Anti-aging cosmetics anti-age (anti-age): how to rejuvenate the face of women who are younger than they look. Three anti-aging rules that actually work Anti-aging what

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Anti-Age Therapy - a proven path to active longevity

Added: 2012-01-20

ANTI-AGE THERAPY - a proven path to active longevity

Living long while remaining young is a long-standing dream of humanity, which today seems quite realistic thanks to the accelerating pace of scientific and technological progress and medical advances.

Scientists have proven that the genotype modern man programmed for 120 -140 years of life. In our country we live approximately half of this period...

In the 1980s, scientists from many medical specialties merged into the American and European Academies of Anti-Aging. A new progressive direction in medicine is called Anti-Age Therapy.

ANTI-AGE THERAPY is a complex of therapeutic and diagnostic measures that allow achieving general rejuvenation and healing of the body. This is a proven path, following which you can feel younger by activating your metabolism, improving blood circulation, removing toxins from the body, enhancing lymphatic drainage, increasing intellectual abilities and, of course, maintaining attractiveness.

At what age should such therapy begin? The experience of Europe, the USA and other economically developed countries shows that you can “get involved” in this process both at 20 and at 80 years old, and this will certainly have a beneficial effect on the body.

It is reliably known that the aging of each person has its own characteristics and consists of several components.

Therefore, Anti-Age therapy is a set of measures that includes prevention and overcoming various diseases, correction of hormonal levels, maintaining tone and external attractiveness.

The main factors of active longevity are:

Correction of psycho-emotional background;

Physical activity;

Balanced diet;

Use of special nutrients and natural biocorrectors.

For almost 20 years, ED Medicine colloidal phytoformulas containing a rich set of natural components with a proven Anti-Age effect have been successfully used in Anti-Aging programs.

Due to their high bioavailability and unique composition, colloidal phytoformulas allow solving the main tasks of Anti-Aging therapy:

Extend life;

Prevent the development of characteristic “age-related” diseases or achieve their compensation;

Improve quality of life, maintain activity, mental and physical performance.

In Russia, Anti-Age therapy is becoming increasingly popular. Over the past 10 years, many reputable medical institutions have been engaged in serious work in this area.

All colloidal phytoformulas of ED Medicine are widely used in Anti-Age techniques. Effective combinations have been developed that can be used both separately and as a comprehensive Anti-Age program. It is aimed at gradually supporting all organs and systems of the body.

As the experience of specialists shows, the first three most important stages of Anti-Age programs are detoxification of the body, strengthening its defense systems and harmonization of metabolism.

The use of colloidal phytoformulas makes it possible to achieve maximum effect in these areas. As a result, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract and liver improves, the body independently copes with infection, chronic inflammatory diseases, weight and metabolic processes are normalized - the person notices an improvement in his condition.

After such preparation, the effect of any subsequent courses aimed at supporting cardiovascular, nervous system, musculoskeletal system.

Stage 1 - detoxification of the body and support of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doctor medical sciences Grace Ormstein (USA) believes that everyone should regularly, at least once a year, undergo a detoxification program. “If a person does not detoxify, or does so infrequently and insufficiently, the accumulation of toxins causes the body’s own detoxification system to become ineffective and unable to cleanse itself.

As a result, the body loses vitality, problems arise related to the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, metabolism, functioning of the musculoskeletal system and brain.”

Other signs of toxins in the body include fatigue, liver problems, excess weight, constipation, acne, body odor and illness.

Detoxification course

Bio-Cleansing Complex morning 5 ml evening 5 ml

Detox morning 5 ml evening 5 ml

Antioxidant evening 5-10 ml

Course duration: 3–6 weeks

Detoxification (cleansing) of the body at the tissue and cellular level;

Active support of the body's own detoxification systems;

Support and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver, gallbladder, pancreas;

Improving intestinal motility;

Reduction of inflammatory phenomena;

Activation of the body's antioxidant defense systems.

Stage 2 - harmonization of immunity, increasing the body's defense systems, counteracting chronic diseases

According to the American Medical Association, deaths from infectious diseases have increased by 58% over the past decade. According to scientists, this is due to climate change, the active movement of people around the planet, and the expanded and atypical spread of infectious diseases. It is especially emphasized that one of the main factors in the increase in morbidity is the lack of preventive measures aimed at strengthening the immune system.

An increase in the number of cancer diseases is also associated with a weakening of the immune system. Cancer incidence has been increasing rapidly since the 1960s. Many bacteria have developed insensitivity to antibiotics, and bacteria previously considered harmless have become dangerous to health.

All these facts dictate the need to use natural immunocorrectors in Anti-Age programs. Activation of the immune system contributes to the successful neutralization of infection and removal of toxins. The inflammatory process ends in as soon as possible and with minimal consequences.

Immunity strengthening course

Imun Support morning 10 ml

Slip Control before bed 5-10 ml

Life Multi-Factor evening 5 ml

Course duration: 4 weeks.

Reliable healing effect:

Strengthening and harmonizing every part of the immune system;

Nutritional support for immune system cells;

Support and restoration of the body's protective and adaptive resources;

Nutritional and energy support at the cellular level.

Stage 3 - normalization of metabolism

“Gaining body weight is very easy. And the older we are, the more metabolic factors contribute to this,” says Dr. Susan Roberts, professor of nutrition and psychiatry at Tufts University in Boston.

Firstly, metabolic processes slow down with age. This means that the body burns fewer and fewer calories per day. “Energy costs are reduced even among professional athletes,” emphasizes Professor Roberts.

Secondly, for various reasons, a 50-year-old person is usually less physically active than a 20-year-old person. Fewer calories are burned, physical fitness and muscle mass, which is already subject to age-related “natural decline”.


Metabolism harmonization course

Sugar Balance morning 10 ml afternoon 5 ml

Cardio Support morning 10 ml afternoon 5 ml

Tireo Support evening 10 ml

Course duration: 8-12 weeks.

Reliable healing effect:

Support and normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;

Decrease in body mass index;

Improving blood microcirculation and preventing the development of vascular complications;

Prevention and overcoming disorders of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, high blood pressure) against the background of excess weight and metabolic syndrome.


Be healthy!

Dear ones, I have not one, not two, but three bad news for you. First: you will get old. Second: you will grow old, despite all the creams we write about. Third: you will grow old, despite the fact that reading this column will not always be pleasant for you.

No good news sent today.

You will grow old.

If you're 20 or so, this seems like a complete abstraction to you, and you're right . You don’t have to read any further, or read for the love of my beautiful style, for which special thanks to you. But you most likely will not understand anything that is said below. And wonderful. And it is not necessary. There will still be time. You still have plenty of it. Spend it wisely - that is, indulge in all sorts of nonsense, choose the right shades of lipsticks, fight for shimmers and highlighters, look for “that-perfect” color of eyeshadow-blush-I-don’t-know. It’s pointless to explain the rest anyway; you’ll have to live the rest first. As a maximum, I ask you not to think that after 40 life ends. It doesn’t end even after 80, and at 80+ you will also need lipstick. And anyway, you won’t change that much if you live.

