The most famous cannibals (11 photos). The most famous cannibals (23 photos) Where cannibalism is preserved

A restaurant that cooks human flesh has opened in Japan. Recently, the country officially joined the countries where cannibalism is allowed.

The country's first restaurant has opened in the capital of Japan, Tokyo, where you can taste dishes made from human meat. It is known that eating people in the land of cherry blossoms is officially allowed.

Human meat dishes are not cheap by financial standards, the price for an unusual “delicacy” for one can be from 100 to 1000 euros. Representatives of the restaurant, whose name is translated into Russian as "Edible Brother", said that the food is prepared from the meat of an already deceased person, who before his death agreed to such a procedure.

Of course, the chef of the Tokyo establishment will not reveal all the culinary subtleties to anyone, but it is known that the meat undergoes special medical treatment, which brings its quality to consumer standards. Also, representatives of the "Edible Brother" noted that after the entire process of preparing the product for consumption, its taste qualities increase several times.

Like to eat brothers on the planet and the inhabitants of the Congo. The peak of cannibalism in this country came in the late 90s and early 2000s. The last act of eating a person was recorded in 2012, that is, not so long ago. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of the Congo are confident that the eaten heart of the enemy will bring courage and vitality to a person.

People also ate in western Africa. A group of cannibals called "Leopard" hunted their enemies in animal skins and with animal fangs. Gnawed human remains ceased to be found in these places only in the late 80s.

Cannibalism still thrives in Brazil. It all started with the Wari tribe in the 1960s of the last century. Representatives of this nationality ate the bodies of the dead pious sages. However, later, due to the prohibitive level of poverty of the local population, ordinary people who were not particularly pious began to disappear. But killing a person for food is not always associated only with hunger. Some of the lovers of human flesh say that before attacking the victim, voices sound in their heads that order them to eat one or another fellow tribesman.

Surprisingly, in the 21st century people are also eaten in Papua New Guinea. The Korowai tribe regularly eat human meat dishes in order to protect themselves from the effects of the effects of sorcerers. It is known that when a nation unexpectedly dies for no apparent reason, the tribesmen eat the deceased, because they are sure that an evil sorcerer killed him. Korowai are also famous for having eaten a white man who was the son of the governor of New York City in 1961. A young man named Michael Rockefeller went to study the people, but never returned from the expedition.

The inhabitants of Cambodia also love dishes from non-traditional meat for the majority of the population of the Earth. It is known that during the active hostilities in Southeast Asia in 1960-1970, cannibalism actively flourished. The Cambodian military believed that the eaten liver of the enemy would give them the strength of a dead person and give them courage.

In India, the religious sect Aghori, whose representatives live in cemeteries, considers human meat the best elixir of youth. Sectarians eat those who bequeathed their bodies to them after death, and make jewelry out of human bones and skulls. It is also known that aghori willingly feast on corpses caught from the sacred river Ganges.

In the 21st century, it's hard to believe that someone is capable of cannibalism. The guidebooks have not been informing about the dangers of this kind for a long time, although in fact it would be worth it. Some tribes abandon civilization and live by the old rules, which include cannibalism.

South East Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the disappearing ones, where they feed on human flesh. They live near the river, where tourists come. In 1961, the son of Governor Nelson Rockefeller went missing there. This tribe believes that if a person dies due to illness, then the sorcerer Hakua devours him from the inside. In order to protect others from misfortune, they must repay the same - eat a person who died through the fault of Hakua.


Cannibalism in the Congo peaked during civil war(1998-2002) The rebels believed that the heart of the enemy should be cooked with special herbs and eaten. They still believe that the heart gives a special power that scares off enemies. In 2012, an official case of cannibalism was recorded.


If the first two settlements are not dangerous for tourists, then the one located on the island of Fiji should be avoided. Ancient traditions have been preserved on this island: tribes fight among themselves and eat only enemy people, considering this a ritual of revenge. It is interesting that they do not eat like animals, but using cutlery. They also collect rare items left over from the victims.

Aghori sect, Varanasi

Varanasi is the city where the dead are burned on the Ganges River. At night, the Aghori religious sect comes to this river. They are smeared with cremation ash, wear necklaces made of bones, dressed in black inconspicuous clothing. They need the dead to perform rituals. Sometimes they eat volunteers who donate their entrails. This is necessary in order to prevent aging of the body.

7 countries where you can be eaten.

