Digital technology does not allow this. Digital university: application of digital technologies in modern educational institutions. Subordination level Chef Digital Officer

Digital technologies(eng. Digital technology) are based on the representation of signals in discrete bands of analog levels, and not in the form of a continuous spectrum. All levels within a band represent the same signal state.

Digital technology, unlike analogue, works with discrete rather than continuous signals. In addition, signals have a small set of values, usually two, but in real life systems, especially accounting storage systems, based on three values. Usually these are 0, 1, NULL which in Boolean algebra have the values ​​“False”, “True” and in the presence of NULL “no result”, respectively.

Digital circuits consist mainly of logical elements such as AND, OR, NOT, etc., and can also be interconnected by counters and flip-flops.

Digital technologies are mainly used in computational digital electronics, primarily computers, in various fields of electrical engineering, such as gaming machines, robotics, automation, instrumentation, radio and telecommunication devices, and many others.


One of the advantages of digital circuits over analog circuits is that the former can transmit signals without distortion. For example, a continuous audio signal transmitted as a sequence of 1s and 0s can be reconstructed without error, provided that the transmission noise was not sufficient to prevent identification of the 1s and 0s. An hour of music can be stored on a CD using about 6 billion binary digits.

Computer controlled digital systems can be controlled using software, adding new features without replacing hardware. Often this can be done without the involvement of the manufacturer by simply updating the software product. This feature allows you to quickly adapt to changing requirements. In addition, it is possible to use complex algorithms that are impossible in analogue systems or feasible, but only at very high costs.

Data storage easier in digital systems than in analogue ones. The noise immunity of digital systems allows data to be stored and retrieved without corruption. In an analog system, aging and wear can degrade the recorded information. In digital, as long as the overall interference does not exceed a certain level, information can be restored absolutely accurately.


In some cases, digital circuits use more power than analog circuits to perform the same task, generating more heat, which increases the complexity of the circuits, for example by adding a cooler. This may limit their use in portable devices powered by batteries.

For example, cell phones often use a low-power analog interface to amplify and tune radio signals from a base station. However, the base station can use a power-hungry but highly flexible software-defined radio system. Such base stations can be easily reprogrammed to process signals used in new cellular communication standards.

Digital circuits are sometimes more expensive than analog ones.

It is also possible to lose information when converting an analog signal to a digital one. Mathematically, this phenomenon can be described as a rounding error.

In some systems, the loss or corruption of one piece of digital data can completely change the meaning of large blocks of data.

origin of name

The English word digital, meaning “digital”, in turn, comes from the Latin Digitus, that is, “finger”.

Since humanity has used fingers for a long time in the process of counting small values, it was the decimal number system that became the main one, including in Indo-Arabic numbering. Typically, you can only calculate the values ​​of integers with your fingers. Because of this, the word "digital" is also used to refer to any object that deals with discrete values.

1. Distortion of an analog signal due to interference is irrecoverable; a digital signal, even with interference, allows you to transmit information completely without distortion.

Why is this happening? During transmission, some kind of interference always occurs in the communication line, distorting the transmitted signal (dotted lines in the figure). No interference occurs only in the ideal case, which, like any ideal, is unattainable. And the receiver cannot restore the original signal, since only the transmitter has information about the original signal.

A completely different situation is observed with a digital signal. Here, too, interference occurs during transmission - where can you get away from it (dotted lines in the figure). But at reception the task is to recognize each signal as 0 or 1 - there is no middle ground. And if all 0s and 1s are recognized correctly, this means that the information is transmitted without distortion.

Interference can occur not only when transmitting information over long distances. Strong interference and interference may also occur inside any device (TV, computer, etc.).

Two important conclusions follow from the above.

  • a) Digital technology works more reliably.
  • b) Digital technology allows you to create an unlimited number of absolutely identical copies.

In an analog signal, each stage of copying will be accompanied by the appearance of interference; with increasing stages of sequential copying, the quality of the signal becomes worse, and in the end the information becomes completely unreadable.

In a digital signal, noise can be eliminated because you know what needs to be eliminated - everything that differs from 0 and 1. And from each subsequent copy, a new copy can be made, just like from the original. True, this has dignity unpleasant consequences, since it creates the ground for piracy and unauthorized use of other people's intellectual property.

2. The accuracy of measuring an analog signal is determined by the technical capabilities of the equipment. The accuracy of specifying a digital signal depends very little on the characteristics of the equipment.

Note that two different terms are used here: for an analog signal we are talking about a measurement, for a digital signal we are talking about a task.

