What is needed to rebuild a house on a plot. Register a new house in place of the old one as property

The plot of land actually belongs to my family, there is also a house, but it’s old, I want to build a new and bigger one, but the ownership rights have not been formalized. How then to obtain documents for land according to the law on dacha amnesty and is it possible to rebuild the house, and then start processing and land plot and at home at the same time, what is needed for this? Valery.

Palada could not be reached yesterday for details of the complaints raised by his neighbors. an old house was three meters from the property line. We also respect distance. We may never be allowed to build 1.9 meters from the property line, a setback, because the law doesn't allow it.

Why can some people break the law, but the mayor's office turns a blind eye? - asked the neighbors. “Mayor Sorin Aposto said that there are more serious cases in Cluj-Napoca than the case of Silviu Dragomir.” Which article in construction law refers to the prohibition of placing windows on the rear of a house?

Valery, hello. You can register ownership of the plot in accordance with what is popularly called the “law”. To do this, you will need to prove your rights to this plot; this can be any documentation confirming the transfer of land for your personal use, such as an extract from the local household register or a written certificate of your rights. When unauthorized construction you will, of course, be able to register ownership. To do this you need to get .

Kaunas municipality organized a meeting, which was attended by representatives of the municipality, subdistrict, building inspection and representatives civil protection. Kaunas Municipality: “The structure of the house is a common property, so everyone must contribute to the management.”

After the meeting at the municipality, the deputy director of the Kaunas municipal administration, Romaldas Rabačius, said that he had called an emergency meeting to make concrete decisions when discussing the current situation. At the meeting we decided that a new and much wider study of the house needed to be carried out, after which we would be ready to discuss everything. Because the first expert was told that the house would not sink in the near future, but he did not guarantee the future. Further, depending on the soil situation, weather conditions and other factors, it will be seen how the situation changes, but it is really threatening.

But since this law can only be applied to completed buildings until March 2018 , perhaps you should prioritize . Then it is legal to begin implementing the project for the future home. The difficulty lies in the fact that federal legislation on urban planning consists of many disparate legislative acts, which have not yet been consolidated into a general provision.

Many residential areas were closed, but here we are talking about serious violations at home, when a serious situation arose, one of the few in Kaunas, said a municipality representative. Rabacz said that it was the responsibility of the housing administrator, he would have to buy this service and then collect money from the house for it. According to him, after the examination, decisions will be made on how to handle the house, and if the population does not agree to this, they will be subject to a compulsory order, i.e. that is, the administrator will have to do the work and distribute Accounts residents of the house.

In this regard, there are a number of nuances that arise when interpreting a particular document. You may need more detailed legal advice. You can use the services of our company - Istrariel, call. Competent lawyers will help you consider in more detail all the possibilities for preparing documentation for your real estate and legally appropriate what has actually belonged to your family for many years.

Because according to the law - the roof structure, outer wall, the roof of the house are common to all residents of the house, regardless of where the disaster occurred on the stairs. This is a common property for everyone. If the apartment is a separate private property, then the construction of the entire house is a common property, so everyone must contribute to the management, said Romaldas Rabakiy.

At the meeting, another option was considered if reconstruction was not possible or did not meet the expectations of the population. The current building has about 50 apartments, the new building could have twice as many, so about a hundred. This could be a pilot project in Kaunas, which would show another way out of such situations, said the deputy director municipality Kaunas. “But is it really not worth repairing old apartment buildings, which are about 60 or even 70 years old, and maybe it is worth building new, modern, modern and more large houses? - he asked rhetorically.

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And sometimes it's a matter of spending money nowhere, so you can try and show that there are other options. This, of course, will depend on the consent of the people, but if the population needs to invest about 20 thousand. The woman said the walls were still moving.

I don't think the condition of the house is stable at this time. One wall is quite stable, the other not so much. For example, on the first floor the cracks expand more, on the upper floor - less. Residents are unsure whether one of the home care options, renovation, will help.

I don't know if it's possible that the house will be strengthened during the renovation so that it won't be cut off later. During the meeting, an example was given that once there was a similar case - the house began to split, then it was strengthened by the group and after five years of warming. It is currently unclear whether the house will be renovated and what its cost will be. Maybe the house won't be worth repairing and it's better to tear it down and build a new one in its place. The most worrying thing is the coming winter.

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Certified specialist of the Forensic Expertise Board for property valuation. Member of the unions "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Istrinsky District", NP "Guild of Realtors of the Moscow Region", NP "Russian Guild of Realtors". Insurance policy r/n 0080406-0277626/16 OR/1, certificate 61 No. 007493395, r/n 312617431700027.

When the wall of the house is destroyed so that it can be seen through an open gap from the apartments, residents are very worried about the coming winter. So far, the residents of the house have not tried to fill the gap because there is no indication that anything can be done and that it will not harm the construction of the house.

So far we haven't done anything. “We haven’t done anything on our own, but the approaching melting point is making us very angry,” the woman said. The representative also expressed regret that the residents of the “housing council” managing the house did not inform the city that such a house would be considered by the municipality.