Guidebooks warn of many dangers that may await travelers in a particular country. But no one warns about cannibalism. Surprise! Cannibalism is still practiced in some tribes such as India, Cambodia and West Africa. And here are 7 countries in which tribes are still not averse to feasting on people.

South East Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the last on Earth to regularly feed on human flesh. They live along the river, and there have been cases when they killed random tourists. And the healers considered warm brains a real delicacy.

Why do they eat people? When someone in a tribe dies for no apparent reason (illness or old age), they consider it a trick of black magic and, in order to save others from harm, they must eat the person.

Interesting fact: In 1961, Michael Rockefeller (son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller) disappeared while collecting artifacts about the tribe. His body was never found.


The northern Indian Hindu sect, the Aghori, eats volunteers who donate their innards. However, in 2005, Indian television crews investigated and learned that they also eat decaying corpses from the Ganges (a local tradition) and also steal organs from crematoria.

Why do they eat people?

Aghori believe that this prevents the aging of the body.

Interesting fact: They make really good jewelry out of human bones and skulls.


Formerly known as "Cannibal Island". Until now, local residents cannot restore order, and there are still those who eat human flesh, but not all, but only enemy tribes.

Why do they eat people? This is a revenge ritual.

Interesting fact: Fijian cannibals are not animals at all - they eat with cutlery and collect rare items left over from their victims. In the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, you can find examples of such collections.


The Wari tribe ate the pious and religious dead until 1960, and after that some state missionaries massacred almost the entire tribe. However, poverty levels in the slums of Olinda have been prohibitively high since 1994, and there are still outbreaks of cannibalism.

Why do they eat people? Poverty and hunger.

Interesting fact: In 2012, there was information from researchers who interviewed local residents and they claimed to hear voices telling them to kill this or that person.

West Africa

The society of active cannibals Leopard has been eating people since the last century. Until the 80s, human remains were found in the vicinity of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire. The tribe is usually dressed in leopard skins and armed with their fangs.

Why do they eat people? The tribe believes that eating humans makes them stronger and faster.

Interesting fact: They have followers - the Human Alligator community, which is doing this.


Journalist Neil Davis reported that cannibalism in these regions gained momentum during the wars in Southeast Asia (in the 1960s and 1970s). Nowadays, manifestations of cannibalism are occasionally observed.

Why do they eat people? The Cambodian troops had a ritual - to eat the enemy's liver.

Interesting fact: Many people in cities and villages were under the control of the Khmer Rouge organization, which strictly controlled all food in the area and artificially created famine in the country.


There are cases of cannibalism in the Congo, and the last ones were recorded not so long ago - in 2012. They reached their maximum during the Congolese civil war (from 1998 to 2002).

Why do they eat people? During the war, the rebel factions believed that enemies should be eaten, especially the heart, which was cooked using special herbs.

Interesting fact: The Congolese still believe that the human heart gives special strength, and if there are people, it will scare away enemies.

Have a nice adventure! 🙂

From the man who cooked and ate his own finger to the man who found his victim online, find out about the most horrific cases of cannibalism.
Attention: For the faint-hearted and impressionable, this post is better not to read!

Source 1The man in Japan who cooked and served his own genitals for $250 a plate

In 2012, a Japanese man removed his genitals and then marinated them before cooking them for five people who paid for it. Mao Sugiyama, 22, who is asexual, voluntarily went for their removal. However, the illustrator took his frozen penis and scrotum home from the hospital and threw a dark party.

He collected $250 from guests to eat portions of his genitals in Tokyo, Japan. They were decorated with mushrooms and parsley. Before starting the meal, the guests listened to a piano concert and took part in a group discussion of the topic.
Mao, who goes by the nickname NS, originally considered eating his own penis - but decided to serve it to others instead. He cooked his penis on his own, under the supervision of a chef. Using Twitter, he offered to cook his own penis for the party guests for 100,000 yen. However, he ultimately decided to share the "dinner" among six people.

A total of 70 people attended this event, which took place in Suginami, Tokyo. While five people ate Mao Sugiyama's genitals, the other guests of the event ate beef or crocodile meat. Among the people who managed to "feast" on his genitals were: a 30-year-old couple, a 22-year-old girl, a 32-year-old man, and 29-year-old Shigenobu Matsuzawa, a professional organizer of various events.

Source 2The Australian woman who killed her ex-husband and served him as dinner to his children

Katherine Knight, the first Australian woman to be sentenced to life in prison without appeal, had a history of abusive relationships. She knocked out the dentures of one of her ex-husbands and slit the throat of another husband's eight-week-old puppy right in front of him. The rift with John Charles Thomas Price became public after he filed a lawsuit against Knight for a "violent prevention order".

