Energy diets: what it is and how to lose weight with it, recipes, pros and cons. How to take Energy diets for weight loss correctly? Energy diet instructions for use

In the healthy, sports and dietary nutrition market in Lately a leader has emerged - Energy Diet, which is a carefully developed system based on the use of concentrates with different tastes. All products included in this line are distinguished by functionality and balance.

The goal of the technique is to normalize metabolism, which leads to weight loss, which does not return in the future. These colorful jars differ from dubious dietary supplements for weight loss in that they have undergone many scientific and laboratory tests and received the approval of both specialists and ordinary people.

What it is

To decide to lose weight like this in an unusual way, first you need to understand what Energy Diet is:

  • a complete, balanced, from the point of view of food additives, substitute for any meal in the form of dry concentrates, which, after diluting with milk, become a healthy and tasty dish;
  • “smart food”, which itself finds problems inside the body and directs its power to eliminate them;
  • a program for maintaining health, energy, maintaining a slim figure without exhausting diets and their harmful effects on the body.

These products are manufactured in France and undergo the strictest quality control, having certificates of compliance with Russian and European standards.

Quality confirmation. Energy diet products are labeled as non-GMI. They went through the state registration procedure and underwent all kinds of research at the State Research Institute of Nutrition and at the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

How it works

How does weight loss happen? Diet based on Energy Diet:

  • easily optimizes daily calorie intake;
  • provides the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, fiber, microelements;
  • is varied, does not get boring and does not cause disgust, as it includes a large assortment of cocktails with different flavors that can be mixed with each other;
  • Thanks to fiber and enzymes, it improves healthy digestion;
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins;
  • removes toxins;
  • changes eating habits;
  • improves well-being;
  • thanks to a sufficient amount of protein and dietary fiber, it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
  • Helps control cravings for junk food.

But the main function of energy diets is to normalize metabolism, violations of which most often become the cause of obesity. If you follow the weight loss program developed by the manufacturers, you can achieve good results and maintain them in the future.

General information. To sell ED in different countries, products must comply with their laws. For example, in France guarana is allowed in cocktails, while in Russia it is not. So this component is absent in the batches for the Russian Federation. But in French concentrates its amount is minimal, and this does not change the taste of the product itself, so no differences are felt.


These concentrates are functional food that fully meets the requirements of proper and healthy food. By consuming these products, those losing weight receive the optimal amount of amino acids, nutritional supplements, vitamins, dietary fiber, micronutrients, and biologically active substances. The cocktail contains many useful components.

  • Squirrels

There are animal proteins (from milk) and plant proteins (from soy and peas). Each cocktail contains 18 amino acids that are not synthesized by the human body on its own, but enter it only from food.

  • Fats

Fats in energy diet cocktails are represented by soybean oil, which contains about 30 microelements. Among them are linoleic acid and vitamin E1, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells. But they do not contain animal fats, so there is no need to worry about harmful cholesterol.

  • Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are represented by glucose, which is quickly absorbed; maltodextrin and starch, saturating the body for a long time. Their number is strictly balanced. Their main task is to provide the muscles and brain with nutrition, which prevents fatigue and decreased performance during weight loss.

  • Cellulose

To cleanse the intestines and maintain normal gastric microflora, fiber is present in cocktails. It is represented by gum and chicory inulin.

  • Royal jelly

This is a literal translation of the ingredient ED, although our ears are more familiar with the name “royal jelly”. Bees feed their larvae with it. In cocktails it stabilizes emotional condition, strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to adverse external factors. Thanks to it, tissues receive more oxygen.

In addition to these ingredients, energy diet products contain minerals, vitamins (nourish and optimize metabolism); Caribbean cherry (acerola), which saturates the body with ascorbic acid; a complex of High Digestibility enzymes that promotes the rapid and complete absorption of proteins.

However, the composition of each product may differ slightly from this general list. Therefore, study the packaging, where all this is spelled out in more detail.

On a note. In 1 bank of ED the same amount:

  • calciferol, as in 3 liters of milk;
  • calcium, as in half a liter of kefir;
  • ascorbic acid, as in 300 g apples / 500 g eggplants;
  • tocopherol, as in 800 g of cottage cheese;
  • niacin, such as 2.5 kg apples / 1 kg rose hips / 120 g beef;
  • protein, as in 2 eggs / 500 ml milk / 70 g beef / 50 g cheese;
  • iron, as in 700 g of peas / 2 liters of apple juice / 200 g of raisins / 600 g of onions / 300 g of chicken.


Energy diet cocktails have a fairly powerful effect on the body, which must be constantly kept under control. This is not a dietary supplement that you drink when you want and expect to lose weight. The nutrition system requires strict adherence to the program. And if you ignore it, the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

The products in this line have many warnings - contraindications, which should be studied first. These include:

  • impaired enzyme synthesis;
  • enteritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • heart failure;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, pancreas;
  • acute gastritis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergy to cocktail components;
  • insomnia;
  • metabolic syndrome.

For various Energy Diet products, these contraindications may be expanded. For example, Cappuccino and Coffee cocktails contain caffeine, which will harm the bodies of children, the elderly, people with increased nervous excitability, and hypertensive patients. So this system weight loss program is still designed for those who do not have any health problems.

If you have any diseases (acute or chronic), permission to use these concentrates must be obtained from a doctor. Otherwise there may be side effects, among which the most often observed are:

  • tachycardia;
  • gaining weight rather than losing it;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • shortness of breath, etc.

Such troubles are possible if you use cocktails haphazardly, ignoring the instructions for their use and contraindications.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any weight loss system, the Energy Diet has both positive and negative properties. They must be taken into account before purchasing so as not to waste money.


  • Is a complete replacement for 1 meal;
  • can be used continuously without addiction;
  • variety of programs;
  • wide range of tastes;
  • ideal balance of substances, including a combination of plant and animal proteins;
  • easy absorption;
  • availability of all kinds of quality certificates and confirmation of effectiveness;
  • calorie control;
  • formation of correct eating habits;
  • energy replenishment;
  • weight loss without hunger.


  • High cost (2,200-2,300 rubles per jar);
  • the menu, despite all the variety, quickly becomes boring;
  • difficulty of acquisition;
  • mandatory physical activity;
  • intrusive marketing;
  • chemical additives;
  • duration of weight loss (minimum - 3 months).

With all its disadvantages, energy diets are an ideal solution to the problem of excess weight in conditions of lack of time and a busy schedule, when there is no time to have a snack. You can take a portion of the concentrate to work or on the road to keep your stomach healthy.

Rules of use

  1. It is better to dilute concentrates with 1.5% milk.
  2. Its temperature should not exceed 60 °C.
  3. To prepare a sweet cocktail, it is better to take cold milk. Leave warm for soups, purees, porridge.
  4. 1 scoop = 30 g = 1 serving diluted in a glass of liquid.
  5. Without physical activity, nutrition will not work. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you will have to seriously engage in sports (start with).
  6. Protein energy shakes for weight loss are recommended to be drunk within 2 hours after sports activities. A balanced mixture will form muscles, not fat folds.
  7. ED can replace 1 or several meals per day, but not all. In addition to these dry concentrates, the menu must include vegetables, fruits, fish, etc.
  8. If you drink a glass of water after consuming the Energy Diet (after 15 minutes), the saturation effect will last longer.
  9. Drink at least 1.2, or better yet, 2 liters of water per day.
  10. Prepare immediately before use, consume at one time.
  11. Concentrates are stored at a temperature not lower than 5 ° C and not higher than 25 ° C.
  12. The contents of an opened jar remain edible for no more than 2 months.

Manufacturers clearly state the instructions for use. But only ideally it needs to be diluted with milk. Try different options and fill the concentrate with other liquids: soy milk, vegetable broth,. This is not prohibited.

Product Lines

Energy diets amaze with their diversity. There are sickly sweet and very salty tastes, hot soups, cereals, purees, omelettes, bread and many other products. The most popular ones are vanilla, banana, coffee, chocolate, cappuccino, chicken, mushrooms. Plus, this food system does not prohibit mixing different foods - mushrooms with chicken, strawberries with vanilla, etc.

Here's what you can choose from their wide selection.

Energy Diet Smart cocktails:

  • strawberry;
  • banana;
  • vanilla;
  • cappuccino;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • raspberries;
  • red fruits.
  • tomato;
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables;
  • chicken;
  • pea with smoked meats.