You most likely won't believe me. Well, okay.

Galina Aleksandrovna Kitaygorodskaya. This woman showed me, 20 years old, that you can be a beauty at 60. Despite everything

But after your thirties, you already begin to cringe. Although for now it's clean water coquetry, because relative to your 20+ you look better (provided that you have brains, but I initially count on this), you have more opportunities, and fewer complexes and troubles. But when the first “age” anniversary hits you, you shudder. “How is it that I’m 30?!” Yesterday I graduated from kindergarten, mom and dad were standing next to me, and they were a little younger than I am now?!” I know what will happen to you soon. As you approach 35, you will no longer feel like your moms and dads are your own spare parts and will begin to realize the vulnerability of your parents. They were shortsighted, funny, stupid, vain, vulnerable, all this bullshit. Don't hit them - they are still defenseless, just as they were when you didn't realize it. Well, you will also begin to study everything that is written about premature aging. Complexion, crow's feet, men on the subway don't wink at you, you need to change your makeup urgently. Go for a manicure? Afford yourself, with your eyes closed, something from a cool boutique? At 20, you laughed about it. What kind of idiot would spend 3 thousand on a T-shirt, if next door they give it for 500 rubles. almost the same? At 30 you will be close to allowing it. If you allow me, know that this is normal. Don't worry, darling.

Then everything will rush like a snowball from a mountain. At some point withdrawal will begin. At 40, at 43 or at 46 years old - here I pass, I’m not a fortune teller. But it will happen, and you will wake up in a cold sweat, although menopause is still far away, and cold sweat, as the textbooks describe, is precisely its symptoms. But to hell with it, with menopause - it’s not the unhappiness. You will begin to fear time. You will start to feel it, and it will scare you. You will lie and hear how it tramples its “tick-tock” right over you, like that Hemingway bell. The more beautiful you are (and the more tied emotionally and financially to your appearance), the more deafening the ticking will be. You will try to drown it out. You will start buying expensive bags. Learn to cook tricky... complex dishes. The fact that you will start running around to cosmetologists, becoming keenly interested in threads, lasers, Botox, all this minimally invasive garbage - well, it’s a no brainer. You will spend a lot of money, and it’s better to immediately accept it, allow yourself to spend it and not be executed. You are not the first, you are not the last, this is what the entire anti-aging industry has been based on since the time of King Solomon. He also did not immediately understand that “this too will pass.” In the end, we also need money to pay for our fears. And even if you are not afraid of wrinkles, and you don’t care about sagging cheeks, you will still be afraid.

It's not about wrinkles, by and large. This is how the fear of death is masked.

If you are human, you are mortal. And if you are not a saint, this is scary.

In general, thin materials, obviously not for a column in a beauty blog. The main thing I can say here is that you should be prepared that no bag will save you from cold sweat. And even the most powerful deodorant. Cold shower - ok. Yoga - ok. Some books - probably. Wise interlocutors - perhaps, although it depends on what you can hear from what is said. Running in the morning brings the flag into your hands. You won't get far anyway. But at least you'll lose weight.

Gurchenko wanted everyone to remember her like this. Forgive me, Lyudmila Markovna, that I once thought this was funny

“Live fast, die young, let the world remember me as in my 10th grade graduation photo, why do people try to live long?” - this question, which seemed fair at 20, will turn out to be funny. But you will not discover the answer until you live. And when you find it, you will be terribly surprised.

You will often be surprised. Be surprised, for example, how far you are from your 30-year-old self. That is, they would not have committed such stupid things as they did when they were 20, but they would easily do such stupid things as they did when they were 30. And even with pleasure. True, no one asks you to do such nonsense. It's a pity. You would just now - uhh!.. And you wouldn’t worry about the consequences.

And you will probably be surprised how interested you are in the same creams and sweets. I have friends, such, you know, scoundrels, at almost retirement age, of whom I am sometimes even jealous of my astrologer, although he is much younger than them and is generally a chronic monogamist and an exemplary family man. No, I don't break dishes. (In general, it would be good at some point to master the art of being jealous correctly. But this is a topic for a separate column). But I feel the desire to kick this grandmother under the table. Sometimes I kick, more often I hold back. I still learned something. So, diets, threads, shades of shadows - all these kindergarten topics occupy them vividly, that’s what’s interesting.

What about my mom and her friends?! Oh, these inspired and selfless discussions of the outfits of Melania Trump, Alla Pugacheva, I don’t know who else, and the childish joy when, at check-in at the hotel, they don’t believe in the reality of the dates of birth in their passport - well, consider the vacation a success. And the same joy when I bring some new cream or lipstick. I have already explained a hundred times that the serum should be applied under the cream, and not vice versa, but it’s not difficult for me, I will explain the hundred and first, at this moment I receive more than I spend and give.

Jeanne Moreau died just this year. She was 89 years old. I was filming until the last moment. Perhaps that’s why she lived. And in her youth she refused to wear makeup - she played without any makeup at all.

But everyone is still scared.

I interviewed wonderful actresses - Lyudmila Gurchenko and Irina Muravyova. Both were something like 60-70, both threw hysterics at me. A fax torn to shreds arrived from Irina Muravyova to the editorial office of Argumenty i Fakty - like a scan of my interview, which I sent to her for approval. Then I was angry with her, mocked her and got angry. I had to find a new heroine in two days, of the same scale, but without seizures, and make a text with her, the newspaper cannot publish with a photo of a torn scan - where can I get one? In general, I still think that it was at least inhumane towards me. But I'm not angry anymore. Now I would give her creams, La Mer is there, Valmont, and everything would be sorted out.

Lyudmila Markovna also took a walk on the parquet floor. The year of the release of “Carnival Night” was erased from my text as if this would close the question forever. In some ways, of course, she was right - it was impossible to Google the year back then due to the lack of Google. But nevertheless, the fact was not that difficult to reach. And it all looked ridiculous. And that signature squint of hers also infuriated me. Absolutely provincial. Especially on the face, where the eyes - due to the abundance of surgical interventions - did not close at all.

Now I think - a great woman. And the squint is great.

I don’t know if the fact that everyone is scared will help anyone. Maybe at least it will calm someone down. Alone, it’s still more scary, it seems to me, isn’t it?

