Astrological forecast for May Aquarius

The Yellow Earth Dog, the mistress of the coming year, has prepared many interesting and exciting events for this sign. What exactly is to be learned from the horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius.

Character of the sign

Sign symbol: Aquarius, zigzag, flight symbols.

Planet of the sign: Uranus.

Colors: violet, ultramarine, emerald.

Stones: turquoise, sapphire, aquamarine, amethyst, chrysocolla, opal.

Metal: tin.

Flowers: myrtle, narcissus, violet.

Day of the week: Saturday.

Numbers: 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13.

Sign mascot: key.

Motto: “I know!”

Aquarians always advocate openness of information, do not like pretense, and prefer to be aware of events. Aquarians are active. They work well with data and information, and are able to process and collect information efficiently. The inner world of Aquarius is often hidden from external gaze. They don't like to share their experiences. But they are not very attentive to the problems of others. Their own persistence forces them to perceive many of the difficulties of other people as the consequences of their laziness and unwillingness to act.

Horoscope for Aquarius

In Aquarius, high intelligence and harmonious creativity are harmoniously combined. The love of open borders and obtaining information allows Aquarius to easily make new acquaintances and establish contacts in the team. Aquarians are potential leaders. They organize their work competently. Caring and attentive to subordinates.

In 2018, according to the horoscope, Aquarius will need to pay attention to their activity. She may become excessive or inappropriate towards others. The Earth Dog, the symbol of 2018, prefers a more measured pace of life, which may be unusual for Aquarius. At the beginning of the year, there may be urges to make drastic changes both in everyday life and in your personal life. It’s worth letting your emotions subside and postponing important decisions until spring. At this time, all internal storms will subside. There is a good chance that new ideas or projects will appear that will be financially profitable.

Attention! In the summer, you should take a closer look at your health, switch to a diet, or find suitable physical activity for yourself.

In the fall, more opportunities will open up for realizing your plans in your personal life. This may apply not only to your significant other, but also to simple communication with loved ones. If there were unresolved issues or conflicts in this area, then in the fall there are high chances for positive changes. The end of the year may bring new goals and desires. They should be taken into account in future plans, because they can bring good results in the future.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius women

Aquarius women are known for being fascinating natures. At the same time, their erudition and wit often make men feel awkward. The independence and independence of the representatives of the sign creates an aura of inaccessibility around them. If an Aquarius woman pays great attention to her career, this can cause envy among her employees. And in this case, intrigues at work will haunt the Aquarius employee.

In 2018, the horoscope recommends that women of this zodiac sign spend more energy on improving communication skills, gentleness and femininity. Excessive impulsiveness, which could lead to disagreements, will be easier to remove if it is restrained a little at the beginning of the year. In the spring, answers to questions of interest will appear by themselves, as if they had already been known for a long time. If you take advantage of this chance in the spring, then in the summer you will have the opportunity to rest a little, relax, and calm down. nervous system. This will have a positive effect on your health. If you don’t give yourself a break, the result will not be long in coming - and by winter, health problems may appear.

In autumn, attention from the opposite sex may increase noticeably. This is a great chance for positive changes in personal life.

In winter, there is a high probability that the gates of opportunities will open, which the representative of the sign will be able to realize without difficulty. But for this you will need to be more attentive to the emotions and needs of others.

Horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius men

Aquarius men are especially unpredictable. They are rarely inclined to build long-term monogamous relationships. Men of this sign have very diverse interests, which may not be related to each other at all. In each of his areas of interest, an Aquarius man finds like-minded people and associates who are close in spirit. This often leads to misunderstanding and jealousy. Men of this sign may be suspected of insincerity and pretense for their own benefit. Aquarius men combine romanticism and a critical view of the world, which is why they find their own attractiveness in every woman. This sometimes explains the wide variety of their connections.

In 2018, according to the horoscope, Aquarius men should slow down a little. The beginning of the year will tempt you with opportunities to plunge into new whirlwinds of events and projects. Few of them will be productive, so you need to approach the situation with healthy skepticism.

Spring is a more suitable time for new career endeavors. Previous achievements will come in very handy and will help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible. Creativity or sports will allow you to look at familiar events with a fresher look.

Autumn is a great time for dating. It will not be difficult for Aquarius men to interest their chosen one. Moreover, the chances increase that Aquarius himself will make more informed choices. In winter, men of this sign will be especially good at dreaming. And these dreams will then confidently claim reality.

