In the fight for femininity: home and salon procedures against mustaches above a girl’s lip. Mustache hair removal: review of drugs and products, features of the procedure, advice from cosmetologists. Consequences of mustache removal in women

Good day to all!

Many girls suffering from such a problem as a mustache above the upper lip are wondering: is it worth trying to remove them, and will a mustache start to grow like a man’s - just as thick and hard?

Today I want to answer this question based on my two years of experience in removing mustaches using wax strips, showing visual photographs before and after removal, as well as in the process of growing new hairs.

But first I’ll tell you a little about other ways to get rid of unwanted hair, which I tried/wanted to try, but they didn’t suit me or didn’t like them for some reason.

1. Removing hair from the upper lip using hydrogen peroxide

To do this, you need to treat the area above the upper lip with hydrogen peroxide every day. The hairs first become bleached, and then may completely disappear from the face. The result will certainly come, you just need to wait.

I wanted an immediate effect, so after a week of using peroxide, I abandoned the matter without seeing any changes.

2. Removing hair above the upper lip using depilatory cream

I have never tried this method, although I bought the cream. I've read reviews that the procedure for removing hair using a cream is akin to shaving. The cream only cuts the hair, but the root remains in place. As a result, the hair becomes stiffer and begins to grow faster.

In addition, depilatory creams contain many chemicals to which the skin can react in completely unpredictable ways.

Well, screw it, I decided, and threw the cream in the trash without trying its effect.

3. Removing hair above the upper lip using tweezers

This procedure is very long and painstaking, as it requires a lot of time and attention. When removing hair with tweezers, the root of the hair is removed, but the follicle remains in place. Therefore, the hair continues to grow, but at the same time it becomes lighter and softer.

I sometimes use this method after waxing, if not all the hairs were removed the first time.

4. Removing hair above the upper lip with wax

This is my favorite way to get rid of unwanted hair, to which I want to devote most of my review.

I bought wax in tubes and jars, where it is applied to the area above the upper lip using a special spatula, then you need to apply a strip of non-woven material on top, smooth it on the skin in the direction of hair growth, and then remove the strip with a sharp jerk in the direction of hair growth.

But this procedure turned out to be not very convenient for me, especially since a lot of wax simply remained on my face.

The wax does not wash off with water, I don’t even recommend trying it! This can only make things worse, since under water the wax, on the contrary, becomes denser and clings to the skin more strongly.

Two the most effective ways removing wax from skin:

✔ using a very rich cream

✔ using vegetable, olive or cosmetic oil

Fortunately, I almost immediately became acquainted with Veet wax strips, which I have been successfully using for 2 years.

There are several types of them, I’ve already talked about some wrote before, I plan to tell you about others in the near future. * *

Wax strips are made of a material that resembles a cross between paper and fabric. On the inside they are already coated with wax. And the strips come with several napkins already soaked in oil, which helps remove discomfort from the skin after depilation, and also get rid of the wax that sometimes remains on the face after the procedure.

To start using the strip, you need to hold it in your palms so that the wax warms up. Then divide into 2 parts. First, apply one part to half the area above the upper lip. Smooth it in the direction of hair growth, and then tear it off against hair growth.

We repeat the same with the other part of the face above the upper lip.

ADVICE! To make the procedure less painful, you need to pull the skin on your cheek to the side. So the sensations will not be so strong, and this will have a better effect on the result, since the adhesion of the strip to the hairs will be better.

We treat the skin with a napkin. At first, some numbness or tingling of the skin may be felt, and there may be external redness. But all this passes quickly.

Another thing you need to be prepared for is the appearance of small pimples that can only be felt to the touch. For me they appeared probably only during the first 2-3 procedures. Then, apparently, my skin got used to it and the pimples stopped bothering me.


It was all so sad before that how I started removing unwanted hair above my upper lip .

This is what the skin above the upper lip looks like after hair removal .

I can’t say that the strips remove every single hair. It happens that a couple still remains. And this problem can be completely solved with the help of tweezers.

And now the answer to the main question: HAS YOUR MUSTACHE GROWN LIKE DAD'S?

At the beginning, 2 years ago, when I first started using wax strips, I repeated the procedure about every 3 weeks. The antennae have become thinner, softer, but slightly darker than before.

Now I remove my antennae about once every month and a half. They became very rare, they stopped growing above the lip itself, they grow only near the corners of the lips. And then, whether they are noticeable, most likely only to me, and then only in photographs. I can only see them in the mirror if I look very closely.

Here is a photo from my recent review on . In that review, I used Photoshop so as not to traumatize the psyche of particularly impressionable people.

Here I show a photo without photo editor . This is exactly what the area above my upper lip looks like now, a month and a half after my last depilation. As you can see, the hairs are barely noticeable, and then only if you look at the face from the side.

As you can see, nothing terrible happened to my face and the creepy mustache did not grow.

I think that after reading my review, every girl who would like to get rid of unwanted facial hair will draw a conclusion and decide for herself whether to start fighting this problem or leave everything as it is...

I, in turn, do not regret that I decided to depilate unwanted hairs above my upper lip with wax. I began to feel much more confident!

Mustache hair removal for women is one of the most common services offered by modern beauty salons. Women react quite sharply to the appearance of unwanted facial hair. Many cosmetic companies have developed a wide range of epilation products to cope with this problem.

Why do women have mustaches?

