Wheat germ oil for face - uses and properties. About the benefits of wheat germ oil and how to use Wheat germ oil properties and uses

One of the amazing remedies given to man by nature itself is wheat germ oil for hair and skin. Indeed, it is difficult to find a more versatile product that is suitable for treating almost any part of the body. What are the reasons for the remarkable properties of the product? And how can it be applied?

Miracle composition and miracle vitamins of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil has a unique composition. In addition, the product has a high energy and nutritional value. Vitamins and trace elements in wheat germ oil endow it with multiple healing properties.
This natural remedy contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamins. In terms of their content, oil occupies one of the leading places. So, in the healing liquid there are fat-soluble vitamins K, F, E, D, A. They have a strong antioxidant effect, help smooth the skin and increase its elasticity. Wheat also contains the super-useful vitamin B - an irreplaceable ingredient in cellular processes. This substance is considered water-soluble, therefore, without it, the human body will not be able to fully function
  • Selenium. It is considered a natural aphrodisiac that stimulates and increases libido
  • Scorched. Strong wound healing agent, enhances the body's immunity
  • Zinc. An important participant in the formation of red blood cells. Possesses anti-inflammatory properties, especially popular in the fight against acne and other skin imperfections
  • Octacosanol. Biologically active substance that increases the ability of the dermis to absorb oxygen, as a result of which it becomes elastic and well-groomed

The use of wheat germ oil for cosmetic purposes

Natural cosmetic wheat germ oil has found wide application in cosmetology. Without exaggeration, the tool can be called universal, because it has an equally positive effect on different parts of the human body.

For hair

The useful composition of a cosmetic wheat product is perfect for treating hair, improving its appearance and preventing unwanted processes (hair loss, dandruff, etc.) Wheat germ oil for hair is most conveniently used as masks. The classic version of a wheat mask is considered to be applied to the hair roots in a pure form. This should be done 30 minutes before shampooing. For a stronger absorption, the product must be massaged over the scalp. After that, the hair should be washed with a suitable shampoo for the type of hair. The procedure is effectively done as a course - in 1 day 2-3 weeks in a row.
Advice. Essential oils can be dripped into the mask. At 1 st. l. Liquid wheat sprouts take 2-3 drops of thyme, pine, cedar, eucalyptus, orange or ginger oil.

Stretch marks

Wheat germ oil has proven itself very well for stretch marks. This product is a favorite remedy for expectant mothers who apply the product to their growing tummies in order to prevent skin microcracks. If striae have already appeared, do not despair - you need to give them a fight with the use of wheat weapons. The main military action will be the massage of problem areas using liquid wheat germ. The product is applied to the area with stretch marks, after which it is rubbed into the skin with gentle massage movements. The product has a nourishing and regenerating effect, making stretch marks lighter and less visible.
Advice. To obtain a greater cosmetic effect, treatment of stretch marks with wheat germ oil begins immediately after the appearance of microcracks.

For skin beauty

Wheat germ oil is invaluable for the skin of the face. Moreover, the product is suitable for almost any type of dermis.
Advice. Wheat germ oil has a dense consistency, and therefore it can be applied in its pure form only pointwise and only on those areas of the skin where it is necessary. Otherwise, it must be mixed with other types of oils.

For problem skin

Undiluted can be used on acne, acne, and burns. The remedy perfectly removes inflammation and speeds up the healing process.

For dry skin

Mix wheat germ oil with olive or almond oil in a 1: 3 ratio. The mixture is recommended to be applied to dry skin with a cotton pad before going to bed.

For oily skin

A mixture of wheat germ and grape oils (in a ratio of 1: 4) will help to eliminate the oily sheen of the skin. The tool is applied to problem areas of the face before bedtime.

For strengthening eyelashes

Multifaceted wheat germ oil is also relevant for the restoration of the beauty of eyelashes. The tool helps to strengthen and restore hairs in a short time. Oil should be lubricated along the entire length of the eyelashes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out every few days. The full course of therapy is 2-3 months.

Can you use the oil for oral administration?

