Safe way to school and home drawing. "our safe route" home - kindergarten "

We all come from childhood. During this happy and carefree time of life, the basic rules are laid in little children’s heads, which a person follows throughout his adult life until old age. Therefore, the best thing we can do for our child is to teach him to follow safety rules.

Usually, a child’s acquaintance with the environment outside the walls of a cozy and safe apartment occurs on the street. The road from home to a walk and from a walk back home must be safe. In addition, this road can and should be used by responsible parents How tutorial , clearly giving the future pedestrian or driver an understanding of what road safety is. There are simple and traditional identifiers that allow parents and teachers to understand what the road is through the eyes of children: drawings.

The safety of children on the road is important

The basic understanding is how traffic works, the child receives it quite early. This topic is repeatedly discussed with the baby by parents. A little person usually loves to watch multi-colored cars moving along the roadway, which obediently line up at the traffic light and let him and his mother walk along the white stripes of the pedestrian crossing.

Parents give first identification of hazard failure to comply with traffic rules or inattention on the road. In addition, a lot of attention is paid to developing the necessary skills in using traffic rules in preschools. educational institutions. These include various games using paraphernalia - toy traffic lights, signs, markings on specially equipped areas simulating a real road, and reference to literary sources: the use of poems, songs, stories and fairy tales on the topic of safe behavior on the road.

The school also pays serious attention to teaching children the most important rules of the road, introducing relevant materials into the training course.

As you know, children love to draw more than anything else. Therefore, a children’s drawing on the theme “the road through the eyes of children” is one of the most powerful ways to reinforce in children’s perception the special importance of the topic of road safety.

Children's drawing as a way to teach traffic rules

Exists a whole course of techniques, allowing teachers and educators to use this childhood need to express themselves through drawing. To practice safe behavior skills in various situations that often arise on the road, you can offer the following activities in which children willingly take part:

Drawing pictures on the topic of road safety can influence not only the author himself, although, by drawing, the child learns and processes new information especially effective. Teachers and psychologists know about the power of visual influence on the depth of children’s perception, therefore they quite widely use the following activities, which include children’s special love for depicting the world on a piece of paper:

Gouache and watercolor, a variety of crayons and colored pencils can do a lot to improve the safety of our children on the road, on the street, everywhere where children, although small, are full-fledged road users.

When should you start learning the rules of behavior on the road?

Even the youngest children’s drawings on the topic of safety on the street confirm the rule: introduce little man with the rules of adequate behavior on the road and sidewalk, in the yard and beyond, necessary as soon as possible.

Knowing the ABCs of traffic is the key to personal safety in childhood and respectful attitude towards other road users in adulthood. A child who clumsily draws a picture of himself crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing when the traffic light turns green is likely to grow into a person who understands the need to follow traffic rules. And the world around him will become safer.

Preparing to draw a route sheet from home to school

To start drawing a route, you should be well prepared for this work:

  • Prepare a real map. You can get directions using Google Maps, zoom in and print;
  • Take some blank sheets. Drawing a route from home to school is not always done on one sheet of paper; sometimes a draft is needed. For school homework, you can use a notebook sheet or regular A4. If you are drawing a diagram for home use, then it is better to depict the route on whatman paper.
  • Sharpen your pencils and colored pencils. It is recommended to draw with pencils, as they make it very easy to draw small details.

How to draw a route from home to school

If you printed the map from the Internet, then the task is very easy to complete. The first thing to do is to draw the most important or largest street.

Place some important objects on it that your child remembers. It has shopping mall, where a child often buys toys, a house best friend or maybe his kindergarten is located there? Record and sign this place.

Draw the house and school in relation to this street. Be sure to write “school” and “home” in large letters. And highlight both places with bright colors.

If you are not drawing a schematic map from home to school, then it is worth highlighting the roadway and sidewalk separately. Draw a traffic light and a crossing where the child crosses this road.

For those who travel by bus or metro, you can mark the safe route to the stop, write its name, indicate the bus number at the stop itself, or draw it. In addition, it is advisable to write down the number of stops the child travels. The further journey should begin from the final stop to the school.