Primitive people were very hairy. Even a woman, in order to protect her from freezing, used to have quite thick hair all over her body. However, with the development of humanity and the advent of clothing, the need for such vegetation disappeared. Over time, thick hair has changed towards a small fluff. Only in some areas of the body they remained as thick as before. In women this is the scalp, and in men it is also the jaws (mustache).

The appearance of mustaches in women nowadays causes a lot of inconvenience to the fairer sex. Girls get very complex about this, and a feeling of their own ugliness and even inferiority appears. Such a cosmetic problem can turn a balanced and sociable young lady into a closed, hysterical animal.

There are many reasons for the appearance of mustaches in women. First of all, you need to understand that the male hormone testosterone is responsible for the growth of hair above the upper lip. It is present in both sexes, only in women it is 1%, and in men - 3%. In the body of a representative of the stronger half of humanity, it is this substance that is responsible for the manifestation of masculinity: a rough voice, mustache and beard, temperament, strength, etc. An increase in the amount of testosterone in a woman’s body can cause the appearance of some of these signs.

Hereditary predisposition also has a strong influence. You should know that if there was a mustache in the family on the female side, then you, too, will appear over time.

Any hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body can cause a mustache to appear. But in this case, unfortunately, the hairs above the lip will not be the only negative change. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by health problems, taking various steroid medications, or using hormonal cosmetics. Statistically, women who eat a lot of sweets are more likely to have mustaches.

Inexpensive hair removal methods

Shaving is very bad way get rid of unwanted facial hair. After cutting with a blade, the hair grows back quickly. Plus, the end remains sharp, which creates prickly stubble. Over time, the latter can become quite noticeable.

Depilation using tweezers. Many women use this device to correct their eyebrows. But this method for removing antennae can lead to the exact opposite effect. When plucking, activation of nearby hair follicles may occur. Subsequently, in place of one hair, several will grow and they will become more noticeable.

Bleaching is a very common method for treating upper lip hair. This method is suitable if there is very little hair, but it is dark in color. You can lighten them with hydrogen peroxide. In order to lighten, you need to apply a cotton pad soaked in peroxide for 1-2 minutes. If you repeat this procedure often and regularly, the hairs will become thinner and grow slower.

However, the most popular methods of getting rid of mustaches among women are procedures that allow you to remove the hair along with the bulb. As a result, over time, the vegetation becomes more sparse in this area of ​​the skin:

  • Epilation with wax. Allows you to quickly and comfortably remove mustaches from a girl’s face. Many types of waxes are used. Some of them are suitable for coarser hairs. This material is mainly used for epilation of arms, legs or bikini area. For the face, options with added oils are suitable to further moisturize the skin. After this procedure, you should use a cream. Under no circumstances should you apply cosmetics immediately after waxing. A microcrack remains at the site of the freshly removed bulb, and if irritating substances get inside, undesirable consequences may occur.
  • Hair removal using thread. This type of depilation is called trading. Take an ordinary strong thread and fold it in a certain way. Then they run it across the face. This is a fairly old and popular way of dealing with hairs above the lip. Very often this method is used oriental women. The main positive aspects of the method are low cost, the ability to do hair removal yourself, and the absence of irritation after the procedure.
  • Sugaring. This is what is called mustache removal using sugar paste. The recipe is very simple: 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. water and 1 tsp. citric acid or citrus juice. All this is brought to an amber color over low heat. After cooling, the paste is rolled out against hair growth and torn off with a sharp movement.

Effective hair removal methods

Photoepilation. This procedure allows you to get rid of hairs forever. The idea is to destroy the hair follicle using heat waves.

Laser hair removal is carried out in several stages with breaks of 3 weeks. Laser hair removal has a very good characteristics, as it does not cause any damage to the skin and is absolutely painless.

During breaks between sessions, be sure to use products that protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Electrolysis is the removal of hair along with the bulb. The procedure is carried out using a small electrical discharge. It consists of inserting a needle into the hair follicle, through which an electrical charge passes, allowing it to destroy the follicle. This manipulation can be painful, so local anesthesia is often used in the form of an injection, spray or numbing cream. In most cases, lidocaine is used. Before using this analgesic, it is imperative to carry out a test to avoid an allergic reaction.

Elos hair removal. This is a combined procedure using laser and current. Quite an expensive manipulation due to the combination of several energies allows one to achieve a faster and better effect. First, the follicle is affected by heat, and then by a current, which finally destroys the hair follicle.

Epilation with phytoresin. The substance contains honey, molasses and sugar, and some oils are added to help further care for the skin. The hair removal process is reminiscent of sugaring or regular waxing, but the base is natural. Phytoresin has a relatively low cost, so there are quite a lot of fans of this procedure.

Turning flaws in appearance into a highlight is the highest aerobatics of self-love. But what kind of skill do you need to have to make a girl’s mustache above her lip become a charming decoration? The fluff on the face is traditionally considered a masculine “attribute” that does not fit with a gentle, feminine image, and most beautiful ladies prefer to get rid of it. Moreover, there are many ways to solve the problem.