Greta Garbo was unique: you could shoot her from any angle, and she was still beautiful. And I got so used to it that after 35, when youth began to disappear and Photoshop had not yet been invented, I simply gave up filming. At all

What definitely won’t help are creams. Yes, I know, we ourselves write here that “the next morning the face smoothed out, expression lines disappeared, the oval seemed to be…” and further in the text. And it really is so. And not even because we are also afraid, but because even the slightest visual changes for the better give us the strength to live this day as if we were 18 years old. Well, in general, face cream is the same as shoe polish. And “a cleaned shoe is better than an uncleaned one.” I consider this phrase from my mother (where did she pick it up?!) to be a cooler aphorism than quotes from Omar Khayyam. We actually see what we write. Everyone writes what he hears, everyone hears how he breathes, everyone breathes-writes-without-trying-to-please” (S.)

But the changes – there is no need to overestimate their scale.

Real anti-aging creams are not limited to, it just starts with them.

Real anti-aging is the three D rule. I brought him out myself, and I’m damn proud. Much like in German there is some kind of obsolete aphorism that a woman is the three “Ks” - kitchen, kinder and something else on the German “K” - so I rethought what I had lived (not by me - by humanity) and brought out my anti-age formula.

The three Ds of anti-age are business, money, children. The order does not matter, they are equally important.

Case - this is not work. It’s not a place where you go from 9-00 to 18-00, although upon reaching retirement age, even the position of issuing numbers in the wardrobe is better than no position at all. But ideally, this is a business that absorbs you entirely. I once helped write an autobiographical book for Galina Kitaygorodskaya, an amazing teacher. in English, who invented the immersion technique, or I don’t remember what it was called. She was about 60, but her eyes sparkled, and she looked much younger than, according to my ideas at that time, aunts of her age should look - and looked like. And her earrings were so awesome. And I was interested in her. She had no children, had some mysterious half-husband who came and a one-room apartment at the Airport, and she had her own business. If you can, get a case as soon as possible. Not necessarily your own from a legal point of view. The main thing is that the eye burns. No amount of makeup can handle this.

But money is money, there are no options, and there is no need for this wretched hypocrisy that it is not important. Even at 20 years old they are important, and the further into the forest, the thicker the partisans become. There must be money. There are rags, bags, creams, treatments, surgeries - spend it on whatever you want. (No, a car, a dacha, a yacht and other real estate don’t count now, although they are also useful things). Until a certain age, it is not critically important what you are wearing, what kind of bag you have, what kind of slippers you are wearing, what expression on your face you have when you enter the store - “Oh-oh-oh, how expensive everything is here!” or “Oh-oh-oh, how beautiful everything is here!” But from a certain age, a chronic lack of money in the “I can’t afford what I want right now” mode has a bad effect on complexion, depth of wrinkles and general worldview. And it awakens not the best feelings in the soul. Which, in turn, have a bad effect on complexion. No, an abundance of money is also not a panacea, and it happens the other way around, but we look at everything as a whole, right?.. So, all other things being equal, it’s better with it than without it. Don't be afraid to just spend on yourself. A bunch of women grow old at the moment when they decide: “all the best goes to the children, and somehow I myself am wearing a coat from ten years ago.”

And so smoothly we approached the third “D” - children.

Children. By “children” I do not mean these half-brothers, nurtured and born in pain. More precisely, not only and not necessarily them. The presence or absence of uterine ones is your business, and has nothing to do with the topic of anti-aging. Rather, I’m talking about communicating and making friends with those who are younger than you, no matter if they’re relatives or just friends. Don't blame them for being stupid and not having wrinkles. Don't dig a hole for yourself - a trench? ditch? who is deeper? - from “You don’t understand anything” - “You’ll live to be my age...” - “What do you allow yourself” - “Wash your hands and do your homework.” Not to compare - “here in our time...” Not to flirt, of course, either - this is futile. Just remember: youth is always right, even when it is blatantly wrong. You have experience, they have the future. They will still have time, get used to it, grow up, mature, grow old, but now - so what?..

A well-known truth: if you want to succeed, communicate with successful people and try to learn their way of life and thoughts. I think this extends to age as well. If you want to be younger, communicate with young people. I saw recently: a toddler climbed onto a swing, tried to swing, well, so-so, of course, he jerks his legs funny, but what a delight - and then his dad, about 35 years old, perched himself on this swing. With such a respectable belly. He made a movement familiar to everyone - legs under you, legs forward, legs under you - and looked 20 years younger. He just became a boy. Sometimes swinging your legs on a swing is a very, very useful option, in short. Or argue about the meaning of life, when someone, instead of a swing, comes up with such a question in all its teenage relevance.

Marlene Dietrich was so afraid of age that she earned the hatred of her own daughter. And, most likely, she hated her herself. But she was a priori younger. A dubious story, of course.

Well, my mother, she always knew how to be friends with her students. Now they all look almost the same age, 65 years old or 80, you can’t even tell in the photo who is younger. They call, text, have recently mastered what’s up, and send each other some videos.

Here some other conclusion is required from me, but I don’t have one. Therefore, I will end elegantly, like Kurt Vonnegut - so it goes, such things.

PS. The opening photo for this post is by American photographer Tom Hussey. He created the project “Reflections”: older people look in the mirror and see themselves as young. More pictures from this project are on his website. Look. I think it's very cool.

Experts about anti-age cosmetics say this: “Anti-aging cosmetics are 2/3 of all cosmetic products produced in the world.” Although it must be taken into account that, despite the name, anti-age products do not fight against age so much as against its manifestations - with aging factors that cause: dry skin, decreased elasticity and secretion of the sebaceous glands, slowdown of cellular metabolism, etc. .

How to rejuvenate your face correctly and what products for youthful facial skin are best suited for you, taking into account your age and skin characteristics? We will learn about this from our consultant dermatologist and cosmetologist, director of the cosmetology center “Your Face” Inna Ivleva. ( See below for details.)

What is ANTI AGE? Does this cosmetics save skin from aging?

Inna Markovna, I noticed that, let’s say, young girls 25-30 years old, when talking about anti-aging programs, first of all, mean professional anti-aging cosmetics. While older women include in the concept of anti-age a whole range of procedures, starting with biorevitalization and ending with diets and surgery. So which one is “more right”?

If we turn to the origins of the concept of anti-age, then, of course, those who do not limit the methods of caring for facial skin only to the use of anti-aging cosmetics are “more right”. Even if we are talking about so-called “pharmacy” cosmetics. The concept of anti-age, which appeared in the USA in the mid-80s, describes a whole trend in medicine and cosmetology. This direction is constantly evolving. New techniques and breakthrough programs appear regularly, answering the question of how to rejuvenate the face and the body as a whole from a new point of view. You, Anya, have probably already heard about the fashion trend associated with Omega-3 and Omega-6 from Dr. Perricone?... And there are quite a lot of such trends. It is important to understand what exactly will be primarily affected by measures aimed at preserving the beauty and youth of the face: external or internal factors.

What do you mean when you talk about external and internal factors?

To avoid confusion later, let's immediately structure the problem by dividing aging into three types.

