Psp starts. PSP settings. Elimination of firmware glitches and freezes. VSH menu. The main advantages of our service center

Let's start by telling you: what is the VSH menu in PSP?

How do VSH settings affect the operation of the set-top box firmware?

VSH menu is a settings menu for PSP game consoles modified with pirated firmware in order to launch games from a memory card, etc. It opens by pressing the "SELECT" button on the activated PSP.
The menu is designed so that the user can change the PSP settings on their own, which the developers did not initially include in the open access capabilities. These settings can be knocked down randomly.
In the following paragraphs, we will describe all the nuances associated with this menu.

VSH Menu Sections

CPU frequency in the menu (CPU CLOCK XMB) - setting the frequency of the central processor. The frequency affects the speed of information processing of the actions performed in the menu. The default value is "Standard" (difault).

What should I do if the screen of the PSP is shaking, there are stripes or ripples on the screen, the PSP takes a long time to boot up after being turned on or does not want to turn off?

If any of the above happens with the prefix, then you have lost the CPU frequency settings in the menu (maybe you didn’t notice the VSH menu opened randomly and changed the parameter, for example, by accidentally pressing a key) and, most likely, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare set to the minimum, like 20/10 , which is not enough for information processing.

How to fix?

To correct the situation, you should press the "SELECT" button on the PSP and set the recommended values ​​by selecting the line "CPU frequency in the menu (CPU CLOCK XMB)" and switching the parameters with the joystick to the right to the desired result.

It is possible that when you try to set a parameter, the row selection will jump to another one, or the value will switch automatically. - It is necessary to seize the moment.

CPU clock in the game (CPU CLOCK GAME) - the frequency of the central processor in the game.
The parameter affects the system performance during the game. The default value is "Standard" (difault).
Recommended values: "standard" (difault) or "333/166", "300/150" - the maximum parameters (there is no fundamental difference).

What should I do if the PSP is working fine, but the games take a long time to load, have severe lag or freeze?

If these problems occur with the PSP, then you have lost the CPU frequency settings in the game (maybe you did not notice the VSH menu opened randomly and changed the parameter, for example, by accidentally pressing a key) and, most likely, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare set to the minimum, like 20/10, which not enough to process information.

How to fix?

To fix the situation, you should press the "SELECT" button on the PSP and set the recommended values ​​by selecting the line "CPU CLOCK GAME" and moving the joystick to the right to the desired result.

If the CPU frequency settings both in the menu and in the game are lost at the same time, you should first restore the recommended CPU frequency settings in the menu (otherwise glitches in the menu may prevent you from restoring the CPU frequency settings in the game).

USB device (USB DEVICE) - parameter for setting the definition of the reader.
Accordingly, if you are playing on a flashed PSP, you must have the value "memory stick" (memory stick), otherwise the memory card will not be detected as a game medium, and games will not appear in the menu.

What to do if there are folders on the PSP: psp, music, videos, pictures, etc. disappeared, and instead of them others appeared, with incomprehensible names?

This means that the value in the "USB device" parameter has gone astray and, most likely, "Flash 0,1,2,3,4" or "UMD Disc" appeared.

How to fix?

It is necessary to restore the value of "memory stick" (memory stick) and everything will fall into place!

ISO/CSO driver (ISO/CSO DRIVER) - driver for reading downloaded game images.
This parameter with the release of new firmware expands the list of values. they exist for firmware compatibility with different images of pirated copies of games on the PSP.
For example, old games adapted to old firmware, new games to new ones, and each driver has its own developer. From this follow their own characteristics.
For example, if the game does not start or does not work correctly with the "M33 driver" parameter, then it will probably start with the "Inferno" parameter (that is, you need to go to the VSH menu and select a different value).
Usually this happens very rarely. The optimal value and recommended by IgroRay specialists is Sony NP9660. With this value on the PSP, there were no errors in the firmware or gameplay.

We do not recommend touching the "Recovery menu" section next after the drivers, and you yourself are unlikely to enter it by accident. You won't need the rest of the sections either.

We wish you a trouble-free use of your Sony PSP!

This article was prepared by IgroRay specialists.

