Three-storey high-tech cottage. Frame houses in high-tech style

It is not for nothing that the high-tech style is so popular; it is an excellent alternative to luxurious, but completely impractical classics or girlish, delicate shabby chic. After all, for a modern person, comfort and wear resistance come first, and only then considerations of beauty and sophistication. Moreover, it is real skill and special beauty to create modern house in high tech style using simple, laconic lines and using a minimum of decor.

Some people do not quite understand the features of this style, considering it too restrained and simple, so first let’s clarify what high-tech is.

The style that emerged in the second half of the 20th century became the living embodiment of rapidly developing progress. Its main mood is strict geometry, dominance of technical details and the use of super modern materials– the latest developments in the construction industry. You look at the abundance of metal and glass, glossy and steel surfaces - and immediately an association arises with space, something futuristic, seen in science fiction films.

Project of a high-tech house with a flat roof easily developed using modern programs, the expected result can be assessed immediately, even without the work of a decorative artist. In fact, we can say: “What we see in the project is what we will get in life.” This is important for complete satisfaction with the result, although there are whole line other advantages of this style.

Laconic design. To modern man What is needed is a calm and simple environment that relieves stress from the dynamism and intensity of any activity. Psychologists have proven that complex colors and an abundance of details do not contribute to rest and relaxation. High-tech with simple design lines and pure natural colors suits absolutely everyone and has a positive effect on the residents of such a house. There is no need to be afraid that such strict style boundaries will limit the choice and make project one-story house in high tech style similar to others. Designers develop original projects using a wide palette of colors and playing with textures.

Durability and relevance. Thanks to the use of modern materials, you can expect that repairs will not be needed soon, and your high-tech style cottage project will not lose its relevance for many years.

Harmony with household appliances. It is not a problem to fit household appliances into the interior, which have become an integral part of our lives. Strange as it may sound, the devices not only look harmonious in high-tech design, but become a kind of decor, complementing the mood of gloss and technology.

Space and air in design. The current problem of limited space has been solved; the design of this style welcomes an abundance of mirrors and light sources.

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Characteristics of a cottage project in high-tech style

The structure includes all the necessary premises for permanent residence or temporary rest. The architectural spatial solution is formed on the basis of simple geometric shapes that form the volume of the house both horizontally and vertically. This allows you to simplify the design of the house as much as possible and create convenient zoning of all rooms.

The central part of the house is made of glass, which gives lightness to the overall shape and fits the modern look into the environment; the glass on the roof with a transition to the facade opens up the view from the living room and compensates for the illumination of the north side. The kitchen stained glass window has a full opening system, which allows you to create a single kitchen space / summer kitchen, recreation areas, terraces and swimming pools into a single complex, in the warm season.

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Having ordered construction turnkey high-tech style houses , you will immediately appreciate the benefits of this futuristic style. If you think it’s too laconic, you can always experiment with eclecticism with others modern styles- you can get a very interesting design option.

The name “hi-tech” is an abbreviation for the English “high-technology”, which translates as “high technology”. It is a style used in architecture and design that became very popular in the 1980s. Modern construction of high-tech houses involves the use of high technologies and, unlike the earlier movement, strives in every possible way to unite with nature, and not to argue with it.

If you dream of living in a house designed in high-tech style, contact the CITISTROY company. We are ready to provide you not only with standard designs of houses of different heights, made in this style, but also to develop an individual project!

Features of high-tech houses

Despite the fact that this style appeared not so long ago, today it enjoys well-deserved popularity and demand, especially among young families who are planning or are already building their own home. What attracts them?

  • Firstly, high technologies are used in design and construction, which make it possible to obtain a truly functional building;
  • Secondly, the structure, as a rule, looks unusual, unlike others due to its simple and clear forms and the absence of decorative elements;
  • Thirdly, it is possible to design and build a house of any number of floors with an extension or attic and any layout;
  • Fourthly, the presence of translucent structures makes it possible to ensure high level illumination with natural light.

Concerning color range, then, first of all, they give preference to somewhat muted, calm tones. Often these are all shades of gray or classic white.

What do we offer?

CITISTROY LLC offers a range of services for the construction of high-tech houses, which includes not only design, but also turnkey work. At the same time, as already mentioned, each of our customers has the opportunity to purchase already finished project(to which we can make some changes at his request), or order development from us individual project. In the case of the latter, our architects, engineers and designers will create for you the home of your dreams, in which everything will correspond to the wishes, requirements and needs of your family.

With us you don’t have to look for a contractor to carry out construction work. By providing you with a range of services, we take full responsibility for their implementation and guarantee a successful result. So you will be spared a whole series of hassles and in the end you will receive a house that is already suitable for living, just in time! Contact us!

