Lecture on social studies "unemployment". Unemployment State Exam Tests - Tests Examples of different types of Unemployment Unemployment State Exam in Social Studies

Every person strives to have a profession and a stable income, but there are situations when he cannot find a job. Unemployed people do not have the opportunity to provide for themselves and their families, purchase goods, and pay taxes, which cannot but worry the state, which is trying to solve this problem. Let's make a short report on what unemployment is, why it occurs, and how to overcome it.

Modern economics

We live in a market economy, when everyone can independently manage their work and choose their place of work.

Enterprises hire workers of their choice, and they, in turn, choose the most suitable place to work. Such a system creates competition, as a result of which not every person finds a suitable job. A new phenomenon for society arises - unemployment.

Thus, unemployment always accompanies a market economy and is its companion.


The emergence of unemployment is a natural process, but it causes negative consequences, depriving people of the opportunity to realize their needs, so it is important to understand its causes.

  • changes in demand for goods and services (new professions and goods appear, new working conditions, for example, the introduction of computers, and people in their previous professions remain unemployed);

The advent of computer technology and the beginning of its widespread use forced many specialists (accountants, secretaries, bank employees and others) either to lose their jobs or to master new technologies.

  • job search (the employee chooses a place of work at his own discretion, this allows him to choose between several options, or wait for a suitable position, but while searching or waiting he remains unemployed);
  • decline in the country's economy (during a crisis, the quantity of goods produced and the quantity of its consumption always decreases, which leads to people losing their jobs - manufacturers reduce their staff).

Consequences of unemployment

Let us present in the form of a table the consequences of unemployment for society.

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Ways to overcome unemployment

  • creation of favorable conditions for employment (retraining courses, advanced training, labor exchange);
  • social protection measures (payment of unemployment benefits, public works).

What have we learned?

Having studied the topic of social studies in grade 11, we learned that unemployment is a phenomenon in which part of the working-age population of a country does not have a place to work. Unemployment is generated by competition in the labor market, the ability of employers to choose employees and impose certain requirements on them. It leads to negative consequences, so states are taking measures to reduce it.

Assignments for the topic: “Employment and unemployment”

1. Who can qualify for unemployment benefits?

1) a construction worker who lost his ability to work as a result of an industrial injury

2) a mother of many children who does not work and is not looking for work

3) an accountant who does not work but is looking for work

4) part-time electrician

2 . If the number of employed people in a country is 29 million people, the number work force- 30 million people, then the unemployment rate is

1) 10%

2) 8%

3) 5,5%

4) 3,3%

3. Which of the following citizens is structurally unemployed?

1) a retired teacher hoping to find an easier job

2) a woman on maternity leave

3) a miner fired due to the closure of an unprofitable mine

4) a nurse who moved with her husband to another city

4. Which of the following citizens is cyclically unemployed?

1) a bank employee dismissed due to the bankruptcy of the bank during the financial and economic crisis

2) an engineer who quit due to moving to another city

3) a programmer fired due to a conflict with the company’s management

4) full-time university student

5. The increase in employment of women with young children in the production process is accompanied by an increase in demand for the services of professional nannies. This is an example of how the market works

1) labor

2) goods

3) capital

4) stock

6. Are the following statements about the employed and the unemployed true?

A. A person who works part-time is classified as employed.

B. If a person is unemployed and ready to start work immediately, he must register with the employment service and may qualify for unemployment benefits.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

7. Read the text in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Unemployment is a ___________ (A) phenomenon that occurs when ___________ (B) labor services exceed demand and is manifested in the fact that some able-bodied citizens are not employed in the production of goods and services. The nature of modern unemployment is significantly influenced by the level of ___________ (B), the development of new territories, the emergence of new types of activities, and increased foreign economic competition.___________ (D) does not mean the absolute absence of unemployment. It corresponds to ___________ (D) unemployment, which is associated with the search for the most suitable jobs, training in new specialties, ___________ (E) changes in demand, etc. Natural unemployment is not a constant value. It depends on the level of development of the country’s economy: The state must ensure that the actual level of unemployment does not exceed the natural one.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

1) seasonal

2) socio-economic

3) society

4) scientific and technological progress

5) demand

6) offer

7) natural level

8) full time

9) production

Hello, dear friends!