Other concentrates:

  • puree (spring-sea, sunny-burgundy);
  • paste (wild berries and tomato-vegetable);
  • bread;
  • omelette;
  • dessert (creme brulee with caramel).

Sports bars:

  • nut;
  • vanilla;
  • caramel;
  • a pineapple;
  • lemon;
  • fruit cactus;
  • mango and papaya.

Energy cocktails from Smart Diets are the most popular, but this brand has another drink in its assortment - Enerwood Tea (13 flavors). These are health complexes made from Altai herbs.

Weight loss program

To lose weight with energy diet products, you will have to sequentially go through three phases of the program: Start - Consolidation - Control.


The Start program is the first stage, which gives the body an impetus to lose weight. Changes in eating habits will trigger fat burning. Lasts 3 days if you need to lose up to 10 kg; 5 - if more. Assumes consuming no more than 1,500 calories per day.

Recommended meal plan: 5 meals a day + 400 grams of vegetables: broccoli, lettuce, pumpkin, eggplant, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, soybeans, green beans, radishes, turnips, radishes, bell peppers. They can be eaten raw, boiled or stewed, or prepared into salads. You can add chopped greens to dishes.


The second phase increases the daily caloric content of food, but don’t worry: the weight will continue to decrease. New products are being introduced to the menu. This is a 25 day weight loss program. If at the end of it the weight still remains in excess, you should return to the Start phase again. By the third stage, your weight should be normal.

Approximate nutrition program: consumption of energy diet mixtures - 2 times a day. The rest of the meals are regular food. Protein products are added. You are allowed to eat one thing from the list once a day in certain quantities:

  • 2 egg whites (boiled);
  • lean meat (100 g);
  • poultry without skin (150 g);
  • low fat cheese (100 g);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (150 g);
  • boiled low-fat fish / seafood (150 g).


During this phase, you must learn not to overeat and choose only healthy foods. Duration - 1 month for each kilogram lost. Concentrates are used once a day - in the evening. Added:

  • carbohydrates: pasta, beans, lentils, grain bread, brown rice, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  • 300 grams of fruits per day: kiwi, apricots, bananas, citrus fruits, pears, watermelon, peaches, pineapples;
  • 300 grams of berries as an alternative to fruit.


For each energy diet concentrate, there are recipes that are similar, but still differ in nuances. Try to follow the general scheme of their preparation in order to not only enjoy their taste, but also achieve maximum results.

  • Energy cocktail

Pour a measuring spoon of concentrate into a glass of warm milk and shake vigorously in a shaker.

Option 1. Pour a measuring spoon of concentrate into a glass of hot milk and shake vigorously in a shaker.

Option 2. Pour a measuring spoon of concentrate into a glass of cold milk and shake vigorously in a shaker. Heat in the microwave for 1.5 minutes.

  • Omelette

Option 1. Pour a measuring spoon of concentrate into a glass of cold milk and shake vigorously in a shaker. Heat in microwave for 2 minutes.

Option 2. Pour a measuring spoon of concentrate into a glass of cold milk and shake vigorously in a shaker. Pour into a frying pan and fry until done.

  • Bread

Mix 7 scoops of dry mixture with 5 scoops of clean water. Knead and form into a loaf. Place in a deep bowl and place in the microwave with a glass half filled with water. Set to 750 W, cook for 5 minutes. If you want crispy bread, toast it in the toaster.

  • Paste

Pour 3 scoops of cold water into a cup. Slowly pour 1 packet of energy diet paste into it, stirring thoroughly. Eat with bread.

  • Dessert

Pour a measuring spoon of powder into a glass of warm milk, shake vigorously, and pour into a plate. Place it in the microwave at 200 W for 2 minutes. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Remove before serving and sprinkle with caramel.

  • Puree

Pour the contents of 1 sachet of puree with cold milk, beat vigorously until smooth. Heat in microwave for 2.5 minutes. Mix well, let sit for 2 minutes.

  • Porridge

Option 1. Pour the contents of 1 sachet of porridge into 150 ml of milk at room temperature, carefully breaking up any lumps that have formed. Heat in the microwave for 3 minutes. Mix well, let sit for 3 minutes.

Option 2. Mix 1 sachet of concentrate with 150 ml of almost boiling milk in a shaker. Break up the lumps well and mix the mixture thoroughly. Let it brew for a couple of minutes.

Questions and answers

  • How to use?

Follow the developed 3-phase weight loss program exactly.

  • Which is better: Herbalife or Energy Diets?

According to experts, there is no need to compare these two product lines at all. Herbalife cocktails cannot replace food, because it is a protein mixture in pure form without biologically active substances, and even with genetically modified components.

  • How to dilute a cocktail?

The measuring spoon that is in each jar is 30 grams of product = 1 serving. In order to dilute the cocktail, you need to mix a measuring spoon of dry concentrate with a glass of milk, shake vigorously in a closed container (a shaker is ideal for this).

  • What can be replaced?

Approximate analogues of Energy Diet: Oats & Whey Protein Powder Drink Mix from Optimum Nutrition, Prana Food, Herbalife, Natural Balance from Oriflame, Syntha-6 drink from BSN, Total Soy protein mixture from Naturade.

  • Does it help you lose weight?

If there really is a problem with excess weight, yes, strict adherence to the program allows you to get rid of unnecessary ballast. But if you continue to drink beer while snacking on chips, the Energy Diet will not help.

  • Can it be diluted with water?

Yes, but the taste may disappoint you. Milk is an ideal liquid for diluting the concentrate.

  • What are the results of losing weight?

For some, the first results are visible within a week after starting to use these products. In advanced cases, this takes 3 months. So everything is very individual. On average, you can lose 3-4 kg per week.

  • What is the calorie content of one serving?
  • How does it work?

Regular consumption of energy diet cocktails optimizes the calorie content of food, supplies the body with vitamins and other useful substances, improves digestion, removes waste and toxins, improves well-being, quickly saturates, and discourages cravings for harmful foods.

  • How long does a can of Energy Diet last?

One jar contains 450 grams of concentrate, which is enough for 15 meals. If you start with the Start program for 5 days, 1 package will not be enough for this period. To lose weight using this system, you will have to fork out for 3-8 cans of different flavors.

Judging by the results of the research and the huge number of positive reviews, the system really works, unlike miracle “pills” of dubious quality. But at the same time, to lose weight, it is necessary to take into account all the disadvantages, contraindications and cost of such products. Only strict adherence to the program can guarantee results.

Energy diets are a complete nutrition system that helps solve many problems, such as normalizing your diet, getting rid of extra pounds or gaining additional muscle mass. The whole system is based on eating various cocktails, which differ in taste and consistency.

In the course of losing excess weight using a system based on energy diets, it is proposed replace part of the food consumed daily with special nutritional shakes . At the same time, the body will continue to receive all the substances it needs, namely proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which means that the quality of life when following such a diet does not decrease at all.

There are several different programs designed to reduce excess body weight. All of them are based on general principles:

regulation of carbohydrates and fats that enter the body;

ensuring sufficient amounts of microelements and vitamins in nutrition;

- stimulation of flow in the body catabolic processes aimed at accelerating metabolism;

There are several different programs designed to reduce excess body weight.

maintaining proper muscle tissue volume with a decrease in the amount of adipose tissue;

- exclusion of the development of feelings of hunger or weakness;

maintaining overall performance body at a high level.

Any person who is wondering how to drink energy diets to lose weight will be able to choose a program that suits his taste preferences. However, each program will take place sequentially in three stages: start, consolidation of the result obtained and control time.


This period will last 5-7 days , during which it happens major loss of body weight . Total calories of all consumed products at this stage should not be more than 1500 kilocalories .

Every day the following nutrition plan is carried out: 4-5 meals a day of cocktails from energy diets and 2 meals of regular food in the form of vegetables , such as broccoli, eggplant, pumpkin, zucchini, as well as tomatoes, seaweed, cucumbers, bell peppers and onions.

It is important to remember that during the entire program you must consume at least two liters of purified drinking water daily .

Consolidate the result

Energy diets are a complete nutrition system that helps normalize your diet, get rid of extra pounds or gain extra weight. muscle mass

Consolidation of the obtained result is necessary so that the lost weight does not return in the first days. Consolidation stage continues from three to five weeks.

At this time it happens gradual increase in quantity consumed calories And extension acceptable for consumption products .

