Large parade of planets with names. When will the parade of the planets: all dates. How do astronomers explain this phenomenon?

Usually, astrologers predict the construction of the luminaries quite accurately. In 2017, the Parade of the Planets is expected in the fall, but it is impossible to say exactly what date and at what time it will happen. This phenomenon is not instantaneous, the planets are “preparing” for a grandiose celestial event. Let's look into the intricacies of the process.

  • Fall 2017
  • Waiting for the big parade
  • Impact on people

Details of what is happening

phenomenon with such solemn title implies the following: some planets of the solar system, each moving along its own trajectory, move in one direction from the Sun in a line and in a very small sector. That is, they line up almost like military men at a parade.

Interesting! Mankind has already observed parades in space. For example, in March 1982 there was a Grand Parade, nine planets participated in it: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, which was then also considered a planet. But such a grandiose action of heavenly bodies happens very, very rarely. Scientific astrologers set the period at approximately 150-160 years. Much more often in our sky you can observe the Small Parade, when not all the planets of our system are in the ranks.

The frequency of this phenomenon is 10-20 years. Here in 2002, on the border of April and May, only four participants met, these are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. Not far from them, probably not in time for the solemn construction, Jupiter settled down. And in May 2011, Jupiter was already in service along with Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus. A mini-parade of planets with only three planets is even more common. It is quite possible to see such rehearsal parades every year.

Fall 2017

A couple of months ago, astrologers, predicting this grandiose phenomenon, called the month of November. The date of construction has already been determined with great accuracy. On October 5, Mars and Venus were already in operation one after another. Mercury is expected to join them on October 18. The list also includes the Moon (according to astrological concepts, it is also a planet).

To the delight of all indifferent observers, this system will be clearly visible to the naked eye. Such a marvelous action will continue for a whole month and it is better to observe such a chain early at dawn. And what, there will be no more participants? Probably yes. And yet, it's a parade. It is called "Small".

Waiting for the big parade

The previous parade of five planets was recorded in 2011. Mars, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Jupiter saluted the universe. Since such a bright and amazing phenomenon happens, according to astrologers, with a frequency of 10-20 years, astrologers predict the next such meeting in the sky in the spring of 2022.

The composition of the participants is supposed to be different: Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Mars and Saturn. But most likely this parade will not be visible from the territory of Russia. But in three months, in the summer of 2022, when Neptune leaves the solemn formation, and Mercury replaces it, the Russians will have the opportunity to observe such a bright event.

Impact on people

Everything that happens in space is important for us, earthlings, for space scientists, astrologers, and for all life on earth. Already only the fact that we have the opportunity to touch the most mysterious secret Universe, carries a feeling of boundless, powerful energy. Astrologers suggest that such a phenomenon even attracts good luck in different areas of our lives.

In addition, the parade, namely 2017, is:

Opportunity to improve well-being;
sharpening of intuition;
new discoveries and inventions;
Increasing female energy is the extraordinary attractiveness of ladies.

Even separately, each planet will distribute its energy to a person:

1. Mercury. Its influence helps to overcome difficulties on the way to material well-being. Encourages new discoveries. Gives curiosity, the desire not to stagnate, but to open new horizons.

2. Jupiter. Increases self-esteem, helps in the realization of hidden opportunities. Helps the flowering of the inner spiritual world. Indicates the right direction in love affairs. It greatly affects our mood.

3. Saturn. Helps to make an unexpected, but correct decision based on one's own intuition. It sharpens the sixth sense, brings out hidden possibilities, enhances the desire to explore the unknown.

And even despite the fact that Venus and Mars will be a little out of order, their impact on people will be noticeable:

1. Venus. This is the planet of love. Her sphere is the attraction of women.

2. Mars. It activates the male desire to achieve the desired success.

Astrologers say that throughout November we will be under the influence of the grandiose and amazing Parade of the Planets.

To expand the idea of ​​​​the infinity of the universe will help Interesting Facts about the parade of planets. This magnificent astronomical phenomenon can be periodically observed from the earth with the naked eye. And if almost every schoolchild knows about such phenomena as the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon, then the parade of planets was undeservedly deprived of such attention. Although it is also quite an impressive sight, the use of astronomical equipment will reveal an absolutely stunning picture to the observer. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon.

