And again “greens”: all about the benefits of green vegetables. The benefits of greens and green vegetables Green sticks vegetable what

Scientists and nutritionists say that green vegetables are absolutely healthy. If you look at the statistics they publish, it's hard to disagree with this. How to eat them more often - read below

Greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients, which are essential aids in the fight for health. It also contains chlorophyll, the miraculous pigment that gives plants their rich green color and acts as an oxygenator in the body, purifying the blood and removing harmful substances from our liver and digestive tract. Your body and mind need to consume greens, and I will try to convince you of this.

What do we mean by the word "green"?

While cucumbers, celery, and zucchini are green in color and are certainly good for you, they are not the “greens” I'm talking about. I mean kale, spinach, beet greens, dandelion stems, Swiss chard, collards, pak choy, mustard greens, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, watercress and dark leaf lettuces. Find out below who each "member" of this green "gang" is and look for them at grocery stores and farmers' markets near you.

Green scrambled eggs and ham

Start adding greens to your diet from the very beginning of the day, when your body needs extra energy. Instead of filling your stomach with sweets and useless calories found in toast, oatmeal and baking, start your day with a nutritional boost by drinking a large glass of green juice (green vegetable juice, not green fruit juice!). It will fill your body with antioxidants and microelements. You can also drink a "green" smoothie filled with healthy fats and vegetable protein. If you feel the need for something heartier, make yourself an omelet with shredded spinach and chard or stewed cabbage with half an avocado and a poached egg. Greens are the breakfast of champions!

Preparing Ingredients

Take 15 minutes to wash, chop and bag all your green produce. Fill the sink with water and throw all the greens in the water to wash them, then chop, bag and put in the refrigerator. In the evening, when you return from work tired, all you have to do is throw the prepared vegetables into a saucepan or steamer to prepare a roast.

Freeze your greens

There are two reasons why we should freeze “greens”: on the one hand, we simply do not want them to spoil, on the other, we always have them on hand. Many of the green foods I mentioned are seasonal, meaning that they are simply not available at certain times of the year. So, if you see your favorite green vegetables at the market, buy more of them. Wash them, cut them, place them on a baking sheet and freeze. When you're done, pack them into freezer bags for a huge supply of vegetables for smoothies, soups, stews, grains, and stir-fries. This kit will be your savior on rainy days when you need to whip up some healthy meals quickly.

Meatless Monday

Try going meatless on the first day of the week: throw a big handful of arugula on top of pizza, add cabbage and asparagus to risotto, sprinkle broccoli or beet leaves over polenta. Try adding "greens" to casseroles, frittatas and pastas, or simply make salads with dark leaf lettuce, beans, olives, nuts and cheese for a complete meal.

"Green" sachets

I admit that whole vegetables are difficult to carry with you. However, finding a bar that offers fresh green juice is even more difficult. In this case, it makes sense to prepare vegetable sachets with “greens” powder. Stock up on blends that include wheatgrass, chlorophyll, barley grass, and spirulina, and put these packets in your car, purse, or desk so you can add them to your water bottle whenever you need a boost. Next time you're craving caffeine, drink this blend.

The power of smoothies

Don't limit yourself to green smoothies as part of your breakfast and don't deny yourself the pleasure of drinking them throughout the day. If you want something sweet after dinner, it's time to mix a few healthy ingredients. You can make both nutritious smoothies and light and low-calorie ones - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to add a handful of frozen cabbage to them.

Green vegetables and fruits are a godsend for our body in general, and for immunity and digestion in particular. We associate green with something right, and for good reason. Green vegetables and fruits are considered extremely healthy, because they contain vitamins A, C, K, antioxidants, as well as chlorophyll, which is responsible for their color, lutein, zeaxanthin and folic acid. They help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and the risk of cancer, and normalize high blood pressure. They are also good for the eyes, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion (due to the high fiber content) and provide the body with calcium, which is important for bones and teeth. They are an excellent source of antioxidants and help us fight the signs of aging.

Fruits: kiwi, pear, avocado, green grapes, green apples

Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, asparagus, celery, green tomatoes, zucchini, sweet green peppers, peas, green beans, artichokes, okra and all dark green leafy greens ( different types spinach, kale and other varieties).

