Tattoo bracelets for legs. Tattoo bracelet. Interesting video about tattoos

Let's try to understand the meaning of a bracelet tattoo. It turns out that the word "bracelet" is of French origin. Today, such jewelry is made from a variety of materials.

The very first bracelets appeared in ancient times. Then they were made from mammoth tusks. Not only women, but also males adorned themselves with such bracelets. A little later, such bracelets began to be made of bronze.

Accessories were popular in Russia. So they served as an original decoration and were part of the wardrobe. With the help of bracelets, it was possible to support the elongated sleeves.

Often the origin of bracelets is associated with mysticism. So in pagan times it was believed that spirits can heal directly with the help of such decoration. Special symbols were painted on the bracelets that could attract otherworldly forces.

In the Middle Ages, leather bracelets were popular. They made special drawings that were able to reflect the status of a person, as well as origin. Sometimes bracelets were attached to gloves and even boots.

In those distant times, the shape, material and size of such a thing as a bracelet could tell about the status and financial situation. The poor man had no right to afford to wear a bracelet made of a certain material, even if he had money. The fact is that he did not have a status that would allow him to wear such a thing.

V modern world there are still such tribes for which jewelry personifies spirituality and some kind of connection with spirits. For many of us, this is a kind of relic of antiquity.

Modern fashionistas are increasingly buying bracelets as jewelry. Although today a gold bracelet and jewelry made of simple materials can tell a lot ...

What does a bracelet tattoo mean?

Some people like to wear bracelets, while others prefer to decorate their body with a tattoo in the form of a bracelet. The latter option is undoubtedly very convenient for both men and women.

Your favorite jewelry will always be on you, you don't have to take it off and put it on every time, and you don't have to worry about losing it. In addition, such a tattoo is of particular importance for both sexes.

The meaning of a tattoo bracelet for women

Every woman wants to please not only the surrounding men, but also herself. Someone chooses beautiful outfits, while others like tattoos. Often, a representative of the fair sex chooses a bracelet as a stylish underwear pattern.

Such an original wearable image on a female body would mean:

  • desire to find peace
  • belief in higher powers
  • amulet

A beautiful tattoo with a bracelet on a delicate female body can tell about the fact that its owner dreams of finally breaking out of the vicious circle and finding peace. Also, such a body pattern will symbolize the strong and courageous character of a woman.

If one day you see a tattoo with a bracelet on a woman's body, be sure that you have a believer in front of you. Most likely, this is a belief in something otherworldly and magical. A tattoo with a bracelet can serve as a talisman for the fair sex.

The meaning of a tattoo bracelet for men

Sometimes a tattoo with a bracelet is also done by representatives of the stronger sex. On a strong male body, such an image looks no less original and impressive.

A tattoo with a bracelet on a man's hand looks especially beautiful. For men, such a wearable pattern would mean:

  • the desire to break out of the vicious circle
  • serious intentions
  • belief in magical powers

A man can do a tattoo with a bracelet in order to show his strength and declare his serious intentions.

Also, such a body drawing sometimes tells about the fact that its owner wants to finally break out of the vicious circle and find the long-awaited peace. In addition, the presence of a tattoo with a bracelet may mean that its owner believes in magic and witchcraft.

Which tattoo pattern to choose?

There are many options for bracelet tattoos. They are all different and beautiful in their own way. Often, a watercolor-style tattoo is chosen as the original underwear pattern.

Such a wearable image is colorful and blurry. A tattoo with a bracelet in this style resembles a watercolor drawing. A tattoo with a bracelet in the style of a graphic is considered to be no less popular.

Such a tattoo looks very impressive both on a strong male body and on a delicate female.

Often, tattoo fans choose a realistic image. This pattern will beautify both sexes.

A tattoo with a black bracelet, as well as with an ornament or an eye, looks very beautiful on a woman's body.

The poet placed on, so only those close to Pushkin had to see.

In particular, in his memoirs about the writer, mentions Küchelbecker, who studied with the poet in the same lyceum.

Kyukhlya, as Alexander affectionately called him, indicates that his friend believed that he would bring him a jewel in business.

They are still used in quality now, the only difference is what can be drawn. So, tattoo bracelet and its features.

The meaning of a bracelet tattoo

Bracelet tattoo on leg or in the criminal environment is regarded as the eternal dragging of shackles. Of course, images of a certain style are impaled.

The drawings are decorated, spiky, and massive. Such pictures really resemble shackles. Often, they are made in the form barbed wire... Pamela Anderson has one.