  1. The parade of planets is a unique phenomenon when constantly moving planets of the solar system line up.
  2. Depending on the number of planets taking part in the solemn procession, there are Big and Small parades. The small parade includes four planets: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury. The big parade unites six planets, the place of Mercury is occupied by the Earth and Uranus.
  3. Not all parades of the planets are available for observation by the inhabitants of the Earth. However, thanks to the achievements of modern science, the time of passage of the invisible parades of the planets can be theoretically calculated. That will allow, not being able to see an astronomical phenomenon, at least to know about its existence.
  4. The frequency of occurrence of parades of planets is not too frequent. So, the visible parades of the planets gather no more than once every 25 years.
  5. Parades can last up to several weeks.. However, only a couple of days are allocated to see them from Earth.
  6. The best moment for contemplation of the parades of the planets is considered to be the pre-dawn time..
  7. Parades of the planets, in addition to creating a magnificent spectacle, have a beneficial effect on space exploration. By rationally using the location of the planets, scientists manage to save fuel for spacecraft and ships.
  8. Information about the approaching parades of the planets has repeatedly influenced the eschatological moods of earthlings. So, some lovers of mysticism and ancient predictions from time to time connect the parades of the planets with their promises of the approaching apocalypse.
  9. Parades are especially popular with astrologers.. They are often mentioned in personal horoscopes.
  10. In 2015, a rather funny incident occurred related to a small parade of planets.. Astrophysicists have made their forecast for the coming year. The space program also includes information about a small parade of planets that will take place in our galaxy, but it will not be visible to the naked eye from Earth. This information was widely publicized and disseminated. This led to the appearance on the network of a statement by a certain British scientist. He stated that due to the special arrangement of the planets, the gravitational field of the Earth will undergo certain changes, which will allow anyone who wishes to hang in the air for a few seconds, despite the official refutation of this hypothesis by scientific representatives of other countries.
  11. Some scholars have hypothesized that the alignment of the planets has a devastating effect on the ozone layer of our planet. The validity of this assumption is under investigation.
  12. Planetary alignments have inspired many movie scripts. Most often, these are fantastic plots in which the movement of the planets has a mystical effect on the surrounding reality.
  13. The parade of planets fit into the plot of not only films, but also animated series for the younger generation. A striking example is the famous animated film "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
  14. Stamp makers from a number of countries have depicted the famous 1982 planetary alignment on their stamps.

A visible parade of planets is called a planetary configuration when five bright planets The solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in their movement across the sky come close to each other and become visible at one time in a small sector (10 - 40 degrees) of the sky.

In order for all five bright planets to be visible at the same time, the condition must necessarily be met that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have approximately the same longitude and are visible about inner planets, and Mercury and Venus were in eastern elongation from the Sun in spring, and in western elongation in autumn (for the northern hemisphere of the Earth and for middle latitudes). It is in such elongations that Mercury can be observed for quite a long time. Venus has less stringent visibility conditions, because its maximum elongation is 48 degrees (Mercury's is 28 degrees).

From the above, it can be seen that the parade of planets can be observed either in the evening or in the morning. A mini parade of planets involving four planets occurs more often, and mini parades of planets involving three planets can be observed annually (or even twice a year), but the conditions for their visibility are not the same for different latitudes of the Earth.

So, for example, a wonderful parade of 4 bright planets in mid-May 2011, when the planets will gather in the sector of 7 degrees (!), can be observed in the equatorial regions and the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and for residents of the middle latitudes of the northern hemisphere, the parade will practically not be visible , because planets will rise at the same time as the sun.

The next mini-parade of planets will take place in August 2008 (sector 20 degrees). Visible parades of planets with the participation of five bright planets occur no more than once every 18-20 years, and the next close parade of 5 planets in the sector of 38 degrees will take place in March 2022, but its visibility conditions will be unfavorable for the inhabitants of Russia.

But on the other hand, already in June 2022, the inhabitants of Russia will still be lucky, and they will see all five planets at the same time, but already located in the sector of 115 degrees, and they will be located Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. This combination happens even less frequently than the parade of 5 planets.

In addition, there will be no End of the World on December 23, 2012, as the ancient Mayans allegedly predicted. This was stated by an employee of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Alfonso Arellano.

Thus, the scientist refuted the interpretation of certain Indian "prophecies", which is widespread in esoteric circles.

A specialist from the UNAM Institute of Philological Research explained that this date marks the end of the “current cosmic cycle”, as it was imagined in one of the greatest pre-Columbian civilizations.