Faced with a problem - PSP won't turn on? This is a fairly common situation. But in any case, we do not recommend delaying its decision. If your console stops responding to attempts to turn it on, you should not try to turn it on and continue further operation, as this will only complicate the situation, and the number of breakdowns will increase as much as possible. It is advisable to contact our service center as soon as possible, where professionals will deal with the problem.

Why won't my PSP turn on?

As a rule, there are several options. Often PSP does not turn on because she was very exhausted. Try to put it on charge for a few hours, if even then it does not turn on, then the problem is definitely not in the discharged battery.

1. The battery itself failed and therefore in most cases PSP turns on and off immediately. Sooner or later, every user will face this, because over time the battery loses its capacity and then it just needs to be replaced.

2. Portable set-top boxes have a rather weak power button. If she falls into disrepair, PSP won't turn on 3008, 2008 Slim.

3. It can be assumed that the connector itself is broken and, in this regard, PSP Go, 2000, 1008 does not turn on. That is, due to a connector malfunction, the console is discharged and therefore does not turn on.

Important: Promotion! Reduced price by 50% marked with the word "Promotion", valid until the end of this month
Advantages: 1. You can use our services and we will repair your device with a guarantee.
2. We also wholesale and retail spare parts, you can make a diagnosis from us (it's free) and buy a part to install it yourself.
3. Diagnostics - 0 rub.
installation details
in our
service center:
Name of spare parts PSP1000 PSP2000 PSP 3000 PSP Go PSP e1000 PSP Vita Installation price
in rubles
Display Promotion! 1190 1170 990 1470 1400 3990
+ touch glass
Rear touchpad 1900 499
Joystick Promotion! 600 600 600 600 600 600 499
Charging connector Promotion! 600 600 600 600 600 600 499
Flash reader 400 400 400 400 400 400 499
battery cover 200 200 200 200 200 200 499
Button cable 400 400 400 400 400 400 499
Service center services
Installation of modules and components: display, speaker, body parts, etc. 900
Installation of radio elements: capacitor, diode, transistor, varistor, etc. 400
Restoration of a printed circuit board without replacing radio elements 800
Installation of microcircuits, chips, controllers 900
Recovery after moisture 900
Firmware 900
Diagnostics 900

4. As a result of mechanical damage or contact with moisture, breakdowns often occur, due to which PSP turns off. It is impossible to immediately give an exact answer as to what suffered from impact or corrosion. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis in order to determine which part was damaged.

What to do when PSP won't turn on?

Most importantly, do not attempt to charge or turn on the console. Here you need to take the following steps:

1. First of all, diagnose the device in order to determine why PSP turns off.

2. In order to eliminate the breakdown, it is advisable to resort to replacing a non-working component, rather than restoring it. For example, a fairly common situation where PSP crashed and won't turn on. It is better to replace parts damaged after a fall, so they will last longer.

Happens when PSP won't turn on after flashing. If there is a problem with the program, it is necessary to do diagnostics and, most likely, change the firmware.

The main advantages of our service center:

1. We always have all the necessary and only original spare parts in stock. We sell them both wholesale and retail throughout Russia. That is why our prices are the lowest;

2.if PSP won't turn on with battery, We will make a comprehensive diagnosis and determine the cause of the malfunction. For our customers, this is an absolutely free service;

3. in our work we use only new original components. We will not restore old spare parts, because in this case they will not be able to serve for a long time, and we value our reputation, and therefore we perform any repair - to the conscience.

4. In order to make sure that the device is fully functional, we will test it. As a rule, it takes from 5 to 30 minutes.

5. Upon completion, the client receives a full guarantee for the entire device.

6. We employ only highly qualified craftsmen who know for sure why the PSP does not turn on and what to do, and in the shortest possible time will repair the PSP e1000, Go, 3008, 2000, 1000, 3000, 2008, etc.

It happens when Sony PSP does not turn on, the green light is on. Do not try to repair the console yourself, as this can lead to the most unpredictable and serious consequences. The most common reason is a firmware issue. Only specialists can do everything right.

Whatever you have to face, come to our workshop. We will definitely answer any of your questions, consult and repair your PSP. No more wasting time and nerves - choose our service center and know: your console is in safe hands.

Installing licensed games on the psp will not be difficult for any user of this miniature, but powerful enough console. Their installation is similar to any other application. If you ended up on this page, then most likely you want to know how to make the set-top box read ISO and other images from a flash drive. We will describe the solution of this problem in detail in the body of this article.