Ivan Nekrasov is on the line.

Well, let's start analyzing the topic in general with what types of markets do economists distinguish? According to the degree of monopolization (competition), they distinguish a pure competition market (many sellers - many buyers), monopolistic market (one seller - many buyers), monopsonistic (monopsonist is the dominant buyer in the market), oligopolistic (several large sellers compete with each other).
Based on the coverage area, local (local), regional, national and global markets are distinguished

And finally, according to specialization (what is bought and sold in a given market), there are markets for goods, services, capital, means of production (equipment, for example), currency, stock (market valuable papers), land, real estate...

A special type of market by specialization is the labor market (labor force). Let us remember that labor, according to A. Smith’s classification, is one of the factors of production. In a traditional economy, all goods are produced by labor; in an industrial society, manual labor is replaced by machine labor in the process of the industrial revolution. In the post-industrial space, people control complex mechanisms, and the requirements for educational level professional Competition in the labor market is growing.

Labor is the production of material goods, one of human social needs. As K. Marx states, “labor made a man out of a monkey” (the labor theory of the emergence of society).

Labor can be physical and mental, complex and simple, voluntary and forced, legal and illegal.

The labor market is a specific market for the purchase and sale of labor. How is it special? In fact, a person, his capabilities, qualifications, and professionalism are bought and sold on it. Therefore, this market requires special government regulation.

The price in the labor market is wages. This is part of the enterprise's income used to pay staff. Wages can be piecework or time-based. It can combine both approaches. For example, a fixed salary plus a percentage of sales for a manager.

There are two main situations possible in the labor market: employment and unemployment. Full employment of the population, as economic practice has shown, is impossible under market conditions. One of the conditions for the existence of a market economy is competition. It leads to the fact that part of the working population does not work for various reasons.

Full employment is achieved command economy. For example, in the USSR the last labor exchange closed in 1932.

Employment is the provision of work for the country's working population. From the point of view of the labor market, the entire population is divided into able-bodied and disabled.

The country's labor force includes employed people (employed, self-employed (entrepreneurs), in the public service. The unemployed are part of the country's economically active population that does not have a job, but is looking for one, and is ready to start working immediately.

Thus, a person who is desperate to find a job, who is not working, will not be included in the number of unemployed in principle, just like pensioners, children under 16 years of age (the time of concluding an employment contract according to general rule in the Russian Federation). But high school and full-time students will drop out of the workforce.

Unemployment is a situation in the labor market characterized by the inability to find work for part of the labor force.

It is important to understand the reasons why people cannot find work. These may be personal reasons - search new job(frictional), economic - a change in the situation of demand for a particular qualification (structural) and a change in the phase of the economic cycle. It is logical that at the peak of growth, unemployment will be minimal, and at the lowest point of recession (crisis), it will be maximum. This unemployment is called cyclical.

Frictional, structural and cyclical unemployment are its three main types. The overall assessment of the unemployment level in the country, an important macroeconomic indicator, will depend on them.

Frictional and structural unemployment characterize the natural level of unemployment in the economy (standard). Adding the cyclical one to them, we get the actual level (the state of unemployment at a given time).

There is also seasonal unemployment associated with seasonal declines in business activity (holiday period, Easter period, vacation period, holiday season).

It is especially worth noting hidden unemployment. It is characterized by a loss of communication between an employee and his employer. A classic example of this is part-time work.

Since the level of unemployment in the country depends on the living standards of the population, a socially oriented state, in a mixed market system, fights against it. Organization of assistance to the unemployed and guides public policy The employment service is responsible for maintaining employment of the population.