The first type is aging under the influence external factors

From external influence Always exposed facial skin ages especially. This type of impact has two types. To make it clearer, let’s call them general climatic and microclimatic effects. TO general climatic external factors relates mainly photoaging(influence sun rays). However, both cold and wind hit the skin. External factors related to microclimate where a woman spends most of her time are drafts at work, proximity to a radiator, air conditioners blowing in her face, etc.

In the first type of aging, auxiliary cosmetics used to protect against any external influences will certainly help your face maintain youth.

“I confirm the problem with the air conditioner. Moreover, I didn’t understand it right away. I won’t say now exactly how much I suffered with dry skin, but due to my inexperience, I used a ton of moisturizer back then. All that was needed was to change the ventilation and air conditioning regime. True, for this I had to change my job at the same time.”

Anna Yakovleva

Second type – a reflection of the state of the body as a whole.

In the context of the topic of facial skin, we need to start the conversation here with what is called true aging. Heterogeneous facial tissues (fatty tissue, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels) with the help of connective tissue bridges form a facial frame with separate muscle zones. But over time, gravity causes facial tissues to slip, forming dynamic wrinkles along the way. And then these dynamic wrinkles turn into static wrinkles on the face.

This happens gradually and from top to bottom. By the age of thirty, changes at the level of muscles and ligaments occur in the upper third of the face with wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. Then, by the age of 40, changes appear in the middle part of the face, and by the age of 50, they become especially noticeable in the lower part of the face. Here, probably well-known to your readers, are the nasolabial fold, double chin, distortion of the oval of the face, “bulldog cheeks,” etc. In general, gravitational ptosis (gravitational drooping) in all its glory.

This omission in itself is unpleasant, but it is also not harmless. Myofascial muscle tension provokes prolonged spasm and imbalance in the entire facial musculoskeletal structure. Further more:

  • the work of the lymph nodes is blocked,
  • because of this, excess fluid accumulates in the tissues,
  • and due to prolonged lymphatic edema, tissue nutrition is disrupted, with a general redistribution of fluid.

Don’t forget, by the way, that at the same time the volume of subcutaneous fat tissue decreases.

In addition, the body as a whole changes, and the skin of the face acts as an indicator of internal changes. This includes hormonal (menopausal) and chronological aging. Here it makes sense to consider factors related to genetics and heredity. And here we need to talk about the diet that affects the condition of the skin.

As you understand, eliminating the consequences of type 2 aging is no longer just a cosmetic problem. And it cannot be solved in one day, even with the help of a miracle cream. Here it is necessary to act systematically with the involvement of therapists, nutritionists and surgeons.

Of course, when exposed to the second type, it is also necessary to “feed” the skin with vitamins and nutrients. And here effective cosmetic products will help (those that, by definition, penetrate deeper than the stratum corneum of the skin). But you can’t get by with cosmetics alone.

In the fight against ptosis, for example, plastic surgery (rhytidectomy) still ranks first in terms of effectiveness and longevity of results (up to 10 years). The quality of the skin itself, of course, does not change here, but excess overhanging skin is eliminated. They are used for short-term periods (from one to three years) and contour plastic surgery. However, we must be aware that the biopolymer gel not only restores volume and tightens the surface, but also side effect makes the skin heavier. And this can aggravate sagging tissues. Also on the list of popular non-cosmetic treatments are radiofrequency lifting and phototherapy. Wherein deep peelings I do not recommend laser resurfacing in the fight against wrinkles due to the high risks of scarring, hyperpigmentation or skin hypersensitivity.

Finally, the conditional third type is myoaging.

Due to the special mobility of those areas of the facial skin where muscle movements form folds, expression wrinkles appear. (Here it was anti-aging cosmetics anti-age (anti-age) that successfully replaced Botox injections).

By the way, expression lines begin to appear quite early: at the age of 20-25. And with age, they only increase in the corners of the lips and eyes, on the bridge of the nose and on the forehead. At the same time, facial expressions can be influenced by both psychological condition women and her physiological characteristics. For example, myopia, which causes you to constantly squint when looking at an object, leads to the appearance of the famous “crow's feet.” And chronic pain, causing a woman to wince, can provoke the appearance of characteristic facial folds in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose.

In a word, the set of reasons is always individual, but the typology of facial skin aging is common to everyone.

Then, Inna Markovna, maybe you can give some general recommendations on how to rejuvenate the face, or at least maintain youthful skin?

All general recommendations are worse than individual ones. And the format of such an interview obviously cannot fully satisfy individual interests. Therefore, I will simply voice a few basic rules, and the girls will decide for themselves whether they are exceptions to these rules.

Well, especially since on our website, as you read, each girl can take individual tests to understand which cosmetic product is right for her from among similar ones. So…

Yes. Let's start with the fact that it is advisable for girls to understand what type of skin, in what zone and period they are dealing. That is, it is advisable for girls and women to understand something about themselves before starting correction. The rough division into oily, normal, and dry skin, fortunately, is gradually being replaced by more subtle settings. But this happens so slowly that in the comments you still have to divide roughly so that you are understood.

What can I say? Those with dry skin need to worry more about their condition than those with oily skin. Oily skin, of course, has its own problems and weaknesses, but if we are talking about aging, then the signs of aging on oily skin become noticeable later, and it retains its elasticity longer.

Sorry this is not about me...

Oh, Anechka, don’t try to apply general recommendations to yourself so easily - you might get confused. So, for example, for dry skin with a normal level of hydration and minimal signs of photoaging, I would recommend oil-based cosmetics. But for oily but overdried (dehydrated) skin with rosacea on the wings of the nose, oil-based cosmetics are contraindicated.

The second general recommendation is addressed to young girls and it sounds like this: do not rush to use anti-aging cosmetics (anti-age). I purposely do not mention the age of the girls, because age here is a conditional parameter and is determined by the condition of the skin. But the idea is not to disrupt the natural regenerative process by excessively introducing active substances (even useful ones). If some substances are introduced from the outside, the body stops producing them itself. This is what I would like to avoid. Therefore, young skin often not only does not require the use of cosmetics. In the case of independent normal functioning of the body systems, too active and frequently introduced components can disorient the body. For what?

Although, of course, by the age of 40-50 hormonal changes they definitely require additional restoration of cellular metabolism, active nutrition of the skin, etc. So, of course, you need to take care of your skin in order to hear “signals” and “requests for help” in time.

« Of course, he will choose another, younger one, if you don’t do anything with your face. Yes, you know that yourself».

From a letter from a reader of the magazine “Beauty. And period."

What active ingredients are you talking about?

About those that are in almost any cosmetics, regardless of what class this cosmetics belongs to: hyaluronic acid, retinol, peptides, hydrolyzed collagen, elastin, fruit acids, again - unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, Q 10 coenzyme and some others.

