Issuing a building permit for private housing construction. Where do you get permission to build a house?

In most cases, the construction of a private house inevitably involves the preparation of various documentation. In addition to project development and engineering support, the owner of the future home will also need permission for an individual housing construction(individual housing construction), granting the right to maintain construction work, reconstruction and major repairs of buildings on the land plot owned by him.

Many site owners ignore obtaining individual housing construction(its presence is rarely checked), but the amount of the fine for illegal construction buildings according to the Code of Administrative Offenses can reach seven thousand rubles. Having spent just a couple of weeks on registering individual housing construction with local authorities, you can forget about administrative penalty for illegal construction.

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Is it always necessary to obtain a building permit?

Article 51 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation states that permission to carry out repair and construction work may not be obtained in cases where:

  • Temporary and outbuildings.
  • The house is undergoing cosmetic renovations.
  • Major renovation of a house does not include redevelopment of premises and demolition of main walls.
  • As a result of the modernization of facilities, the established limit parameters will not be exceeded.

Permission to individual construction is not required even when the outbuildings being erected (bathhouse, garage, barn) will not be used for commercial purposes. This definition also includes guest houses, but only if the construction is not large-scale. In other cases, permission will still have to be obtained.

What objects are permits issued for?

Permission for individual housing construction provides for the construction only of those objects that are included in a separate category town planning regulations. If the object does not fall under the established rules, then the owner of the site must obtain, for example, a permit for capital construction.

Regulated minimum for object parameters

In order for the owner of the site to obtain permission for individual housing construction, the designed structure must meet certain parameters:

  • Have at least one living room with an area of ​​at least 8 square meters. m for a bedroom and 12 sq. m for the living room;
  • Have a separate bathroom (bathroom width from 1.5 sq. m, toilet width from 0.8 sq. m);
  • Corridors with a width of at least 0.85 m;
  • The height of the main premises is at least 2.7 m;
  • Kitchen area from 8 sq. m if it has an autonomous heating boiler.

The building itself must be at least 5 m from the red line of the streets and 3 meters from the boundaries of passages and adjacent areas. The house must be fully equipped with engineering and technical communications: water supply, sewerage, electricity, ventilation, heating, drainage.

A more detailed classification of buildings under construction and the requirements for them is given in the section “Building design” 55.13330.2011 SNiP. If the building partially does not comply with the requirements of housing construction, the procedure for issuing a building permit may be changed.

In addition, the building must be tied to land plan, included in the general territorial zoning map. The requirements of the regulations do not apply only to objects related to cultural monuments or located on the territory of public use or natural resource extraction.

Types of buildings according to urban planning regulations

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation gives following definition individual housing construction objects. These are free-standing capital buildings with a height of no more than three floors, designed to accommodate one family. The connection of extensions and attics to the main building is regulated by the requirements of urban planning regulations. Permission for an extension is not required only if it does not violate the structure and does not go beyond the red line of the main building. During the construction of such free-standing objects as summer kitchens, holiday houses, guest and manor houses, each case is considered individually.

Where can I get permission to build a house?

If the designed building fully corresponds to the category of residential construction, then there should not be any special problems with issuing a permit for individual housing construction. Where to apply for permission?

Local authorities

To obtain permission, please contact city ​​administration or village council and write a statement. Depending on the location of the facility, the application form may vary slightly and you should be given the appropriate form.

The following documents are attached to the application, drawn up according to the established template:

  • Order of the head of the local administration on the allocation of land for individual development to its current owner.
  • Detailed site plan.
  • All project documentation– general and situational plans, land plot passport, residential building design.
  • Expert opinion state examination about the quality of the provided design documentation.
  • Permission to go beyond the red line of the building during the planned construction of extensions that violate the maximum parameters of the building.
  • License to carry out construction work during contract construction.

After collecting all documents and submitting the application, it is accepted for consideration. Despite the completeness and availability of complete accompanying documentation, in some cases the owner of the site may receive a refusal to develop. The reason for refusal must be justified. It is also possible to obtain permits for individual stages of work: laying the foundation, excavation, construction of walls and others.