He has no convictions, so experts regard the body drawing as a throwing of the soul.

Psychological portrait of a person choosing arm bracelet tattoo made of wire with spikes, something like this: a creative person, restless, wanting to go beyond certain, but not achieving it.

If wrist bracelet tattoo consists of,, decoding depends on their reading. For example, the phrase "there are no rules in love" is evidence of a willingness to fight for your feelings, regardless of prejudice.

The message “the more you know, the less you believe” speaks of the burden of information that reveals the true state of affairs. And, all the more, the line “looking for the truth” does not require decoding.

If bracelet tattoo does not contain words, the meaning will be conveyed by others. For example, Nicole Ricci has a left hand with a.

The Christian symbol indicates the function of the tattoo. Believers know that crucifixion keeps people away dark forces, protects him from filth.

Moreover, - the obvious religious affiliation of Ricci, her love for Jesus.

V tattoo bracelets, sketches which are represented in the network, can be “interwoven”, indicating a craving for freedom, a beautiful life and, according to the beliefs of some tribes, a connection with ancestors.

B - a reminder of the frailty of the world and, at the same time, a talisman against dangers.

Na is a symbol of new opportunities, opportunities to open those "doors" that you have not gone through before.

Tattoo bracelet for men

When the gentlemen hung themselves from their feet to lace and jewelry, it passed. Therefore, do not seek to decorate themselves with painted trinkets.

Only 10% of the stronger sex choose tattoo bracelet on the arm. Mens options usually carry a semantic load, while ladies often do a tattoo just for the sake of aesthetics.

Gentlemen often ask for massive ones. They resemble Roman legionnaires in design.

Drawings in the style are also popular. Its name means generic techniques, that is, the drawings used by the aborigines of certain lands.

In particular, Polynesian tribes are common. They, like paintings in the Roman spirit, are made with paint, generously applied to without working out shadows and penumbra.

Tattoo bracelets for men are distinguished by an abundance of ancient symbolism. are asked to create a decoration from, to capture on the Mountain.

Many gentlemen use symbols, their ancient runes. Each of the above has a deep meaning, a special decoding.

So, David is an analogue of "", that is, the unity of two opposites.

In addition, the six-pointed symbol is translated as "perfection". The drawing is applied by Jews, Catholics.

Tattoo bracelet for women

Insofar as tattoo bracelets for girls often - only, they rarely have to look for a deep meaning.

Ladies just choose feminine, cuddly characters. Strings, butterflies, flower garlands are pricked.

In the top of the most demanded, it is also listed in the form of a rainbow, with,,.

Unlike men, they prefer

Men's wrist tattoos have long ceased to be associated with prison tattoos and became a fashion trend. Unlike girls who choose small drawings, representatives of the stronger sex often prefer large compositions from wrist to elbow, covering the entire forearm. These are mainly inscriptions with translation, images of predatory animals, tribal patterns on the wrist. Their meaning largely depends on the meaning the owner himself put into the tattoo, but it is safe to say that such a person has perseverance, fortitude, endurance, striving for freedom and independence.

Pros and cons

The original purpose of tattoos on men's wrists is to indicate belonging to a particular profession (sailor, tanker, pilot, etc.). If you go back several centuries, it can be noted that body drawings served as a kind of "passport" of a man, indicating his achievements and social status.

In the twentieth century, tattoos became the prerogative of prisoners. A tattoo on the wrist or hand indicated the rank of the offender in criminal world, so she was always in sight.

In this century, the situation has changed: society has become more democratic, views on many things have changed. A wrist tattoo for guys with meaning or just as a stylish accent is an original way to showcase your individuality and stand out from the crowd. They are distinguished from women's tattoos by some brutality, negligence, rudeness.


  • A man's tattoo in the form of an inscription or a medium-sized drawing is easy to hide under clothes, so even a strict dress code is not scary for the owner of the tattoo. The composition is not visible, therefore it is intimate for a man (especially located on the inside of the wrist).
  • With a sharp increase or loss of weight, the tattoo does not deform, since stretch marks appear here at the very last turn.
  • Applying an image on the wrist for men, whether it be a cross tattoo or inscriptions, is not accompanied by strong pain sensations, since the pain threshold for males is much higher than for women. Although there are a large number of nerve endings here, the procedure is still bearable, especially if anesthesia is used.
  • Flaws

    • Wrist tattoos for guys are not very practical, since the hands are constantly in contact with chemicals, chlorinated water, and are exposed to ultraviolet rays. Accordingly, they have to be corrected five times more often than compositions located on the back or shoulder.
    • Bending images are subject to greater deformation than male tattoos, which are located on the back of the hand. In turn, the application of the latter is accompanied by stronger painful sensations due to the proximity of the location of the bone to the skin.