From the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, only a person registered with the employment service can be officially unemployed, and therefore can count on benefits and state support

State policy in the field of employment is:

  1. Combating unemployment (creating new jobs, encouraging amateur activity of the population - entrepreneurship, building state enterprises, organizing public works).
  2. Activities of employment services (registration, selection of a new job, organization of retraining courses). It is worth remembering that if you repeatedly refuse an offered place or take retraining courses, you may be deregistered as unemployed.
  3. Support for the unemployed and temporarily disabled (payment of pensions, benefits).

Economics 11th grade. Training tasks in the Unified State Exam format. Labor market. Unemployment.

Part 1.

1. Write down the word missing in the diagram.

Answer: piecework

2. word (phrase) .

raw materials market; land market; resource market; labor market; equipment market.

Answer: resource market

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them excepttwo , are names of professions.

1) engineer, 2) teacher, 3) programmer, 4) salesman, 5) entrepreneur, 6) cook, 7) doctor, 8) artist, 9) hired worker.

Answer: 59

4 . Write down the word missing in the table.


5. In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all other concepts presented. Write it downword (phrase) .

payment at tariff rates, salaries, piece rates, awards, reward for long service, wage fund, remuneration based on work results for the year.

Answer: payroll

6. Below is a list of terms. All of them excepttwo , characterize the concept of “unemployment”.

1) Cyclical, structural, 2) centralized, 3) frictional, 4) seasonal, 5) regressive.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Answer: 25

7. Write down the word missing in the table.

Answer: cyclical

8. In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all other concepts presented. Write it downword (phrase) .

entrepreneurs, unemployed, peasants, working population, wage-earners, work force .

Answer: working population

9. Role and significance wages comes down not only to the need to ensure a decent level of income and standard of living, but also to the performance of other functions. Select wage functions from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) stimulating 4) accounting and production

2) control 5) status

3) monopoly 6) law enforcement

Answer: 145

10. Match the examples with types of unemployment: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) A university graduate cannot find a job in his specialty.

B) The manager decided to find a higher-paying job; after leaving his previous job, he is looking for a lucrative offer.

C) Employees of an amusement park in a seaside town are forced to look for sources of additional income during the cold season.

D) Builders country houses cannot find work in the winter.

D) The assistant secretary quit her job to take retraining courses and find a job as a specialist.


1) friction

2) seasonal

Answer: 11221

11. Nadezhda is 40 years old and a housewife. A woman maintains order in the house and takes care of her husband, who works at a large enterprise. What categories of population can Nadezhda be classified into?

Select the required items from the list provided and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) able-bodied

2) part-time

3) not included in the workforce

4) desperate to find a job

5) temporarily unemployed

6) busy

Answer: 13

12. Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“Unemployment is a socio-economic phenomenon that occurs when *** (A) labor services exceed *** (B) and is manifested in the fact that some able-bodied citizens are not employed in the production of goods and services. The nature of modern unemployment is significantly influenced by the level of ** (B), the development of new territories, the emergence of new types of activities, and increased foreign economic competition.

*** (D) does not mean the absolute absence of unemployment. It corresponds to *** (D) unemployment, which is associated with the search for the most suitable jobs, training in new specialties, *** (E) changes in demand, etc.”

List of terms:

1) seasonal

2) scientific discovery

3) offer

4) natural level

5) full time

6) society

7) scientific and technological progress

8) demand

9) production

Answer: 387541

13. Establish a correspondence between the features of unemployment and its types: for each position,

given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) is associated with the search for work by a specialist new to the labor market

B) caused by a voluntary decision to find a more interesting use of professional skills

B) arises due to dismissal

D) caused by economic recession and business closures

D) manifests itself in the release of part of the labor force during the depression


1) friction

2) cyclic

Answer: 11122

14. In country Z, part of the economically active population is unemployed due to the closure of a number of enterprises due to deteriorating economic conditions. Others are looking for work after moving to another city. Which judgments about the economic situation in country Z are correct? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Improving the economic situation in country Z requires the government to use active employment policy measures.

