We learn to read letters syllable by syllable. Texts for reading. Video: Learning syllables with a train. Reading syllables with kids

It is now accepted that it is necessary to begin full-fledged school education at the age of 6-7 years. By this time, the baby should learn to read and write.

A preschooler of this age is already independent, knows a lot and understands almost everything. When should you teach your child to read syllables so that he is ready for school?

Important: All children are different in development, thinking and independence. Some children begin to read syllables at 5 years old, while others can do this at 4 years old.

Parents should help their child’s development: buy coloring books, colorful books and include them with animals, toys and nature.

But the psychological characteristics of the development of children indicate that children can easily learn to read even at 3 years old. Of course, a child at three years old is still very tiny, but this age is considered a crisis in his development.

Important: Children at the age of three actively explore the world, speak well, and therefore they absorb information like a sponge. At three years of age, the formation of logical thinking and a generalized sense of space occurs.

First, the baby must learn the letters. Then he needs to explain that vowels and consonants are read differently: some are drawn out or sung, while others “break off.”

Important: Without this rule, the child will not understand how he needs to read syllables.

Tip: Pronounce the syllables together with the baby, combining them into simple words: ma-ma, pa-pa, mo-lo-ko. Then move on to more complex words: cat, rap.

Hang a bright poster with pictures and letters in the children's room. It will be easier for your child to remember words if he sees them clearly.

Important: Thanks to this technique, you can activate passive memory. These workouts will allow you to subconsciously memorize syllables and words.

A child can quickly run and jump, that is, play. Therefore, he will easily learn to read while playing.

Game “Read by syllables”:

  • Take the cubes with consonant letters and place them one on top of the other
  • Now take the cube with the letter “a”, and alternately substituting it for the cubes with consonant letters, pronounce the resulting syllables together with the baby
  • Go to the top and lower the letter "a" down, repeating the syllables again

It seems to any mother or father that they cannot teach their baby to read on their own. Parents think that this should be done by teachers who have teaching experience. But this is not so; teaching a child to read syllables at home is easy.

  • If your child has an older brother or sister, use their example to show them how good it is to be able to read independently.
  • Let the child choose cubes with letters, a magnetic alphabet, or a colorful poster with pictures and syllables in a toy store.
  • Engage with your child exactly as much time as he is interested in. When the desire disappears, don't force it. Put off reading for a couple of days and then continue again
  • Don't be afraid to praise your baby. He will want to please his parents and will try to read better and better every time.

Few parents know that a reading aid can be downloaded on the Internet. There are different programs to teach a child to read syllables.

Each tab of the interface of such a program is levels. The child must pass them and by the end of all levels, he will confidently read syllables and even words.

Important: The program has a colorful design of menus and sub-items. For a child, it will seem like a game, which means it will be fun for him to learn.

How to teach a child to read syllables, video lessons?

How to teach a child to read syllables? Video lessons

Modern children are advanced and very developed. Almost every 3-4 year old child has a tablet with their favorite games. Many children's parents allow them to play around with their laptop.

Your child will enjoy watching colorful videos that teach reading. It's interesting and exciting.

Video: Learning syllables with a train. Reading syllables with kids

Important: Pronounce the syllables with your child, and after a couple of days, he will read them on his own.

Video: All episodes in a row. Fixies. Learning to read syllable by syllable. Surprise Egg Learn-A-Word! Lesson 1-10.

Important: If it is still difficult for a child to pronounce a syllable, first name the letters and then put them into a syllable.

Video: Learning to read syllables with the brownie Boo - educational video

Important: It is much easier to learn to read with a cheerful brownie. Press “Pause” on the video if your baby does not have time to repeat letters or syllables.

Video: Learning to read syllables with Peppa Pig. All series.

Important: Teachers preschool education determined the following truth: “To remember a text, you need to read it 5 times.” But it is difficult to force a small child to read the same words over and over again - it is not interesting for him.

