How many hours does beer come from milk. How long does it take for alcohol to be removed from breast milk? Myths and reality

Women who are in a position should avoid drinking alcohol. After all, alcohol has a negative effect on the development of the fetus. It can cause serious illnesses, lagging babies in physical and mental terms. Young mothers who are breastfeeding should also avoid strong drinks. After all, the components that go into alcohol are toxic to babies. If the festive event leaves no other options but a little drink, then you need to know how much alcohol is removed from breast milk.

In the life of a woman who has become a mother, there are many episodes associated with meetings with relatives, friends, close people. Rarely are such events complete without alcohol on the table. Doctors recommend refraining from drinking alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities but situations are different. If alcohol is drunk, then it is worth refraining from breastfeeding for some time. After all, it is more difficult for an infant to whom the components of ethyl alcohol enter the body along with breast milk, it is more difficult to cope with the toxic effect. Experts have calculated that the period of alcohol withdrawal is about 5 times longer than that of an adult. It is worth considering!

general information

The unprotected body of a young child needs care, support and protection. A mother who feeds a baby with breast milk gives him everything he needs for growth and development. Therefore, it is so important at this time to properly organize a woman's nutrition, it is necessary to consume food rich in vitamins and nutrients. Lactation is influenced by many factors; alcohol consumed by a nursing mother has a negative effect.

Note! Numerous studies have proven that ethanol components of even the most natural and low-alcohol drinks are absorbed into breast milk!

Basic rules for drinking alcoholic beverages

It is very difficult for an adult to completely abstain from drinking alcohol. Lots of festive events are pushing people towards a bottle of their favorite alcoholic beverage. A glass of white or red dry wine, champagne, a glass of beer, a glass of vodka, brandy or whiskey - it seems that the dose is insignificant, but it can also affect the body of a nursing woman.

Therefore, you should adhere to a few simple, but such important rules:

  • to completely abstain from alcohol should be mothers whose babies have not reached 3 months of age;
  • if alcohol cannot be avoided, then its "safe" volume should be calculated based on your weight;
  • in no case should you mix different strong drinks (the result will be disastrous - alcohol poisoning, hangover);
  • having consumed 2 glasses of champagne, you can breastfeed your baby after 4 hours (after 2–3 hours you can express milk).

How much alcohol is removed from breast milk depends on the strength of the drink, the volume drunk. Doctors, however, strongly recommend that you completely abandon alcohol during the period of feeding the baby. It only seems like a year or a little longer. Days in troubles and worries fly by unnoticed, so it is possible and necessary to refrain from alcohol.

The volume of alcohol entering milk

Experts have proven that alcohol that enters the female body is absorbed faster than that of men. Alcohol-containing products enter mother's milk in a concentration equal to 10%. Therefore, even non-alcoholic beer is not a safe food for a mother breastfeeding.

The percentage that "goes" to the baby is influenced by the following factors:

  • the general condition of the woman's body;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • the physical form of a young mother.

Note! If a woman has a malfunction of the metabolic system, then the concentration of alcohol reaching the baby rises to 20%.

Another important point is that an infant whose mother drank a lot of alcohol seems to feel more relaxed and fall asleep faster. This is mistake! In such situations, the baby's body is intoxicated. Physical and emotional stress takes time to recover.

Expression of milk and allowable norms

When you can breastfeed, if you drank alcohol the day before, depends on alcohol-containing products and characteristics female body... Some breastfeeding mothers prefer to express themselves after drinking an alcoholic beverage. This method has not been proven to be effective. Therefore, pumping while drinking alcohol is a futile exercise. After all, alcohol is still present in the blood, which means that it can enter the child's body with milk.

Consider which drinks should not be consumed during breastfeeding:

  • wine is contraindicated for women if they are feeding a baby less than 4 months old;
  • modern beer contains harmful impurities and substances in its composition;
  • after drinking champagne, it is better to use the mixture or wait a couple of hours for the drink to completely disappear from the body.

Again, it's worth remembering that breast milk is constantly being renewed. Lactation is an absolutely normal process that is arranged by nature itself. The baby's nutrition should be organized as comfortably as possible, both for him and for the mother. It is worth completely abandoning alcohol during this period. The health of a son or daughter is more important! The video of Dr. Komarovsky once again proves the harm from alcoholic beverages, which is inflicted on the baby.