Almost every girl has a light, barely noticeable fluff above her lip, but the appearance of dark, hard, conspicuous hairs can be due to a number of reasons:

  • Increased testosterone levels. The male hormone is necessary for women for the full functioning of the body and, in particular, for the implementation of reproductive function. However, if there is too much testosterone, it affects not only increased “hairiness”: a teenage girl may have problems with the formation of the skeletal system; in older women, an excess of the male hormone is fraught with pathological changes in the uterus and mammary glands. Therefore, in this case, a thorough examination of the entire body is necessary and endocrine systems s in particular.
  • High level of pigmentation. Most natural brunettes have a mustache above their lip, and this phenomenon is not a deviation for them. And women from Latin America, for example, are very proud of their facial hair, considering it a sign of health and unbridled temperament.
  • Some diseases. Pathologies of the thyroid gland, gall bladder, brain.
  • Pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child hormonal changes in the body can lead to the appearance of dark hairs above the lip. In this case, there is no need to worry, but a more thorough examination will not hurt. Usually the antennae disappear after finishing breastfeeding If this does not happen, it is better to consult an endocrinologist.
  • Therapy by some medicines. For example, long-term use of contraceptives can lead to hormonal imbalances, provoking the growth of hair on the face.

Although in most cases the appearance of a mustache above a girl’s lip can be considered as a cosmetic defect, a consultation with a doctor and a complete examination of the body will eliminate the possibility of health problems.

Increased facial hair growth may be a sign of hormonal imbalances and serious illnesses, so it is important to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination

Hirsutism is increased hair growth beyond normal limits. In this case, the removal of unnecessary “vegetation” is accompanied by observation by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Video: reasons for the appearance of antennae and a brief overview of the main methods for their removal

Home control methods

At home, it is advisable to get rid of antennae with a small number of hairs. There are several ways to do this, each of which has its own specifics.


This is a male method that allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of mustaches. It would seem, what could be simpler? However, using a machine to remove hairs above a girl’s lip is fraught with:

  • the appearance of “stubble” (after shaving, the newly growing “vegetation” becomes increasingly darker, stiffer and thicker);
  • irritation (delicate facial skin is very sensitive to mechanical stress and can react with rashes, redness, peeling);
  • psychological discomfort (few girls would like to start every morning with a male ritual, but they will have to, because when shaving, the root of the hair remains intact and unharmed, so the next day dark “stumps” will certainly appear above the lip).

So, let's leave shaving to our beloved men, and look for a more suitable option for ourselves.

Depilatory cream

The mechanism of action of depilatory creams is that such products contain substances that destroy the protein of the hair, due to which its destruction occurs. All that remains is to wash off the product and what is left of the unnecessary “vegetation”.

To remove mustaches, you can only use depilatory creams that are specifically designed for the face. The application procedure is simple:

  1. apply the composition using a spatula to the area of ​​skin covered with unnecessary hairs;
  2. wait a certain time (when using on the face, do not leave the drug for longer than 1–3 minutes);
  3. remove the product with a spatula, moving the tool against hair growth;
  4. Wash with warm running water without using detergent.

The cream destroys a small part of the hair located under the skin and slightly weakens the follicle, but does not eliminate it, so “fresh” antennae appear 2-4 days after using the product. With each use, the hairs become lighter and softer.

Before using the cream, an allergy test is required: apply a small amount to the elbow or wrist for 3-5 minutes. If after a day there are no unwanted reactions (irritation, dryness, burning, etc.), you can use the product. You should avoid depilatory products if you have an individual intolerance or a tendency to allergic reactions, dermatological diseases, open lesions of the epidermis, inflammatory and infectious rashes, excessively dry and sensitive skin.

  1. Stir the product (heaped teaspoon) in a glass of warm water;
  2. moisten a piece of gauze in the composition;
  3. apply to the area above the upper lip, secure with adhesive tape;
  4. leave overnight;
  5. the next morning, remove the compress and wash with running water.

Repeat the procedure 3–10 times.

Compresses with soda solution are one of the traditional methods removing unnecessary hair, but there is no objective evidence of the effectiveness of this method

In my opinion, the effectiveness of using soda to remove antennae is highly questionable. For example, I use a soda solution a couple of times a month to wash my hair, so that my hair, on the contrary, strengthens. Although compresses may have a different effect, I was unable to find reliable information on why this happens.


The bleached antennae remain intact and unharmed, but become barely noticeable. This trick is suitable for those who have very few hairs above the lip, they are light and short: otherwise the mustache will still remain noticeable, and will be especially visible in the sun. Various products can be used as a lightening agent.

Before using any lightening product, you need to check your skin's reaction to it. Apply a small amount of the mixture to the area behind the ear for 5–7 minutes and wait a day. If no negative manifestations (burning, dryness, irritation, etc.) are detected, the composition can be used.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide weakens the chitinous cover of the hair, as a result of which the coloring pigment loses its durability. Procedure algorithm:

  1. soak a cotton pad with 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  2. apply to the area above the upper lip, pressing lightly;
  3. After 1–1.5 minutes, remove the “compress”.

Depending on how dark the hair is, it may take from 1 to 5 sessions, which can be done every day or every other day.

For sensitive skin, you can resort to this remedy: stir 5 ml of peroxide in a tablespoon of shaving foam. Apply cotton swab for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Video: lightening mustaches with hydrogen peroxide

Lemon juice

Not only are the lightening properties of lemon juice used in the fight against freckles, they are also effective in the fight against facial hair.

The product can be used in pure form. In this case, it is applied to the area above the lip with cotton pads once a day until a satisfactory result is achieved.

Some sources recommend going to a solarium or to the beach immediately after the procedure: under the influence sun rays treated mustaches will fade faster.

The use of additional components will help enhance the effect. As an example, this mixture is: water, table vinegar and lemon juice (1 teaspoon each). Apply the composition to the antennae, after an hour, rinse with running water. The number of procedures performed daily or every other day depends on the characteristics of the hairs.

Purchased funds

Facial hair lightening products industrial production The main ingredients usually contain hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, petroleum jelly and lanolin.

