Is beer harmful or healthy? Debunking misconceptions. Can I drink beer: useful and harmful properties What is the use of beer for the body

Beer is one of the oldest drinks invented by mankind, but the controversy around it still continues.
Misconception 1: beer is a healthy low-alcohol drink. Beer is indeed an alcoholic drink. Someone thinks that there will be no harm if you drink a small bottle a day - they say, I'm not drunk. But each person has his own allowable rate. While beer may not be intoxicating, that doesn't mean it can be consumed uncontrollably. Frequent and excessive drinking of beer is on the brink of the onset of the process of destruction of vital organs such as the heart and liver. Let's answer other questions: is beer alcoholism really a fiction? Is beer less harmful than vodka? Is beer good for your health? Does beer promote digestion, as many beer drinkers believe? Does beer contain vitamins? Is beer good for potency? Does beer quench your thirst? Everything in order.

Misconception 2: The pub doesn't exist.
To be honest, beer is an analogue of moonshine, since in the process of alcoholic fermentation in both, much more toxic compounds accompanying alcohol (fermentation by-products) are preserved. These are aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol, ethers, the content of which in beer is several tens of times higher than their permissible concentration level in vodka obtained from alcohol of the highest purity.
In addition, beer cannot be considered a low-alcohol drink, since recently the alcohol content in it has reached 14%, and beer alcoholism develops several times faster than vodka.

Misconception 3: Vodka is more harmful than beer.
By drinking 5-6 bottles of beer, you get a dose of ethyl alcohol equal to a bottle of vodka.
Statistics show that beer consumption and vodka consumption are growing in the same ratio. In the 19th century. the British, in the fight against alcoholism, decided to supplant strong alcohol with beer, but this only exacerbated the drunkenness.

Misconception 4: beer is good for your health.
One of the common myths among beer lovers is that it is a source of silicon, and is also good for blood vessels and the heart.
But the truth is that with beer alcoholization, brain cells suffer more than with vodka. One of the substances that are contained in microdoses in beer and because of which brain cells suffer is cadaverine, an analogue of cadaveric poison.

Those who are sick with beer alcoholism are admitted to hospitals in a neglected and very serious condition - more often with pronounced dementia and a decrease in personal assessment.
Beer also promotes the expansion of the cavities of the heart, the thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle. decrease in mitochondria. These changes are due to cobalt, a stabilizer for beer foam. The saturation of beer with carbon dioxide leads to rapid overcrowding of blood vessels, varicose veins and expansion of the borders of the heart - the heart sags, becomes flabby and, accordingly, does not pump blood well.
Due to hops, beer contains psychoactive substances that create not only intoxicating, but numbing effect. As a result, after a while, with the constant use of beer, a person cannot relax if he does not drink one or several bottles. Therefore, if your friend says that he drinks beer to relax, then this is saying that he is somewhat dependent on this drink. The problem is that for relaxation, the dose begins to increase, as the body quickly gets used to it and over time it needs more and more. Narcologists claim that alcohol is an aggressive drug, and beer alcoholism is particularly harsh. Please note that most often fights, murders, robberies, etc. - this is a "logical conclusion" after drinking beer. It is especially dangerous if adolescents abuse beer, since their psyche has not yet been formed, therefore, after drinking in excessive quantities of beer, they most often indulge in atrocities.

Misconception 5: beer improves digestion
Hop itself has medicinal properties, but its resin, being carcinogenic, increases the risk of colon cancer (according to WHO). Cobalt, which is present in beer, causes inflammation in the esophagus and stomach.

Misconception 6: Beer contains vitamins.
In biologically significant quantities, beer contains ions of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine - this is so. But with frequent and excessive consumption of beer, an excess intake of potassium and water sharply leads to the formation of urine and increases the excretion of sodium by the kidneys, leading the body to demineralization.
The vitamins in beer come from malt. However, during the preparation process, their concentration decreases so much that in order to meet the daily requirement for vitamins, you need to drink 10 liters of beer!

