The stem of a tomato is drying up, what should I do? Secrets of healthy tomato seedlings and ways to avoid “tomato diseases. Pests and description of how to combat them

​: the top is curved downward + its base begins to turn yellow + the main veins of these leaves are brown + easily break when bent + brown spots on the fruits.​

​: Not very common. With a lack of molybdenum, the first and second pairs of true tomato leaves turn yellow and curl upward with their edges: chlorosis spreads between the veins to the entire leaf blade.​

​: Characterized by irregular chlorotic mottling, which quickly develops into necrotic spots of varying sizes. First, scattered spots of gray-brown and bronze color appear on the leaves of the lower and middle tiers, and then on all leaves of the plant. Leaf blades usually become small and narrow.​
​Purple color of leaves and stems.​

​Most likely a lack of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and magnesium​

​Aphids can attack tomato plants as in open ground, and in greenhouses. Control measures. There is a wide arsenal of remedies against this pest. A stream of water directed at the area where aphids accumulate and rubbing the leaves with ash helps a lot. Use a decoction of yarrow, chamomile or tobacco, the biological product "Verticillin" or chemicals.​

If you have diagnosed that a tomato is infected with bacterial cancer, then you need to get rid of it. At the same time, you should check the bushes adjacent to it. For prevention, all other tomatoes should be sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride (40 g per 1 liter of water).​

Cracks and sores form on the stem and petioles;

​In this case, the tomato plants stop growing due to the weak supply of phosphorus from the soil.​ Leaves lying on the ground, sick, yellow, are removed regularly. And also leaves or shoots that form on the brushes, the so-called growths.​

Iron deficiency is also called chlorosis. It is found in alkaline soils, in soils where too much lime has swelled.​ ​Deficiency symptoms​

​Newly developing leaves start out green but become mottled as they grow. Areas of chlorotic tissue subsequently swell, the edges of the leaves curl inward; Necrosis develops along the edges and at the tops of the leaves. With a lack of zinc, the tomato produces abnormally small, chlorotic leaves, reminiscent of the small leaves of fruit trees. The tissue of such areas seems to collapse and then dies. Young leaves are abnormally small and mottled with yellow or uniformly chlorotic, slightly upright, and leaf margins may curl upward. In exceptional cases, the internodes of starved plants are short and the leaves are small and thick. Spots also appear on leaf stems and stems. A lack of zinc causes the death of tissue areas over the entire surface of the leaf, and not just at the top and along its edges. Often the lateral and sometimes the main veins undergo this process. Areas with dead tissue disintegrate much faster than with a lack of potassium.​

There are two critical periods: at the beginning of the development of the root system and during the formation of flowers and ovaries

​N Nitrogen​

​The most dangerous disease of tomatoes and potatoes, manifested in the form of brown spots, yellowing and drying of leaves. Over time, it spreads to the fruits, affecting the crop. The pathogen overwinters in the soil and on plant debris, and is spread by wind and water.​ ​Tomatoes require high level agricultural technology. Only with timely detection and prevention of pests and diseases will you be provided with a decent harvest.​

​When the stem is cut across, a brown ring is visible.​​This is observed when heating devices in rooms are turned off and when seedlings are hardened off on balconies and verandas in cold weather.​

To improve ventilation, lighting and reduce humidity, the lower leaves are removed three weeks after planting. However, in a week you cannot remove more than 2-3 leaves from tall varieties and 1-2 from low- and medium-sized varieties. The treatment is quite simple. By applying a solution of iron sulfate (no more than 1% concentration) to the leaves, such chlorosis disappears in just a few hours.​

​: In case of boron deficiency, young apical leaves first lose their normal color at their curved base. The top may remain green for some time. Typically, the affected tissues quickly disintegrate, and if the growth of the leaf continues further until it completely dies, the leaf becomes twisted or twisted. The upper leaves are an unhealthy light green color and curl from the top to the base. The main veins of the affected leaves become brown or black in color and break easily when the leaf is bent.​

​If the problem starts with the UPPER LEAVES (YOUNG and growing point):​

​Mg Magnesium​

​Also, there may be a lack of phosphorus in cold weather - it is not absorbed.​

​One of the main elements of education organic matter. Regulates the growth of vegetative mass, determines the level of yield. Control measures. The cause of late blight is high air humidity, so it is preferable for tomatoes. drip irrigation or at the root. Follow crop rotation and do not plant tomatoes next to potatoes. Use biological products for prevention

It also appears on green fruits when their tops turn brown or black. Blossom rot occurs as a result of a lack of calcium or due to a conflict between potassium and calcium, when one element blocks the access of the other to the plant. Control measures. When planting seedlings in a hole, add 1 tbsp. l. calcium nitrate and some wood ash. An alternative way is to spray green fruits with a solution of calcium nitrate. Lack of essential nutrients in the soil.

​Feeding with phosphorus fertilizers will not give positive results.​
​By the beginning of fruit ripening on the first cluster, but not earlier, all leaves before it must be removed. For getting good harvest it is enough for the plant to have 13-18 leaves, not counting those at the top.​

In tomatoes, this type of chlorosis is more common in the early seedling period, when round-the-clock illumination of seedlings is often recommended. If such illumination is not stopped, then without iron-containing fertilizers, chlorosis will happen sooner or later (approximately 1-2 weeks).​ ​With a lack of boron, the growing point of the tomato stem turns black, and new leaves begin to grow in the lower part, the petioles of young leaves become brittle. Brown spots of dead tissue form on the fruits. Excess boron can easily lead to toxicity.​

​The symptoms of this group are characteristic of a lack of calcium, boron, sulfur, iron, copper and manganese. These elements are not able to move from one part of the plant to another. Therefore, if there are no these elements in the soil, then young leaves do not receive them, as a result of which they get sick and die. - increases the intensity of photosynthesis and the formation of chlorophyll. Especially in demand for crops with high potassium removal.​

​In the future, if fertilizing with phosphate fertilizers is not carried out, the leaves along the main nerve curl outward downward, and the lobes of the leaves curl inward, the fruits ripen poorly, acquire a bronze color, and the roots become covered with a rusty coating. With further phosphorus starvation, the plants remain dwarf, young leaves are directed upward at a smaller (acute) angle relative to the stem.​ ​Brief​

​Pentafag”, “Mikosan”, and if infected - chemistry (“Infinito”, “Tattu”, “Ridomil Gold”, “Quadris”) and even Bordeaux mixture.​