Energy diet cocktails need to be accepted twice a day , instead of morning and evening meals, and in dinner You can eat dishes prepared from products allowed at this stage (except vegetables , during this period can be used for food lean meats and low-fat dairy products ).


This stage is aimed at consolidating the acquired eating habits.

During this period, the daily diet fruits and some foods containing complex carbohydrates are added , such as cereal or whole grain bread.

Energy diet cocktail eat everything once a day , instead of dinner.

In the course of losing excess weight using a system based on energy diets, it is proposed to replace part of the food consumed daily with special nutritional cocktails

The duration of the control stage directly depends on the amount of weight lost, its duration is calculated as one month per kilogram lost during the diet .

Even despite the fact that the Energy Diet program is absolutely safe for the body, people who are wondering how to drink Energy Diet to lose weight will find it useful first assess your current state of health and calculate exactly how many extra pounds you have They have it specifically. This can be done quite simply by calculating your body mass index.

Energy Diets (ED) – a system of functional balanced nutrition, presented in the form of concentrates with a variety of flavors. The main purpose of the technique is to regulate metabolism, which allows you not only to lose, but also to gain weight.

Perhaps the main dilemma that everyone who loses weight faces is how to eat properly in order to lose extra pounds without losing energy.

Currently, the list of express diets for combating excess weight is extensive. Often, when choosing a weight loss method, a person encounters difficulties (contraindications for use, allergies, monotonous diet, food intolerance). Therefore, during the selection process optimal system In terms of nutrition, you need to focus on your health status, food preferences, body characteristics, and the availability of free time to create low-calorie dishes.

The pace of life, which is accelerating every year, complicates the process of losing weight. Modern people do not have enough time or energy to create low-calorie healthy food. Considering this fact, modern food industry There are many options for “ready-made diets”.

The most popular products are the functional food brand NL International Energy Diet. For 15 years, the company has been selling environmentally friendly household chemicals, healthy food products, and cosmetics in more than 12 countries.

Let's take a closer look at what Energy Diets are, how to drink Energy Diet to lose weight, and a description of the ED weight gain method.

General information

ED – food for life. Unlike most methods (for example,) Energy diets are intended for systematic use throughout life, since the concentrates have a balanced composition that has a beneficial effect on human health. Namely, it tones the muscles, saturates the body with useful substances, strengthens blood vessels, reduces the level of “harmful” foods, normalizes intestinal function, and adds energy/strength.

The homeland of ED dry mixes is France. The first version of the product was launched into mass production in 2003. Over the next four years, the line underwent changes: aspartame was excluded from it, the “water” base for the preparation of mixtures was replaced by “milk”, “solid food” appeared - omelet, enzymes were added, guarana was removed, new flavors were developed - “ pea soup", "bread", "creme brulee".

Already by 2010 Energy diet cocktails have spread throughout Portugal, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Spain, Great Britain, Russia, Belgium, Lithuania, Poland, France, Germany, Canada, and Kazakhstan. The period of intense global expansion is accompanied by the emergence of new tastes: “bread with tomato paste”, “wild berries”.

In 2010 a special project “Across the Oceans with Energy Diet” is starting in Mauritius, the essence of which is a round-the-world trip by Anatoly Kulik’s team on a catamaran, with ED food supplies. During the voyage, the volunteers ate 200 cans of dietary mixtures. Among which, the majority were products with the flavors “cappuccino”, “omelet”, “mushrooms”.

In 2014 I completed the marathon “Taking off extra pounds,” which lasted 2 months. The purpose of the competition is to test the effectiveness of using Energy Diet products. After 60 days, the results of those losing weight exceeded all expectations: during this period, the participants lost 987 kg.

Release 2013 composed the flavor – “banana”, 2014. - "oatmeal".

The concentrates contain substances necessary for the functioning of the body: vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals.

To prepare the dish, add 1.5% milk to the mixture and stir it until smooth using a shaker.

Despite the low calorie content of dry mixtures (up to 250 kcal/serving), the energy diet creates a feeling of satiety, making it easier to lose weight.

The ED line includes:

  • sweet cocktails – 7 pcs.;
  • oatmeal;
  • soups – 5 types;
  • bread with wild berries pasta;
  • dessert creme brulee;
  • omelette;
  • a complex of enzymes that improve digestion and absorption of ED cocktails.

A wide range of “ready-made meals” allows you to diversify your dietary intake. The standard set of Energy diets includes 17 concentrates. If desired, cocktails can be combined with permitted vegetables, red fruits (we will consider the permitted ingredients in detail in the section “ED Weight Loss Program”), mushrooms, chicken, obtaining new tastes.

The official website of the Company provides a wide range of energy diet products directly from the manufacturer. Each of them is accompanied by detailed description: composition, advantages, principle of preparation, cost, energy value, certificate of conformity.

Distribution of ready-made cocktails and mixtures for weight loss trademark Energy Diet – BeautySane.


On average, one serving of ED with milk is 200 kcal. The balanced formula of the mixtures ensures easy absorption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and the abundance of fiber in ready-made cocktails creates an instant feeling of satiety.

The Energy Diets weight loss program is a specially designed nutritional plan that changes the rhythm of food consumption, which leads to optimization of metabolism and replenishment of deficient food components. As a result, this system triggers a weight loss mechanism.

The principle of losing weight using the ED method is a sharp reduction in the number of incoming kilocalories per day. The Start program allows you to consume up to 1500 kcal per day. At the same time, during the day, a person’s energy expenditure for performing everyday activities amounts to 2700 kcal. As you can see, the negative balance is 1200 kcal. To replenish it, the body extracts the required amount of energy from adipose tissue, due to which a decrease in body weight occurs. When burning 200g. fat is “released” 1300 kcal.

Composition of Energy Diet products

  1. Proteins (animal and vegetable). Depending on the type of mixture, they are made from soy protein isolate or milk component concentrate. ED weight loss cocktails contain 18 essential amino acids. At the same time, the body does not independently produce tryptophan, phenylalanine, lysine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, and valine. In case of a lack of amino acids, protein formation slows down, which leads to a deterioration in enzyme and metabolic functions.
  2. Carbohydrates (maltodextrins, dextrose, starch) help avoid the feeling of fatigue.
  3. Fats. The main source of triglycerides ED is soybean oil, which acts as a natural antioxidant - a storehouse of vitamin E, which inhibits the development of cancer cells.
  4. , accelerate the breakdown of Energy Diet products, improve digestion, and relieve the stomach.
  5. Acerola, royal jelly. Caribbean cherries are a storehouse of vitamin C (800 mg/100 g), which has a healing, regenerating, antioxidant effect. The royal jelly of bees contains B vitamins, organic acids, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone, protease, phosphatase, cholinesterase, amylase, glucose oxidase, ascorbic oxidase, acetylcholine, potassium, sodium, calcium, nickel, cobalt, chromium, iron, manganese, zinc , magnesium, sulfur, silicon increase the body's resistance, improve mood, increase cerebral blood supply, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Vitamins and minerals. The concentrates contain 12 vitamins and 11 minerals. The content of macro and microelements in one portion of the dry mixture (30g) is: iodine - 39 µg, phosphorus - 165 µg, selenium - 16.50 µg, zinc - 2.85 mg, iron - 4.8 mg, copper - 0.33 mg, calcium - 319, 36 mg, magnesium – 45 mg, sodium – 202.50 mg.
  7. Fiber (inulin from chicory, gum from tara fruits) has an anti-slag effect and normalizes intestinal function.

Due to the fact that Energy Diet has a balanced composition, this weight adjustment system can be used as sports nutrition to prepare athletes for competitions.

Taking into account the feedback from manufacturers, “Food for Life” is a high-tech product that in each serving contains all the nutrients necessary for the full functioning of the body. However, the “ready-made cocktail method,” like any diet, has its advantages and disadvantages.