To achieve effectiveness and maintain skin health, the use of such products must comply with the following rules:

  • use only high-quality, proven products (see review below);
  • strictly follow the instructions;
  • If any undesirable manifestations occur, stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

The table below will help you get an idea of ​​the most popular commercial products for lightening facial hair.

Table - overview of popular purchased drugs

NameSpecificsApproximate cost at the beginning of 2018 (in rubles)
Rolland "Oway With Out"
  • Gives a lightening effect of 5–6 tones;
  • contains acai, olive and agave oils, antioxidants and a patented eco-complex;
  • cannot be used by persons under 18 years of age.
"Ultra Kemon Liding"
  • Lightens hairs by about 9 tones;
  • there is almost no smell;
  • contains vegetable oils, chamomile extract, keratin;
  • judging by the reviews, side effects minimal.
  • Convenient to use;
  • contains extracts of maple, fireweed, aloe, honey;
  • specific, but not very pungent odor.
"Bleaching Cream"
  • To use, you additionally need to buy an oxidizing agent;
  • contains ammonia;
  • Contains jojoba oil.
Silium “Hair bleaching kit”
  • The kit contains two creams that need to be combined before use;
  • judging by the reviews, the effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

After using any lightening product, you need to treat the skin with a soothing cream. It is desirable that the product contains plant extracts: chamomile, calendula, aloe, etc.


The most radical way is to remove the hairs along with the follicle. This measure will allow you to enjoy the effect for 2-4 weeks.


Regardless of the method used to remove hairs above the lip, preparatory stage always the same:

  1. cleanse the facial skin of impurities and cosmetic residues using a special lotion or tonic;
  2. moisten hot water a towel and apply to the area above the lip for 30–60 seconds: steaming the skin will help make the procedure less painful;
  3. wipe yourself dry;
  4. treat the area covered with hairs with a mild antiseptic.


The hairs above the lip are plucked in the same way as eyebrows. Before the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the instrument used.

The method is easy to implement, although if there are too many unnecessary hairs, it can be quite labor-intensive.


To carry out the procedure, you only need a silk thread, knowledge of the methodology and a little skill. The process of removing unnecessary “vegetation” is carried out as follows:

  1. cut a thread 45–50 cm long from the spool and tie the ends to make a circle;
  2. place the “ring” on the thumbs and index fingers of both hands and twist in the middle 8–10 times to form a “figure eight”;
  3. “tame” the place of twisting: when moving with your fingers, it should move to the right and left;
  4. move the “neck of the figure eight” so that one loop is slightly larger than the second;
  5. attach the device to the skin so that the place of twisting is under the unnecessary hairs, and the large figure-of-eight loop is above them;
  6. spread the fingers of the hand holding the smaller ring sharply to the sides: the place of twist will shift in the direction of the large loop, capturing the hairs.

To make the process of removing whiskers easier, experts recommend placing the tongue between the gum and lip.

Removing antennae with thread is contraindicated for areas with moles, warts, papillomas, as well as for:

  • dermatological diseases;
  • infectious and viral rashes;
  • burns, irritations;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

IN last years the procedure has become widely used in beauty salons; in European and American realities it is called trading.

Video: how to remove facial hair with thread

Sugar paste

Hair removal using sweet paste is called sugaring. There are several methods of this procedure: manual (the composition is applied and removed with your fingers), spatula (manipulation is carried out with a special spatula), for the area above the upper lip a bandage technique is usually used:

  1. apply the paste heated to body temperature with a spatula or fingers against hair growth;
  2. cover the composition with a special fabric strip (bandage);
  3. remove the material with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth.

To remove facial hair, it is advisable to use a purchased soft paste with a natural composition that resembles the consistency of liquid honey. The label must state that the product can be used on the face. Judging by the reviews, formulations produced under the brands Alexandria, Aravia, Gloria, and Gannaan have proven themselves well.

Video: sugaring against mustaches


Waxing to remove mustaches can be used in 2 ways:

  • Wax strips. Warm a narrow wax strip intended for use on the face in your palms, remove it from the protective film and apply pressure to the area covered with antennae. Remove the strip with a sharp movement in the direction against hair growth.
  • Warm wax. Heat the wax in a wax melter, apply it to the skin above the lip with a spatula, cover with a bandage strip and remove with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth.

Video: removing antennae with wax

The choice of a home method depends on individual needs and characteristics; the table below reflects the advantages and disadvantages of the described methods.

Table - pros and cons of home methods

  • Fast;
  • painless;
  • easy to implement.
  • The need to carry out the procedure daily;
  • hairs become coarser and darker;
  • risk of irritation and cuts.
Using depilatory cream
  • No pain;
  • the effect is longer than with shaving;
  • hairs become thinner over time.
  • Aggressive chemical composition the product has a detrimental effect on the condition of delicate facial skin;
  • unpleasant odor during the procedure;
  • hairs that are too hard and thick may not be removed.
  • Suitable only for fine, short hairs;
  • in sunlight, the antennae may remain visible;
  • Several treatments are required to achieve visible results.
RemovalPlucking with tweezers
  • Long lasting effect;
  • safe for skin.
  • The process is painstaking, as you need to pull out every hair;
  • painful, uncomfortable sensations.
  • A certain skill is required for high-quality hair removal;
  • the process is lengthy;
  • painful sensations;
  • the need to grow hair up to 3–5 mm.
  • Soreness;
  • the required hair length is at least 3–5 mm;
  • Pasta handling skills required.
  • The length of the hairs is at least 3–5 mm;
  • soreness;
  • risk of ingrown hairs.

