Landscape design studies. Landscape designer, where to study

There can be many reasons to study landscape design - from the desire to independently design your personal plot to the desire to obtain a prestigious profession. Today the educational market offers a great variety of options - these include individual master classes and seminars from famous designers, and short courses landscape design, and distance learning, and full-fledged higher or secondary specialized education... how to understand all this diversity and choose exactly the option that best suits your goals (and, indeed, your means...)? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Let them teach me...

First of all, of course, you should decide on your own motivation: why do you need this. But really, why?

Millions of people around the world create their gardens on their own, without any professional help or training, guided only by their own taste and the traditions of their family. Many people engage in self-education - they study special literature on design and landscape architecture, plant catalogs, go to exhibitions, exchange experiences on thematic forums, etc. Of course, for an amateur gardener, self-study can be very effective in many ways - primarily due to his own motivation to gain knowledge. After all, it is known that you cannot teach anyone anything - you can only learn. And any training can only be effective if a person is truly interested in the subject.

However, self-education “in pure form“There are also some disadvantages.

First of all, it is very difficult to independently structure and organize haphazardly acquired knowledge. Imagine that there is a folder on your computer desktop titled “Garden Miscellaneous.” And in it, in a single “small heap,” articles are piled up - professional, semi-professional and completely unknown - about construction technology and the features of conservation for the winter, about the advantages different types for and about the best varieties, about the technology of growing purslane seedlings and the chemical characteristics of various fertilizers, descriptions of hibiscus and, interspersed here - countless photographs and diagrams, three-dimensional models in different programs...

It will be quite difficult to find the information or idea you need right now here at the right time, isn’t it? Approximately the same “folder” is formed in the head of a person who simply studies any available information on a broad topic that interests him.

It is precisely in order that any information in the head can be updated at the right moment, it is necessary systematize the acquired knowledge. And the easiest way for this purpose is not to reinvent the wheel yourself, but to use one of existing programs, developed long ago by specialists - that is, simply go and study.

As for professional training and retraining... there are, of course, many advantages, and for a person who has decided to seriously engage in landscape design professionally, such training is simply necessary.

For a very long time in our country, dacha and house plots were perceived exclusively as areas for growing fresh vegetables and fruits for the family. Accordingly, vegetable gardens predominated on private lands and, at best, could be seen on summer cottage blooming or with even rows, or.

Over the past decade, attitudes toward land use options have changed dramatically. All more people They perceive a dacha or a country home as a place to relax, where, first of all, it should be beautiful. And more and more landowners in Russia are turning to professionals to develop their suburban areas. As a result, the profession of landscape designer is becoming popular and quite profitable. Judge for yourself: the average salary of a landscape designer is about $1,000. Most often, however, the salary is a much smaller amount, but the designer receives a certain percentage of each order completed. Considering that landscape design of one hundred square meters costs about $1,000, this adds up to a considerable amount of income.

At the same time, there is still a certain shortage of serious professionals in this field. However, many newly opened design firms do not yet shine with high professionalism. Landscape designer- the specialty in Russia is relatively new, and, as always happens in such cases, outwardly it seems that anyone can achieve success in this field, even without having any special knowledge and skills. However, time will inevitably put everything in its place. Fly-by-night companies are gradually disappearing into oblivion, and serious companies are in dire need of highly qualified specialists.

Your own designer

Perhaps the most common reason for wanting to learn design is the desire to make your own your own little world, your own garden. You can learn from your own experience for many years, and through endless trial and error, still one day make your dream come true... or you can first prepare for work, armed with the knowledge and experience of the best gardeners and designers.

Of course, no training can guarantee one hundred percent that you will do everything correctly and flawlessly from the very beginning. Experience is an incomparable teacher, and trials and errors will inevitably happen, as will independent discoveries, fresh ideas, and various kinds surprises - pleasant and not so pleasant. But a lot can be avoided, a lot can be prepared for, having a reliable basis.

Various short-term courses or distance learning in landscape design are optimal for education “for yourself.” The same can be recommended if you have not yet finally decided on your choice of specialty or additional education.

Short-term courses in landscape design cannot be considered as a full-fledged vocational education. They only give a general idea of ​​the principles of designing a garden and its elements (flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens, ponds, etc.). And if you want to engage in landscape design professionally, training and courses lasting one and a half to two months can only help you get your bearings and get a general idea of ​​your future profession.

What exactly will this training give you?

