The best vitamin complex for children. Multivitamins for children. Which ones are best for different ages. Review of the best drugs. Is it worth taking

A small child under 10 years of age needs almost 4 times more B vitamins than an ordinary adult. Vitamins of this group are contained in many foods, as well as in special vitamin complexes that can be purchased at the pharmacy. It won’t be possible to overdo it with volumes, because the excess will simply be eliminated from the body, but if there is a deficiency, then problems can begin. Children and adults begin to get more tired, anemia appears, their mood worsens, and their appetite goes to zero. What are the benefits of B vitamins and how to compensate for their deficiency?

B vitamins are found in various foods, and excess is eliminated from the body very quickly

Beneficial effects of B vitamins

All vitamins in this group are similar in the following aspects: they ensure metabolism, form the skeleton and muscles, and are involved in the synthesis of blood, in particular antibodies that can prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases and cancer. Useful elements have a great effect on the health of the heart, blood vessels and nervous system.

Water-soluble vitamins of this group each have their own properties and effects on the body. Micronutrients will work with maximum efficiency if they enter the body at once. Poor and deficient diet useful substances in most cases, it is deprived of almost all vitamins of this group. Over time, the list of organic compounds of group B has been revised and modified several times; today it represents a group of 9 main elements:

NameMain functions Symptoms of deficiency
B1 or thiamineParticipant in metabolism, promotes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also ensures the full functioning of the nervous system.Fatigue, loss of appetite, digestive disorders, heart failure, muscle weakness, anxiety.
B2 or riboflavinParticipant in protein and lipid metabolism, promotes the full development of the baby, ensures good condition of the mucous membranes and skin.Skin diseases, nervous diseases, diseases of the mouth and mucous membranes, metabolic disorders, anemia.
B3 or niacinIt has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory and nervous systems, as well as on the activity of the adrenal glands.Decreased appetite, bowel movements, muscle weakness, bad dream, irritability, dry skin.
B4 or cholineHelps memory and attention, promotes the functioning of the nervous system, and participates in fat metabolism.Increased body weight and blood cholesterol levels. Impaired memory and attention.
B5 or pantothenic acidForms and maintains hormone levels, ensures smooth functioning of the nervous system, and is responsible for immunity.Pain in muscle tissue, pain in the head, drowsiness, poor vision, dry skin.
B6 or pyridoxineActively participates in hematopoiesis and protein metabolism.Dermatitis, heart and vascular diseases, anemia, conjunctivitis.
B7 or biotinNormalizes the amount of sugar, helps the full development and functioning of the nervous system.Seborrheic dermatitis in newborns, nervousness, fatigue, decreased hemoglobin levels, skin inflammation.
B9 or folic acidParticipant in protein metabolism, assistant in the field of hematopoiesis.Liver diseases, sleep disorders, anemia, red tongue, bleeding gums, problems with the digestive system.
B12 or cobalaminThe main participant in hematopoiesis, an active “doer” in the metabolic process, helps improve mental activity.Fatigue, sensory and motor passivity, inflammation in the oral cavity, stomach pain, weight loss, constipation.

Increased fatigue may be a cause of vitamin B1 deficiency

Daily norm

Let's look at the existing table:

AgeDaily requirement, mg
0-6 months0,4 0,5 15 From 100 to 350, determined by a doctor2 0,1 44105 40 0,4
6-12 months0,5 0,6 15 3 0,3 44105 60 0,5
1-3 years0,8 0,9 15 42463 0,5 44105 100 0,9
4-6 years0,9 1 15 42463 0,6 20-40 200 1,2
7-10 years1,2 1,4 15 42494 1 20-40 200 1,2
Boys, 11-14 years old1,4 1,7 15 42555 1 20-40 200 1,8
Boys, 15-18 years old1,5 1,8 15 42555 1,3 50 200 2,4
Girls, 11-14 years old1,3 1,5 15 42555 1 20-40 200 1,8
Girls, 15-18 years old1,3 1,5 15 42555 1,2 50 200 2,4


Most compounds in this group are found in:

  • yeast;
  • dairy products - cheese, milk, cottage cheese;
  • sprouted grains;
  • liver;
  • legumes;
  • green vegetables;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • nuts

As you can see, the most ordinary products can boast and delight with the content of useful microelements. Their beauty also lies in the fact that even heat treatment cannot destroy them. A nursing woman should carefully ensure that her diet is varied and balanced. As for the grown-up child, who has already begun to try complementary feeding and is approaching a full transition to adult food, he will need to supplement his daily diet with some of the products listed above.

Dairy products and eggs contain large amounts of B vitamins

Adequate nutrition is not always possible or not always possible, so it is possible to compensate for the deficiencies of some vitamins using vitamin complexes. When a child has some of the above symptoms, reflecting a lack of beneficial micronutrients, then you should definitely start replenishing their deficiency, but before doing this, be sure to consult a doctor.

Multivitamin complexes

B vitamins, acting together, have the maximum effect on the body, so doctors usually recommend taking them in the form of complete vitamin complexes. All vitamin preparations are balanced in composition and have a minimal risk of allergic reactions. Still, it would be a good idea to monitor the child’s condition and well-being in the first days of admission.

Redness or rash that appears in the first three days requires discontinuation of the chosen remedy and selection, together with a doctor, of an even safer option. Taking vitamins should be stopped if the child experiences vomiting or diarrhea. By postponing use for a while, you can continue the treatment course after eliminating all ailments.

In some cases, according to medical indications, intramuscular injections may be prescribed, but even this procedure can be replaced by taking tablets or capsules with group B microelements. Dr. Komarovsky says the following about this: “Vitamins will be perfectly absorbed with their usual use. The injection option is practiced only if the child is not able to swallow the pills on his own.”

Vitamins from the Multi-Tabs series

Multi-Tabs Intensive is suitable for adults and children over 12 years old
  • – this complex contains not only B vitamins (B12, B6, B1, B2 and others), but also A, C, D, E. In addition, the microelements included in the composition will provide invaluable benefits to the body: calcium, iodine, selenium, iron , copper, magnesium, chromium, zinc. The minimum age for admission is 12 years. The drug should be taken 1 tablet in the first half of the day after meals.
  • A drug "Multi-Tabs B-complex" includes the following substances: riboflavin, pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid, folic acid and cyanocobalamin (B12). Suitable for use by children over 12 years of age. Take 1 tablet 1 to 3 times a day. It is advisable to take it during or immediately after meals. The minimum duration of therapy is 2 months.
  • For younger children, there is a children's version of the vitamin complex. It's called "Multi-Tabs Baby". The dosage is the same, only it is recommended to crush the tablet before taking it.