Many holidays and just reasons for relaxation affect the periodic use of alcohol by female representatives.

Alcohol with breastfeeding, even in small doses, is contraindicated. Alcohol in breast milk will be toxic not only to the mother, but also to the baby himself.

In infants, the process of removing alcohol obtained through breast milk is 4-5 times slower than from the body of an adult. During this period, ethanol can cause hypoxia, has time to harm the formation of the central nervous system, organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Studies have shown that ethanol, even contained in alcohol based on berry infusions, such as wine, also affects lactation itself.

Decomposition product of alcohol- acetaldehyde, enters all organs through the circulatory system. It is a highly toxic poison that penetrates the nucleus of cells and deforms them down to the DNA level.

Everyone knows that the liver is one of the first to suffer. In a nursing woman, hormones are produced in an enhanced mode, the jumps and drops in their release change the metabolism as a whole, the functional qualities of the liver. A normally functioning mother's body also affects the quality of the milk produced.

Drinking rules

  • Alcohol consumed can provoke poisoning of the baby's body before he reaches 3 months. Therefore, before sipping even one glass of dry wine, you should remember about the age of the baby.
  • The pancreas and liver drain a glass of champagne within one to two hours. The time depends on the amount consumed. If more than 200 grams was drunk, then the withdrawal will take a longer period. Accordingly, it is impossible to feed the child before the expiration of this time. If, nevertheless, the mother decides to drink a glass or two, then this rule should be followed.
  • When drinking alcohol, you need to take into account body weight. The lower the weight, the longer it takes for ethanol to withdraw.
  • You cannot mix drinks. The volume of the drunk should not exceed 250 ml of beer, one glass of white or red wine, or champagne, 30 g of cognac.

How much ethanol will go into milk

The female body absorbs alcohol faster than the male body, and removes it more slowly. Scientists say that alcohol will enter breast milk at a concentration of 10%.

The percentage is influenced by such indicators as the mother's body weight, the presence of chronic diseases, physical fitness, the volume of degrees in the drink. Thus, the percentage of alcohol that gets into milk can change upward.

In case of problems with metabolism, the percentages increase 2 times, up to 20. After 20-40 minutes, it will be fully in breast milk, and within two, there will be a direct hit when feeding it to the child.

It was found that after feeding during this period, the infant begins to calm down and fall asleep faster. This state cannot be called a full sleep.

Intoxication occurs and, as a result, intoxication of the child's body, he weakens and he needs strength to recover, therefore, emotional and physical activity decrease, right up to sleep.

To calculate how long alcohol is removed from breast milk, you can use the following indicators: 120 grams of light alcohol will disappear from a healthy body in an hour.

Nevertheless, one must remember about the individual characteristics of the nursing mother, the peculiarities of metabolism and metabolism. There is a table of how much alcohol lasts during lactation.

So, a girl after childbirth with an average weight of 60-70 kg 130 ml. 6% beer will be removed from milk for 40 minutes, the same volume of champagne will be released within 120 minutes, 12% wine wears out for 2 hours 20 minutes, 18% wine 3 hours, liqueur - within five, vodka - seven.

After this time, you can feed the baby with milk again without fear of poisoning. For a more reliable calculation of the time interval, one or two hours can be added to the above data.

Expressing milk

The concentration of alcohol molecules in breast milk, after alcohol enters the stomach, and through the bloodstream to all organs is 10%. Alcohol is removed from organic systems at the same time.

Thus, it makes no sense to express milk to change its composition. Even after the expressing procedure, the concentration of the molecules will remain the same, since it will still be kept in the blood.

In this case, if the child is less than two years old and needs to be fed every 2 hours, it will be important to use infant formula between regular feedings, while waiting for the ethanol to come out.


During the period of gestation and feeding after birth, non-alcoholic cocktails are the safest.

The opinion that just one glass of wine will not harm is wrong. It can be replaced with pomegranate juice, which will have a beneficial effect on the increase in hemoglobin in the blood, and, accordingly, on the activity and mood.

If, in holiday situations, a young mother does not want to give up its use, you should still wait until 4 months is reached. From this age, wine that has not been completely removed from the mammary glands will not be as harmful as before this period.