Wheat germ oil is useful for both external use and ingestion. Such a tool will be a good assistant in the prevention of diseases and increase immunity. The wheatgrass product is taken once a day for 1 tbsp. l.
The recommended time of consumption is in the morning before meals or directly during the meal. The remedy is especially recommended for people who have a problem with constipation. It is permissible to add oil to culinary dishes without subjecting it to preliminary heat treatment.
Attention! A contraindication to the oral use of wheat germ oil is the intolerance of a specific organism to its components. Since this product is very high in calories, it is not recommended to consume it in large quantities. The oil contains vitamin E, an excess of which may not have the best effect on the state of the body.

Germ oil in capsules: instructions for use

For people who, for any reason, do not accept liquid wheat germ oil, you can pay attention to this agent in capsules - such use will also be very useful. The tool will help to increase the body's defenses, slow down the aging process and reduce blood cholesterol levels.
Wheat germ oil: instructions for use
Children over 14 years old and adults.
  • 300 mg capsules - 4 pcs. three times a day
  • 750 mg capsules - 2 pcs. three times a day
  • Capsules of 1350 mg - 1 pc. three times a day
Advice. It is recommended to take capsules together with meals. The approximate duration of admission is 1 month. The course of admission, if necessary, must be repeated.

Wheat germ oil for wrinkles around the eyes: video

The liquid gift of wheat fields is a real salvation for both external and internal reserves of the human body. Taken orally or applied to the surface of the skin, young wheat germ oil provides many nutrients and improves health. But, despite all the benefits of the product, it should not be abused. Moderation and caution in the use of oil will serve the body well without provoking side effects.

Wheat is a cereal that is rich in nutrients and trace elements. Not only a huge variety of food products are obtained from it, but also oils rich in fatty acids and vitamins. It has been proven that sprouted grains and their sprouts contain many times more amino acids and tannins than ordinary wheat.


Wheat germ oil is used both externally and internally. As cosmetologists explain, the extract gives an excellent effect when used on both dry and problematic dermis. It promotes the elasticity of the epidermis and improves its general condition. With frequent use, the skin is rejuvenated and glowing from the inside out.

Vitamin composition of the oil:

  • vitamins A, E, D- when mutually complemented, they literally have a healing effect: they stop the development of skin diseases, improve the overall appearance. Vitamin E prevents premature aging and improves metabolic processes inside the skin;
  • niacin(or vitamin PP) - has a powerful antioxidant effect and protects cell membranes from damage;
  • B vitamins- normalize fat and water-salt balance, eliminate flaking and smooth out minor irregularities in the dermis;
  • allantoin compounds- regenerates damaged tissues, eliminates stretch marks and other irregularities of the skin (for example, scars). They also have a mild analgesic and softening effect;
  • amino acids - participate in the formation of collagen and elastin building fibers. Improves the overall tone of the epidermis. In addition, amino acid molecules capture moisture from the surface, deliver it to the deeper layers and retain it inside. Eliminate dryness and flabbiness, slightly tighten the dermis;
  • mineral compounds (phosphorides, potassium, calcium citrate, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and copper) - a set of nutrients that prevent skin diseases (pimples, acne), remove toxins, restore the natural defenses of the skin and improve complexion. Thanks to calcium, rapid cell regeneration occurs, and with the help of potassium, edema disappears. Iron improves blood circulation in the body by saturating the skin with oxygen.

General beneficial properties of wheat germ substrate:

  • antiseptic;
  • drainage;
  • regenerating;
  • antimicrobial;
  • cleansing.

Sprouted wheat oil can be used for complex treatment. It is suitable for all types of dermis - for aging, oily, dry and lack of elasticity.

Wheat germ extract is useful for the dermis of the face:

  • renews the epithelium - restores its functions;
  • improves the general condition and normalizes the work of any type of skin;
  • softens;
  • nourishes;
  • eliminates dryness;
  • refreshes the epidermis, promotes its rejuvenation;
  • fights germs and inflammation;
  • regenerates - heals minor injuries, wounds and bruises;
  • eliminates skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis and others);
  • gives tone;
  • restores the delicate skin of the eyelids;
  • heals dry and damaged lips.

The benefits of using the oil can affect the entire skin. For example, using oil in the base of compresses or massage, you can eliminate skin laxity, narrow pores and smooth unevenness. Wheat germ ether is also used for problems with dehydration of the dermis.

The oil acts as a general tonic: the skin is cleansed of toxins, the production of collagen fibers is stimulated, the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened.