Therefore, it is worth using special exercises to teach your child to read syllables:

  • Reading a word backwards. It will be funny for your child to read the words from the end. The purpose of this exercise is to teach how to merge letters into syllables. Tell the child that Vrednyuchka came to him, who wrote the word backwards, and he needs to read this word
  • Reading upside down. Place the book upside down in front of your child and read the word with him. Repeat the exercise, but only with reading not from left to right, but from right to left
  • Reader "Tug". Call an older brother or sister for help. The assistant will read the words a little faster, and the baby will then repeat in a whisper. If the baby falls behind and loses a line, then stop reading and start over. Thanks to this exercise, articulation develops - quickly reading and pronouncing text
  • Reader "Halves". Cover the lower halves of the letters with a ruler (they should be large), and let the child read the word using the upper halves. It will be difficult for him at first. Therefore, read the whole word once, and then in halves. This exercise develops anticipation - the ability to predict. This will be useful for your child to read quickly in the future.

Important: If a child performs these exercises daily, then in a couple of weeks he will be able to read even complex words well.

Games to teach your child to read syllables

Exciting games with parents, teachers, other children and older brothers or sisters help the child master the material well and quickly. With this approach, the baby will perceive reading not as study, but as an exciting pastime.

  • "Hide and Seek". Find simple text with large letters. Tell your child a 4-letter word and let him find it in the text and show it with his finger. If the child already reads well, then complicate the task: let him find the word, and read not it, but the next one
  • "Excavations". Draw a table with letters. In it, the child must find letters and form a word. For example, a task: hidden here is what you drank today - juice, milk, cocoa
  • "Good singer". Invite your child not to read the word, but to sing, drawing out the sounds. This way they will be easier to remember
  • "Who, where and when". It is necessary that the baby not only read the words, but also understand their meaning. Ask him after reading to talk about the word. For example: “hare” - who is he, where does he live, what is he like?

Important: You can independently come up with interesting exercises for your little one that will teach him to read quickly and easily.

Mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers try, long before going to school, to teach their child to read. But this must be done wisely so that the child does not lose interest in learning, but develops his skills.

Advice: Start teaching your child no earlier than 3 years old. If you start reading from an earlier age, your child will not become more successful than others; he may lose interest in learning new things.

Advice: Don't try all the learning methods at once. Choose one thing and follow that path.

Advice: Start introducing your child not with letters, but with sounds - not “me”, but “m”. This way the child will quickly understand how a vowel works with a consonant.

Tips and reviews from parents on how to teach a child to read syllables

Parents who have small children are often interested in at what age can a child be taught to read syllables, and what is the best The best way for this?

Pros and cons of homeschooling

Some of the positive aspects of teaching reading at home include:

  1. Floating schedule. Mother and child do not need to rush, adjust to the schedule of the teacher or courses.
  2. Ability to use different techniques. Typically, teachers and training centers specialize in a narrow area. For example, they work with children only with Zaitsev’s cubes, or according to Zhukova’s method. At home, through trial and error, you can choose the most effective technique specifically for your tomboy. But this takes time.
  3. Individual approach. At home they do not study in groups, but one-on-one. You can devote exactly as much time to a topic as a single student needs, without waiting for those who are lagging behind and without rushing after those who are running ahead.
  4. Contact with parents is maintained. A preschooler is emotionally comfortable being with his parents in difficult moments, and learning to read is a responsible undertaking.

There are not many negative aspects, but they do exist. Among the disadvantages of learning to read at home are:

  • Lack of training of parents
    Unfortunately, mothers and fathers who do not have special education make a lot of mistakes when learning to read. For example, they name letters with overtones, make pauses between phonemes in the process of adding syllables and words. Children get used to reading incorrectly, and it is very difficult to retrain them.
  • The child is not socialized
    In pedagogical centers, the child communicates with other adults, gets used to the school environment, responsibility, and learns behavior. He won't get that experience at home.

Where and how to teach a child to read is up to parents to choose. If you have a difficult financial situation, then the only option left is at home. In this case, spend time studying books and methods of working with preschool children. This will help teach a kindergartener how to read and instill a love of literature.

Preparatory stage

Undoubtedly, it is difficult to try to explain something to a one-year-old baby and teach him to pronounce words or parts of them, although it is possible. According to the latest research, experts believe that some children can start learning simple words and connecting syllables as early as 2 or 3 years old.

However, at such an early age you should not overload children with information that is unnecessary for them, but give more preparatory stage: help the baby develop, learn letters.

The development of phonemic hearing is facilitated by reading and memorizing nursery rhymes, short poems and songs.

It is better to study letters.

Creative tricks for memorizing letters:

  1. Trace, color, shade letters with pencils.
  2. Sculpt letters from plasticine and kinetic sand.
  3. Lay out letters from sticks, mosaics, cubes.