Misconception 7: beer increases
As you know, beer is alcohol, and alcohol, and there is no need to prove this, has a negative effect on the testicles and ovaries. Due to alcohol abuse, fatty degeneration of the seminiferous tubules begins and an overgrowth of connective tissue in the testicular parenchyma occurs.

In addition, beer contains a number of toxic substances such as heavy metal salts that cause changes in the endocrine system. So, in the body of a man with the constant use of beer, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. At the same time, female sex hormones begin to be produced, which cause changes in appearance. In a man drinking beer, the mammary glands grow and the pelvis becomes wider, a "beer" belly appears.
But, in women who abuse beer, the risk of cancer increases. The voice becomes rougher and a "beer mustache" appears.
Due to the toxic effects on the adrenal glands, a decrease in libido occurs.

Misconception 8: beer is a thirst quencher.
Beers have a relatively high potassium content and a relatively low sodium content. Excessive intake of water and potassium when drinking beer increases the formation of urine and enhances the excretion of sodium and chlorine by the kidneys - hence the diuretic effect of beer.
A vicious circle emerges - potassium cations, removing water from the body, only increase thirst and the body suffers from a lack of fluid.
Due to the diuretic effect, beer flushes out trace elements and water-soluble vitamins from the body - especially potassium, magnesium and vitamin C.
With a potassium deficiency, heart rate breakdowns occur, dry skin, pain in the calves and weakness in the legs occur.
Magnesium deficiency manifests itself in a constant change of mood - a person becomes irritable, whiny and does not sleep well.
With the washing out of vitamin C, immunity decreases, brain hypoxia develops and intelligence decreases.

Today beer is the most popular drink, which is provided to the consumer by a large assortment of different varieties. The abundance of advertising instilled in the love of people around the world. It is not surprising, because this is the oldest drink. His recipes are deeply rooted in ancient times. Spores have been churning around the hop product for centuries. Drinkers cite numerous arguments to prove that the benefits of beer drinkers are enormous. But there is another side that directly declares the harm to the body. What is fraught with a mug of foamy drink?

Doubts about usefulness

Doubt was born with the emergence of the drink. What does beer bring to the body? Its benefits and harms are one of the common topics of discussion for many generations. It should be noted that even our most distant ancestors understood that immeasurable drinking will not lead to good. When did the opinion arise that the benefits for the body are invaluable for a person who drinks beer?

It turns out that the medieval alchemist and physician Paracelsus first spoke about the miraculous properties of the drink. He argued that the natural components of beer have the most beneficial effect on the body, stimulate the circulatory system. It is not surprising that at that time almost all of Europe was drowning in the frothy drink. However, we must pay tribute to Paracelsus, who emphasized that the immeasurable consumption of any food can turn out to be poison. True, he considered 2-3 glasses of beer a day to be the norm.

Contemporary supporters

Many scientists supported Paracelsus, putting forward new arguments that directly testify that for a person who drinks beer, the benefits are great enough. Quite authoritative personalities stood up to defend their favorite drink.

Curtis Ellison, Ph.D. at Boston University, said that consumption of the hop product in moderation (1 liter per day) significantly reduces the possible risk of heart ischemia. The benefits of beer for the female body, in his opinion, is to slow down the aging process. And what representative of the fair sex does not dream of being always young?

Danish scientists were simply stunned by their discovery. It turns out that people who drink beer all the time significantly improve their metabolism.

American researchers believe that the intoxicated drink contains just a "shock" dose of B vitamins. Namely, they stimulate the production of red blood cells.

In addition to all this, this amazing malt drink contains phosphorus, iron, copper and magnesium. And the presence of sugar in it is not as great as many say. Listening to the opinions of authoritative scientists, the question of whether there is any benefit from beer is often resolved exclusively positively. It would seem that you drink one liter of intoxicating drink a day - and you will be completely healthy. But not everything is so simple. And in order to add up your opinion, you need to figure out in more detail what the beer carries with it. Benefit and harm can sometimes be very closely intertwined and be two sides of the same coin. Does this apply to a drink that is loved by many?

