Temple of the Apostle John the Theologian. Old Nekrasovka. Rural settlement

In contact with


Old Nekrasovka. Spring 1964. In the left foreground is the house of Olga Pavlovna Stolyarova (photo from her archive).

In 1915, the Moscow City Duma decided to establish the Lyubertsy suburban sewerage section, on the territory of which the village of Nekrasovka soon grew. By the beginning of the last century, the Lublin filtration fields that existed in the bend of the Moscow River could no longer cope with the flow of sewage, and the eyes of engineers turned to the lands lying north of Lyubertsy.

Their attention was attracted by the sandy soil, which served as an excellent natural filter,” says Olga Stolyarova, a local historian and long-time resident of Nekrasovka. - The city bought the plots of three merchants for fields. Seltso Bedrino with old manor and the site of the future village previously belonged to the tea merchant Yegor Ivanovich Nekrasov - hence the name. Work on the construction of irrigation fields, or filtration, began even before the First World War. From Moscow, sewage flowed into small canals built in earthen ramparts, from where they flowed by gravity into deep furrows in the fields. The water irrigated the fodder plants and was purified with sand (which is why they were called “irrigation fields”), and the solid residues served as an excellent fertilizer.

By order of Ilyich

Our family has lived here since 1925,” says Olga Pavlovna. -

At that time, there was only one nameless street in the village (the future 1st Volskaya), which was paved with cobblestones by captured Austrians after the First World War. They, like the workers, lived in barracks, but already in the 1920s, one-story wooden houses were built for the residents, with running water and sewerage! But the heating was stove, and there were no baths, so we washed in the bathhouse. The houses had vegetable gardens, even gardens; many kept cows and other animals. Now only two buildings remain from the old Nekrasovka: the former club named after Ilyich, built in 1924 (now the Zarechye cultural center on 1st Volskaya, 11), and the inconspicuous one-story house, where the office of the irrigation field manager was located (1st Volskaya, 20). Nearby stood a wooden Primary School, and opposite, across the road, is a stable with fire department, where there was a post with a fire bell. From the very beginning there was a stadium (now it is three times larger) and a fire pond, now filled in, like the Lyuberka River that flowed in the area of ​​Initiative Street. At the very beginning of the village, where the stele now stands on the border with Lyubertsy, there were mechanical workshops with a forge. But between modern houses 10 and 12 on 1st Volskaya, in the depths, in a small forest, the buildings of a very interesting object, once secret, have been preserved. In 1921, by order of Lenin himself, a receiving radio station was built there. The famous polar radio operator, Hero, began working on it Soviet Union Ernst Krenkel. By the way, because of this radio station in Nekrasovka for a long time it was not allowed to build houses higher than two floors.
The largest in Europe

In 1963, an aeration (artificial purification) station was built in Nekrasovka, at that time the largest in Europe, says Olga Pavlovna. - For comparison: the capacity of the irrigation fields was 17 thousand cubic meters, and the station had 3 million! From that time on, the workers' village became part of the capital.

Filtration fields were no longer needed, and subsequently residential neighborhoods began to grow in their place. In old Nekrasovka, five-story buildings built in the early 1960s have become history. Previously, the entire hill here was covered with centuries-old pine trees, but now there are only a few of them left. Fortunately, thanks to enthusiasts, we were able to preserve many unique photographs of the village dating back to the 1920s and other exhibits of the local history museum, which we are trying to revive at school No. 1366.


Dear readers! We ask the old residents of our area to respond. We are ready to prepare materials based on your stories for the regional and district newspaper “South-Eastern Courier”, publish photographs from family archives.

It is located outside the Moscow Ring Road in the southeast of the capital, or more correctly, in the southeast of it. It's almost an enclave. It is surrounded on all sides by Lyubertsy, and only in the north does it adjoin the as yet undeveloped and undeveloped part of Kosino-Ukhtomskoe.