Love horoscope 2018 for Aquarius

Building personal relationships is not the strongest trait of Aquarius. Both men and women of this sign are simultaneously prone to declarative openness, but at the same time to high suspicion and internal alienation. The patron planet of Aquarius, Uranus, gives a certain pretentiousness and extravagance. Therefore, it is difficult to understand Aquarius not only for others, but also for himself. It will be easiest to overcome these difficulties starting in October.

The whole year of the Dog suggests you moderate your ardor a little and take a closer look at the people around you, study their emotions and understand their needs. Autumn is a wonderful time when nature itself demonstrates peace and abandonment of everything unnecessary. This is an important area of ​​relationships, the development of which 2018 will contribute to. Developing such skills will help not only build a more harmonious relationship with your loved one, but also better understand yourself.

Money horoscope for Aquarius

Building a career and achieving goals has never been particularly difficult for Aquarians. This is not to say that they put great effort into this. It’s just that their personal charm and sociability always helped to occupy right place in a team and keep abreast of events. Have a good time Spring and early winter (end of the year) will be the time to start new projects, propose reforms, and update previously started processes. During this period, there is a greater chance of being heard correctly, of conveying your thoughts exactly in the form in which it was planned. In order for your financial flow to increase, it is worth thinking not only about expenses, but also about spending. You need to analyze your spending and give up thoughtless attacks of generosity and buying unnecessary things.

Career horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

The career of Aquarius this year will directly depend on their ability to control their emotional manifestations and the degree of pressure on others. The most dangerous time to advance career ladder it will be the beginning of the year. During this period, there is a high probability that Aquarius’ movements will be regarded as feigned careerism and a disdainful attitude towards colleagues. In summer, health will be a delicate place. Therefore, you should not start any serious projects. If you need time off, this could have a negative impact on your career growth.

Health horoscope for 2018 for Aquarius

In general, 2018 will be favorable in the area of ​​health. The only period in 2018 that poses a health risk will be summer. During this period, accumulated fatigue may already take its toll. Despite the fact that summer is the time for beaches, it is better for Aquarius to avoid the scorching sun. Prefer mountains to sea fresh air and shady pine trees. Moderate physical activity will also be beneficial.

Particular attention should be paid to products that have a beneficial effect on the immune system and overall tone of the body. Drinks made from herbs and citrus fruits will help you stay in a good mood. Emotions will play an important role in health. That's why Beautiful places, new bright impressions will be a good help for healthy image life.

Aquarius Celebrities

World-famous representatives of the sign are singer Bob Marley, presenter Oprah Winfrey and basketball player Michael Jordan. Also Aquarius were such writers as Charles Dickens, Ivan Krylov, Jules Verne, Lewis Carroll. Charles Darwin, Dmitry Mendeleev, Galileo Galilei, and Thomas Edison made their invaluable contributions to science. Music was made by such famous representatives sign, like Jacob Mendelssohn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Isaac Dunaevsky. Everyone knows the songs of such Aquarians as Vladimir Vysotsky, Fyodor Chaliapin, Alice Cooper, Yoko Ono, Vera Brezhneva.

A period of calm and moral satisfaction will come for you. You can leisurely go about your business, enjoying the process itself and not trying to chase the result. The result will be successful in any case. Yours emotional condition will finally come into balance, so try to maintain it as long as possible.

You should think about your friends, especially those who live abroad. While you have a short pause in business and some lull in personal relationships, you can devote more time to old acquaintances. This step will allow you to renew the connection, which can turn out to be extremely successful for you.

There will be no fluctuations or outbursts in the family. You will be able to cope with your baseless jealousy, and thanks to this, your relationship with your partner will only improve. If you want to find family happiness, do not rush to take any serious steps. You will be in a state of emotional upsurge and may perceive a light affair as the greatest love of your life.

Sports activities are not advisable for you yet. It is better for you to use this time for complete relaxation. Therefore, it is better to choose massages or visiting the pool as an excellent alternative.

Aquarius Woman: Horoscope for May 2019

You suddenly want to feel like a mistress in any situation, be it personal relationships or professional activities. The desire to be at the helm and choose the right direction yourself will not leave you. But in order to truly achieve all your goals, you will need to make specific efforts. However, now is not a good time for this. The body will require passive rest, and the soul will require ups and downs. And if you can't find inner balance and just allow yourself to go with the flow, you risk falling into depression.