Determine the benefits

Let's talk first about the positive side of one medal. It should be noted that we are talking about the use of a moderate amount. Only under such conditions can we consider that the benefits of beer for the body are fully justified.

Benefits of the drink:

  • beer has an excellent ability to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and this is a real prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • a drink regularly entering the body improves blood clotting, normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • an improvement in metabolism is noted, in addition, the body is naturally cleansed of toxins and toxins;
  • the polyphenols included in the composition stimulate the work of the heart muscle, improve vision, normalize the activity of the digestive tract;
  • the content of vitamins and various useful substances, which has already been mentioned, undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • beer hops are known for their powerful bactericidal properties;
  • organic acids have a positive effect on human activities, preventing the occurrence of osteoporosis;
  • phytoestrogens reduce the process of calcium leaching, thereby reducing the risk of fractures.

Beer can be used and ... externally! It is here that the benefits of the drink are revealed to the fullest. The application of beer wraps perfectly stimulates the skin. The drink is widely used to make hair care products. Masks based on beer strengthen the roots, improve the condition of the scalp, and completely eliminate dandruff. From these products, the hair shines with health, becomes silky and natural shine. Beer face masks allow you to delay old age. They are able to smooth out early wrinkles, tone the skin, relieve sagging. And beer foam is just a panacea for those with oily skin. It perfectly regulates the process of sebum production, significantly tightening the pores.

Non-alcoholic beer: benefits and harms

This drink practically does not differ from its "brothers". The only difference is the alcohol level. And the taste of a high-quality drink is fully consistent with ordinary beer. However, it is worth knowing that the presence of alcohol is still present in it, it is simply reduced to a minimum (0.2 -1.5 degrees). This beer is obtained by evaporation, simply not allowing it to "ferment". Should you drink non-alcoholic beer? The benefits and harms discussed below will help answer the question.

Benefits of beer. The biggest advantage of this drink is the ability to quench your thirst in the heat without fear of getting drunk. It absolutely does not affect the coordination of movements, the ability to think soberly, and also make decisions quickly. That is why non-alcoholic beer can be taken by people for whom, due to certain circumstances, the state of intoxication is completely contraindicated.

An important criterion in favor of a drink is the ability to obtain all useful substances, which are contained in the same amount as in alcoholic beer.

One of the most positive qualities is the ability of this particular drink to reduce the risk of malignant tumors. Such studies were carried out by Japanese scientists. The published results confirmed that it is non-alcoholic beer that prevents the intake of carcinogenic substances into the body. The benefits of this discovery are invaluable. True, the studies were carried out only on mice. However, scientists continue to develop in this area in order to isolate "antineoplastic" components from the drink.

Disadvantages of beer. Despite the many positive aspects, the negative aspects cannot be ignored. Non-alcoholic beer quite often becomes a precursor to the development of alcoholism. Teenagers are especially susceptible to this. Starting with such a seemingly harmless drink, over time they switch to regular beer, gradually increasing the dose.

Men who abuse the product can face a rather unpleasant problem - this is a manifestation of female characteristics. After all, excessive consumption can disrupt the endocrine system. The culprit is the phytoestrogens found in beer. They help stimulate not only male hormones, but also activate the production of female hormones.

And the biggest danger lies in the cobalt content of the drink, which is a foam stabilizer. It is a very toxic element. It is noticed that it negatively affects the heart and stomach. And sometimes it causes various inflammatory processes.

What live beer promises

A lover of malt and hops cannot talk about the taste of the drink if he has never tasted draft live beer in his life. Its taste and properties are significantly different from the bottle. This is due to the manufacturing process. After all, brewing and fermentation occurs naturally, therefore, the alcohol formed in the drink is completely natural. That is why it is so rich in nutrients, microorganisms.