​Small white flies, which hide on the underside of the leaves, are the most dangerous pest of tomatoes in protected soil conditions.​ ​You can determine which element the plant lacks by characteristic changes:​

​You just need to increase the temperature in the room, the seedlings will turn green again and begin to grow.​

​Tearing off leaves and pinching is carried out the day before watering, foliar feeding, so that the wounds have time to heal and are not a gateway for the penetration of diseases, especially gray rot.​ ​Cl Chlorine​

​When slight deficiency boron, tomatoes simply do not set fruit well. It is recommended to apply boron fertilizers during abundant flowering, 1-2 times per season. With a slight lack of boron, tomatoes simply do not set fruit well. With severe boron deficiency, which is rare in real life, the growing point dies.​ ​Ca Calcium​

​Magnesium is essential throughout the harvest period, although deficiency symptoms appear during periods of heavy fruit load when magnesium dosages are increased and consumption of this nutrient is very rapid.​

​K Potassium​​: the lower leaves turn yellow first + the veins are bluish-red + small leaves of the whole plant.​

​Dry brown spotting occurs when temperatures fluctuate in early and late summer. The disease overwinters on plant debris and is transmitted by seeds. Affects all aerial parts, starting from lower leaves. Harmful to green tomatoes; ripe fruits lose their marketable appearance.​ ​Control measures. To get rid of flies, open the greenhouse for ventilation or remove the film. You can also use yellow adhesive baits and the Boverin biological product.​

​phosphorus - the leaf blade becomes gray-green, and the veins become purple-red;​If everything is fine with the temperature, then the reason is unbalanced plant nutrition in terms of phosphorus.​

​According to my observations, this is the case.​

​Symptoms of deficiency​

​S Sera​

- stimulates plant growth and development of the root system. Enhances metabolism and activates enzymes.​​Briefly​

- tomatoes are used in small quantities and especially during the fruiting period of plants. The role of potassium is also important in the first stages of tomato development for the formation of stems and ovaries, active assimilation of carbon dioxide. Element of cell youth. Enhances the formation of sugars (carbohydrates) and their movement through tissues, increases resistance to disease, frost, and drought. Makes the plant stronger, stronger, improves the quality of the fruit. Increases the growth of the root system, reduces lodging of tops due to strengthening of the stem.​ ​Deficiency symptoms​

​Combat measures. Cover the plantings with agrofibre at night, use the preparations “Acrobat”, “Antrakol”, “Quadris”, “Consento”, “Revus”, “Thanos”, etc. All varieties of tomatoes are divided into 2 groups. In one, the fruits have a rich bright red color, but at the site of attachment of the stalk they form a green spot, in the other, a green spot does not form, but their color is much paler.​

​boron - young leaves curl, and the middle ones become yellow with purple veins;

In this case, the seedlings need to be fed with water-soluble fertilizers containing phosphorus (superphosphates, nitrophoska, ammophosphoska).

​And one more thing: Everything is in order if the top has curled leaves in the morning, and in the afternoon they straighten out, the flowers are bright yellow, 2 flowers bloom at once in a cluster, the fruits at the base of the cluster are larger, the clusters are located at an obtuse angle to the stem.​ ​: These leaves have an irregular shape with pronounced intervenous chlorosis. Plants require relatively high concentrations of chloride in their tissues. Chloride is very abundant in soil, reaching highest concentrations in salt marshes, but may be deficient in leached soils.​

​is a building stone for proteins. Participates in the metabolism and transport of substances, in general processes ionic balance in plant cells. It is part of proteins, being one of the starting products for the biosynthesis of amino acids.​ ​In brief​

​: starting from the lower leaves, the veins and next to them are green, and between them there is chlorosis + the tips of the leaves bend inward.​ ​Deficiency symptoms​

​: the plant becomes yellow-green, without energy. The roots are thin and weak.​

​Combat measures. Although the green spot is not a pathogen, modern breeding has succeeded in creating varieties of bright red tomatoes without it.​ ​sulfur - only young leaves also bend, on which necrotic spots then appear;

If a plant is not happy with something in your care, it signals this with the help of its leaves. They may change color or curl up or down into a tube. Knowing what each of the symptoms means, you can very quickly and easily help the plant return to normal and grow further. If this is not done in time, it may die or later produce a poor harvest.​ ​PEROOO​

​The most common signs of deficiency are chlorosis and wilting of young leaves. Chlorosis forms on the intervenous parts of leaf blades. With a more severe deficiency, the surfaces of mature leaves acquire a bronze color. Generally crops are chlorine tolerant, but some species such as avocados, stone fruits and grapes are sensitive to chlorine and show toxicity even with low chlorine levels in the soil.​ ​In Brief​

​: starts from the end of young leaves, like scorching, and old ones increase in size + apical rot.​

​Symptoms of deficiency​

​: curly young leaves + marginal burn on old ones.​ If there is a lack of nitrogen in a tomato, the leaves are small, green-yellowish in color, and the veins on the underside of the leaf have a bluish-red tint. The stems may be the same color, the fruits are small and woody. The critical period is the time of fruit formation. A lack of nitrogen during this period can lead to the formation of small fruits. If you decide to grow seedlings for sale, then a lack of nitrogen can lead to the loss of all profits - plants with yellow lower leaves will not be sold.​

​Source​ Fungal disease of seedlings and young plants. The infection enters through the roots and it seems that the tomatoes do not have enough water. The plant withers, the lower part of the leaves turns yellow, and the stem turns black and cracks. Control measures. For prevention, observe crop rotation; the disease can be treated with the biological product “Trichodermin” and the chemical drug “Previkur”.​

​copper - not only the ends of the leaves, but also the petioles go down, and subsequently necrosis and chlorosis begin on them.