The tool can rid the dermis of stagnant fluid and eliminate puffiness, remove flaking and irritation of sensitive skin. The oil is indicated for use for pregnant girls: it prevents skin aging, improves its elasticity and tone. In this case, it is applied in pure form to the skin. Also, the product prevents small breakouts and evens out the tone.

The extract is used for vitamin deficiency to nourish the epithelium with useful components. With aging skin - it gives softness and maintains oxygen exchange in the tissues. With mimic wrinkles, deep regeneration and restoration of collagen fibers occurs. Wheat germ substrate also fights rough skin areas by moisturizing and nourishing them. Dry lips are relieved through several applications of the oil.

For oily skin, in masks based on germ extract, it is necessary to add peach, almond or apricot concentrate - such a combination will give a real boost of energy, deeply nourish the dermis and make it matte (due to the restoration of the water-salt balance). With dry and dehydrated epidermis, you should mix wheatgrass squeeze with burdock, coconut or jojoba oil. In this case, the protective functions and natural protection of the epithelium are restored, due to which desquamation and tightness disappear.

More on the benefits of wheat germ oil in the next video.

Features of choice

When choosing an oil, remember that there are several types of oil.

The extract can be obtained by cold and warm pressing. The latter option is practically not used at the present time, since all useful substances are lost in this case. Such oil practically does not give positive results when using it.

Cold pressing is most often used for the extraction of cosmetic and edible oils. It is better to give preference to him, since all the nutrients and trace elements in the composition are preserved.

Wheat germ extract can be found:

  • in capsules for oral administration- in this case, the oil is applied daily in several tablets before meals. It is a biologically active food supplement and is used for the complex treatment of both skin and internal diseases;
  • in its purest form. It should be remembered that there can be two types of oil: food and cosmetic. The first can be taken orally as capsules, used for dressing dishes and salads. The second should be applied only to the skin, used in masks, wraps and creams;
  • on the air. This type of oil has a high concentration of active substances, so it should not be used in its pure form. Wheat germ essential oil is used in cosmetology to improve the nutritional properties of base oils.

When choosing a product, you need to evaluate the packaging, shelf life and consistency. Since the substance has a heavy structure (due to unsaturated fats), its consistency is viscous, viscous. As a rule, it is yellow or amber in color, without impurities. Cosmetic oil has a light plant scent, while essential oil is transparent, with a pronounced aroma.

For oily skin, the extract should be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio with peach and olive oil. And for dry and damaged - with grape seed oil, burdock or avocado.


  • allergic reactions. To test your body for allergies, rub a drop of oil on the skin of your wrist or elbow. If redness, itching or irritation occurs, the oil should not be used;
  • individual intolerance.

Application and recipes

The oil is versatile - you can use it to create your own beauty recipes. A remedy made from wheat germ in cosmetology is used as the basis of care products, masks and compresses for the skin of the face. Sometimes it can be used for a deep lifting effect.

Anti-aging mask

Wheat germ extract must be mixed with sour cream (the proportions should be the same), then wait a few minutes and apply on the face. Leave the product on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. The effect of such a mask is visible immediately: the dermis is hydrated, looks fresh and rested. According to reviews, this method helps to smooth out fine wrinkles and prevent premature aging of the epidermis.

Compress for the skin of the eyelids

For a miraculous composition that eliminates dark circles under the eyes, you need to mix in the same amount the basic oil of wheat, jojoba and add liquid from several capsules of vitamin E. After that, gently drive the mixture into the dermis with your fingertips, and after half an hour, you can remove it with a damp cloth. It is best to massage before bed or apply overnight. The epidermis relaxes, the regenerating functions are activated, and the nutrient components act on the deep layers.

Concentrate for toning the epithelium

In order to lift the oval of the face, it is necessary to apply a special mask every two days. You will need to mix wheat germ substrate (15 ml) with mint, sandalwood and lemon ether (one drop at a time). The mixture must be distributed on a napkin or cotton swab and applied to the face for 25 minutes - this way the components will moisturize the dermis as much as possible. After the time has elapsed, the napkin needs to be removed, but it is not worth rinsing off the remnants of the product.

Compress for inflamed skin

To remove inflammation and minor skin lesions, doctors recommend making the following mixture: add a drop of cedar, clove or lavender ether to the wheat germ substrate (15 ml). Apply as a mask or instead of a cream.