In 2000, she stabbed Price 37 times with a butcher's knife before skinning him and hanging his skin on a meat hook in her living room. She then decapitated him and placed his head in a pot on the stove, baked the flesh removed from his buttocks, and prepared vegetables and sauce as a side dish to serve to Price's children.

Luckily, the police discovered the creepy dinner before the kids got home.

Source 3Punk rock man ate his own finger after losing it in an accident

David Playpenz of Colchester, Essex was involved in a motorcycle accident in which he injured his hand. When he showed his hand to the doctors a few days later, one of the fingers was black, and they said that the finger needed to be amputated. Playpens agreed to the procedure and then asked the doctors to give him the amputated finger so he could take it home. “Of course!” said the doctors, who had no idea what he was going to do with him.

As it turned out, the 30-year-old Playpens, who made leather furniture, had always been interested in cannibalism. “I have always wondered what human flesh tastes like. But this is taboo. It's impossible to be a cannibal - it's illegal. And then I realized that no one would drag me to court for eating my own flesh. I decided to cook my finger and eat it. Then my curiosity would be satisfied.”

He happily photographed this momentous moment for later generations, saved the bones, and posted the entire event on his Facebook page, including a photo of the boiled finger. Needless to say, Playpens received a very mixed reaction from his friends, but he was right about one thing - apparently, he will not be accused of any crime.

4The Cannibal Who Found His Victim Online

A terrifying story about how a cannibal tracked down a person who agreed to be eaten online and ate him would be enough to discourage anyone from using the Internet. Armin Miewes has been nurturing the dream of killing and eating a human since he was 12 years old. He said that he once imagined putting his high school friend in a barbecue grill and "slowly roasting him."

It took him 29 years and 430 email contacts to make his dream come true.

He searched for willing victims in chat rooms such as "Gourmet", "Cannibal Cafe" and "Eaten Up", posting an ad "seeking young, well-built men aged 18 to 30 - to be slaughtered". The 41-year-old computer specialist ended up hooking up with 43-year-old Bernd Brandes. The Berliner, who was also a computer specialist, sold his car, wrote his will, and took a day off work to resolve what he called a "personal matter." He went to Miwes' house in Rotenburg, central Germany, where the couple agreed to cut off Brandes' penis.

Miwes cooked it with garlic, salt and pepper in a frying pan before both men ate it. He then filmed himself stabbing Brandeis in the chest with a 12-inch knife. "It was an indescribable feeling for me," he told police. He then cut off approximately 29 kilograms of flesh from the body, which he labeled as "rump, steak, fillet, ham and bacon." He put all the pieces in the fridge and kept them there for 7 months, pulling out the pieces from time to time and barbecue them in his garden.

His first course was a thigh steak cooked with garlic and nutmeg wine, garnished with fried potato balls. vegetable oil and Brussels sprouts. All this he washed down with South African Cabernet. "I can't even tell you how much the flesh tasted like pork," Meavis told police. Police officers who ransacked his library found cookbooks on the preparation of human flesh among Walt Disney's video collection of cartoons. The books contained recipes for "red wine penis" and "young man's breaded liver."

Miwes, who was arrested on a tip from another contact who refused to be eaten at the last moment, will be convicted of premeditated murder, as cannibalism is not a crime in Germany.

Source 5The naked cannibal who was killed by police while chewing on another person's face.

In 2012, many TV channels broadcast a story about how in the city of Miami, Florida, the police shot dead a naked man who was literally eating the face of another naked man lying next to him on the side of the highway. One witness to this horrific incident described what he saw as "the most disgusting incident that I have ever seen in my entire life."

Rudy Eugene was killed by a police officer after he refused to move away from Ronald Poppo, who had to fight for his life in the hospital after being critically injured. The grisly incident took place off the MacArthur Causeway, almost on the doorstep of the building that houses the Miami Herald, with the newspaper's surveillance cameras capturing the entire event.

A police officer approached the man after being signaled by a passer-by and ordered him to move away from the man whose face he was eating. After he refused to follow the order of the police officer, the latter had to open fire, and according to witnesses, six shots were fired. Eyewitness Larry Vega said, "I told him to move away, but this guy just kept eating the other man's face."