Of course, the concentration, degree of activity of substances, and the ability to penetrate the layers of the skin in different classes of cosmetics are not comparable. And, of course, this is not the only difference between classes. But the topic of active substances is too big, and it needs to be raised in a separate conversation.

Products for youthful facial skin, or how to rejuvenate your face with diet

Okay, Inna Markovna. Cosmetics are the solution to only half the problem. The second half is the impact from the inside by normalizing the state of the body as a whole. What facial rejuvenating foods or diets would you recommend?

  • vitamin A is found in meat, liver, carrots, spinach, peaches;
  • vitamin E – in lemons, oranges, lemons, almonds;
  • vitamin C – in green vegetables, parsley, rose hips, broccoli, mango;
  • fat sea ​​fish, seaweed, raw walnuts– source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Brazil nuts are the richest source of selenium (hundreds of times more of this trace element than walnuts), which affects thyroid hormones, resulting in previously dull skin, figuratively speaking, “filled with light.”

At the same time, I strongly recommend approaching the issue systematically, so that it doesn’t happen that, for example, plant proteins suddenly “unexpectedly” block the action of the vitamin, and you won’t even know about it. Have you heard that, according to statistics, every second resident of Russia lacks vitamins A and D? And this is just one example. Therefore, when talking about products for facial rejuvenation, it is better not to consider each of these products separately from the nutritional system. Only in combination. This is the essence of a balanced diet.

Well... all these tips have probably become classic. However, there are also relatively new trends.

Now there is a lot of optimistic talk about the so-called lchf (low carb high fat) diet, which came to us from Sweden. This nutritional system is not only distinguished by a noticeable reduction in carbohydrate consumption - such diets were common before. The peculiarity of the lchf diet is that with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates, the consumption of not proteins, but natural fats (both plant and animal origin) increases.

I think nutritionists will tell you more about this nutrition system and related products for youthful facial skin. But as one of my good friends said after a year spent at lchf: “ ».

I recently met with her, assessing the results as a cosmetologist and dermatologist. The results are truly impressive. Unfortunately, due to the distance, I could not follow the process of changing the skin of my friend’s face throughout the year. Therefore, without knowing all the factors taken into account, I am in no hurry to draw final conclusions. But I can say that this diet needs, at a minimum, to be taken more carefully.

« My skin is amazing, the last time I had it was before I started adolescence.».

From a letter to my friend

And, since we are talking about an integrated approach to the question of how to preserve and prolong the youth of facial skin, we cannot fail to mention the factor of heredity. We are talking about those basic indicators that are determined by genetic tests and examinations. We cannot influence this factor, but we can take it into account when choosing a skin care strategy. To underestimate this factor means wasting your time on a random selection of care products.

If you want, we can talk at our next meeting, but I recommend taking this factor into account in any case.

Let's take it into account, Inna Markovna. We will definitely make material. And today we are talking about how to maintain youthful facial skin, what products for youthful facial skin will complement the effects of anti-aging cosmetics anti age (anti age). Which practical advice could you give to our readers?

The advice is simple: surround your facial skin with triple protection. That is,

  • First: protect outside - from external aggressive factors: sun, wind, cold. And in general, monitor the effects of the local environment: hot radiators, air conditioners, drafts, etc.
  • Second: Protect from the inside - take care of the health of the body as a whole. Balanced diet, no bad habits, diets, regular sex. Then the skin, as an indicator of its condition, will radiate youth and health for much longer.

Thanks to sex, by the way, the immune system works much better, which prevents acne from appearing. And during sex, new collagen molecules are synthesized, which prevents the skin from sagging. So, Anechka, a healthy sex life is also a way to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, and not only in the emotional, but also in a purely biological sense.

  • Third: take preventive care of the skin with the help of cosmetics in order to reduce the manifestation of negative factors on the face, even if they cannot be eliminated completely. The skin will not react to problems in the same way. “Nourished” facial skin will “extinguish” even inevitable age-related changes.

Therefore, you, dear girls, and you, Anechka, do not be lazy, follow the new products, find out about the means latest generation– now they appear regularly. Moreover, these are not necessarily revolutionary ideas. Often a successful combination of what is already known and proven gives an amazing effect.

But I think we won’t end our search here. As soon as we find something else useful and clearly stated, we will definitely share it.

By the way…

Just in case, we compared the prices for one of the creams (the first one we came across, but for the same cream) on the manufacturer’s official website and on this portal we found. To our surprise, it turned out to be more expensive on the official website. (Although, perhaps the guarantee of authenticity is more important here than the price)

You can compare for yourself and be surprised too

One of the questions that you ask by mail with enviable consistency is how to choose an anti-age face cream, where to start a “beauty and rejuvenation” program. Finally, how to choose working cosmetics, and not just another jar for the refrigerator =))

This is an important question, especially after 30 years, when signs of aging appear: enlarged pores, dull gray color, visible skin fatigue, sometimes with puffiness.

But choosing an effective anti age cream is really difficult! Beauty market littered with anti-aging creams and super-restorative agents. Everyone promises that they will instantly smooth out wrinkles and entices them with the fabulous prospect of rejuvenating tomorrow =))

I want to give you a cheat sheet, how to choose an anti age cream that will really work.

Just remember what components we pay attention to!

These ingredients are research-proven for their effectiveness. They work, and they do it as well as possible to date =))

Anti age cream: how to choose the best?

At what age should you start using this type of care? Any anti age cream is primarily aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles and protecting against aggressive environmental factors (free radicals, sun damage and toxic ecology).

Active skin aging begins at the age of 25, when collagen production decreases.

At this age we begin to add active care (for example, cream + face masks or serum courses), and after 30 years the skin needs daily support and proven ingredients.

The most effective anti-aging components to date:

  • Retinol and its derivatives
  • Vitamin C
  • Acids for skin
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Niacinamide
  • Peptides
  • Omega acids and plant “concentrates” (not extracts!)

Retinol and its derivatives

Retinol is traditionally used in anti-aging creams and acne treatment programs, although the latter uses more potent dosage forms.

Retinol stimulates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the deepest layers of the skin. It works like an acid, but not on the surface, but very deeply, accelerating epidermal cell renewal. Due to this, the severity of fine and medium wrinkles decreases + pigmentation decreases, and the skin’s ability to moisturize itself improves, without additional products.

All products with retinol We use it in the evening, on dry skin! During the day in the sun, be sure to wear sunscreen, or cover your face from active rays.

MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Remarkable Retinal Serum, Age Defense, serum with retinal, one of my favorites and the best means with vitamin A on iherb. Suitable for sensitive skin, non-aggressive, you can use it even in summer. But in summer, an option for skin accustomed to retinol + sun protection.

⇒ Mad Hippie Vitamin A Serum, a serum with vitamin A and green coffee extract, which is called bioretinol because green coffee has been shown to increase collagen synthesis. Now this feature is used by Lancaster.

