Balanced nutrition included in the composition. A balanced diet for every day and useful recommendations. Broccoli cream soup

A balanced diet (or, as it is also called, a balanced diet) does not require colossal efforts, and does not contain a lot of restrictions, unlike many diets. The most important thing in a balanced diet is to schedule and include only nutritious foods in the menu.

A balanced diet directly depends on many indicators: on gender, on the type of activity, and even on the place where a person lives. But there are basic principles on which a rational diet is built that can keep the human body in excellent shape.

Basic principles of a balanced diet

Energy consumption

The energy that is consumed during the day must be compensated for by the energy value of the food. Energy consumption depends on the age, sex of a person and on his physical activity. So athletes or people engaged in heavy physical labor need to consume from 4000 to 5000 kcal. But for office workers no more than 2600 kcal. Also, a lot depends on age - after 50 years, it decreases every ten years by 7%.

How to properly balance your diet

The human body needs various substances on a daily basis. Each element has its own tasks and functions.

The body cannot be saturated with one and completely exclude another useful substance.

  • Fats the most energetic substances in the body, they also have enormous plastic value, since they contain phospholipids, vitamins, and fatty acids.
  • Squirrels - the basis of the entire building system of the body. Assistants in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and vitamins.
  • Carbohydrates - the main fuel for life. This also includes fiber, which has the main function in the assimilation of food.
  • Vitamins and minerals. How correctly the body as a whole will function depends on their number. But this does not mean that you need to quickly use everything described above. It is the ratio of all substances and microelements that is very important for the body.

Remember! A balanced diet is not a diet, but a way of life!

For one day, the protein content in the plate should not exceed 15% (of which half are animal proteins, and the other half are vegetable proteins). You can calculate something like this - 1 g of protein should account for 1 kg of weight. So, if you weigh 70 kg, then you should consume 70 g of proteins per day, of which 35 g of vegetable proteins (for example, mushrooms, pasta, rice) and 35 g of animal proteins (fish, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.) ...

The amount of fat should be no more than 30% of the total diet.

If you divide 30% by types of fats, then the percentage looks like this:

  • up to 10% - saturated acids;
  • up to 15% - monounsaturated acids;
  • up to 7% - polyunsaturated acids.

Saturated acids are found in large quantities in butter and in hard margarines. Monounsaturated acids are found in sunflower, soybean, corn oil and fish, but peanut and olive oils are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The share of carbohydrates is no more than 70% of the total diet per day. Of these, the lion's share is assigned to complex carbohydrates and only up to 10% is assigned to simple carbohydrates, which are quickly digestible substances (these are sweets, sugar, jam, etc.).

Carbohydrates that are not digested include cellulose... Without fiber, the digestive system cannot function as it should (this is bread and all its types, cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts).

As a result, a rational balanced diet means consuming no more than 80 g of protein, 80 g of fat and no more than 400 g of carbohydrates per day (of which about 40 g of simple carbohydrates, up to 24 g of fiber).

Meal mode

Another answer to the question of how to balance food is how and when to eat.

  1. As soon as you get up you need to drink 1 tbsp of warm water,
  2. Have breakfast after half an hour and preferably with cereals,
  3. Drink a glass of water before each meal.
  4. Do not drink food.

Ideally, you should eat four times a day, without snacks! Each meal should be in 4 - 5 hours, but dinner about three hours before bedtime.

The golden rules of a balanced diet

  • eat more fruits and vegetables. One apple a day removes all poisons and toxins from the body;
  • eat at least 2 hours before training;
  • after physical activities eat after 1 hour;
  • use animal protein only at lunch and dinner, but not before bedtime;
  • it is forbidden to eat both the first and second in a row;
  • exclude fried foods from the diet;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Do not drink before going to bed!
  • drink coffee and tea as little as possible, it is better to replace them with cocoa, chicory, natural juice, compote;
  • do not use products that have expired;
  • do not eat carbohydrates with proteins (dumplings, meat with bread);
  • it is advisable to forget about various sweet flour products, sweets, etc.;
  • exclude from the menu fast food, various soda, chips, mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, sausages, sausages, ice cream, chocolates.

A balanced diet menu should look like this:

  • Breakfast: up to 25% carbohydrates, fiber and fats;
  • Lunch: up to 35% carbohydrates and proteins
  • Dinner: up to 25% protein, fat and carbohydrates
  • Before going to bed: drink 1 tbsp of kefir or yogurt.