Techniques for memorizing letters for preschoolers: modeling with plasticine

When is a child ready to learn syllables?

  • the baby can already pronounce words quite well;
  • pronounces individual sounds more or less clearly without swallowing them;
  • pronounces the letter “r”, or tries to do so;
  • does not have significant distortions in pronunciation.

Why is it important that early learning reading took place in right time? We learn to read letters and syllables with speech skills. The fact is that if you teach a 2, 3 or 4 year old child to read and form letters without teaching him to speak correctly, the same errors may appear in reading tasks and in subsequent writing. In the future, the baby will confuse sounds and letter symbols, and relearning is much more difficult than initially teaching correctly. Therefore, you should immediately tune in: learn syllables correctly.

Another important factor in successfully teaching preschoolers to read is the ability of children to analyze text, to understand that in front of them there are not just pictures, but letters, which, in turn, indicate specific sounds. And only then comes the realization that letters can be combined together and form syllables for learning to read. Such understanding usually comes no earlier than 4-5 years, and sometimes at 6 years - this is the age that is considered ideal for learning. How to teach a child aged 5-6 years to read?

It’s worth noting right away that teaching preschoolers to read is a rather painstaking and responsible process. Just because they are ready to learn to read at age 5 does not mean that they will learn to read quickly and effectively. You should not immediately overload children with read information and teach them to read words syllable by syllable from morning to evening.

You should adhere to the following pace: read, repeat several times, rest.


What is the best and most effective method of teaching reading? There are many opinions on this matter; a lot of arguments are put forward in favor of certain methodological developments and approaches. Most experts are inclined to believe that the first thing you should start reading by syllables is use a primer for learning to read or cubes, where letters and syllables are accompanied by colorful images.

Training using the Doman method

Glen Doman spent a long time researching the intellectual capabilities of children and came to the conclusion that basic information is stored in the brain before the age of 6, and it takes a minimum of time to master.

Cards must be shown daily, holding eye contact for a couple of seconds. The amount of material shown increases gradually. For example, in the first 3 days, show 2-3 cards, at least 2-4 times a day. For days 4-7, 5 cards each. And so on.

Don’t expect lightning-fast results, but in a month or a month and a half, the child will already know and read more than 30 words. You can start learning from diapers.

Reading by syllables

All parents own it. It was according to this system that children were taught to read in Soviet schools. First, the baby learns the alphabet, then puts them into syllables, simple words. This the best option for home learning process. It is understandable to non-professional teachers and children. It is easily absorbed and brings good results in a short period of time.

Reading by warehouses

The child needs to learn vowels. Secure them firmly. Then move on to mastering consonants, while simultaneously adding melodious sounds to them for reading.

When reading, the word is divided not into syllables, but into clauses. For example, CHA-SH-KA. Each consonant is responsible for one warehouse.

The set contains 52 units of demo material. These are square cubes with syllables. They are of different sizes and colors. 7 of them are repeated. The cubes sound: they make noise if they have a voiced consonant written on them, they jingle if they have a voiced consonant. They cannot be used to form words that are spelled incorrectly. For example, there is no syllable ZHY, SHCHYA. The baby gains literacy skills.

In the first lessons with children 4-5 years old, you should invite them to play with blocks, without focusing on letters and syllables. The child himself will understand that they are different from each other.

In the following lessons, the child can begin to put words together according to a pattern and begin to read. It is important for parents not to force learning, but to give knowledge gradually, by prompting and telling during the game.

Zaitsev's kit includes tables. They are hung at the baby's eye level. The information is remembered automatically.

Methodology of N. Zhukova

Zhukova’s method of teaching reading for preschoolers is considered the most effective, since teaches a child to read from sounds to letters. This is important, because in this case the child learns to first hear the sounds in the word, and then the letters.

Studying the ABC book with your child, say sounds out loud, not letters: the sound “M”, not the letter “EM”, the sound “S”, not the letter “ES”. This will allow the child to avoid mistakes when connecting letters into syllables.

Zhukova’s method of teaching reading for preschoolers is considered the most effective, as it teaches the child to read from sounds to letters. This is important, because in this case the child learns to first hear the sounds in the word, and then the letters. The baby first learns to read individual letters and then connect the letters into syllables.