Safe route from home to school

  • If your child has several options for going to school, you should choose the safest one. You should not choose a path where there is heavy traffic or dark deserted streets;
  • Before your child begins to go to school independently, make sure that the child has learned (green traffic light, which side to go around public transport and others). The route map from home to school should reflect all the dangers that may arise along the child’s path. These could be sharp turns, cars leaving the enterprise, often broken traffic lights, a street with heavy traffic, any review restrictions, etc.;
  • Use conventions. You can take those that the student already knows, or come up with your own. It is better if the child independently identifies and draws these icons. This will make it easier for him to remember what meaning they carry. Below, under your map, place icons with an explanation of what they mean.

When drawing a route sheet, you need to not only record the entire route and all the important objects that come along the way, but also highlight dangerous areas. Highlight them with a bright color and label them “danger.”

Be sure to follow the route with your child directly on this map after completing your drawing. If such a walk is not yet possible, make paper people and play a role-playing game with your baby.

When drawing a route diagram from home to school, remember that this is first of all a hint for your child, which will ensure his safety, and only then - seemingly routine homework.

    My daughter was asked something similar at school. Drew the road from the house to educational institution using pencils. It can be colored, it can be simple. They indicated some symbols in the form of house numbers past which the route passed. I think if you need to focus attention on some landmark or a fairly dangerous section of the route, you can highlight it in red, where it is safer - in green. After creating the diagram, we glued it into the diary with dry glue. That's all.

    When you go to school, mark every house, every street you pass. Try to mark them so that they are proportional to their actual size. And then transfer your sketches onto paper in the form of a plan like this:

    It is not necessary to do everything so geometrically accurately and reliably. The main thing is that the number of large objects (houses, gardens, buildings, roads, shops) that you pass on the way to school matches.

    If you don’t go into details and details, then the road from home to the school itself can be depicted as follows:

    You are required to depict a school, nearby vegetation, benches. And there should be a road leading to the school with space for pedestrians to cross.

    In our city, in almost all schools, starting from the first grade, children together with their parents draw a safe route (if this is possible, of course) from home to school. There were simply many tragic cases when children died under the wheels of a car. That's why parents draw a route with their child and then discuss it in class. A kind of road survival lesson. You can draw roads, a school and all pedestrian crossings. This must be taken very seriously.

    If we are talking about creating a route sheet for a school student’s diary, then we do it simpler.

    On the Internet we find a Google map of our street and the streets along the route to school, print out the corresponding section, and mark the route to school on it.

    And if we are talking about simple drawings, then you can already be guided by convenience - what is more convenient for the child to draw - with pencils or paints? Of course, a drawing with paints looks more colorful, but it is difficult to register small details on it. In this case, drawing with a pencil will allow the child to draw out small details. Only you need to choose bright pencils, not pale ones - then it will be pleasant to draw with them.

    In the picture you can depict houses, trees, roads, cars and buses, and other students. You can detail the drawing with the image of a traffic light on the road or a pedestrian crossing.

    As I understand it, this is a drawing assignment from junior high school?

    Then it is best not to go into a detailed plan, the child will not understand it, especially not to draw a map.

    The most the best option will draw a school in one corner and a house in the opposite corner, draw a slightly winding line - a road and on the sides draw objects that the child remembers while passing along this path.

    You can do the following: in Yandex maps or Google Maps, find the place where the school and the child’s home are located, print a map of the area (rather, even a plan) and draw the optimal safe route on it.

    If this is a free drawing and not a plan diagram of the home-school-home route, then there is no need to go into details. Just on a regular sheet of paper, in a free version, draw at least slightly similar silhouettes of the house and school, and the main objects (monuments, fountains, bus stops), and the outlines of the roads, without special adherence to scale.

    We also drew the child a road from home to school, but we needed a more or less accurate plan of the home-school-home route as a real guide for navigating the area. You can draw it in two ways -

    If you have a printer, you can simply print out a map of this area, opened in Google, in black and white, and color the objects (houses, roads and everything else) at your discretion.

    If you don’t have a printer (like we had), you can simply put a sheet of paper on the screen and carefully draw streets and houses showing through the sheet. Next, paint in the same way with the desired colors. The result will be a fairly realistic scale, at the same time drawn as if independently without special tools. funds - cards, printer, etc. Directly on the drawings, you can use arrows to mark the location of the school and home, and connect them along the shortest and safest route along the road line with a red or other bright felt-tip pen.