A sample balanced diet menu for a week

  • For breakfast you can cook the following dishes: cottage cheese, various cereals with honey, 3 slices of cheese, omelet, curd casserole. They need to be broken down into seven days. It is best to drink natural juices, coffee and green tea.
  • For lunch cook fish (boiled or baked), broths based on lean meat or chicken, mushroom soup, spaghetti with herbs and tomatoes, cabbage soup, steamed cutlets, boiled potatoes or boiled beans. You can create a menu for yourself from the listed dishes for the week. You need to give preference to gray and black bread, but no more than 2 slices at one meal.
  • For dinner it is advisable to cook low-calorie meals such as stewed vegetables, salad from greens, boiled chicken meat, boiled fish, stew, seaweed and seafood, carrot casserole. It is best to drink green tea.
  • Before going to bed, you need to drink 1 cup of fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt.

Fasting days can also be included in a balanced diet. They will help normalize the digestive system. It is best to unload your body about once a week. On this day, you need to consume more water, you can only afford fruits and vegetables.

Remember, a balanced diet is not a diet, it is a way of life that contributes to the normal functioning of all systems of our body.

Nutritionists constantly reiterate the need to eat healthy and balanced. We obediently listen and nod our heads, agreeing with the experts. But how many of us know what this very "balanced nutrition system" is? What criteria indicate that the diet is unbalanced? And will not fat on the sides be added from such a nutrition program?

What is a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is a nutritional system that provides the body with the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the functionality of cells, tissues, individual organs and the entire system, which is the human body.

Failure to follow a balanced diet can lead to a variety of health problems, from chronic fatigue and lack of energy to dysfunction of vital organs. This type of diet does not belong to the nutritional systems designed specifically for weight loss, but by following it, you can be sure that the body is not overgrown with pounds of fat.

A properly formulated, balanced diet should contain all major food groups in optimal proportions. Adherence to the recommended diet will help you avoid excess weight. But the correct calorie content is not the only requirement for a balanced diet. It is important to make sure that the body receives the necessary vitamins and others on a daily basis. useful material... Most of the world's nutritionists agree that the classic Mediterranean diet is one of the most balanced. If you take it as a basis, it is easy to create a balanced menu for a week or even a month.

A balanced diet under the microscope

No diet can be called balanced if it lacks carbohydrates, fats, proteins, fiber, vitamins or minerals. Let's briefly recall why the body needs these substances.

Carbohydrates. It is very difficult to achieve zero carbohydrate content in the diet, but if this happens, then you can be sure that such nutrition will go to the body, more likely to harm than good (even with severe obesity). Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. In addition, they are necessary to maintain the shape of the muscles (with a deficiency of carbohydrates, the building protein from the muscles is consumed), these same substances serve as "food" for beneficial bacteria living in the intestines. Nutritionists advise to formulate the diet so that it is 45% carbohydrates (ideally, these should be slow carbohydrates).

Proteins. The human body is, in fact, an accumulation of different proteins (in our bodies, scientists have counted from 30,000 to 50,000 types of protein compounds). Protein food is a source of irreplaceable, it is necessary for the formation of DNA, enzymes, hormones and special proteins in the body responsible for the transport of oxygen, blood and muscle growth, it is indispensable for the health of bones, hair, nails. Without exaggeration, every cell in the human body needs proteins. The source of this nutrient should be natural food, since the bioactivity of protein food additives much worse. Although the abuse of proteins is as dangerous for humans as their deficiency.

Cellulose. Another name for this substance is dietary fiber. This is a special type of carbohydrate that cannot be absorbed by the body. The indispensability of fiber is that it is responsible for the proper functioning of the intestines and maintains a healthy microflora in it, improves digestion, removes toxins from the body and reduces the risk of developing oncology. But taking in a lot of fiber, it is important to ensure that you are drinking enough fluids, otherwise there is a risk of constipation.

Vitamins. You can talk about the benefits of these substances for a very long time, and about each separately. In short, each of them performs its own function, which in the complex is manifested by the correct growth, development and well-adjusted functioning of the entire system of the human body. As a rule, a lack of any of the vitamins triggers the domino principle and, ultimately, the entire body suffers.

Minerals. Our bodies cannot produce minerals on their own, so it is important to replenish their reserves from food. Each of the minerals, like vitamins, plays a specific role in the body. Maintaining the mineral balance is the key to the proper functioning of all organs and systems, it is healthy bones, teeth, skin and hair, the correct blood formula and a healthy metabolism.

How to balance your diet: basic rules

For a truly balanced diet, it is important to pay attention not only to what we eat, but also how often. According to most experts, proper nutrition should consist of 5-6 meals, although some nutritionists (mainly in the West) defend the right to 3 meals a day. But both the first and the second agree that breakfast is almost the main meal of the day, so it should be categorically not skipped. Each meal should contain foods from different food categories (during the day, food from all permitted groups should be consumed), and portion sizes should be moderate, corresponding to the required calorie content. By the way, there are several opinions about calorie content. The most popular version says that the daily diet of a man should be 2320 kcal, for women it is enough to consume 1900 kcal per day.