Pigmentation Removal Mask

If it is necessary to even out the complexion, an unusual but effective recipe should be used on the face: mix a teaspoon of the base oil with the ether of lemon, juniper and bergamot - just one drop at a time. According to reviews, regular use gives amazing results. It is necessary to wipe the face skin several times a week, for 15 minutes.

Wheat germ oil is one of the most popular skin care and oral products today as a source of antioxidants. The product is obtained by cold pressing wheat germ, which preserves the active substances in full. Due to the fact that the oil practically does not oxidize, it can be used for fixing and preserving other oils. Wheat germ base oil mixes very well not only with vegetable oils, but also with almost all essential oils. It is an ideal base for cosmetics.

The list of vitamins and minerals contained in the oil is amazing. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Vitamins of group B, as well as F, A, D.
  2. Tocopherol (vitamin E).
  3. Fatty acids, phospholipids, carotenoids.
  4. Vegetable proteins and antioxidants.
  5. Potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.

The main advantage of the product is the high content of the "vitamin of youth" - E. As you know, the role of this substance in the fight against skin aging, cholesterol and oxygen starvation cannot be overestimated.

Adequate intake of tocopherol strengthens muscles (including the heart), improves energy metabolism and oxygen consumption in tissues and blood vessels. It is also necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

The oil is available in two forms: in the form of capsules and directly in liquid. Moreover, the first option guarantees the best preservation of useful components, coupled with thorough cleaning. Oral administration is recommended in encapsulated form. The cosmetic form may contain additional oils (burdock, jojoba, etc.).

Useful properties of the product

At the cellular level, wheat oil promotes cell formation and healing by inhibiting oxidation and supplying oxygen to cells. Also, wheat germ oil helps to improve blood composition. The general properties are as follows.

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Wound healing.
  3. Protective.
  4. Anti-aging.
  5. Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, circulatory system.

In addition to the above, the product is widely used to prepare various face and body care masks. Wheat germ hair oil provides nourishment to the hair follicle, accelerates new hair growth and eliminates split ends. Improves metabolic processes in the skin, neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Saturates the skin with vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process of cells.

It has good penetrating power and has a moisturizing, regenerating, softening, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and anti-cellulite effect.

Despite the extensive list of useful qualities, this composition is not a medicine. Therefore, its use in the treatment of various diseases is possible only in combination with medications, after consultation with the attending physician!

The inclusion of oil capsules in the daily diet has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. It is useful for maintaining the skeletal system, teeth, and blood vessels. This action is due to the vitamin D content.

The oil contains zinc, iron, manganese, copper, vitamins of group B. These substances complement and enhance the interaction of each other, which allows for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, anemia, hypertension, thrombophlebitis. With regular use of wheat germ oil, the risk of strokes and heart attacks is significantly reduced.

Systematic use of the drug allows you to improve the genitourinary system: improve the quality and quantity of sperm, prevent sexual dysfunction in men; restore hormones, the menstrual cycle and stop the development of inflammation in the organs of the female reproductive system.

In addition, wheat germ oil is considered a highly effective product in the fight and prevention of infertility and gynecological diseases (endometriosis, vaginitis, etc.).

Oral indications

  1. Prevention of premature skin aging.
  2. Improving the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Prevention of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, etc.
  4. Rehabilitation after surgery, serious illness, chemotherapy.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver (cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis).
  6. Prevention of diabetic retinopathy.
  7. Antioxidant protection during pregnancy and harmful working conditions.
  8. Increasing the body's strength during the period of adaptation to increased loads.

Daily intake of oil in capsules will be an indispensable prevention of gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, gastroduodenitis, and will help to normalize intestinal motility. The phospholipids contained in it have a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, which is especially valuable in the treatment and improvement of the liver.


Like other aids, taking wheat germ oil is contraindicated in exacerbations:

  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis and ulcers.

In addition, capsules should not be taken for acute gastrointestinal infections, individual drug intolerance, cholelithiasis. Before use, be sure to consult with a specialist.

For general health improvement or prevention of various diseases, wheatgrass oil is recommended to be taken orally in a capsule in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. This course can be continued for no longer than 2 months. If you are using liquid oil, remember not to heat it up. Refueling of cold dishes is allowed, if the product is not accepted in its pure form.