​In this article, we will look at the main reasons why tomato leaves curl down and dry out, and we will also find out what should be done.​

​They are cold!​

​The maximum chlorine content in greenhouse soil for tomatoes is 0.02% on air-dry soil​

​: tissues do not die, but leaves turn yellow, bluish-red veins (like nitrogen), but starts with the upper leaves + thin stems.​ ​Deficiency symptoms​

​: yellow chlorosis between the veins of old leaves, sometimes accompanied by necrosis. Typically the leaf margins remain green until the deficiency becomes more severe.​

Chlorosis of the tips and borders of leaves with the appearance of necrosis. Old leaves dry out and crumble. Uneven fruit ripening is characteristic of potassium deficiency. During potassium starvation, ammonia nitrogen accumulates in the leaves (starting from the lower ones), which can lead to tissue dehydration, leaf wilting (even when growing tomatoes hydroponically) or even their death. With a slow outflow of carbohydrates, starch accumulates in the lower leaves, which is easily detected during analysis. The leaves first become dark green in color, then yellowish-brown spots appear along the edges of the leaves, which can form a continuous edge of dead tissue. The dots extend to the middle of the sheet, giving it a bronze tint. The dying edges of the leaves curl up. The growth of branches (stems) stops and they become woody. The plants begin to dry out.​

​Excess nitrogen is just as harmful as too little. With an excess of nitrogen in the soil, tomatoes develop a powerful vegetative mass - the leaves and stems grow greatly, the plants become “lazy”, which leads to a decrease in fruit formation and a delay in fruit ripening and a decrease in plant resistance to disease. If you do not get rid of excess nitrogen by vigorously washing the soil with water, then dark yellow dying spots appear on the leaves between the nerves, the leaves curl, although the branching of the stems increases. When growing tomatoes on their plot, almost all gardeners encounter various deviations in their growth. The first difficulty is how to determine what’s wrong with a tomato? Where to look?​

A fungal disease that affects greenhouse tomatoes. Occurs in cold rainy weather. Affects leaves, stems, inflorescences and fruits. Appears in the form of dark spots with a gray coating. Control measures. Gray rot affects tomatoes in cool and damp greenhouses. Tear off 2-3 bottom leaves on plants to increase air circulation in the lower tier. Usually, the symptoms of the disease disappear when the weather improves.​ ​An excess of boron and zinc in the soil. Too many of these elements are accompanied by the following symptoms:​

​Gardeners are very sensitive to growing seedlings, so even a slight deviation from the norm in their condition causes them concern. Their fears are not always confirmed. For example: if the leaves of a tomato seedling curl downwards and at the same time resemble the shape of a chicken foot, then this is not a sign of a disease. This change occurs because the vein grows faster than the leaf plate itself, and therefore curls. Also, the curling of the ends of the leaves may be a species feature of the variety, which is more visible in young plants than in adults.​ ​Tomatoes have red blood.​

​Mn Manganese​

​Symptoms of deficiency​

​: Young leaves are deformed at the ends. The leaf surface dries out starting from the tips and borders (blackening of the fruit shows a characteristic disorder called “tip rot”).

Sandy and sandy loam sod-podzolic soils are poor in magnesium. With a lack of magnesium, a characteristic form of chlorosis is observed - at the edges of the leaf and between the veins, the green color changes to yellow, red, and purple. Spots of different colors subsequently appear between the veins due to tissue death. At the same time, large veins and adjacent areas of the leaf remain green. The leaf tips and edges curl, causing the leaves to become domed, the edges of the leaves to wrinkle and gradually die. Signs of deficiency appear and spread from the lower leaves to the upper ones.

Spots appear on the fruits and they ripen unevenly

​P Phosphorus-​

The answer is simple - look at the leaves, or rather, first find out in which part the problem is - at the top of the bush (young leaves) or at the bottom of the bush (old leaves).

​Tomatoes can be severely damaged due to overnight spring frosts. Control measures. In northern Ukraine, tomatoes are planted in open ground no earlier than May 20. Earlier plantings should be protected with film or agrofibre. Before planting, seedlings must be hardened off and watered with warm water in the evening before frost.​

Tomatoes are one of the common crops that gardeners grow on windowsills using seedlings. Strong and healthy seedlings are always pleasing to the eye. But things don't always happen this way. It happens that due to errors in care, seedlings get sick and may even die - which is especially offensive. Due to the young age of plants, diseases spread at a catastrophic rate.

The main factor here is time. The sooner you start treatment, the greater the chances of success. It’s even better to take preventative measures in a timely manner to prevent seedlings from becoming infected.

Diseases that affect tomato seedlings can be divided into: fungal, viral, bacterial and non-infectious diseases.

  1. The fungus is activated in conditions of high humidity and low temperatures.
  2. Viral diseases can arise due to low quality seeds, poor soil, through transmission through pests, as a result of weakened immunity due to improper care.
  3. Bacterial diseases are caused by approximately the same reasons.
  4. Non-infectious diseases arise due to the unbalanced composition of the soil; they can be caused by either a deficiency or an excess of individual microelements.

Fungal diseases

Symptoms help identify the problem. Only by determining the cause can you know exactly how to act in a particular case. Let's take a closer look at fungal diseases:

It manifests itself by the appearance of dark spots on the leaves, which then dry out. The stems become striped and may dry out or rot. In case of such symptoms, diseased specimens are removed and destroyed, and the remaining seedlings are treated with the drug “Barrier” or “Barrier”, and after 2 weeks the treatment is repeated. After planting in the ground, the plants are sprayed a third time with an infusion of garlic with the addition of potassium permanganate crystals. The disease occurs due to waterlogging, drafts and excessively dense plantings.

Spores of this fungus can survive in the soil. In conditions of high temperature and humidity, the fungus begins to develop, leading to thinning of the stem and rapid death of seedlings. At the first signs, diseased plants should be removed and destroyed, sprinkling the soil in the place where the diseased seedlings grew with wood ash.

Symptoms of the disease begin to appear on the lower leaves, gradually moving to top part foliage. First, whitish spots appear, then the leaves turn brown, dry out and fall off. You can save seedlings by treating them with a solution of copper sulfate (1 glass per bucket of water). Sick specimens are removed from the box, after which the soil is spilled with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with wood ash.


They arise due to waterlogging of the soil at low temperatures. The leaves change color and weeping spots form on them. Then the foliage withers and falls off. Diseases of this type are treated with a solution of copper oxychloride (40 g per bucket of water). Diseased leaves are removed from plants. Before planting in the ground, seedlings are treated with trichodermin.

A common disease caused by marsupial fungus. It is manifested by the appearance of white fluffy spots on the foliage. You can prevent its occurrence by treating the seeds in advance. At the first signs of the disease, spraying with Quadris or Topaz is required.

Viral diseases

Common viral diseases are: mosaic, aspermia, streak. The viruses that cause them are transmitted through low-quality seed material, which is why it is so important to buy seeds only in industrial packaging from reliable, trusted manufacturers. The disease can be recognized by the following symptoms:

Caused by a rod-shaped virus, it most often appears at the stage of planting seedlings in the ground. The color of the leaves changes, forming a characteristic mosaic of darker and lighter areas. At a later stage, the leaves curl and fall off. The affected bushes are destroyed, and the remaining ones are treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or a 5% urea solution.