Vitamin preparations "Pikovit"

This series is adapted for young children. All age characteristics of the child are taken into account here.

The syrup can be used by children from 1 year old
  • The product “Pikovit syrup” with a large amount of vitamins (A, D, C, PP, B2, B6, B1, B12, BB) is approved for use by children from 1 year.
  • In the preparation “Pikovit Omega-3” (more details in the article:) all the vitamins contained in the syrup are present (A, D, C, PP, B2, B6, B1, B12, BB), plus Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E (see also:). It can be taken by children over 3 years of age.
  • "Pikovit complex" is approved for use by children from the age of three. The composition of this drug is rich in vitamins (B2, B6, B1, B12, BB, A, D, C, PP) and minerals. Available in pharmacies in the form of chewable lozenges.
  • The product “Pikovit Plus” has an expanded composition. Elements such as calcium, iodine, zinc and iron are presented here in higher concentrations. Chewable tablets of this type are recommended for children over 5 years of age.
  • In Pikovit Forte multivitamins, all vitamins (A, D, C, PP, B2, B6, B1, B12, BB) and minerals have a double dose. This type series is intended for schoolchildren (from 7 years old), because it is during this period that children experience a sharp increase in not only mental, but psychological stress. The child finds himself in a stressful environment, and our task is to help and protect him as much as possible. The complex can be used as a prophylactic to exclude autumn and spring vitamin deficiencies.

Pikovit vitamins contain a double dose of vitamins and minerals

Features of application

As we wrote above, it is better to take B vitamins all together. The only exception is thiamine (B1), which does not combine well with riboflavin and cobalamin (B12). The dosage of all micronutrients must be carefully calculated.

All vitamin elements combine well with zinc, iron and calcium, helping to make these minerals easier to absorb. There is scientific evidence regarding a positive response to these drugs in the body weakened by emotional stress, as well as in people with distracted attention and difficulties in cognitive processes.

Contraindications and overdose

You can’t get oversaturated with vitamins; such cases are very rare, because the excess is absolutely easily eliminated from the body. Of course, the dose must be strictly observed. Too much of the drug taken at one time can lead to intoxication of the body. Following this, disturbances will appear in digestion and other systems of the human body.

Treatment of diseases

Diseases present in children are often treated together with the use of vitamin complexes, which not only provide prevention, but also participate in treatment. The indications are as follows:

  • hypovitaminosis of varying degrees;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • postoperative period, rehabilitation.

Taking B vitamins is also prescribed for hypovitaminosis

An infant may be prescribed a certain vitamin complex with elements B1, B12, B6 and others, but only after a thorough diagnosis. It is important to know that some drugs, for example Neuromultivit, are strictly contraindicated for children with existing diseases: bronchial asthma, diseases of the intestines and stomach, allergic manifestations, individual intolerance to one or more components. Babies under the age of 1 year should take these drugs only under the strict supervision of a doctor; if such treatment is required, the dose is usually calculated as follows: ¼ tablet 2 times a day. The dosage will be individual, calculated based on needs child's body in certain substances.

The most convenient forms of release, which suit both children and adults, are syrup and drops. They should be taken according to the instructions, but usually this is a one-time dose in the first half of the day after meals. Some products, for example, Unicap, are approved for use by children several months old. In addition to the vitamins we are considering today (B1, B6, B12 and others), they may include vitamin elements A, C, D, E. These include multivitamins with the names “Adivit” and “Polivit Baby”. An experienced doctor who knows the child and his characteristics will easily select the right option and also adjust the required dose.

For the baby to develop properly and stay healthy, he needs vitamins. The ideal situation is when all the need for them is satisfied from natural sources - food, including fruits and vegetables. But in some cases, for example, during the off-season, in large cities with unfavorable environmental conditions, during the active growth of a child, natural vitamins may be lacking. Symptoms of their deficiency can be avoided if you supplement your baby’s diet with complex supplements. But how not to make a mistake with your choice among such a variety? We will try to figure out which vitamins are best for children, what to look for when purchasing, and how to use them correctly.

Types of vitamins

Vitamins, depending on the sources of intake, can be divided into:

  • natural;
  • synthesized .

Most of them cannot be reproduced by the body and must come from outside. Continuous supply is especially important for a child who is in the growth stage. The main and best source is food. Natural vitamins for children are of particular value, since they are fully absorbed. Therefore, the baby’s diet must be balanced and meet the nutritional needs. If for some reason there are not enough natural vitamins, artificial supplements will help maintain the child’s health.

Based on their composition, they can be divided into:

  • one-component - having one component;
  • complex- consisting of several elements.

The VitaMishka product line includes the following complexes:

  • Multi+ for the general strengthening of the baby’s body.
  • Immuno+ to strengthen immune system.
  • Focus+ to maintain vision.
  • Vio+ for the normal functioning of the digestive organs.
  • Calcium+ for healthy teeth and bones.

All drugs of this brand are produced on the basis of natural juice concentrate.

The most effective way to cope with this task is:

  • Elkar(based on levocarnitine) - from birth and older.
  • Quint Junior- from one year to 14 years.

Children who are actively involved in sports need periodic intake of complex vitamins to maintain strength. Most famous Junior Neo+(from 4 years old) and . The second drug requires careful use in childhood, therefore it is used under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Unfortunately, in Lately The number of children with allergies has increased. Therefore, hypoallergenic drugs are especially relevant. In addition to the above additives from well-known manufacturers, it is worth mentioning Vibovit Baby. This complex is designed specifically for the youngest children (from 2 months to 3 years). Does not contain such artificial additives, as dyes and preservatives, due to which the likelihood of triggering an allergic reaction is minimal.

As such, there is no single best vitamin complex. When choosing, you need to be guided by the doctor’s recommendations, composition and reviews of the manufacturer. It is important to select the complex according to age; it should not be given to 7-year-old children. You should not prescribe them to your baby on your own. They can call allergic reactions, provide side effect. An overdose of vitamins in the body is no less dangerous to health than a deficiency. Therefore, the doctor must select the drug, taking into account the child’s developmental characteristics.

From a very early age, our body needs vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth, development and functioning of the body.