First of all, the courses usually study the basics of composition and combination of colors, planning principles (mainly small gardens), modern and their characteristics. There may also be a botanical workshop on the peculiarities of caring for common garden plants. In-person courses also provide an opportunity to consult with teachers and clarify some issues for yourself. Thus, short-term full-time courses are optimally suited primarily for beginning gardeners who intend to arrange their own garden on their own. May also be useful for more experienced amateur gardeners.

Distance learning involves greater emphasis on theoretical knowledge - the basics of botany, composition, stylistics, etc. Such training can be especially productive for more or less experienced gardeners who want to improve their level. And, importantly, you can study remotely in a mode convenient for you and in any place - it doesn’t matter what part of the country you live in.

For example, the European School of Correspondence Studies (ESKO) offers a distance course "Landscape design". Students of the course learn to design and create flower beds from ornamental plants, arrange garden paths, create, care for ornamental trees and, maintain a winter garden, and much more. The duration of the course is 16 months. The cost of training is 640 rubles per month. Upon completion of the course, the student receives an ESHKO certificate of the established form.

The New Knowledge training center (Moscow) offers a one and a half month Landscape Design program. The course will cost you 5,740 rubles. The center's teachers will talk about ornamental plants, their role in artificial landscapes, and the aesthetic impact of plants in combination with architectural structures and so on. Upon completion of the course, a state-issued certificate of qualification as a landscape designer is issued.

The EFdesign training center (Moscow) offers a full-time course in Landscape Design. The training lasts 8-8.5 weeks. The cost of the course is 1680 euros. The training program includes such disciplines as landscape design, history of landscape art, horticulture open ground with the basics of botany, decorative dendrology, production technology, plant protection, architectural graphics, drawing and even painting. Upon completion of the course, a certificate of additional education is issued.

The Academic School of Design (Moscow) offers the course “Fundamentals of Landscape Design”. The training lasts 2.5 months and costs 250 euros.

Landscape design courses are also conducted by the Specialist Center at MSTU. N.E. Bauman (Moscow), (St. Petersburg), School of Landscape Art “Vista” by Ekaterina Chernyaeva (Moscow), Educational and Consulting Center “Znatel” (Moscow), School of Design and Aesthetics (Moscow), SLD “Sosnovka” (St. Petersburg), (Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions) and many other training centers. Tuition costs vary greatly, with training duration ranging from two weeks to several months.

Become a professional

As already stated, in order to become a landscaping professional, training is necessary. To do this, it is not enough to complete short-term courses. It’s not enough to love plants, it’s not enough to have experience gardening on your own plot, it’s not enough to just be passionate about it. As in any other business, professionalism here is determined by the sum of both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

It’s not that uncommon for job interviews with landscape companies to be attended by people who have rather vague ideas about the profession - those who have completed short-term courses or who have simply been gardening on their own plot for many years. Denial of a place is perceived by them as excessive demands from management. “I love plants! - it would seem that such an applicant would be rightfully indignant. - And I built an alpine slide, and a pond, and laid out paths, I grow many plants... What else do you need? It’s unlikely that anyone can handle this better than me!”

However, in reality, most practical skills developed over many years in one area cannot be transferred in their pure form to another area. On another site - another chemical composition soil, other lighting conditions, proximity to natural bodies of water, standing level groundwater, microclimate - and many more factors that must be taken into account both when selecting plants and when... And besides, the profession of a landscape designer is by no means limited to practical experience in growing plants and combining decorative elements.

What do you need to know and be able to do in order to confidently consider yourself a specialist in the field of landscape design and be able to apply for a good position in this field?

First of all, a landscape designer (as, indeed, any designer in general) needs a good level of drawing and drafting. Regardless of the knowledge of special computer programs (they can be mastered in a relatively short time), the designer does not have to do so little project work on paper.

Considering the specifics of the specialty, it is also necessary to have a good understanding of decorative garden plants. Moreover, this knowledge is not limited to the everyday knowledge of an amateur gardener. It is imperative to know the Latin names of plants (often planting material is marked with them, and the Russian names of the same plant can sometimes differ), their generic affiliation, cultivation characteristics and needs, environmental compatibility with each other, stability in certain conditions. climatic conditions. You also need to know about the materials that are used in garden design and production technologies.

Of course, a prerequisite for any designer is the presence of artistic taste and his own fresh ideas. Both, however, can be acquired through long, painstaking work, expanding your horizons, visiting exhibitions, and getting acquainted with various gardens and parks.

Unfortunately, even universities with specialized courses and programs in the specialty do not always provide the necessary practical skills. Designing small gardens, which is especially in demand today in the professional market, often remains completely outside the scope of training. This means that even a university graduate with a specialized specialty will have to work seriously on his own to fill some gaps and gain the necessary experience. This is especially important for distance learning. A landscape designer is not only a theoretician, but also a person who is well acquainted with the practice of growing and caring for plants.