Nekrasovka consists of two parts, connected by a narrow isthmus near Lake Bedrinskoye (on maps it appears as Chernoe, which creates confusion, since there is another Chernoe lake nearby). The “historical” (southern) part is the village of Nekrasovka itself. Most of its territory is occupied by the huge Lyubertsy aeration station, one of the largest in Europe and serving half of Moscow, as well as adjacent enterprises. And only on a small area in the square of Initiative and Volskie streets is a residential area located - a former settlement for station workers. After 2004, as part of a comprehensive reconstruction plan for the area, it was built up with high-rise buildings.

Official map of Nekrasovka

According to the official development plans presented on the district’s website, in 2015-16 it is planned to build about one and a half dozen new high-rise buildings and residential complexes in this part of Nekrasovka. The most interesting thing is that their future location is indicated directly on the territory of the existing treatment facilities. It's possible, of course, that it's just symbols, and they plan to build along the perimeter. Be that as it may, no one is going to liquidate the recently reconstructed aeration station, in this moment there are no signs of new construction near it, and how will development plans be adjusted in the conditions of increasing economic crisis- unknown. So far, the residential development of old Nekrasovka remains within its previous boundaries and is not of particular interest to us.

The real progress of the construction of Lyubertsy fields as of March 2015

Much more interesting is the new Nekrasovka - the territory of the former Lyubertsy aeration fields, included in the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow in 2011 and significantly increasing the area of ​​the district. A huge residential area is already being built here, but about a third of the area is occupied.

Nekrasovka is under construction

Active development is underway, there are objects at various stages of completion, starting from the foundation. There are ready-made residential buildings that have recently been commissioned, are being commissioned or are planned for commissioning in the near future. Perhaps today this is the largest development area in the capital, not counting New Moscow.

It is not yet clear where all the houses marked on the plan above the aeration station will be located


It's no secret that the South-East is the least prestigious sector of the capital. There are many reasons for this, including the Moscow wind rose (winds from the northwest predominate), as well as the high density of active workers in this part of the city. industrial enterprises. However, Nekrasovka is located in close proximity to the Vykhino-Zhulebino district, which is recognized as the most prosperous in the southeast from an environmental point of view. The relatively nearby Kuzminsky and Saltykovsky forest parks have a beneficial effect on the ecological situation in this area.

Of course, one cannot help but recall the clouds of acrid smoke that covered the southeast of Moscow in the fall of 2014. It is believed that the source of these emissions was the Moscow Coke and Gas Plant located in Vidnoye. The good news is that the Mechel company that owns the enterprise is liquidating it and selling the territory for development. So you can’t expect any new unpleasant surprises from this side.

So the main ones ecological problems Nekrasovka is associated with wastewater treatment plants, which in the recent past served as a “district-forming” enterprise. About 10 years ago, the smell spread by sewer collectors and sedimentation tanks was clearly felt even in Lyubertsy and Vykhino. However, the station was gradually modernized, the sewers were closed, and today residents of nearby areas experience virtually no discomfort. Although in general, of course, the proximity of treatment facilities of this scale does not increase the rating of the development.

Local residents have many more questions about waste incineration plant No. 4 located in the Rudnevo industrial zone. It is difficult to say how justified these claims are, since the enterprise is modern, it uses gas cleaning equipment and therefore the plant is considered environmentally friendly. It is possible that in this case the saying “fear has big eyes” is true.

But in the same industrial zone there is an enterprise that poses the highest degree of environmental danger. This is the Ekolog veterinary and sanitary recycling plant, which has been destroying biological waste for many years. However, in the fall of 2014, as a result of many years of confrontation between residents of the surrounding areas of Moscow and the region and the authorities, the enterprise was liquidated. And this is undoubtedly a plus for Nekrasovka’s rating.

Another “stumbling block” for local residents is the mothballed Nekrasovka solid waste landfill, in other words, a former landfill. It is located so close to the Nekrasovka-Park microdistrict that the courtyards and windows of the outermost houses look directly onto its territory.

This mountain, located close to the houses, is a filled-in landfill

The landfill has been mothballed: the walls of the pit have been sealed with clay so that hazardous waste does not poison The groundwater, and the landfill was filled up on top. True, about 5 years ago local residents reported that the landfill continues to operate illegally and at night you can see garbage trucks coming here to unload. Some people also reported an unpleasant odor. But at the moment this issue has also been put to rest. At the beginning of 2015, the Moscow government began large-scale work to reclaim the landfill area. Officials claim that in the next year or two, a family recreation park “Krasnaya Gorka” with an area of ​​17.5 hectares will appear in its place.