  1. It is recommended to be taken orally to strengthen immunity, for diseases of internal organs, endocrine disorders, for stress, insomnia, fears.
  2. It is effective for overweight, with a course of cleansing the body of toxins, after chemotherapy courses, previous surgeries, weakness and loss of strength for a speedy recovery.
  3. Recommended for athletes with increased stress, those who live in ecologically unfavorable areas, as well as those whose profession is unhealthy.
  4. It is especially useful for pregnant and lactating women.

Massage with a heated composition helps to alleviate the condition, as well as reduce pain with bruises and sprains.

To heal damaged skin, a slightly warmed agent is applied in a pure form to the wound. Oil compresses also show effectiveness: it is necessary to moisten a cloth and apply to the affected area, fixing the bandage.

Wheat germ cosmetic oil

The cosmetic benefits of wheatgrass oil are obvious. Skin, hair, nails - literally from the first application shine with natural beauty.

Many anti-aging creams contain wheat germ oil. It can also be found in hair masks and balms. When applied externally in its pure form, it is possible to prevent premature skin aging, improve complexion, and correct even deep wrinkles.

This product is ideal for all skin types. It has a pronounced anti-aging, softening, nourishing and moisturizing effect. Perfectly fights against dermatological problems: peeling, roughness, dryness of the skin, as well as loss of firmness and elasticity of problem areas.

Daily use of this wonderful product has a beneficial effect on the condition of aging and fading skin: it tones up, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes fine wrinkles, and increases skin elasticity. It is also used as a cleanser, removing toxins and impurities from the deep layers of the dermis.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the product have a good effect in the treatment of acne, pustular wounds and various rashes (dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema, neurodermatitis). In case of burns, trauma and other damage to the dermis, the oil significantly accelerates healing.

If you regularly use wheat germ oil for the skin, then a pronounced lifting effect can be noted. It moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity, prevents dryness and the appearance of stretch marks, brightens and evens out the color. The product is recommended for the care of problem areas of the body, as well as the skin on the chest, abdomen and thighs during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Recommended for dry and aging skin. Relieves irritation, itching, flaking and inflammation, improves complexion. Gives skin elasticity, restores firmness, improves blood circulation. For combination to oily skin, it is best to add a few drops of this oil to your regular cream.


The only contraindication to external use of the product is its individual intolerance. Patients with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis must consult a specialist before use.

Application methods

To eliminate cosmetic problems and rejuvenate, it is better to apply the oil in its pure form on a previously cleansed face.

Due to its viscous consistency, wheat germ oil is best combined with other oils (cosmetic, essential, herbal) or applied before bed.

Face masks

The product is especially effective in the composition of masks. Twice a day, the oil is applied to the face along the massage lines with light patting movements. After ten minutes, the remaining oil is removed with a paper towel. It can be mixed with other oils: almond, apricot, peach, or grape seed in a 1/10 ratio.

Strengthening eyebrows and eyelashes

Every day, 1-2 times a day, eyelashes and eyelid contour are lubricated. With regular use, their oil improves their growth and structure, makes them plump and elastic.

Hand care

Every evening you should massage your hands and nails with heated oil. It can be enriched with essential oils (bergamot, lavender): 1 tbsp. l. add 3-4 drops.

Body care

You can use the beneficial properties of the oil for cellulite and stretch marks. If you regularly massage with oil in problem areas, including using various massage attachments, you can significantly reduce the "orange peel" effect.

Due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals, the oil will help restore the elasticity and youth of the skin. However, if stretch marks were formed more than six months ago, most likely, the oil will not be able to return the skin to its former appearance, but will somewhat improve its condition. In the case of "young" stretch marks, their severity may decrease.

Possible side effects

When applied externally, the manifestation of allergic reactions is possible: itching, rashes. However, such cases are rare, therefore, the use of oil is recommended for everyone. Internal reception must be coordinated with a specialist!


Wheat germ oil is a product with a high biological value. It contains essential amino acids, some of which are not synthesized by the body, but are required for its normal functioning. Such a rich composition allows the use of wheat germ oil for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in diseases and in cosmetology.

As with the use of any auxiliary composition, the use of this agent must be agreed with the attending physician. When used externally, it is recommended that an allergic reaction test be performed first. It should be remembered that any substances must be used in full accordance with the instructions.

100 g oils vitamin E - 200 mg, 60% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Composition capsules: food gelatin, glycerin, water.