Traditionally, training in landscape planning and design is conducted at the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCHI), and at a number of other universities. A number of universities and training centers also offer programs for obtaining a second higher education or professional retraining. This is the Educational and Experimental Soil-Ecological Center of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Center for Landscape Design of the International Academy of Business (Moscow), Institute of Reputation Technologies Art&Image and others.

Seminars and master classes

Here are various one-day seminars and master classes from professional designers who often held as part of various exhibitions, competitions and other events, can be equally useful to both amateur gardeners and specialists.

As a rule, a one-day seminar cannot be designed to teach from scratch. It is assumed that listeners already know some basics. And if a visiting specialist begins to talk about the basics of composition or plant care, he will hardly have time to cover in detail any specific aspects of the topic.

Typically, the topic of a seminar or master class is chosen to be narrow enough so that it can be considered in a short time, and at the same time designed for a wide range of listeners - including amateur gardeners (for example, “Original flower container in the Art and Craft style,” “Thematic garden”, “Planting conifers”, etc.). However, a professional designer can often learn a lot from such a seminar. interesting information, increase your level.

Among other things, such events are also an opportunity to communicate with enthusiastic like-minded people, ask questions to a specialist on this topic, and exchange experiences.

So, there are a great many options for training and professional development, and the choice depends only on your goals and capabilities. Well, think for yourself, decide for yourself...

Landscape design course program

  1. Landscape design. Basic concepts. Trends in the development of classical and innovative trends.
  2. History of the development of the main directions of modern landscape architecture. Garden Design Styles:
    • 2.1. Russian homestead style.
    • 2.2. Oriental styles: Japan. The influence of the Sein style on modern trends in landscape design.
    • 2.3 China. Feng Shui is a guide to Eastern philosophy in landscape design.
    • 2.4. Classic styles. Organization of space according to the principle of the “golden ratio”, symmetry: classicism, baroque
    • 2.5 Naryshkin baroque, rococo
    • 2.6. Modern.
    • 2.7. Rural style (country).
    • 2.6. Varieties modern styles. Eco-tech (ecological style) - the introduction of new ideas of architectural design into the landscape.
  3. Garden design:
    • 3.1. Universal laws of design. Composition. Space and perspective. Form. Line. Proportionality and scale. Rhythm. Symmetry and balance. Dominant. Coloristics.
    • 3.2. Garden design techniques. Reflection. Focuses of garden perspectives. Vista. Boundaries.
    • 3.3. Small architectural forms. Gazebos. Pergolas. Reservoirs. Retaining walls. Rockery.
    • 3.4 Alpine slides, fountains.
  4. Phytodesign
    • 4.1. Architectonics of plants. Form. Surface texture. Crown graphics.
    • 4.2. Seasonal changes.
    • 4.3. Coloristics.
    • 4.4. Laws of plant compositions. Contrast. Dominant. Nuance.
    • 4.5. Favorites of garden design.
  5. Decorative dendrology (plant diversity):
    • 5.1. Fundamentals of plant physiology and ecology. Natural plant communities.
    • 5.2. Trees.
    • 5.3. Shrubs. Hedges.
    • 5.4.Herbaceous perennials. Ground cover. Annuals.
  6. Rules for caring for plants:
    • 6.1 Watering
    • 6.2 Feeding.
    • 6.3 Crown formation.
  7. Principles of forming the landscape of the area (garden construction):
    • 7.1. Sequence of work.
    • 7.2. Soil preparation.
    • 7.3. Lawn. Preparation, planting, care.
    • 7.4. Planting technology.
  8. Materials Science. Decoration Materials.
    • 8.1. Paving slabs. Porcelain tiles. Mastic. A natural stone. Sand. Pebbles. Crushed stone. Concrete.Soil. Mulch. Lenka. Plastic.
    • 8.2. Tool.


A landscape designer is a master of the practical and aesthetic arrangement of garden and park areas, taking into account the characteristics of adjacent buildings. A landscape designer not only plays with existing landscape conditions, but can also create them artificially.

Personal qualities

First of all, this is a person who has good taste, knows professional programs and is able to find a common language with the customer. This requires a creative streak, a desire to develop in this area, and communication skills.

Landscape designer, where to study?

Landscape designer is a specialty at the intersection of several profiles: architecture, design, botany. You can get a diploma by graduating from a specialized faculty, where they teach only what will be useful in practice, or you can choose more general areas.

For admission, you will need to pass two main exams (and) and in the Unified State Exam format; in some universities you need to pass a creative exam.