After being called a real hero by the police officer's colleagues, Sgt. Altarr Williams, head of the Miami Police's Homicide Squad, said people can be extremely dangerous without a weapon in their hands.

Source 6The German tourist who was "eaten by cannibals" on a Pacific island

A 40-year-old German tourist named Stefan Ramin, who traveled to the island of Nuku Hiva in pacific ocean, went missing and, judging by reports, his remains were found near an extinct fire belonging to a tribe that is suspected of cannibalism. Mr. Ramin made a stopover on the island during a sailing expedition with his 37-year-old girlfriend Heike Dorsch in 2011.

He met a guide, Henri Haiti, who took him on a goat hunt, a widespread tradition in Nuku Hiva, 1,496 kilometers northeast of Tahiti and close to the equator. However, when the guide returned alone, he told Miss Dorsch that there had supposedly been an accident before attacking her and tying her to a tree.

Ms. Dorsch managed to escape and notified the local authorities of the incident, who began to search for the guide, at the same time, a DNA test was carried out on the remains found by the fire, which were supposed to belong to a person. Among the finds found scattered around the fire were human bones, teeth, the jawbone of a skull, and partially melted pieces of metal thought to be tooth crowns.

7The Russian Cannibals Who Ate Their Own Brother

In 2009, two cannibals fed on the remains of their brother for six months in an attempt to cover up his murder. The brothers, 28-year-old Timur and 23-year-old Marat, confessed to killing their elder brother Rafis and eating him in one of the central Russian cities, Perm.

The police became suspicious when the brothers reported Rafis missing, but could not give clear information about their brother. After searching the brothers' house, the police found the skeleton of Rafis, which the brothers had completely stripped of the flesh and buried in the garden. Timur said he ate his brother because he didn't want to go back to prison, where he served ten years for killing his neighbor.

“Yes, we decided to eat it. I didn’t want to go back to jail, so we cut off his head and buried it, and cut his body into pieces and kept it in the refrigerator,” Timur said. “We cooked and ate it for six months,” he added.

Timur, 28, said he blamed his brother for going to jail last time, after Rafis turned him in to the police for murder. Timur also added that his younger brother, Marat, took his side in the dispute.

Source 8The two men who ate their dead friend after getting lost in Siberia

After saying goodbye to their families, the four men, in high spirits, got into their jeep and set off on their long-awaited vacation trip. They chose a land from another time as their destination, an essentially unexplored corner of eastern Siberia, teeming with bears and wolves, where, according to rumors, people saw animals like Bigfoot and where only the most desperate explorers dared to go. What later happened to the four Russian travelers is a mystery that is only now beginning to slowly unravel. The story of their four-month ordeal both thrilled and revolted readers.

Two men returned home alive, one went missing, and a fourth man, 44-year-old Andrei Kurochkin, was found dead at strange circumstances. At first, everyone assumed that he simply died due to the extreme cold. But then the horrifying truth began to surface. The police discovered that he had had parts of his body eaten away and that his flesh was most likely fed to him. best friend Alexey Gorulenko and another fellow adventurer, Alexander Abdullayev, so as not to die of hunger.

Abdullayev, 37, insists they only ate Kurochkin after he died of natural causes. However, the police do not think so, and launched an investigation into the murder.

Source 9The Chef Who Cooked His Wife Slowly

On the night of October 18, 2009, David Viens and his wife Dawn had a terrible fight. Unable to control himself, he sealed her mouth with duct tape and tied her legs. He claims that he did this so that she would not "drive around the city under the influence of drugs, drooping from cocaine and alcohol." The next day, when he discovered that Dawn had died of suffocation with a gag, right in the bound form in which he left her, he panicked. That in itself is terrible... but it's only the beginning. Instead of simply calling the police and voluntarily turning himself in, David came up with a disgusting way to dispose of the body.

At the time of Don's untimely death, David was the chef and owner of Thyme Cafe in Torrance, California, which is located in the South Bay region of Los Angeles. In an interview with detectives, David revealed the following: "I just cooked it slowly, and it all happened throughout four days". David packed his wife's 47 kg body into a container using a heavy weight to keep it from floating in the boiling water. He mixed cooked flesh with food scraps and poured it all into a waste pit in the kitchen of his Thyme Cafe. Other remains that could not be cooked, he put in garbage bags and threw away.