For example, the signal was measured or specified with an accuracy of 2 significant figures, let it be 1.2. That is, in decimal notation, 3 characters are enough to describe this value: 2 digits and a comma. In normalized form this would look like 0.12 x 10 1 . In binary notation, 5 characters are enough to describe this signal: 1100 1. The first 4 digits are the mantissa, in this case 12, the last is the exponent.

Let's assume that the accuracy of the signal has increased by 3 orders of magnitude, 1000 times, and we already have a signal of 1.2345.

Increasing the measurement accuracy by 1000 times for some analog device, for example a voltmeter, is a difficult task that cannot be solved so easily. This may be the fruit of many years of work by a large team. Or the result of an outstanding invention made by someone.

Example: measuring length with an accuracy of a millimeter using a ruler and with an accuracy of a micron using a microscope.

What's happening in digital technology? Here the quantity is not measured, not taken from the surrounding world, but is given by man. And this does not require any new technical devices, it is enough to simply provide more space in computer memory.

In decimal notation it will be 1.2345, that is, six digits, 2 times more. But the computer works in the binary system, and translating the entry 0.12345x10 1 into a normalized form, we get 11000000111001 1. There are 15 digits in total. The accuracy of signal setting increased 1000 times, and in computer memory it required only 3 times more space.

You can increase the accuracy of a task by a million or a billion times - as much as necessary. True, this may require other amounts of machine memory and a different processor clock speed. So, there is no complete independence. But in digital devices this dependence is incomparably weaker than in analog ones.

Here, for simplicity of reasoning, we did not take into account the fact that all information in a computer is transmitted by bytes, that is, by 8, 16, 24, and so on binary digits. But this fact does not fundamentally change anything in our reasoning.

The development of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) and their full use can bring the following benefits: stimulating competition, expanding production, supporting economic growth and employment. The first part of the Charter aims not only to stimulate and facilitate the transition to an information society, but also to realize its full economic, social and cultural benefits. To achieve these goals, the following key areas of work have been identified:

Carrying out economic and structural reforms to create an environment of openness, efficiency, competition and innovation, complemented by measures to adapt labor markets, develop human resources and ensure social cohesion;

Sound management of the macroeconomy, facilitating better planning by businesses and consumers, and taking advantage of new information technologies;

Development of information networks that provide fast, reliable, secure and economical access, through competitive market conditions and appropriate innovations, to network technologies, their maintenance and application;

Developing a human resource capable of meeting the demands of the Information Age through education and lifelong learning and meeting the growing demand for ICT professionals in many sectors of our economy;

Actively use ICT in the public sector and promote the real-time delivery of services needed to improve access to government for all citizens.

The private sector plays a significant role in the development of information and communication networks, the formation and development of the global information society as a whole. In turn, governments have the task of creating a regulatory framework. It is necessary that rules and procedures related to information and telecommunications technologies are consistent with fundamental changes in economic transactions, taking into account the principles of effective partnership between governments and the private sector. In order to maximize the socio-economic benefits of the information society, the summit participants agreed on the following basic principles and approaches and recommended them to other countries:

Continue to promote competition and open markets for information technology, telecommunications products and services, including non-discriminatory and cost-based connectivity to mainstream telecommunications;

Protecting intellectual property rights in information technologies is important for promoting ICT-related innovations, promoting competition and the widespread adoption of new technologies;

It is also important to reaffirm governments' commitment to using only licensed software;

A number of services, including telecommunications, transport, parcel delivery, are essential to the information society and economies; increasing their efficiency and competitiveness will expand the benefits of the information society; customs and forwarding procedures are also important for the development of information structures;

Promoting cross-border e-commerce by promoting further liberalization, improving networks and related services and procedures within the context of the strict framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO), continuing work on e-commerce in the WTO and other international forums, and applying existing WTO trade rules to e-commerce;

Consistent approaches to the taxation of e-commerce, based on conventional principles, including non-discrimination, equity, simplification and other key elements agreed in the context of the work of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD);

Continuation of the practice of exempting electronic transfers from customs duties until it is considered again at the next WTO ministerial conference;

Promoting market standards, including, for example, technical interoperability standards;

Increasing consumer confidence in electronic markets in accordance with OECD guidelines, including through effective self-regulatory initiatives, and exploring options to address the complexities experienced by consumers in cross-border disputes, including developing an effective and meaningful mechanism to protect consumer privacy and privacy life when processing personal data, while ensuring the free flow of information;

Further development and effective functioning of electronic identification, electronic signature, cryptography and other means of ensuring the security and reliability of transactions.