PSP Firmware

Before rushing to the Internet for images of new games, it is worth determining what firmware is on your console, as a result - which games will run on it. For the necessary details:

  • turn on psp with the corresponding button;
  • go to "Settings";
  • open the submenu “System Settings” -> “Details”;
  • we look in the line “System software” and rewrite the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200bwith the utmost accuracy (useful in the future).

Now a little information about the firmware itself, which are factory and “custom”. The first are created by the hands of official developers and are installed on the console directly by the manufacturer. Such software will not allow you to run third-party games obtained from the Internet or other sources. Therefore, custom firmwares were created by private enthusiasts and the fan community, which give the owner of the psp the ability to open applications from a flash card. How to distinguish one firmware from another? You can either search for information on the network according to the designations on hand, or look at them yourself. If in the recorded number from the “System Software” section the letters come after the numbers, then your firmware is custom, you can proceed to the search and installation of games. If not, you will have to limit yourself to licensed copies or reflash psp (on your own or in specialized service centers). It should be borne in mind that game developers are constantly improving software protection, so not all games will run on specific firmware, you will have to reflash several times.

Installing the game on psp on custom firmware

If you figured out the type of firmware and found games for it, it's time to install them. Usually, in the topic of the author distributing the game, there may already be clear recommendations for installing the program. Follow them or the general guide below:

  • Connect PSP to computer with USB cable. We go to “Menu” –> “Settings” –> “USB connection” so that the PC recognizes the device as a USB flash drive.
  • If the game is packed into an archive, first unzip it on the computer.
  • For firmware 3.xxOE and M33: files with ISO or CSO extensions are placed in the ISO folder, which is located in the root directory of the card.
  • If the folder does not exist, you can create it manually or by formatting the media through the console itself.
  • If the game is in EBOOT format, put it in the root directory along with the folder in which it is contained.
  • In order for the image to run, you need to connect it to the PSP UMD drive (or enable the “Use NO-UMD” function, for games that support this mode).
  • The final stage: go to “GAME” -> “Memory Stick” and (if everything is done correctly) we see the connected game. Click on it with the “X” button to launch it.
  • PSX games must be placed not in the root directory, but in /PSP/GAME/.

To easily run your favorite games from PS1 to PSP, use the POPSLOADER program by connecting it to the console as a plug-in.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 37 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

The PSP is one of the best handheld devices ever invented. It has many useful and interesting features. Using the PSP seems easy at first glance. Although some people underestimate the capabilities of the device and use it only for playing games and watching movies. Many users say they know how to use the Playstation Portable features, but in reality they can't even connect to the Internet. Read the article and you will learn how to use your PSP to its full potential.


    Read the user manual. The user's manual may intimidate the user with its sheer size, but by simply looking at it, you can learn about many of the features of your PSP. This article assumes that you have reviewed the manual and are familiar with the basic purposes of the buttons.

    Charge your device. The PSP comes with a charger that plugs into a standard wall outlet. Plug the smaller end of the charger into the small yellow connector on the bottom right side of the PSP, and plug the other end into a power outlet. The PSP should take several hours to charge.

    Connect to the Playstation Network (PSN). Many users do not connect to PSN for some reason. PSN connects for free and is on every PSP on the right side of the XMB page (the screen that appears when you turn on the PSP)

    • You will need parental permission and their email addresses.
  1. Turn on the device. Press and hold the power button (bottom right) until the system starts up. If there is a game in the device, it will start. Otherwise, the start menu will appear. When you turn on your PSP for the first time, you will be asked to enter the time, date, and possibly other information.