Nadezhda Zhukova’s primer is the most effective method of teaching reading to preschoolers

When using Zhukova’s primer, be sure to read the author’s recommendations on how to start learning correctly. They are located at the bottom of the primer page.

How to teach a child to add his first syllables?

You should not learn the alphabet in order. The first sounds with which you should start quickly learning to read are vowel sounds: “A”, “O”, “U”, “E”, “I”. Kids can pronounce them and even sing them.

Then the iotated vowels should be gradually added “I”, “E”, “Yo”, “Yu” and sound “Y”.

Having mastered vowels, you can move on to consonants. Start with sonorant and voiced consonants, gradually moving to voiceless ones.

Sonorant consonants: “L”, “M”, “N”, “R”

Voiced consonants: “B”, “C”, “G”, “D”, “F”, “Z”

Voiceless consonants: “P”, “F”, “K”, “T”, “W”, “S”, “X”, “C”, “H”, “Shch”

The study should be completed with letters “Y”, “b” and “b”– you also need to know about their existence.

How to quickly teach a child to read

How to teach a child to combine different sounds and pronounce them together?

  • First teach your child to combine vowels and pronounce them together: AU, UA, OU.
  • Then move on to syllables that combine vowels and consonants: MA, BA, DA.
  • It is better to start teaching your child with the letters “M” and “A”, since their combination is familiar to him from birth, it underlies the simplest word - “mother”.
  • Draw the first sound, and then attach the second to it: M-M-M A-A-A, MMMAAA. Please note that in Zhukova’s ABC book the picture shows how the letter “M” runs to the letter “A” and then they are connected to form the syllable “MA”.

Primer by Nadezhda Zhukova

  • After the child masters direct syllables (consonant - vowel), move on to studying reverse syllables (vowel - consonant): AM, UM, US.
  • Connect letters according to the voiced - unvoiced principle, alternating and combining: PA-BA, ZA-SA.
  • Read syllables starting with consonants also slowly, in a chant.
  • Pronounce and read consonants as sounds: M-M-M, S-S-S.
  • Teach your child first to read simple words consisting of 1 syllable:
    Then from the word 4 letters, 2 syllables: MOM, BABA, DAD, SOAP
    Then from 3 syllables or more: MILK, FORTY.
  • Teach your child to read simple texts and fairy tales with a repeating plot: “Ryaba the Hen,” “Kolobok,” “Turnip.”

Among the useful and popular methods are games for teaching reading, educational cards, courses for children 5 years old and younger. I read by syllables, in which children learn the basics of word composition in a detailed and visual form; they are taught to read books by syllables.

A set of cards “Funny syllables for children” for studying at home.

Set of cards “Funny syllables for children”

Of course, it is important not only to know how to quickly teach a child to read syllables, but also to let him understand that the words we use every day do not consist exclusively of easy elements that are convenient to pronounce, and gradually teach the child to add syllables ending in consonants sounds.

At first, children may make mistakes, long pauses, and confuse certain letters. In no case should you scold them for this, but be patient and continue learning to read step by step, using flashcards and other materials.

After some time, you will see noticeable results, since children very quickly grasp and process any information that is new to them. Very soon your child will be able to proudly declare: “I read syllables!”, and demonstrate his skills to an enthusiastic public.

This is auxiliary methodological material, necessary for learning speed reading and instilling the skill of a good rhythm of assimilation of information. The syllabary table consists of columns of vowels and consonants.

You can use it immediately after learning a new phoneme. For example, a preschooler has mastered the letter N. He can immediately begin reading syllables with this consonant. During classes, the baby will learn what it is open syllable how syllables and words are formed. If you read syllables from the table regularly, the pace and rhythm of reading increases and literacy becomes automated.

Comparison of techniques

Comparison table of popular reading teaching methods.

Benefits for home use
Disadvantages for homeschooling
You can practice from infancy. No need to receive additional education, teaching skills.

Classes are held daily, without special preparation for parents and children.

The method is based on photo memory. In the future, you will have to teach your child to read in a more classical way.
Suitable for hyperactive kids. The first lessons can be taught at an early age, after the child learns to sit.

The technique combines the development of motor skills, speech apparatus, literacy, and phonemic hearing.