On the territory of the Nekrasovka district itself there are currently no park or recreation areas, except for the aforementioned Lake Chernoe in the neighborhood. By car in 15-20 minutes you can reach the Saltykovsky forest park or the cascade of Kosinsky lakes, where there is a beach and a park area. However, since the development is still very young, and the territory is huge, we should sound the alarm about the lack of our own recreational areas. Moreover, the development plan provides for long boulevards, squares and park areas.

There is a lot of free space in Nekrasovka

The distance between the already built houses in Nekrasovka is significant, the courtyards are spacious, the streets are wide, and insolation standards are met.

There is enough space for everyone in the large yard!

Transport accessibility

You can get to Nekrasovka by car from Moscow along the recently built Kosinsky Highway, which originates from the overpass of the same name on the Moscow Ring Road. In the future, this road should become part of the North-Eastern Expressway (Northern Road), an off-street highway crossing the capital from the northwest (from the new Leningradskoe Highway) to the southeast.

Today, the highway and overpass perform only a local function, there are no traffic jams here, and the journey takes no more than 5-10 minutes. The only place where difficulties may arise during rush hours is the one and a half kilometer section formed by Projected Drives No. 45 and No. 598, that is, the actual exit from the highway to Nekrasovka. But there are no serious traffic jams here.

From the Kosinskaya overpass you can go not only to the Moscow Ring Road, but also to Krasny Kazanets Street, that is, directly to the Vykhino railway station (Kazanskoe direction) and the metro station of the same name (Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line). A large intercepting parking lot was built here not long ago.

Along the same route, that is, from the Vykhino metro station, bus No. 841 and several minibuses go to Nekrasovka. The journey takes approximately 15 minutes.

Also from Kosinskoye Highway you can turn onto Saltykovskaya Street and get to Novokosino, where there is a metro station of the same name, opened in 2012 (Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line). Direct bus No. 885 also goes here from Nekrasovka. The journey takes about 30 minutes.

The roads are still clear

From the south you can get to the area through Lyubertsy: the Moscow Defenders Avenue, which runs through the new Nekrasovka, turns into Komsomolsky Avenue, which ends at Oktyabrsky next to the Lyubertsy-1 railway station (Kazan direction).

Old Nekrasovka and Lyubertsy are connected by Proektiruemy Proezd No. 83 and 1st Volskaya Street, ending near the Lyubertsy-2 station.

Currently, active construction is underway on the Kozhukhovskaya line of the Moscow Metro. It will start from the Aviamotornaya station of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line, and end at the Nerasovka station, which will be located in the new part of the district, at the intersection of Defenders of Moscow Avenue and Pokrovskaya Street. The first section of the new line, formed by the Nekrasovka, Kosino-Ukhtomskaya, Saltykovskaya Street and Kosino stations, should be put into operation in 2017. A transport hub will be built near the final metro station “Nekrasovka”.

There will be a metro in this place!

Social infrastructure

In general, Nekrasovka is a young district, which is located on one of the initial stages developments. Therefore, assessing the level of its development social infrastructure it is too early.

According to the general plan, schools and kindergartens are being built simultaneously with residential areas, which should fully satisfy the needs of the residents of the area. However, today, according to residents, the pace of settlement is significantly faster than the pace of infrastructure development. There are not enough places in schools and kindergartens; parents have to place their children either in neighboring Kozhukhovo or in Lyubertsy, depending on the existing registration.

Schools and kindergartens right in the courtyards

The district’s own clinic should appear in 2016, and for now these are only promises from the authorities.

There are shops and social institutions in the Nekrasovka-Park microdistrict; on the territory of the new development, these are so far only individual shops on the lower floors residential buildings. The nearest supermarkets and shopping centers are located in Kozhukhovo, Novokosino and Lyubertsy. 6 kilometers west along the Moscow Ring Road from the Kosinskaya overpass, at the fork with Novoyegoryevskoye Highway, is the MEGA Belaya Dacha megamall, one of the largest in Moscow. However, it is easier to get here from Nekrasovka through Lyubertsy and Kotelniki, including by public transport.