Professional methods against female mustaches

Waxing and sugar hair removal, trading - procedures that you can resort to not only at home, but also in the salon, trusting the experienced hands of a master. However, there are methods that only a professional can carry out.

Salon procedures involve intense effects on the skin, therefore, when deciding on them, you should:

  • consult your doctor first;
  • study contraindications and possible side effects;
  • strictly follow the recommendations of the skin care specialist performing the procedure before and after the session;
  • Plan hair removal during a period of low solar activity (late autumn-winter), since after the methods described below, the skin is especially sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays.

Laser hair removal

The hair removal mechanism is as follows: the laser beam penetrates the skin to a depth of 4–6 mm, and the melanin contained in the follicle absorbs its energy. This leads to the fact that the hair burns, and the vessel feeding its root is “sealed”.

To prepare for the procedure, you should refrain from sunbathing, shave your hair a couple of days before the session and start taking an antiviral drug (after consultation with your doctor) if you have previously experienced frequent relapses of herpes infection.

Progress of the procedure:

  1. An anesthetic is applied to the treated area;
  2. when the anesthetic takes effect, the area above the lip is treated with a laser;
  3. the epidermis is lubricated with panthenol.

In the absence of hirsutism and hormonal imbalance, whisker removal usually requires 7–10 sessions.

Laser hair removal is contraindicated if:

  • moles on the face;
  • bacterial, fungal pathologies of the skin;
  • herpetic rash;
  • psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • tendency to form scars and age spots;
  • increased photosensitivity;
  • allergies.

After the procedure you must:

  • Apply sunscreen before going outside;
  • avoid exposure to the sun for at least 2 weeks;
  • regularly treat the skin with panthenol or another drug prescribed by a doctor;
  • avoid excessive sweating (refuse to visit baths and saunas, heavy physical activity and etc.).


During the procedure, the follicle is destroyed by an electrical impulse. The session goes like this:

  1. the skin is treated with a local anesthetic;
  2. hairs are successively removed using special equipment.

Sometimes one procedure is enough to achieve an acceptable result, in some cases it will be necessary to resort to it again.

To restore the skin after the procedure, the doctor may prescribe the use of Rescuer cream (for dry and normal skin), Solcoseryl (for oily skin) or some other drug.

The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • oncology;
  • skin diseases.


Broadband pulsed light, absorbed by melanin, is converted into heat, which destroys the hair follicle.

As preparation, you need to grow your mustache to 1–3 mm, avoid sunbathing for 1.5 months, and, if necessary, take an antiviral drug prescribed by your doctor.

Progress of the procedure:

  1. the patient puts on safety glasses;
  2. A special gel is applied to the skin above the lip;
  3. pulses of light are sent through a special apparatus (as a rule, 5–6 flashes are sufficient for the area above the upper lip);
  4. the epidermis is treated with a sedative.

To achieve results, it usually takes 3–5 sessions, since the effect of light only affects hairs that are in the active growth stage, while dormant bulbs remain undamaged, and after some time appear as newly growing tendrils.

You should avoid photoepilation if:

  • open skin lesions;
  • tanned skin;
  • after prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • tattoo at the treatment site;
  • therapy medicines, increasing sensitivity to light;
  • the presence of electronic devices in the body (insulin pump, pacemaker);
  • allergies to the sun (including a history);
  • porphyria;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

After the procedure you need:

  • for 2–3 days, limit contact with water, do not go to saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, do not steam or heat the skin;
  • use cream with sun protection factor;
  • limit exposure to the sun, do not sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium.

Equipment for photoepilation and electrolysis intended for home use is available for free sale. However, for safety reasons, professionals do not recommend using it.

Mustaches are decorations only for men, but in no way for women. But what should those beauties do, whom fate has “rewarded” with hair above the upper lip? The answer is obvious - delete. It’s not for nothing that hair removal plays an important role in the beauty industry.

There are so many methods of mustache hair removal that you can choose based on your pain, wallet and amount of free time. But what methods exist, what means are used for this, and what do cosmetologists advise regarding mustache removal?

Causes of hair growth on women's faces

If you look closely, even on a “perfectly” smooth female face you can see the hair above the lip: fluffy, light, almost invisible. Naturally, mustache hair removal for women is not required in this case.

But for certain reasons, dark, long and coarse hair, nothing more than a mustache, can be clearly visible on a woman’s face. And the reasons for such a cosmetic defect may be the following:

  1. Hormonal background. Oversupply in female body male hormone and affects the manifestation of some secondary male sexual characteristics, in particular the mustache.
  2. Excess weight associated with a sedentary lifestyle. The appearance of excess weight leads to the fact that some internal organs they start to work worse. This leads to the appearance of excess hair on a woman’s face and body.
  3. Using facial cosmetics that stimulate hair growth.
  4. Hereditary predisposition. If women in the family had hair above their upper lips, then girls of subsequent generations will have the same problem.

In addition, the reasons for extensive facial hair in a woman can be: various diseases, such as:

  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tumors of the ovaries or adrenal glands.

In this case, mustache hair removal is necessary for aesthetic reasons. But if hair grows due to diseases, then without treatment the hair will appear repeatedly.

But we’ll tell you further how you can get rid of hair above the upper lip.

What do cosmetologists say?

Reviews about mustache hair removal from cosmetologists have different opinions about different types hair removal The fact that the procedure is necessary is a clear opinion.