The technique is more effective when practiced in a group.
Reading by syllablesA simple technique known to all parents and grandparents. It is easily absorbed by preschoolers and does not require additional literature or equipment. Handmade cards, a notebook and a pen are suitable for lessons.It is considered a universal technique, the best for Russian schools and home classes.
Reading by warehousesEasily absorbed by children in a playful and serious form.Most likely, the child will have to relearn at school, since reading is quite slow.
Zhukova's techniqueThe sound is emphasized, not the syllable. The child’s psyche is better prepared for this method. The primer is illustrated with bright pictures; it is interesting for a child to study with such a book.

Zhukova does not advise rushing a child in learning to read; the transition to complex tasks is very soft and unhurried.

Parents should ensure that classes are regular. Before starting Zhukova's alphabet lessons, you need to introduce your child to the alphabet.


Game-based learning is considered the most effective. Do not waste time on educational entertainment for preschoolers, forget about boring lessons, then you will achieve success faster.

Letter learning games

  • We draw letters, paint them, sculpt them.
    Use coloring books, prepare stencils yourself.
  • Puzzles. Assembling letters from parts. Make the puzzles yourself and cut them into large pieces or buy teaching material at the store.
  • Memory. Write down the letters on small pieces of paper. Lay out the cards on the table. Let the baby remember, then turn it over. Let him search the desired letter according to the sample.
  • We write on sand and semolina. Assigning letters to bulk material trains memory and motor skills at the same time.

Games for the ability to add syllables

  • Collect the word. Syllables are laid out on cards in front of the preschooler. Task: collect words, one or more.
  • Guess a riddle. In front of the baby there is a path of words, among them you need to find the hidden word.
  • Word in word. The child is offered a long word, 12-15 letters. You need to make smaller words from it.
  • Walking games. Prepare the playing field yourself. Write the letters in the empty cells. When walking the chip, the child reads the sounds, putting them into syllables.

To develop reading skills

  • Sounds in a circle. Children need to come up with words that begin with the last letter of the previous word. For example, window-OSA-Album, etc.
  • Reading with adults. The book is placed on the table so that the text is visible to the parent and baby. When one reads, the other follows. Stop unexpectedly and ask to continue. Attention and visual memory develop.
  • We are looking for an error. Parents give the child a text with errors and catches. For example, KoSa ate all the grass in the field. Sol(b) was spilled onto the table. The child’s task is to find and correct the mistake while reading.
  • Who's speaking? Animal toys and clean leaves will come in handy. Together with your child, sign the cards: Mee, Oink, Mu, etc. Empty will substitute the required syllable for the toys and read.


  • Reading "Tug"
  • Divide into syllables

The game is played orally or in writing. Start with simple words, gradually move on to more complex ones.

  • Let's catch up with the letter

M………., A, S…………….O The baby should pull his finger along the path, pronouncing sounds.

  • How the letters became friends

Draw letters and pull their handles towards each other. You can use simple arithmetic schemes C+O=CO.

  • What's extra?

From the words written syllable by syllable on the sheet, you need to cross out the unnecessary. For example, apple, pear, tomato.


During the homeschooling process, parents will need methodological support. To do this, you can use the following manuals:

  1. O. Uzorova “Quick learning to read.”
  2. N. S. Zhukova “Primer”.
  3. I. Brodsky “Working ABC”.
  4. G. R. Lazgdyn “Speech therapy alphabet”.
  5. Kozhevnikova A. Yu. “Battlers.”
  6. Teacher's aids from the set for Zaitsev's cubes and Doman's cards.

  1. Name sounds clearly and clearly to children, without trying to deliberately distort them to make it easier to pronounce. When your baby hears it from you for the first time, he will remember it. Try to read clearly.
  2. If mistakes occur, do not scold the children, but carefully correct them, making sure that in the end the sound is pronounced correctly, and then the whole word, even if this is already the fifth or sixth attempt.
  3. As soon as you see that the baby is already tired and has difficulty perceiving new information, immediately take a break, play other educational games with him, or even better, switch his attention and just take a walk outside. Walking in the fresh summer air has a beneficial effect on the perception of new information and improves overall well-being.
  4. Make the most of games with syllables for preschoolers, interactive ways of learning in game form, cards. Often the words “let's play” have a magical effect on children.
  5. Anna Rovenskaya

    Teacher of Russian language and literature, employee of the Educational Center for Early Development.

    A year or two before school, we think about teaching our child to read. After all, we know that the sooner our preschooler learns to read, the more useful information he can get it even before he becomes a first-grader. As soon as your child learns, you can move on to learning syllables. These are the syllables for reading that can be downloaded from this page.