There is a belief among the Russian population that the consumption of small amounts of hops or malt has a beneficial effect on lactation and can help production.

Doctors have proven that no positive influence the beer does not have this process. The swelling effect of the breast occurs due to the retention of fluid in the vessels, which causes swelling of the lymph nodes.

A significant reason for the necessary refusal to drink beer, in addition to intoxication, is that the production of the hormone oxytocin decreases when the infant sucks on the breast and the liquid remains in the breast.

Thus, the baby receives a smaller amount of food, and, accordingly, nutrients for full development. Its use is categorically contraindicated.


This product, with the lowest degree content, is quickly eliminated and is considered the safest. Its use is possible if the dose does not exceed 200 grams.

Nevertheless, it is worth using baby food within 120 minutes after the meal, since alcohol is kept in breast milk for at least this amount of time.

It is important to remember that alcoholic beverages can be more harmful on an empty stomach.

The healthy development of a child, the full formation of all systems of his body depends directly on nutrition, on the quality of the breast milk received.

Therefore, to ensure that only nutritious and nutrients into the baby's body during feeding, it is advisable to completely abandon the intake of alcohol for this period.

How many hours does alcohol leave breast milk and is it safe to drink? This question worries many nursing mothers, and it is quite natural, because the alcohol consumed by a woman will be passed on to the child and harm his health. And that is why it is worth finding out the period of alcohol withdrawal and familiarizing yourself with some important points.

Can I drink alcohol while breastfeeding? Any doctor will tell you that it is not worth doing this, first of all, for the sake of the child's health. Alcohol will enter his body along with milk, and no one can guarantee that the effect will not be destructive. And how dangerous it is, even scientists do not know.

If you are tormented by doubts, then some areas of the negative impact of alcohol on the body of an infant, as well as the nursing mother herself, will help dispel them:

  • Even a small amount of alcohol has a stimulating effect on nervous system, and both the most nursing mother and the child. As a result, the baby will be restless and capricious, and the woman may begin to react sharply and inadequately to this behavior.
  • Alcohol consumption also has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system of the child, especially the first months of life. So, the heart rate may increase, sometimes changes in blood pressure are observed.
  • Alcohol consumed while breastfeeding can cause severe colic. The fact is that ethyl alcohol irritates the delicate mucous membranes of the child's gastrointestinal tract, and some drinks, among other things, cause fermentation in the intestines.
  • If a woman drinks alcohol while feeding too often or in large quantities, then the child may develop withdrawal symptoms (in other words, intoxication) or even addiction. As a result, in the future, such a baby may become an alcoholic, and he will begin to consume alcoholic beverages in childhood or adolescence.
  • Alcohol that periodically enters the body of an infant can provoke developmental delay, both mental and mental, and physical.

How long is alcohol cleared from breast milk?

It is clear that alcohol passes into breast milk anyway. But when exactly does this happen? The absorption rate depends on several factors:

  1. Strength and quality of alcohol consumed. Accordingly, the stronger it is, the faster its concentration in the blood will reach its maximum. And carbonated drinks are absorbed faster.
  2. Food consumed with alcohol. Food slows down the absorption of alcohol, especially dense and fatty foods. But drinking alcohol on an empty stomach will lead to rapid intoxication.
  3. Woman's weight. The smaller it is, the faster the alcohol will penetrate into the bloodstream and, as a result, into milk.
  4. Age. In young girls, the metabolism and, accordingly, the rate of absorption and excretion of substances is higher.
  5. Health status. Certain medical conditions can affect the absorption of alcohol.

If we take an average healthy nursing mother who drank a portion of alcohol on an empty stomach, then the alcohol will penetrate into the bloodstream in about 10-15 minutes and reach its maximum concentration in 30-50 minutes. And if such a woman consumes alcohol with food, then it will enter the milk after 20-25 minutes, and the peak will reach about 70-90 minutes.

Below is a small table describing the rate of elimination of alcohol, depending on its volume and the woman's weight. A glass (about 140 ml) of 11% alcohol, a glass (0.34 l) of beer or a glass of strong drink are accepted for one portion.