Alcohol in a balanced diet is, if not under a total ban, then severe restrictions are imposed on its use. In addition to alcohol, you should also control portions, limit your intake of foods rich in saturated lipids and trans fats, and be wary of cholesterol foods.

In addition, a diet cannot be called balanced if in daily diet provides less than 2 liters of clean, non-carbonated and no room for moderate physical activity. Water and sport are the two "building blocks" without which it is impossible to achieve balance in the body.

Components of a Balanced Diet

Milk products

What is prohibited

Foods that do not fit into the above categories are considered unhealthy for humans and are not included in a balanced diet. Some of the more popular foods that "imbalance" a healthy eating system include sweets, cakes, chips, and other fast food snacks. If you really want to, then in rare cases, you can pamper yourself with a dessert as a relaxation, but in this case it is better to give preference to the option containing less than 145 kcal.

Everyone has their own balance

This diet is not a food plan with a clear definition of the amount of food. A balanced menu for everyone is unique, their own. What different organisms need depends on different factors:

  • age;
  • floor;
  • lifestyle;
  • health conditions;
  • physical activity.

In addition, balanced nutrition options exist for vegetarians, meat lovers, pregnant women, and athletes. There are also dietary variations for maintaining a healthy weight and for obese people.

Standard option. This is the skeleton around which you can create different diet options, while maintaining the key principles.

The breakfast of any balanced diet consists of carbohydrates (cereals), 1 fruit and protein. A snack is always a fruit or vegetable (it can be in the form of juice or salad). A balanced lunch should contain protein, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates (such as a slice of whole grain bread or cereal). The second snack in this food system is dairy products and a vegetable or fruit. For dinner, it is good to eat fish or meat (alternate), beans, complex carbohydrates and vegetables.

Option without meat. For breakfast, you can make an omelet of 2 eggs (for olive oil) and have a drink. For a snack, try fruit salad, and for lunch, bean soup and cabbage salad. For the second snack, choose nuts or dried fruits, and for dinner, risotto and fresh are suitable.

Option for maintaining a stable weight. Weight-watchers can, without remorse, have breakfast with their favorite porridge with 2 egg whites, after which they can eat and drink either. It is useful to have a snack, and to dine with fish with stewed vegetables. For the second snack, it is useful to use yogurt and. If you don't want dinner to go fat on your sides, then your option is stewed cabbage with chicken breast and a glass of herbal tea.

Option for obesity. There are special medical diets to treat obesity, but a balanced diet can also help you lose weight. It is useful for obese people to have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese and carrot salad. For snacks throughout the day, you can take fruits, berries or cottage cheese. For lunch, it is useful to eat vegetarian borsch, 100 g of lean meat and some stewed vegetables. A good option for dinner - steamed fish and vegetables.

Option for athletes. Breakfast for active people may consist of boiled eggs and milk. You can dine with your favorite type of meat and salad, and dinner, for example, with fish and boiled salad. For a snack, choose fruit or vegetable juices.

Option for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a special period when female body requires a specific diet. Such a menu can serve as an example. Breakfast - from milk porridge, snack - from yogurt, lunch - from pea soup, fish and stewed vegetables, a second snack - fruit salad, and unsalted cheese and vinaigrette for dinner.

Balanced diet for weight loss

Although the initial task of a balanced diet is not to get rid of excess weight, but with the correct calculation of the daily calorie content, this food system will help you lose weight without harming the body. As a rule, for a quick and effective weight loss it is enough to reduce the calorie content of the diet to 1200 kcal per day. And already on the basis of this figure, enter permitted food into the menu. These products can be:

  • chicken breast;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • eggs;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • porridge;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • vegetables (except starchy);
  • water.

Menu for 1000 kcal. This diet can be used when you need to quickly lose up to 5 kg. In this case, it is useful to have breakfast with low-fat cottage cheese (about 70 g), snack on fruit (apple, grapefruit), eat vegetable soup for lunch, and have an afternoon snack with a handful of nuts. In the role of a dietary and proper dinner, boiled chicken breast (about 100 g) is suitable.

1200 kcal menu. This is an option for a balanced "not hungry" diet, but very effective for weight loss. This revision of the breakfast diet includes a boiled egg, whole grain toast, a tomato, and a cup of coffee. A glass of kefir and fruit will help satisfy hunger between breakfast and lunch. For lunch, choose a vegetarian soup, fresh vegetable salad and 100 g of fish or chicken. An orange and some natural yogurt are an example of a balanced afternoon snack. For dinner, you can cook a portion of rice with lean meat, and before bed, drink a glass of chamomile tea.