    Syllable cards are the key to learning to read. Download, print and cut the sheet into cards, which will contain bundles of syllables consisting of a vowel and a consonant. Within a few weeks, after the child learns to read every syllable, he will be able to understand entire words in children's books.

    Syllables by letter: download or print immediately

    Syllables starting with "B"

    Syllables starting with "B"

    Syllables starting with "G"

    Do not burden your child with reading all the syllables at once. For example, over the course of a week, teach your child syllables that begin with the same letter.

    Syllables starting with "D"

    Syllables starting with "Zh"

    Syllables starting with "Z"

    In the second week, start studying syllables that begin with a different letter, and simply repeat the learned syllables.

    Syllables starting with "K"

    Syllables starting with "L"

    Syllables starting with "M"

    There is an opinion that letters of different colors in reading syllables only distract the child and do not contribute to rapid learning.

    Syllables starting with "N"

    Syllables starting with "P"

    Syllables starting with "R"

    If you want to solve cards with syllables quickly, then use a ruler and a wallpaper knife.

    Syllables starting with "C"

    Syllables starting with "T"

    Syllables starting with "X"

    To make the cards last a long time, and for more than one child, laminate them.

    Syllables starting with "F"

    Syllables starting with "C"

    Syllables starting with "H"

    After the preschooler learns to correctly read all the cards with syllables, you can move on to reading books in which the words are broken down into syllables.

    Syllables starting with "Ш"

    Syllables starting with "Ш"

    IN kindergarten also the beginning of the school year. The children are gradually returning from vacation. Many people have learned letters over the summer and are starting to read a little bit by syllable.

    Where do the texts for reading syllables come from? Of course, from the ABC book. Interesting are the old primers that grandmothers used to learn. The second source is the Internet. We also prepare texts for our 5-6 year old students depending on their existing skills, starting with simple and short texts. It is better to read a little, but more often.

    In the first texts for reading by syllables, each sentence begins on a new line. This makes it easier for children to understand the text. The first texts to be read syllable by syllable should be printed large.

    It is useful to accompany them with coloring books, a familiar activity for preschoolers. The tasks are as follows.

    1. First you need to read it to your mother, grandmother or anyone else.
    2. Color it.
    3. Label the items in the picture.

    Why is it worth writing words? When a child reads, hearing and vision interact. When writing, I use auditory (I pronounce), visual (I record the image of the word) and motor analyzers.

    In addition to narrative texts, it is useful to use short simple poems for reading syllables.

    How to prepare texts for reading syllable by syllable?

    Parents teaching their child to read can prepare the material themselves. You need to know the following. Texts for reading by syllables may look different. It all depends on how we divide the word into syllables.

    1. Divide words into syllables, as in a primer, with hyphens (short horizontal lines). Below several texts are divided into syllables in this way.

    2. Words are divided into syllables by vertical lines.

    3. Syllables are highlighted from below with arcs.

    Like that. It's better to start with the first option with hyphens. The first texts should be very simple in content, as below, gradually becoming more complex.. First, you give a picture to color. And then the child draws himself according to the meaning of the text. Texts for reading can also be downloaded on our website. Just prepare them using one of the methods suggested above.

    Texts for reading by syllables

    This is the cat Ku-zya.

    At night, Ku-zya caught mice.

    Then the cat slept on the couch.

    And we are sitting in a hole.

    1. Cat's name?
    2. What are his actions?
    3. Why were the mice sitting in the hole?


    Sa-ni had a daughter.

    Sa-nya na-ko-fell the worm.

    He went to the river.

    There is a fish swimming in the river.

    Sa-nya caught a fish.

    1. Boy's name?
    2. What was he doing?
    3. How many fish did you catch?


    This is a tree.

    The tree has a trunk.

    The tree has a leaf.

    The tree has branches.

    Question. Na-zo-vi de-re-vo.


    Ko-ro-va eats se-no.

    Ko-ro-va gives mo-lo-ko.

    Ma-sha love-bit mo-lo-ko.

    Ma-sha love-bit ka-shu.

    Ma-sha has ru-my-ny-e cheeks.

    Question. Why do Masha have rosy cheeks? (For some reason, all the mothers thought about diathesis)

    In the forest.

    The children went into the forest.