Live beer is not filtered. As a result, it contains natural yeast culture. It is she who endows unfiltered beer with a unique aroma and inimitable taste. The benefits of the drink are numerous. After all, it retains all the useful trace elements and vitamins.

What is the use of live beer? In the following:

  • Thanks to natural alcohol, the drink prevents the accumulation and formation of fats.
  • There is a normalization of blood pressure, an improvement in blood coagulation.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Kidneys are cleared, excess fluid is removed from the body.
  • A beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract has been noticed. Food is better absorbed, and proper bowel function is stimulated.
  • The warmed drink relieves toothache, treats sore throat, fights cough.
  • It influences the emotional background of a person in the most positive way, often being a sedative.
  • This drink contains many vitamins, which, unfortunately, are not in pasteurized. Undoubtedly, this is the great benefit of draft beer. A live drink improves metabolism, is able to enhance immunity. It significantly improves the health of the body.

However, you should not forget when drinking draft beer: the harm and benefits are very close. The main thing is to know when to stop. And not to step over the line beyond which it turns into poison.

Dark or Light?

Which beer is healthier? This question was asked by a group of Spanish scientists (University of Valladolid). They determined that dark varieties contain slightly more iron than light ones. Of course, this element enters the human body in large quantities with food. However, iron is capable of accelerating the oxidation of organic compounds.

Filtration is used in the production of light beer. As a result, it is possible that free iron is retained. This explains the small content of the element in light varieties. According to scientists from Spain, it is better to consume dark beer. The benefits of the drink are quite obvious. After all, iron is a component of hemoglobin. Namely, it delivers the necessary oxygen to all tissues and cells of the human body.

Legends about benefits

The unceasing controversy over the drink has spawned a lot of misconceptions. Most of the myths about utility are taken at face value. Beer lovers simply take all judgments about the benefits of the drink as an axiom. Moreover, most of these properties have been proven by scientists. However, what does beer carry to the body? The benefits and harms of the drink are so strongly mixed that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between what the malt lover wins and where it fails. To clarify the situation a little, let's look at the most common misconceptions.

Myth 1: low alcohol drink

The alcohol concentration in beer is minimal. This drink can be compared almost to lemonade. The benefits of beer completely outweigh the possible harm.

True. This drink is a fermentation product. In other words, the breakdown of the molecules of all nutrients occurs. The results of such a process are very deplorable. After all, one can of beer brings aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol and ether into the body.

It is unpleasant that beer alcoholism is developing almost 5 times faster than vodka. Addiction emerges very subtly. Most people do not even have time to realize the problem, as they fall into the hop net. Sometimes it becomes impossible to stop yourself.

Myth 2: a source of vitamins

After drinking about one liter of beer, a person restores the daily need for nutrients.

True. Naturally, the content of vitamins, minerals, macronutrients cannot be denied. However, buckwheat, cabbage, and most food products are rich in all these components. However, they are completely devoid of alcohol. By the way, during the preparation of the intoxicated drink, the concentration of vitamins decreases. Therefore, if you want to saturate the body with the daily norm of vitamin B1, you need to drink not one liter of beer, but ten.

Myth 3: good for the heart

Beer stimulates the cardiovascular system.

True. The systematic use of the drink leads to a thickening of the heart muscle. The cavities of the heart expand significantly. This causes the development of necrosis, a decrease in the number of mitochondria. In other words, the heart begins to fail, pumping blood worse, greatly oversaturation of the vessels. As a result, shortness of breath, varicose veins occurs, and the risk of heart attacks increases.

Myth 4: benefits for women

It is believed that the malt drink should be consumed by the fair sex. It is believed that the benefits of beer for women are simply invaluable. But what is it really?

True. Are there any benefits of beer for the female body? It is highly doubtful. Since phytoestrogen is no less dangerous for drink lovers, as well as for men. Their intake causes depression of the hormonal system. The natural production of estrogens stops. As a result of such a violation, disastrous results appear. The woman's voice takes on a harsh tone. The figure loses its natural shape. Increased hair growth above the lip becomes a very unpleasant result.