The only part of Don's body that remained was her skull. In an interview, David explained "It was the one thing I didn't want to get rid of, in case I wanted to bury it somewhere." So where was the skull then? He stated that he had placed the skull in the attic of his mother's house, but when investigators combed the area later that day, they found nothing. This apparently wasn't the first place linked to David that investigators turned on its head in their search for clues. In 2001, Thyme Cafe was turned upside down, but they never found anything. Now we know exactly why the police couldn't find Don's remains. Her body was slowly boiled to a pulp and thrown into a mud pit.

During an interview that was taken from David in March 2011 and later used in a murder trial, his voice was remarkably calm. David listened to the recording of his story in the courtroom, along with the jurors, who were obviously startled and disgusted. The interview was taken while David was in the hospital following his suicide attempt after learning he was a suspect in Don's disappearance. Apparently, he jumped off a 24-meter hill... because that's how innocent people behave.

10The Cannibal Mother Who Feed Her Son's Flesh To Relatives

In 2008, an eight-year-old boy was skinned and his flesh fed to his relatives after his mother kept him locked up in a basement. The sinister Klara Mauerova, who is a member of a dark religious cult, lamented in court confessing to torturing her son Ondrej and his ten-year-old brother Jakub.

The court also heard accusations against relatives who partially skinned eight-year-old Ondrei and then ate raw human flesh. The boys described how their mother and relatives put out cigarettes on their skin, beat them with belts and tried to drown them.

Atrocious child abuse was discovered when a man in Brno, Czech Republic installed a baby monitor with a monitor to look after his newborn child. However, the monitor picked up an image from the exact same monitor next door and showed one of the victims being beaten in full clothes and chained in the basement.

Apparently, Moyerova installed this monitor to enjoy the suffering of her victims while drinking tea in her kitchen. The man immediately called the police, who released the boy, his brother and, it seemed to the police, a 13-year-old girl. At the time, police officers did not realize that the "13-year-old girl" who was officially adopted was actually 34-year-old Barbora Skrlova, one of the child abusers.

Moerova admitted to bullying her children, but said that her sisters Katerina and Skrlova forced her to do so. All three were in a cult known as the Grail Movement, which claims to have hundreds of followers in the UK, as well as tens of thousands worldwide.

Stories about the most famous cannibals of our time.

1. Dorangel Vargas

Known as "Hannibal Lecter of the Andes". He was placed in mental asylum in 1995 after the remains of a missing person were found in his home. But Vargas was released two years later. In 1999, the San Cristobal (Venezuela) police again found human remains at Vargas, this time at least ten skulls, as well as human entrails. Vargas admitted to eating human organs, but denied the allegations of murder, stating that the bodies were handed over to him already dead. This claim has led to the hypothesis that Vargas used the cover of illegal organ sales. The cannibal said that he ate human organs like pears and saw nothing wrong with that. As a result, the offender was placed in a psychiatric clinic for life.

2. Kevin Ray Underwood

He was arrested in April 2006 on charges of murdering 10-year-old Jamie Bolin in the town of Purcell (Oklahoma, USA). There was no evidence that he killed Jamie initially, but the police found the girl’s frozen meat in his house, traces of human flesh on skewers from a recent barbecue, and a video where the cannibal captured the entire process of dismembering Jamie and eating her. Under the pressure of such evidence, Underwood confessed to everything.

3. Robert Maudsley

Robert Maudsley was a prostitute and spent the money he earned on drugs. In 1974, he killed one of his clients, after which he was sent to a hospital for the criminally insane. In 1977, Maudsley and another prisoner took one of the patients hostage and held him for nine hours before the orderlies could enter the cell.

When the door was opened, the hostage was dead. His skull was opened, a bloody spoon was sticking out of it, and it was clearly visible that part of the brain was missing. The guards believed Maudsley, who said he had eaten part of the victim's brain. He was found guilty of premeditated murder and sent to Wakefield Prison, where he soon killed two more men before being placed in solitary confinement.

In 1983, for Maudsley, a special cell was built in the prison, where he was kept under supervision. Any contact with people was forbidden, food was transmitted to him through the gap. This camera was the model for Hannibal Lecter's camera in The Silence of the Lambs.

4. Issey Sagawa

Japanese student Issei Sagawa studied at the Sorbonne in Paris and in 1981 fell in love with a Dutch student. Instead of wooing her, he shot the girl in the back of the head. He killed his beloved, cut her flesh and ate it raw.

Sagawa then had sexual intercourse with the remains of the body and cut it into pieces. I put a few pieces in the refrigerator, and packed the rest in a suitcase and hid it in the forest. The remains were found two days later.