Effects and the whole truth about the Energy Diet

  1. Changing eating habits. ED allows maximum control over your diet. Daily intake of one serving of the finished product (200 ml) for breakfast or lunch helps to rebuild taste habits, reduce cravings for sweets, starchy foods, and fried foods, and develop a sense of responsibility for the food consumed.
  2. Weight correction. Depending on body weight, the line of Energy diet concentrates allows you to both gain and lose kilograms. If you consume ready-made cocktails instead of regular food, you can reduce your weight by up to 10 kg in a month by burning fat. If eaten in addition to the usual diet, increase by 5-6 kg, due to the rapid gain of muscle mass due to the abundance of protein and amino acids in ED products.
  3. General improvement of the body.
  4. Ease of use. Ready-made Energy Diet meals can be consumed at home, at work, on a business trip, or while traveling. Due to this, this diet is indicated for people who lack free time to create dietary low-calorie dishes. One can of ED is designed for 15 meals, which is especially convenient for travelers.
  5. Improved digestion. Regular intake of ready-made mixtures has a beneficial effect on the human body: foods are easier to digest, metabolism is accelerated, and intestinal function is normalized.

Throughout the entire period of losing weight with Energy diets, it is important to analyze the dynamics of changes in body weight every day: measure body volumes, weigh yourself. For convenience, the results should be entered into a table consisting of the following columns: date, weight, hip circumference, waist.

When the first indicators appear, motivation will increase, and movement towards the goal will become much easier.

Product Disadvantages

Developers of ready-to-eat foods position the ED system as a method for healthy people. However, the composition of cocktails with the flavors “Cappuccino” and “Coffee” includes guarana extract, which is 3 times higher in content than the drink of the same name. When consuming such concentrates, people with heart disease experience side effects: tachycardia, shortness of breath, dizziness. Therefore, in the presence of acute or chronic diseases, the advisability of using these mixtures should first be discussed with a nutritionist.

Contraindications for using Energy Diet 24:

  • disruption of enzyme synthesis;
  • exacerbation of enteritis;
  • colitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, kidneys;
  • acute gastritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergy to components included in dry mixtures;
  • insomnia;
  • heart failure;
  • metabolic syndrome.

Considering the above contraindications, energy cocktails should be used with extreme caution in childhood, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Cons of the Energy Diet:

  • high price;
  • monotonous menu;
  • difficulty of acquisition due to the lack of an extensive network of stores;
  • intrusive marketing;
  • the need for physical activity;
  • the presence of chemical additives in the concentrate;
  • the need for long-term intake of cocktails (from 3 months to 1 year).

Before consuming products from the ED line, it is necessary to analyze what the “harm and benefit” of ready-made cocktails are. To do this, it is important to familiarize yourself with the opinion of nutritionists.

Reviews from doctors

The quality of Energy Diet products is confirmed by the results of many research centers. In 2011, more than 20 samples of this food were submitted for independent expert evaluation to the Soex analytical center of the ANO Soyuzexpertiza of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Russia). The resulting analyzes confirmed the doctors' reviews about the correct combination of the main ingredients of the mixtures: .

The ratio in Energy Diet BJU is, on average, 19.5:6.0:17.8, and in a serving (30g of dry powder) – 1.0:0.31:0.91. These indicators may vary depending on the specific taste (17.8-20.9: 5.8-6.4: 16.1-25.1).

Marina Tsirenina, Candidate of Chemical Sciences and head of the Soex center, notes the skill of creating the “fat” component of the concentrate. Such ingredients are identical in composition to substances that are added to infant formula. In addition, the cocktails do not contain transgenic additives, which are often formed during the hydrogenation of fats.

Sources of the protein component of the mixture are soybeans and legumes. Research by the Soex expert center has refuted the negative reviews of some people about the presence of genetically modified components in products. Due to the predominance of protein in mixtures, Energy cocktails have low calorie content and high nutritional value.

However, despite the positive results of the tests obtained, there are also negative reviews among doctors. For example, some nutritionists are convinced that during the processing of food raw materials, beneficial essential substances are separated or destroyed.

The subject of attention and numerous debates among nutritionists is the issue of insufficient knowledge of Energy Diet products. According to the arguments of skeptics, concentrates are classified as functional nutrition only if it is possible to demonstrate their positive effect on a particular body function and provide strong evidence that confirms this relationship. For this reason, critics claim that losing weight with energy diets is a scam. However, numerous reviews from doctors and reports from people who have lost weight indicate the effectiveness of this diet (over 12 months, weight loss is up to 35 kg).

Medical practice proves that with regular use of ED products (at least 2 times a day throughout the year), metabolism normalizes. Thanks to this, during this period, under the guidance of a doctor, you can halve your intake. hormonal drugs, at diabetes mellitus 2 types, pancreatitis, psoriasis, bronchial asthma, hypertension.

Understanding that the Energy Diet is not an alternative to food, but an addition of healthy nutrients to the main menu, will be the key to normalizing weight and improving the health of the whole body.

Today, every second person is convinced that success in losing weight directly depends on the intensity of physical activity and the correct choice of diet. However, modern nutritionists point out a number of subtleties that will help speed up the loss of extra pounds.

  1. Don't skip breakfast. It is important to understand that Energy diet products are intended only to enrich the daily diet with nutrients, and not to completely replace it. For breakfast, it is important to eat healthy carbohydrates, which the body needs to produce energy.
  2. Adhere to the rules of fractional meals. The Energy Diet cleansing program involves restricting calories, not food intake. Therefore, it is advisable to eat food every 3.5 hours, supplementing the menu with functional nutrition. Following these recommendations will help stabilize blood levels, suppress hunger and keep energy production at a high level.
  3. Snack on Energy Diet shakes. It is important to prepare foods immediately before use.
    As a snack you can use: fruit bars or cocktails with the flavors “Vanilla”, “Banana”, “Chocolate”, “Oatmeal”. It is better to replace classic drinks - tea, coffee - with clean water.
  4. Properly store functional foods. Best before date open can is 2 months. The mixture should be stored at a temperature of 5-25°C.
  5. Distribute calories. When losing weight, it is important to control the energy value of food consumed. As a rule, the calorie content of a product is indicated on its label. For example, one serving of porridge or cocktail contains 200 kcal, and the recommended energy value of food eaten per day should not exceed 1500 kcal, which is especially important at the first stage of weight loss “Start”. Using tables of caloric content of products presented on the Internet, you can easily balance your daily diet. The lunch menu at the “Consolidation” stage can include protein products (eggs, veal, feta cheese, cheese, turkey), side dishes (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) , legumes (beans, peas), honey, rye bread, which have a high energy value (up to 600 kcal).
  6. To enhance the saturation effect, after 15-20 minutes. After drinking the cocktail, drink a glass of water at room temperature.
  7. Take food at the same time.
  8. Maintain a drinking regime throughout the day (from 1.5 liters of water).
  9. Increase physical activity, in order to accelerate fat burning. To do this, it is important to conduct intensive training at least 3 times a week in the gym, ride a bike, swim, and take long walks (for 40 minutes).
  10. During the period of consolidation of the result, in addition to using Energy Diet supplements, you can include lean meat, cheese, fermented milk products, cereals or their analogues in your daily diet.

Thus, by eating according to the Energy Diet program and following the above recommendations, you can achieve the desired weight loss, minus 25 kg or more in 1 year.

ED line – artificially created functional food based on natural ingredients for quick preparation dietary dishes. The mixture for weight loss and weight gain contains dietary fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are designed to stabilize body weight, improve your figure and enrich the body with beneficial nutrients in the shortest possible time.

On average, in a month of using Energy Diet products you can lose or gain 4-6 kg, however, the duration of metabolic restoration directly depends on the state of health and can range from 10 to 180 days.

We lose weight with Energy diets in three stages.

  1. Program start. At this stage, weight loss occurs due to a sharp reduction in caloric intake. Regular food is replaced by cocktails, cereals, soups, ED omelettes, which should be consumed five times a day.
  2. Consolidation of the obtained results. The second stage of weight loss involves the gradual introduction of familiar dishes for breakfast and lunch, while the afternoon snack, dinner and snacks consist of cocktails from concentrate.
  3. Control, weight stabilization. The third stage is the transition to constant nutrition to consolidate the results obtained and maintain them over the next 1-3 years. The control stage involves daily consumption of Energy Diet products instead of dinner and fruits as snacks throughout the day.

Let's look at each stage of how to lose weight with the Energy Diet in detail.

Stage No. 1

The start program is the first step to ideal weight. The duration of this stage depends on excess body weight. If excess weight does not exceed 10 kg - it is 3 days, 11 kg or more - 5 days.

Every day, the calorie content of the daily diet during the “start” varies from 1200 to 1500 kcal, and weight loss is 0.2 kg due to fat burning. During the first stage, all meals (5 times a day) are replaced with Energy diet products (200 ml/serving).