    In the explanation of the drawing you should indicate the address of the house, the address of the school and a description of the places where the child should show Special attention when moving.

    The colors of pencils or paints should be somewhat contrasting so that they do not merge into one picture, and it is easier for the child to quickly determine the direction of roads and surrounding objects.

    You can draw a street with houses, trees, highways, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, cars, and in the distance depict a school building. As a basis for such a drawing, you can take an example from a video depicting a city.

    If the task is simply to create a drawing (for elementary school students), then we do it simply: take pencils or paints and start creating: draw your small house in the lower left corner. In the upper right we draw a school. Between them there is a road with turns. There are main facilities on both sides of the road. For example, a store, a kindergarten, garages, a park, a river. If the school is nearby, we draw the neighboring houses, yard, trees.

Try drawing a route from school to home with your child. This fun activity will help him prepare for going out on his own without you accompanying him.

How to draw a plan with a diagram

For work, prepare whatman paper, a ruler, and sharpen your pencils. To make it easier, take a map or open the google maps app.

You can draw a route from school to home together with your child.

Here step-by-step instruction for work:

  • Draw a frame on the sheet. In its center, draw the main road with a wide stripe, and the adjacent roads with thin stripes. Draw rectangles for all the houses, one of which is yours.
  • In the upper corner of the drawing, schematically depict the school building and the school yard.
  • Use a pencil of a different color to draw walking paths.
  • Use crosses to mark home and school. Connect the end points of the route with a dotted line.
  • Mark zebra crossings and traffic lights along the child’s path where he will cross the road.
  • Draw all the other objects that the child passes by - parks, supermarkets, office buildings, etc.
  • Label all items in clear, large letters.

If you wish, you can decorate the drawing to make it more interesting for your child.

Here are a few more things to consider:

  • If the school can be reached by several different ways, choose the safest option, that is, the one with less congested roads, no dark alleys, etc.
  • For symbols You can use not only generally accepted icons, but also those that your child comes up with. This will make it easier for him to remember how the map is structured, what is located where.
  • You can highlight especially dangerous areas along the route in red and sign them with the word “danger”. For example, this can be used to designate abandoned houses, construction sites and other similar places.
  • Walk with your child along the drawn route at least once, armed with your drawing. You can also cut out a little man from paper and trace it over the drawing, playing a role-playing game.
  • Turn the process of drawing a route into a game. The child should be interested so that he does not perceive this task as a routine assignment.

Be sure to check that your child knows the rules of the road for pedestrians before letting them follow the route for the first time. He must clearly know at which traffic light to cross the road, what to do if the traffic light is not working, etc.

Hang the picture in a visible place so your child can remember it. Let the safest option for the road home be imprinted in his mind.

Children perceive reality somewhat differently than adults. They have a reduced reaction rate, attentiveness is not fully developed, and have a tendency to take unjustified risks. For parents, sending their child to school alone is a challenge every day, especially if the child is just learning the route. Let's talk about what a safe road to school and back should be like, how to teach a child discipline while traveling, and also draw a drawing of the correct route.

If you are taking your child by car

Having your own vehicle and the ability to drop off and pick up your child from school at the right time is a definite advantage. However, even under this condition there are several risky points:

  • It is necessary to park the car so that the child can get out of it into a safe area towards the sidewalk - do not allow him to jump out onto the roadway. If the school has a parking slot, take the time to drive your child all the way to the gate. A safe route to school is made up of little things.
  • Always restrain your child in the car, even if he or she is outgrown. This rule applies not only to the road from home to school, but also to any movement along the roadway, and it must be observed. Choose the safest path, the trajectory with the least traffic activity.
  • Don't take risks on the road. Children often copy the actions of their parents - an unjustified risk on the roadway can leave a child in the mind that going towards danger is the right thing to do.
  • Keep the doors locked until you stop. Children may be in a hurry and jump out of a vehicle that is still moving.

A child accustomed to regular “deliveries” sometimes turns out to be unsuited to independently moving along a given route on foot, even if the school is located two steps away. At some point, the car may be unavailable, and you may not be ready to take your child to school by hand. That is why it is necessary to instill knowledge about the rules of the road into him from an early age. Provide timely information about what a safe route means and what is unsafe in individual cases, as well as what measures need to be taken to avoid getting into trouble.