As many cosmetologists note, clients who come to them with the problem of mustache growth above the upper lip have aggravated the current situation by previously using tweezers or even a razor. After such methods of depilation, hair grows more intensively, becomes longer and thicker.

What methods of mustache removal are there?

So, there are many methods of removal aimed at superficial hair removal. But, if a woman has any syndrome (for example, Itsenko-Cushing, PCOS), then such problems are treated from the inside. The patient is prescribed oral contraceptives or other hormonal drugs, for example, Diana-35. The action of such drugs is aimed at reducing the concentration of male hormones in the body, and the result is the disappearance of mustaches in women.

However, treatment takes a lot of time. And before achieving the desired result, you need to get rid of hair above the upper lip using other methods:

  1. Mechanical - plucking with tweezers or removing with thread.
  2. Physical - laser, photo and electrolysis.
  3. Chemical - waxing, sugaring, depilatory cream, bleaching.

Mechanical methods include methods of mustache hair removal for women at home, which, however, are more painful than other methods. But it is worth noting that they are cheaper.

Before using physical or chemical methods It is necessary to consult a cosmetologist, since these methods have a number of contraindications.

Laser hair removal for mustaches

Removing hair above the upper lip using a laser is one of the safest and most effective methods. Acting on the hair follicle, the red laser heats it to a maximum temperature, after which its further functioning becomes impossible. Dark hair falls off and no longer grows.

The advantage of the procedure is that the effect of the laser does not extend to neighboring tissues, that is, it does not harm the skin. Laser mustache hair removal is considered especially effective if you use a device with an alexandrite laser. Its effect - hair removal - appears instantly, so 1 session will be enough.

In addition to the alexandrite laser, there are other types of laser hair removal. The most popular are:

  1. Diode laser. The procedure using it costs a little less. However, in order for the mustache to disappear completely, you will need to wait 10-14 days after the session, which is not convenient for everyone. The disadvantages of laser hair removal with a diode laser include the painfulness of the procedure, the risk of complications, and the weak penetration of the laser through the hair structure.
  2. Neodymium laser- painless, quick to show effect, safe option, used primarily for mustache removal in dark-skinned people whose hair is more rigid and has a high melanin content.

Before the session begins, the client mandatory wear glasses to protect your eyes from laser radiation.


The principle of photoepilation is identical to laser hair removal of mustaches in women. The light flux emanating from krypton lamps penetrates deep into the hair follicle, heats its elements, thereby stopping further hair growth. This method of mustache hair removal for men and women causes virtually no discomfort.

The nuances of the procedure are that the length of the antennae should be no shorter than 2 mm, and also that their color should be dark. The photoepilation procedure has little effect on light and gray hairs that lack melanin. In addition, before the photoepilation procedure you will need to do the following:

  1. Consult your doctor to identify or rule out any contraindications.
  2. 30 days before the session, avoid tanning under the sun or artificial ultraviolet light. The thing is that photoepilation can cause enormous harm to skin with a high melanin content. Therefore, people with naturally dark skin should not resort to this procedure.

Mustache hair removal itself using the device consists of several stages:

  1. A layer of protective gel is spread over the upper lip.
  2. The client is wearing special protective glasses to protect the cornea from burns.
  3. Using a special apparatus, a beam of light is directed over an area with vegetation.
  4. Flashes of light occur within a few minutes.
  5. After this, carefully remove the layer of protective gel above the lip.
  6. Finally, a sedative is applied.

The cosmetic procedure does not end there. After a week or two, the session will have to be repeated, and then another repetition is possible. After the first procedure, the mustache will not disappear.

Removing antennae through photoepilation in some cases can lead to negative consequences for the skin:

  • burns;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • burn of the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • increased sweating over the upper lip;
  • appearance of scars.

Burns to the skin and cornea of ​​the eye occur due to incorrectly adjusted power on the device. But all the other listed troubles arise as a result of the body’s individual reactions to the procedure. This is why it is necessary to consult a doctor before the procedure.


The principle of electrolysis is also to suppress the functioning of hair follicles. But here it is not the light flux that is involved, but the electric discharge. Penetrating inside the bulb, the discharge heats and melts it. After this, the growth of mustaches on a woman’s face stops.

The technique is applied at a time when the least solar activity is observed. The thing is that after the procedure, exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin is fraught with harmful consequences. But electrolysis removes hairs of any thickness, density and color. But their length should not exceed 6 mm.

The device used to carry out the procedure is equipped with a special needle-electrode or tweezers-electrode. The effect is applied to each individual hair for 1-2 minutes. Each hair is grabbed with tweezers, and the needle is brought directly to the follicle. There are several varieties of such needles, differing in thickness and type of metal. Their selection depends on the characteristics of the hair, on pain threshold etc.

Thus, it can be noted that electrolysis is a painful but effective procedure. However, it is not without a number of contraindications:

  • any skin diseases and injuries above the upper lip, or in another epilated area;
  • progression of infectious infection in the body during the procedure;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular and/or endocrine systems;
  • skin neoplasms;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic intolerance to any type of metal.


Among reviews of mustache hair removal, sugaring occupies a special place among women. The procedure has many positive qualities:

  • low cost - mustache sugaring costs 200-300 rubles per session;
  • speed of the procedure - only 5 minutes;
  • long-lasting effect - up to 1 month;
  • safety. But, if the specialist is not experienced, then some troubles may arise in the form of ingrown hair or irritation.

Hair removal with sugar paste is so simple that you can even do it at home yourself. The material - paste - can be prepared with your own hands, or you can purchase it ready-made in a specialized store or in a salon from craftsmen.