In addition to consuming ready-made cocktails, cereals, and soups, 400 g can be added to the daily diet. allowed vegetables. These include: cauliflower/white cabbage/, mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, eggplants, bell peppers, green beans, radishes, turnips, tomatoes, onions, sorrel, broccoli, dill, bell peppers, asparagus, celery sprigs , green radish, soybean shoots, spinach. It is preferable to eat vegetables raw, but they can be subjected to heat treatment: boiled, stewed. When preparing a salad or puree, it is allowed to season the dish with lemon juice (2-3 tsp) or apple cider vinegar(1 tbsp).

The main condition for losing weight using the ED method at the “Start” stage is the daily consumption of 2 liters of drinking water. You can drink weak black, white, green, herbal tea or coffee with low caffeine content (up to 1.2%). It is strictly forbidden to add sugar to drinks; it should be replaced with non-calorie sweeteners (cyclomate, saccharin, stevizoid, sucralose, Stevia herb).

Start program, instructions on how to drink the Energy Diet for every day.

  • breakfast - Energy diet cocktail, for example, with the taste of “Red Fruit” or “Cappuccino” - 1 serving (200ml);
  • second breakfast – ED cocktail, for example, “Chicken” – 0.5 servings (100ml);
  • lunch – vegetable salad of tomatoes, tomatoes, spinach, seasoned with lemon juice – 200g, “Omelet” or “Soup” made from Energy Diet concentrate – 1 serving;
  • afternoon snack – ED cocktail, for example, “Vanilla” – 0.5 servings (100ml);
  • dinner – salad of white cabbage, onions, sweet peppers, seasoned with apple cider vinegar – 100g, Energy diet cocktail, for example, “Mushrooms” – 1 serving.

After 5 days, the first results of weight loss will be visible. The main difficulty in finishing the Start program is not returning to your usual high-calorie diet. During this period, it is especially important to pay attention to vegetables and herbs, which allow you to saturate the body with useful biologically active substances and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Stage No. 2

The main goal of the second stage of weight loss according to the ED system is to consolidate and improve the results obtained; it ensures a smooth transition from the “old” weight to the “new” one, and stabilizes the metabolism. If, at the end of the “Start” program, you return to your usual diet, the lost kilograms will come back.

The duration of the Consolidation phase depends on the weight: the phase lasts until the ideal body weight is reached. On average, it is 3-5 weeks.

Important conditions for the second stage of Energy Diet weight loss are:

  • eating regular food 1-2 times a day;
  • drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters of water per day);
  • taking ED line products 1-2 times a day;
  • last meal – 2-3 hours before. before sleep;
  • dinner must be a cocktail;
  • inclusion of protein foods in the daily diet (low-fat cottage cheese - 150g, eggs - 2 pcs, boiled fish or poultry - 150g, lean beef or veal - 100g, low-fat cheese 9% - 100g, seafood - 150g), vegetables from the program "Start".

Let’s look at how to properly use Energy Diet products at the “Consolidation” stage.

  • breakfast – casserole – 150g, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice or corn porridge – 200g;
  • second breakfast – ED cocktail, for example with “Strawberry” flavor – 0.5 servings;
  • lunch – vegetable soup – 150ml, protein food– 100g, for example, boiled turkey fillet, salad of stewed zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper – 100g;
  • afternoon snack – ED cocktail, for example with “Chocolate” flavor – 0.5 servings;
  • dinner - ED cocktail, for example with Tomato flavor - 1 serving.

Thanks to the presence of protein and carbohydrates in the diet, the second stage of weight loss is a balanced diet that allows you to maintain good health and continue to lose weight.

Stage No. 3

Considering the fact that food addictions are dictated by psychological dependence, and not by hunger, the main purpose of the third stage of weight loss ED is to control the diet and consolidate the habit of proper nutrition.

At this stage, a reassessment of the body’s needs occurs and an understanding comes of how to eat properly in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and how to replace the usual harmful ingredients that lead to obesity.

The duration of the “Control” stage is determined based on the weight lost. It is calculated as follows: each kilogram lost over the previous two periods (“Start” and “Consolidation”) corresponds to one month of the final phase. For example, if the total weight loss in 2 stages is 5 kg, the duration of the third stage will be 150 days.

The minimum duration of this phase is 3 months.

The “Control” system allows the consumption of protein foods and vegetables allowed in the previous two stages. In addition, the menu includes fruits (apricots, strawberries, raspberries, apples, grapefruit, pears, blueberries, black currants, pineapples, plums, peaches, kiwi, oranges), carbohydrates (brown rice, grain crispbreads, lentils, dry beans, buckwheat , oatmeal, pasta).

Thanks to a balanced diet, during the process of losing weight, the body will receive active substances, minerals, and vitamins necessary for the full functioning of internal organs.

The key condition for the final phase is to use the ED product for dinner instead of the usual dish.

Let's look at how to take a weight loss cocktail to consolidate the effect and stabilize body weight.

  • breakfast – pumpkin or oatmeal porridge with nuts – 200g, bran bread – 2 pcs, honey – 2 tsp. or any other familiar dish that was consumed before the diet;
  • second breakfast – grapefruit or apple – 1 piece;
  • lunch – chicken broth – 150ml, vegetable stew – 200g, veal fillet – 150g;
  • afternoon snack – fruit – 300g. (from the list of acceptable ones);
  • dinner – ED cocktail, for example with “Mushrooms” flavor – 1 serving.

Throughout the entire period of losing weight, it is important to exclude the consumption of confectionery and bakery products from the diet. If you have a desire to eat candy, pastries, cake, cookies, ice cream, it is recommended to drink a low-calorie cocktail with “Vanilla” / “Chocolate” / “Cappuccino” flavor, which is an alternative food for those with a sweet tooth. Its energy value is 331kcal/1394kJ per 100g. product. The cocktail contains natural caffeine, which replenishes energy deficiency in the body.

In addition, it is important to avoid fatty meats and limit the consumption of the following carbohydrates, which are high glycemic index: , semolina porridge, white rice, pasta.

The principle of preparing a cocktail

Currently, there are more than 17 flavors of concentrates: two types of purees, six sweet cocktails, bread with two types of pasta, creme brulee dessert, omelet.

Preparing dietary mousse from a dry mixture does not take much time; you just need to mix one measuring spoon of powder (30g) with 200ml of milk (hot or cold as desired) 1.5% fat. Bring the resulting cocktail to a homogeneous consistency. The total calorie content of the resulting mousse will be 200 kcal.

Let's look at how to prepare other dishes from the Pro Energy Diet line.

  1. Omelette. First of all, you need to beat 200 ml of milk and 30 g in a shaker. concentrate. Then pour the resulting mixture into a heated frying pan and cook until done for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Porridge. Slowly mix 150 ml of milk and 1 spoon of concentrate so that there are no lumps. Next, place the plate of porridge in the microwave for three minutes. After the specified time, pull out the dish, stir, cover and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

The calorie content of the cocktails is calculated taking into account their preparation on a milk base of 1.5%. If the concentrate is diluted with vegetable broth or kefir, not only the taste of the dish changes, but also its energy value, which is very important to control during the period of weight loss.

Official suppliers of ready-made food: France, Russia, Kazakhstan, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, England, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Holland, Ukraine.

Supplement manufacturers, in addition to weight loss programs, have developed a special Energy Diet method for weight gain, called Plus. The specificity of this diet is the addition of functional foods to the usual diet.

  1. After every meal, drink Energy Diet drink.
  2. To prepare the cocktail, use whole cow's milk with a fat content of 3.5 - 9%.
  3. Add high-calorie fruits (banana, avocado, grapes) and dried fruits (dates, dried apricots, figs) to the finished mousse.
    Complete replacement of Energy Diet with these fruits is unacceptable.
  4. The daily intake of non-carbonated water should be at least 2 liters.
  5. To increase lean body mass, you need to do strength exercises.
  6. The duration of sleep during weight gain should be at least 8 hours.

One serving of protein-carbohydrate mixture contains 200 kcal. Repeated intake of cocktails to the main menu provides an additional increase in kilocalories in the amount of 1000 -1500 kcal.

When using this nutrition, you can gain the missing kilograms (up to 15 kg per year) and enrich the body with vitamins, microelements, and essential amino acids. However, to convert calories into muscle rather than fat tissue, you need to exercise.