Myth 5: stimulating kidney function

Beer removes excess fluids and toxins from the body.

True. This myth is associated with the diuretic property known to all drink lovers. However, this does not achieve the desired effect. Beer does not cleanse the body. At the same time, it "washes away" fats, proteins, most of the necessary microelements. A person, as a rule, is deprived of potassium, vitamin C, magnesium. Sometimes this process can turn into a serious problem. A lack of potassium leads to heart rhythm disruptions, increased dry skin, unexplained weakness, and severe leg cramps.

Myth 6: benefits for the brain

The drink is a source of silicon. Namely, it helps to strengthen the blood vessels of the brain, increases their elasticity. Therefore, there is a need to drink beer. The benefits are clear enough.

True. Any alcohol that enters the human body causes the destruction of brain cells. Even one can of beer is enough to kill several thousand of them. For adolescents, this action is especially dangerous. After all, any harmful changes occur several times faster in a young body than in a more mature age.

Myth 7: beer reduces vodka consumption

Most drinkers believe that by using the intoxicated product, they displace the stronger drink.

True. Unfortunately, statistics provide a stunning fact: one bottle of beer corresponds to 50-100 g of vodka. It depends on the fortress. If 5-6 bottles are drunk per day, then the body receives a dose of alcohol equal to a bottle of vodka. At the same time, the beer lover is psychologically completely protected. After all, the one who drinks a bottle of vodka is clearly an alcoholic. And a person who has drunk 2-3 liters of beer, as a rule, is an “ordinary” average resident, who gives the impression of being happy and lucky.

The assumption is completely at odds with the statistics. It is she who demonstrates the figures that clearly indicate that along with the consumption of beer, the demand for vodka also grows. It is no secret that many drink both, considering the low degree the impossibility of completely relaxing.

To drink or not to drink?

The benefits and harms of the drink are due to quite different factors. The main ones are: excessive consumption and product quality. Therefore, beer lovers who simply cannot live without a mug of hops should pay attention to the dose and reputation of the manufacturer.

The best products are from the European school. The world's most famous "beer" countries - Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, Austria. It is no secret that it is they who, year after year, acquire the status of a leader in the table of drink consumption rating.

Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of whether or not to drink beer. Many studies support the benefits of the drink. Hence, drink. But subject to important conditions. If you know how to "keep" the measure, choose only a high-quality product and at the same time monitor your health very carefully. For other cases, it is much better to simply refrain from drinking beer. Remember that the drink contains alcohol. And the harm from it can greatly exceed the benefit!

According to research by Dr. George Philliskerk of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling, beer in moderate doses has an extremely positive effect on the body. However, the issue of dosage plays an important role - no more than half a liter and a liter. At the same time, according to the scientist, the beer belly, which gives an unaesthetic appearance, is a myth. Phylliskerk believes that beer belly does not arise from alcoholic beverage, but due to a sedentary lifestyle.

According to research by employees of the Spanish University of Granada - beer quenches thirst much better than water. Scientists of the institute have found that due to the presence of carbon dioxide in the foamy drink, the liquid is absorbed by the body much faster, thereby quenching thirst better. In addition, beer contains a number of trace elements, in particular potassium, which helps to improve digestion.

Harvard professor Charles Bamforth claims that beer in general contains more nutrients than all other alcoholic beverages. According to him, beer is good for bones, since the content of this drink slows down the process of destruction of bone tissue, and silicon increases the content of minerals in bones. In addition, beer contains up to 30% of the daily value of healthy dietary fiber, which stabilizes the intestinal microflora.

The Spanish Pediatric Association found that drinking non-alcoholic beer has the same beneficial effects as an alcoholic counterpart. It contains the same amount of beneficial trace elements and minerals. Also, employees of the institute have proven that beer in moderation is beneficial for nursing mothers.