High-tech style is maximum comfort embodied in minimalism. This combination of two opposites constitutes a special chic, accessible only to very active and purposeful people. Strict lines, practicality and thoughtfulness of every detail, a minimum of accessories and decorations and the use of the most latest technologies in any format - that's what it is frame house in high tech style. Today building projects are made from various materials, but few people know what exactly frame construction allows you to fully realize the designer’s idea, and all thanks to the possibility of using a wide variety of materials and the availability of creating fancy and, sometimes, unusual shapes.

Features of high-tech style in frame houses

A serious difference from all standard styles often has a repulsive appeal, but this has its own charm; houses in a similar style are the severity and geometricity of forms, extravagance, unusual design variations, and laconicism. Here you can and should try as hard as possible to do without wood, which will significantly reduce the cost of the project, but you should think about modern design, which may require additional investments.

Frame houses in the High Tech style perfectly combine the practicality of noble wooden elements with amazing additions in the form of racks, ropes, cables, metal, plastic - everything that manufacturers of quality have come up with today building materials. And before you criticize such a mansion, take a closer look; perhaps the structure evokes exactly that feeling of ordered chaos, which often borders on actual comfort of living.

The special chic of the style is lightness and airiness combined with roughness and deliberate heaviness of individual elements. Not every designer is able to combine this and create projects that are convenient for living. Therefore, developers often offer their own options, allowing for improvements and additions at the planning stage. Modern designs, high quality engineering equipment, originality of forms - these are just a small part of the houses in the high-tech style; professionals also note such factors as:

  1. clarity of building lines;
  2. use of metal structures;
  3. decoration with a large number of mirrors and glass;
  4. light saturation.

Typically a high-tech house has a flat roof in dark shades or a mirrored glass roof. Frame buildings are an opportunity to quickly build a warm, cozy home of any size, and projects and construction works take extremely little time, are inexpensive and at the same time are comfortable for both one person and a family.

Exterior design of the house

High-tech style is the versatility of every detail: more corners, as little filling as possible and increasing space in all available ways. Most often, such houses can be found outside the city; they stand out too much from general plan. And in nature, you can allow yourself a little bit of good madness and build a house that will look expensive, modern, but with all the deliberateness of its forms, will harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.

The decoration of such houses is not bright; most often it is a combination of neutral contrasts: black, white, silver, gray. Thanks to the large amount of glass and glass surfaces, a high-tech house has a special geometric smoothness - finishing details should not contrast, but flow, complementing each other.

Minimalism and practicality are the main determining factors of design work. The use of concrete, glass, metal, wood - everything that today’s construction industry is rich in is acceptable here.

Features of interior solutions

If in the decoration and construction of a building practicality and minimalism are a desirable phenomenon, then in the interior it is mandatory. There should be no items in the house that do not perform a specific function. Accessories should also work, and not for decor, but quite practically: elegant lamps bring light, glass partitions zone the room, elegant curtains and blinds protect from excess sun, and so on.

Strictness, clarity and clarity of the purpose of each item and no unnecessary elements. That is why the style is ideal for active, courageous people who value personal space. High tech house is individual zone, where only a select few are allowed access.

Interiors are often complemented by partitions that can instantly change the entire atmosphere, compartment doors due to their functionality and compactness, large windows(there should be a lot of light in the house), solar panels and other newfangled devices. However, despite all the practicality and functionality, the main determining factor remains comfort for living. This is why there is such a wide variety of design options - each developer can create his own world, without deviating from the general idea.

For example, large space is available in small rooms. You just need to change the approach: instead of plasterboard partitions, make glass ones, remove excess furniture, replace whatnots with hanging shelves that merge with the wall, give up fancy trinkets and remove all frames from the wall panels - one large photo, a neutral picture will look much more elegant in the design . Furniture is selected from plastic, marble, glass. Of course, in such a house there is no place for sliding walls, sideboards on bent legs and other furniture - only strict lines.

The most difficult thing to decorate is the bedroom, but there are a couple of secrets:

  1. light colors of the walls will be appropriate for visual expansion and increase in space;
  2. minimum furniture, lack of side tables - correct;
  3. a glass table, one or two formal armchairs or a geometric couch, a metal shelving unit that “spreads across the wall” with hooks and hangers will fit perfectly.

And don’t forget about lighting - lamps should be just as strict, but there can be a lot of them.

Construction in high-tech style is an opportunity to let go of your imagination. Here you don’t need to think long about the pretentiousness of the shapes; it’s enough to be able to draw standard geometric shapes. Such simplicity allows you to devote maximum energy and finances to modern home equipment. For example, install a “smart home” system, replace standard batteries with solar ones and save on heating, remove annoying shower cabins and build a rain shower with additional functions in the bathroom: practical, convenient and very modern.

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