Release form

Capsules 300 mg, 750 mg, 1360 mg.

Cosmetic oil in bottles of 30 ml.

pharmachologic effect

Replenishment of PUFA and vitamin E deficiency.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The oil contains vitamins (richly vitamins E , F , A , D 2 , group B ), vegetable proteins, which are necessary for cell regeneration, fatty acids that lower cholesterol levels, carotenoids , phospholipids , antioxidants , magnesium , iron , potassium .

The advantage of this oil is its high content vitamin E (tocopherol ), which improves muscle function (including myocardium ) and gonads, energy metabolism in them. This vitamin improves oxygen consumption by tissues, has a pronounced anti-sclerotic action, discourages capillary fragility ... Tocopherols play an important role in fertilization, fetal development, and the functioning of the reproductive system.

Wheat germ oil:

  • slows down aging;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • improves reproductive function;
  • increases physical performance;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • promotes the growth of the child's body.

The use of wheat germ oil has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increases resistance to stress.


Not provided.

Indications for use

  • prevention;
  • increasing adaptive capacity during periods of increased workload;
  • correction of antioxidant status during pregnancy and placental insufficiency ;
  • (prevention diabetic retinopathy );
  • improving sexual function;
  • rehabilitation after serious illnesses, operations, course chemotherapy ;
  • , (due to the presence of sitosterols, it is used as part of complex therapy);
  • decrease in level;
  • work with toxic substances and other professionally harmful factors;
  • prevention of premature aging.


  • in the stage of exacerbation;
  • hepatitis ;
  • hyperacid gastritis ;
  • acute gastrointestinal infections;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects

Skin rashes, itching.

Application of wheat germ oil (Method and dosage)

Release form only in capsules allows you to preserve all vitamins and minerals, biologically active substances. Wheat germ oil capsules are intended for oral administration.

Adults and children from 14 years of age: 4 capsules of 300 mg (2 capsules of 750 mg or 1 capsule of 1360 mg) 3 times a day with meals. Duration of use is 1 month. Reception is repeated 4 times a year.

Wheat Germ Oil intended only for skin, hair care and differs from oil in capsules. First of all, the degree of purification. The encapsulated oil undergoes more thorough purification and pharmacological control. In addition, oil for cosmetic purposes may contain additional oils (amaranth, jojoba, burdock, corn).

It has a multipurpose effect:

  • prevents skin aging, moisturizes and smoothes it;
  • strengthens the walls of the capillaries (anti-couperous action);
  • eliminates dry skin (for example, during menopause);
  • promotes skin healing when, diathesis ,trophic ulcers , solar and household burns ;
  • eliminates roughness of the skin, flaking and itching;
  • softens rough and chapped lips, heals damage to the skin and mucous membranes in the corners of the lips;
  • prevents stretch marks after pregnancy, it restores the lost skin tone.

Wheat germ oil for face

Improves metabolic processes in the skin, neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Saturates the skin with vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and slows down the aging process of cells. It has good penetrating power and has a moisturizing, regenerating, softening, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and anti-cellulite effect.

Recommended for dry and aging skin. Relieves irritation, itching, flaking and inflammation, improves complexion. Gives skin elasticity, restores firmness, improves blood circulation. For combination to oily skin, it is best to add a few drops of this oil to your usual cream.

For sagging and tired skin, face masks and applications are recommended. Twice a day, the oil is applied to the face along the massage lines with light patting movements. In 10 minutes. the remaining oil is removed with a paper towel. It can be applied to the face prior to steam cleansing treatments. If the oil seems "heavy" to you, then you can mix it with other oils: almond, apricot, peach, or grape seed and it should make up 10% of the whole mixture.

For hand care

Lubricate several times a day and do a light massage. You can brush your nails and cuticles with a brush before going to bed.

Wheat germ oil for hair

Contains a natural UV filter, which is important for hair, especially in summer. It reliably protects hair from environmental influences. With regular use, it restores the structure of damaged, colored, dry and brittle hair. Gives a healthy look and shine, provides ease of combing. Strengthens hair and hair follicles and stops hair loss. It is used as a hair mask. Apply to scalp, put on a shower cap, wait 15-20 minutes, and rinse hair thoroughly.