On the social benefits of beer

It is worth noting that studies in the field of the influence of beer not only on health, but also on human social skills are carried out by economists and psychologists. Scientists at the University of California recently published research results on the role of alcohol in increasing human income. According to the latest data, moderately alcoholic employees generate an average of 10-14% more income for their companies than non-alcoholic workers. Being an open caste for everyone except inveterate teetotalers, they get much more opportunities to establish contacts, since they have a greater degree of socialization in society.

Beer is a low-alcohol drink that perfectly quenches thirst, improves mood and positively affects the condition of hair and skin. The first guesses about the usefulness of the drink appeared in antiquity, when Paracelsus proved that hops had a positive effect on the human body, its circulatory system. Modern proponents of medicine also do not deny the usefulness of the drink. Its strength reaches 5-13% by volume, therefore, with frequent use, it can harm the body. But is there any use for dark or light foaming - we will find out after reading this article.

The chemical composition of the drink

This drink is made by fermenting brewer's yeast mixed with malt, hops and alcohol. Its production is divided into three stages:

  1. Malt is prepared from hops or other components.
  2. Wort is produced.
  3. The wort goes through a filtration stage, yeast is added to it.

The composition contains preservatives, dyes and stabilizers to preserve the shelf life. Additional ingredients:

  • carbohydrates;
  • water;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • ethanol;
  • nitrogen-containing substances.

In small quantities, the hop product contains vitamins, organic acids, estrogens, and minerals. Therefore, the benefits of the product can only be achieved when taking a small dosage.

Why is beer useful?

Drinking in small amounts is good for the kidneys as it has diuretic properties. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. People notice that hops balance the nervous system, after drinking beer, stress is relieved, tension disappears, people become calm.

Other benefits of the hop product for men and women:

  • the level of cholesterol decreases and blood pressure returns to normal, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis;
  • due to polyphenols, the work of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and vision is improved;
  • the body is cleansed naturally;
  • the process of calcium leaching is reduced, due to which it is possible to prevent fractures;
  • beer hops have bactericidal properties.

Beer is useful not only for health, due to its rich composition, cell regeneration occurs. Women are advised not only to take the drink internally, but also to make masks for the chest, face, neck for rejuvenation.
Representatives of the sterner sex should not take more than 3 glasses of intoxicated drink, 250 ml each day. Women can drink no more than 300 ml of alcohol.

The benefits and harms of unfiltered beer

During fermentation, the following components are released in beer:

  • fusel oils;
  • methanol;
  • aldehydes.

For the nervous and vascular systems, these components are poisonous. That is why, after drinking a lot of beer, a person begins to have a headache against the background of dilated blood vessels, nausea, headache, weakness, nasal congestion and sneezing appear. When large doses are taken, red blood cells (erythrocytes) clump together.

In addition to harm, living beer is useful for the body if you follow the measure:

  • prevents the accumulation of fat;
  • warm intoxicating drink fights colds, toothache;
  • heals the body, strengthens the immune system;
  • acts as a sedative;
  • removes excess fluid from the body, cleansing the kidneys.

Nonalcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer in its characteristics differs only in strength. The beer hop tastes almost the same, but it still contains a small amount of alcohol - 0.2-1.5 degrees. Such a drink is obtained by evaporation; brewers do not give time for its fermentation.

The main advantage of the hop product is that it perfectly quenches thirst in the heat and does not in any way affect coordination or the ability to think. A person can receive useful components without harm to himself and others, without intoxication. Japanese scientists have shown that drinking non-alcoholic beer reduces the risk of developing cancer due to the absence of carcinogenic substances.

A non-alcoholic drink often leads to alcoholism, after a person regularly drinks 0.5 liters in the morning. The composition contains cobalt, which has a negative effect on the liver, heart, stomach. But the maximum daily dosage of an intoxicated drink is ½ liter, for teenagers it is even less.