The ideal pastime for you will be home gatherings, with cooking delicious dishes and putting things in order in personal affairs. Thanks to this, you can take your mind off all the thoughts that bother you.

When faced with important and respectable people, you should not shy away. Your openness and courage in speaking out will help you make useful connections that will help you take off in your career.

Don't refuse an invitation to visit. This will help you unwind and take a break from everyday life. But you shouldn’t organize noisy parties and dinner parties yourself. Such troubles will only tire you, without delivering any satisfaction.

Aquarius Man: Horoscope for May 2019

Your interest in your own family will suddenly appear with renewed vigor. Moreover, you will want to turn to traditions and identify your ancestors. You shouldn't resist this desire. Perhaps you will discover a completely new hobby. You can’t do monotonous work all the time, which becomes a heavy burden for you.

Your desire to find well-being and begin to lead a more dignified lifestyle will sometimes push you to take rash actions. Do not agree to sign documents that do not allow you to review them thoroughly first. You should not get involved in projects that involve many people who are in no way connected with each other.

When preparing to storm career heights, you should loosen your grip a little. You can take the first steps in this direction, but it is better to refuse drastic changes. To direct your energy in the right direction, take up repairs or landscaping summer cottage. This will have a positive effect on both your physical well-being and your emotional background. But at the same time, you shouldn’t overload yourself so much that you collapse from fatigue.

Aquarius horoscope for May 2018.

In May 2018, Aquarius needs to communicate as much as possible! It’s not for nothing that scientists claim that even houseplants will grow better if you talk to them. But you also need to talk carefully. And then the girl Olga was moving the ficus from the windowsill to the balcony and dropped the pot on her leg. Then for ten minutes she helped him grow up, though with words that usually make him wither...

The main thing is that in May 2018, Aquarians will finally be able to boldly “swing” at something big, and with something big! Maybe big plans, maybe just a big desire or ambition, or maybe even big Love. Try to make sure that you have little free time and even less unfulfilled plans. In order not to get into a situation - I don’t understand, or I really have it now free time, or I forgot to do something!

Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius warns that next month old and unfinished business or questions may greatly hinder you. Therefore, in order to take a good run in May 2018, turn around and look carefully to see if “old traps” are holding you by the belt. It’s just the stuffing that cannot be turned back, but in May 2018 Aquarians will be able to not only turn back the rest, but also correct it.

But the main thing that the horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius warns about is that next month you need not just to be vigorously active, but to do it with a goal and plans. Just as a samurai differs from a surgeon in that when he cuts the stomach, he knows why he is doing it, so Aquarians in May 2018 must remember why they started all this. And although it is usually the sacred right of Aquarius to forget where it all began, in May 2018, try to remember where the conversation began.

The second half of May will be especially favorable for Aquarius. And not because the May holidays will end. But because it is during this period that you can be given, or unnoticed, opportunities that you will need to notice and use in time. And both in personal life and at work. And since Aquarians often lack their own ideas and creativity, feel free to borrow them from others. Of course, tips and ideas from the series - if you mix shit with iron filings, then you can then catch flies with a magnet, they are unlikely to help you. But try to track the latest creative trends.

Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius favorable days– 6, 9, 16, 19, 24 and 25.

Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius unfavorable days– have you ever heard the phrase - thank you for offering me a free stay in the presidential suite in your hotel and a free dinner at your expensive restaurant, but I have a bad day tomorrow?

Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius career, work and business.

The main danger for Aquarius in their career in May 2018 is that the fruits of your thoughts can be quietly eaten by the worms of your own doubts. The horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius suggests that next month, your favorable opportunities may be crossed out by your own doubts and insecurities. That is, the horoscope promises opportunities, but the former self-confidence is missing. And an insecure Aquarius is the same stubborn, unyielding, and straightforward Aquarius, only without the sparkle and self-confidence. As a result, if you doubt for a second, you may be six months late. Therefore, in the most difficult cases, immediately contact professionals or experts. And it is very easy to identify a real expert - an expert is a person who has stopped thinking because he already knows!