According to Mayan hieroglyphic inscriptions of the classical period (III-IX centuries AD), it began on August 13, 3113 BC and should end on December 23, 2012.

This circumstance gave rise to many near-scientific, apocalyptic speculations. Although the texts on which they are based are not prophecies, but records that tell about the deeds of local rulers.

Nevertheless, on a significant day on December 23, it will be possible to observe an astronomical phenomenon of extraordinary beauty - a parade of planets. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up, and, as the scientist says, “a huge“ star ”will be visible. Thus, according to the ideas of the time of the ancient Mayans, a new 5125-year cycle will begin.

In 2018, an amazing event called the parade of planets will take place. It will have a significant impact on the life of earthlings. In order to protect the influence of celestial bodies, you need to better know what the parade of the planets in 2018 will be like. Armed with such knowledge, you can safely live on and make plans for the future.

What date will this event take place

This unique phenomenon will occur in the first days of January 2018, and will last almost a month: 01/06/18 - 01/31/18. At this time, some celestial bodies of our system and other formations will line up. Thus, a conditional axis is formed, connecting the center of the Galaxy and its periphery. Such an event could lead to what astronomers call a gravitational hole. During this period, the influence of individual planets on each other changes. So on our planet the weight of bodies can change, and the magnetic poles will also shift. This can lead to many natural disasters such as:

  • powerful earthquakes;
  • massive volcanic eruption;
  • floods caused by tsunamis;
  • melting ice;
  • numerous tornadoes and hurricanes;
  • climate change towards cooling;
  • increase in background radiation.

All this can change our planet for the worse. Solar radiation can negatively affect all life on Earth. Given such negative consequences, many people wonder at what time this event will occur.

So, the five celestial bodies of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up in the first month of 2018. This can be observed for a month an hour before sunrise.

Beware of this event

Full scale planetary alignments are very rare. As a rule, such an event occurs once in a hundred and fifty years. The last time this happened was in 1982. The next full-scale event will occur in 2161. The following facts speak of the consequences of such a phenomenon:

Gelendzhik (USSR) The plane crashed, killing eighteen people.
Washington (USA) Boeing 737 crash, seventy-eight people died.
Washington (USA) Subway train crash, three people died.
Brazil As a result of the crash, one hundred and thirty-seven people died.
the USSR Death of L. Brezhnev.
England The son of M. Thatcher disappeared.
Vatican Attempted assassination of the Pope.
Lebanon The war has begun.
UK, Argentina The beginning of the war for the disputed territories.
Moscow (USSR) The plane crashed, killing ninety people.
USA The biggest frost in the history of the United States.

What can happen

Of course, during this event in January 2018, such large-scale events as those described above will not occur. Nevertheless, astrologers suggest that negative moments in our lives will still come.

A similar alignment of celestial bodies in Capricorn took place in 1962. As you know, it was then that the Caribbean crisis. At that time, the world was on the brink of a nuclear confrontation. In a similar situation, in 1989 the Soviet Union began to disintegrate.

Astrologers warn that in 2018 relations between Russia and the United States will again escalate to the limit. Relationship building is not going to happen anytime soon. The parade of planets can play a fatal role for one of the states.

Conflicts in the world also will not stop. This is due to the influence of Pluto, which is considered the most unstable planet.

People who were born during the parade of planets in Capricorn will be incredibly strong in 2018. We can expect decisive action from them. This is about:

  • Abdullah ibn Hussein, who is the king of Jordan;
  • Bashar al-Assad, who is the President of Syria;
  • Dmitry Medvedev, Acting Prime Minister of the Russian Federation;
  • Petre Poroshenko, who is the President of Ukraine.

In 2018, elections to the President of the Russian Federation will be held in our country. I wonder if a politician born in similar conditions will appear.

How will the parade of planets affect Ukraine

As P. Globa stated, strong changes can occur in this country. This is connected with President P. Poroshenko. He will have a strong influence and will certainly manifest himself with even greater force.

D. Medvedev will have similar positions in Russia. For him, 2018 will be the time for decisive action.

I wonder if the strong positions of these two leaders can somehow affect the situation in the neighboring country? Maybe these two politicians will start discussing relations between the two countries and sit down at the negotiating table? Who knows, maybe the war in Ukraine will end soon, and relations between our states will again become good-neighbourly. God willing, everyone is already tired of the war, in which civilians die, and of the tension between the two fraternal peoples.