Common myths about the benefits of beer

The beer contains hops, after taking it, a person relaxes, experiences positive emotions and develops addiction. Even a gradual increase in dosage leads to a change in personal qualities, a person becomes angry, irritable, deceitful.

The drink contains plant estrogens similar to female sex hormones. Because of this, the abdomen increases, there are problems with erection, conception of a child, the pelvis and mammary glands increase.

There are several legends about the benefits of beer, they are shown in the table:

What Benefits People See

What really is

Low alcohol drink

There is a small amount of alcohol in the intoxicating drink; its composition is similar to lemonade.

It is a fermentation product, and beer alcoholism develops in people 5 times more often than vodka.

Source of vitamins

If you drink several glasses of alcohol a day, the daily requirement for vitamins is restored.

Of course, there are useful components in the composition, but they are found in larger quantities in other products. During fermentation, their level decreases, and in order to saturate the body with vitamins, it is necessary to drink several liters of beer, which will negatively affect health.

Benefits for the heart

The work of the cardiovascular system improves.

The heart muscle begins to thicken, due to which the cavities expand, which leads to diseases. After taking a hop product, shortness of breath, varicose veins, and the risk of heart attacks appear.

Improves kidney function

Beer removes excess fluid, thereby stimulating the kidneys.

The intoxicated drink does not cleanse the body; it removes proteins, fats and other nutrients.

Brain benefits

A source of silicon that's good for the brain.

Any alcohol, even in small amounts, causes the destruction of brain cells. To destroy several thousand, it is enough to drink 0.5 beer.

Many people think that beer reduces vodka consumption, but in large quantities it is even more harmful. Statistics indicate that one bottle of drink is equivalent to 50 ml of vodka. That is, three liters of beer is equivalent to a bottle of spirits. For women and men, beer can be beneficial if taken in small doses.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

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Disputes about the dangers and benefits of beer do not subside. Skeptics are trying to prove its harm, and those who like to drink a glass of foamy drink, on the contrary, claim that it is harmless and even useful. The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. I propose to consider this issue from different points of view.

First, let's take a look at what beer is good for. There are some interesting points.

1. Perfectly quenches thirst. Beer is more than 90% water, contains minerals and carbon dioxide. Thanks to this, the foamy drink quickly quenches the feeling of thirst. In hot weather, many people like to drink a glass of beer, there is nothing wrong with that.

2. Relieves stress and irritability. Beer can have a positive effect on the nervous system, allowing a person to quickly relax. One or two bottles can relieve spasm of the heart vessels. In small quantities, beer helps with insomnia. That is why many men like to sit with friends in a pub and have a beer at the end of the working week. So they relieve the stress accumulated over the working week.

3. Contains useful substances. In addition to B vitamins (beer contains vitamins B1, B2 and B6), it also contains iron, copper, phosphorus, calcium, silicon, magnesium and amino acids important for the body. It promotes metabolism and improves overall well-being.

The healthiest beers are unfiltered beers that have not been pasteurized.

4. Antibacterial effect. Alcohol, proteins and essential oils in beer kill pathogenic bacteria, tubercle bacilli and even cholera vibrios. Therefore, beer can be used to prevent infectious diseases.

5. Diuretic and laxative effect. In small amounts, beer is good for the kidneys and liver. In many Austrian clinics, urological diseases are treated with beer. It is prescribed even for urolithiasis. But this should be done by a specialist, doctors do not recommend treating with beer on their own.

Also, beer is useful for women in the prevention of breast cancer. Malt and hops contain phytoestrogenic and phenolic acids, which are natural antioxidants. Some German doctors began prescribing beer to women after age 48 to strengthen bones, considering it an excellent source of calcium.

Beer is healthy only in moderation with the right snack

In turn, uncontrolled beer consumption leads to alcoholism and overeating, as carbon dioxide irritates the stomach walls and increases appetite. Therefore, you need to eat beer correctly, keeping track of the amount of food you eat.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous, consult your doctor.

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