Projects of two-story brick houses in Dagestan. Projects of two-story brick houses

Brick is rightfully considered one of the most popular materials for building houses. It does not burn, retains heat well and has an aesthetic appearance. In addition, it is a durable, strong and environmentally friendly material. These properties of bricks allow you to implement a variety of projects. The material differs in colors - red and white, according to its purpose - facing and construction, and according to its design - full-bodied and hollow.

Brick houses - a classic of private housing construction

Double decker brick house is the best and most practical solution. It provides many opportunities in terms of internal and exterior finish. For example, it is easy to bring engineering communications into such houses so that they do not disturb the appearance of the premises. It is easy to attach to the walls of brick housing summer kitchen, guest house or garage. A brick house is being built in any area and on any site, it can be supplemented with any finish.

Usually on the ground floor of a typical brick house there is a kitchen and a living room, and the second floor is occupied by bedrooms, children's rooms, and bathrooms. If you want to receive individual project at home, our experts will design it for you.

Your home from the company "Dachny Sezon"

The construction of brick houses is one of the directions of our work. Over the 13 years of its existence, the Dachny Sezon company has implemented hundreds of successful projects in Moscow and the Moscow region. Our experience allows us to build your dream home!

Any construction begins with the creation of a project. We offer a wide selection standard solutions or development of individual projects. After the approval of the project and the estimate with the customer, the laying of the foundation for the house begins. The availability of powerful special equipment allows us to do it efficiently and on time. At the next stage, walls and ceilings are erected. Then the roof is equipped, communications are connected and interior decoration. You can order a two-story housing project directly on the website or by calling our specialists. We guarantee our clients impeccable quality of work and favorable prices to our services.

To date, brick is considered the most perfect material for building a house. This is very reasonable, because it does not burn, retains heat well and has an attractive appearance.

In this regard, we present to your attention a detailed story about brick two-story houses.

What does it cost us to build a brick house

Project development

The very first thing you need to do is to develop a plan for the future building.

If you are going to do it yourself, then you should take care of the following factors:

  • Living space. Estimate how many people will live in the house. Ideally, when the number of bedrooms corresponds to the composition of the family.
  • Location. You should not build a house far from the road, as this will make it difficult to bring furniture and large household appliances.
  • masonry. Immediately decide how many rows the building brick will be laid. Most best option- this is a double masonry, as it provides the required wall thickness and at the same time is not burdened with impressive costs.

Tip: if you make laying in less than two rows, then you will "drown the street."
Simply put, the lion's share of the heat will go outside the home.

Today it is possible to find ready-made ones that were already once built. This option seems to be the simplest, but it carries at least one drawback. In particular, the opportunity to create a truly unique and extravagant home is lost.

Cost calculation

If you're wondering how much to build two-storey house brick, then the information below is just for you. Of course, it is impossible to give recommendations on the calculation of total costs, because each building has its own characteristics.

However, you can bring to your attention a formula for calculating the required amount of bricks.

  1. The first step is to determine the perimeter of the walls. To do this, the length and width of the house must be multiplied by 2.
  2. Then we multiply the resulting number by the height of the house.
  3. Next, we determine the thickness of the walls from which the brick two-story house will be built. The most commonly used double masonry.
  4. Having decided on the type of masonry, you can calculate the consumption of bricks per 1 sq. m. This value is multiplied by the previously obtained surface area. The result is the required number of bricks.
masonry type

brick thickness

Consumption per 1 sq. m., excluding solution (pcs.)

Including solution (pcs.)

0.5 bricks
One and a half
2.5 bricks

Table of average material consumption during masonry

Now it will be easy for you to calculate the construction costs. However, remember that the price of the material can vary greatly depending on certain indicators. Therefore, try to choose the best option.

Buying any building material is a rather difficult task.

Therefore, our instruction will be very useful to you:

  • When buying, be sure to ask the seller for all the necessary accompanying documents (certificate or passport for the batch). If you are denied this request, it is better to refuse the purchase in this store.
  • Not many people know that the price of a brick can vary depending on the season. The most optimal time to buy it is the beginning of spring.
    It can be even cheaper in winter, but storage can be a problem during this time.

Tip: in especially cold regions of our country, it is undesirable to use silicate brick for outdoor construction. This is due to the fact that it has poor frost resistance.
It is better to use ceramic samples.