  • Due to their high fiber content, green vegetables help cleanse the intestinal walls and remove many harmful substances and toxins, while simultaneously normalizing metabolism. Spinach, broccoli, green beans, green peas and cabbage contain the most fiber. Cabbage in Lately In general it is becoming a very fashionable vegetable. It is super healthy just like in its raw form, thanks to the content of vitamin C, K, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and folic acid, and in fermented.
  • Green vegetables reduce the risk of diabetes. Research shows that regular consumption of green vegetables increases the risk of disease diabetes mellitus decreases by an average of 14%.
  • Green vegetables also reduce the negative effects on the body from ultraviolet rays. In particular, their use increases eye protection and reduces the risk of blindness or cataracts.
  • Avocados contain large amounts of substances that help lower blood cholesterol levels. Thus, regular consumption of avocados prevents the occurrence of certain diseases of the cardiovascular system. This vegetable also helps improve vision due to its vitamin E content and the antioxidant lutein.
  • Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane and indoles - substances that help prevent cancer. Broccoli is also a good source of vitamins A, C and potassium.
  • Everyone knows parsley, dill and cilantro - they are record holders! Parsley is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, K, PP, E, contains carotene, folic acid, glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, inulin, iron salts, phosphorus and other trace elements. By the way, it is an aphrodisiac!
    A medium bunch of parsley satisfies daily requirement the body in vitamin C. In this it is superior to lemons and black currants. Parsley is also useful for people with high blood pressure, as it has a diuretic effect. Parsley contains natural antibiotics (phytoncides) and can be effectively used as a gargle for a sore throat or cold.
  • Dill leaves contain essential oils, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, P, carotene, folic acid, as well as iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus salts. This composition suggests that dill is good for vision and skin, protects the body from infections, strengthens nervous system, helps cope with bad mood and insomnia, relieves hair and skin problems.
  • And cilantro contains so much calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron that it perfectly fights memory loss, the appearance of signs of anemia and poor circulation. Vitamin composition cilantro is amazing: 30 grams of the herb will compensate for the daily deficiency of vitamin C in the body, and 50 grams contain the norm of vitamin A.
  • Spinach is also a true superfood: 91% of the weight of the fresh vegetable is water. In addition to this compound, 100 grams of leaves contain 3 g of proteins, 3.6 g of carbohydrates, the main amount of which is insoluble plant fiber; 402% daily dose vitamin K; vitamin A (in the form of carotenoid precursors, which are already converted into the active form of vitamin A in the body); folate; manganese; iron; magnesium; vitamin C, as well as in slightly smaller quantities vitamin E, choline, B vitamins, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium. By the way, during heat treatment the vitamins in the leaves are practically not destroyed. This is a very rare property among vegetables.
  • We all love apples, and everything is clear with them. That’s why I want to highlight kiwi! In general, kiwi is a berry, and it has such a delicate combination of vitamins, minerals and acids. This is what it contains: dietary fiber, di- and monosaccharides, pectin, carbohydrates, flavonoids, vegetable proteins, fiber, beta-carotene, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, enzymes, manganese, iron, iodine, zinc, vitamins B, E, C, D and much more. Kiwi is also rich in folic acid, which is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

And in general, scientists say that green color is very calming, gives harmony and tranquility!

Leafy vegetables

This group includes vegetable crops whose leaf mass is used as food. Most of them have a short growing season and can therefore be grown several times in a row or as an upstream or downstream crop. All of them are very rich in vitamins and minerals.

Salad- annual cold-resistant plant. Seeds germinate at 4–5°, seedlings tolerate frosts down to -2°, and adult plants up to -6°. The optimal temperature for the growth and development of this crop is 15–20°.

Lettuce is divided into three groups: head lettuce, leaf lettuce and romaine lettuce.

The best varieties of head lettuce are Maysky and Berlin yellow, leaf lettuce is Moscow greenhouse.

Seeds are sown in early spring, as soon as the soil is ripe, in a row with a distance of 15–20 cm row from row. Seed placement depth is 0.5–1 cm. The distance between seeds is 2–3 cm. As the plants grow, they are thinned out and used for food, increasing the distance between plants lettuce 6–8 cm, cabbage - 10–15 cm.