Aura Cacia, Organic, Rosehip Oil, pure rose moschetta oil, is also called plant retinol. The oil renews the skin, improves complexion and radiance, helps even out tone, it is especially good to use in spring.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant, protects against ultraviolet damage, affects collagen synthesis, tightens the skin and resists age-related thinning. Destroys pigment in the upper layers (evens out complexion), restores the strength of blood vessels and capillaries.

Vitamin C also reduces the harm from tanning and sun damage to the skin, reduces the intensity of inflammation and increases its protective properties - these qualities are effectively used to treat acne and rosacea.

All products with vitamin C are possible and necessary Use in the morning for antioxidant protection from the sun and city pollution, and in the evening for intensive skin restoration at night. If you don't use vitamin C every day, be sure to add at least an intensive vitamin C treatment on the weekends to recharge your skin for the whole week!

Mad Hippie Skin Care Products, Vitamin C Serum, a much-loved serum with vitamin C and ferulic acid, a budget analogue of the famous Skinceuticals serum, built on a synergistic formula with proven effectiveness. I love it too, it’s one of the most stable products with vitamin C + it has a lot of very cool ingredients!

Devita, Natural Skin Care, Skin Brightening Serum, a serum with magnesium ascorbyl phosphate and arbutin that evens out skin tone. Arbutin acts as a mild but effective skin brightener.

Andalou Naturals, Enlighten Serum, Turmeric + C, Brightening, a serum with a very high rating from Paula, she simply adores it for its well-constructed composition and effective work!

Acids for skin

Alpha hydroxy acids and beta: exfoliants, they remove the top layer of old cells, exfoliate and polish evenly day after day, even out the texture and make the skin glow!

And smooth, polished skin Reflects light better and looks younger. Acids destroy ligaments and stimulate skin renewal, reduce pigmentation and clog pores, which is especially important for acne and inflammation.

We use skin acids at night, apply to clean and dry skin, first several times a week, then every evening. You can cover the top with an active cream with peptides for better penetration. Between acids we use restorative agents with ceramides, niacinamide, good reverse emulsions and moisturizers.

Derma E, Overnight Peel with Alpha Hydroxy Acids, night acid peeling, again one of the best, proven products according to Pola, with a working PH and the right concentration.

Devita, High Performance Glycolic Acid Blend, night acid peeling for the skin, the texture is similar to clear water, absorbed instantly and without a trace. A very pleasant and gentle product for skin, even for sensitive, problematic and very capricious ones.

Devita, Natural Skin Care, Capillary Support Serum, night acid serum for skin with rosacea or sensitive skin. A very gentle and safe remedy, it can be used for rosacea.

⇒ Devita, Cool Cucumber Toner, acid toner paired with serum or peeling with acids. It is necessary for the skin to get used to acids; first apply a tonic, then an acid serum. You can also use the tonic under the cream to increase its effectiveness.

Mad Hippie Skin Care Products, Exfoliating Serum, a lightweight glycolic serum with peptides. Here, glycolic acid serves as a transport for deep penetration of peptides and for moisturizing the skin; it does not work as effectively as exfoliation.

Coenzyme Q10

This component reduces fine wrinkles around the eyes, protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, works as an antioxidant and energizer for the skin, giving it the necessary resources for restoration and tone.

Hyalogic LLC, Episilk, Coenzyme Q10 Face Serum, a simple serum with jojoba oil, coenzyme and hyuluronic acid, on a soft olive emulsifier Olivem, which gives an emulsion of liquid crystals and long-term moisturizes the skin.

Andalou Naturals, Revitalize Serum, Age Defying,intensive restorative serum with olive squalene, resveratrol, coensin, cranberry juice, algae alginate, borage and evening primrose oils, rich in omega acids.


Niacinamide the most trendy component of last year and the present, it is actively used in absolutely all medical cosmetics and products for restoring the skin barrier!

A powerful antioxidant, reduces water loss in the skin, improves elasticity, effectively helps heal and cleanse problematic skin, reduces sensitivity, reactivity and restores damaged lipid barrier.

Cosmetics with niacinamide often used in the evening, because the main processes of skin restoration occur at night. Also, this is the best component for restoring the skin between acids, so as not to “overdo it” with peelings))

Mad Hippie Skin Care Products, Eye Cream, 15 Actives, eye cream with niacinamide and Matrixyl 3000 peptide. Very good composition cream for every day, many effective active ingredients.

CeraVe, PM Facial Moisturizing Lotion, a moisturizing cream-lotion with niacinamide and effective ceramides, works especially well in conjunction with retinol products and restores the skin barrier in between acids. In general, this brand is aimed specifically at restoring a damaged skin barrier in problem skin, eczema and reactivity.

CeraVe, Skin Renewing Night Cream, a night cream with ceramides, niacinamide and the very expensive ChroNOline peptide, which, due to cost, is rarely used in cosmetics in adequate dosages. Reduces chronological aging of the skin, the effects of photoaging and sun abuse.

Missha, Time Revolution, The First Treatment Essence, Intensive, an intensive essence with niacinamide and saccharomyces for skin radiance, is comparable in effectiveness to the SC-II essence, and the cost is quite a budget product.

Missha, Time Revolution Night Repair, a concentrated serum with niacinamide and anti-aging copper peptide for nighttime skin repair. I wrote about copper peptides, be sure to take a look.

EO Products, Ageless Skin Care, Hydrating Face Moisturizer, one of many people's favorite moisturizers with niacinamide, ectoine, snow algae and peptides to moisturize and nourish the skin, increasing its elasticity.

In my photo I have a new line of the ZZ series for leather by AnneMarie Borlind, for those who asked about expiration dates— I have not yet received an answer from the main office, the issue with Borlind products, which are sold on iHerb, is still open.


Peptides in cosmetics perform completely different tasks, but there are special group peptides that affect skin restoration and regeneration. They stimulate collagen synthesis and reduce the depth of wrinkles. The most famous peptides of this group are MATRIXYL 3000, MATRIXYL synthe’6 and Syn-Coll.

The effectiveness of cosmetics with peptides depends primarily on its composition; here it is important that other active substances do not deactivate the peptides and provide a good basis for the successful penetration of peptides into the skin. Otherwise, they will simply lie on the surface of the skin and do nothing =))

First of all, I advise you to pay attention for serums with peptides and oil formulas, and then creams with peptides. Copper peptides are another very effective asset; I provided a link to this post above.

Devita, Revitalizing Eye Lift Crème, a universal anti-aging eye cream with peptides. Relieves puffiness, reduces bruising, stimulates collagen and reduces the depth and severity of wrinkles in the eye area.

Mad Hippie Skin Care Products, Face Cream, 13 Actives, face cream with Matrixyl 3000 and SYN-TACKS peptides, niacinamide, coenzyme. I have not tried this cream, but its composition is excellent and if all the ingredients are chosen correctly, it should give visible results in improving skin density.