Weight, kg)Serving amount of alcohol
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
45 2h 40m5h 30m8h11h13h 30m16h 20m19h22h
50 2h 30m5h8h10h 30m13h15h 40m18h 10m21h
60 2h 20m4h 45m7h9h 40m12h14h 30m17h19h 10m
75 2h4h 10m6h 20m8h 30m10h 40 m.13 h.15 h.17 h.
90 1h 50m3h 50m5h 40m7h 40m9h 30m11h 30m13h 20m15h 20m

It is worth noting that these values ​​are averaged, so that every woman who breastfeeds her baby should be aware of the responsibility and take into account her individual characteristics. But it is worth focusing on the table, it will allow you to find out at least the approximate edges of what is permissible.

How to minimize the harm of alcohol to your child

To protect yourself and your child from unwanted negative consequences, it is better to give up alcohol altogether, in which case not a drop of alcohol will enter the baby's body through the feeding milk duct. But if there is a holiday or other event, and you decide to allow yourself to relax a little, then follow these rules:

  • Since alcohol appears in breast milk about 10-20 minutes after drinking alcohol, a woman can feed during this period. The next feeding should be done after the alcohol has left the body.
  • If you decide to drink alcohol while breastfeeding, it is better to express the required amount of milk in advance in order to be able to feed the baby on demand, and not wait until the alcohol is completely removed.
  • Under no circumstances is it allowed to feed a child while intoxicated. In addition, if the mother is drunk, she can harm the baby even while performing simple caring duties. So in any case, you should know when to stop and control the amount of alcohol consumed.
  • If you do decide to drink, be sure to eat more to speed up the elimination of alcohol from the blood.
  • You should not allow yourself to be weak if the child is not 3-4 months old. And it is better to wait up to six months or until lactation is complete.
  • Remember the exact time of taking alcohol, so as not to be mistaken.

Alcohol Myths

There are many myths associated with alcohol consumed during hepatitis B. And here are some of them:

  • Alcohol will help mom relax and baby sleep better. This is not so: scientists argue that alcohol, on the contrary, has an exciting effect on the nervous system and negatively affects the psyche and behavior.
  • Beer stimulates lactation. It is not true. Warm drinking can increase milk production, but alcohol, firstly, reduces its amount, and secondly, not in better side changes taste, which can lead to breast rejection.
  • Alcohol accumulates in milk. It is because of this judgment that many breastfeeding mothers express their breasts after drinking alcohol. But this is pointless, because alcohol enters the milk from the body directly during production and is immediately transferred to the child. And when it is completely removed, then it will not remain in the milk.

If you care about the health of your child, you should not risk drinking alcohol during lactation, because this will definitely not lead to anything good.

Breast milk is the healthiest food for a newborn. It is well absorbed and has the following beneficial effects on the child's body:

  • provides good mental and physical development;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • protects against various diseases;
  • eases the condition during the eruption of the first teeth.

It gives such an effect due to its composition:

  • amino acids;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins;
  • immune proteins;
  • leukocytes.

Breast milk is at the optimum temperature for lactation and is completely sterile. Feeding the baby can be done anytime, anywhere. In addition, it establishes close contact between mother and baby, as well as forms the correct bite. Therefore, breastfeeding is recommended as long as possible (at least up to one year of age).

Does alcohol pass into breast milk?

Alcohol penetrates with the bloodstream into all organs and systems. Hormonal disruption leads to abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and metabolism. Because of this, ethanol spreads very quickly and takes a long time to erode.

If a woman has consumed a glass of wine or champagne, alcohol enters breast milk within half an hour. The alcohol concentration is 10% and may vary. In case of metabolic disorders, it increases to 20%.

Why is alcohol dangerous?

During lactation, the hormones oxytocin and prolactin are produced. The first substance is responsible for transporting milk to the nipple, and the second for its production. If even a minimal percentage of any alcohol enters the body, the level of one element decreases, while the other increases. As a result, there is a lot of food, and the baby cannot suckle it normally.

The first six months after birth, the child feeds only on mother's milk. His liver is still so small that he cannot metabolize even a drop of ethanol. Therefore, during lactation, you must completely abandon alcohol products.

Ethanol does not accumulate in the chest. The child will receive exactly the amount of cognac, beer, etc. that was consumed.

Alcohol changes the taste and smell of milk, so the baby may not be fed naturally.