The police figured out the killer a week later. He was arrested and imprisoned, but two years later he was transferred to a psychiatric clinic, where he wrote his memoirs. This book became a bestseller in Japan.

Sagawa was deported to Japan, underwent a mental examination and was declared sane. Japanese justice had no claims against him, because France did not send Required documents. By 1986, the cannibal was a free man. Sagawa is known as "the famous Japanese cannibal". He wrote many books, worked as a restaurant critic for some time, gave interviews and even starred in porn films.

5. Armin Meiwes

Armin Meiwes in 2001 searched the Internet for a victim for an act of cannibalism, and he wrote openly and did not hesitate to do so. Bernd Jürgen Brandes, who didn't know Meiwes, volunteered to be his victim by chatting with him in a German chat. The two met and made Meiwes' plan a reality. Meiwes ate Brandeis' remains for several months. He confessed to the crime himself. Meiwes was found guilty of manslaughter, because the victim gave voluntary consent. He was reconvicted in 2006 and sentenced to life imprisonment.

6. Jeffrey Dahmer

In the summer of 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer was on probation after serving time in prison for sexually harassing boys. Once, neighbors called the police to his house when a 14-year-old teenager ran out of it screaming, but Dahmer managed to convince the officers that everything was in order. They left the boy in Dahmer's arms and he was never seen alive again.

After a while, history repeated itself: another 14-year-old teenager, Tracey Edwards, ran out of Dahmer's house, screaming for help, and the neighbors again called the police, who this time decided to investigate. Real horror reigned in the dwelling of the criminal.

Body parts belonging to 11 different people were found. Some of them were stored in the refrigerator and freezer, others were placed in a barrel of acid or hung as souvenirs throughout the house.

Dahmer confessed to the murders, cannibalism and sexual intercourse with the organs of the people he killed. He was sentenced to 15 life sentences, one for each murder. He later pleaded guilty to the murder of a friend in Ohio.

In 1994, one of the prisoners in the prison where Dahmer was serving time, having learned about the crimes, beat him to death with an iron rod.

7. Nikolai Dzhurmongaliev

Nikolai Dzhurmongaliev worked as a laborer in Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) in 1980. During this year, about 50 girls disappeared in the city.

Nikolai got acquainted with the girls, killed them and prepared meat dishes from them, which he fed his friends. One day, friends noticed parts of the human body in the apartment and called the police. After his arrest, he stated that he killed and ate many prostitutes, and regularly fed them to acquaintances. In total, Dzhurmongaliev was charged with 47 murders. He was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, but escaped during transport in 1989, and was only returned in 1991. These two years Soviet authorities kept information about Dzhurmongaliev's escape secret because they were afraid of panic among the population.

8 Nithari Cannibals

In the village of Nithari (India), 38 children went missing between 2004 and 2006. The killer turned out to be a well-known local businessman named Kohli and his servant. It was in the house of the servants that 17 remains of the bodies of children were found in a settling pit. Kohli's servant confessed to killing and sexually harassing six children and one adult, he also confessed that he and the businessman killed, raped and ate children's organs.

Later, the businessman's guilt was proven. It was also revealed that thanks to the connections and money of the businessman, the police turned a blind eye to the disappearance of children. The Indian Ministry of Security arrested and prosecuted police officials who covered up this horror. Both were sentenced to death.

9. Sergey Gavrilov

Sergey Gavrilov, 27, from Samara, killed his mother after she refused to give him money, suggesting he would spend it on vodka and gambling. After the murder, he took the money and spent it as his mother expected. Upon returning to his mother's apartment two days later, Gavrilov decided to eat, but there was nothing at home. He sawed off his mother's legs, boiled them and ate them. He carried the remains to the balcony. It was winter and the body quickly froze. Later, a cannibal came up and cut off pieces of the mother to cook them. When his crime was revealed, he was given 15 years.

10. Tsutomu Miyazaki

Tsutomu Miyazaki killed four girls in Saitama Prefecture (Japan) in 1988 and 1989. He also sexually molested them after the murder, and on at least one occasion drank blood and ate their hands. The victims were between the ages of four and seven. Miyazaki also sent mocking letters to families, and put his teeth in an envelope and spit the victims. He was caught molesting another girl in July 1989. Police found photographs of the victims and body parts at Miyazaki's home. His trial began in 1990, but psychiatric examinations delayed sentencing until 1997. Miyazaki's death sentence was appealed in 2006, but it stood and Tsutomu was hanged for his crimes in 2008.

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