    They are so-bi-ra-li ma-li-nu.

    Near the house behind the bushes.

    The children were frightened.

    And from the bushes you-be-zha-la with-ba-ka Zhuch-ka.

    Everyone felt better.

    1. Where did the children go?
    2. What were they doing in the forest?
    3. Who scared the children?


    It's so red.

    Why is it red?

    Red means beautiful.

    Ze-le-ny-e forests.

    Blue sky.

    Bright colors.


    Na-ri-suy le something.

    1. Why is summer red?
    2. What forests?
    3. What a sky
    4. Which flowers?
    5. Why do you like summer?


    How many colors are there?

    Why do you care?

    Because it grows here in the fields and meadows.

    Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki si-ni-e

    Li-za is walking in the meadow.

    Li-za so-bi-ra-et ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

    Liza has a va-za at home.

    There's a co-lo-kol-chi-ki.

    Na-ri-sui ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

    1. Why are bluebells wildflowers?
    2. What color are the bells?
    3. Where is Lisa walking?
    4. Where will Lisa put the bells at home?

    In Soviet times, teaching reading was the concern of teachers. Today, first-graders who cross the threshold of school can read and write in block letters and begin to comprehend foreign languages. And although such an impressive wealth of skills and abilities is not a mandatory requirement for a future student, many parents from an early age are engaged in the education of their offspring so that he does not lag behind his peers, easily and quickly masters complex school curriculum. How to teach a child to read syllables without pedagogical education and special knowledge? Let's turn into teachers!

    Determining the level of training

    In order to correctly set educational goals, you must first determine the child’s level of preparation and eliminate the “gaps” in a timely manner. Don't start learning to read if:

    • the preschooler’s speech has not yet formed, he cannot correctly compose a sentence, and is not able to reproduce a short story;
    • there are problems of a speech therapy nature (the baby must not only pronounce sounds correctly, but also maintain rhythm and melody in his speech);
    • the child confuses spatial concepts (right/left, up/down);
    • phonemic hearing is poorly developed (the ability to identify sounds in a word, their position);
    • concentrates on one object for less than 10 minutes.

    First, we eliminate the existing problems and only then teach them to read. Otherwise, the process will drag on, the child will quickly get bored and good results won't bring it.

    “Refresh” the material in our head

    Parents may have forgotten the sequence of letters in the alphabet and what they are correctly called. Therefore, we open the textbook and remember.

    First figure out for yourself how a letter differs from a sound. For those who don’t remember: we see letters, we pronounce sounds. There are 33 letters, the sounds they represent are consonants and vowels. The former are also divided into hard and soft, voiced and voiceless. This is enough for now, repeat the rest when the child becomes a first grader!

    Tune in psychologically to the process:

    1. do not expect quick results; for them to appear, systematic and consistent exercise will be required;
    2. be prepared to explain the same thing multiple times;
    3. You are constantly looking for new ways and means of learning.

    Let's understand the methods

    Today, a huge number of methods are available, suggesting different approaches to learning.

    For example:

    • They teach syllabic reading - the child memorizes letter combinations and then composes words from them.
    • - suggests memorizing the spelling of whole words.
    • Rough ones help to learn the alphabet through sensory abilities.

    It is difficult to call any method flawless, because they also have drawbacks. Therefore, it is better to turn to the good old sound-letter method, and Montessori, Doman, Zaitsev and other innovators will help diversify classes.

    Where to begin

    Now let’s decide on the manual we will use for training. “Primer” by N.S. has proven itself well. Zhukova, in which classical methods overlap with speech therapy content and unique author’s developments.

    N.S. Zhukov, to the question: “How to quickly teach a growing child to read?” answers - together, and it is not necessary to know all the letters. A few vowels and consonants are enough, from which you can make letter combinations.

    First we study open vowels: “A”, “U”, “O”, “Y”, “E”. Then sonorant consonants - “ M", "N". At this stage, using Zhukova’s ABC book, we begin to explain how syllables are made from letters. The colorful illustrations show how one letter rushes towards another, merging with it into a syllable. For example, " M"hurries to "O", we pronounce it together "M-m-m-o-o".

    The main thing for a child is to understand the mechanism of their merging; with new letters he will be able to do everything mechanically. All learned syllables must be repeated often and regularly so that their reading becomes automatic.