    Choose between old, new and custom (custom) firmware. Firmware is the version software, which actually makes your PSP work. From time to time, Sony releases new firmware with improved features. Homemade games can be included in the firmware. These games are made to take into account the shortcomings of the old firmware, which allows you to run them. Homemade games cannot be run on updated firmware. In addition to homemade games, you can run emulators of other gaming systems in the old PSP firmware. There is another option - custom firmware. Custom firmware is a "cracked" version of the new firmware. It allows you to run homemade games, modify appearance PSP menu, run ISO images (PSP game images) and use other functions. Installing a custom firmware can be a dangerous process as it can ruin your PSP's upgrade process. In this case, you must make a choice: Do you want to play homemade games, use emulators, and Flash Player, WMA Playback, camera, MP4/AVC support and more, or do you want to have access to all these features without breaking your PSP? best version The firmware is version below 2.81. you can downgrade the firmware if you are using firmware version 2.8. Although many games require updated firmware. If you have firmware version 2.70 installed, you can access Flash content (Flash v6.0 ONLY) and RSS Audio/Video feeds using an Internet browser. In version 2.60 you can play WMA format. In version 3.01 you get PSP Camera Icon, PS3 Connectivity, AVC/AAC (not renameable to M4V*****) and many other features. But if you update to the latest firmware, you'll have to wait months before you can run homemade games on your PSP. The best way learn how to install firmware on your device - visit the forum at Updating custom firmware may seem like a complicated process at first, but after some research it is very easy to do.

    Connect to the Internet (Wireless and Wi-Fi required). To do this, go to "Settings". Find Network Settings. You have two options: Ad Hoc (peer-to-peer) mode and Infrastructure Mode (client-server). Select "Infrastructure Mode". Create a new connection. You can name it whatever you like, as long as the firmware version is 2.00 or higher. Select the "Scan" function on the WLAN settings screen. Make sure the WLAN function is enabled. The WLAN switch looks the same as the on/off button. It is located to the left of the control buttons, below the analog stick above the Memory Stick Duo slot. Scan for networks. If you have a wireless network, the PSP will find it. Select your wireless network. If nothing happened, move closer to the access point (modem, antenna). If you have a WEP password, select WEP in the WLAN security settings (this is usually done automatically). If you don't have security settings, select "none". Address settings are easy. The connection name can be whatever you want. At the end, you can click on X to save your settings. After the save is complete, click Test Connection. Normally the PSP connects to the access point by getting an IP address and showing the connection status. In some cases, you will receive the message “A communication error has occurred. Unable to connect to access point." In this case, the network firewall may block your device. If you don't have a security password, don't disable your firewall. Just enter your IP address into the browser. The settings screen will appear. Different providers use different settings menus. Try to find settings, utilities, or utility settings. After a while, you should find a list of exclusions. Enter the MAC address of the PSP in the exceptions. To find the PSP's MAC address, go to Settings, System Preferences, and click on System Information. He must be there.

    In firmware version 2.71, this is very easy to do. Create a VIDEO folder (all caps) on the PSP Memory stick (USB cable required), usually Drive E:\. Create a folder directly on the memory card, not in the PSP folder. This is what you should see: e:\VIDEO . E:\ - drive letter (memory card). You can copy video files to the VIDEO folder. Video files must be in MP4 or AVI format. The file name doesn't matter. You can create a subfolder under the VIDEO folder. If you create a folder in a subfolder, the PSP will ignore it. If you are using firmware below 3.00, please create an MP_ROOT folder on your memory card. Within the folder, create a subfolder 100ANV01. Place your video files in the 100ANV01 folder. Video files must be in MP4 format. in these firmware, the file name matters. Rename the MP4 files to M4V*****.MP4, where each * means a number.

  2. If you have firmware 2.80 or later, simply insert a music CD into your computer's drive and use the "Rip CD" feature in Windows Media Player to save songs in WMA format. To store music on your PSP, create a MUSIC folder inside the PSP folder on your memory card (create a PSP folder if it doesn't exist). You can create subfolders under the MUSIC folder. For example, a folder with songs from one album will look like this: E:\PSP\MUSIC\Album Name\song.wma . PSP does not recognize folders in subfolders. You can also copy MP3 files to the MUSIC folder. But, if your firmware is older than 2.80, then the MP3 format is the only option. You can rip songs from disc to MP3 using Realplayer.

    If you have firmware 3.00, create a PICTURE folder on the memory card, not in the PSP folder. Copy the images to this folder. Accepted image formats are GIF, PNG, BMP and JPEG/JPG. If your firmware is older than 2.70, create a PHOTO folder inside the PSP folder and copy the JPEG/JPG files there. Older PSP firmware does not recognize GIF, PNG or BMP formats. You can create subfolders in the PICTURE folder, but you cannot create folders in subfolders.