There are sufficient parking lots in the area, but so far they are only included in the development plans, so new residents have to park their personal cars in courtyards and vacant lots.

As for work, for now you will also have to look for it in the surrounding area. That is, Nekrasovka is a typical residential area.

Underground parking under construction

Residential sector

Before the start of commercial development of Nekrasovka, subsidized and social housing was built here under municipal programs. Currently on primary market housing in the area, apartments are being sold in new buildings in 3 large microdistricts: residential complex "Nekrasovka-Park" from the company "Lexion Development", residential complex "Nekrasovka" from the company "Avesta-Stroy" and apartments in already completed houses from the state developer KP "UGS" on Nedorubov, Lipchansky and Maresyev streets.

A total of 25 panel houses with 6.5 thousand apartments were built in the Nekrasovka-Park residential complex. Official sales started in the fall of 2012 and are currently almost completed.


Within the Nekrasovka residential microdistrict, it is planned to build a total of about 2 million square meters. meters of residential and non-residential real estate. The first stage of the project is currently under construction, the completion of which is scheduled for the II-IV quarters of 2015. In the same year, the state developer KP "UGS" will announce the start of apartment sales at 12 finished houses microdistrict.

House in the Nekrasovka residential complex

“All facilities have a similar set of infrastructure, which includes a school, kindergartens, a clinic, a sports and recreation complex, a multifunctional shopping mall. Taking into account the characteristics of this area, we can say that its development will continue to be associated with the mass housing segment,” says Irina Dobrokhotova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the BEST-Novostroy company.

The dynamics of prices and demand for housing are multidirectional, depending on the specific residential complex, as well as from the entry to the exhibition of lots with a lower average price per square meter. Thus, according to data, in the Nekrasovka-Park residential complex during 2014, the average price of 1 sq. m. meters increased by 3.6%, reaching 106,140 rubles. At the end of January 2015, the average cost per square meter here increased to 110,620 rubles.

Sales haven't started here yet

During the second half of 2014, the average price per square meter in the Nekrasovka residential complex under construction decreased by 2.4%, amounting to 105,500 rubles at the end of the year. The reason for the decline was a change in the characteristics of the exposure: an increase in the number of two-room apartments with a lower average price per square meter. At the beginning of 2015, the figure increased to 107,000 rubles, which is associated with an increase in the construction readiness of the facility.

Since all objects are in the same conditions in terms of transport accessibility, and are also similar in concept, the price indicators are also at a comparable level. Buyers are attracted by a small budget by Moscow standards, the presence of the projects’ own infrastructure, including social (schools, kindergartens, clinics), as well as the prospects for the development of the area, including in terms of transport accessibility.

Construction is in full swing

The most attractive offer in the Nekrasovka residential complex today are apartments with finished finishing and a certificate of ownership from the state developer KP UGS. The minimum purchase budget here is from 4.1 million rubles, however, according to the new rules, housing built with budget money is sold through an electronic auction system. Read about how it works in our next materials.

Square meter— from 83 to 115 thousand rubles.

Residential building on the street. Maresyeva, 3

st. Maresyeva, 3

Panel P-44T series, number of floors 17, finished, ceilings 2.7 m, commissioned.

1-room from 4.3 to 4.4 million rubles.

2-room apartments from 5.3 to 6.3 million,

3-room apartments from 7.1 to 7.3 million,

5-room apartments from 9.7 to 10.4 million.

Square meter - from 88 to 115 thousand rubles.