If you follow these recommendations, gaining weight with the Energy Diet program will not be difficult. As a rule, weight gain occurs intensively, but the rate of gaining the desired kilograms gradually decreases. For example, in the 1st month the weight gain is, on average, 4 kg, in the 2nd month – 3 kg, in the 3rd month – 2 kg, etc. At the same time, over the course of a year, on average, body weight increases by 12-15 kg.

Considering the fact that Energy Diet concentrated nutrition is created on the basis physiological needs adults, children under 3 years of age are contraindicated to use these mixtures. However, insufficient intake of proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the growing body leads to deviations in the physiological development of the child. For this reason, 1-2 servings of ED functional foods can be included in the daily menu of adolescents.

At the same time, it is important to discuss the advisability of using the Energy Diet for children aged 3–5 years with their doctor. For a child daily norm protein mixture – 1 serving. In this case, the dose of the product should be divided into 3 – 4 meals.

During the purchasing process, the question often arises: what flavor should I choose for my baby? Children's favorite food preschool age, are the cocktails “Banana”, “Strawberry”, “Chocolate”, “Wild berries”, “Vanilla”, “Oatmeal”.

It is important to consider that Cappuccino and Coffee drinks contain caffeine, which is harmful to the growing body. Therefore, it is better for children under 16 years of age to avoid consuming such products. Children aged 3–5 years, due to the lack of the necessary enzymes in the body to break down the product, should not be fed with the “Mushrooms” mixture containing freeze-dried fruits.


Is the Energy Diet suitable for pregnant women?

Yes. ED products meet the nutritional needs of the expectant mother in terms of qualitative and quantitative composition. Typically, 30 g of dry mixture contains 320 mg of calcium, 16.50 mcg of selenium, 540 mg of potassium, 165 mg of phosphorus, 45 mg of magnesium, 39 mcg of iodine, 210 mcg of beta-carotene, 3 mg of vitamin E and 25 mg of ascorbic acid .
Forbidden foods – drinks containing caffeine – “Coffee” and “Cappuccino”. However, before using Energy Diet, it is advisable for pregnant women to consult with their doctor.

Can Energy Diet products cause allergies?

These concentrates, like any food product, can cause a negative reaction in the body. To prevent the occurrence of food intolerance, before drinking cocktails, it is important to carefully study their quantitative composition. If an ingredient to which an allergy is detected, the drink is excluded from the daily menu.

Is it acceptable to use Energy Diet while breastfeeding?

Research shows that during lactation a woman's hormonal levels change. In addition, in some conditions of infants, an increase in the concentration of nutrients in mother's breast milk is unacceptable (for example, if there is a threat of premature closure of the fontanelle in a child, it is harmful to consume foods containing). Therefore, it is important to introduce Energy Diet products into the daily diet of a nursing woman under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.

Are there Energy Diet flavors that do not contain dairy proteins?

Today the NL International company produces lactose-free mixtures - “Tomato”, “Vegetables”, “Red Fruits”. These products contain proteins of plant origin. At the same time, the “Omelet” additive contains egg protein.

Are there any substances in Energy Diet that are not allowed for use by athletes during doping control?

No. Functional foods do not contain prohibited stimulating ingredients and their metabolites. According to studies conducted at the Anti-Doping Center in Moscow (Russia), Energy Diet products are approved for use by athletes during preparation for competitions. The corresponding quality certificates can be studied by visiting the official website of the manufacturer.

What is the mechanism of intestinal cleansing using the Energy Diet method?

The beneficial concentrates contain natural dietary fiber, which, when ingested, helps bind toxic substances. Thanks to this, mechanical cleansing of the intestines occurs, normalization of digestive processes and activation protective forces body.

Are the nutrients retained in Energy Diet when processing raw materials?

Natural ingredients and modern high-tech equipment are used to create functional mixtures. Raw materials for ED undergo special sublimation, during which its residual moisture content is no more than 5%.
This processing method eliminates the possibility of favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria. The use of high-speed drying machines avoids additional sterilization methods: ionizing radiation and heat treatment. Thanks to this, 90% of beneficial nutrients are retained in concentrates.
Before going on sale, each functional mixture undergoes strict quality control and receives a certificate of compliance with European standards.

How to properly use Energy Diet to lose weight, without giving up your usual food?

The most effective option for weight loss is a specially developed three-stage program, which involves partial replacement of familiar dishes with ready-made cocktails. When cleansing the body, it is important to minimize the amount of fatty and carbohydrate foods.


The use of Energy Diets line products allows you to adjust your weight (gain or lose kilograms), improve metabolism, develop and establish correct eating habits, learn to control and optimize your diet, enrich the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, get rid of harmful foods from the menu (fried, spicy dishes, smoked meats, confectionery), develop a meal schedule.

Before you start losing weight using the ED method, in order not to worsen your health, you should be examined for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac activity and obtain permission from your attending physician.

Lose weight with the Energy Diet without going to the gym every day and giving up your favorite foods!

We are waiting for reviews and photos of our readers before and after completing the Energy Diet program.

Excess weight brings there is a lot of trouble for any person.

Cocktails have been developed to help you lose weight effortlessly Energy diets.

Energy Diet System was developed for athletes, as well as people who lead a less active lifestyle.

Energy Diet cocktails help cleanse body from toxins, at the same time, you slowly lose weight and the skin manages to tighten and does not sag.

1. Start

2. Recovery

3. Consolidation

1. Start – within three to five days we use Energy Diets according to the scheme, controlling the changes that occur. This program changes the rhythm of nutrition, improves metabolism, and gives an impetus to weight loss.

Daily caloric intake - 1200-1500 kcal. Usual daily calorie content is 2800 kcal. That is, the necessary energy the body will get it from fat.

The “Start” stage lasts: if you are overweight up to ten kilograms– three days, more ten kilograms - five d her.

Daily diet:

    five steps of the Energy Diet,

    a couple of vegetables.

Breakfast we eat: portions Yu Energy Diet (for example, Strawberry, Coffee),

2-th breakfast: portion Energy Diet (for example - Chicken),

Dinner eat: portion Energy Diet (for example - Omelette plus a plate of permitted vegetables

Snack: portion Energy Diet (for example, Chocolate).

We have dinner: a portion of Energy Diet (for example, Mushrooms and a plate of allowed vegetables.

Drinking regimen: up to two liters of liquid.


    We monitor every day weight and volume, because with the first successes in losing weight, your motivation will increase. In addition, the weight can “stay” in place, but the volume goes away, this is the dynamics that needs to be monitored.

    If you drink a glassmore than twenty minutes after eating - you enhance the saturation effect.

    You can eat up to four hundred grams of vegetables per day (b eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, white cabbage, asparagus, deciduous beets, celery branches, parsley, dill, sorrel, lettuce, mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumber, green onions, onions, spinach, soybean sprouts, green bean pods, turnips, bell peppers, radish, green radish, tomato, seaweed). We eat vegetables: fresh, boiled, stewed and, also, you can cook from them salad, side dish, soup. Salad dressing: a little unrefined vegetable oil, lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar.

    You can drink: neat water, green tea, red tea, black tea, weakly brewed coffee, herbal tea. All drink without adding Sahara.

    You can add finely chopped herbs (dill, parsley) to Energy Diet soups. It reduces the need to use salt.

2. Recovery

After severe physical activity needs to be restored fluid level in the body, glycogen level (a substance which answers for efficiency, energy).

For quick recovery body drink Energy Diet after 2 hours workout. IN this period of combination proteins and carbohydrates will go to muscle formation and will not be stored as fat.


    three meals a day,

    breakfast we definitely eat,

    We eat our last meal three hours before bedtime.

We have breakfast: a serving of Energy diet cocktail, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

2nd breakfast: any Energy diet cocktail.

We have lunch: a portion of proteins, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

Let's have a snack: a portion of Energy Diet soup.

Dinner: a portion of Energy diet soup.

3. Consolidation

We have breakfast: a portion of carbohydrates, a portion of proteins, a glass of tea.

2nd breakfast: fruits or berries.

We have lunch: a portion of proteins, a plate of vegetables, a glass of tea.

We have a snack: fruits or berries.

Dinner: Energy diet cocktail, plate of vegetables.

Drinking regime: up to two liters of water in a day!


    If you drink a glass water after drinking a cocktail more than twenty years later minutes after eating will enhance the satiety effect.