Wheat germ oil for eyelashes

Also used for eyelashes. Every day, 1-2 times a day, eyelashes and eyelid contour are lubricated. With regular use, their oil improves their growth and structure, makes them plump and elastic.


There is no information.


Interaction with other drugs has not been described.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 0-20 ° C.

Shelf life

Capsules 2 years.

In vials 1 year. Store in a cool place and in a dark container. Store in the refrigerator after opening the bottle.

Wheat germ oil is a storehouse of vitamins and other biologically active substances donated to grain by nature itself. A valuable product is produced by cold pressing fresh wheat sprouts, which are a source of protein. According to scientists, wheat germ contains 350 times more vitamins than a grown grain.

The valuable composition of the oil

Wheat germ oil, the composition of which is rich in a complex of vitamins and other organic compounds, is widely used in cosmetology. This is not surprising, because the product contains vitamins A, B, D, E, F. Also, the oil contains glycolipids, fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9, phospholipids, triglycerides, octacosanol, macro- and microelements: zinc, selenium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and sulfur. This valuable oil is effective in slowing down the aging process and eliminating inflammation. The natural product is used for daily nourishment and hydration of the body, including the skin of the face.

Beneficial features

According to cosmetologists, wheat germ oil, the properties of which we will now consider, have a positive effect on both dry and oily skin. It stimulates metabolic processes in cells, prolonging their youth. The oil gives the dermis elasticity and a fresh appearance. If you use it in regular care, then even in adulthood, the skin will shine with health and beauty.

So, wheat germ oil has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • anti-cellulite,
  • wound healing
  • cleansing.

This valuable product is used not only to improve the condition of the skin, it is also widely used to treat many ailments. As a dietary supplement, oil is taken during the treatment of diseases of the heart and nervous system. It shows its effectiveness in the treatment of anemia, obesity, and allergies.

Wheat germ oil, the price of which makes it an affordable product, is recommended for patients suffering from impotence and infertility. As a result of the use of a dietary supplement, women get rid of many problems in gynecology.

Oil efficiency

External application of the product gives the following results:

  • accelerated hair growth;
  • getting rid of acne, eczema, dermatitis;
  • healing wounds, cuts, sun and household burns.

Wheat germ oil is abundant in vitamin E. This natural antioxidant restores health to the body. It cleans the blood of toxic substances, stimulates the regeneration processes. Valuable oil strengthens capillaries and blood vessels, fighting rosacea.

With the help of a wheat product, people have long been removing swelling of the skin, getting rid of peeling, itching and other irritations. It contains allantoin, which evens out the skin tone and its microrelief. It softens, refreshes and soothes the dermis.

Even the people of ancient China used wheat germ oil for their face. The use of this valuable product prolonged youthfulness and gave the skin incredible smoothness. used to maintain health. With its help, the Chinese treated inflammation in intimate places, got rid of hemorrhoids.

Pregnant women use the oil to enhance it perfectly protects against stretch marks, relieves flabbiness. The product is applied with massage movements to the skin of the chest, thighs and abdomen.

Wheat germ oil in cosmetology

The herbal remedy is an ideal care product for aging and aging skin. It maintains the softness and elasticity of the dermis due to its ability to maintain peripheral blood circulation.

The oil has shown its effectiveness against expression lines and problem skin. It perfectly copes with rough and rough areas, moisturizing and nourishing them. Use it to eliminate dryness on chapped lips. It is not difficult to buy wheat germ oil in a pharmacy.

Recipes for applications and face masks, reviews

Every woman dreams of looking great at any age. To achieve this goal, the fair sex is ready for a wide variety of tricks. One of the most affordable and popular methods of rejuvenation is anti-aging masks made from natural ingredients. Since wheat germ oil in its pure form is heavy and very thick, it is most often used diluted.

Anti-aging oil mask at home

1. Wheat germ oil should be mixed with sour cream in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply the resulting nutritional mixture to the skin of the face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The skin will be so nourished that you don't even need a moisturizer after washing. The super-moisturizing vitamin application will leave your face rested and refreshed. According to reviews about this mixture, its regular use allows you to get rid of wrinkles and even out the complexion. A rejuvenating mask at home is an affordable and effective remedy to restore youthfulness to the skin.