The diet is not always able to compensate for the lack of essential nutrients, so special vitamin and mineral complexes come to the rescue , for example, Alphabet kindergarten.

Alphabet kindergarten was developed taking into account scientific and clinical research separately and joint reception useful substances.

It included nine minerals and thirteen vitamins necessary for the full development and maintenance of the child’s health.

All children are exposed to various physical and mental stress every day.

Adaptation to school, to new conditions, communication with teachers and peers, high physical activity - all this creates conditions for stress, fatigue, irritability, and apathy.

Created just for schoolchildren multivitamin preparation Alphabet Schoolboy, which contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of vitamins, because they strengthen the immune system, improve memory, normalize metabolism, and serve for proper functioning internal organs, participate in the healing of the body.

In conditions of unbalanced nutrition, as well as in the off-season, the issue of vitamin deficiency is especially relevant.

If for an adult, overcoming such periods passes almost without consequences, then the growing body will acutely feel the lack of vitamins and microelements.

The main source of all nutrients is food. But they cannot always come to the rescue.

Thus, to compensate for the lack of macro- and microelements in childhood, a special multivitamin complex Univit has been developed.

Every day the human body loses a large amount of useful substances responsible for many biochemical processes, such as metabolism or protein synthesis. This is especially true for children during the period of active growth and development, when most tissues and functions of the body begin to form.

And in order for all these reactions to proceed normally, he needs to receive vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities. The main source of macro- and microelements includes food. They contain all the essential vitamins.

But in order to extract the required amount of nutrients from them, the diet must be complete and properly balanced, which is not always possible for everyone.

In this case, there may be a risk of developing hypovitaminosis, which negatively affects health.

In order to supplement the diet and make it complete, multivitamin complexes such as Kinder Biovital gel are presented on the market.

This drug is able to normalize and improve the following body functions:

  • Defensive reaction to external unfavorable stimuli;
  • Performance;
  • Metabolism;
  • Resistance to overwork.

The human body in childhood is actively formed and developed. It is during this period that he is most vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of many harmful environmental factors.

Vitamins are an integral element of the normal functioning of the body. A person receives most of them from food, if his diet is properly balanced. But even with the right diet, it is impossible to fully provide the body with all vitamins and microelements. This also applies to children - they often have a poor appetite, or they refuse to eat certain foods, and the vegetables and fruits themselves may not be so healthy (poor growing conditions, heat treatment).

It is especially important to take this fact into account in relation to children aged 2 to 8 years, because it is during this period of time that the body is formed - the formation of immunity, tooth growth, bone formation, etc.

A lack of vitamins can slow down or impair a child’s development and increase susceptibility to diseases, both physical and psychological. Properly selected vitamin complexes will help save children and parents from many problems.

There are three main types of vitamin complexes:

  • Monocomponent. They are formed on the basis of one type of vitamin. Most often these are K, A, E D, and C.
  • Multicomponent(so-called multivitamins). They contain from 2 to 8 vitamins.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. In such preparations you can find not only a set of vitamins, but also minerals necessary for the body.

When choosing vitamins, especially for young children, you should always consult your doctor.

According to the form of release, vitamins are of the following types:

  • Tablets (plain or chewable).
  • Syrups.
  • Lollipops or marmalade figures.
  • Effervescent tablets (sometimes a powder that must be dissolved in water).
  • Drops.

Important: Vitamins contain several types of different substances, including additional components, so they can cause allergies if the child is sensitive to one or more components.

There are contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

Rating (2019) Prices, ₽ A country
1. from 400₽ Denmark
2. from 330₽ Russia
3. from 300₽ Russia
4. from 450₽ USA
1. from 250₽ Poland
2. from 500₽ Germany
3. from 240₽ Russia
4. from 400₽ Germany
1. from 250 Russia
2. from 250₽ Russia
3. from 500₽ Germany
4. from 400₽ Russia
1. from 500₽ Germany
2. from 300₽ Denmark
3. from 300₽ Russia
4. from 220₽ Russia

The best vitamins for children 2-3 years old

During the first year of life, the child does not require additional vitamins, except vitamin D. Before birth and during breastfeeding, the baby receives all the necessary substances from the mother, as a result of which in the first months of life the child’s body is provided with everything necessary.

But by one and a half to two years, the supply of vitamins and microelements is depleted. Then pharmaceutical products come to the rescue. Below are 4 of the most popular and high-quality products, but before going to the pharmacy, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.

4 Vitrum Baby from 2 years old

Our rating opens with Vitrum Baby chewable tablets in the form of animal figures, which children like for their interesting appearance and fruity-vanilla smell and taste. The color of the tablets ranges from light gray to orange-gray and has small light and dark inclusions.

Selenium, manganese, zinc, iodine, malibdenum - these and other microelements complement the vitamin complex, which contains vitamins D3, B6, B, B2, A, C and riboflavin.

"Vitrum Baby" is ideal for preventive measures, as well as to combat vitamin deficiency, general fatigue, and decreased appetite. Recommended for use in case of elevated physical activity The child has. Parents note that after taking the drug, the children’s general well-being and appetite improve, the child becomes active and does not get tired of outdoor games.


  • Efficiency.
  • Children like it.
  • A large set of vitamins and microelements.
  • A convenient and interesting form of release for the child.
  • Noticeable result.


  • Impressive price + duration of treatment.

A controversial point: some users complain about the “terrible taste,” while others, on the contrary, praise it for its taste.

Vitamins Vitrum Baby from 2 years

3 Pikovit syrup from 1 year

Multivitamin syrup, which is a thick, viscous liquid, the color of which ranges from pale yellow to orange. It has a pleasant smell and sour-sweet taste. Some parents, however, complain that the syrup is too sweet, while others, on the contrary, praise it for its pleasant taste. The emulsion tends to settle, separating into 2 layers. Therefore, the bottle must be shaken before use.

Contains: vitamin D3, riboflavin, vitamin B6, B, Bi2, A, C, PP, D-Panthenol. The syrup contains agar, sucrose, flavoring and dyes as excipients.

The syrup helps strengthen bones and teeth, improve immunity, helps the process of hematopoiesis and the normal functioning of the nervous system, and also has a number of other necessary effects, including removing toxins from the body. Parents especially note an improvement in the child’s appetite after just a few days of use.