Menu for 1500 kcal. This slimming menu is best for people with high physical activity or doing sports intensively. Such people need a nutritious breakfast of wheat porridge / cottage cheese, etc. Next comes a snack from a large and berry cocktail (for example, from black currant rich in vitamins and minerals). For lunch, you can pamper yourself with asparagus soup with croutons, eat 150 g of lean meat or fish, and a salad of fresh vegetables. For a snack, you can choose dried fruits or nuts and drink everything green tea... Vegetable salad and stuffed peppers are good examples of dinner.

But adherence to a low-calorie balanced menu is not a guarantee of successful weight loss. For the result to be truly pleasing, it is important not to forget about physical activity and the need to drink plenty of water.

It is not for nothing that nutritionists always emphasize the need for a balanced diet. Improper nutrition always leads to development serious illnesses... A balanced diet is the key to maintaining good health and wellness. According to the latest research, even a person's mood is influenced by their diet. So make sure your diet is balanced. Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do.

Sources of

  1. Gogulan M. - The laws of good nutrition: encyclopedia of health / M. Gogulan. - M .: AST, 2009 - 471 p.
  2. Healthy eating. Healthy way life. - M .: AST, 2005 - 237 p.
  3. Gorokhov V. A., Gorokhova S. N. - Therapeutic balanced nutrition - the way to health and longevity. - SPb .: Peter. 2011 - 278 p.

Speciality: infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist.

Overall experience: 35 years .

Education:1975-1982, 1MMI, san-gig, highest qualification, infectious disease doctor.

Science degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate medical sciences.


In order to have a slender figure and a healthy appearance, you do not need to exhaust yourself with hunger. With a balanced diet, the figure itself will gradually return to normal.

You can grow slim with pleasure and taste.

Strict diets give a quick and short-lived result, often hitting various body systems, disrupting their work. A balanced diet, on the other hand, heals and gives positive results for many years.

What is it - a correct and healthy diet

Indicators of correct and healthy eating is normal weight and well-being. A healthy and correct diet is always:

  • compliance of consumed calories with consumed energy;
  • providing the body with all the necessary macro- and microelements.

A balanced diet does not require large material costs. You can always find products that are typical for a given season and region at affordable prices.

Important! The amount of fat for any person should not exceed 30% of the daily amount of food.

Be sure to see:

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Foundations of the theory

A balanced diet involves a full intake of a variety of foods. This is breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea with dinner and 2-3 more snacks. In general, this is 5-6 meals per day.

At the same time, it is necessary to observe the harmony of the three golden components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary to choose the right products, take care of the fortified diet, and calculate the calorie content. And you should take into account your age, active load, gender, energy consumption, chronic ailments.

What are the main principles of making a rational menu

There are many starting points for a balanced diet. Basic principles:

  • eat fractionally, which will "speed up" the metabolism and get rid of a strong feeling of hunger;
  • 15-20 minutes before meals, drink a glass of plain pure water, it is possible with lemon juice to improve digestion;
  • do not drink food, you can drink water after a meal only after an hour;
  • chew slowly and thoroughly each bite so that the brain has time to receive a signal of satiety, so the amount eaten will be less;
  • diversify the menu so that the body does not rebel and does not require more and more food;
  • it is worth making up your correct menu every evening for the coming day;
  • completely abandon sausages, soda, mayonnaise, pickles and smoked meats, fried and fatty foods;
  • impose restrictions on salt and sugar;
  • replace alcohol with fresh homemade juices and compotes, lemonade and water;
  • eat fruits and vegetables for the season, at least two kilos per season;
  • forbidden foods in the form of sweets can be eaten strictly until 12 noon, then you cannot;
  • follow the meal schedule;
  • do not starve and do not stick to mono diets;
  • do not overeat or eat on the run;
  • write down everything eaten during the day;
  • when you want to eat, you need to drink water, perhaps the body asks for water;
  • every day you need to do at least simple gymnastics and walk for at least 30 minutes.

It is better to replace sweets in the form of cakes and candies with dried fruits, giving preference to dried apricots, raisins, dates.

Important! A balanced diet is not a temporary diet, but a way of life. It contributes to the normal functioning of all body systems.

Contrary to popular belief that such food is expensive, not tasty and time-consuming, it does not require additional costs and time for preparation. It's also delicious.

Different types of food contain different substances, trace elements and vitamins, which is why a varied menu is important for a person.

Things to Consider to Balance Your Food

All food for the day must be divided conditionally into 4 parts. In percentage terms, the volume distribution looks like this:

  • Eat 25% for breakfast;
  • 10-15% - for lunch;
  • 40-45% - for lunch;
  • 25% and no less - for dinner.