    Read not only simple open letter combinations in which a vowel follows a consonant (“MA”), but also complex “vowel-consonant” (“AM”), fusions of three sounds (“ARO”, “PRA”).

    Let's take p. 18 from the primer as an example.

    Name the first letter - the parent asks.
    “X,” the kid answers.
    - Which letter does “X” go to?
    - To the letter "A".
    - It turns out: “X-x-x-A”. While the letter “X” is running towards “A”, stops cannot be made - they sound together.

    Having learned just a few of these examples, a preschooler will understand the principle of constructing syllables and will be able to apply it to other sounds.

    Never pronounce sounds in a syllable separately from each other! For example, “N” and “O” - “BUT”. This method can delay the learning process for a long time. Teach your child to chant: “N-n-n-o.”

    What else will help you add syllables?

    A great way to learn how to pronounce syllables together is to sing the sounds. This is often taught by kindergarten teachers. Chanting helps many children. Some, getting carried away, can sing a whole sentence or even a paragraph together.

    Thematic material:

    You need to constantly remind your preschooler about pauses between words and sentences. I sang a word, stopped, sang the next one, pause again. Don’t worry, the pauses will gradually become shorter until the reading becomes meaningful and expressive.

    Children learn most easily through play. The alphabet in pictures will help you remember a new letter (the letter being studied is accompanied by images of objects in which it appears), three-dimensional letters (made of clay, wood, etc.), rough Montessori letters, cubes. We studied the letter, made a manual for it and added the syllables.

    If the child is about 3-4 years old, and the learning process has been delayed (more than 6 months), do not rush, postpone classes until 5 years. At this age, an interest in reading will appear on its own, and the baby will master science in 1-2 months.

    When reading books to your baby, constantly focus his attention on how well he can read.

    First, it is advisable to introduce syllables with two vowels (“AU”), then with a voiced consonant with a vowel ( "BA", "RO", "WE"), in the end there are hissing and deaf ones ( "TA", "HE", "SHI") and vowel-consonant pairs ( "AM", "ER", "UN").

    Having mastered the syllables, move on to reading the simplest words: MA-MA, WE-LO, RA-MA. Always start your classes by reviewing and consolidating the material you have covered. Make sure that the future student does not forget to pause between words, check that he has mastered what he has read.

    Let's take an example from the above-mentioned primer (p. 58).

    The photo shows the text “In the meadow.” We pronounce the syllables in a chant: “Here (pause) lu-zhok (pause). Here (pause) wanders around (pause) so-ba-ka (pause) Friend.” etc. After reading, we ask the child: “What is the text about? Where does the dog roam? What is her name?". If it is difficult for a child to answer immediately, we allow him to find the answer in the text.

    The duration of the first lessons for preschoolers 4-5 years old is less than 15 minutes, then they are increased to half an hour.

    Children 5-7 years old get tired quickly, so constantly change the type of activity: read - draw or print letters. It is advisable to use coloring books with images, so the preschooler will have a rest and practice his motor skills.

    Interactive technologies

    It is worth using as an auxiliary (not the main!) means Online Games and applications. Most of these programs are free for users and available on Android devices. For example, the Azbuka Pro program.

    Some sites offer online exercises. For example, “The Cheerful Engine” or “Berylyaka Learns to Read.” If online training If you feel uncomfortable, you can download special CDs with ready-made lessons or educational videos for free.

    Of course, such activities are very popular with modern children who adore high-tech devices. But do not forget that a child’s excessive interest in even useful online games and videos can affect their vision and emotional and mental health.

    Therefore, it is better to use such learning tools to consolidate knowledge or while resting between sprinkling over a book.

    10 useful games

    Never force your child to learn letters. And to prevent home lessons from turning into boring and monotonous activities, diversify them with games. At the right approach

    Teaching a child to read syllables is quite simple. It is much more important to instill an interest in reading, to make it thoughtful and regular. After all, as any teacher will confirm, a person’s literacy and the beauty of his speech depend on the amount of reading.

    From syllabic reading to fluent reading

    Read the sentence and ask your child to repeat it. Then increase the number of offers to 3 or more.

    Remember! During the exercise, correct intonation, remind about logical pauses.

    It’s easy to teach a child when he has fun, so try to present the material in a way that makes it interesting. And it doesn’t matter what methods you use. Show your imagination and discover own way training. After all, only you know the interests of your preschooler.

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