Aspermia (spermlessness)

Causes leaf shredding and delayed bush development. Diseased plants subsequently produce small, deformed fruits that do not contain seeds. There is no treatment. Unhealthy plants are destroyed.

The causative agent is the tobacco mosaic virus. It manifests itself by the appearance of brown streaks that degenerate into ulcers. In diseased plants, the crown will fall off over time. There is no cure. It is recommended to destroy infected tomatoes.

Bacterial diseases

They are provoked by various bacteria and are aggravated by improper conditions for growing seedlings. Here are the most common of them:

Symptoms are the appearance of yellow-gray spots on the surface of the leaves, which gradually merge with each other; an olive coating forms on the underside of the leaf blades, turning red over time. The leaves begin to dry out and die. Affected seedlings are removed, and the remaining seedlings are treated with copper-containing preparations. The soil should be watered with Bordeaux mixture.

Infection occurs through the soil, or is caused by high humidity. It manifests itself in the formation of small black spots on the leaves and stems of tomatoes; over time, the entire plant is affected and its death occurs. Sick seedlings must be removed from the seedling box as soon as possible. The remaining seedlings are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux mixture at a 1% concentration.

A symptom of the disease is the appearance on the leaves of translucent brown spots with an oily surface. As the disease progresses, it causes leaves to curl and fall off. Spraying with a solution of copper sulfate or Fitolavin-300 helps against the disease.

Bacterial wilt

A dangerous disease that quickly leads to withering of plants; in severe forms, brown longitudinal stripes will be noticeable on the stems. The leaves turn yellow and growth almost completely stops. Diseased bushes are destroyed, the remaining seedlings are treated with Fitolavin-300.

Bacterial cancer

A dangerous disease that causes the death of seedlings. Plant vessels are damaged, resulting in the formation of ulcers in different parts of the stems and leaves. The plant inevitably dies. With this disease, it is necessary to completely replace the soil. Pre-sowing treatment of seeds with formaldehyde will help to avoid bacterial cancer.

They are manifested by symptoms indicating a deficiency or excess of any mineral element.

    • With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn pale. It is treated by adding a urea solution.
    • Phosphorus deficiency is indicated by the appearance of purple spots on the leaves. Brown inclusions form on the underside of the leaf blades. It is necessary to add double superphosphate or ammonium sulfate.
    • The lack of copper is determined by the lightening of the leaf plate and prominent dark veins. The leaves also begin to curl. With such signs, you need to add copper sulfate or copper sulfate to the soil.
    • Iron deficiency is manifested by discoloration of leaves and the appearance of dead areas on them. Treated by adding iron sulfate.
    • Potassium deficiency is manifested by the appearance of an ashen tint on old leaves, while young leaves become wrinkled. It is necessary to fertilize the ground with ash.
    • Lack of calcium causes yellowing and falling of the lower leaves. The element can be replenished by adding calcium nitrate.
    • The fact that tomatoes lack sulfur can be seen by the appearance of a pink tint on the underside of the leaves. The addition of magnesium sulfate will help solve the problem.

If there is an excess amount of fertilizer in the soil, the salt balance will be disrupted. As a result, the roots stop absorbing nutrients from the soil, and on the contrary, there is an outflow of useful elements from the above-ground parts of the plants, which can even lead to the death of seedlings.

Signs of excess fertilizer may be curling of leaves, lengthening of internodes, change in leaf color towards lightening, yellowing or spotting.

How to spray and treat tomato seedlings for prevention

Attention should be paid to preventive measures throughout the growing season of tomatoes, right up to the fruiting stage. Plants should also be inspected regularly so that immediate action can be taken if something happens. Prevention of diseases is carried out at the stage when they are not just soaked, but pickled with potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of formaldehyde, where it is enough to hold the seeds for 20-30 minutes.

It is also worth paying attention to the preparation of planting soil. To rid the soil of pathogenic bacteria and fungal spores, it can be calcined in the oven or microwave oven. If this seems too troublesome to you, at least scald the soil with boiling water and spill it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

On a note! Purchased soil does not need such treatment; it is disinfected in production. But this only applies to time-tested, large suppliers.

At the stage of growing seedlings, preventive spraying can be carried out with solutions of industrial preparations, using: Fitosporin, Baksis, Zaslon, Barrier, Ecosil. A week after planting, the plant is sprayed again with a solution of one of the preparations. Subsequent treatments are carried out before and after mass flowering of tomatoes, and then during the period of fruit formation.

In order for seedlings to grow healthy and strong, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Select the right seeds, carry out their pre-sowing treatment and observe the recommended timing of sowing seeds.
  • Select soil with a balanced nutrient composition and disinfect it.
  • When sowing, follow the planting pattern to avoid excessive density of seedlings, which often leads to disease.
  • Observe the lighting, watering and temperature conditions necessary for tomatoes.
  • Make a pick in a timely manner. At the same time, discard diseased and weak plants.
  • Harden off seedlings before planting in open ground.

If you followed these rules, the seedlings will take root well in the future and quickly adapt to the new location.

How to save diseased tomato seedlings: video

What causes tomato seedlings: video

You now know about the main diseases of tomato seedlings. To avoid encountering them in practice, follow the rules of agricultural technology and carry out preventive treatments. After all, it has long been known that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cope with it later.

Most summer residents and simply tomato lovers are faced with the problem of spots appearing on tomato leaves. This symptom is evidence that the plant has a disease such as brown spot. However, by taking timely measures, you can not only get rid of cladosporiosis (the second name of the disease), but also prevent its occurrence.

General information

Conditions of high humidity and temperature in greenhouse conditions are concomitant for the development of the disease. Typically stains appear on the back of the bottom sheets. When they appear, they are gray in color, which gradually turns brown. The spots are velvety to the touch, and their shape is unclear.

After some time, spots appear on the other side of the organs. At first they are not too noticeable, as they are light green in color. But over time, the spots become brown with a yellowish tint, after which they may even become lighter. Their shape is usually incomprehensible. The spots are not too large: the maximum size is usually 0.01 meters. Starting from the lower leaves, cladosporiosis gradually spreads throughout the plant. This is facilitated by the spread of pathogenic spores during watering.

Video “Tomato diseases”

From the video you will learn about the most common diseases of tomatoes.

Determining the cause

It is quite simple to determine the appearance of brown spot on your site. The main symptom is the appearance of typical spots on tomato leaves. The disease occurs due to the establishment of high humidity and temperature in the greenhouse. The spread of the disease occurs quickly.