Fractional ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in standard form looks like 1: 1: 4.

To maintain health

With ideal weight and wellbeing, the goal of a balanced diet is to maintain health. The ideal menu for this would be:

  • in the morning - porridge with fruits, berries, honey, nuts, the total calorie content can reach 400 kcal;
  • for lunch - meat with a garnish of vegetables or cereals, durum wheat pasta;
  • dine with light foods - vegetables and protein foods.

A snack can be a handful of nuts, a slice of cheese, yogurt, a cup of fresh vegetable salad, fruit.

Interesting! The principles of balanced nutrition are described in his writings still academician I.P. Pavlov... According to his writings, food maintains a uniform and constant molecular balance in the body. If a failure occurs, you need to replenish harmony with a balanced diet.


Losing extra pounds is not easy, you need to take into account many individual characteristics: body type, age, gender, physical activity. In an average form, it is believed that for a woman it is necessary to consume no more than 1200-1300 kcal per day, for men - 1500-1800 kcal.

So that the feeling of hunger does not interfere with focusing on achieving the goal, you should:

  • have breakfast with carbohydrate food (as a side dish - pasta, potatoes) or eat porridge;
  • give up smoked meats and salted foods;
  • do not completely give up sweets, but eat before 12 noon;
  • eat a variety of foods;
  • drink up to 2 liters of water a day;
  • have dinner with protein foods.

You can't starve, it will lead to stress and breakdown. You need to eat, but do not forget about calories: 1200-1300 kcal and no more. And do not eat 4 hours before bedtime. One day a week should be fasting. This means that you can eat fruits and vegetables, drink water, tea and coffee without sweetening. You can also eat apples or cucumbers alone. Anyone who likes watermelon is also an option. At the same time, for effective and painless weight loss, the menu for a week for men and women should be based precisely on the accepted calorie intake.

For sports

People who are actively involved in sports need more energy. This means that the consumption of calories per day can reach 2000-2200 for women and 2500 for men. To maintain and grow muscle mass it is necessary that proteins and carbohydrates be approximately equal. Breakfasts should always consist of proteins and carbohydrates, and fat can be no more than 20%. Athletes need it less than ordinary people. From fats you need to choose the right ones - red fish, nuts, avocados, seeds. Do not forget about the water balance, drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water.

Examples of the correct selection of dishes for every day

Nutritionists agree that within a week any person needs to eat meat, fish, milk, vegetables and fruits in all variations, nuts. One example of how to properly balance your diet is the food pyramid. Its obvious advantage is the ability to use any types of products from each group in menu recipes for the day, focusing on your own taste preferences.

And normal weight.

There is a formula for determining body mass index, by which you can calculate your ideal weight. It is simple: divide the weight by the square of your height in meters. An indicator from 19 to 25 is considered ideal.

If your weight is not ideal, you need to adjust your diet. But by reducing calories, you cannot break the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Otherwise, the lack of macronutrients will result in negative consequences, which include fatigue, irritability and the return of kilograms in case of a breakdown. This is why it is important that our food is not only wholesome and nutritious, but also balanced.

Doctor against strict diets. He sees a return to ideal form in a balanced diet with sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins. It is necessary to lower the calorie content and increase the activity. And the menu should be dominated by protein and plant products..

Pierre Ducan. Photo from

Pierre Ducan, renowned nutritionist

He believes that, in order not to harm health, it is necessary to lose weight by 4 kilograms per month and no more. And satisfaction in life and in food - two components of health - alone cannot bring success. Pierre Dukan often visits Russia, he is called a "meat nutritionist" because he advises to focus on protein foods. He himself does not eat meat, he prefers fish. And he recommends that those who do not like meat eat fish - this is also protein.

Lydia Ionova, nutritionist and sports doctor, medical psychologist

Recommends to make up your correct individual diet only in conjunction with your doctor. As she says, if one system has helped a friend or colleague, that does not mean that it will help you too. The individual characteristics of the body strongly affect the perception of a particular nutritional system. You cannot find the perfect option for the whole family, look for the best for everyone.

Main conclusions

The right menu can be healthy and tasty at the same time. A balanced composition of macro- and macronutrients will allow you to slowly return to normal weight and keep this result for a long time. And the main thing is to maintain health.

Monotonous food─ is the use of the same food for a long time. Food prepared from a long-term non-replaceable set of foods gives the body an excess of some nutrients in the absence of others. Products and dishes made from them can be healthy and properly prepared, but they do not provide all the needs of the body.

Lack of any nutrient or mineral inevitably disrupts metabolism and impairs the quality of life.

For normal life, a healthy person needs everything that nature gives. During illness, there may be restrictions, but they are either temporary or prohibited foods are replaced by others.