To obtain early production, lettuce is sown before winter or grown by seedlings.

Harvesting is carried out when the plants have formed a rosette typical for the variety, but not later than the first arrows begin to be thrown out. Head lettuce is harvested as dense heads form.

Watercress- annual plant. It germinates quickly, emerges 1–2 days after sowing and grows quickly.

Has a pungent taste. This is explained by the presence of sulfur containing essential oils. Used mainly for salads, it is also a good seasoning.

It is grown in open ground, and in winter even in the kitchen or other room.

There are no special requirements for climate, soil, light, or fertilizers. In open ground, sowing can be done every 14–15 days, since when rapid growth it blooms in 20–25 days.

In shady places, watercress bolts less. It is sown in a row with row spacing of 15 cm.

It is removed when the plants are 6 cm high, cutting off the leaves with scissors.

Spinach- annual herbaceous plant. This vegetable provides a valuable nutritious product rich in proteins, iron and vitamins. The leaves are eaten boiled and mashed and as a soup vegetable.

The most common varieties are Ispolinsky and Victorin.

Spinach is a cold-resistant plant. Its seeds germinate at a temperature of 4°. The optimal temperature for growth and development is 14–16°. Ripens 30–45 days after sowing.

Spinach is demanding of soil fertility and moisture, and is responsive to fertilizers and watering. It can also grow in semi-shaded places. Doesn't work well on acidic soils.

Seeds are sown at the most early dates(end of March) in a row method, the distance between the rows is 20–25 cm, the seed placement depth is no more than 1–2 cm.

It is grown mainly as an intercrop.

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Green vegetables: types, names, photos and descriptions. The benefits of green vegetables in the diet

From Masterweb

28.04.2018 02:00

If you want to stay healthy and always be in high spirits, you simply must have green vegetables in your diet. Juicy aromatic fruits will pamper your taste buds and fill you with inexhaustible vital energy.

Why you should eat green fruits

Scientists have concluded that green vegetables are the least popular. It is believed that this color is unattractive from the point of view of awakening the appetite. However, your opinion will change if you find out what benefits green fruits provide to the body:

  • Supports heart function. Green color- a sign of increased magnesium content, which supports the functioning of the main “motor” in the body, and also increases the tone of the muscular system.
  • Cleanses blood vessels. Substances in green vegetables free the circulatory system from “bad” cholesterol. This reduces the risk of developing cholesterol plaques.
  • Normalizes intestinal motility. Water and fiber promote the active movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract with the subsequent removal of toxins.
  • Burning calories. Vegetables of juicy green color are characterized by “negative” calorie content. More calories are spent on digesting them than they enter the body. Thus, by including these foods in your diet, it is easier to achieve slimness.


Among green vegetables, the most popular is the juicy, refreshing cucumber. This is an invariable component of summer salads and a wonderful light snack. Vegetables provide the body with the following benefits:

  • Fights dehydration. A cucumber is 95% water. The fruit helps replenish the lack of life-giving moisture, which has a positive effect on work internal organs and the condition of connective tissue.
  • Eliminates swelling. This can be achieved thanks to its mild diuretic effect.
  • Prevents obesity. Tatronic acids prevent the transformation of carbohydrates into adipose tissue.
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones. Salts restore the acid-base balance, removing all excess from Bladder and kidneys.
  • Heals the thyroid gland. This function is provided by the increased iodine content.

The watery texture of the cucumber is both an advantage and a danger of the vegetable. The fruit is prone to the accumulation of harmful substances from the soil and environment. Therefore, you need to eat only cucumbers from your own garden or purchased from trusted summer residents.


In the list of green vegetables, asparagus is one of the most valuable representatives. But, unfortunately, it has not yet taken its rightful place in the domestic gastronomic consciousness. But in vain, because it brings invaluable benefits to the body:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • combating skin problems;
  • blood thinning;
  • elimination of arrhythmia;
  • reducing the risk of heart attack;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • normalization of blood sugar;
  • kidney cleansing;
  • fight against edema;
  • improved digestion;
  • improved vision;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • fighting depression;
  • anemia treatment.