Ways to fight

Brown spots appear on tomatoes and what to do about them? There are several main ways to combat tomato cladosporiosis. It is worth fighting the disease of plants cultivated in a greenhouse immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. The drug “HOM”, which can be easily purchased at specialized points of sale, will help defeat the disease. In addition, an important condition is the creation of the most favorable conditions for crops in the greenhouse: the correct level of humidity and temperature indicators. For example, with a humidity level of 70% or less, brown spotting on tomato leaves does not develop.

A spot on the organs of a crop can also appear as a result of a plant being infected with a viral mosaic. This disease can only be defeated by destroying the affected individuals and treating the seeds with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate before planting.

Often, spots on the leaves are a sign of a deficiency of certain elements beneficial to the plant. When red-blue veins appear on the organs, the culture must be fed with nitrogen.

On crops growing in a greenhouse, do the upper leaves change their color to yellow, and do the fruits show signs of rotting? This means that the plant signals the need to fertilize it with copper, calcium and iron.

White spots that appear on the leaves, fragility of the plant, and a “crooked” top are signs of boron deficiency.

Necrosis of leaves and bending of their tips inward are symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

Fertilizing plants with mixtures that contain a whole range of elements will help correct the situation in a greenhouse. The main thing is to promptly detect the presence of stains and eliminate the cause of the phenomenon. Only the right actions will help preserve the tomato harvest.

Spots can also appear as a result of infection of the crop with macrosporiosis. Signs of the disease appear not only on the leaves of the plant, but also on the cuttings, shoots and stems of the fruit. Even the fruits are affected. Over time, the spots increase in size.

Why does the disease manifest itself in a greenhouse? The cause of the phenomenon may be damage to the fruit of a mechanical nature. In this case it will help:

Treating individuals with chemicals - polycarbacin or Bordeaux mixture - will also help. This procedure should be carried out several weeks before planting seedlings in the soil. You should not buy the chemical in advance, as it may lose some properties. It's better to use fresh. Macrosporiosis can affect plants at any age.

Consequences of the disease

Plants whose leaves develop spots in the greenhouse gradually dry out and eventually die. The disease develops in conditions of high humidity (more than 90%) and a temperature of at least 22°. The consequences of the disease appear a month after the first signs appear. During this period, plants stop growing, the formation of ovaries on them stops, as does the appearance of fruits.

Sick vegetables may drop or ripen prematurely. The weight of tomatoes formed on an unhealthy individual is significantly less than the fruit of a healthy plant.

Damage to fruits during their ripening period is especially dangerous.

When infected, fruit seeds lose their characteristic shine and change color to dark. In this case, the germination of such seed material is out of the question. If, under conditions of high humidity, a black coating appears on the seeds, this is the first sign of candidal sporulation of the fungus.

Preventive measures

The following measures will help to avoid the appearance of spots on tomato leaves and infection of the plant with diseases:

So, the answer to the question of why spots appear on tomato plants is ambiguous. The causes of the phenomenon may be diseases of an infectious nature, which are a consequence of improper humidity and temperature in the greenhouse. Realize preventive measures is still at the stage of preparing seed material. It is also important right choice varieties for planting. If you do not defeat the disease at the beginning of its development, you can lose your entire vegetable harvest.

Video “How to deal with tomato diseases”

From the video you will learn how to effectively and safely combat tomato diseases.

Any garden owner who decides to start growing tomatoes sooner or later faces the problem of their disease. Leaves may become covered with black spots, curl, turn yellow, or even begin to dry out. There is a sufficient variety of diseases and pests that can short time destroy seedlings or every single tomato bush. It is worth learning about this more closely to preserve the future harvest.

Chloratic leaf curl of tomatoes

Appears as yellow or light green leaves chloratic type. The plant becomes stunted with a curly top. The manifestation of the disease is facilitated by the tobacco mosaic virus or tobacco necrosis. Spreads through contaminated soil.

Treatment requires removing diseased bushes and disinfecting the ground.

Gray mold is a dangerous disease destroying all tomato bushes at once. This is a fungal disease that occurs with the presence of brown, weeping spots. They are brown to gray in color, dry at first, then slippery.

Starting from the stem, the fungus can cover the entire plant overnight. The first places susceptible to the disease are places where the plant is wounded (leaf scraps or tied with supports).

The disease begins in cool weather and constant rain. If the seedlings are in a greenhouse, it occurs from poorly ventilated air and high humidity.

Treatment should begin immediately, but the weather should be sunny. Control method: remove diseased leaves so that the fungus does not go into the trunk of the plant. It is advisable to avoid watering at this time.

A preventive method would be spraying with an infusion of crushed garlic infused in water, in a ratio of 30 g per 10 liters. There may also be chemical methods Protection: Multi, Euparen, Bayleton.

A fungal disease that affects the leaves and stems of tomatoes is called septoria or white spot.

First, the leaves of the plant below, near the ground, wither and dry out. Then light-colored spots form on them, which over time become brown with a black dot in the middle. After which the leaf disappears.

For this purpose it assists presence of high humidity. Not transmitted by seeds.

Treatment will require remove infected leaves, even if it means cutting them all off. Also, in preventive methods, treat with copper oxychloride, Tsinab, Horus.

The main sign of the disease is the presence of a “black leg” in seedlings or plants. Happening due to poorly cultivated soil(not sterile, high humidity). The losses may not be large.

Root rot can be removed by replacing the soil in the greenhouse; for open ground, treating seedlings and soil with disinfectants.

For the best effect, when loosening, sprinkle the soil with coarse sand from the river.

The first signs of tomato stem necrosis are presence of cracks in the stem I, with the subsequent formation of aerial roots in them. Appears on an already formed bush with the first clusters of fruits.

A plant with such a disease dies completely. The root cause is contaminated seeds, as well as soil.

To protect other bushes, infected ones must be removed and burned. For soil treatment, the use of Fitolavin-300 is required.

The disease spreads sharply and overnight and can destroy many bushes at once. It appears as a void in the stem and the presence of liquid in it. Sectional color is brown.

Heal does not seem possible. It must be removed and burned immediately.

Treat the remaining, uninfected bushes, as well as other nearby plants, with a solution of Fitolovin 300 (0.6-1%). For each plant, no less than 200 ml of solution. It is impossible to cure infected bushes, but it will protect healthy plants.

Phoma or brown rot affects the tomato itself at any ripeness.

Characterized by the presence of a brown spot near the stalk. When cut open, all the flesh is rotten. Infected fruits fall off the stem on their own. Illness occurs due to the large amount of fresh manure in the ground.