Homemade sugar paste is prepared from 200 grams of granulated sugar, the juice of half a lemon and 30 ml of water. All ingredients are mixed and left for a few minutes so that the sugar is completely saturated with juice and water. By the way, it is necessary to mix the ingredients only in heat-resistant containers, since further heating is planned.

After mixing, do the following:

  1. The mixture is placed on low heat.
  2. Without ceasing to stir, wait for the mixture to appear amber in color and have a viscous caramel consistency.
  3. Once the goal is achieved, the paste is removed from the heat and left to cool to room temperature.
  4. Next, the skin on the upper lip is treated with chlorhexidine or talc.
  5. Recruiting a small amount of paste into your hand and knead it like plasticine until it becomes matte.
  6. Stretch this piece of paste into a strip and apply it to the mustache in the direction of its growth, trying to cover all the hairs. For convenience, you can stick a fabric strip over the paste.

After this, with a sharp movement, tear off the strip in the direction of hair growth. The process is painful, even with a sharp jerk. Afterwards, Panthenol ointment is applied to the treated area to relieve redness and prevent inflammation.

But even with such a harmless hair removal procedure, there is a risk of getting burned. Therefore, before applying sugar paste to your skin, you need to make sure that the paste has cooled sufficiently.

Mustache sugaring is a reusable procedure. But still rough for the delicate skin above the upper lip: redness from the procedure will not go away immediately.


Mustache hair removal with wax is another affordable procedure that is often performed at home. To carry it out, you will need to buy wax in a jar or strips soaked in this product and intended for the cold removal method.

Such wax strips are impregnated not only with wax, but also with herbal extracts, essential oils, which are designed to soothe the skin after hair removal. They are used as follows:

  1. A soothing lotion is applied to the skin above the upper lip.
  2. The hair removal strip is heated in the palms (by friction) for 10 seconds.
  3. The upper lip is pulled down, and a strip is applied to the growing mustache in the direction of hair growth. Iron it over the entire surface.
  4. Also, while pulling back the upper lip, with a sharp movement they tear off the strip in the direction of hair growth.

You will have to be patient during the procedure, as it is painful. And after hair removal of the mustache, redness will remain on the upper lip for some time.

It is better to wax a mustache using wax strips. Wax sold in a jar must be heated. However, its use may cause burns to the delicate skin above the lip.

Depilatory cream

Mustache hair removal cream for women is an option for chemical removal of unwanted hair. This is a quick and inexpensive way to cleanse your face.

This cream gently dissolves keratin in the hair shaft, without affecting the hair follicle or skin area. But the selection of cream should be carried out taking into account the skin type and the composition of the product, since it can cause allergies.

There is a depilatory cream on sale for different parts bodies. But to remove antennae, you should only buy the appropriate product. The thing is that the face cream contains fewer aggressive chemical elements, the concentration of which is sufficient to remove hair without causing harm to the skin.

The cream comes with a special spatula. Using it, depilatory cream is applied to clean skin above the lip. Leave the product on the skin for a few minutes (the time is indicated in the attached instructions). After this, carefully, using the same spatula, remove the cream, scraping against the direction of hair growth.

Despite the convenience and speed of the method, it is still not without its drawbacks:

  • hair growth resumes within 2-3 days;
  • an allergic reaction is possible.

To prevent the latter, you will need to conduct a reaction test. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to the wrist and leave for 20 minutes. If after this time no redness or rashes appear on the skin, then the cream is suitable for use on the face.

Such an unpleasant problem as girls having a mustache above their upper lip often worries them. At least it's not pretty. Which woman wants to look unkempt? Because many of them want to know why mustaches happen and whether this phenomenon can be dealt with.

What causes a woman's mustache?

The causes of antennae are different and require close attention. After all, such a seemingly harmless problem may indicate a rather serious pathology that requires treatment. If this is not a hereditary factor, then a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist is indicated. He will determine the cause and prescribe a course of treatment. After this, you can begin hair removal.

Among the most well-known causes of this phenomenon in women:

  • Hormonal imbalances, especially increased testosterone levels. This male hormone, being slightly present in the female body, promotes the process of childbirth. However, excess acceptable standards it makes itself felt by certain malfunctions: coarsening of the figure and voice, hair growth in places not intended by nature, in particular on the face;
  • Pregnancy - changes in the body during this period can cause the unexpected appearance of antennae. There is no need to worry too much, but you should tell your doctor about the problem that has arisen. Usually everything returns to normal after childbirth and breastfeeding. When it doesn’t go away, you need to consult an endocrinologist;
  • Genetic predisposition - this phenomenon can be inherited and passed on from generation to generation. It doesn’t hurt to ask close relatives, perhaps this is determined by nature;
  • The result of malaise - this phenomenon is typical for diseases associated with pathologies of the gallbladder, thyroid gland, and brain. This is another reason for the need to undergo examination if the antennae are growing.

It is normal for women to develop mustaches after 35 years of age, and malfunctions female organs not visible. This usually indicates a natural factor. Therapy may cause whisker growth hormonal drugs. After treatment, everything usually returns to normal.

Is there salvation

Of course have. But the question is different: to get rid of it or not? This worries many girls and women, who usually worry that their hair will begin to grow even thicker, thicker and blacker. No measures are taken, and some are simply trying to lighten the growing vegetation.

But this technique does not always produce an effect. Especially if the hairs are dark. And the remaining light fluff will not decorate the face. A girl with a mustache, even if she doesn’t look very good with blond hair. For this reason, there is no hesitation, the answer is clear: it must be deleted.