2) In country Z, the level of full employment of the population has been achieved.

3) Country Z experiences frictional unemployment.

4) The economy of country Z is at the stage of economic recession.

5) The entire working population of country Z is economically active.

6) In country Z there is high level structural unemployment.

Answer: 134

15. Establish a correspondence between the features of wages and their types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) accrued to employees for hours worked

B) expressed in material goods and services

B) depends on the prices of the goods purchased

D) accrued to employees for overtime work

D) is awarded to employees for a certain quantity and quality of work performed


1) nominal

2) real

Answer: 12211

16. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“One of the factors for increasing ***(A) labor is improving labor organization. This includes increasing the ***(B) of workers (a more knowledgeable worker will produce a larger quantity of products), strengthening the labor ***(B), improving working conditions, etc. Great importance has the distribution of advanced ***(G). Factors also include material and moral incentives. Material incentives include wages paid depending on the quantity and ***(D) labor, ***(E), promotion, etc. Moral incentives include inclusion on the Board of Honor or in the Book of Honor, giving thanks , conferring honorary titles, awarding badges of honor, orders and medals.”

List of terms:

1) experience

2) bonuses

3) quality

4) budget

5) qualification

6) specialization

7) performance

8) discipline

9) cooperation



1) Unemployment is the excess of demand for labor over its supply.

2) Based on the nature of the reasons, galloping, frictional and cyclical unemployment are distinguished.

3) Frictional unemployment is associated with changes in the demand for labor in certain industries and regions due to scientific and technological progress.

4) Natural is the average level of unemployment around which employment fluctuates.

5) Cyclical unemployment occurs during an economic downturn.

Answer: 45

18. Establish a correspondence between the types of labor markets and their characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) labor supply increases to match demand.

B) wages are dictated by large employers

B) there are several large companies operating in the labor market

D) workers of the same profession independently offer their labor force


1) competitive

2) monopolized

Answer: 1221

19. Nadezhda has a preschooler son, and, in agreement with the management of the enterprise, she works part-time in production. What other categories, besides part-time workers, are included in the country's labor force? Write it downnumbers , under which such categories are indicated.

1) housewives

2) working flexible hours

3) those who do not have a job but are actively looking for one

4) those serving sentences in prisons

5) full-time university students

6) who are on regular vacation

Answer: 236

20. Establish a correspondence between the types of unemployment and the examples that illustrate them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) the fireman of the locomotive was left without work due to the transition railway for thermal draft

B) the accountant resigned of her own free will due to a change in family circumstances

B) the university graduate has not yet found a suitable job in his specialty

D) the miner was left without work due to the closure of the mine in the context of the transition to new energy sources

D) a car sales specialist lost his job due to the closure of a car dealership due to the general economic downturn.


1) structural

2) friction

3) cyclic

Answer: 12213

21. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

***(A) - price for labor, measured per unit of time - week or month. According to the forms of payment, it can be ***(B), time-based and lump-sum. Time-based wages are issued ***(B) for the time actually worked, which has a specific rate unit. There is also a distinction between ***(D) salary - remuneration for work, which is assigned to the employee in the form of a certain amount of money, and ***(D) - the amount of life goods that can be purchased for a nominal fee at this level prices for goods and services.

List of terms:

1) profit

2) salary

3) piecework

4) employer

5) employee

6) nominal

7) real

9) competitive

Answer: 23567

22. Find in the proposed list facts confirming the influence of scientific and technological progress on the labor process in modern society. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) the need for primitive physical labor is reduced, the need for skilled labor increases

2) division of labor is reduced to nothing

3) science merges with technology

4) purposeful labor activity of a person is aimed at achieving economic equality

5) “know-how” and other information acquire special value

6) there is a transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one


23. Establish a correspondence between the examples and their corresponding types of unemployment: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) due to changes in demand for energy resources, many mines closed and miners were left without work

B) graduates of creative universities are looking for work in their specialty, not agreeing to any other