Comfort level of the Nekrasovka district 10.40 out of 20.00

Environmental characteristics
Visual environment3 2.50
Green areas1
Absence of serious sources of anthropogenic pollution3
Connectivity of the city/region
Conditions for working within the city2 3.40
Ease of movement within the city/region3
Accessibility of Moscow by public transport4
Accessibility of Moscow by personal transport4
Communication with other localities4
Social infrastructure
Kindergartens3 1.50
Religious buildings0
Shopping and entertainment infrastructure2
Children's leisure centers2
Sports and fitness2
Cultural institutions0
Habitat quality
Accessibility for the disabled2 3.75
State of city utilities5
Development of the real estate market5
Risks and threats
Oversaturation of the real estate market-3 -0.75
Deteriorating transport situation0
Underdevelopment of social infrastructure0
Deterioration of the environmental situation0

Postal code: 68672
Type of settlement: village
Ukrainian name: Stara Nekrasivka

Staraya Nekrasovka is a village, the center of the village council. Located on the banks of the Danube, 7 km from the regional center and Izmail railway station. Households - 1262, population - 3620 people.

The village houses the central estate of the fruit and vegetable growing state farm named after. Kalinin, which is part of the Izmail Production and Agricultural Association of the Canning Industry. The farm has 3.3 thousand hectares of agricultural land, including 2.4 thousand hectares of arable land, 700 hectares of orchards and vineyards. For their labor successes, 77 leading production workers were awarded orders and medals of the USSR. The title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded to winegrower F.E. Selezneva, the Order of Lenin to winegrower L.A. Veselkin, and the Order of the October Revolution to milkmaid A.A. Simon.

The secondary school has 460 students and 35 teachers. There is a club with an auditorium for 220 seats, two libraries with a book fund of 21 thousand copies, a medical and midwifery station, kindergarten. Residents have four shops, a canteen, a service center, a post office, and a savings bank at their disposal.

There are 70 communists registered in the party organization, and 173 members of the Komsomol in two Komsomol organizations. The party organization was created in 1948, the Komsomol - in 1945. The village was founded in 1814 by the descendants of the Don Cossacks-Nekrasovites, Soviet authority installed in December 1918.

During the occupation of the region by the troops of bourgeois-landowner Romania, in the 20s, an underground revolutionary organization operated in the village. In 1924, the police arrested four of its members, but the underground continued to operate and its strength grew. On February 2, 1930, peasants under the leadership of the Bolsheviks took part in a mass political demonstration held in Izmail. After this, arrests were made again in the village. In 1932, a military tribunal sentenced four members of the communist underground to various prison terms for communist propaganda. Despite these measures, the police in 1940 stated that the village residents were “communist-minded.” Soviet power was restored in June 1940. On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War 157 village residents defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland; 142 of them received government awards. 42 people died in battle.

A memorial sign on the meridian, the section of which from the Danube River to the Arctic Ocean was measured by geometers from Russia, Sweden and Norway in 1816-1852. The village of Staraya Nekrasovka, Izmail district. Photo 1975

In the village there is an architectural monument - the bell tower of the Ivanovo Church, built in 1823. At the site of the southern end of the meridian arc, measured by the famous Russian scientist V. Ya. Struve together with geometers from Sweden and Norway in 1816-1852, a memorial sign was installed.

In the vicinity of Staraya Nekrasovka, remains of settlements from the Late Bronze Age (end of the 2nd millennium BC), the first centuries AD were discovered. e. with a mixed population, which included Slavs of the Chernyakhov culture.

"History of cities and villages of the Ukrainian SSR", Volume "Odessa Region", p. 462

In 1811-1812 From across the Danube, from the village of Sarikei, by the personal decree of Alexander I, about 100 families of Nekrasov Cossacks moved to Izmail. Constituting a special class of the city, they had a number of benefits and freedoms. Among them, the freedom to perform rituals according to the canons of the Old Believer Church stood out. Taking advantage of this, the Nekrasovites secured the right to form a monastery eight miles south of Izmail.

Old Nekrasovka

Already in 1812, Nekrasovsky farms appeared, and nearby was the Old Believer monastery of St. Nicholas. Remaining formally the burghers of Izmail, 62 families moved to the farms. The monastery was founded by monks of the famous center of “ancient piety” - the Serkovsky Monastery (Northern Bessarabia). It is known that the first abbot of the Danube monastery was Abbot Euthymius, who received permission with the help of the Commander-in-Chief of the Danube Army, Governor-General of Moldova and Wallachia P.V. Chichagov.