    If in the evening you want to eat ( no later than a couple of hours before bedtime) – you can drink half the serving cocktail.

    To consolidate the results obtained, you need to track the quantity and quality of the products consumed. It is important to remove psychological dependence on food, learn to correctly assess the body’s needs and satisfy them with healthy products.

On at this stage the process is in full swing When losing weight, the main thing is not to return to your previous lifestyle.

Duration of this period– three to four weeks.

If you need to lose fifteen kilograms and more - drink cocktails again, as in the 1st stage of the diet.

Authorized Products:

    150 grams boiled fish or seafood;

    150 grams of turkey;

    150 rabbit gram;

    one hundred grams of low-fat cheese;

    one hundred grams of lean beef;

    one hundred grams of liver;

    one hundred grams of veal;

    150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;

    150 grams of chicken;

    two eggs (without yolk).

At this stage of the diet can be consumed dishes, which contain carbohydrates, but their quantity should be limited:

    buckwheat grain;

    green fresh peas;

    grain breads;

    Red beans;

    pasta and bread made from wholemeal flour;

    unpolished rice;

    oat groats;


Also, you can eat eighty grams per day fruits:

    three fresh apricots;

    one orange;

    a large piece of pineapple;

    a large piece of watermelon;

    one banana;

    half a grapefruit;

    one pear;

    a couple of kiwis;

    seven pieces of fresh strawberries;

    four tablespoons fresh raspberries;

    one peach;

    a couple of plums;

    four tablespoons fresh blueberries;

    four tablespoons black currants;

    one apple.

Tips for following the Energy Diet

Effect of the Energy Diet cocktail for weight loss

WITH following a diet with Energy diets you optimize daily calorie intake, get the amount of vitamins, microelements, and fiber your body needs.

These cocktails help normalize digestion, b thanks contained in them fiber, enzymes. They are quickly digested and do not form waste in the intestines.

Cocktails contain o optimal amount of protein, dietary fiber, promoting long-lasting sensation satiety.

If you replace one of your meals with a cocktail - over time you can change eating habits to control cravings for unhealthy foods.

Energy diets - to how to accept

Energy diet shakes should be diluted with 1.5% fat milk. Milk can be replaced in ode, vegetable broth, low-fat kefir.

We prepare cocktails before drinking, it cannot be stored!

Energy Diet - composition

Energy diets - what is it? is that? According to manufacturers' advertisements, this is high-tech product, which will give the body necessary microelements.

What's included Energy Diet products:

    Animal (milk protein concentrate) and plant proteins (soy, pea proteins). The cocktail contains eighteen amino acids, not synthesized by the human body.

    Fats (soybean oil, containing thirty microelements, even vitamin E1 and linoleic acid, which slows down development of cancer cells).

    Carbohydrates (instantly absorbed glucose, maltodextrin with starch - thanks to them the body is provided with carbohydrates for a long time and you don’t feel fatigue) .

    Fiber (gum, inulin – give you a feeling of fullness for a long time oh, they help maintain normal microflora, cleanse the intestines).

    Eleven minerals + twelve itamines help optimize metabolism in the body.

    Acerola (Caribbean cherry) contains a huge amount of vitamin C).

    Royal jelly (milk secreted by a bee to feed the larvae - thanks to his body tissues feel good absorb oxygen, improves the body's resistance to adverse external conditions, stabilization occurs emotional state).

    Enzyme complex (ensures rapid and complete digestion of proteins).

Energy Diet - p contraindications


    pregnancy period,

    period of breastfeeding,

    elderly age,

    increased nervous excitability,

    insomnia ,

    cardiac dysfunction,


Energy Diet - reviews

Lisa: To the cocktails Energy Diet was originally taken by my husband before training to build muscle mass. I tried it too- liked. Now I drink cocktails for dinner. Already lost two kilograms.

Lena: For me, the Energy Diet cocktail replaces a full meal. He helped me get rid of from food addictions, and With its help, the body receives the necessary substances, even if there is no time for a full meal.

Katya: I’ll say right away - the Energy Diet cocktail helped me lose weight, but not much, and it’s expensive, and, moreover, tasteless.

I replaced breakfast and dinner with these cocktails. I prepared them like this: I mixed thirty grams of the product and two hundred grams of milk with 1.5% fat content in a shaker at a temperature sixty degrees.

A can of cocktail lasts only five days.. Energy fruit mixture tastes normal. Thanks to her, I lost one and a half kilograms..

Have the pleasure of this is the kind of food I I didn't receive it. And then I realized that you can eat healthy, light food with the same calorie content and lose weight no cocktails! Therefore, I came to healthy eating and chose foods that speed up metabolism for my diet.

And the cost of the Energy Diet cocktail is high - almost two thousand per jar. Cocktail price greatly overpriced. With this money it is better to buy vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products and see what you eat. These are real products, not some strange powder.

I don't I recommend you buy these cocktails. Just reduce your caloric intake to the level of consuming these cocktails. And you don't have to spend a lot of money!

Principles of dietary and sports nutrition are actively promoted all over the world, and therefore manufacturers of various dietary supplements have begun developing new food products with balanced composition BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). This is how Energy Diet cocktails from the French manufacturer of dietary products NL International were born. The developers promise that by drinking drinks, you will be able to develop proper eating habits, build muscle mass and lose excess weight.

Types of Energy Diet cocktails

The line of products for a balanced diet includes soups, omelettes, bread products, cereals and even sweet desserts, but cocktails are popular among athletes and those losing weight. The company produces about 17 mixtures with different flavors that truly resemble the natural product. A varied assortment gives customers the opportunity to choose the cocktail whose taste they like best. Popular drink flavors:

  • vanilla;
  • crimson;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate mousse;
  • banana;
  • strawberry;
  • cappuccino;
  • latte;
  • berry mix;
  • chocolate;
  • Irish Cream;
  • mango

Composition of Energy Diet cocktails

All NL International products are developed taking into account all quality conditions and have been tested at the Scientific Research Institute of Nutrition, Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The Energy Diet contains a complex of essential vitamins (A, group B, E, C, D3, H, PP) and 11 minerals (including zinc, selenium, iodine, iron, magnesium). In addition to all of the above, energy cocktails contain:

  • Plant and animal proteins of milk, soy, peas. Are the main building material for cells. Thanks to a reasonable combination of different groups of proteins, the Energy Diet cocktail helps maintain the balance of lipid metabolism.
  • Amino acids (lysine, threonine, leucine, valine, phenylalanine). They help restore muscle structure, are responsible for cell regeneration, and prevent premature aging of the skin.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids. They are represented by soybean oil, which, compared to other sources, contains a record amount of tocopherol (vitamin E). Unsaturated fatty acids have high biological activity and are almost 100% absorbed by a healthy body.
  • Fiber (chicory inulin, natural gum). It not only ensures quick saturation of the body and prevents the feeling of hunger, but also helps improve intestinal motility, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and prevent constipation.
  • Complex of fast and slow carbohydrates. All Energy Diet cocktails contain starch, maltodextrin and dextrose, which give a boost of energy and help maintain activity for 12 hours. The ratio of carbohydrates was calculated by experts so that all of them are completely processed into glucose and not stored as subcutaneous fat.
  • Acerola (Caribbean cherry). This is a natural source useful substances– vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fruit acids. Caribbean cherries help to tone the body, support the immune system, and have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Royal jelly (royal jelly). This component contains more than 300 substances valuable for the human body. In its chemical structure, royal jelly is not inferior to eggs, sour cream, meat, but does not contain harmful fats and cholesterol.
  • A specially developed set of HD (High Digestibility) digestive enzymes. Necessary for the normal functional functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and liver. The complex promotes rapid breakdown of food and complete absorption of nutrients.
  • Flavorings (coffee, cream, fruit), caffeine. They give drinks an extraordinary taste and aroma, and caffeine, in addition, gives an additional boost of energy and eliminates drowsiness.