  • Do not forget that each variety must meet certain requirements. Buying, for example, a double silicate brick m 150 should have a thermal conductivity of 0.57-0.58 W / (m * s) and a water absorption percentage of about 8%.
    If the purchased product has other indicators, then the production technology has been violated, which will adversely affect the original quality.
  • Remember that Russian and foreign samples may have different sizes. This can greatly complicate the laying. Therefore, it is best to purchase bricks from one manufacturer.

  • Assess the terrain. In particular, you need to know the location ground water, because massive structures cannot be erected above them. To do this, you can view the passport of the site, in which all the main aspects should be noted.


If you want to have truly complete and up-to-date knowledge in a particular area, it is recommended to constantly replenish it (See also the article). In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

A brick house is a long-term and practical solution that does not require large investments in further operation. Even such a house will not only decorate your site, but also emphasize personal status. Double storey brick houses are the most popular projects for the construction of country mansions. Such houses perfectly zone the space and allow you to build a house on any site. Thanks to non-standard solutions of designers, it is possible to build beautiful and comfortable houses.

House projects

Any construction begins with a building plan. If you decide to build a two-story house, we advise you to contact the experts to draw up project documentation. Ideally, the project should be chosen after the purchase. land plot. The cost of the project directly depends on how laborious and original it will be. future home. As a rule, such a structure includes a garage or attic. Project two-story house brick is the most suitable option for construction, and here's why:

  • This is a justified decision from an economic point of view. If we compare cottage, a two-story house has a lower consumption for the foundation and roof.
  • Compact dimensions. Such a mansion takes up much less space on the site. It is advisable to build a brick house on a small plot of land.
  • Feeling safe. Many people experience a sense of fear while living on the first floor, the second floor will make you feel secure and comfortable.
  • Space zoning. In such a house, you can safely divide the area into a sleep zone and a wakefulness zone. As a rule, the second floor is reserved for the children's room and bedroom, and the first floor is used as a dining room and hall.
  • The design of a brick house can be completely different. It all depends on your imagination and desires. These can be the most non-standard solutions: classic, high-tech, houses with flat roofs or attics.

Expert advice! Houses with a flat roof are used as summer terraces or playgrounds.

Design features

To date, a fairly large number of companies offering finished projects two-storey houses. Each such proposal is divided into main points, allowing you to select only the necessary information. The project for a two-story brick house includes:

  • total construction area;
  • detailed plan of the building;
  • foundation type;
  • number of floors;
  • number of rooms;
  • material used;
  • project cost;
  • execution cost construction works.

If something in the finished project does not suit you, the developer will be able to make changes taking into account the characteristics of the site. We also advise you to pay attention not only to the total, but also to the living area. The number of rooms, their layout and the availability of additional premises depend on this. But the number of floors, the type of foundation and roof, affect the appearance of the building. Therefore, when choosing and planning construction, it is necessary to think over and take everything into account. That is why two-story brick houses are offered to be built for ready-made projects. The standard house plan is shown in the photo above.

Calculation of the cost of the future building

Of course, an individual project will cost much more than a budget and standard option. Usually, standard project a two-story house varies in price from 25 thousand to 160 thousand rubles. In order to determine the cost of your building, you can use the formula. For this you will need:

  • calculate the perimeter of the walls, multiply the length and width of the house by two;
  • multiply the resulting value by the height of the building;
  • determine the thickness of the walls, most often they use two-brick masonry;
  • then calculate the amount of material per 1 sq. m., i.e. multiply the type of masonry by the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

Of course, two-story brick houses and ready-made projects already contain all the necessary data, but if you wish to improve the design of the house a little, this will increase its value. If you decide to build on your own, the cost of the entire structure will be 40% cheaper.

The construction of any house is a responsible and serious process that has its own characteristics. For the successful implementation of the project, arm yourself useful tips from experts:

  • Purchase only adapted designs, i.e. documentation must be drawn up specifically for a brick structure;
  • Control the seams. To date, there are special construction tools that interfere with the mortar and process the seams. This prevents them from damage and gives a neat appearance to the house.
  • Color control. When buying brick products, make sure that all products are of the same color.
  • Conduct a land survey. Before starting construction work, conduct a study of the soil and the depth of groundwater.

When choosing your ideal two-story home, consult with experts. The provided assistance of professionals will save you money and build a flawless and reliable home of your dreams.

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