    (m. Timiryazevskaya)

The university provides training in those suitable specialties, for admission you need an additional subject (biology), undergraduate studies for four years, for a master's degree in the same areas - two.

Landscape architecture, Landscape design, Landscape design.

    MARCHI (metro station Lubyanka)

Design of the architectural environment: bachelor's degree for five years, master's degree for two years, creative exam from the university.

    RUDN (metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya)

Design of the architectural environment: creative exam.

Landscape architecture: biology.

Bachelor's degree 4 years, Master's degree 2 years.

    SPbGASU (m. Technological University)

Design of the architectural environment: bachelor's degree four years, master's degree (two years), creative exam.

Also at the Faculty of Biology and Soil there are courses in landscape design.

Pros and cons of the profession

Landscape designer job

Today, highly paid landscape designer vacancies can be found on the websites of hotels, and state project competitions are also held periodically. Private landscape designers carry out one-time individual orders of various kinds.

Landscape designer salary: without work experience on average 25,000 rubles in Moscow (St. Petersburg - 20,000).

Opportunities for professional retraining

Landscape designer is a profession that combines the knowledge of a gardener and designer, architect and engineer. The difference from the first is that the gardener is the executor of the landscape designer’s plan, and the designer cannot competently arrange the landscape, since he is only familiar with the aesthetic side of the issue.

You can become a landscape designer without any specialized education by completing landscape design courses. It is easier to take courses with education: architect, dendrologist, botanist, geographer, designer, florist.

The profession is unique; there is an opportunity in the process of career growth to occupy a certain niche, developing your own individual style.

The course "Landscape Design" studies ornamental plants and their role and place in natural and artificial landscapes.

When considering the principles and technologies for creating artificial, as well as improving natural landscapes, it is necessary to take into account the close connection of this field of activity with architecture, because a modern landscape designer uses the general laws of composition and means of organizing space for open air which have been used by people for a long time. To do this, it is necessary to know the basics of the aesthetic impact of plants in combination with architectural structures on human consciousness, and to have a good understanding of the main patterns of landscape arrangement of the territory.

The main focus when studying the landscape design course is to consider general issues decorative gardening, familiarization with the most commonly used open ground plants, study of the basic laws and techniques of landscape architecture, techniques and methods for creating landscape compositions and their elements; generalizes the methodology of modern landscape design of a small garden (drawing master plan(design project) and accompanying drawings).

The name of the program:

  • "Landscape Design"

Course duration:

  • 20 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 7-10 people
  • 20 academic hours - classroom lessons for a group of 4-6 people
  • 20 academic hours - classroom lessons for individual training
  • 8 academic hours - for home study

Class schedule:

  • 2 days a week (Tuesday and Thursday) 4 academic hours a day.
  • 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) 4 academic hours a day.
  • 1 day a week (Saturday or Sunday) for 4 or 8 academic hours per day.

EXPRESS group:

  • training 4-5 days a week on weekdays in the morning or afternoon.

Floating chart:

  • Taking into account your visiting capabilities.

Class time:

  • morning groups from 9-00 to 12-00 or from 10.00-13.00;
  • day groups from 12-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00;
  • evening groups from 18-00 to 21-00 or 18.30-21.30;
  • Weekend groups: Saturday or Sunday.

Required knowledge to take the course:

    At least basic general education

Document upon completion of the course:

  • Certification|Landscape Designer

1 academic hour is equal to 45 minutes.

If the activity(s) falls on holidays, the lesson will be rescheduled in accordance with the selected attendance schedule.