It can be treated by treating with the plant Fundazol or Zaslon. Soil - copper sulfate.

Mosaic infection occurs mainly in old varieties of tomatoes; 2-3 year old varieties are less affected. Characterized by the presence of yellow or green spots in the shape of a mosaic. Then they curl and wrinkle. The bush dries out completely. You can rub up to 15% of the crop.

Since the main reason for the occurrence of mosaics is seed infection, which means they should be processed before planting.

Dead bushes are burned. Young ones are treated with milk (low-fat) in a ratio of 1:10 liters with the addition of 1 tsp. urea. Processing required 3 times a month.

Alternaria or macrosporiosis (brown or dry spotting)

This fungal disease is characterized by the presence large round spots located on the bottom sheets. Then they rise higher and move onto the fruits, in the form of a brown spot at the base. With high humidity and high temperatures, sporulation mushrooms begin to appear.

Preventive methods require spraying tomatoes with antifungal drugs. When the disease appears when the fruits are already ripe, treatment with biological products is required.

The most common and well-known is a disease called late blight. It affects bushes both in open ground and in greenhouses. A favorable environment for it will be a sharp change in temperature and high humidity.

Characterized by blackening of leaves with a faint white coating. The fruits have brown spots that grow quickly. Sick bushes should be destroyed immediately.

If you constantly take preventive measures, the disease will not harm the crop.

This will require spraying the bushes once a week with whey. The created acidic environment kills the fungus. Chemical preparations such as: Barrier, Fitosporin, Barrier are also suitable.

Brown olive spot (cladosporiosis)

Cladosparia is also a type of fungal disease. Mostly they get sick greenhouse types of tomatoes. Initially, the leaf of the bush suffers: it becomes covered with chlorotic yellow spots, merging into a large spot.

Fungal spores appear under the leaf, manifesting themselves velvety brown coating. The disease develops at the stage of tomato flowering and fruit appearance. The sooner it appears, the worse it is for tomato bushes. At high temperatures, infection occurs quickly.

Rarely does the fungus spread to fruit. If this happens, the fruit acquires a soft brown consistency. Watering cold water and temperature changes will provoke this disease.

Copper-containing drugs will help fight: Barrier, Barrier, Bordeaux mixture.


Blackleg is expressed in the form of fungal spores that penetrate the roots of the plant and the basal region. At the root base, the stem becomes black, weakens and dies less than a week after infection.

Affects mainly greenhouse bushes for which growing conditions are not met. If the soil is not changed, the greenhouse is poorly ventilated, and watered abundantly, then the tomato seedlings will become infected with this type of fungus.

You can fight black leg by loosening the soil, drying it, and treating it with potassium permanganate (5 g/10 l of water)

This disease is characterized as dark green watery spots. Then they become darker and cover the entire surface of the tomato. The infected part dries out and becomes flat, with the formation of folds.

Sometimes a disease can only be detected by cutting a tomato. Formed due to lack of watering and heat.

The main treatment is watering, especially during the period of fruit ripening. You also need to spray with a 1% calcium chloride solution.

The presence of a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer leads to the instability of the tomato plant to this disease.

Leads to cracking of fruits improper plant care. Occurs as a result of improper watering (first dry soil, then excess moisture).

Also, an excess of nitrogen or improper use of pollination leads to cracking of tomato fruits.

Yellow or green spot near the stalk

If the variety of tomato does not include the presence of a green color at the stalk, then this feature has been acquired due to high temperatures.

Due to the heat, the red color of the tomato (pigment) faded in the sun, which led to the formation of carotene. This is not a disease. This can only be avoided by creating shade for the plants.

Some gardeners are alarmed by the appearance of silvery spots on the leaves. This not a disease, it's a feature of the plant(anomaly).

The origin is determined by temperature fluctuations at night or during the day. Also when creating hybrids, during their poor processing.

Oedema is also not a tomato disease. Characterized by swelling of leaves due to improper watering. It is expressed in the form of raised spots due to its similarity to white mold. This anomaly happens due to a discrepancy between the soil and air temperatures.

Soil phytotoxicity

Soil phytotoxicity occurs due to incorrect use fertilizing and fertilizers, which should benefit tomatoes, but are harmful to the plant.

Manifestations vary: from changes in the color of leaves to their drying out.


The origin of leaf torsion or curling depends on the conditions created for the plant. Improper watering, contact with herbicides, incorrect use of the growth stimulator Tamaton.

If these violations occur, then when herbicides and growth stimulants enter leaves need to be removed. For waterlogged soil, loosening it is required.

If powdery mildew appears on tomatoes, then you can lose the entire crop in a short time. It manifests itself with a white coating - the trunk and leaves begin to turn white. In most cases, the disease causes harm to greenhouses. Suitable conditions: lack of moisture, low temperature.

For prevention, the following measures are used - tomatoes are treated with fungicides Strobi, Topaz, sodium humate as described.

Streak looks like wide dying stripes on the bushes of the plant. On fruits it appears in the form of spots of different shapes and sizes. If the disease progresses, the bush dies.

Before transplanting tomatoes into open ground, you need to spray them with boric acid.

A charged bush cannot be cured, but you can minimize the appearance of streaking. To do this, use healthy seeds and avoid fluctuations in air temperature.

The presence of such a disease can also destroy a large part of the crop. It is manifested by underdevelopment of the plant, the formation of black spots on the fruits. Arises due to contaminated seeds, so you need to treat them well before sowing. Before planting, you also need to disinfect the soil, due to the fact that this type bacteria live in it for up to several years.

All of the above types are the most common diseases of tomatoes and its seedlings.

Some types of diseases can simply scare the gardener, or can lead to the complete loss of all tomato bushes at once.

Dangerous for tomato seedlings at home:

  • White leaf spot
  • Brown leaf spot
  • Black bacterial spot


The most common:

  • Stem necrosis
  • Late blight
  • Alternaria or macrosporiosis
  • Chloratic leaf curl of tomatoes
  • Brown olive spot (cladosporiosis)
  • Blackleg
  • Oedema
  • Yellow or green spot near the stalk
  • Silver spots on tomato leaves

Why do tomatoes get sick?

  1. Incorrect feeding. Most of all, an excess of nutrients in the soil affects tomatoes. It is better to underfeed them than to overfeed them. Their leaves begin to spin. The trunk of the plant thickens, many shoots appear. All this gets in the way normal development fruits
  2. Poor living conditions. For normal height tomatoes require plenty of watering and good ventilation.
  3. Viral infections.
  4. Wind. Wind may carry improperly stored herbicides.

