compounds that prevent the spread of fire in the event of a fire. For example, the principle of operation of fire-retardant paints and varnishes such as Pyrex Wood, Pyrex Decor, Neomid 530 is based on the fact that the paint layer swells and stops burning. Firebiotic compounds such as Senezh Ognebio, Pyrex Firebio Prof, Phenilax are combined-purpose impregnations that improve the resistance of wood to both fire and damage by microorganisms.

Primer antiseptics for wood

Colorless priming antiseptics are used to treat walls, applying them immediately before finishing painting a wooden house. Penetrating several millimeters into the wood, antiseptic impregnations effectively protect the structure of the walls from rot, mold, water, and insect pests due to the components present in their composition. The compositions of Tikkuril Valti Pohuste or Aquabase, Senezh Bio, Pinotex Impra or Base, Aquatex Extra have proven themselves well.

Before use, antiseptic primers are diluted with solvents and applied in several layers to well-cleaned timber walls, maintaining a time interval of about 1 hour. Finish painting a wooden house outside produced no earlier than one day after covering the facades with antiseptics.

Selection of façade paint according to color scheme

The choice of paint color for finishing a house is one of the most important points affecting the overall perception of the façade of a building and its harmonious unification with the surrounding landscape. There are no canons here - the colors for painting the building are selected according to their preferences. This can be a light range of milky, cream, beige tones or a palette of natural shades: ocher, green, brown. Houses made of timber look striking, painted in intense colors: ultramarine, burgundy, emerald. Choose paint so that your home always makes you happy appearance. To avoid mistakes, order a small test volume of the paintwork material you like and paint it in the desired color.

Applying paint to wooden facades

So, the paintwork has been selected for painting, the walls of the house have been cleaned and treated with an antiseptic primer. The next day after applying the priming compounds, they begin to paint the house, sequentially applying and drying 2-3 layers of paintwork. For work, brushes and rollers are used, distributing the paint along the wood fibers. Experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use brushes for tinting wood - this way the paint finish will be of higher quality and uniform. Painting the ends of the timber requires special care - it is recommended to increase the number of coating layers.

Before use, the decorative paint must be mixed and painted on a small surface - this will help to evaluate the correctness of the choice. Finishing work It is better to carry out it in calm, warm weather - the hot sun or precipitation will prevent the coating from drying evenly.


To preserve the spectacular surroundings of a wooden house for many years, it is recommended to paint it with protective and decorative paints. You can choose paintwork materials based on its durability and wear resistance, and also, taking into account climatic conditions your region. Acrylate coatings have the best performance parameters, topcoat and oil paints have slightly worse durability, and glaze coatings have the shortest service life.

Having carefully prepared the facades of a wooden house for painting: having cleaned them of dirt and treated them with antiseptic primers, proceed to applying the paint and varnish composition. If you want to preserve the naturalness of the wood surface as much as possible, use glazing antiseptic paints. If the atmospheric stability of the finish is more important to you, then the use of topcoat and oil paints is a more optimal solution. In any case, a painted wooden house will last you much longer than one made from untreated wood.

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