They are engaged in drawing up a complete diet dietitians... They take into account the individual needs of a person in food, take into account gender, age, lifestyle and the presence of diseases.

A monotonous diet leads to a lack of nutrients, without which the body cannot function normally. For example, some of the amino acids (building blocks of proteins) can be synthesized by the body on its own, but the so-called essential amino acids can only be obtained from food. The same applies to most vitamins and all trace elements.

How to eat in a balanced way?

The principles of healthy eating based on a balanced diet were formulated by WHO in 1991.

The word "balance" in translation means "balance". A balanced diet is one that meets the needs of a particular person for nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), vitamins, trace elements and electrolytes.

Every person's needs are different. A growing child needs a lot of carbohydrates and proteins to build organs, a pregnant woman needs proteins and fat, and fewer carbohydrates, an infectious patient needs plant and animal proteins to form an immune response, vitamins, trace elements and water to neutralize toxins. An old man needs dairy and plant products, in which there is little protein, but there is fiber, trace elements and easily digestible fat.

To compose an individual balanced diet, you need to know the following parameters:

  • age;
  • body mass;
  • daily calorie requirement;
  • Lifestyle;
  • physiological state (pregnancy, illness, recovery).

Basic principles of a balanced diet

The World Health Organization believes that a person should have specific goals in order to build a healthy diet:

"Good" and "bad" foods in terms of nutrient diversity

There are no unambiguously “bad” and absolutely “good” products, we are talking about the benefits for a specific person.

Normal foods (not fast food) contain all the nutrients you need, but in varying amounts. Close to complete (contain a full set of substances, you can eat one species without harm to health) are as follows:

Sample menu for a week

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
MondayVegetable salad with rice, boiled egg, tea without sugarUkha, boiled fish, a slice of bread, compoteBoiled chicken slice, vegetable salad, rosehip broth
TuesdayBuckwheat porridge with milk, weak coffee with milkChicken soup, steam cutlet, vegetable salad, teaGalette cookies with kefir
WednesdayOatmeal in milk with the addition of cottage cheese and honeyVegetarian borsch, baked fish, fruit juiceA slice of boiled beef with cauliflower, jelly
ThursdayOmelet, strong teaVegetable soup, boiled beef, compoteHoney cottage cheese, herbal tea
FridayFish cutlet, vegetable salad, coffeeMeat borsch, vegetable casserole, fruit drinkDumplings with cottage cheese, kefir
SaturdayMeat meatballs, millet porridge, teaBeef broth soup, boiled beef, vegetable salad, compoteCottage cheese casserole with fruit, herbal tea with honey
SundayStewed vegetables with fish, tea, breadMeat borsch, steamed cutlets, salad, compoteCottage cheese with fruit, jelly

As an afternoon snack or second breakfast, you can use an apple, a glass of low-fat kefir, a piece of dark chocolate, boiled beets or corn, fresh herbs.

Symptoms of a lack of certain nutrients

Manifestations of insufficiency of BZHU

Nutrient component Deficiency symptoms Where is contained
  • muscle weakness;
  • joint pain;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • brittle nails and hair loss;
  • dry skin;
  • swelling;
  • non-healing scratches and wounds;
  • frequent colds and illnesses
  • meat;
  • eggs;
  • a fish;
  • milk products;
  • legumes;
  • nuts
  • constant weakness;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • decreased vision;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • constant feeling of cold;
  • impossible to lose weight
  • Salo;
  • fat meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • headache;
  • decreased memory;
  • constant chills;
  • Bad mood;
  • bloating and constipation
  • bread;
  • pasta;
  • porridge;
  • potato;
  • flour;
  • legumes;
  • fruit.

Vitamin deficiency manifestations

Vitamin Deficiency symptoms Where is contained
Vitamin B 1
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • confused consciousness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • double vision;
  • decreased memory;
  • developmental delay in children
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • bran;
  • liver;
  • baked potato;
  • raw oatmeal;
  • black bread;
  • decoctions of beans and peas
Vitamin C
  • bleeding;
  • easy bruising;
  • dry skin;
  • loss of teeth and hair;
  • general irritability and lethargy
  • sauerkraut;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • mulberry;
  • lemon;
  • sorrel;
  • bell pepper;
  • greenery
Vitamin A
  • Night blindness;
  • long-term (more than 8 seconds) adaptation to darkness;
  • drying out of the cornea;
  • early wrinkles and skin cracks;
  • premature aging;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • fragility of nails
  • caviar and fish liver;
  • eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • carrot
Vitamin D
  • deformation of the bones;
  • fractures;
  • softening of bones;
  • weakness;
  • demineralization of teeth;
  • osteoporosis
  • eggs;
  • beef liver;
  • soy milk;
  • herring;
  • parsley;
  • mushrooms;
  • yeast
Vitamin K
  • bleeding and thrombosis
  • cabbage;
  • seaweed;
  • green onions;
  • chicory;
  • lettuce