Signs of lack of basic nutrients

What element is missing? Signs of shortage
Nitrogen The leaves turn completely yellow, without streaks of a different color.
Phosphorus On initial stage the leaf turns blue, then turns brown and turns black.
Potassium The leaves have blackened edges. In fruits it is manifested by a low sugar content (becomes sour).
Gland The upper leaves turn yellow with green veins.
Bora Poor fruit set
Calcium The fruit has a gray or brown top
Magnesium The lower leaves turn yellow with red veins.
Manganese Symptoms are similar to mosaic disease, but appear on the upper leaves near the roots.

What causes leaves to turn yellow?

Often, lovers of growing tomatoes wonder about the availability yellow leaves in plants.

There are reasons for this trouble:

  1. Violation of the root system. Occurs due to lack of space for roots to grow. The roots of nearby bushes are intertwined and cannot breathe.
  2. Hypothermia. A sharp drop in temperature leads to a yellow or bluish tint of the entire bush.
  3. Root damage. Manifested by the presence of yellow lower leaves. It happens due to loosening the soil or replanting. The plant quickly returns to normal.
  4. Insufficient watering.
  5. Excessive air humidity.
  6. Lack of nutrients.
  7. Fusarium wilt. A fungal disease in which the root becomes infected first, then the stem. In advanced cases, moisture is not absorbed by the plant and wilting begins. The appearance of small, underdeveloped fruits.

Pests and description of how to combat them

Not only diseases can ruin the tomato harvest, but also all kinds of pests. They can cause damage both on the surface of the bushes and at the roots.

The most famous types of pests are:

The whitefly mainly lives in greenhouses. You can recognize it by the formation black plaque on leaves. It is formed due to the fact that the pest feeds on the sap of the plant, and the formation of a sticky film is their excess. The plant does not breathe and begins to die.

If you find a whitefly, you can simply touch the leaves and a swarm of insects will rise from them white. The main damage is caused by the larvae.

You can fight the pest using special adhesive tapes. Also wash the leaves with soapy water to remove sticky residue. An effective way to combat this is a water infusion of dandelion roots and leaves, as well as an infusion of garlic water.

Thrips clog the tops of plants and feed mainly on inflorescences, spoiling the fruit ovaries. They are detected quite easily due to the characteristic light colored spots. Causes irreparable harm.

It is quite difficult to get rid of the pest; they are difficult to treat with insecticides. You can destroy it if you spray it with “Fitoverm”, “Karate”, read the description in advance at home.

The cutworm has the appearance of a pest butterfly. The damage is caused by deposited larvae, the presence of which can be detected on back side leaves. If there are a large number of them, then Seedlings can be eaten whole.

For prevention, it is necessary to destroy weeds and pick off leaves on which cutworm larvae are found.

Aphids are small pests that live on plant leaves and sucking the juice out of it. If there is a large accumulation of aphids, the bush may die.

To remove aphids, insecticide treatment will be required.

The wireworm lives in the ground and spoils plant roots. When damaged, the tomato bush dries out.

To get rid of this pest, potato tubers are buried in the ground before planting tomatoes. After a couple of days, they are dug up and burned.

Mole cricket is the main threat to tomatoes in the ground.

Characterized by gluttony. Dangerous both adults and larvae. Lives in moist soils rich in humus.

For prevention, onions and spoiled food are buried in the ground. Because she cannot tolerate unpleasant odors. He is also afraid of loud sounds, so special noisemakers are installed. Chemical protection is also used: spray “Medvetox”, “Thunder”, “Grizzly” on the plant.

Colorado potato beetle and its larvae feed on leaves and stems of tomatoes. To combat it, manual collection is used (if the quantity is small). For large damage, spraying with the following preparations is carried out: “Commander”, “Iskra”.

The tomato is inherently an unpretentious plant. But its diseases and pests can discourage the desire to grow this wonderful vegetable. Nowadays, there are a sufficient number of various drugs to combat them to help grow a good harvest.

Tomato diseases develop gradually, so not every summer resident is able to recognize the appearance of pathology on its early stage. However, there are several symptoms characteristic of each disease, by which it is possible to identify a developing disease and begin its timely treatment. The main causative agents of various tomato pathologies are viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections. They can infect crops by being in the soil or spreading through watering. The disease can be diagnosed by looking at the photo, and their treatment will be selected correctly.

This pathology belongs to the viral group. A tomato bush can become infected with this disease through direct contact with aphids, the insects that carry mosaic, or when planted in soil where the remains of a previous diseased plant are located. The main symptoms appear on foliage or tomatoes:

  • the leaves begin to curl;
  • yellowish or brown spots and stripes appear on the surface of the leaf;
  • in advanced cases, the leaves dry out;
  • the trunk acquires a fragile structure;
  • the fruits are covered with round spots;
  • when cutting the fetus, you can see necrotic zones colored green.

Mostly, mosaic affects tomatoes of the indeterminate type, which were grown in seedlings. Infection occurs when seedlings are transplanted into the soil. Also, the virus can be on the surface of seeds used to form seedlings, so before using them, it is necessary to disinfect the planting material.

Unfortunately, no remedy has been developed to help eliminate such diseases of tomato seedlings and mature bushes. All affected bushes should be removed from the site as soon as possible, without planting the plant in the ground, since such a procedure will contribute to the activation of the disease in tomato seedlings in the next season. In order to prevent infection of a healthy bush with mosaic, it is necessary to carry out prevention by disinfecting seeds and soil, maintaining optimal humidity, light and heat.

Yellow curl

The spread of tomato yellow leaf curl virus occurs through its transmission by whiteflies. Main symptoms:

  • leaves take on a chlorotic appearance;
  • the development of the leaf plate does not occur even to average values;
  • leaves curl and turn yellow;
  • the plant becomes uneven in color;
  • Ripe tomatoes take on a non-marketable appearance.

This disease should not be treated, as it develops quickly and can spread to neighboring plants, therefore, the bush should be dug up and burned. When whiteflies spread near the site, control is necessary.


This disease is popularly called brown spot. The main feature of this tomato disease is its rapid development and spread. It is caused by a fungus that first settles on the foliage and then affects the tomatoes. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of concentric spots colored with yellow pigment on the leaves;
  • a brown fluffy coating forms on the spots;
  • gradually the tomatoes turn brown and begin to dry out;
  • leaves curl;
  • curled leaves dry out and fall off;
  • if the damage occurs during the flowering period, the flowers dry out and fall off.