Is design documentation always needed?

Part 3 of Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the preparation of design documentation for individual housing construction projects is the personal initiative of the owner of the site (developer). This means that design documentation will not be required when constructing a building with a height of no more than three floors intended for single-family residence.

Actions of the developer after receiving permission

After the permit is issued, the developer (site owner) must provide all required data about the construction project to the local government authorities no later than 10 days. To register a construction site, it is necessary to indicate the number of storeys of the house, its area and height, the connection diagram for utility networks, and the layout of the plan.

The permit for individual housing construction is valid for ten years with its subsequent extension if construction work begins at the time of expiration. It should be remembered that in order to renew a document, you must submit a corresponding application no later than two months (sixty days) before the expiration of the current order.

A few important points

IN Town Planning Code The main points that you should pay attention to when obtaining permission for individual housing construction are also indicated:

  • Local authorities must consider the developer’s application within no more than 10 days from the date of its submission;
  • The permitting procedure is completely free;
  • The developer has no right to demand any additional documentation not provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Refusal to issue a permit is permissible only if the developer submits an incomplete package of accompanying documentation or incorrect data;
  • A change in the owner of a land plot in no way affects the validity of the permit for individual housing construction and does not cancel it.

As a result of all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself that obtaining permission for individual housing construction is not so difficult, especially since this will allow you to protect yourself from penalties from control authorities. A building permit will be a lifeline even if suddenly people start complaining about construction work. local residents or organization.

In order to build a private house you need to obtain a building permit. A building permit allows you to get a lot of useful advantages, in addition to the legal right to build a house and the absence of fines for illegal construction and the ability to demolish " unauthorized construction» You acquire the opportunity to put the facility into operation, connect it to utility networks, and the opportunity to cash out maternal capital, receive a loan for construction, as well as obtain a permanent registration and postal address (for a specific purpose of the land plot).

Permission to build a private house - Questions and answers.

Where can I get permission to build a private house?

You can obtain permission to build a private house from the local federal executive body, the executive body of the subject Russian Federation or local government authority in accordance with their competence.

Who issues permission to build a private house?

As a rule, a building permit is issued by the administration of the municipal district/entity to which yours belongs. land plot.

How to obtain a permit to build a private house?

Documents required to obtain a building permit:

  1. 1. - An identification document or a notarized power of attorney for a representative;
  2. 2. - Documents of title to the land plot (in some cases, they may require not only a certificate of ownership, but also a purchase and sale or donation agreement);
  3. 3. - Scheme of the planning organization of the land plot;
  4. 4. - Urban development plan;
  5. 5. - Application for a permit (to be completed on site).

"Pitfalls" when obtaining permission to build a private house:

Let's take a closer look at paragraphs. 3 and 4.

In the planning organization diagram of the land plot, it is necessary to indicate: the address of the land plot, the total building area and the distance from the wall of the house to the boundaries of the land plot on all sides.

If any of these conditions are not met, you may be refused a building permit because the scheme does not meet the requirements.

Urban planning plan. It’s good if you have it, but more often than not it turns out that it was never given to anyone, and this is where the fun begins. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you must be provided with a town-planning plan by your Administration within 30 days after submitting the application, but in reality it turns out that 30 days are spent only on the consideration of the application, but they do not give you the plan, but rather give you a list of documents that you must collect in order to so that it can be prepared for you. In the list of documents: topographic survey, notes from electricians, gas workers and water supply services about the absence of any highways or their route.

Obtaining a construction permit is a labor-intensive and lengthy process, especially taking into account that all state. Institutions, as if on purpose, have different reception days, and you will not be able to visit all organizations on one day.

You can obtain a permit to build a private house from our company.

Cost of obtaining a building permit:

Construction permit in Moscow and New Moscow 40,000 rubles.

Construction permit in Moscow and other regions from 45,000 rubles.

The price includes: development of a planning organization scheme for a land plot, registration of an urban planning plan, preparation, delivery and receipt necessary documents.