    Top 5 best sketches

    Men's wrist tattoo designs are diverse. In addition to common tattoos, bracelets, inscriptions, cross tattoos, there are more original compositions biomechanical-like images. By the way, men more often than girls choose colored drawings and prefer to decorate the whole hand.

  1. Tribal tattoo

Similar patterns and ornaments came to the modern art of body painting from ancient civilization Mayan. Their meaning still remains unchanged: the unity of soul and body, patronage higher powers... Stylized representations of totem animals (such as a lizard, turtle, stingray, shark, or tiger) are often seen.

  1. Bracelet tattoo

Tattoos with Swiss watches, which symbolize the transience of life, are in great demand. You can also see a barbed wire bracelet on the wrist. The most shocking guys choose men's drawings in 3D style with an imitation of a sewn brush. This tattoo looks very unusual and creepy.

  1. Tattoo lettering

Their popularity is growing every year, not only among girls, but also among brutal guys. Men prefer phrases and words in foreign languages, sometimes with translation, written in a laconic Gothic script. Usually choose wise sayings with philosophical overtones to reflect life principles and moral values.

  1. Cross tattoo

Images on religious themes have not lost their relevance for many years now. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in the photo of celebrities you can see similar wearable drawings. Such male tattoos are also a talisman for their owner, indicate spirituality and religiosity.

  1. Scull

Tattoos depicting one or more skulls often adorn men's wrists. The drawing itself is a symbol of death, but in some countries the skull is identified with change. If the sketch shows a snake crawling out of the eye socket, the image means wisdom and immortality. The tattoo serves as a reminder that life is short, so you need to enjoy every moment. A similar pattern can be seen on bikers, stuntmen and those who are involved in extreme sports involving deadly danger. It is believed that such a talisman protects against accidents and injuries.

Interesting video about tattoos

Photo gallery of tattoos on the wrist

The image of a girl consists of details thought out to the smallest detail. Everyday selection of fashion accessories takes a lot of time.

A variant of a gentle tattoo on the wrist

In this case, the thought comes to mind of applying an unusual and stylish element - a tattoo bracelet located on the girl's arm. Owners of body jewelry will not be left without male attention.

A tattoo bracelet is an integral and indivisible part of the hostess. This is a conscious symbol that corresponds to the inner "I". This is individuality and another, from the gray mass, worldview. To emphasize the uniqueness, girls choose a wrap-around "tattoo" on their hands.

Tattoo bracelet on the arm - for girls this is a great opportunity to express themselves and show their individuality

The peculiarity of the tattoo is a deep symbolic meaning, corresponding to the spiritual world. It has been known for a long time that the drawing on the body spoke of belonging to a certain clan, tribe, family. It was a sign of attracting wealth, love, vitality and strength.

The location of the tattoo bracelet is not randomly selected. The place where the picture is displayed depends on what the hostess wants to declare about herself:

  1. The tattoo bracelet on the girl's arm tells others about courage and high ambitions.
  2. A tattoo bracelet on the neck or neckline is about the desire to be noticed, despite the lack of self-confidence.
  3. A tattoo bracelet on the leg speaks of confidence in making decisions, of fortitude and the power of thoughts.

Tattoos endow their owners with certain character traits, sometimes predict or turn fate, reflect inner consciousness.

Advantages and disadvantages of a tattoo bracelet

For a girl, the approach to such a serious step as applying a tattoo bracelet to her arm requires an analysis of the positive and negative aspects.

The tattoo bracelet looks elegant and sexy not only on the girl's wrist, but also on the leg


  • body decoration without additional cash costs;
  • highlighting yourself as a unique and extraordinary person;
  • tattoo bracelet, as a talisman and significant symbol;
  • in some cases, the tattoo hides skin defects (scars, scars).

The disadvantages of a tattoo bracelet include:

  • insecurity for the body - in some cases, the introduction of "foreign pigment" can cause an allergic reaction, severe trauma to the epidermis, blood poisoning;
  • loss of relevance with age, experience, time, changing priorities and life values;
  • painful application and removal (if desired), for people with low pain syndrome, the procedure will give unpleasant sensations;
  • inappropriateness of the tattoo bracelet in some situations (for example, at work, a business dinner, meeting the groom's parents) - in such cases, a problem arises when choosing clothes or accessories that hide appearance tattoo.