Natural entrepreneurship and business acumen will help many Aquarians find new partners and new markets in May 2018. May 2018 is also favorable for searching new job. With new employers, try to correctly assess their solvency.

The horoscope for May 2018 also advises Aquarius managers and businessmen to be attentive to the financial promises and obligations of clients and partners; in May 2018, even old contacts may “let you down.”

Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius Finance.

Aquarians usually do not solve problems - they prefer to solve them financially. Therefore, the finances of Aquarius in May 2018 will largely depend on the past rather than on the present and even the future.

Love horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius. Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius Love.

Butterflies in the stomach, goosebumps on the skin, cockroaches in the head, and also cats in the soul... this whole “zoo” will take up too much time from Aquarius in May 2018. Therefore, it will be especially difficult in this regard for family Aquarians, and for those Aquarians who are in relationships. Your loved ones will “borrow” that you don’t pay attention to them at all, even in plans. Yes, they will also remember some old grievances. This picture is familiar to family Aquarius, so try to move conversations from the past to the future in your relationship. In addition, any family person should forget about his mistakes anyway: two people do not need to remember the same thing. Of course, first of all, this will concern Aquarius men, but Aquarius women should not neglect this out of your old habit. And it’s better for Aquarius women in May 2018 not to even start downloading their license. You will still be able to download 20% percent, due to poor traffic (understanding) in the relationship. You will waste your time and nerves on this.

In addition, the horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius indicates that family Aquarius will also have to devote Special attention children. And since education is the process of eliminating one’s personal shortcomings in one’s own children. Then at the same time you will take on your own upbringing.

It will be much easier for lonely Aquarius in May 2018. Because it will not only be easier for you to cope with this whole zoo in the form of butterflies in your stomach, goosebumps on your skin, cockroaches in your head, and cats in your soul, but also to enjoy it. Basically, in May 2018, Aquarians will experiment a lot and often in their relationships with the opposite sex. But, for some Aquarius, the result of these experiments may be a new relationship, or failed love, but friendship.

Well, in the end, the horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius once again reminds you that your main task in May 2018 is not to lose self-confidence under any circumstances. Don't forget, what the caterpillar thinks is the end actually leads to the butterfly!

And don’t forget to click “like” so you don’t forget to read our next monthly horoscope, about how you don’t need to stop “suffering” and start “June-ing” in June 2018!

Studying the horoscope for May 2018, Aquarius will be faced with such a forecast as painful suspiciousness: any criticism addressed to you will be met with hostility. Despite such vulnerability, representatives of the sign will feel a surge of eloquence, throwing sparkling jokes in different directions. The business side will enjoy tremendous success in mid-May. Any undertaking will lead to success, and let envious people only dare to doubt your talents! You will not be affected by such difficulties at all, because there will be close people nearby who are ready to provide maximum support at any second.

May will bring Aquarius a wonderful thought: you can get pleasure not only from work, but at the same time, devoting yourself to a happy, carefree vacation, do not forget to play it safe. But leaving the topic of relaxation for later, still pay attention to your personal life. It’s not for nothing that she turns her nose up at you: choose your words more carefully when it comes to contact with the opposite sex, unless, of course, you are a supporter of the life of a lone wolf.

Take care of your wallet and don’t boast about your wealth, otherwise you risk being left with nothing. Having your head in the clouds will cause you a lot of trouble this May.

Favorable days: 1, 4, 10, 17, 19, 29.

Unfavorable days: 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 23, 24, 30.


According to the stars, May will not be generous with energy, so exploit holidays for a good rest. Take care of yourself and be careful while driving.

The Aquarius horoscope for May 2018 warns that you need to pay attention to chronic diseases, and especially to diseases genitourinary system. Do not over-absorb liquids to avoid swelling and general malaise. Your enemy for May is smells. Sensitivity to fragrances is not limited to pregnant women, so be aware of allergic reactions.


It's time to open the box with the inscription “I'll do it someday later” and take out a bunch of things from there. This very “later” has come right now.

Your business will have to work hard this month: inspections are coming, which really want to catch you on something, and your colleagues will create a number of unforeseen problems.

The “active” status will appear above your competitors, there will be people who want to reveal secrets that you would not want to reveal, but don’t worry - you can do it all.

Aquarius will think least of all about the material side, falling like a stone into the pool with ideas and the desire to gain recognition. All this will be facilitated by intuition and imagination, which will work with triple force in the last month of spring.


