The best interior designer in the world. Photos of rich apartments. Pictures of luxury apartments

Rich interior lives up to its name and is recognized show status. on in this example is different from most and therefore caught our attention. It does not have the glamor, pathos and excessive luxury inherent in many interiors, which many owners flaunt for show, to the detriment of not only style, but often common sense. Often rich people choose lush classics, palace decor and abundant gilding, which turns the apartment into a palace.

This interior is rich not in details (expensive ostentatious items), but in the overall presentation, in which the merit of the interior designer is visible. The spacious apartment breathes the same style and each room complements the picture of modern design. The composition is based on wall panels, which set the overall beige tone. Upholstered wall panels are used only in the master bedroom in the form of a large headboard.

Features of rich interior decoration

The spaciousness of the rich interior is emphasized light shades glossy floor and white ceiling. The geometry of the ceiling is individual; its multi-level system does not seem trivial. The stepped system complements the parallel lines on the walls and creates depth. In the center of the living area, lighting is thought out in the style of a coffered ceiling. And again, no rich chandelier, crystal and gold. The sleek kitchen echoes the idea of ​​understated elegance, while the glossy white cabinetry and furnishings reveal a rich, contemporary interior.

The floors of the apartment add a lot of charm. Few people can be surprised by a solid board, and here it serves as an unobtrusive background in the sleeping areas. But the combination of white gloss in the living room and black marble floor in the kitchen deserves more attention. The floor pattern and the ornament at the junction demonstrate the authorship of the project and the rich interior acquires its own zest. Please note that the joint runs along the corridor, and does not divide strictly between the floors, but with an offset. This is the option when symmetry would look banal, and a dark stripe would hide the space.

Please note that storage systems such as chests of drawers, cabinets and cabinets are practically invisible. In this modern design there is no point in adding emphasis to them. In a small apartment they are “hidden” in order to visually expand the space. There is no such task in this apartment, but the designer showed even more space and enhanced the geometry in the interior design. The rich look is achieved through unity, wooden facades, and stylishly selected furniture.

Soft and diffused light is evenly distributed over the area. There is no need for zoning with light; rather, the task was to achieve a smooth transition, use multi-level lighting and completely abandon chandeliers.

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Leave your comments on why you liked the rich interior, what design techniques you would highlight, and maybe change. You will find other rich and beautiful interiors and photos in the sections of our website.

In photos of rich apartments you can often see classic interior elements. Spacious apartment in light colors with carved furniture, gold decor and paintings in the style of the old masters.

Looking through pictures of luxury apartments, you can note the key elements that give the interior status: panoramic windows, expensive furniture and textiles and, in most cases, classic style in finishing. It was this path that designer Yana Posledova took when creating the interior of the apartment with an area of ​​186 square meters. m. The open space combines the kitchen, dining room and luxurious living room. Functionally, the zones are designated by the arrangement of furniture, flooring (tiles in the kitchen, natural wood in the rest of the space) and interior details. Light sources are different: in the kitchen area it is ceiling lamps, in the dining room there is a classic chandelier; in the living room the chandelier is also classic, but crystal, even more luxurious, and the same wall lamps. Under bright light, the full-wall fresco in the living room looks especially impressive. In the office, the furnishings are more formal (massive desk, leather sofa) and at the same time personalized, emphasizing professional interests and family values owner. Photographs do an excellent job of this task: at work, with family, with friends. The interior of the apartment looks seamless due to the fact that the “laws of the genre” are met, in this case the classics. Light colors, gilding, stucco, painting, wallpaper and textile designs, expressive details such as a grandfather clock - everything is harmoniously combined, everything is thoughtful, beautiful and at the same time functional.

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Public divorces with division of joint property, demonstration of rich content to reporters, publications in in social networks and the press of photographs taken during their travels - it would seem that their life has long ceased to be a secret behind seven seals. And yet, interest in gossip column characters and billionaires from the Forbes list continues to grow. And the more the media quench this thirst for new knowledge about the behind-the-scenes life of the richest people in Russia, the stronger our impatience to taste the next “sip.” And this is understandable, because watching the lives of people drowning in luxury is as pleasant as tasting Chateau Margaux from 1982 or drinking Calvados aged 50 years: the effect may be the same as from ordinary vodka, but the taste and ambiance are not at all That.

Where and how do rich people live in Russia?

How do rich people live in Russia? Where do they prefer to buy property? What do their houses, and most often their entire residences, look like? And, in the end, who are these people who can afford not only to buy an apartment in an elite residential complex in Moscow, but also to order such an interior design project that all the grandeur of Versailles and even the scale of the Burj Al Arab skyscraper in Dubai fades? compared? The questions that arise in the mind of the average person when he watches another program on TV about the lives of the rich and famous are usually very standard. For a person with an average income, for whom even a one-room apartment 20 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road seems like a pipe dream, it is very difficult to imagine that someone can simply pay $50 million for a house, for example. Even if this very house is the mansion of the Sheremetyev counts in St. Petersburg.

It’s not difficult to guess where rich people live in Russia. In addition to the notorious Rublevka, people from the Forbes list also often choose other cottage villages along Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. Novorizhskoe and Mozhaiskoe highways are popular among the rich. Among the leading villages in terms of the number of rich mansions and houses are Barvikha, Zhukovka and Gorki-2. But the answer to the question of how rich people live in Russia is not so simple. Oligarchs, as a rule, carefully hide their closed residences from prying eyes. High fences, trees and bushes that hide the facade of the house as much as possible, our own security service - these are the three “pillars” on which inviolability is based privacy Russian oligarchs. So how do rich people live in Russia? What do they hide behind tall fences and carefully fortified castle walls?