In order not to make a mistake in the way to solve the mustache problem and choose the right method, there is only one way out - visiting a specialist and, if necessary, treatment. Only an endocrinologist can determine how to solve the problem: with cosmetic techniques alone or with a preliminary course of treatment.

Methods of disposal

There are many methods that can be used to remove hair, particularly on the face. From modern professional ones in beauty salons and clinics, to home and folk ones.

Professional removal

Cosmetologists offer to solve the problem of getting rid of mustaches in women in several ways. The main ones:

  • electrolysis - a weak current is applied to the hair roots. Several sessions are required. But the problem goes away forever. One hair is exposed to electric current for about two minutes and is accompanied by pain;
  • photoepilation is one of the innovative ways to relieve the client of the problem for a long time, but not forever. Hair follicles are destroyed under the influence of light from a flash lamp. The method makes it easy to deal with blond hair, but it is not effective on gray and red hair. The session goes quickly - within 5-10 minutes. True, sometimes several are required. However, photoepilation has contraindications. So a preliminary consultation is necessary;
  • Chemical hair removal – allows you to make your skin smooth for several weeks. But such a technique is fraught with the fact that the chemicals used to destroy hair follicles can cause severe skin irritation. Therefore, before the start of the session, the cosmetologist is obliged to conduct testing on an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the skin.
  • Laser hair removal is a safe method. The laser beam destroys the hair follicle so much that it cannot be restored. Therefore, the hairs on the lip are removed forever. However, this method is not painless and is expensive.

Professional cosmetology, although effective, is nevertheless not a completely safe and cheap method of solving the mustache problem. It is advisable to think carefully, consult, and then act.

Independent solution

Mostly girls try to cope with such trouble on their own. There are many methods at their disposal:

  • Lightening - you can use a special bleaching cream or hydrogen peroxide to lighten the mustache. This cream can be found in any beauty salon, and peroxide in a pharmacy. When buying a cream, it is important to choose one that suits the skin type on your face. Usually this product solves the problem with blond hair. Before starting the procedure, it is important to conduct a test for possible irritation. The effect of this method usually lasts for two weeks;
  • Depilation - the cream should also be selected according to the skin type, so as not to cause it to dry out or irritate.

At the end of the procedure, the skin must be moisturized. And then for 24 hours do not use cosmetics, even moisturizing cream, and also avoid direct sunlight;

  1. soften the skin with cream (to reduce sensitivity, it is also good to wipe it with a piece of ice);
  2. then it is thoroughly wiped and sprinkled with talcum powder to prevent the hairs from sticking together;
  3. take a thread, tie its ends and put a loop on the fingers (thumbs are not used);
  4. then a figure eight is made from the thread loop by twisting it 5-8 times. It turns out two loops - a large and a small one, which we throw over the thumbs and index fingers;
  5. then we apply the thread with a twisted flagellum to the hairs, a large loop is also above them;
  6. By sharply spreading the fingers with the small loop, we ensure that the twisted middle moves towards the large loop (they seem to change places), and the loops, grabbing the hairs, pull them out.

This method is simple, you just need to practice right away and you will definitely succeed. But the costs are minimal, and the effectiveness is high. When the overgrown area is large, it is important to use more effective and gentle removal methods:

  • Liquid wax or ready-made wax strips - hair removal should be carried out when hairs have grown up to 5 mm (certain strips require 2 mm). The face is pre-steamed. With well-opened pores, hair will be easier to remove. Heated wax or strips are evenly distributed over the area where vegetation will be removed. There is no need to touch your lips. After waiting the allotted time, the frozen mass is separated with one jerk. The removed hairs remain on back side. Residues should be washed off with water, and small hairs should be cleaned with tweezers;
  • Sugaring (sugar depilation) - immediately prepare this product: 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 0.5 tsp. water, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice is mixed and heated in a small enamel bowl until a homogeneous brown mass. When the composition has cooled, it is applied to the upper lip, covered with a strip of cloth and left until completely hardened. Then, in the direction of hair growth, the product is torn off with a sharp movement. If irritation occurs, use a moisturizer.

Such techniques slow down hair regrowth. They are especially suitable for those whose mustache is not very noticeable. Complications will not arise if the skin is cleaned, dried and degreased before the procedure.

But you need to know that all the depilatory methods proposed above remove only the visible part of the hairs, without affecting their roots, which are located deep in the skin layer. The effect of this effect is not long-lasting, 1-3 weeks.

  • Datura seeds - they must be finely ground, stirred with vodka until thick sour cream is formed and left for 3 weeks. Then lubricate the area with vegetation. She falls out and does not appear for a long time. You can also use a decoction in a similar way: pour 150 g of the plant into 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and keep it in the refrigerator, and to get rid of antennae, use it once a day. However, we must not forget that Datura is a poisonous plant and should not be abused;
  • shells walnut– 2 tbsp. l. Boil chopped shells in 2 tbsp. water on low heat. Wipe the area above the upper lip with the resulting decoction every day or apply it as a compress;
  • Nettle oil - you can buy it at the pharmacy and apply it to the problem area every day in the form of a compress for 25-40 minutes. After several procedures, the result will be noticeable;
  • Steaming with soda – 1 tsp. soda pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and let the mixture cool. Then wet a cotton wool or tampon and apply it as a compress overnight. The cotton wool is secured with adhesive tape. The result is usually noticeable after 3 treatments.

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