The provisions of the Charter note that the development of ICT is impossible without the development of cybersecurity systems.

Digital technologies. Russian language

About fifteen years ago, the bosses of one school, as luck would have it, donated laptops to equip all classes primary school. And I wrote a newspaper article about the introduction of information technology into the educational process. I came to interview the teacher, and she sat and cried. She has a lot of financial responsibility (the laptops were hidden in a large iron cabinet in the office), she doesn’t understand how to use computers in class, and she has to stay late at work to charge. In general, only disadvantages. And the bosses demand implementation: the bosses need to show how useful the gift was. So they sent a journalist. The lesson using technology terrified me. The children not only understood the programs faster than the teacher, but an order of magnitude faster, and openly mocked. In Russian, they handed out laptops to desks for a long time, getting tangled up in the wires, then remembering passwords, then finally loading Word with the prepared document. All this in order to insert missing letters into several words. Ward, of course, emphasized the wrong options, so everyone did a perfect job. Then they launched the presentation for viewing, but there was not enough time: the bell rang. It was possible to dictate these few words, collect and check the assignments in about ten minutes, and the result, of course, would have been different. Why did I remember this now? The era is coming blended learning. Teachers will be forced use digital resources. Digital school is our future. And something tells me that many colleagues will simply waste class time for the sake of numbers as such. We really want to help such teachers, because there are effective computer exercises for Russian and literature. It is not necessary to sacrifice the quality of work for the sake of a report. On the contrary, quality can be improved.

Electronic exercises will not give the desired effect if the teacher does not understand what he is using and why. The use of digital resources should not be an end in itself. Let's figure out why use digital technologies when studying humanities subjects.

The purposes of using electronic exercises in Russian and literature lessons

  • Creating motivation (students will receive interesting, varied tasks in the form to which they are accustomed).
  • Improving the quality of education for everyone (the ability to replicate and use materials from the best specialists in any school).
  • Availability without going to school (the ability to work with a class during quarantine, the ability to work remotely with a group of children who are home-schooled).
  • Saving time (using exercises that can be organized without a computer, but with a lot of time).
  • Efficiency (use effective exercises, which cannot be organized without a computer).
  • Formation of universal skills.

Opportunities provided by digital technologies

  • Automatic checking (saving the teacher’s time, the ability to assign training dictations at home).
  • Multimedia (the ability to insert sound and video into the textbook, which helps to better remember the material).
  • Interactivity (involving all students in the group in active work at the same time, which saves time).
  • Group collaboration on a project (the ability to jointly create documents, presentations, mental maps, etc. by a research group of students).
  • Error statistics (saving student time when working with the dictionary, saving teacher time when analyzing errors).
  • Variety (the ability to quickly generate a large and even infinite number of similar exercises - saving teacher time, improving the quality of education for the student).

Learning using digital technologies in Russian language and literature lessons

By using digital technologies, teachers currently only understand showing presentations and training videos, distributing links to text materials, and computer testing. What else can you do? But look:
  • show quickly changing vocabulary words for visual memorization every lesson,
  • offer exercises for sorting words, terms, portraits of writers, etc. with automatic checking,
  • offer exercises like “insert the letter” with automatic checking,
  • assign home dictations with a recorded speaker and automatic checking,
  • offer visual dictations with an automatic timer and verification,
  • offer interactive games for visual memorization of words, for example “Pairs”,
  • offer tasks to find matches (definitions and terms, sentences and diagrams, words with one characteristic, titles of works and writers),
  • invite students to create similar exercises on their own,
  • create a general text with many hyperlinks when analyzing text (for example, create a file or presentation in GoogleDocs with hypertext and links to sources),
  • create general presentations,
  • create mental maps,
  • create profiles of literary heroes on social networks,
  • create chronological feeds ( history of literature),
  • create landing pages - presentations of literary works,
  • create slides with infographics on works and authors,
  • create clouds of tags (words for one rule, words of a work, logical tasks),
  • create collections of examples and bibliography in GoogleDocs,
  • create reader's diaries on blogs,
  • create videos based on poems and short stories,
  • create educational cartoons,
  • create radio plays,
  • analyze texts using computer programs that count frequency words and expressions, highlight common elements in different texts, etc. (very helpful when analyzing the motive structure),
  • work with electronic reverse dictionaries to select rhymes and words for one rule,
  • study lexicology using programs that provide statistics on the use of words...
This list goes on and on. Technology provides opportunities, it's up to your imagination.