  • Affordable price.
  • Convenient to take.
  • Children like it.
  • Efficiency.
  • Availability of measuring spoon.
  • Improved appetite.


  • Contains dyes and flavors.

Pikovit syrup from 1 year

2 Alphabet Our Baby

In second place is the domestic drug of the Alphavit brand, which has been popular with parents for many years for its high quality and affordable price.

A big plus of AlfaVit Our Baby vitamins is the development of a composition that meets the recommendations of specialists for joint and separate administration. This approach has two main advantages: the risk of an allergic reaction is reduced and the effectiveness of taking the drug increases by about 50%. In addition to this, the complex does not contain dyes, flavors or preservatives, which makes it as natural and healthy as possible for the child.

Contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals. After taking it, children's sleep and appetite improve, resistance to viral diseases increases, activity increases, the child becomes more balanced and less capricious.

Release form: sachets. Before taking, the contents must be dissolved in water. Designed for children aged 1.5 to 3 years.


  • Specially developed composition.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Convenient release form.
  • It dissolves well in water.


  • The need to take 3 times a day + you have to dissolve the contents of the sachets.

Alphabet Our Baby

1 Multi-tabs Baby

In first place among the best vitamins for children from 1 to 3 years old is the vitamin and mineral complex from Denmark Multi-tabs “Baby”.

Available in the form of chewable tablets, it has a pleasant raspberry-strawberry flavor. It is precisely because of the taste that the tablets are especially loved by children, and the recommendation to take them once a day relieves parents of the need to constantly monitor their intake.

The complex is designed in such a way as to cope with most tasks as efficiently as possible - it promotes intellectual and physical development child, increases the body’s ability to resist diseases, helps the child’s body function fully, improves appetite and sleep.

The drug contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, D and E. As well as the most essential microelements, including zinc, iodine, magnesium and iron.

The composition of Multi-tabs “Baby” is as natural as possible, does not contain dyes and gluten, but the “fly in the ointment,” as many parents believe, is the presence of the sweetener aspartame. In fact, this is not so critical, because, according to research, its use does not have negative consequences for the body.

A wide range of elements in the composition is an undoubted advantage of the complex, but at the same time the risk of an allergic reaction increases, so in the first days of use you should carefully monitor the child’s condition.


  • Contains a complex of vitamins and microelements.
  • Children like it.
  • Take once a day.
  • Gluten free.


  • The tablets are harsh, many parents crush them and dissolve them in drinks.

Multi-tabs Baby

The best vitamins for children 4-5 years old

At the age of 4-5 years, a child is most susceptible to diseases, especially colds and ARVI. It is during this period of life that a person develops immunity, the degree of development of which determines further health. Excessive consumption of medications and vitamins can disrupt the natural formation of immunity - diseases (if they pass without complications) only help strengthen the immune system.

During this period of time, vitamin complexes are prescribed by a doctor and are used as an auxiliary drug that helps the development of immunity.

4 Univit Kids

“Univit Kids” are dinosaur-shaped chewable lozenges with cherry flavor. Sold 30 pieces per pack. Children like it due to its attractiveness appearance. But not everything is smooth with taste - many parents complain that children do not like the taste of vitamins. Blame it all fish fat in the composition, which is the source of the specific taste. And since “dinosaurs” need to be chewed, this can be a significant disadvantage.

But if the child likes the taste, then Univit Kids will be an excellent helper in the fight against colds, fatigue, moodiness and lack of appetite. The composition contains choline, ascorbic acid, niacin, omega-3, vitamins B6, B12, oil from marine microalgae Schizochсtrium sp. Among the additional substances used lemon acid, natural flavors and coloring from vegetables and fruits, gelatin.

With the exception of complaints about the taste, reviews of the drug are positive - it is effective, easy to chew, and children like it (although not everyone). The presence of fish oil in the composition is a big advantage.


  • Contains fish oil.
  • Interesting shape in the form of dinosaurs.
  • Chews well.
  • Effective.
  • Convenient form of administration.


  • A specific taste and smell that not all children like.
  • Small daily dose fish oil.

Univit Kids

3 Vetoron for children in tablets

Third place - the drug "Vetoron" in tablets. The peculiarity of this dietary supplement is that it has a local effect - it is intended mainly to strengthen the immune system. Contains beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamin E, ascorbic acid. The composition contains natural dye, flavor, petroleum jelly, and calcium stearate as excipients.

Thanks to a carefully selected vitamin complex, Vetoron has pronounced immunomodulatory, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. According to research, it is the combination of provitamin A, vitamin E and beta-carotene that gives the maximum result, much greater than what these substances are capable of separately.

Judging by the reviews of parents, this is indeed the case. There are complaints about the taste of the tablets (it imitates sea buckthorn), some do not like the color, but almost everyone notes the sharply increased resistance of the child’s body to ARVI and colds - children get sick less often, tolerate flu and sudden temperature changes in autumn and spring more easily.


  • Designed for a specific purpose - strengthening the immune system.
  • Maximum efficiency.
  • Convenient to take.
  • Most children like it.
  • Noticeable result.
  • Affordable price.


  • Not everyone likes the taste of the tablets or the pale orange color.

Vetoron for children in tablets

2 Supradin-Kids

In second place are German-made products – Supradin Kids vitamins. The main advantage of the drug is omega-3 in a form accessible to children. It is these fatty acids that are necessary for the functioning of the brain, retina, normal functioning of the central nervous system and vision.

Additionally, the drug contains choline, vitamins C, B6 and B12, as well as nicotinamide. It is produced in the form of chewable tablets, take 2 tablets per day with meals. Children really like vitamins. Some parents are even ready to write this down as a disadvantage of the drug, since they have to hide it from their children. In addition to the pleasant taste, the tablets are made in the form of figures - fish, bears, stars.

Parents note the positive effect of taking Supradin Kids - children's endurance improves, sleep normalizes, and fatigue decreases. The only drawback is the too high price of the drug, especially considering that, in fact, it is just omega-3, and a small amount of vitamins perform only auxiliary functions.


  • Pleasant taste.
  • Children like it.
  • Omega-3 included.
  • Convenient to take.
  • Pleasant smell and beautiful figures.
  • Convenient packaging.


  • High price.


1 Complivit ACTIVE bears lozenges

In first place are bear lozenges from Poland from the Complivit brand. The vitamin complex contains 10 vitamins - E, C, and group B - B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin. “ACTIVE bears” promote the full growth and development of the child, strengthen the immune system, help overcome mental and physical stress, and increase resistance to stressful situations.