Many of us understand that it is unlikely that anyone will want to order an elite one for a tiny apartment in a Khrushchev-era building in one of the residential areas. Expensive interiors are the prerogative of wealthy and simply very rich people who choose to live in premium residential complexes or countryside villages. Therefore, as a rule, luxury interior design is associated with large houses (or even entire estates and residences) and spacious city apartments (duplex apartments, spacious studios, etc.). It is natural that large areas Such objects during the work on a design project make it possible to organize many additional premises for relaxation and entertainment: saunas, hammams, home cinemas, bars, fireplace rooms. For example, in this one, located in the village of Barvikha, popular among rich Russians near Moscow, the designers of the Ruslana Green Studio organized a billiard room, a swimming pool with a sauna, and even a winter garden:

In the photo: Design of a billiard room in a house in Barvikha

In the photo: Interior design of a swimming pool in Barvikha

And in the interior design of this house in the attic there is a relaxation area with a real dance floor:

In the photo: Elite interior design project for an attic in a house

In the photo: Dance floor in the attic of an elite house

Of course, the set of functional areas is unique for everyone. Everything is determined by the nature of the hobbies and wishes of the customers themselves. If someone is interested in studying the stars, then why not organize their own observatory in their home, for example?

The interior design of luxury houses and apartments is always characterized by the use of high-quality and expensive finishes. If we use wood, then only natural wood. Do we want to add a stone? Please, but no imitation: exclusively natural marble and onyx. In luxury interiors, combinations of expensive textures of stone, glass, crystal, and mirror inserts are almost always observed.

In the photo: Elite interior design of a house in the Ruza Family Park community complex

However, no matter how impressive the size of your wallet, it is still important to observe moderation when selecting finishing elements. The Amber Room is, of course, beautiful as a work of art. But why live in it in the 21st century? If we continue to experiment in interiors with the theme “expensive, bokhato,” then it is quite possible that in the minds of foreigners, the image of fabulously rich Russians in sables, inevitably snacking on vodka and black caviar, will be supplemented by the royal throne.

Of course, luxury and at home, given its high cost, allows you to experiment with complex architectural elements. Columns, pilasters, all kinds of rosettes, vaulted ceilings - modernity knows a lot of ways to make an interior composition more complex and unique.

In the photo: Dining room design with ceiling paintings

In the photo: Design of a corridor with pilasters and stucco molding

But in the matter of architectural solutions the approach is the same as in the case of . You shouldn’t open an architectural dictionary and try to cram all the elements you see there into one room. After all, your apartment is not the façade of Notre Dame Cathedral or the Winter Palace. The task of a private apartment is not to become part of history, but to provide comfortable living for all its inhabitants. But even if such ambitions to place your mansion on a par with the apartments of the grand dukes do exist, then believe that your interior has a much greater chance of gaining recognition from descendants if it reflects the features of modernity, and does not parody the Regency era in France.

An elite design project for an apartment or house also involves careful, scrupulous work with light. If for a typical interior a pair of built-in lights on the ceiling can be considered the pinnacle of lighting art, then in an expensive design you won’t get away with just a few light bulbs. Blue ribbons of lights running along the perimeter of the ceiling vaults, expensive chandeliers, cascading lamps with a waterfall of crystal threads flowing almost to the floor, illuminated stones and - the arsenal of means by which lighting is built in an elite interior is very rich:

In the photo: Stained glass, onyx and built-in lighting in the design of the staircase hall

In the photo: Lighting, sconces, stained glass and onyx in the design of the staircase hall

In the photo: Chandelier in a rosette and stained glass ceiling cornice

Who creates the interior design of luxury apartments and houses?

The interior design of luxury apartments and houses is always carried out by professional studios and renowned designers. Agree that it is not so easy to imagine an oligarch whose day is scheduled minute by minute, hanging pictures on the walls and hammering nails into the wall. However, it is difficult to imagine that a representative of the elite would prefer a sports tights from the Chinese market to a suit from Dior or Armani. The rich and famous love to surround every aspect of their life with exclusivity. Therefore, when selecting a design studio, they focus both on the professionalism of the contractor and on the well-known name of the designers.

The design studio of Ruslan and Maria Green has extensive experience working with luxury properties. Our portfolio includes many interiors of apartments and houses located in prestigious residential complexes capital and premium cottage villages. For each of these objects, famous designers Ruslan and Maria Green develop an original interior.
Today, the Design Studio of Ruslan and Maria Green offers customers several packages of services, the price of which already includes not only the design sketches themselves, but also renovation work, Decoration Materials, and furniture. To create an elite interior design for an apartment or house, the “LA” and “Rome” packages are most suitable. within the framework of these comprehensive proposals it will cost 50,000 rubles/sq.m. m. Package “Paris”, the cost of which is 60,000 rubles / sq. m. m., suitable for connoisseurs of refined classics. And finally, those who can afford a real dolce vita should pay attention to our offer. If you choose this package, the cost of the finished renovation will cost 90,000 rubles/sq.m. m.

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