If a girl has a desire to make a tattoo bracelet on her arm, you need to correlate all the pros and cons. If in doubt not in favor of the "tattoo", it is worth trying to apply a temporary image of the alleged symbol, picture or sign.

Popular designs of tattoo bracelets on the arm for girls

Fashion extends not only to clothing, shoes, interior items and technical innovations, but also to wearable designs. Popular types of images are as follows.


Most often, girls choose openwork lace motifs. Applying a tattoo bracelet in this style is suitable for sophisticated people. A ringed wrist or upper arm, in this case, looks feminine. An openwork bracelet can be decorated with an unpretentious bow or a stylized pearl brooch.

Geometric or Celtic patterns are suitable for girls with character. Geometry symbolizes the endless mathematics of life. Certainly, not in the literal sense, but indirectly.

Such tattoo bracelets endow their owner with majestic features. For example, a triangle tattoo is chosen by girls with a witty outlook on life and high ambitious goals.

Tattoo bracelets with geometric patterns will appeal to girls "with character"

Squares are inherent in girls with serious attitudes and an analytical mindset. Zigzag bracelets are suitable for dreamy and creative girls. The symbolism of infinity destroys stereotypes and boundaries of the norm, strives for a higher mind.

The Celtic theme has a deep meaning, which was laid in it by the warlike European people. Celtic patterns are recognizable all over the world. Therefore, this motive is chosen by courageous and self-sufficient girls.

Among the drawings of the Celts on the hands of the girls butterflies are popular, personifying the human soul and vital energy flow... And also Celtic bracelets that elevate loyalty, love and friendship.

No less popular is a tattoo bracelet on a girl's arm in the form of a Celtic knot, which symbolizes eternal life.

Tattoo bracelets in the form of beads and jewelry look very interesting

Imitation jewelry and beads

Girls love jewelry and costume jewelry. With the help of these objects, the image is enriched. This factor influenced the popularity of tattoo bracelets in the form of pearl beads, pendants and baubles.

This kind of "tattoos" are depicted as realistic, away from natural human movements or light wind.

Popular images of a pendant with a cross or pendant. Tattoo bracelets made of a scattering of beads connected together in a certain place look unusual.

Lace, ribbons

Motifs of light lace or satin ribbons are popular on the hands of inspired and passionate people. The drawings speak of the playfulness of the character, the readiness to flirt, and the sexual liberation.

Tattoo bracelets with inscriptions are no less popular


Inscriptions in Latin are popular, in which the sacred philosophical meaning is laid. A tattoo in the form of a phrase speaks of the mystery and mystery of its owner.

For example, the statement “Audaces fortuna juvat” in translation means “Happiness accompanies the brave”, and the expression “Faber est quisque fortunae suae” is translated into Russian as “Man is the creator of his own destiny”.

Black and white or color tattoo bracelet: which one to give preference

First of all, there were tattoos with a black and white image. Moderation is considered their main advantage.

Monochrome bracelet tattoo suits any look, style and colors... There is no need to cover it up or interrupt it with other shades. Black pigment fade for a long time, so it does not require frequent correction. In addition, the cost of monochrome is lower than the color scheme.

A black and white tattoo is appropriate for making "sleeves", inscriptions, hieroglyphs, mandalas. A color tattoo looks logical when depicting flowers and stylized drawings.

A tattoo bracelet on the arm for a girl is an accent, it should be an appropriate decoration. When choosing a color image, it is necessary to be aware that the image of the tattoo must match the style of the owner... The black and white range of the bracelet is suitable for any occasion.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo bracelet?

A bracelet tattoo can be located in several places of the arm:

  1. Biceps(upper arm). In this case, the bracelet is at the level of the lower edge of the sleeve ½ or slightly higher. This arrangement is due to the overlap of clothing, if necessary.
  2. Wrist... An option for daring ladies who like to show off a tattoo bracelet in any setting. If necessary, long sleeves, massive jewelry or decorative cuffs will help to overlap the pattern.
  3. Below elbow but above the wrist. This arrangement is chosen by ambitious and self-sufficient girls. You can overlap the symbolism with long sleeves and sleeves ¾.

Having made the decision to create a tattoo bracelet, a girl must understand that a tattoo cannot be completely painless.

There are places where the procedure for creating a picture will bring a minimum of unpleasant sensations. Top part the hands and inner side of the wrist are some of the most painless areas for tattoo bracelets.