The bright appearance, interesting shape in the shape of bear cubs and pleasant taste are loved by children, and a one-time dose per day makes life easier for adults. Several flavors allow you to choose the one that children like best.

Users have virtually no complaints about the drug, except that many are dissatisfied with the price. Although if you compare it with many analogues, the price tag for Complivit is quite acceptable. In addition to the positive effect and ease of administration, it is worth paying attention to the fact that there are practically no complaints of allergies from this complex.


  • Children like it.
  • Take once a day.
  • Minimal risk of allergies.
  • Efficiency.
  • Several flavors to choose from.


  • There are no significant ones, except that some buyers are not satisfied with the price.

Complivit ACTIVE bears lozenges

The best vitamins for children 5-6 years old

5-6 years is the age of increased activity and the first serious stress for the body and psyche. Children spend a lot of time playing and interacting with other children; when they go to school, the environment changes and the workload increases, which is a serious test for the child.

Vitamin complexes for this age group help strengthen the immune system, provide the body with all the necessary elements that increase stress resistance and help keep the child active and interested in the world around him.

4 Baby formula bear Evalar

The top four is opened by the domestic vitamin complex “Baby Bears”. This is an active food supplement enriched with vitamins and minerals, intended for children over 3 years of age. “Evalar Bears” are made in the form of chewing plates in the shape of bears, based on natural apple juice.

Thanks to the special formula of the drug, the physical condition of the body in children significantly improves, fatigue decreases, and the susceptibility to colds decreases. Children like the interesting shape of the tablets, so there are no problems with taking them.

The additional content of iodine and choline helps improve brain activity and rapid mental development, improve memory and attention. It is worth noting that vitamins are designed for a cumulative effect, so you should not expect rapid changes in the child’s condition. It is because of this nuance that many parents complain about the ineffectiveness of the drug, but in fact this is just a feature of it.

The drug does not contain gluten, GMOs, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. The bears are as hypoallergenic and safe to use as possible. The vitamins are based on European ingredients that are of high quality. Perhaps it is due to this that multivitamins received the “Best for Children” quality mark.

The drug is available in sealed packages of 30 or 60 pieces.


  • Does not contain gluten, GMOs, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
  • Children like it.
  • Effective.
  • Easy to chew.
  • They have a cumulative effect.


  • High price.

Baby formula bear Evalar

3 Vitamins Immuno+

“Vitamishki” is a German-made dietary supplement – ​​an effective balanced complex of vitamins and minerals. Are not medicine, so it can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is produced in the form of chewable marmalade lozenges in the shape of bear cubs, with various flavors: orange, peach, grape, lemon, sea buckthorn. The package contains 30 or 60 pieces. Due to the appearance and taste qualities Children take the supplement with pleasure.

The lozenges do not contain artificial colors and flavors, and also do not contain preservatives. Therefore, “Vitamishki immuno+” is absolutely safe and maximally hypoallergenic for a child. The only drawback is the impressive cost, but this is compensated by the high quality of the dietary supplement and its positive influence on the body and psychological stability of children.

Taking the complex has a positive effect on the body: appetite improves, activity increases, sensitivity to infectious and viral diseases and fatigue decreases, the child becomes less irritable and whiny. Age of use: 3+.


  • Pleasant taste, interesting shape.
  • Children like it.
  • Effective.
  • Maximum natural composition.
  • Educational brochure included.


  • Lozenges may stick together.

Vitamins Immuno+

2 Pikovit Plus

In second place are again Russian vitamins “Pikovit”, this time created specifically for the age group 5+, taking into account the child’s age and taste preferences. Available in the form of chewable tablets. They do not contain sugar, artificial colors and flavors, or preservatives, which makes them absolutely safe for use. Convenient dosage form – once a day.

The drug contains the following vitamins and minerals: A, B, C, D, B vitamins, iodine, calcium, zinc, biotin, niacin, iron. It is recommended to use during the period of active growth and development for prevention, at the beginning of the school year to help adapt to school, with low body weight and poor appetite, with fatigue, stress, moodiness, during periods of greatest vulnerability of the immune system, with an increased need for vitamins and minerals.

Parents note the effectiveness of the dietary supplement, ease of administration, and pleasant taste. There are no significant disadvantages noted.

The drug is not a drug and is sold through any pharmacy chain.


  • Does not contain sugar, artificial colors and flavors, preservatives.
  • Pleasant taste.
  • Children like it.
  • Efficiency.
  • Take 1 time per day.
  • Acceptable price.
  • Contains most of the elements a child needs.
  • Designed specifically for ages 5+.

Pikovit Plus

1 Alphabet Kindergarten

The leader in this age group is “Alphabet” Kindergarten", a domestic drug that is necessary for the full development of a child of kindergarten age. It is available in the form of chewable tablets, which is why it is loved by children who take it with pleasure. The lozenges come in three flavors: apple, orange or strawberry. Depending on this, the color of the tablet depends: yellow-green, yellow-orange, pink.

The package may contain 30 or 60 tablets. The drug is not medicinal and comes in the form of a supplement to the main food. “Alphabet Kindergarten” contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals necessary for the normal growth of a child.

The complex is used during periods of decreased efficiency of the immune system and hypovitaminosis, with an unbalanced diet and poor appetite, to prevent stimulation of mental activity and physical activity. The dietary supplement completely satisfies the need for vitamins and minerals and is balanced taking into account the child’s daily diet.

Vitamins do not contain preservatives, artificial colors or flavors, which makes them safe for baby's health. Intended for use from 3 to 7 years of age.


  • Designed for a specific age group.
  • Does not contain preservatives or artificial colors.
  • Effective.
  • Contains the basic elements necessary for a child.
  • Children like it.
  • They have three flavors to choose from.


Alphabet Kindergarten

The best vitamins for children over 7 years old

School means increased mental stress and high risk viral diseases and regular stress. A lack of vitamins affects the child’s attentiveness and concentration, the body’s resistance to ARVI and stressful situations decreases, and a loss of strength may occur.

To help children overcome the first serious test in their lives - going to school - care should be taken to ensure that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Among the most popular complexes for children 7 years and older are Pikovit, AlfaVit, Multi-tabs and Doppelherz.