If you are interested in asparagus, please note that its use has contraindications. In particular, it should not be used by people suffering from prostatitis and cystitis, as urination will become more frequent and the symptoms will worsen. Caution should also be exercised by those who suffer from diabetes and rheumatism.

Green pea

The list of green vegetables should be continued with sweet and aromatic green peas, which are loved by both adults and children. The vegetable was first grown in India more than 5,000 years ago, and today it is loved all over the world. And not only for its gastronomic properties, but also for its exceptional benefits, which are expressed in the following:

  • Peas are high in folic acid, vitamins K and B6, as well as lutein. This “cocktail” keeps the heart muscle toned and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Fiber has the ability to regulate metabolic rate. The substance promotes the removal of toxins and improves intestinal motility.
  • Peas contain a lot of manganese, as well as half daily norm vitamin K. This combination helps strengthen bones and prevents calcium loss.
  • The plant pigment lutein in combination with vitamin A prevents a decrease in visual acuity. Regular consumption of peas protects the retina from damage.

Brussels sprouts

Thanks to Belgian breeders, Brussels sprouts have been added to the list of green vegetables. This is an amazing two-year-old vegetable, whose spreading leaves hide miniature heads of cabbage no larger than Walnut. In addition to the fact that the vegetable is very beautiful and quite tasty, it is also incredibly healthy:

  • Improves vision. Carotenoid pigments in combination with vitamin A protect the retina from damage.
  • Rejuvenates the body. Ascorbic acid removes toxins and inhibits the aging process.
  • Normalizes intestinal motility. Fiber improves digestion and promotes regular bowel movements.
  • Protects against ARVI. Beta-carotene increases the resistance of mucous membranes to infections and viruses.
  • Helps to recover after operations and serious illnesses. Cabbage improves blood composition and helps fight anemia.

People suffering from flatulence should not overuse dishes with Brussels sprouts. Also, the product is not recommended for thyroid diseases, as well as irritable bowel syndrome.


What green vegetables should you eat to be healthy? Of course, broccoli. This is one of the many varieties of garden cabbage, which is a collection of tightly adjacent inflorescences. This variety was bred in the southern part of Italy, and the leaders in cultivation are India and China. Here is the secret of the vegetable’s popularity:

  • Protein. There is no less of it in broccoli than in eggs and some types of meat. This substance is especially important for athletes.
  • Lipids. Promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland and bone building.
  • Omega acids. Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Copper. Improves blood quality by stimulating the production of red blood cells.
  • Phosphorus. Enhances brain activity, which manifests itself in improved memory and concentration.
  • Ascorbic acid. Protects the body from viruses and infections, and also prevents early aging.
  • Folic acid. Supports the functioning of the female reproductive system and promotes normal course pregnancy.
  • Carotene. Supports visual acuity.

In order not to harm the body, keep in mind that broccoli has contraindications. People suffering from thyroid diseases should not abuse it. It is also worth limiting your vegetable consumption if you suffer from increased acidity stomach.


Celery is an unusual green vegetable. The photo presents it to us in the form of a dense, juicy stem attached to a massive tuber. It is the petioles that are of greatest interest. This applies to both the unusual spicy taste and a wide range of beneficial properties:

  • increases physical endurance;
  • fights constipation;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • eliminates congestion in the body;
  • strengthens the body's protective barriers;
  • inhibits the aging process;
  • accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • increases sexual activity;
  • removes sand from the kidneys;
  • enhances brain activity.

Among the key contraindications to consuming celery are hypotension, pregnancy and breastfeeding. People suffering from gastritis should also avoid this product.

Green pepper

Peppers are another super-healthy green vegetable. The species is widespread in Mediterranean countries. Unfortunately, this product does not appear on domestic tables very often. However, if you want to always feel good, be sure to eat green peppers, because they have the following beneficial properties:

  • stimulates digestion processes;
  • supports normal pancreas function;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • thins the blood;
  • strengthens hair, teeth and nails;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • strengthens the immune system.

People suffering from ischemia and angina pectoris should avoid eating green pepper. It is also not recommended for nervous disorders.

In what form should you consume green foods?

The name of green vegetables does not appear so often in culinary recipes. But constantly eating raw foods quickly gets boring. To diversify your healthy diet, eat green fruits in the following forms:

  • salad with vegetable oil;
  • freshly squeezed juice from one or more types of vegetables;
  • stew;
  • cold soups.