B) for six months, residents of the town sea ​​coast serve tourists, and the rest of the time most of them cannot find work

D) in the employment service, the unemployed refuse work vacancies and ask to find work for managers

D) due to the economic crisis, firms producing various goods and services have reduced their workforce


1) seasonal

2) structural

3) friction

4) cyclic

Answer: 23134

24. Find in the proposed list the factors that contribute to increasing labor productivity in the enterprise. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) use of equipment until it is completely worn out

2) high quality management

3) the use of traditional, albeit outdated, but proven technology

4) application latest technologies

5) a high level of wages that does not depend on the results of the work of a particular employee.

6) high level of employee motivation to work




A) obsolescence and lack of demand for a number of professions

B) dismissal from previous job

B) a change in the demand for labor in a particular industry.

D) decline in production and demand for labor

D) the death of old industries


1) friction

2) structural

3) cyclic

Answer: 21232


In accordance with the Law on *** (A) population in Russian Federation unemployed are those able-bodied *** (B), who do not have a job and *** (C), registered with the employment service for the purpose of searching suitable job, are looking for *** (G) and are ready to start it. At the same time, payments of *** (D) and maintained average earnings to citizens dismissed due to *** (E) of the organization or termination of activities by an individual entrepreneur, reduction in the number or staff of employees of an organization, individual entrepreneur are not taken into account as earnings.

List of terms:

1) employment

2) severance pay

3) earnings

4) work

5) citizen

6) liquidation

7) privatization

Answer: 153426

27. A student is preparing a report for a social studies lesson on the topic “Requirements for a modern worker.” Select from the list of requirements that he can consider in his speech, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) provision social insurance

2) compliance with internal regulations

3) level of qualifications corresponding to the nature of the work

4) the salary level is not less than the minimum wage, established by law

5) provision safe conditions labor

6) compliance with the Labor Code

Answer: 236

28. Establish a correspondence between the type of unemployment and its characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) occurs when production declines

B) covers all areas of production

B) caused by changes in demand patterns and production technology

D) can lead to severe social upheaval

D) leads to the need for the emergence of new professions


1) cyclic

2) structural

Answer: 11212

29. Choose the correct statements about unemployment and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) In a market economy, there is a natural level of unemployment.

2) Seasonal unemployment is caused by structural changes in the economy.

3) Mass unemployment is accompanied by a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population.

4) The impossibility of employment due to differences in the structure of demand and supply of labor services of different qualifications gives rise to cyclical unemployment.

5) The lack of awareness of the unemployed about suitable vacancies may be the cause of frictional unemployment.

Answer: 135

30. Establish a correspondence between the wage functions and their content: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) ensuring the labor productivity of the employee

B) establishing proportions in the labor market

C) implementation of the principle of social justice

D) determination of the measure of participation of living labor in the formation of the price of goods

D) compliance of the employee’s status with the amount of wages

E) determination of the absolute level of remuneration necessary to meet the vital needs of the employee and his family



1) reproductive

2) stimulating

3) status

4) regulating

5) accounting and production



31 . Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

The formation of a market price *** (A) may be accompanied by conflicts between employers and employees. The main method of protecting the interests of *** (B) is the creation of trade unions that negotiate on behalf of all the people within them. Trade unions usually try to achieve improved working conditions and safety for their members, as well as an increase in their *** (B). This makes work more pleasant and profitable for union members, but at the same time narrows the economic boundaries of employment and leads to an increase in the price of goods for buyers if the value of *** (G) in the price of the goods does not decrease. Wages should not fall below the minimum level, the calculation basis of which is *** (D). The minimum wage is set and changed by *** (E) authorities.