Benefits of Energy Diet cocktails

With a diet based on these drinks, it is easy to optimize your daily calorie intake, while your body will receive the entire set of necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. Reviews about Energy Diets are mostly positive. Everyone who once tried the cocktails was satisfied with the taste and quality of the product. The creators of the functional nutrition set say that their products have the following advantages:

  • Ease of use. All you need to prepare a delicious lunch is an Energy Diet set and 200 ml of warm milk. Functional cocktails are an excellent option for those who travel frequently, lead an active lifestyle, or are busy at work.
  • Thanks to the content of digestive enzymes and fiber, the functioning of the digestive tract is normalized, and problems with stool are eliminated.
  • Variability. By mixing different dry mixtures you can get completely new tastes, which allows you to diversify your diet.
  • Stabilization of body weight. By replacing one meal with an Energy cocktail and repeating this several times, you gradually develop new eating habits and the craving for overeating, fatty and high-calorie foods goes away.

Rules of application

To bring your weight back to normal, you need a diet and quality of nutrition. You can speed up the process of losing weight with Energy cocktails if you adhere to the following set of rules:

  • Switch to fractional meals. Eating functional foods does not mean you need to completely eliminate other foods from your diet. Eat often (4-5 times a day), but reduce the number of servings and replace one or two meals with a tasty drink.
  • If you feel very hungry between meals, have a snack, but only using another Energy Diet product with a lower calorie content (for example, an energy bar or oatmeal).
  • The cocktail is prepared for one serving only, immediately before meals. Storing ready-made cocktails is unacceptable even in the refrigerator.
  • Once opened, dry mixes should be used for two months, after which the safe use period for cocktails expires. Optimal storage conditions are temperatures from +5 to +25 ° C and low air humidity.
  • If your goal is to lose weight, count calories. One serving of Energy cocktail contains on average 200 kcal. You should eat about 1500 kcal per day, so fill the gap with other dishes.
  • Be sure to follow the drinking regime. In addition to drinking weight loss drinks, you should drink at least one and a half liters of water per day.
  • In order to achieve good results, combine the diet with physical activity. Choose the sport that you like best and devote 2-3 days a week to classes.

The company that produces energy drinks for weight loss claims that by following these tips, you can lose up to 25 kilograms of excess weight and form a beautiful body contour. To prepare drinks from dry mixes, follow the following instructions:

  1. Measure out 1 scoop (it comes with the mixture and holds exactly 30 grams) of dry energy drink.
  2. Add a glass (200 ml) of warm or cold 1.5% milk and shake thoroughly. It is more convenient to do this procedure using a shaker.
  3. Drink a cocktail as a meal replacement.
  4. 15 minutes after the drink, drink a glass of filtered water. It will serve as a catalyst for increasing fiber volume.

Stages of losing weight with Energy Diet cocktails

The developers of physiologically functional concentrates also made sure that the process of losing weight occurs comfortably - without a debilitating feeling of hunger, poor health, or weakness. For ease of use of the system, it was divided into three main stages, which can be repeated if necessary:

  1. Start – start taking Energy Diet products. Takes from 3 to 5 days.
  2. Consolidating the result is the transition to a new nutrition plan, the formation of correct eating habits. It takes from several weeks to months.
  3. The control stage is consolidation of the achieved results.

First stage

The first 3–5 days must be spent restructuring the body to a new regime and quality of nutrition. Energy Diet concentrates will form the basis of the diet, so that the body will not experience a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. This procedure is necessary to normalize metabolic processes. Daily caloric intake at the initial stage is limited to 1200–1500 kcal. In addition to cocktails, the basis of the diet should be other Energy products, raw, boiled or stewed vegetables:

  • mushrooms;
  • radish;
  • zucchini;
  • beet;
  • seaweed;
  • bell pepper;
  • broccoli, cauliflower;
  • leaf salad;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • green beans;
  • asparagus;
  • pumpkin;
  • spinach;
  • soy shoots.

It is advisable to make a variety of salads from vegetables. It is allowed to season snacks with a small amount of lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, half a teaspoon of olive oil or sunflower oil. You can diversify the dish with herbs - parsley, dill, celery, sorrel leaves. Among the liquids, preference should be given to the following:

  • lightly brewed natural coffee, without sugar;
  • still mineral water;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • green, red or black tea;
  • filtered water.

It is important to maintain a drinking regime throughout the day. This will help avoid dehydration and hunger. The daily menu at the initial stage is quite monotonous:

  1. First breakfast. Energy Diet (ED) weight loss cocktail with any flavor – 1 serving (200 ml).
  2. Snack. ½ serving of ED.
  3. Dinner. A serving (200 ml) of hot soup or lunch from the ED concentrates line + 200 grams of vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack. ½ serving of ED.
  5. Dinner. 200 ml of ED with any flavor, a plate (200 g) of beetroot salad.


After completing the initial stage, you can move on. The process of losing weight has already begun, which means that the menu can be slightly diversified, and the intake of concentrates can be reduced to twice a day. Range and weight of permitted products:

  • boiled seafood or fish – no more than 200 grams;
  • turkey meat – 200 g;
  • boiled veal or beef – 100 g;
  • eggs (whites only) no more than two per day;
  • stewed rabbit – 200 g;
  • liver – 100 g;
  • cottage cheese with minimum percentage fat content – ​​150 g.

The consolidation stage, if excess weight is less than 10 kg, lasts 23–28 days; if excess weight is more than 11 kg, the duration of the diet is 1–2 months. The menu for the day should be based on the following example:

  1. For breakfast, prepare a portion (150 grams) of buckwheat or oatmeal porridge in water.
  2. As a snack, drink ½ serving (100 ml) of any flavor of ED diet drink.
  3. For lunch, prepare vegetable cream soup with mushrooms, a serving of meat (from the list of allowed foods) and 150 grams of vegetable salad.
  4. For lunch, drink 100 ml of ED.
  5. Have a portion of cottage cheese for dinner and drink 200 ml of ED.


To consolidate the achieved results, you will have to regularly monitor the calorie content of food and its quality. Your main goals are to learn to eat healthy, stop snacking, and give up unhealthy and too fatty foods. The consumption of Energy Diet diet drinks should be reduced to 1 serving per day, preferably in the evening. The following are added to the list of permitted products:

  • brown or unpolished white rice;
  • wholemeal pasta;
  • grain bread, wheat bread;
  • legumes – lentils, green peas, red beans, peas;
  • fruits – grapefruit, pear, kiwi, apples;
  • berries - raspberries, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, black currants, watermelon.

It is important to note that weight loss at this stage is equal to the number of months during which you will follow the diet. If you need to lose 5 kilograms of weight, then you need to eat according to the proposed plan for exactly 5 months. To make it easier to control your weight, the creators of concentrates recommend keeping a diary, where once a week you make the following entries: weight, hips, waist, chest.


Dry mixtures for weight loss have a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is worth choosing a different (safer) weight loss regimen. Before starting a diet for people with cardiovascular, nervous and immune system You should definitely consult your doctor. It is strictly prohibited to consume drinks during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in childhood and for all those who have the following health problems:

  • pancreatitis in chronic or acute form;
  • hypertension – high blood pressure;
  • tachycardia - painful, rapid heartbeat;
  • chronic or acute gastritis – inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • colitis – inflammation of the colon;
  • enteritis - inflammation of the small intestine;
  • intestinal dysbiosis - a violation of the microflora (presence of opportunistic microorganisms), accompanied by diarrhea, general weakness, bloating;
  • metabolic syndrome - an increase in the percentage of visceral fat, resistance (decreased sensitivity) of tissues to insulin, disorders of lipid, carbohydrate or purine metabolism;
  • insomnia – problems falling asleep or sleep disturbances;
  • Chronic heart failure is a condition in which the myocardium (heart muscle) is not able to pump enough blood for the normal functioning of other organs.


In addition to medical contraindications, functional nutrition from NL International has a number of consumer disadvantages. People who took Energy Diet dry concentrates noted the following disadvantages:

  • Monotony of the diet, which makes it difficult to adhere to the recommended regimen for a long time.
  • Difficulty purchasing. All NL International products are sold only through the manufacturer’s website, the pages of official dealers on the Internet or at special sales points, which can only be found in major cities Russia.
  • Expensive set. In order to at least somehow diversify your diet, you will have to purchase several dry mixtures with different flavors, given the price from 1900 rubles - a full weight loss course will hit your pocket hard.
  • The presence of chemical ingredients, which makes the composition only partially natural.

Price for Energy Diet cocktails

The cost of concentrates varies depending on the chosen flavor. During the sale period, you can buy Energy Diet at a discount of 10 to 50%, but for this you need to constantly monitor the manufacturer’s official website. Approximate price range for cocktails in specialized stores in Moscow:


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