Alcohol removal table from breast milk

Time table of elimination of alcohol from breast milk:

Mother's body weight, kg The volume of alcohol consumed, in drinks (1 drink is equal to 350 ml of light beer, 150 ml of wine, 50 ml of spirits)
1 2 3 4 5
40 2:50 5:40 8:30 11:20 14:10
41 2:46 5:32 8:19 11:05 13:52
45 2:42 5:25 8:08 10:51 13:34
47 2:39 5:19 7:58 10:38 13:18
50 2:36 5:12 7:49 10:25 13:01
52 2:33 5:06 7:39 10:12 12:46
54 2:30 5:00 7:30 10:00 12:31
56 2:27 4:54 7:22 9:49 12:16
59 2:24 4:49 7:13 9:38 12:03
61 2:21 4:43 7:05 9:27 11:49
63 2:19 4:38 6:58 9:17 11:37
65 2:16 4:33 6:50 9:07 11:24
68 2:14 4:29 6:43 8:58 11:12
70 2:12 4:24 6:36 8:48 11:01
72 2:10 4:20 6:30 8:40 10:50
74 2:07 4:15 6:23 8:31 10:39
77 2:05 4:11 6:17 8:23 10:28
79 2:03 4:07 6:11 8:14 10:18
81 2:01 4:03 6:05 8:07 10:08
83 1:59 3:59 5:59 7:59 9:59
86 1:58 3:56 5:54 7:52 9:50
88 1:56 3:52 5:48 7:44 9:41
90 1:54 3:49 5:43 7:38 9:32
93 1:52 3:45 5:38 7:31 9:24
95 1:51 3:42 5:33 7:24 9:16

Alcohol is eliminated from breast milk for a long time (this can happen even after a day). If you drink more than the specified dose, the ethanol will disappear even longer.

Naturally, a newborn cannot remain without food for so long. Therefore, during lactation, it is important to calculate the dose used and know how much it lasts, so as not to cause serious consequences.

It is better to completely refuse to take alcoholic beverages.

Experts do not recommend a nursing mother to consume vodka and other alcoholic beverages. This will reflect badly on the child. Also, it is necessary to exclude coffee, chicory, seafood, citrus fruits and others from the diet, which can cause allergies in the baby.

Doctor Komarovsky believes that beer can be drunk by a nursing mother. It contains vitamins, malt, yeast. But in the drink you need to know when to stop. It is better to purchase products in a bottle than in a can and give preference to the non-alcoholic option.

If a woman cannot refuse alcohol, then at least she must follow the rules for its use during lactation:

  • The negative effect of ethanol on a child depends on how much of the substance has entered his diet. A little red semi-sweet wine is permissible, but strong alcohol should be completely abandoned. Its withdrawal takes a long time, and it can provoke severe intoxication. It can be determined by nausea, vomiting, pallor of the skin, etc.
  • The first three months after the birth of a child, you need to completely abandon alcohol and adhere to proper nutrition... So it will turn out to save the newborn from disastrous consequences.
  • When drinking alcohol, you need to calculate your weight. In thin women, ethanol enters milk quickly, and its decomposition takes a long time.
  • Do not drink on an empty stomach.
  • It is forbidden to consume alcohol in large quantities. This will lead to severe poisoning not only of the woman herself, but also of the baby. In addition, in a drunken state, the mother is not able to control her behavior. This can lead to the death of the baby.

The analyzes carried out have shown that ethanol will be released approximately as much as indicated in the table.

Expressing will not speed up the release of ethanol from the body.

After how many hours can you feed?

It is recommended to feed the child after drinking alcohol no earlier than 3-4 hours later. To minimize harm, follow these tips:

  • feed the baby well before drinking alcohol in order to increase the time until the next lactation;
  • use as little products with a degree as possible;
  • strain several portions in advance so that, if necessary, feed the baby;
  • if a lot of milk is formed during the feast, it can be expressed and poured out to alleviate the woman's condition.

Check out the ethanol withdrawal chart before the celebration. This will help in determining the amount of milk to prepare in advance.