By 1818, on Nekrasovskaya Balka (in documents of 1810-20 the synonymous name is Monastyrskaya, subsequently - the village of St. Nekrasovka) was erected and consecrated Old Believer Church in the name of St. Nicholas. It was a two-story temple (the first floor is stone on three sides, and the fourth wall and second floor are wooden). The monastery had six cells in which they lived

22 monks and 14 novices. The abbot was Fr. Marcian. The monastery owned 240 acres of arable land.

The Nekrasovsky Monastery maintained connections with the monasteries of Serkov, Manuilovka, Slava (Slava Rusa), Belaya Krinitsa, as evidenced by a number of identified documents. In 1821, “hieromonk Gennady, monks Photius, Theodorit, Makiyan, Nifant, Mamant, Aretaul, Vlasiy, Serpion and novices Yakov, Athanasius, Luka Dyakov, Theodore, Makar from Manuilovki, "sexacon" Nikolai Albersky from Galati and two "Austrian subjects" monks - Ason and Saphronius.

When the authorities carried out an inspection in 1828, it turned out that out of 21 monks, only 13 were available. The rest were in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kurenevka, beyond the Danube. Fearing such “subversive” activities, the monastery was closed in May 1829: “the Old Believer monastery, located on the Danube, 8 versts from the city of Tuchkov, was abolished by the Highest command, on the occasion of the suspicion that the monks who were there brought upon themselves in relations with the Turks and harboring fugitives from across the Danube and so on."

After the monastery was closed, the residents of Nekrasovka asked to give them church property (icons, books, utensils) and offered to buy a temple for their needs. However, while this request was received, the monastery church was sold at public auction. They were not allowed to do this, because “the purchase of the church remaining from the abolished Izmail Old Believer Monastery and its transfer to the mentioned settlement contains permission to establish an Old Believer Prayer House in that settlement.”

Then the Nekrasovites, with the help of S.A. Tuchkov, received permission from M.S. Vorontsov to transport the church at public expense from across the Danube, from the village. Sarykey. This was accomplished by new settlers from across the Danube, who moved to the left bank in 1830. However, this church was allowed to be established in Izmail. As a result of new settlers, the Nekrasovka community grew (since the 1830s, the clarification “Old” appeared). Another 30 families moved here. The remaining 200 families found refuge in Kugurlui (Novaya Nekrasovka), Muravlyovka, Kiliya, Zhebriyany and Tuchkovo (Izmail).

The Old Believers of Old and New Nekrasovka continued to push for the construction of churches in their area. This is discussed, for example, in the 1837 petition of the Izmail burghers of the Old and Novo Nekrasov estate, attorneys Panfil Nesterov and Osip Goncharov, for permission to unhindered the performance of divine services according to the rules of the Old Believer sect to have their own priests. Their trustees in 1828 during the Turkish campaign in Babadag region were personally presented before the Sovereign Emperor... they were allowed a wooden and then a stone church, (they were) allowed to have priests and clergy according to the rules of the Moscow Rogozhskoe cemetery, regardless of the Orthodox Diocesan Authorities."
In 1838, when the number of settlers in Izmail increased and one church could not accommodate all the parishioners, the Old Believers of Staraya Nekrasovka won the right to build a church in honor of the Holy Apostle Evangelist John the Theologian. It had 5 bells with a total weight of no more than 30 pounds. The bell tower was built only in 1860, when the village, along with Southern Bessarabia, again became part of Turkey. In Russia, Old Believers were not allowed to build bell towers, and they were especially prohibited from preaching church gospel.

This one is one of the oldest Old Believer churches existed in the Danube region for more than 100 years. It has been updated and repaired several times. In 1931, the residents of Staraya Nekrasovka decided to expand the temple. In order not to interrupt services, the foundation and walls of the new church were built along the outer perimeter of the old ones, retreating to some distance. And when the new walls and ceiling were completed, the old ones were taken out. The bell tower remained the same, and it was completed in 1997-1998. At the same time, a winter cell and cells were erected near the old temple.

Today, in addition to the Old Believers (1.5 thousand), representatives of other faiths also live in the village (the total population of the village is slightly less than 2 thousand inhabitants).