In order to build any residential property, it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant authorities to build a private house. It is a document that indicates that the design documentation corresponds to the schemes agreed upon and approved in the master plan of the entire site. In addition to permission to build a private house, this document confirms the developer’s rights to carry out overhaul and reconstruction of buildings.

Where can I get permission, and what documents will be required?

In this part of the article you will find information on where to obtain a building permit and what papers will be needed for this procedure. You can obtain a permit from the district administration of that settlement, to which the site belongs. To do this, the developer must submit a number of necessary documents, as well. Without this, it is impossible to confirm the right to use the land plot as a place for individual development.

Before contacting the relevant authorities, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with the list of certificates and papers that will be needed. The list of documents for a building permit includes:

  • An application from the developer, which indicates the data of the site, information about the person in whose name the document is issued and other information;
  • A package of documents that confirms the right to use this plot of land. This could be a purchase and sale agreement, a document stating that the land plot was provided for individual housing construction, a passport of the plot;
  • General plan;
  • A special scheme in accordance with which the boundaries of the land will be established, on which all places where residential buildings will be located must be indicated.

Depending on the work schedule of local authorities, the issuance of a construction permit may be carried out in different terms. On average, you have to wait about ten days for your application to be reviewed and your documents to be verified. Before issuing a permit, a thorough check of the site design is carried out. Attention is also paid to coordinating schemes and projects with utility services, and approving documents with fire authorities.

Features of the procedure for obtaining a permit

In addition to the documents listed above, in some cases the developer must submit additional papers. These may be certificates from the relevant authorities about the legal “purity” of the land plot on which construction is planned. If the land is mortgaged or third parties make claims on it, permission is refused.

One more point: after receiving the paper, you should send a photocopy of the project documents to the regional urban planning authority no later than 10 days later. They must include measurements, engineering and geodetic surveys and options for conducting communications. This data along with detailed diagram buildings are entered into the general information database.

Executive authorities have the right to refuse to issue paper provided that all necessary documents have not been provided. Also, a refusal may follow if the package of documents that was submitted by the developer does not meet the requirements agreed upon and established within the framework of master plan land plot.

What rights does the owner of the site have with a permit?

The document is issued for a period of ten years. If the land plot passes into the possession of another person within the specified period, the permit to build a private house continues to be valid. If this document is available, the developer has the right to begin construction of a residential building. Often the construction of a facility begins at the same time that the documents are drawn up.

In this case, it is important to remember that the building must comply with the standards specified in the permit. Otherwise, the object is considered as an unauthorized building. And if the commission reviewing the application and package of documents determines that construction has begun, issuing a permit may be completely refused.

Important: construction must begin within the time limits specified in the document. In this case, all work must be carried out in full. If the developer does not meet the agreed deadlines, the permit will no longer be valid and will need to be re-applied for its issuance.

In what cases is permission not required?

Obtaining a building permit is an optional procedure in the following cases:

  • If you need to build a garage. However, it should not be used for commercial purposes, but only for private ones;
  • During the construction or reconstruction of kiosks, sheds, verandas and other buildings that are not included in the category of capital construction projects;
  • If necessary, the construction of auxiliary buildings (sheds, pens, greenhouses, etc.);
  • If the redevelopment of a capital structure is carried out, provided that the load-bearing walls are not affected.

Renewal of permit

If for some reason you were unable to meet the construction deadlines, you will have to extend the construction permit. This must be done before the construction period established by the document ends. In accordance with the law, an application for renewal of a document must be submitted to local authorities no later than 10 days before the expiration of the permit issued earlier.

If construction has not started, even if all the necessary documents are available, the extension will be denied. To confirm that construction work has begun, you will need to contact the housing policy department of the district administration, which issues an act on the stage of construction of the facility at the moment.

Extension is possible on the basis of a construction passport, permit, construction act and an identity document of the developer. It is issued within one month after the application was submitted.

differs in a number of nuances and features. However, if you do everything on time, collect the necessary documents, submit them to the appropriate authorities, following the rules and deadlines, a positive result is guaranteed.

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