Registration of property / Registration of ownership of real estate. Legal support of real estate transactions in Istra, Krasnogorsk and Naro-Fominsk.

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Registration of property in Istra: What is needed for state registration ownership rights and cadastral registration of the apartment, registration of the house (cottage)

One resident of the house found out about the meeting through friends, then we, the residents of the house, just registered there. This house story has already received Special attention, but so far everything is limited to preparing meetings and letters to institutions. And although winter is already here, Homework hasn't started yet. Photos of the building - Laura Prankeviciute, resident of the house.

Between strong winds polluted by grass-covered hills, the stones that once stood on the rocky building come to the fore: the sky shines instead of a roof, the rafters creep and somewhere around half of the walls remain. Time is about to complete its work: there is not enough grass to swallow this past ghost.

THE KERCH BRIDGE SHOULD GO UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. SO THE EUROPEAN UNION DECIDED".......Interestingly, the girls are dancing around Europe......Who is this "smart" guy?? Russia does not belong to the EU and does not trade territory."Already reached agreements are left open only one question: what to do if Russia does not voluntarily recognize them? and now hopes to “grab a fatty piece”?.....won’t the European deputies choke on such a piece?? It’s time to use harshness to all the “mongrels” barking at Russia, as well as Putin’s opposition, to point out their impudence towards Russia and do not make unrealistic plans to seize Russian territory.

There are similar ruins in the vicinity of villages and towns. And sometimes they become a romantic interest. They are like some kind of past monuments - a living reminder of what once existed, and how inevitably everything can be destroyed by the time of the Almighty. However, ruins always have the opportunity to become someone's refuge again, turning into historical structure modern space. We present six projects that inspired new life to the old ruins. Joining old and new, the designs speak to the longevity of Freemasonry, the ability to adapt them to new purpose, new projects and new generations of users.

I don’t understand why these liberal scum are still muddying the waters? If they hate Russia so much, then no one is stopping them, let them go where they are better off. But why the hell do they spit in a well? Why are the authorities silent and not taking action against these scum? Their place is in prison for undermining the economy, for corrupting youth, for organizing unrest and sabotage, for slander and betrayal of Russia. And after serving their time in the logging camp, they must be deported from the country for life.

The old walls were reinforced, preserving the unique cracks. Using materials found locally, new stone walls were built around the old building outline to create a more spacious home. Half the walls of the old house still remained at the bayonet ruins, now serving two purposes: to preserve the unique character of the ruins and as a haven for the new courtyard and garden.

Reconstruction project of the Blazas House of Culture, architect Vladas Sebastian Rusu, Blazas, Romania. Then it was decided to revive them by restoring the multifunctional hall. The Tiksichi ruins of the old building were maintained and strengthened. Fitted roof windows illuminate and enchant the state of the building before renovation - in the daytime you can see the old brick walls, since they are under fire, unprotected from the influence of nature, a durable gatekeeper.

Now is the most important and responsible period in the life of not only Russia, but the whole world, since the question is stark: either the world hegemony of the USA and its satellites collapses - or Russia will cease to exist as a state! That is why, in these difficult times, Putin must continue to rule the country! As you know, the West is currently striving for world hegemony, establishing control over many countries, and Russia is the only country that resists and prevents this. Of course, Russia is going through difficult times now and it still needs to do a lot (eradicate corruption, strengthen democratic institutions, improve economic indicators, improve the standard of living of the population, etc.). Undoubtedly, if it were not for the opposition of the West, these problems would have been resolved long ago, especially since the country is led by such a wise politician as V.V. Putin. In my opinion, Putin’s main merit (in modern history Russia has not had such an outstanding leader of the country) before the Russian people is that he returned the former greatness to the Russian State, the only surviving part of the Great Country, which “comrade” Gorbachev tried to present to the West in the form of satellite fragments with lackey enthusiasm. That is why Mr. Putin is the greatest statesman modernity, must definitely continue his successful leadership of Great Russia!!!

The old farm walls and textile buildings that had collapsed have been renovated into catering and accommodation establishments including a luxury hotel, party house, weekend residences, restaurant, private villas and event space. The subtle intervention was not intended to obscure the old masonry walls, but to highlight and draw attention to them in a beautifully curated new life within the old structure.

Sabugo House, Tagarro de Miguel Architects Architects, Sabugo, Spain. The eastern wall of this family home has been demolished to bring in light and reveal a beautiful panorama of Asturias. The use of new materials such as glass and steel caused the destruction of scars and uneven wall openings.

Kolding Royal Castle, architect Johannes Inger, Kolding, Denmark.

In general, it is not clear that this scum is specifically pouring slop on the country in which it lives, in some cases calling for bloodshed altogether, and everyone is inactive. Carrying this bastard from transmission to transmission and paying money. It’s disgusting, I immediately switch when I see this nasty face!

The people of Russia are for Putin, but two corrupt cities - St. Petersburg and Moscow - have essentially betrayed Putin in these elections! What else do they need? The authorities do so much for them, but still not enough! Give them Europe and the USA! Shame and shame on the 5th column and their supporters! What are you doing?
Move the capital to the Urals or Siberia! Let Muscovites live like everyone else in Russia.

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