Life Extension Collagen Boosting Peptide Serum, a serum with biomimetic peptides, including the expensive and cool peptide Thymopoietin. It is capable of tightening the skin by 10% and reducing deep wrinkles by 28%.

MyChelle Dermaceuticals, Supreme Polypeptide Moisturizers, peptide cream with black currant oil (omega), effective peptides MATRIXYL synthe’6 and Syn-Coll for a pronounced reduction of deep and superficial wrinkles.

Reviva Labs, Nasolabial Fold+ Multi-Peptide Cream, a special cream to reduce pronounced nasolabial folds. One of a kind, I have never seen anything like it. Contains a whole bunch of peptides: Matrixyl, Progeline, Syn-ake, applied according to a special scheme with acids.

Madre Labs, Serumdipity, Facial Oil with Peptides, a gentle, silky facial oil with two peptides that: stimulate collagen synthesis by 158% (palmitoyl tripeptide-1) and reduce the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines by 68% (palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7), thereby reducing skin damage from inflammation.

Plant extracts, omega acids

Concentrated extracts have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, restore skin and affect internal processes work. This group also includes resveratrol, polysaccharides and oils rich in omega acids.

They restore the skin barrier and effectively help with dehydration and dry skin, treat problematic skin, eczema and dermatitis (seed buckthorn, primrose, borage, black currant oils).

Creams and oils with omega acids best used in the evening, to restore skin and oil to seal moisture, enhance nutrition, enrich the cream.

Aroma Naturals, The Amazing 30 Cream, Anti-Aging Multi-Functional, cream with oils rich in omega acids: borage, evening primrose, sea buckthorn, alpha-lipoic acid.

Weleda, Firming Eye Cream, Pomegranate, eye cream with pomegranate oil + millet extract, rich in silicon.

Weleda, Pomegranate Firming Serum, a lightweight aqueous serum to tighten facial contours with millet extract rich in silicon.

Acure Organics, Seriously Glowing Facial Serum, an oil serum with skin-restoring borage and cranberry oils, rich in omega acids.

The term “anti-aging” appeared in cosmetology relatively recently. In essence, this is nothing more than the struggle against age that women have been waging since time immemorial. In an ancient Egyptian papyrus from the 3rd millennium BC. there is a section “The Beginning Book of Transforming Old into Young” with recipes for anti-aging oils. These were the first steps of cosmetology, and today it has turned into a powerful high-tech industry. We asked cosmetology specialist Lyudmila Rudakova to introduce our readers to the latest anti-aging methods.

The most common means of external rejuvenation of the face and body are creams, ointments, and masks that nourish and moisturize the skin. Their production technology is constantly being improved. From ordinary nutrients, they have turned into very effective medicinal preparations with an active biological composition. However, serious age-related changes cannot be hidden by any creams. Designed to combat them whole line more effective methods.


The essence of this method is that the cells of the yuzha receive nutrition that promotes their renewal. A therapeutic cocktail composed of biologically active substances of natural origin is injected in microscopic doses into problem areas at the level of the mesoderm, that is, to a depth of 3-4 mm. The concentration of nutrients at the injection sites remains for quite a long time, stimulating regeneration processes. The condition and appearance of the skin improves after the first procedure. With the help of mesotherapy, age-related changes in the face, neck and chin are eliminated. Procedures have also been developed for the whole body that help get rid of cellulite in obesity.

Contour plastic

Wrinkles can be “smoothed out” using contour plastic surgery. For example, injections of various gels into deep wrinkles and skin folds are widely used. Drugs are used for this different types- so-called biodegradable, for example hyaluronic acid, and bionon-degradable, that is, synthetic polymers. The first ones are the safest, but their period of validity is shorter (up to 8-12 months), and they are also much more expensive. Synthetic gels are economical and guarantee a longer-lasting correction effect, but complications are possible with their use (migration of a non-absorbable drug can lead to fibrosis, granuloma, hyperpigmentation).

Therefore, cosmetologists prefer to use preparations based on hyaluronic acid for contouring. This is a natural substance that is found in the dermal layer of the skin, binding water and giving the tissues volume. But with age, the resource of hyaluronic acid is depleted, which is manifested by skin aging, dehydration and the formation of wrinkles. The introduction of an appropriate drug (such as Restylane, Juvederm, Beautysphere, Chi-Laform) stimulates the accumulation at the injection site of a large amount of water (1 molecule of hyaluronic acid binds 500 molecules of water), which increases the volume of the skin in problem areas and smoothes wrinkles and folds. At the same time, hyaluronic acid is well compatible with tissues, does not cause allergies, and in addition, stimulates fibroblast cells that produce their own hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. How long the desired effect lasts depends on the structure of the skin, age, as well as the natural mobility of the face. But in general, contour plastic retains its strength for about six months, and with repeated introduction - up to a year.

By the way, with the help of gel injections you can not only “smooth out” wrinkles, but also change the shape of some parts of the face and body. For example, increase the volume or change the shape of the lips, cheeks, face shape and even legs, thighs, buttocks or mammary glands.

How big is the risk of a negative effect with contouring? Many people ask this question after the story of TV presenter Oksana Pushkina about her unsuccessful experience. In order to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation, you must strictly adhere to two rules: firstly, any, even the simplest, injection must be performed by a qualified specialist, and secondly, only well-known, proven drugs can be used.


Horizontal and vertical folds on the forehead, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”) and neck are eliminated with Botox injections. This drug is based on the well-known botulinum - a microbial toxin that causes food poisoning. But this does not mean that it can cause harm to the body when used for cosmetic purposes. Botox is characterized by absolute biodegradability and the absence of systemic toxicity when administered subcutaneously, which guarantees its safety. It is no coincidence that it began to be widely used for the treatment of blepharospasm (spasm of the eyelids), strabismus, spasmodic torticollis, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Injecting a minimal amount of Botox into the small facial muscle for a certain time prevents its contraction, due to which the muscle relaxes and the skin is smoothed and tightened. However, like any drug, Botox has contraindications that only a doctor can take into account, based on the individual characteristics of the patient. And the patient should know that such injections should be done not before, but after other cosmetic procedures. Especially such as massage and electrical myostimulation. The fact is that these procedures restore muscle contractions and have a powerful lymphatic drainage effect, as a result of which the duration of action of Botox is reduced.


To get rid of fine wrinkles, age spots and scars, cosmetologists use peelings (exfoliation) of the skin. During chemical peeling of the face and neck, the surface layers of the epithelium are removed using acid solutions of different concentrations - most often glycolic and trichloroacetic or a mixture of fruit acids. When applied to the skin, they cause a mild, superficial chemical burn that peels off several layers of dead cells. Along with these layers, cosmetic defects are also eliminated. In addition, peeling stimulates skin hydration and regeneration, collagen and elastin synthesis, improves skin tone and elasticity, and also brightens it.