  • History of the development of the main directions of modern landscape architecture.
  • Services of landscape companies. Design. Sequence of work. Cost of services.
  • Profession of landscape designer.
  • Garden design styles.
  • Russian homestead style.
  • East style.
  • Modern.
  • Rural style (country).
  • Ecological style.
  • Start of design.
  • Garden design elements: paved areas, paths, lawns, flower beds; small architectural forms; rockeries, ponds; decorative plantings, orchard, vegetable garden; lighting and irrigation systems.
  • Project assignment. Working with the customer.
  • Zoning is the division of a site into functional zones.
  • Exploring the garden plot.
  • Garden surroundings. Highlighting beautiful views outside the site.
  • Determination of shady and sunny areas of the site.
  • Study of the terrain and soil on the site.
  • Study of the hydrology of the site. Drainage.
  • Drawing up a situation analysis plan.
  • Materials Science.
  • Paving slabs. A natural stone.
  • Sand. Pebbles. Crushed stone. Concrete.
  • Priming. Mulch.
  • Film. Plastic.
  • Tool.
  • Decorative dendrology.
  • Fundamentals of plant physiology and ecology. Natural plant communities.
  • Trees.
  • Shrubs. Hedges.
  • Herbaceous perennials. Ground cover. Annuals.
  • Design.
  • Basics of drawing and drawing. Graphic arts. Legend. Scale.
  • Methods of depicting objects and design elements.
  • Design exercises.
  • Project design.
  • Methods of presenting the project to the customer.
  • Garden design.
  • Universal laws of design: composition, space and perspective, form, line, proportionality and scale. Rhythm. Symmetry and balance. Dominant. Coloristics.
  • Garden design techniques: reflection, garden perspective focal points, vista, borders.
  • Small architectural forms: gazebos, pergolas, ponds, retaining walls, rockery.
  • Design with plants.
  • Architectonics of plants. Form. Surface texture. Crown graphics.
  • Seasonal changes.
  • Coloristics.
  • Laws of plant compositions. Contrast. Dominant. Nuance.
  • Favorites of garden design.
  • Construction of the garden.
  • Sequence of work.
  • Soil preparation.
  • Lawn. Preparation, planting, care.
  • Planting technology. Care.
  • Design project.
  • Test lesson. Project protection.

In order to start training, you need to register for training and pay for the chosen course.

You can do this in the following ways:

    Complete online registration and make online payment through the “Cart” of our website without leaving your computer and without spending your personal time on a visit to the office of the training center.

    You can make online payments from a bank card, using the popular services “Yandex Money”, QIWI, from an account mobile phone or using a receipt at any bank branch.

    You can make a pre-registration:
  • by contact phone number, indicating the date and time of your visit to the training center office to complete documents.
  • Through the “Cart” of our website, selecting the “Visit to the office” item, be sure to indicate the chosen course, training mode, your full name, contact phone number, date and time of your visit to the office of the training center to complete documents.
  • Through the “Online Chat” of our website, indicating in a dialogue with a specialist the chosen course, mode, date and time of your visit to the office of the training center to prepare documents.
  • By aileron mail info@site indicating the chosen course, training mode, your full name, contact phone number, date and time of your visit to the training center office to complete documents. To complete the documents you will need a passport. After completing the documents in the office, payment can be made in cash, using a bank card or by receipt at any bank branch. If you need an installment plan for training from a training center, please inform our specialists about this in a way convenient for you. Please also be sure to check with our specialists about the preliminary start dates of training, free places in selected groups and locations of classes.
  • If you entity, You need to send us an application and a card of your organization by email Mailbox for invoicing.

    The letter must indicate your full name. and telephone numbers of persons who must begin training.

    You can get training in Moscow at the following addresses:

    • Moscow, Yaroslavskaya street, building 8, building 6.

    The office is located a 5-minute walk from the VDNH and Alekseevskaya metro stations and 7 minutes from the Malenkovskaya platform. Map...

    • Moscow, st. Borisovskie Prudy, building 34, building 1

    The classrooms are located near the metro stations: Almaatinskaya, Maryino, Borisovo, Bratislavskaya, Domodedovskaya, Krasnogvardeyskaya, Zyablikovo Map...

    • Moscow, Rashchupkina street, building 6 – 83

    The classrooms are located next to the Krasnye Vorota metro stations and 5 minutes from the railway. Yaroslavsky, Kazansky and Leningradsky railway stations Map...

    If you live in the cities of Korolev, Yubileiny, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo, Pushkino, Ivanteevka and Sergiev Posad, it will be convenient for you to study:

    • Korolev, Oktyabrsky Boulevard street, building 5

    The training center office is located a 5-minute walk from the railway. Bolshevo station and 100 meters from the stop and 200 meters from the Globus hypermarket

    If you live in the city of Balashikha or in Zhukovsky and Lyubertsy, it will be convenient for you to study:

    • Balashikha, Tvardovskogo street, building 34

    The training center office is located 100 meters from the bus stop and 300 meters from the Lenta hypermarket.

    If you live in the cities of Khimki, Zheleznodorozhny, Zelenograd, Podolsk, Solnechnogorsk, where our training center is not currently represented, you will receive a special discount that will compensate for travel costs for studying in Moscow.

    Opening hours of the training center offices: Mon – Fri from 10.00 – 20.00, Sat-Sun from 10.00-16.00 Classroom opening hours: Mon-Fri from 10.00 – 21.00, Sat-Sun from 10.00 – 18.00

    For our listeners there is spontaneous parking, a cafe, tea and coffee, WIFI Internet

    For nonresidents, hotel rooms from our partners are available at a reduced price.

    Attention! Registration for training is carried out only in the offices of the training center or through the website online.

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