New Nekrasovka

The village was founded by Nekrasov settlers from across the Danube in 1830-1831 under the name Kugurluy. Having the status of the “Novo-Nekrasov society” (about 200 families), the Old Believers enjoyed significant benefits and benefits. In 1832-1833 Old Believers from the town of Shura-Kotsievskaya, Podolsk province, appear in the village (due to oppression in land plots, the establishment of unbearable taxes and duties, which they had to endure from Count Pototsky and other landowners). Old-timers of the village still remember the division of the village into two groups: “Nekrasovtsy” and “Polish people”.

The Nekrasovtsy were the first settlers of the village who enjoyed the rights and privileges granted to the Izmail Old Believers by the imperial decree of 1811. In particular, they all had plots of land. The Polish are immigrants from Shura-Kotsievskaya who did not have time to divide the land, so they were forced to rent land from the Nekrasovites or go to work for them.

In the 60s XIX century The Church of the Entry into the Temple was built Holy Mother of God, and in 1867 the altar was consecrated under Archbishop Arkady of Vaslui. In 1898, as a result of renovations, the church was unauthorizedly enlarged. The bell tower was built in 1920 and installed in 1995 new foundation and concrete walls. Near the village in 1863-1946. The Arkhangelsk Monastery was located.

In the small Bessarabian village of Staraya Nekrasovka, a unique monument has been preserved, marking the development of geodesy and practical astronomy in the first half of the 19th century. On a two-meter square column, the top of which is decorated with a double-headed eagle, is inscribed: “The southern limit of the arc of the meridian 25°20 from the Danube River to the Arctic Ocean through Russia, Sweden and Norway. By order of the August Monarchs Emperors Alexander I, Nicholas I and King Oscar I. Constantly Working from 1816 to 1852, the Geometers of the Three Nations measured Latitude 45°20"28""

This is one of the few surviving signs that marked the so-called “Struve Arc”. Among the local population, this sign is called the “Monument to Meridian”.

“Struve Arc” (“Russian-Scandinavian Arc”) is a chain of old triangulation points stretching for 2820 km across ten European countries and representing a unique monument of science and technology.

"Arc" oriented north to south and the next one approximately along the 25-degree meridian of eastern longitude, originating from the “Point Fuglenes”, lying on the coast of the Barents Sea near the Norwegian city of Hammerfest (70° north latitude), then follows to the south - through eight more countries of the North and of Eastern Europe(passes slightly east of Helsinki, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius and significantly west of Minsk and Kyiv, then near Chisinau) and ends near the Black Sea coast in the extreme southwest of Ukraine in the Izmail region - “Point Staro-Nekrasovka” (45° north latitude ).

These geodetic observation points were established in the period 1816-1855. The work was carried out under the leadership of the most famous Russian astronomer and geodesist of those times - Friedrich Georg Wilhelm (Vasily Yakovlevich) Struve, 1793-1864, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, founder and first director of the Pulkovo Observatory. Chr. was directly involved in field research. Gunsten, N.H. Seelander and Karl Tenner, 1783-1859, military surveyor, colonel, and later lieutenant general. Tenner was accompanied by a group consisting of assistants, guides and soldiers.

Thus, Struve made the first reliable measurement of a large segment of the earth's meridian arc. This allowed him to accurately determine the size and shape of our planet, which was an important step in the development of earth sciences and greatly advanced the entire field of topographic mapping. Based on the results of his research and upon completion of all calculations, Struve wrote a large work - “The arc of the meridian at 25°20" between the Danube and the Arctic Sea, measured from 1816 to 1855.”

The accuracy of those calculations turned out to be simply amazing - a modern satellite “check” of the technology used by Struve more than 150 years ago gave an insignificant discrepancy. However, at that time it was not only the most accurate, but also the most ambitious degree measurement of the Earth: after all, a huge segment was covered in latitude - about 25 degrees (or 1/14 of the Earth's circumference). The results of those measurements had been used for a whole century (before the advent of satellite methods in geodesy in the middle of the 20th century) in calculating the parameters of the Earth's ellipsoid.

In 2005, the Struve Arc was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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