The use of chemical peeling gives a good effect for acne, demodicosis (mite-borne skin lesions), and hyperpigmentation. During such procedures, it is very important to protect your face from ultraviolet radiation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin - in some cases, irritation or increased pigmentation may occur, especially after medium peeling with trichloroacetic acid.

Dermabrasion and photorejuvenation

Mechanical peeling provides stronger and deeper grinding. For example, dermabrasion, which is performed using a special cutter rotating at high speed. Like sandpaper, it grinds the skin down to the level of blood vessels, which ensures the removal of scars, deep wrinkles, tattoos, age spots and birthmarks. Dermabrasion is recommended to be performed only in the autumn-winter period, since the sun can cause severe irritation of the skin left without protective layers. Other complications are also possible - persistent redness of the skin, hyperpigmentation. Therefore, instead of deep resurfacing, a more gentle method is used - microdermabrasion. During this procedure, microcrystals of luminum oxide are “shot” into the skin using a special device, knocking out dead cells from the epidermis layer, which are then freely exfoliated.

Laser dermabrasion has become an alternative to mechanical resurfacing and chemical peeling. The laser beam affects the deeper structures of the epidermis with high temperature, and the surface layers of the skin with steam. The condition of the deep layers is normalized, cell activity and the synthesis of new elastin and collagen fibers are stimulated, and the surface layers are gently polished and smoothed. Fine wrinkles, post-traumatic scars, and age spots disappear.

As you know, cosmetologists urge you to beware of ultraviolet radiation, which causes dehydration and roughening of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and vascular defects - all that is called photoaging of the skin. Photorejuvenation technology, which is based on the complex effect of high-frequency pulsed light on all layers of the skin, is aimed at eliminating these defects. It makes it possible to eliminate the consequences of injuries of various origins.

Plastic surgery

Despite the huge arsenal of cosmetic products and methods, plastic surgery is considered the most radical method of rejuvenation.

One of the most common plastic surgery- blepharoplasty, that is, eyelid correction. Indications for the operation are wrinkles, skin folds and subcutaneous fatty hernias (they are often called “bags”), which, firstly, give the look a frowning expression, and secondly, “darken” the eyes, making them dull, expressionless or even interfere with vision.

Blepharoplasty involves excision of excess skin and removal of fatty hernias. Postoperative sutures are placed in the natural depression of the eyelids, and they remain completely invisible. Lower eyelid plastic surgery, as a more complex operation, requires special skill and precision calculations from the surgeon, because excessive skin tension can lead to eversion of the eyelid margin. To eliminate this effect, they began to use the so-called transconjunctival blepharoplasty, in which the hernial sacs are removed without an external incision through tiny punctures on the side of the conjunctiva of the eyelid. Postoperative swelling disappears in most cases within a week, and scars become invisible after a month. The final result can be assessed after a few months. But you need to be prepared for the fact that surgical correction of the eyelids does not remove “crow’s feet” - they are corrected with contouring or Botox.

Rejuvenation of the entire face is provided by rhytidectomy - surgical skin tightening. During this operation, performed under general anesthesia, skin incisions are made in the area behind the ear and in the scalp. Then the skin is peeled off and tightened, removing excess, after which cosmetic stitches are applied. The effect of such a lift lasts from 5 to 7 years.

Golden threads

There are other, non-surgical, methods of skin tightening. For example, implanting gold threads under the skin. For such a “frame”, threads of pure gold of the highest standard with a diameter of less than 0.1 mm are used, enclosed in a shell of polyglycolic acid, which is subsequently resorbed. Being a bioinert metal, gold does not cause negative reactions in the body. It leads to increased microcirculation in the surrounding tissues, which increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells. Gold threads are introduced under the skin using a special conductor, which, passing at a shallow depth (3-5 mm), eliminates the risk of damage to large vessels and nerves, does not pierce the tissue, but moves them apart. After 2-6 weeks, elastic collagen tissue is formed around each thread, which serves as a reliable framework for the skin.

Rejuvenation is healing

It is well known that external age-related changes are directly related to the processes that occur inside the body. So, by and large, rejuvenation is a very broad concept, including the fight against chronic diseases, cleansing the body of metabolic products, and stimulating the immune system. Optimal products help resist aging physical exercise, balanced diet.

Aesthetic medicine also provides for a complex effect on the human body in order to simultaneously improve its well-being and appearance.

In particular, the development of new cosmetological technologies using stem cells is aimed at this. This technology appeared quite recently, when it became possible to cultivate individual cells that are the precursors of tissues and organs. True, not all experts are unanimous in assessing the effectiveness or feasibility of using this technology. In addition, there are many unresolved problems in the production of drugs for stem therapy.

Recently, cell replacement therapy using autogenous skin fibroblasts has become available. These cells are responsible for the synthesis of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans, which provide strength, elasticity and moisture to the skin, that is, the basis of its youth and beauty. The number of fibroblasts decreases sharply with age, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles and changes in skin tone and color. Today, in laboratory conditions, cultures of autogenous fibroblasts are “grown” from the patient’s cells and injections are made into his problem areas.


All the procedures described are, to put it mildly, expensive. And the most expensive, as you might guess, are those that use Newest technologies. But there are also ways to improve the appearance and overall health of the body that are cheaper and have a more lasting effect. For example, electromyostimulation.

This method uses an electrical impulse corresponding to the impulse of a motor neuron in the human body. Multichannel myostimulation is especially effective, in which the device covers a significant part of the body surface. The entire neuromuscular system is involved in the work, ensuring the activation of muscles and the central nervous system, and as a result, other organs and systems, primarily the cardiovascular and endocrine ones. After such stimulation, the body better resists stress; as in its youth, it begins to produce growth hormone, the action of which is aimed at the regeneration of organs and tissues. Blood pressure is normalized and at the same time blood supply to organs is increased tenfold. Efficiency and potency are significantly increased, and the immune system is stimulated.

Not only blood circulation is revived, but also lymphatic drainage, resulting in quick and comfortable elimination of excess weight and cellulite. Under the influence of an electrical impulse, muscles are strengthened, wrinkles are smoothed out, skin turgor is improved, and an expressive oval of the face is formed.

Facial myostimulation through a collagen mask is very effective: with its help, small wrinkles are eliminated and large ones are smoothed, skin color and elasticity are improved, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and age spots are lightened. Stimulation of the reflexogenic zones of the face has a positive overall therapeutic effect: it relieves nervous tension, sleep improves, mood improves, headaches disappear.

Physiotherapeutic methods, which have long been known for their high therapeutic effect on the body, have recently begun to be introduced into aesthetic medicine. The most effective anti-aging measure is considered to be the combined use of several techniques. For example, phonophoresis, vibration massage, myostimulation, wraps with anti-cellulite agents.

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