The influence of the parade of planets on a person

Each of the celestial bodies participating in this event will have an impact on a person in its own way:

The sun Our luminary will not affect our lives in any special way. At the same time, it will increase the impact of a single planet, both positively and negatively.
Venus This planet influences a person's sexuality and his sensory perception. When Venus is particularly strong, there are all sorts of intrigues. An example of this is the novel between M. Monroe and D. Kennedy.

During this period, rash acts are committed. Although, this does not apply to 2018, since Mars will not significantly affect Venus.

Saturn The planet affects the intuition and intelligence of a person. Very often, on the eve of a negative event, a person foresees something is wrong.

Big things could happen in 2018 scientific discoveries in different fields of knowledge.

Saturn and our satellite will contribute to an overabundance of information.

Pluto This planet without Jupiter will affect people differently. There will be changes in personal life.

Astrologers have noticed that when Pluto is strong, negative things happen. In this regard, we can recall the reign of A. Hitler.

Moon During the alignment of the planets, the Black Moon will be observed. It will affect all of us in a special way. For example, Yu. Caesar, who was born during such a moon, had incredible abilities. He was able to do a lot of work in a short period of time, and remained in history as a great figure of that time.

A parade of planets is an unofficial periodic astronomical phenomenon during which the planets do not line up in one row, or are on the same straight line relative to the Sun.

Such a parade can be observed right now in Europe and Russia. From the end of January until February 3–4, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were visible to the naked eye in the predawn sky. Also in the field of view of the telescopes was Pluto, invisible to man. The exact definition and characteristics of such a phenomenon as a "parade of planets" are vague, since for millennia "parades" have been the subject of speculation by astrologers, mystics and religious cults.

A little background

One can easily understand the reverence of the people of antiquity for the parade of planets. Man, having limited knowledge about the structure of the world, was especially sensitive to events that went beyond the ordinary - and attributed to them supernatural and divine qualities.

If someone ranks unusual phenomena according to our ancestors, they will take one of the first places. So, they qualitatively stand out among other objects in the sky. Unlike static stars, which simply replace each other during the rotation of the Earth, the planets are actively moving across the sky. In addition, the light of the planet has a pronounced color and does not flicker like stars - and planets are many times brighter. Thus, Venus reaches -4.3, which makes it the brightest light source in the Earth's night sky after the Sun and the Moon.

Therefore, it is not surprising that when the planets lined up in a single row, this made a strong impression on our ancestors. Not having knowledge about, thanks to which the planets revolve around the Sun, they considered such a coincidence of the positions of the planets to be something special. Moreover, usually the parades of the planets occur within certain constellations, which even now allows especially scientific minds to "predict" the future and interpret the events of the past.

What is a "parade of planets"?

However, is the parade of planets really a rare phenomenon? And what arrangement of planets can be considered a parade? Now we will figure it out together.

So what is a parade of planets? This is such a position of the planets of the solar system relative to the Earth that in its night sky they are visible on the same conditional line - and at the same time at an angular distance of up to 40-50 degrees from each other. According to this criterion, the parade of planets that is taking place right now is not a parade - the participating planets are scattered among themselves in a field of more than 110 °. However, they can still be observed together, which is valuable for lovers of the night sky. Beginning astronomers can compare planet and star, and appreciate the differences in color, brightness, and size between different bodies in the solar system. In addition, even now, when invisible to the naked eye, it is easy to detect with binoculars or a children's telescope.

Many people believe that during the alignment of the planets, all the large bodies of the solar system line up. It is not always so. For example, in this position, one of the main participants in the parades, Venus, will not be visible. Since it is closer to the Sun than the Earth, it will be on the day side of our planet, which will not allow it to be observed simultaneously with other planets. The same goes for Mercury. Together with they are visible mainly at sunset and in the morning, and then during elongations - the periods in autumn and spring, when they rise above the horizon in the sky of the Northern Hemisphere.

No less interesting are the already mentioned "full" parades, when all the planets, along with the Earth, line up on one side of the Sun. Although there is no official term “parade of planets” in science, the parades themselves are actively used in astronomy. Probe, the furthest from Earth spacecraft, used the favorable position of the planets for a gravitational maneuver - having made orbits around Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager not only made unique ones, but also gained tremendous speed without using fuel!