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What a variety of colors the colors of vegetables and fruits have. Proper nutrition has many different nuances that many are not even aware of.

For example, you know that it is important to include vegetables and fruits in your diet, but they should also come in all the colors of the rainbow! And below we will tell you why and for what.

Color of vegetables and fruits

Often, a person’s daily diet is compiled depending on his taste, time of year and financial capabilities.

Some prefer meat and dishes made from it, others try to eat more vegetables and fruits. Do you know what is best for your health?

The answer is obvious - fruits and vegetables. They are low in calories and have a lot of minerals, fiber and vitamins. They also contain phytonutrients.

The word is certainly unclear, but we will explain it in a simple way. Phytonutrients - the basis immune system. They not only give a certain color to the product, but also protect our body from all diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

Scientists have long proven that by the color of a fruit or vegetable you can determine the composition of phytonutrients in it and find out its benefits. Let's take a closer look at this rainbow.

Red fruits and vegetables

Thanks to red fruits or vegetables, the body receives ellagic acid And lycopene. With their help, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves, and vitality rises. Red fruits also help cope with depression.

This may include: watermelon is red bell pepper and grapes, cherries, tomatoes and papaya, strawberries and raspberries, red currants.

Orange vegetables and fruits

The orange fruits are rich in beta carotene. And this substance strengthens the immune system, has a good effect on digestion and helps absorb useful material in the body and get rid of germs and bacteria that enter the body.

In addition, orange products contain a lot folic acid And vitamin C, which minimize the risk of developing fetal defects in pregnant women and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

This may include: apricots, mangoes, pumpkins, oranges, carrots and corn.

Yellow vegetables and fruits

Yellow fruits and vegetables contain:

  • alpha-carotene;
  • beta carotene;
  • beta-cryptoxanthin;
  • curcumin;
  • lutein;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • vitamin C.
  • hesperidin;

Thus, yellow fruits help rejuvenate cells in the body, speed up the healing of cuts on the skin and improve vision. In addition, the capillaries will work better.

Note that curcumin perfectly relieves inflammatory processes in the body.

And according to scientists, yellow foods speed up brain function and activate physical activity and even relieve depression.

This may include: mustard, honey, melon, pineapple, yellow cherry plum, bell peppers and apples, lemon and potatoes.

Green vegetables and fruits

It must be said right away that this color is the most important in the “culinary rainbow”.

Green foods contain: isothiocyanite(responsible for cell growth), isoflavonoids(the basis of a healthy skeletal system) and epigallocatechin(responsible for blood cholesterol levels).

In addition, greens are rich in vitamins of all groups ( A, B, C E, K), minerals, folate and potassium. So green fruits and vegetables should definitely be in your daily diet!

They help normalize blood pressure, relieve stress and are extremely beneficial for vision.

This may include: parsley, dill, sorrel, leaf celery, cucumbers, grapes, apples, peas, green beans, avocado, cabbage, spinach, broccoli and others.

What does the color blue mean?

This may include: blueberries and plums.

Blue vegetables

Products of this color contain anticyanins. This substance is good remedy from muscle pain and tachycardia.

Blueberries are recognized as the undisputed leader of the group, containing not only antioxidants, but also vitamins C, K and fiber.

This may include: blueberries, grapes and prunes.

Purple vegetable

Purple fruits and vegetables help relieve heartburn, bloating and acidity. They also strengthen the immune system and relieve eye strain.

This may include: eggplants, grapes and blackberries.

White fruits and vegetables

This “neutral” food group is rich in carbohydrates, quercetin and allistin. The substance quercecin is responsible for the absorption of vitamin C and normalization of the functioning of blood vessels in the circulatory system.

And allistin not only copes with high blood pressure and cholesterol, but also normalizes blood sugar levels.

This may include: pears, bananas, rice, onions, garlic and coconut pulp.

Let's sum it up

Finally, I would like to say that you should not focus your attention on a specific color or fruit, but try to diversify your diet as much as possible. It is desirable that there be at least “three colors of the rainbow” on the plate. This will give your body all the nutrients it needs.

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