Let's look at a few examples. Here's an exercise for a quick self-test. The child must pronounce the word spellingly, then click on the card and drag it to the side. The task contains several dozen words. Execution time - 2-4 minutes.

If this exercise were done on paper, flashcards would have to be made with the answers on the back to set up an instant check. To prevent the answer from showing through, thick paper would have to be used. The child would pick up each card, turn it over, and turn it over again. The task completion time would increase significantly. In addition, a mountain of cards would have to be stored in boxes. I have a closet full of these boxes from the last century.

How long would it take you to organize visual dictation for the whole class without a computer? If you give one option to everyone, you need to write the proposal on the board in advance, close it and make sure that no one peeks during the break. During the lesson, open the board, note the time, close it again, collect pieces of paper for testing, or hope for a quality self-test. A maximum of 2 such sentences can be given, because there are exactly two secluded places on the board (if the board is closed at all). To give everyone their own version, you need to spend about five minutes, and then make sure that everyone turns over the leaves and doesn’t copy them. In general, it’s just a mess, which is why few people use visual dictations, although everyone understands that such work is very useful. Automated visual dictation along with verification takes no more than 2 minutes per phrase, and a huge set of phrases is offered:

And there is no way to do such an exercise without a computer. Agree, it is effective if you work on your reading speed.

The exercises given are contained in various courses on the “I Can Write” website. We have hundreds of similar exercises. Read

Information technologies are divided into analog and digital.

Analog technologies are based on the method of representing information in the form of some continuous (analog) physical quantity, for example, voltage or force electric current, the value of which (signal) is a carrier of information. An ordinary tape recorder operates on this principle. Information is presented in the form of a magnetic field of variable magnitude, recorded on the ferromagnetic layer of the carrier - a tape. And gramophone records, the era of which ended about 20 years ago, used a narrow spiral track on the surface of the record as an information carrier. The depth or width of this path was the one physical quantity, which stored information about the sound. That is, the gramophone record used the mechanical principle of sound recording.

Digital technologies are based on a discrete (from the Latin discretus - divided, intermittent) way of representing information in the form of numbers (usually using the binary number system), the value of which is the carrier of information. To do this, they use physical quantities that can take only two stable states (on - off, there is voltage - no voltage, magnetized - not magnetized). This ensures the utmost simplicity of the digital signal: there is an electrical impulse - one, no impulse - zero. (They are usually called logical one and logical zero.) In this case, it is not the magnitude of the pulse that is important, but only its presence or absence.

The simplicity of digital signals ensures (compared to analog signals) their disproportionately greater immunity from interference. The fact is that logical zeros and ones do not carry any secondary information. When analog media, such as a gramophone record, physically wears out, noise and interference appear. The edges of the slot on the record change their shape from repeated exposure to the player's stylus, and the tape becomes demagnetized or stretched. Bits of digital information are spared from such troubles; no matter what happens to the carrier, the bit has only two values ​​- zero or one. Interference and noise simply have nowhere to come from.

When presenting information digitally, accuracy depends on the number of digits in the numbers. By increasing the number of digits, it is possible to ensure any predetermined accuracy of calculations. In other words, adding twenty-digit numbers on a computer (or a calculator, which is also a computer), which can only operate with eight-digit numbers, can only be done by rounding these numbers to eight digits. It is clear that such rounding greatly reduces the accuracy of calculations. Modern personal computers operate with 32-bit binary numbers (this is the main advantage of digital computers over analogue ones - imagine an old oak abacus with not 10, but 32 dominoes on each crossbar), but in the near future there will be a transition to 64-bit structure.

Due to the undeniable advantages of digital technologies, all new information technologies are digital. These include, for example, archiving and compression of information, scanning and text recognition, digital radio and television, digital photography, digital videography, the global information network Internet (Internet) and Email(E-mail), virtual reality.

Could digital technologies, which have such obvious advantages, appear before analog ones? Of course no. The reason is that analog technologies are much simpler than digital ones, so they could be implemented at the level of technology of previous times.

The human senses (and above all the hearing organs) are capable of perceiving only analog signals. Therefore, the use of digital technologies requires quite complex devices, the mass use of which has become possible only in recent decades as a result of the rapid development of microelectronics.

The 21st century will be exclusively digital. There is a continuous competition between the latest magnetic and optical methods of recording, storing and reproducing various types of information, as well as their combined use. These methods provide much higher density and durability of information recording compared to paper, photographic and film. Therefore, in the near future, you and I will take photographs with digital cameras, watch digital video, listen to digital music. And we will even increasingly read books from the screens of pocket and desktop computers.

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