Walking to school safely

In children, the instinct of self-preservation is somewhat primitive. For example, the reaction to moving traffic is slowed down - the child begins to pay attention to the situation on the road only when he approaches it or even begins to cross it (adults assess the danger in advance). Small growth does not allow you to see the whole picture that is happening fully: tall bushes, cars parked on the side of the road, clouds of steam in winter. At the same time, a safe step on the road for a teenager can be absolutely unsafe for a short child.

Modern gadgets and fashion add fuel to the fire. If a child has headphones with music in his ears and a hood is put on his head, he may not see or hear cars. The behavior of adults, in particular parents, has a great influence. If you yourself regularly violate traffic rules and cross the path in the wrong place, do not be surprised that your child will follow a bad example and take the fastest, but not the most harmless road. However, taking into account children's spontaneity, the risk of injury increases significantly - even a seemingly safe pedestrian crossing requires vigilance, which the child may simply not be aware of.

Children who use traffic light buttons are often in a hurry and start driving immediately after pressing. The driver is driving at his still green light and does not expect that a child will jump out in his way. It is necessary to explain the importance of attention to all details, because even at a pedestrian crossing or in the yard there is some risk (there are also plenty of violating drivers).

Rules for a safe road to school

To make the road from home to school safer, teach your child a few basic rules:

  • The higher the speed of the car, the greater the danger from it.
  • Always before going out onto the roadway, you need to stop and look around. Turn off all thoughts and concentrate on the road, its sounds and movement.
  • If visibility of the road is impaired (drifts, bushes, parked cars), you need to find a safer place to cross.
  • Don't run across the road, but cross it. And do this only in a straight line.
  • Give way to vehicles with flashing lights and signals (police, ambulance, firefighters).
  • Do not pass the bus either from the front (a car may unexpectedly pull out from behind it) or from behind (cars may also drive in the oncoming lane). You must wait until the bus leaves.
  • If there is no pedestrian crossing nearby, then find the safest place to cross the road, making sure there is no moving traffic.

All these rules can be taught to a child in the form of a game or a heart-to-heart conversation. Let him know how important it is to be careful when touching the road and how dangerous driving can be. Using toys as an example, show that the braking path of a car has a certain distance; it cannot stop instantly, especially if it is going fast.

Safe road to school: drawing a route

To help your child safely navigate the route from home to school, offer to draw a diagram of it together, thinking through a detailed plan of steps (sample in the photo). The drawing diagram will be a kind of reference book for the student, where turns, traffic lights, stairs, main objects on the way, and the school itself will be noted. For orientation, you can print out maps from search engines and draw houses and public buildings from them.


When the route diagram is ready, talk out loud with your child what you have drawn so that he recognizes familiar places. Association is an excellent method of learning, especially from hand drawing. For example, when showing a house, remember something: “This is the house where you and I went to visit,” “This is the store where we bought you a bicycle,” etc. Tell us about the traffic lights that come along the way, and about the pedestrian crossings that you must pass.

Distance in steps

You can even calculate the approximate distance in steps that the school is located from your home - this will also improve some mathematical abilities. Just count steps only on paths and streets where there are no cars. Of course, the roadway is not the place for this.

Count the steps from home to the traffic light at which you will have to stop - such a count will allow you to focus on an important point along the way. You can even draw some kind of warning sign on the asphalt near the traffic light with your baby, and with such a drawing you may also inform other children.

Route development

Next, the child draws a line along which the planned entire path would go. You evaluate his choice and correct if necessary, giving reasons for the amendment (example: “There is a lot of traffic here, let’s better cross the road here”). Don’t forget to walk together along the approved route several times - this will help you learn the lesson and remember the pattern of the trajectory. If necessary, it is worth drawing a diagram from the house of your grandmother/aunt/karate class, etc., if they also participate in the common path.

A safe road to school and home largely depends on us - parents. We are mentors, role models, master teachers. By knowing your baby better than anyone else, you will be able to find him the right approach and choose words to explain the set important rules. Let every child know what it means to be safe and which way is the right way to return home.

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