Frequency of planetary parades

During the flight of Voyager, in 1982, the last complete alignment of the planets happened. The next one has to wait until 2162. It turns out that the parade of planets is a rare phenomenon?

Not really. While full parades involving Uranus and Neptune, invisible to the naked eye, are indeed very rare, small parades do happen regularly. A parade of planets similar to the current one will occur already in 2022 - and three planets in the sky at the same time can sometimes be observed several times a year. In addition, the outer planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, are visible not only before dawn, but throughout the night. And since Venus “connects” to their celestial company in winter, mini-parades cannot be avoided.

Parades are quite likely in the summer, however, to observe them, you already need minimal ones. For example, in late June-early July 2020, Mars, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter will be visible on the horizon in the southeast. Despite the fact that the planets will be easy to observe at night, Neptune cannot be seen without a telescope - and the small distance between Saturn and Jupiter in the parade will cause problems for inexperienced observers.

In order to put an end to the topic of antiquity and step into today, it is worth noting right away that people in the past recorded parades of planets much less often. They were hindered not only by the absence optical instruments, allowing you to see the planets in the blinding morning dawn, but also the irregularity of observation and underdeveloped communication. The usual accumulation of clouds in autumn in Antiquity made astronomical observations impossible. It should also be taken into account that some parades of the planets are visible only from the Southern Hemisphere, which was followed only 500–600 years ago by the Incas and the Maya alone. Today, astronomers from all over the globe share data, images, and even arrange their own telescopes.

The influence of planetary parades on Earth

Our article has already mentioned that people of antiquity, ignorant of the world order, were amazed by various natural phenomena - from volcanic eruptions. And when the latter have already ceased to inspire superstitious horror, the parades of the planets still allow scammers to speculate on coincidences - for example, the parade in December 1989 is often called "the reason for the collapse of the USSR."

The connection between politics on Earth and the movement of bodies in the universe is one of the oldest disciplines of astrology, and does not need commentary by astronomers. Therefore, we are primarily interested in how the parades of planets affect the Earth - part of the gravitational system of the Sun. Here, too, there are many myths, some of them have leaked into popular culture - in the sensational science fiction film "2012" it was the parade of planets that caused the disastrous on the Sun.

At first glance, this is logical - since all the planets are on the same side of the Sun, the totality of their mass could affect, if not the Sun, then at least the Earth. However, the calculations show a completely different picture.

As we know, the Moon exerts the strongest gravitational influence on the Earth after the Sun. Its rotation creates a tidal wave on Earth, following the Moon across the sky. The absolute height of the tidal wave is 60 centimeters. However, the uneven surface of the Earth allows the tide to reach even 18 meters in height! The tide occurs not only in water, but also in the liquid parts of the lower layers of the Earth - this catalyzes the movement of plates, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The influence of the Moon is most powerful during the full moon, when it reaches perigee - the point of the orbit closest to the Earth.

The moon, of course, is lighter than any of the planets in the solar system, and is not even the largest satellite - however, it is only 384 thousand kilometers away from the Earth. Minimum distance to the closest planet, Venus, is 38 million kilometers - almost 10 times further than the moon. Therefore, the Venusian tidal wave on Earth is hundredths of a millimeter. Even the huge Jupiter, shifting millions of kilometers, is unable to seriously affect the Earth - even at the moment of closest approach, it is 100 times weaker than our Moon!

Then, perhaps, the parade of planets is able to influence the Sun? The numbers will speak for themselves. When the ratio of the mass of the Moon to the mass of the Earth is 0.012, then the mass of all objects in the solar system is related to the Sun as 0.0013. Proceeding from this, the influence of the objects of the system on the Sun is already 10 times weaker than the influence of the Moon on the Earth. In addition, the matter of the planets is unevenly distributed over solar system- therefore, the maximum height of a tidal wave on the Sun from the planets is 10 centimeters. Considering that the Sun itself is capable of tens of kilometers, this tide can be neglected.

Jupiter is many times larger than Earth. Fortunately, they are separated by a huge distance - otherwise the giant would simply swallow our planet.

Finally, I would like to recall the motto of the Enlightenment, formulated by the famous philosopher Immanuel Kant: “Have the courage to use your mind. You should not be afraid of lifeless planets in space - where people bring great misfortunes to themselves. And the first step on the path to progress is to take responsibility for yourself, instead of shifting it to indifferent heaven.

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