How much does a bracelet tattoo cost?

  • on the skill level of the performer;
  • drawing area;
  • color scheme;
  • the complexity of the work.

In a Moscow tattoo parlor, the price starts from 2000-5000 for 1 hour of work. In other cities of Russia prices vary from 1500 to 4000. The price list is valid for tattoos, the duration of which does not exceed 5 sessions.

In some tattoo parlors, prices are indicated for 1 sq. cm. The cost starts from 800 rubles. up to 10 sq. cm and 600 rubles. over 10 sq. see u experienced master and complex work, correspondingly high prices.

The creation of a bracelet tattoo on the arm begins with thoughts in the head. Body jewelry requires a careful and deliberate choice of a symbol that is one with its mistress. Lace patterns, Celtic motifs, and Latin inscriptions are considered popular body accessories for girls.

Videos about popular tattoos on the arm for a girl - bracelet

Bracelet tattoo - 30 best ideas tattoos that every girl will like:

Tattoo bracelet on the arm for girls - the best ideas:

Tattoo inscriptions - in this video:

Mehendi - bio tattoo bracelets for girls:

Bracelet tattoos are one way to express yourself. Why spend money on jewelry when you can wear a gorgeous piece of art on your body all the time?

Fashion trends in tattooing

Features of bracelet tattoos

Bracelet tattoos can be different in shape and size. The choice depends only on you, on your personality and desire to express yourself. Such wearable designs are good because they are elongated, but not wide. Despite the relatively small size of such tattoos, they can contain a very deep meaning. The most popular designs for bracelet tattoos are floral, plant, geometric and Celtic motifs. Such drawings are suitable for both women and men. However, if a man prefers to fill tattoos with a bracelet, as a rule, on the shoulder and ankle, then women have gone a little further. Representatives of the fair sex tend to emphasize their sexual places with such images: wrist, forearm and foot.

Bracelet tattoos are very easy to hide if the dress code does not allow such manifestations. A trouser suit, tight tights, a long-sleeved blouse will perfectly correct the situation, and in the evening you can put on something less strict and enjoy your own work of art.

Girls usually choose feminine options for bracelet tattoos. It can be: an elegant chain, beads, lace ribbons, flowers, symbols and hieroglyphs denoting love, happiness or good luck, geometric shapes. By the way, geometric shapes carry the code of the Celtic language. These tattoos are suitable for both genders and carry a deep meaning. They are chosen by strong-minded people who call on air, earth and water for their protection.

1. Tattoo bracelets are made for various reasons. However, one of the most popular requests is a tattoo for good luck and happiness. You can embed such a meaning with the help of clover leaves. For many peoples, clover is considered a plant that brings joy and good luck. Alternatively, magic spells are written around the wrist, and everything is closed on a leaf of clover. Very unusual and most importantly symbolic!

tattoo for luck and good luck

2. Love is also one of the main themes for underwear. Here, fantasy is not limited to anything. You can simply tattoo many small hearts around your wrist or ankle, or you can have one large heart beating on a delicate ribbon or chain. Daredevils who have lost the love of their lives, but managed to survive the pain, get tattoos in the form of a broken heart with the words "survivor" or "survived".

hearts along the entire length of the bracelet

focus on one detail

broken heart

3. Fancy little figures will perfectly decorate a woman's leg or handle. If you are a happy mom and wife, a home and family tattoo is perfect for you.

joy in the house


4. You are afraid to dare to get a big tattoo, but you really want to decorate your body with something - it doesn’t matter. In such cases, simple thread-like bracelet tattoos are usually done. Quite discreet, but interesting.

small colored thread with a sign-symbol

5. Hieroglyphs or words forming a bracelet. Any words that have a special meaning for you can be safely imprinted on our wrist or ankle. A beautifully selected font will make your drawing original and feminine.

any phrase can be grouped with a nice little bracelet

6. Wide bracelets with Celtic patterns look very pretty. Do not forget that each symbol carries a certain meaning. Find out about their meaning in advance before getting a tattoo.

celtic ornament

7. Very often girls choose floral motives. You can send flowers along the entire length of the drawing, or you can focus on one element. Many people make a large leaf or flower on the back of the wrist. This is a kind of trend of the season.

ribbon of flowers

emphasis on one element

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself. It is not necessary to make large and catchy drawings. Small, neat images will convey your mood just as well. Bracelet tattoos are a vivid confirmation of this. Colored, plain, lace, floral, geometrical - and this is not the whole list of your possibilities. Good luck with choosing a tattoo.

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