List of terms:

1) hired workers

2) profit

3) legislative bodies

4) salary

5) employment contract

6) labor

7) profession

8) unemployment

9) living wage

Answer: 614293

32. State Z has a fairly high unemployment rate. What categories of the population can be classified as frictional unemployed? Write it downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) those who resigned of their own free will

2) those who found a job but did not start it

3) laid off due to a drop in demand for their services

4) newly entered the labor market and having the required qualifications

5) laid off in conditions of a general decline in production in the country

6) part-time workers

Answer: 124

33. Establish correspondence between large market segments and certain types markets: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) market mortgage lending

B) metal market

B) securities market

D) labor market

D) capital market


1) market economic resources

2) financial market

Answer: 21211

34. Find active employment policy tools in the list below and write downnumbers , under which they are indicated.

1) payment of unemployment benefits

2) vocational training for the unemployed

3) providing compensation to employees dismissed from enterprises

4) information about the labor market

5) support for entrepreneurial activity of the unemployed

6) provision of services to psychological support centers for the population

Answer: 245

35. Establish a correspondence between the causes of unemployment and its types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


B) unequal volumes of production performed by individual industries in different periods of time

C) a person is registered at the enterprise as a labor force, but does not work and, accordingly, does not receive a salary


1) friction

2) cyclic

3) seasonal

4) hidden


36. Please select people from the list below who may not qualify for unemployment benefits.

1) an accountant suffering from the flu

2) a miner participating in a strike

3) a metallurgist fired due to the closure of the plant

4) a nurse looking for a job after moving from another city

5) housewife

6) a telephone exchange employee who wants to find another job

Answer: 1256

37. Establish what type of unemployed the specified citizens belong to: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) an engineer who quit due to a conflict with management

B) a municipal official forced to resign because he does not have computer skills

C) a chemist forced to leave his job due to an allergy to reagents

D) a real estate agent who was left unemployed during the financial and economic crisis

D) a university graduate looking for a job


1) friction

2) structural

3) cyclic

Answer: 12131

38. Find examples of cyclical unemployment in the list below and write down the numbers under which they appear.

1) With the advent of computers, secretaries-typists were not in demand in the labor market.

2) The economic crisis has led to an increase in unemployment at enterprises in various industries.

3) Employees of an enterprise that went bankrupt in conditions of intense competition lost their jobs.

4) With a decrease in orders at the stage of economic recession, the construction company began laying off employees.

5) With the completion of the fruit harvest in the horticultural farm, seasonal workers received their pay and went home.

Answer: 24

39. Establish a correspondence between the causes of unemployment and its types: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Causes unemployment

A) decline in production during the industrial crisis

B) unequal volumes of production performed by individual

industries in different periods of time

C) a person is registered at the enterprise as a labor force, but not

works and therefore does not receive a salary

D) the person has the necessary qualifications, training and skills and is looking for a job with appropriate pay

Kinds unemployment

1) friction

2) cyclic

3) seasonal

4) hidden

Answer: 2341

40. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

***(A) is the forced unemployment of the economically active population, caused by an imbalance in ***(B). It comes in the following types: ***(B) - occurs during searches and waiting for work in connection with constant adjustments in firms’ production volumes. ***(D) - caused by technological changes in production, as a result of which the demand for labor changes; ***(D) - characteristic of the production decline phase.

List of terms:

1) labor market

2) structural

3) unemployment

4) employment

5) friction

6) cyclic

7) economics

Answer: 31526

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

Studying the mechanism of functioning of a market economy, Karl Marx proceeded from the fact that labor power as “the totality of physical and spiritual abilities possessed by an organism, the living personality of a person” is a commodity, and production relations are based on the free purchase and sale of labor power, where its price is wages.

During the period of pre-monopoly capitalism, the satisfaction of the demand for labor on the part of entrepreneurs and the demand for working conditions on the part of workers was carried out spontaneously, through the one-time actions of parties not bearing obligations; the condition of exchange was the material remuneration of the worker for work of a certain quantity and quality. With the development of capitalism, economic ties and economic relations have become more complex, and the labor market has undergone significant changes. Labor movement led to the expansion of the concept of “conditions of employment”. They began to include not only wages and working hours, but also job guarantees, paid but not worked working time (i.e. vacation), various social benefits, etc. The attitude towards the workforce has also changed among entrepreneurs. The development of modern production has placed increased demands on the quality of the workforce: qualifications, professional and general educational training, creative attitude to work, high quality work. Business is actively involved in professional training, thereby providing employees with material costs for their studies. Investments in personnel retraining in connection with scientific and technological progress and the rapid development of economic relations determined the policy of retaining personnel and stabilizing them.