Mineral deficiency manifestations

Mineral Deficiency symptoms Where is contained
  • low blood pressure;
  • sharp pallor;
  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • anemia
  • red meat;
  • beef liver;
  • white beans;
  • grenades;
  • spinach;
  • bitter chocolate
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • decreased immunity;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle
  • seafood;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • greenery
  • heart cramps;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased urination;
  • erosion of mucous membranes
  • potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • parsley;
  • apricots;
  • grape;
  • Black tea
  • muscle cramps;
  • joint pain;
  • prostration;
  • insomnia
  • beans;
  • wheat bran;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • green apples
  • skin acne;
  • baldness;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • poor appetite
  • wheat bran;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sunflower seeds

A lot has been said about the importance of proper balanced nutrition by nutritionists and doctors. For most, the phrase "proper nutrition" sounds intimidating because of the pictures in the imagination: steamed cutlets, Lilliputian portion sizes, fresh vegetables ...

"Eh!", We sigh heavily, "goodbye, delicious food!" Is the situation really that dire?

Does a balanced diet always have to be labeled "tasteless"? Surely it cannot be put on equal rights on the scale of "goodness" in a row with meals that include french fries, cream cakes and sugary juices?

Let's figure it out.

The theoretical side of a balanced diet

A healthy lifestyle, the calls to follow which are heard from everywhere, includes not only giving up addictions, physical exercise, positive thinking, but also a balanced diet. The statement “Our health is in our hands” makes sense, because a person’s lifestyle is 50% more likely to go to the hospital for the help of qualified specialists.

As they say, rely on medicine, heredity and ecology, but do not make a mistake yourself!

If we talk about balanced nutrition in general, then the following "golden rules" or the principles of this, no doubt, worldview should be highlighted:

  1. Water is the source of life, so its daily use in an amount of 1.5 liters or more is not just another problem for those losing weight, but a necessity.
  2. As building material cells and tissues of living organisms are proteins and minerals: their inclusion in the diet is mandatory.
  3. Fats and carbohydrates help the human body not to faint from lack of strength and energy: in order to complete the next approach in the gym, you need to refresh yourself.
  4. Vitamins and microelements are responsible for the metabolism.

This is the information that slowly leads to the essence of the theory of balanced nutrition: the inclusion of a certain amount of all types of nutrients in the daily menu.

Food on the pyramid

A pyramid, subdivided into sections with products, helps to visually present a balanced diet. Moving from the base to the top, you can get acquainted with the food, the use of which should be in or out of priorities.

The basis of the pyramid of correct balanced nutrition is cereals or grain foods. Cereals, bran or grain bakery and pasta.

The beneficial plant fibers, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates contained in cereals make them indispensable elements of proper nutrition. The daily rate is within 200 grams.

Fruits and vegetables are located one step higher. The second constituent parts of the pyramid include vitamins, minerals, fiber and plant fiber.

The fruit or vegetable portion on the plate should be about 50% of its area. For fruits and vegetables, there is an approximate daily limit of 4.5 cups.

The third position from the bottom is occupied by products of animal origin. Meat, dairy and seafood contain protein, without which human existence is impossible for long periods of time.

Legumes, nuts, seeds come to the aid of vegetarians.

The top of the pyramid includes all "negative" foods, the use of which, with proper nutrition, must be minimized. They are fatty, sweet and salty foods, and alcohol.

The rational balanced diet consists of 3-4 meals, the intervals between which should not exceed four hours (with the exception of sleep). With three meals a day, breakfast is about 30% of the total calorie content, lunch - up to 50%, and dinner - 20%.

A quarter percent of the daily caloric intake is given to breakfast with four meals a day, about 15% for lunch, about 45% for the daytime and about 15% for the evening meals.

Fruits, vegetables, dairy products should prevail in the components of the dinner plate. Meat, fish, beans, hot spices, caffeine and chocolate as major pathogens nervous system, put it off until tomorrow.

Diet and balanced nutrition: differences

A balanced diet, even for weight loss, is not a diet. Of course, the effect of the diet allows people from all over the world to lose extra pounds in a matter of time, but have they thought about the consequences ...

The dangers that warn the human body at the exit from most diets are excluded with proper nutrition. A balanced diet is a lifestyle in which a person does not experience stress on the way to achieving the goal of a healthy and strong body.

A feature of diets is the restriction in the consumption of certain substances: proteins, fats or carbohydrates. As a result of the shock experienced by the body, a sharp decrease in weight occurs, which, after the restoration of the usual diet, returns as quickly as it left.