Characteristic symptoms first appear on foliage located on the lower tiers, and then they spread throughout the entire plant.

Methods for treating cladosporiosis:

  1. 0.5 liters of milk and 15 drops of iodine are dissolved in 5 liters of water. The resulting liquid is carefully treated with the affected plant. Special attention should be given to the back of the leaves.
  2. In a similar way, you can spray the affected plant with a decoction made from wood ash and a whey solution.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate, 1 tablespoon of polycarbacin and 3 tablespoons of sulfur to a bucket of water. Everything is mixed and sprayed onto the affected bush. This solution can remove diseases of tomato seedlings and adult plant crops.
  4. Tomatoes can be treated against diseases using the drug Bravo, which is a broad-spectrum fungicide.

During the treatment of fungal diseases of tomatoes, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. To do this, water the soil in a radius near the tree trunk with the prepared solution.

Powdery mildew

Another tomato disease is powdery mildew. The spread of infection can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of strange formations on the leaves, external signs which are similar to flour dust;
  • such pollination gradually forms into ulcers;
  • the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

When the first signs of this disease appear in tomatoes, it is necessary to increase the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applied to the soil, as well as limit the amount of nitrogenous fertilizing. If such treatment of tomatoes against diseases does not bring a positive effect, the bushes need to be sprayed with a solution of soda or potassium permanganate, a decoction of wood ash, garlic infusion. The drug Topaz or Fundazol protects against advanced disease.

Apical rot

The symptoms of the development of these tomato diseases and their treatment do not depend on fungi and pathogenic microflora. Blossom rot is caused by failure to properly care for the plant. The cause of this pathology is unfavorable conditions environment characterized by a lack of moisture in the soil and high air temperatures. Another reason for the spread of blossom end rot is the lack of calcium in the soil and its salinity.

The formation of this disease is accompanied by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • brown spots appear on the top of the tomato;
  • rotting of the vegetable under darkened areas of the skin;
  • softening the affected area;
  • fruit falling.

If the spots on the tomatoes have acquired a black tint, it means that another fungal disease has joined the blossom end rot.

This pathology is combated by regular watering, which does not allow the soil to dry out. It is also necessary to compensate for the lack of calcium. To do this, calcium nitrate is added to the soil. Treatment with calcium solutions must also be carried out in relation to the bush itself.

To do this, you need to dissolve 10 grams of Brexil Ca in a bucket of water. The resulting liquid is sprayed onto the plant's leaves.

If the bush passively absorbs nutrients and also draws insufficient moisture from the soil, it must be watered with solutions of Megafol or Sweet. They activate the described functions and also facilitate the process of transporting the received energy for the active ripening of fruits.

Gray rot

A characteristic feature of this disease is the appearance of a gray putrid coating on the trunk. Gradually, the ability to conduct moisture and nutrients is blocked in the stem. As a result of this, the vegetative organs of the plant dry out and die. In advanced cases, gray rot of fruits develops.

Treatment methods for this disease consist of treating the affected bushes according to the following instructions:

  1. All damaged areas of the trunk are removed.
  2. Leaves are also inspected for rot. If they are damaged, the leaves must also be removed.
  3. The diseased bush is treated with fungicides.

In order to prevent and protect tomatoes from diseases characterized by the spread of rot, the bushes should be treated with Glyocladin.

White rot

You can protect tomatoes from the spread of white rot by knowing its characteristic features:

  • at first white coating spreads along the lower tier of leaves;
  • if left untreated, watery rot forms on the leaves, destroying the leaf structure;
  • the disease begins to destroy the bush in the direction from bottom to top;
  • As a result, all the fruits growing on the bush are covered with a white coating.

Treating tomatoes against diseases associated with the spread of white rot should only be done at an early stage of development. This is done by spraying the bush with a solution of copper sulfate, urea, and zinc.

Brown rot

The disease develops when the fungus gets under the tomato skin through its various damages. The main symptom is the formation of a 4-centimeter putrefactive lesion on the tomatoes around the perimeter of the stalk. It is worth considering that rot under the skin almost completely affects the fruit.

To treat the disease and prevent it, many summer residents advise treating bushes with Bordeaux mixture. Copper chloride can also be used for these purposes.

Root rot

Another name for this disease is rhizoctoniosis. This pathology is mainly detected when growing seedlings, but adult plants can also become infected due to improper watering regime.

Description of characteristic symptoms:

  • the roots of the plant crop first turn black and then begin to rot;
  • rot spreads to cuttings;
  • then, first the leaves wither and then dry;
  • Many brown spots appear on the leaves.

This tomato disease should be treated with Rossa or Pseudobacterin-2. During the treatment period, the plant crop should be watered rarely, but abundantly. In advanced cases, treatment should be done with 0.25% Ridomil Gold.

Late blight

Activation of this tomato disease occurs when the late blight fungus gets on the bush. Most often, this disease spreads in the summer-autumn season, accompanied by heavy rains. Also, the development of this disease can be caused by the rain irrigation method, in which excess moisture accumulates in the leaf sinuses.

This disease can be identified by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • the formation of brown spots on tomatoes;
  • the appearance of brown drying areas on the trunk;
  • darkening of some areas of the leaves.

What should I spray on affected plants? There are several different remedies that will help cope not only with early stage late blight, but also eliminate advanced diseases. For processing initial stage development of the disease, it is necessary to use Fitosporin or Zaslon. To treat advanced forms of late blight, affected plants need to be treated:

  • Famoxadone;
  • Mefenoxam;
  • Mancozeb.

After using the listed drugs, you should not eat tomatoes collected within 3 weeks after treatment.

Stem necrosis

Stem necrosis is a viral disease that affects the formed bush during the formation of ovaries. Symptoms of tomato disease in a polycarbonate greenhouse and in open ground are:

  • the spread of small dark green cracks that are located at the bottom of the stems;
  • then aerial roots form on the cracks, and the plant becomes weak and begins to wither;
  • the tomatoes eventually die.

The source of the disease is considered to be seeds taken for tomato seedlings or contaminated soil. To stop the spread of this tomato disease in a greenhouse or outdoors, all infected plants are removed from the site and burned.

How to spray the soil after culling

The best option for this would be a 2% solution of Fitolavin-300. The following seedlings should be planted only in treated, protected soil. All of the described bacterial, fungal or viral diseases of tomatoes can greatly worsen the condition of the plant crop, not only reducing its yield, but also causing death. Various diseases and pests of tomatoes can bypass the planting if it was planted correctly and was well cared for.

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