Now the labor market is a system of social relations that reflect the level of development and the balance of interests achieved at a given period between the forces present in the market: entrepreneurs, workers and the state. The organizational form of expression of such interests in the labor market are associations of entrepreneurs on the one hand and trade unions on the other. The state acts as an employer in state-owned enterprises and an investor, financing large projects and development programs. However, its main function is to determine the rules for regulating the interests of partners and opposing forces.

The labor market regulation mechanism covers the entire range of economic, legal, social and psychological factors that determine the functioning of the labor market. It is carried out through the employment system, including a wide network of employment offices, data banks on jobs, government programs to assist in the acquisition of professional knowledge and employment for the unemployed but willing to work population, targeted enterprise programs providing for retraining of personnel in connection with the planned modernization of production, at the enterprise personnel stabilization policy, etc. All these components of the market mechanism for regulating employment in different industries are in different proportions depending on the economic and historical conditions of development of this industry.

V. A. Pavlenkov

21. What definition does the author give for the concept of “labor force”? What place does it occupy in the system of industrial relations?

22. In what direction did changes occur in the labor market with the development of capitalist relations? Name and briefly describe the three stages in the development of the labor market.

23. The author names three main subjects of the labor market. Using knowledge from a social science course, name the functions of each of them in the system of market relations.

24. Based on the text and knowledge of the social science course, name three ways to regulate the labor market in modern Russia, illustrate each of them with a specific example.

21. Answer:

1) labor power is “the totality of physical and spiritual abilities possessed by the body, the living personality of a person”;

2) labor power is a commodity on the purchase and sale of which production relations are based.

22. Answer:

Stage 1 - the period of pre-monopoly capitalism - the satisfaction of demand was carried out spontaneously, its condition was the material remuneration of the worker for work of a certain quantity and quality.

Stage 2 - with the development of capitalism, economic ties and economic relations became more complex, and the concept of “terms of employment” expanded (job guarantees, vacation, social benefits). Increased requirements for the quality of the workforce: qualifications, professional and general educational training, creative attitude to work.

Stage 3 - modern labor market - a balance of interests has been achieved between labor market subjects.

23. Answer:

Three main subjects of the labor market: entrepreneurs, workers and the state.

Entrepreneurs - employers, organizers of production, manage the factors included in production, are buyers and create demand for labor.

Workers are the bearers of labor power, have certain qualifications, experience, abilities to perform a certain labor function, and form the labor supply in the labor market.

The state carries out legal regulation of the labor market, legislatively establishing social guarantees for workers, protecting them from discrimination and arbitrariness, and prohibiting forced labor.

24. Answer:

Three ways to regulate the labor market in modern Russia: 1. Legal regulation:

- establishing normal working hours (40 hours per week);

- establishing a minimum wage, below which wages in the Russian Federation cannot be;

- social guarantees for unemployed citizens, benefits for minor workers, disabled people, women with young children.

2. The state acts as an arbiter in individual and collective disputes between workers and employers.

3. Stimulating the employment of persons with disabilities health.

25. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “wages”? Drawing on knowledge from your social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the forms of wages, and one sentence about the factors on which the amount of wages depends.

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: “Wages are monetary remuneration paid by the employer for the work performed by the employee”;

2) the following proposals can be given:

- “Wages can be calculated either in proportion to labor productivity (piecework) or in proportion to the time worked (time-based)”;

- “The amount of wages depends on the skill level of the workers.”

26. Name three factors that negatively affect working conditions and illustrate each with an example.

The answer may include the following factors, and examples illustrating them in brackets:

1) physical (noise);

2) chemical (gas contamination of the room);

3) material (low wages).