Your financial well-being will not depend on troubles at work. The end of May promises a good amount of money. There will still be a difficult financial situation, but not for you, but for your friends or relatives. There is a possibility of borrowing a large amount, but don’t worry - everything will definitely come back.

Astrologers advise paying attention to the practicality of purchases: if you spend money wisely, then no large expenses will scare your wallet.

It is impossible not to warn Aquarius men to be careful: the companion you decide to choose as your companion into eternity may turn out to be a calculating and mercantile woman. Be smart and save your cash for something more worthwhile.


Representatives of the water sign are famous for their love of equality in relationships, and also fight for freedom. This spring, make sure you have a backup plan to capture the object of your desire: the original one may not work. Be open to new acquaintances, go for walks more often and do not neglect communication: there is a high chance of meeting the right person in a boring place.

Aquarius, May 2018 will be a family month. The comfort in your life will extend to your couple, thereby strengthening the marital bond. Take advantage of the moment and put your family hearth in order.

Surprisingly, hands grow from the right place, so DIY crafts will be a great success, and there is also a chance to bring your culinary skills to perfection. In your hands is a spark with which you can rekindle the flame of marital love with renewed vigor.

An ideal period of time when you can stay with your parents and discuss with them serious issues about designing your life.

According to love horoscope as of May 2018, Aquarius should avoid partners with an active life position or the makings of a dominant tyrant. This relationship will drag on and hang over your head like a dull cloud, bringing only showers of unnecessary burdens. Except for this case, take risks in everything else and be sure to get a favorable result.

This month opens all doors for Aquarius with the sign “Bold Deeds”: marriage proposal, declaration of love, revelation of the soul, etc.

Aquarius man

In the business world, nothing much has changed: hard work, tireless work. Pay attention to the horoscope for May 2018: Aquarius - a man will achieve the expected success only if he shows masculine qualities. Stock up on fortitude, pursue your goal with all fanaticism, and acquire reliable partners.

Difficulties will breathe down your neck, but getting rid of them will not be difficult, especially since there are good and close people nearby for whom you have endless respect.

Aquarius Woman

Be smart, ladies! You have to seduce enemies and petty ill-wishers, luring them in your direction. You can do it, and extra support never hurts. As the horoscope for May 2018 says, Aquarius - a woman can easily get caught in the whirlpool love relationship, which would not be a very thoughtful decision: being careful in choosing a partner did not hurt anyone. Having overcome the first difficulty in matters of the heart, the second comes to replace it, causing even more problems. Maintaining this love will be difficult, especially if you focus on the purely female predilection for falling in love with bad guys. Try to guess the moment for a hot initiative.

In May, Aquarius will want to run away from everyone, retire and think about further actions. It seems to you that everyone around you is putting moral pressure on you and trying to impose their opinion. The horoscope for May 2018 advises Aquarius to look back less at the past, because there is no longer an opportunity to change or correct anything. The present is not as indifferent to you as you think.

Why does Aquarius still not arrange his personal life? The picture is clear - your behavior, and even your words, do not evoke sympathy from the opposite sex. This means that in May 2018 you urgently need to change so as not to be left alone. How long can you travel around the world and just be friends with fans? If this scheme suits you, then don’t say that you dream of a family and children. Set realistic goals for yourself so you can achieve them easily. This also applies to the love sphere, as noted by the horoscope for May 2018 for Aquarius.

If you are a person free from marital ties, then you should not go beyond the bounds of decency either. Flirting may not be so harmless, especially if there are rivals nearby.
You love to work, but not for the sake of enriching someone else’s uncle, but for your own pleasure and financial well-being. Therefore, in May, Aquarius will have to maneuver between his business and a part-time job, for example, as a manager of a large company. The main thing is that you do not create illusions about a high position. Not everyone around you is as kind and sensitive as you imagine. Therefore, in May 2018, Aquarius will face a tough fight with competitors and envious people.

You need to be extremely careful with money, otherwise it will be stolen from under your nose by a swindler or a selfish person. Aquarius won’t even have time to blink an eye before he’ll be left without a card, wallet, or even part of his property. The horoscope for May 2018 does not recommend that Aquarius trust the first person he meets who immediately confesses his feelings. Only relatives and long-time friends will become real support and protection for you at the end of spring.