4 Pikovit Forte 7+

The rating of “school” vitamins opens with Pikovit Forte, a complex developed specifically for this age group. Unlike other drugs that can be taken at an earlier age, Forte 7+ is intended strictly for children over 7 years of age.

Mental stress and physical activity, which sharply increases in children from this time on, increases the need for protein, essential elements and minerals that ensure the creation of normal metabolic processes. "Pikovit Forte" contains 11 vitamins: A, C, E, D, B vitamins, folic and pantothenic acids. These substances are necessary for the further proper development and growth of the child.

The drug is produced in the form of convex beige tablets, interspersed with a different color, 30 pieces per package. “Pikovit” can be used when there is excessive fatigue, lack of concentration, during intense intellectual and physical stress, poor appetite, after an illness for the purpose of prevention and to improve immunity.
In third place is another domestic biological food supplement for children - AlfaVit Shkolnik. Like Pikovit, the dietary supplement was created specifically for children over 7 years old. Contains 10 minerals and 13 vitamins. The complex is designed in such a way as to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to a minimum, even in sensitive children. This is achieved by separate administration.

One package contains chewable tablets – 60 pcs. The drug contains the norm of vitamins and minerals for daily use to avoid hypervitaminosis. Helps strengthen the child’s immunity, increase resistance to infections, improve metabolic processes and the functioning of internal organs in the body, improve memory and concentration, normalize resistance to stressful situations, and compensate for the deficiency of nutrients due to an unbalanced diet.

  1. Morning – red pill (helps to awaken the body and energizes you for the whole day).
  2. Lunch – orange (supports immunity and endocrine system).
  3. Dinner – white (helps strengthen bone tissue).

Such requirements for the reception create certain difficulties - not only is the reception three times a day, but also the colors must not be mixed up. But this allows the elements to be absorbed as much as possible and not provoke an allergic reaction.


  • Separate reception.
  • Wide range of vitamins and minerals included.
  • Low risk of allergies.
  • Efficiency.
  • Children like it.
  • Reasonable price.


  • Dyes, flavors and other excipients in the composition.

Alphabet Schoolboy

2 Multi-tabs Junior

Multi-tabs "Junior" is a combination drug that contains a complex of vitamins and minerals. The package contains 2 or 4 blisters with round, flat, white chewable tablets with multi-colored inclusions. The taste of the tablets can be different, you can choose depending on the child’s preferences - with the taste of lemon or cola, banana, raspberry and strawberry, orange and vanilla.

Country of origin: Denmark.

The complex contains 7 minerals and 11 vitamins. Thanks to the wide spectrum of action, the child gets sick less, is always energized, adapts better to a new team, is resistant to stressful situations, and has improved appetite and sleep.

The drug is intended for the treatment of vitamin and mineral deficiency during the period of hypovitaminosis. Vitamins can be used during the recovery period after illness, with increased mental and physical activity, unbalanced nutrition, and instability to stressful situations.

Thanks to vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and iodine in children there is an improvement in memory and speech. Vitamins A, C, D3 promote healthy bone growth. Selenium prevents the formation of free radicals, chromium helps the production of insulin. The age at which it can be given to children is 4+. Take 1 time per day.

Due to the fact that the effect of Multi-tabs “Junior” is not pronounced, many parents complain about the high cost - the high cost is forgiven only for vitamins, the results of which are immediately noticeable.


  • Contains most essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Take 1 time per day.
  • Pleasant taste, several options to choose from.
  • Children like it.
  • Strengthens the immune system, helps during autumn-winter diseases.


  • The price combined with an unnoticeable effect.

Multi-tabs Junior

1 Doppelherz Kinder

The leading brand among vitamins for children over 7 years old is Doppelherz, which means “double heart” in German. The company produces nutritional supplements since 1919. Over 100 years of production, the brand has established itself as trustworthy to customers and has expanded its product catalog from energy tonics for the heart to dietary supplements for beauty and health, and children's vitamins.

Doppelherz Kinder is a dietary supplement designed to support the immune system during periods of decline and enrich the diet of preschool and preschool children with vitamins. school age. The product can be freely purchased at a pharmacy, although some parents complain that the complex is not always in stock and has to be ordered. Produced in Germany.

The package contains 60 chewable lozenges. They can be of different tastes and do not contain dyes or preservatives. The price tag for Doppelherz Kinder is impressive, but despite this, the vitamins are in high demand and receive positive reviews from parents - children’s appetite improves, they take the lozenges with pleasure, the course of administration is not long, the composition is as natural as possible, the effect is noticeable after just a few days.

One chewing stick contains the following vitamins and minerals that a child needs for full development during the period of active growth: A, B6, B12, C, E, D3, iodine, biotin, zinc, choline, nicotinamide, pantothenic and folic acid.

The product can be given to children from 4 years old, from 4 to 11 years old, 1 lozenge per day, from 11 years old - 2 times a day.

Package weight: 195g.


  • Children like it.
  • Does not contain dyes or preservatives.
  • Noticeable effect.
  • Convenient to take.
  • Contains a complex of essential vitamins and microelements.
  • Suitable for a wide age spectrum.

Doppelherz Kinder

What vitamins are best for children to buy?

If adults can experiment on themselves (although this is not advisable), then a doctor should select vitamins for children, taking into account the needs and developmental characteristics of a particular child, existing diseases, possible contraindications and side effects.

Another important aspect is that vitamins should be taken in the amount required for a child of a particular age. It is dangerous to take several medications at the same time or one after another without consulting your doctor. An overdose of vitamins is unacceptable, as it causes much more harm to the body than their deficiency.

Most vitamin complexes are similar and, based on the pediatrician’s recommendation, parents can choose from several types themselves. In this case, you should give preference to proven brands– Multi-tabs, AlfaVit, Pikovit, etc.

It is best to buy vitamins with a ready-made dosage, such as tablets or powder packets. If it is syrup, it is advisable that the kit includes a measuring spoon or cup.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition. If everything is obvious with vitamins, then studying the excipients can reveal a lot of interesting things. Make sure that the components contained in the composition are harmless to the child. This is especially true for little-known manufacturers or new drugs on the market.

What else is important to remember? There is always a risk that the child is allergic to one or more components of the drug. The first time you take it, you need to monitor any changes in his condition. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended not to change anything in your diet at first. This will allow you to know for sure that the allergic reaction was caused by the drug prescribed by the doctor, and not by a new fruit or vegetable on the menu.

Happy shopping and good health!

Vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the human body at any age. They are of particular importance at the stage of development and growth of a child at 3 years old. Children are physically active, improving and mastering new skills, so they cannot do without the supply of important microelements. Vitamins for children over 3 years of age delight with variety, but at the same time they confuse parents when choosing.

A three-year-old child is growing and developing quickly, so he simply needs vitamin support

Irreplaceable useful elements

Strong immunity for three-year-old children is very important, since at this age kids are open to communication. They play on playgrounds, go with their mothers to cafes, cinemas and parks, and begin to attend preschool institutions. This often leads to an increased risk of contracting a respiratory or other illness. The next stage of development brings new diseases and is often accompanied by stress, so it is difficult for a child’s body to cope without help.

Deficiency of essential vitamins manifests itself in decreased appetite, developmental delay and general lethargy. It makes sense to visit a pediatrician - perhaps the child does not need a complex of vitamins, but a separate substance.

The effect of vitamins on the children's body

No matter how hard modern mothers try to create a correct and balanced diet, it is unlikely that they will be able to completely adhere to the given standards. Calculating the required dosage of important substances is not easy, even when weighing products or ready-made meals. The main criteria for the use of vitamins are shown in the table:

VitaminsImpact on the children's bodyFood sourcesDaily value for 3 years
AVisual organs, skin and mucous membranes, immune system, normal growthLiver, dairy products, eggs, pumpkin, carrots500 mcg (1600 IU)
IN 1Metabolism, nervous system, functioning of the gastrointestinal tractNuts, greens, meat, liver, cereals, grains, bread0.8 mg
AT 2Metabolism, visual organs, skin and mucous membranes, energy production0.9 mg
B3 (RR)Gastrointestinal tract, skin, cell health10 mg
AT 5Hormone synthesis, antibody formation, fat metabolism3 mg
AT 6Antibody production, hematopoietic processes1 mg
B7 (H)Condition of hair, nails and skin, liver health, metabolism25 mcg
B9 (folate)Cell division75-100 mcg
AT 12Nervous system, hematopoietic processes0.8 mcg
DImmune and skeletal systems, dental health, calcium absorptionEgg yolk, parsley, butter. Produced under the influence of sunlight10 mcg (400 IU)
ESkin and mucous membranes, cardiovascular system, tissue regenerationWhole grains, nuts, vegetable oil6 mg
WITHImmune system, blood vessels, connective and muscle tissueFresh vegetables and fruits. The vitamin is destroyed by heat treatment, as well as under the influence of light and air.45 mg
TOBlood clottingSoybean oil, pumpkin, tomatoes, green peas, green leafy vegetables, fish oil, liver, egg yolk (we recommend reading:)30 mcg

The influence of microelements on the children's body

Moms will also have to work hard to select a daily menu that contains the required amount of microelements. Food sources are a real storehouse of nutrients, but their content in the finished dish differs from the original volume in the raw product. The daily norm is shown in the table:

MicroelementsEffect on the bodyFood sourcesDaily value for 3 years
CalciumSkeletal system, hair and nail health, transmission of nerve impulses, blood clottingBroccoli, dairy and fermented milk products, including cottage cheese and hard cheeses800 mg
CopperFormation of red blood cellsNuts, meat and seafood, liver0.7 mg
ZincImmune system, wound healingCrab, turkey and chicken meat, beef10 mg
Prebiotic (oligofructose)Immune system, maintaining beneficial microflora in the intestinesDoes not exist

Copper in the human body is responsible for the formation of red blood cells

Indications for use

Taking a vitamin complex is prescribed individually in each specific case. The doctor decides which beneficial supplements are suitable for the baby. Necessary medications are prescribed for:

  • recovery period after surgery or illness;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
  • frequent ARVI and colds;
  • increased mental or physical stress;
  • general fatigue, accompanied by moodiness, as well as deterioration of appetite and quality of sleep;
  • unbalanced diet.

Pharmaceutical market offers

Parents are not always able to create an ideal diet with which a 3-year-old child can receive all the necessary substances for full development. Vitamin complexes come to the rescue industrial production. When choosing pharmaceutical drugs, you should take into account the baby’s condition, the results of his tests and past illnesses. The best vitamins have the same contraindications as conventional medications. Don’t forget about the compatibility of beneficial substances, because they can either enhance or completely neutralize each other’s effects. Before purchasing and using vitamins, it would be a good idea to visit a pediatrician who will select one for a 3-year-old child. best option.

It is better to entrust the selection of the ideal vitamin complex to a doctor who has been caring for the child since birth.

All existing on this moment Industrial vitamins can be divided into several types. The choice is up to the parents:

  1. One-component. Used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. For seasonal colds, vitamin C is prescribed, and vitamin D is indispensable for the prevention of rickets.
  2. Multivitamins. They contain essential vitamins and have a general strengthening effect on the child’s body. Used to improve appetite and immune system functioning after stress or illness.
  3. Mineral and vitamin complex. It contains both vitamins and the most valuable minerals that maintain balance in the body of a three-year-old child.

For many children, taking the tablet form of the drug becomes a real problem, so the manufacturers have taken care of this too. Vitamins are available in various forms:

  • syrups;
  • suspensions;
  • jelly Bean;
  • lollipops;
  • marmalade figures.

You can safely give children vitamin gels, which they are unlikely to refuse. It is enough to choose the form of the supplement that your picky little one will like.

If your child does not want to swallow pills, you can buy him vitamins in the form of chewable figures.

The basic rule is: never purchase a vitamin complex on your own, without consulting a doctor. Before visiting a pharmacy, you should listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. It is advisable to opt for products from a well-known manufacturer to avoid unpleasant surprises. The more information about the drug is collected, the better. The experience of friends and relatives who can provide feedback on a particular pharmaceutical product will be a good help.
  2. You should check whether the vitamin preparation is suitable for children over 3 years old. It is important to make sure that there are no individual contraindications.
  3. The danger of syrup is that there is a risk of overdose if the measuring spoon is accidentally lost. It is better to choose a complex in the form of marmalade figures or candies, so as not to worry about meeting the recommended volume.
  4. Vitamins for children are produced with sweeteners and flavorings, so you will need to find out exactly what substances were used in production. It is likely that they will not suit your baby.
  5. Vitamins of dubious origin should be avoided, because dietary supplements are often released under their guise. They do not pose a danger, but they will not bring any benefit to children. It is enough to read the instructions carefully to ensure the quality of the drug.