2. The following recipe is recommended for the skin around the eyes. Expression wrinkles, sagging skin, dark circles under the eyes often give away a woman's age. Delicate skin needs special care: regular hydration and nutrition. To make a wonderful mixture, you need wheat germ oils, jojoba oils and a solution of tocopherol acetate in oil (vitamin E). These components should be taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly. Apply to the eye area with your fingertips. After 30 minutes, remove the rest of the mixture with a napkin or cotton swab. According to women, a nourishing mask should be done at night. During sleep, relaxed facial muscles allow the nutrient composition to better penetrate the skin.

Wheat germ oil for face: application for various skin types

Other recipes with wheat germ oil are also known for home cosmetology. By correctly combining a product with certain components, you can get excellent masks that solve many skin problems.

Facial mask for sagging skin

To tighten and smooth the skin, and make the face contour clearer, you need to do the following mask several times a week. Combine three teaspoons of wheat germ oil with the essential oils of sandalwood and lemon (one drop of each oil). The resulting mass should be evenly laid out on a paper towel and applied to the face. It takes 20 minutes for the ingredients to have a beneficial effect on the skin. After removing the napkin, the oil mass does not need to be washed off. To achieve a pronounced result, the remnants of the mixture must be allowed to soak.

Mask for dehydrated skin

A mask consisting of three oils perfectly moisturizes dry skin: olive, wheat germ and peach seed. You need to take these ingredients in a 1: 3: 1 ratio and mix thoroughly. The resulting mixture should be applied instead of a moisturizer at night. After using such an indelible mask, the skin becomes smooth, looks healthy and beautiful.

Mask for oily skin

There is a misconception that oil masks are not suitable for oily skin. Correctly selected components can significantly improve the condition of this type of skin, make the face more matte, narrow enlarged pores and prevent inflammation. This mask consists of only two components: wheat germ and grape seed oil (1: 2). After combining the components, they must be applied to the face. The mask is washed off after 20 minutes with warm water. After several procedures, you will be able to make sure that wheat germ oil (for the face, the use of this remedy is justified) has significantly improved the condition of the sebaceous skin.

Mask for problem skin

To get rid of acne and acne spots, beauticians recommend using the following remedy. Add one drop of essential oil to one teaspoon of wheat germ oil. Oils such as lavender, cedar, or cloves work equally well for problem skin.

Complexion smoothing mask

Many women are worried about age spots, freckles and acne marks. To get rid of the uneven shade, you should regularly do the following mask. Wheat germ oil (5 ml) must be combined with juniper and bergamot. This mask gives a gorgeous result if you do it in a course of a week. It is recommended to apply the application for 20 minutes in the morning and in the evening.

Mask for beautiful eyelashes

It is difficult to argue that no makeup can give a look more expressiveness and attractiveness than thick and long eyelashes. Not many are given such beauty by nature. And building and staining give only a temporary result and often only worsen the situation.

However, the condition of the eyelashes can also be improved using natural methods. To do this, you need to properly care for them. How can you use wheat germ oil for eyelashes? This component should be mixed in equal parts with linseed and almond oil. The resulting mass must be poured into a separate bottle.

It is recommended to lubricate eyelashes with a mixture at night. To do this, you can use a regular, clean brush from old mascara. With its help, it is very convenient to distribute the oil mass along the entire length of the eyelashes - from roots to tips. Avoid getting the mixture in the eyes during application.

Use wheat germ oil for eyelashes daily. Very soon, not only you, but everyone around you will notice an excellent result. Lush and thick eyelashes will get a beautiful curve, will be more elastic and resilient. Interestingly, the wheat germ face oil we just looked at is often used in homemade hair masks.

Where to buy oil and how to store it correctly?

Wheat germ oil in capsules and in a bottle can be bought in almost every pharmacy. The cost of a food supplement depends on the manufacturer. So, 100 ml of the product can be purchased for 90 rubles. The capsule form of the product will cost a little more - about 130 rubles. Nevertheless, judging by the capsules, it is in great demand. It is convenient to take it. In this form, it retains its healing properties longer.

Wheat oil rarely causes allergic reactions. However, it is not recommended to take it inside for those people who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system. Store wheat germ oil, the price of which justifies its wonderful properties, should be kept in a tightly closed bottle in a dark place or in the refrigerator.

Thus, we were able to make sure that the natural product we are considering is a unique concentrate of vitamins and biologically active substances. By using the oil correctly, you can restore the beauty of the skin and prolong its youth.

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