Meanwhile, the principle of proper nutrition is to provide the body with all the elements necessary for healthy life. The main thing is to maintain balance and adhere to proportions.

You can learn about the basics of a balanced diet in the video.

How to switch to proper nutrition

A clean, balanced diet is impossible without tracking the amount, energy value and nutritional value of food (in other words, subtracting calories), the quality and regularity of meals, calculating the fluids and energy expended.

The basics:

Variations in meals for proper nutrition

For your attention 5 menu options for each meal, which can be spread over the week!

So, as a breakfast with a balanced diet, they use:

  • oatmeal with the addition of honey, nuts, fruits;
  • diet pancakes made from chopped banana and chicken eggs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, combined with herbs and cucumber;
  • omelet from chicken eggs, tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms;
  • muesli with dried fruits, seasoned with yogurt.

Feel free to dilute your morning meals with glasses of freshly squeezed juice, tea or coffee without adding sweeteners.

By combining proper nutrition and dining, the following variations are obtained:

  • baked potatoes, complemented by vegetable salad;
  • brown rice seasoned with stewed vegetables;
  • chicken fillet in addition to white cabbage salad;
  • boiled beef with beans stewed with vegetables;
  • steamed vegetables and fish;

10-15 minutes before eating, drink a glass of tea or water: this way you will reduce your appetite and, accordingly, the amount of food consumed.

Complete your gastronomic routine with options:

  • vegetable salad with red onions and cheese;
  • boiled lean meat with fresh herbs;
  • buckwheat + fruit;
  • assorted fruits and nuts;
  • mix of vegetables, fruits.

Have snacks between meals. Depending on hunger, for lunch or an afternoon snack, according to the rules of a balanced diet, they consume fruits, bars, cottage cheese, and dried bread.

Balanced menu for adherents of vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is subdivided into several additional currents that allow or prohibit the use of dairy products and eggs.

Strict vegetarianism, which involves making a menu entirely of plant-based foods, is called veganism and requires a lot of attention: if you miss the slightest mineral, vitamin or type of protein, a vegetarian can die or stock up on a wide range of health problems.

Therefore, the process of creating a vegetarian menu must be approached with intelligence and responsibility.

Vegetarian breakfast variations:

  • boiled buckwheat with onion and carrot roasting;
  • a mixture of barley and barley porridge, jam;
  • oatmeal / flakes with added fruit;
  • semolina and banana;
  • cheese pancakes, greased with jam;

For lunch ideas, those who have given up on food of animal origin may consider:

  • vegetable soup, carrot and nut salad;
  • stewed beans with vegetables, cabbage salad;
  • cheese and vegetable soup;
  • cucumber salad with herbs, pea or chickpea soup;
  • seaweed in addition to mushroom soup.

An evening meal according to the vegetarian menu may consist of:

Planning to switch to vegan food? Start with a gradual rejection of meat, then dairy products and eggs.

How to lose weight with a balanced diet

Losing weight without hunger - this is how proper nutrition works. No harm to health!

Saturation only vitality, inspiration and energy.

Slimming with a balanced diet for weight loss will be more effective when you include more vegetables with fat burning properties in the diet: turnips, cabbage, carrots, corn.

The fact is that the difficulties that the body faces when digesting these gastronomic fat burners make it spend more energy than it receives.

It is important to focus on fresh vegetables with a fibrous structure (peppers, zucchini) and greens. Completely exclude sweet, starchy and fried foods.

Put a taboo on semi-finished and meat-processing products.

In addition to the new diet, include physical activity: losing weight according to the "training + proper nutrition" scheme is considered the most optimal and harmless to health. The main thing is to choose your favorite sport (walking, cycling, tennis, dancing) and practice regularly, adhering to the rule: physical activity a few hours before meals.

Use video tutorials, mobile workout apps, or visual exercise photos on the web. Sign up for a nearby fitness club - be active.

In order to create a balanced diet for weight loss, adhere to the previously listed variations of the dishes and do not forget about the "golden truths".

Through the mouth of the people ...

Proper nutrition is a panacea for excess weight. I went into hibernation as a plump bear cub, and in the spring I woke up as a charming little inch, and all thanks to what? Of course, proper nutrition... Minus thirteen kilograms in three months.

- Valeria, 31 years old

Personally, I have never had problems with being overweight, but with skin I have. It was always a shame that a 20-year-old girl like me cannot get rid of the unfortunate pimples on her face. Supplements, masks, scrubs - nothing worked. But as soon as I began to change my, literally, inner world, everything passed. After a few months, I was able to give up foundation, concealer, etc.

- Tatiana, 25 years old

You can learn about a balanced diet from the point of view of a vegetarian in the video.

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