  3. Using an Internet browser. You can access the Internet by going to the "Network" menu and selecting "Internet Browser". You will connect to the World Wide Web (WWW). To navigate the screen, hold down the square key and use the joystick as a mouse. If you want to fit the page to the PSP screen size, press the triangle button and go to the view menu. There are three page display options: No fit (Normal), Fit to screen width (Just fit), Smart fit (Smart fit).

    • Some games, like Burnout Legends, allow you to use the Sharing feature. Go to Multiplayer in the UMD game menu and select Sharing. On your friend's PSP, select Sharing in the "Game" folder.
    • If you have firmware 3.00 or higher and Playstation 3, you can control PS3 with PSP. Go to the Network menu and select Remote Play.
    • Please note that the PSP only supports media formats, not text files.
    • Most videos on Google Video are available for PSP in AAC/AVC format. Formats are played on firmware 2.71 and higher. To download videos from Google Video to PSP, click on the "Windows/Mac" drop-down button on the video screen. It is located to the right of the download button. Select "Video iPod/Sony PSP". Then "Download". Save the video in the VIDEO folder on the memory card. If there is no such button, then the video is not available for download on the PSP.
    • If you have firmware 3.00 or higher, you can buy a PSP compatible USB camera.
    • Once you update the firmware, there is no turning back: you will not be able to play homemade games and use emulators until the firmware is cracked (10 new firmwares may be released during this time).
    • If your video is in formats that are not compatible with PSP, you can purchase video converters for PSP. The PSP Video 9 Converter is recommended as it makes it easy to create folders for the video to be converted.
    • To save personal SWF files to your PSP, create a FLASH folder on your memory card. Copy the SWF files into it. Then open a browser and type file:/FLASH/whatever.swf.

In the age of developed information technologies not every owner of a portable gaming console from Sony Corporation will want to give their hard-earned money to purchase a game. Despite the rapid development of the gaming industry, game and application developers are asking for astronomical amounts of money for their products, without giving them the opportunity to even partially familiarize themselves with the features of the game. However, owners of a portable console can do without purchasing a game disc.

On the original firmware of the gadget, it is impossible to directly launch the game directly from the memory card (when the disk is not in the device drive), however, if you use the modified firmware, you will solve this problem.

Step 1: original firmware. To modify your console, you need to make sure that it has the original (official) firmware, version 5.03. In this case, the version should not be lower than the specified one, otherwise installation of 5.03 specifically will be required, since earlier or later versions of the firmware do not support upgrading. The official operating system 5.03 is freely available on the official website of the developers. Connect PSP to PC. To do this, you will need the sync cable that came with the console. Open the memory card, then go to PSP - GAME. Open the UPDATE folder (if it doesn't exist, create it manually). Unpack the previously downloaded archive.

Step 2: Installation official firmware. Open the unzipped folder and copy the eboot.pbp file to the UPDATE folder you created. Disconnect the console from the personal computer and go to the GAME - MEMORY CARD directory on the console itself. Scroll through the list of files until you find the firmware file from the developers. Run it. Follow the brief instructions and wait until the installation of the official firmware is completed, after which the console should reboot.

Step 3: Firmware upgrade. Download the ChickHEN program. The archive with the program will contain a folder with the name of the consoles. You need to select the version of the console you are using. Run the file, which has the .exe extension, and reconnect your PSP to your computer. In the dialog box, you must click the "OK" button and all the necessary files will be copied to the PSP memory card in automatic mode. Copy the ChickHEN mod 2 folder from the ChickHEN archive and transfer it to the Pictures folder, which is located on the console's memory card. Next, go to the PSP menu and open the photos. Scroll through the pictures until the console restarts. Next, download the modified GEN-C firmware and transfer it to the memory card at PSP - GAMES. You need to start the firmware from the GAME menu. The console will reboot.

Please note that rebooting the console may not start the first time. On average, it takes about ten attempts, since it all depends on the model of your gadget.

Step 4: games. This completes the modification of the portable console firmware. To download games, you just need to connect the PlayStation Portable to a personal computer and copy the games to a folder at PSP - GAME. Next, you need to disconnect the portable console from the PC and select the game you are interested in in the GAME menu and press the START button.

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