Myths and reality

Myths about alcohol during lactation:

  • "Beer increases the amount of milk" - ethanol sometimes increases the number of feedings (the baby often asks for a breast), and decreases the concentration of nutrient fluid by 25%. Therefore, you cannot drink a drink to improve lactation.
  • "Alcohol improves baby's sleep" - indeed, after "drunken" feeding, the baby has a desire to go to bed. However, such a rest is shallow and disturbing. The baby cannot fully recover his strength. Sleep duration becomes shorter.
  • "Alcohol does not affect the taste of milk" is a big misconception. After drinking alcohol, the infant often refuses to breast, as the taste becomes unusual for him.
  • “After expression, the milk is cleared” - ethanol cannot accumulate in the breast. With the blood flow, it enters the glands, and then returns to the vessels again. Therefore, the statement is erroneous. A large amount of liquid will not help to clear milk.
  • "Strong intoxication of the mother does not pose a threat to the child" - ethanol in large volumes can greatly harm the health of the baby. In addition, with a pathological condition in a woman, all reactions slow down. She cannot provide proper care for the baby.
  • "Alcohol relieves postpartum depression" - on the contrary, alcohol only intensifies it.

Do I need to express

Young mothers often think that it is enough to express milk that has absorbed alcohol to make it safe for the baby. This is mistake. Until the alcohol disappears from the blood, it is unsafe to feed the baby: the expressed fluid will be replaced by a new one, the concentration of alcohol in which will be the same.

Alcohol does not accumulate in milk. Some time after drinking ethanol-containing drinks, ethyl alcohol is absorbed back into the mother's blood, after which it is excreted from the body. Therefore, pumping does not affect the rate of excretion of the harmful substance.


Changes in the quality of breast milk

Studies have found that babies suckled more often after their mother drank alcohol. At the same time, they consumed less nutrient fluid. It has also been proven that alcohol does not stimulate lactation, does not increase the amount of nutritious fluid.

Due to the penetration of alcohol into the liquid, its composition and taste change. The concentration of nutrients decreases. Alcohol affects the biosynthesis of breast milk, suppresses the work of the glands secreting it, and leads to a decrease in the amount of the product.

The effect of alcohol on the child

Alcoholic drinks affect children of different ages in different ways. The smaller the baby, the more dangerous it is for him: in the first few months, the liver is still too underdeveloped, unable to cope with even a small amount of ethanol. In the first year of a child's life, it is strictly forbidden to feed him until the alcohol is completely weathered.

It has been proven that infants exposed to alcohol intoxication in adulthood had a greater In addition, various pathologies of physical and mental development are possible.

Doctors also note that newborns fed with ethanol-containing breast food developed dysfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system. The children suffered from constipation. Also observed: apathy, lethargy, decreased reflexes. Children reacted more slowly to what was happening, did not show interest in the world around them. Sleep was disturbed: it became too strong, deep. The children showed a lag in the development of fine and gross motor skills, speech, and a lack of weight.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that strong alcoholic drinks are dangerous to the health of the child. If the mother drinks too much before feeding, the baby may even die from an overdose. However, the pediatrician is not so categorical about homemade wine and. He believes that in small quantities, these drinks will not become a real threat to the child, although they will not benefit him. not recommended, since it contains preservatives that are dangerous for babies.

How to minimize harm

The best way to minimize harm to the baby's health is to completely stop drinking alcohol during lactation. It should be remembered that alcohol consumption is risky, as it can harm the baby's health and pose a threat to his life.

If a woman is not able to give up alcohol, for any reason she is going to drink, she should take care of the child's safety in advance. Expressing should be done before drinking alcohol, so that you can feed the baby with a safe product on time. Breastfeeding should be given to an infant only when the ethanol is completely neutralized. If the breast is overflowing, and there is still alcohol in the blood, it is better to express and pour out the milk: such a product will be harmful for the child.

If possible, replace alcoholic drinks and cocktails with non-alcoholic ones. For their preparation, the components allowed for a young mother are used. If a woman drinks alcohol-based drinks, they must be of high quality. Products made from low-quality raw materials are harmful not only to nursing mothers, but also to all people: they contain dyes, preservatives, toxic substances, and can cause severe poisoning and feeling unwell.

Alcohol while breastfeeding

Is there a safe dose

Each organism is individual, therefore, it is not possible to calculate a dosage that will not harm an individual child. Drinking alcohol during lactation is dangerous. You should not rely on the opinion and experience of friends and acquaintances: even for adults, the permissible dosage is determined individually, and the child's body is more sensitive. You can only consult a doctor: a specialist will help you find a suitable solution, answer all your questions.

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