27. You can often hear the opinion that the state should not fight unemployment within the framework of a market economy: it is inherent in the market. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) formulation of your own opinion, for example:

- Yes, it is pointless to fight unemployment, because... it is impossible to get rid of it completely, this is the natural state of the labor market;

- no, the state must take measures to reduce unemployment and provide economic assistance to the unemployed, despite the fact that unemployment cannot be completely eliminated;

2)arguments, for example:

when asserting that it is pointless to fight unemployment:

- unemployment is a consequence of the interaction of supply and demand in the labor market;

- unemployment cannot disappear, because the introduction of new technologies frees up labor;

when arguing that the state should take measures to reduce unemployment:

- within the framework of market relations, unemployment can be made less painful for those who have lost the opportunity to work;

- Excessive unemployment is a very negative phenomenon in social terms, so it is important to reduce the number of unemployed (carry out retraining, teach new professions).

28. Make a complex plan for a detailed answer on the topic “The labor market is a mechanism for connecting demand and supply for labor.”

One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1) Labor as an economic resource.

2) The labor market as a special segment of the market economy.

3) Formation of prices and quantities of supply and demand in the labor market.

4) Labor market participants:

a) employee (determines supply on the market);

b) employer (determines market demand).

5) Labor market segmentation:

a) senior managers;

b) specialists with higher education;

c) semi-skilled personnel;

d) highly skilled workers, etc.

6) Work motivation and labor relations:

a) wages;

b) development of economic democracy.

7) Unemployment - characteristic feature labor market.

8) Specifics modern market labor:

a) increasing demand for complex, skilled labor;

b) establishment of state guarantees living wage and minimum wage;

c) implementation of wage indexation depending on

on the level of inflation;

d) responsibility of the state and business for the level of unemployment

in the country;

e) development and improvement of labor legislation.

9) Government regulation labor market:

a) stimulating employment growth;

b) programs vocational education;

c) social insurance programs.

10) Social partnership is the basis of the modern labor market.

Unemployment- This economic situation when the able-bodied part of society cannot find work or does not want to work in the jobs offered by the labor market. Causes of unemployment: loss of work as a result of voluntary resignation from work, as a result of dismissal, lack of work experience (candidates after studying at a university or technical school) and job seekers after a break in work.

Types of unemployment:

voluntary– because of people’s own reluctance to work;

natural– irremovable and accompanies market economy. It does not depend on economic reasons. There is always natural unemployment in society, since part of the population is in search of a new, more profitable and prestigious job, while some are just planning to start their working career (for example, students). Under normal unemployment rates, the unemployment rate is around 6–8%;

seasonal occurs in regions and industries in which the number of jobs is reduced after seasonal work is completed. For example, in agriculture The main work occurs in the summer-autumn season. In resort towns, seasonal unemployment occurs with the end of the holiday season;

regional arises under the influence of historical, demographic and psychological factors. This type of unemployment cannot be overcome by economic policy. An example is the traditional unemployment of women in the Caucasus, since they devote all their time to raising children and running a household. In Yakutia, which specializes in diamond mining, other industries are poorly developed and therefore the unemployment rate is high;

institutional, which arises due to changes in legislation and social policy. including legal norms(increasing social benefits for unemployment), introduction of a guaranteed minimum wage, unemployment due to lack of information about jobs;

structural arises due to differences in the structure of supply and demand. Employment may become impossible due to differences in supply and demand;

stagnant- arises due to economic stagnation. With such unemployment, people want to find a job, but they cannot, because during the economic crisis there are job cuts.

State policy to reduce unemployment. In most economically developed countries, the government monitors the level of involuntary unemployment. The state seeks to reduce unemployment, as it reduces the stability and level of well-being of society. Complete eradication of unemployment is impossible, since natural unemployment exists. The government is alleviating unemployment: increasing jobs in the public sector, stimulating employment growth, training and retraining personnel, and creating labor exchanges.

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