In the Aquarius family, quarrels and insults on the part of the spouse are possible. It’s better not to guess why all this is happening, but talk peacefully and frankly. Otherwise, the conflict situation may drag on until the end of summer, and also lead to divorce. If in May 2018 Aquarius solves family and household problems, then they will not bother him for a long time. Be more confident in yourself, more positive and, most importantly, do not get involved in adventures. In the middle of the month, an affair at work is possible, so talk less about your affections among your colleagues.
The horoscope for May 2018 predicts spring allergies and colds for Aquarius. You will quickly cope with all this if you do not hesitate with treatment. The main thing is that in May you are less nervous and worried about troubles at work. Otherwise, skin rashes will appear, which will be difficult to get rid of without the help of a specialist doctor.

Health horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius

If before May 2018 Aquarius did not know what neuralgia, lumbago and heart tingling were, now he can even defend a dissertation in this medical field. So, urgently make an appointment with a doctor and go through all the prescribed procedures. All your health problems are due to nervous overload and fatigue. The horoscope for May 2018 advises Aquarius to balance their life in such a way that there is time left for work and for proper rest. Otherwise, the body will quickly “deflate” and the failure will be serious. Aquarius himself is to blame for neglecting his health this way. In early May, diseases of the joints, spine and stomach are possible.

There is only one way out of this situation - go to the clinic and start treatment. Traditional methods can be effective, but only if Aquarius knows the diagnosis accurately. In May 2018, there is no harm in visiting a psychologist and a dentist. Especially if there are small problems in this area. The main thing is that you do not lose strength of spirit, be optimistic and know how to enjoy everything that surrounds you. By the way, even the first spring rain will help Aquarius free from negativity.

The horoscope for May 2018 predicts a headache for Aquarius, due to which you will not even be able to go to work. Get examined, get tested and then everything will be clear. Just don’t try to swallow pills indiscriminately, otherwise you’ll also side effects you will get it from the medications. In May, you must definitely find a sport that will have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Avoid serious physical activity and also eat right. Especially after training. In the mornings in May 2018, the horoscope advises Aquarius to douse himself with cool water and do exercises. Try to go to bed earlier so that in the morning you feel refreshed and ready for new achievements.

Aquarius is an energetic and active friend, so in May he will definitely find a hobby to his liking. Well, in order not to lose strength, you need to eat fruits, vegetables, porridge and herbs. Take your vitamins and don't go on a strict diet. On the contrary, go to the gym and gain muscle mass.

Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius career, finance

Aquarius in May 2018 needs to be more courageous and decisive in order to implement grandiose ideas into their work. At first they will seem difficult to implement, but then there will be those who will help to implement them successfully. The horoscope for May 2018 advises Aquarius to be more responsible for everything that is assigned by the authorities. This is the only way you can climb up the career ladder, as well as improve your financial situation. Sometimes Aquarius is downright lazy and waits for a bag of money, fame and honor to fall on him. You are not in a fairy tale, so be objective. Well, to strengthen your financial situation, find a part-time job.

In order for Aquarius to open his own business in May 2018, he will need not only funds, but also reliable companions. You often don’t believe yourself, doubt and move back. You have plenty of opportunities and energy, as the May 2018 horoscope for Aquarius notes. You should not do the work for those colleagues who are negligent in their direct responsibilities. It’s better to devote time to yourself and your loved ones who miss you and dream of relaxing together.

If in May 2018 Aquarius works not for the future, but for pennies, he will receive exactly as much as he deserves. You urgently need healthy ambition to overcome barriers to success. In May you should not lend money, otherwise it will take a long time to return it.

The career and finance horoscope for May 2018 does not recommend that Aquarius take out a loan, even if you are promised a small percentage. Such a “lure” can cost you dearly. At the beginning of the month, you will feel an incredible surge of strength and energy, which will help you achieve high results in everything you undertake. Envious people and enemies will cry into their pillows when they learn about your achievements. If Aquarius has a hobby, then in May 2018 it will begin to generate decent income. Yes, and there will be more positive impressions. In general, be careful not to miss the chance to succeed and increase your capital. On the New Moon (May 15), Aquarius cannot organize meetings or make deals. Better spend this day at home.

Favorable days: 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31 May
Unfavorable days for Aquarius in May: 3, 13, 22

Horoscope for the month of May for other zodiac signs:

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