The vocabulary of three-year-old children is still too poor for the child to be able to accurately describe the adverse symptoms after taking vitamins. For this reason, mothers need to especially closely monitor the condition of the baby as soon as the children start taking the useful complex.

Sometimes taking fortified preparations causes allergies and a number of side effects, and an overdose is dangerous to health and even life. You shouldn’t follow the lead of your little sweet tooth, who will probably ask for more of the delicious medicine.


Despite the obvious benefits of vitamins for children 3 years of age and older, even good drugs cannot be used in some cases. These include:

  • kidney diseases;
  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug;
  • hypervitaminosis.

To exclude or confirm the diagnosis, you must consult your local pediatrician. Basic tests before taking vitamins won’t hurt either.

If a child is prone to allergies, multivitamins may not be suitable for him.

Where to stop?

Analysis of consumer purchases in pharmacy chains allowed us to compile a rating of the best vitamin supplements. For children, modern pediatricians advise purchasing only proven brands of drugs that have not caused any negative reactions after taking them. It is necessary to take as a basis the recommendations of the attending physician, because he knows everything about the health and general condition of the child.

The vitamin and mineral preparation is suitable for children from 2 to 7 years old. The composition includes 7 minerals and 13 vitamins; the complex is additionally enriched with calcium, which is responsible for the growth and condition of bones. The intake completely compensates for the lack of important elements and vitamins, essential during the period of teeth change and active growth.

  • Pros. Many children do not like the taste of dairy products, which causes calcium deficiency. This drug will ensure the required volume of microelements enters the body.
  • Minuses. It does not have a sweet taste and dissolves in the mouth for a long time. For this reason, the child may refuse further admission.

It contains 8 minerals and 11 vitamins, which are necessary for the development of a child 3-7 years old. Additionally included macroelements: iodine, iron, copper and a number of others. The enriched formula promotes overall health and active prevention of vitamin deficiency.

  • Pros. The effectiveness is noticeable after just a few doses, thanks to a thoughtful and ideally selected balance of nutrients. If you take the drug regularly and according to the instructions, the child becomes more active and less tired. Memory improves and processes in the digestive system are normalized, which leads to increased appetite.
  • Minuses. The dosage is not very convenient, but parents attribute this factor to a conditional disadvantage. You should give your child one tablet of a certain color every day (there are three in total). For a forgetful or rushed parent, this can create a problem that can be solved by journaling. An organizer will help you track your medication intake or short notes on the refrigerator.

Chewable vitamins Pikovit Unique

The unique shape in the form of a funny teddy bear will help persuade the most picky kids to take the drug. The medicine is suitable for children from 3 years old, enriched with 11 vitamins and 8 minerals:

  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • copper.

Pikovit Yunik is prescribed by pediatricians as an optimal addition to an unbalanced diet. Also, taking vitamins is justified when:

  • intensive growth of the child;
  • increased mental, emotional and physical stress;
  • constant fatigue;
  • deficiency in the diet of vegetables and fruits;
  • poor appetite.

Pros. The product contains no artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, dyes and other chemicals. All children, without exception, like them due to their attractive shape and sweet taste.

Minuses. Outwardly, they are no different from ordinary marmalade, so parents need to strictly control the dosage. It is unlikely that children will refuse a sweet supplement without understanding the threat of a vitamin overdose.

In terms of cost, one of the most expensive complexes. Contains 11 microelements and 13 vitamins. During development, the needs of children 2-5 years old were taken into account, so the drug includes all the substances important for the comprehensive development of the baby.

  • Pros. The maximum number of useful elements automatically raises the medicine to the first positions in the ranking. Mom won’t have to persuade the fussy eater to eat vitamins, because the tablets come in animal shapes. The taste is vanilla-fruity, reminiscent of candy, so it’s rare that a child will refuse a tempting treat.
  • Minuses. The disadvantages are identical to the drug "Pikovit Unique". One type of delicious candy makes the child really delighted and makes him want to eat an extra pill. One dose includes daily norm vitamins D and A, and their excess is removed from the child’s body with great difficulty. Along the way, an overdose causes a number of side effects, including allergic reactions and digestive disorders. It is important to remember that vitamin D should be taken with caution during the summer. The only way out is to strictly follow the instructions and give a firm “no” to the child’s request for the “last” candy. As an alternative, you can also choose a less attractive drug.

Supradin Kids

The medicine is available in the form of a gel, chewable lozenges and tablets (more details in the article:). The most optimal form is selected by parents based on the preferences of the baby. It would be a shame if the money was wasted and the child refused to take the drug.

  • Pros. In addition to useful minerals and vitamins, the composition includes lecithin, without which not a single cellular reaction in the body can occur. This component also supports digestive, cardiovascular and nervous system. Calcium included in the complex is important building material for teeth and bones. Tablets and lozenges additionally contain Omega-3 and choline, which are involved in the psycho-emotional and mental development of the baby.
  • Minuses. No disadvantages were found, but the age of the child should be taken into account when choosing a specific form of the drug. The gel is approved for children from 3 years of age, and chewable lozenges and tablets can be recommended for use after 11 years.

Expert opinion

Popular pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is confident that you can independently determine a child’s need for vitamins. To do this, you need to use the methodology he developed and answer a few simple questions:

  1. How can you assess your child's diet? Is it balanced enough?
  2. What are the living conditions for a family with a baby? Is the ecological environment favorable?

Komarovsky himself gives hints when answering questions. “Rational and balanced” nutrition, according to the specialist, implies inclusion in the daily menu:

  • fruits and vegetables of different types;
  • fish or meat;
  • dairy products;
  • cereal side dishes.

A child’s need for vitamins is determined by the completeness of his daily diet.

With regular consumption of the listed products, the child is not at risk of vitamin deficiency. No additional measures are required to strengthen the immune system.

The ecological environment plays an important role in the development of children, so it is necessary to pay attention to natural factors: clean air, sun, water. If the baby has more than enough of all this, then there is no need to take vitamins. The main conditions under which vitamins are prescribed should also be taken into account:

  • seasonal vitamin supplementation to strengthen the immune system;
  • after completing a course of antibiotics;
  • vitamin deficiency confirmed laboratory or clinically.

Children who are weakened after an illness will also benefit from additional vitamins. However, when prescribing them, you should listen to the recommendations of your local pediatrician.

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