Lesson notes on the technology of technological maps. Technological maps for technology (service labor). Technological lesson map

A technology lesson is no different from other academic disciplines. It is associated with an innovative approach to teaching. What should it include? Any technological map of a lesson using the Federal State Educational Standards technology involves two stages in the direct activity of the teacher. The first stage is the design of a lesson or lesson system. On the second stage, direct implementation takes place training session or lesson systems in the educational process.

Item Features

Routing The technology lesson is built according to the classical methodology. The stage associated with the design of the educational process in this discipline involves focusing on mastering the procedures and certain regulations created by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In school or non-school time, all the basic parameters that are focused on the development of a creative personality must be present.

A scientific approach to process design

The technological map of a technology lesson in the works of S. I. Lvova, I. P. Tsibulko, Yu. N. Gostev is assumed to be in the form of four main structural components:

  • Diagnostics of the level of initial assimilation of educational material by schoolchildren, as well as selection into groups with an equal supply of developed knowledge.
  • Organization and motivation of educational activities of schoolchildren. The main task for the teacher is to involve students in educational, cognitive and project work, maintaining a formed interest in learning.
  • A learning process that involves direct assimilation by the student academic discipline through interaction with a variety of media.
  • Carrying out quality control of the learned material

According to the theory proposed by V. M. Monakhov, the technological map of a technology lesson assumes the presence of five main components:

  1. Goal setting is necessary for designing a single goal and setting several tasks.
  2. Diagnostics allows you to establish the fact of achievement or non-achievement of each specific task.
  3. Tasks broken down into parts help to identify the student’s level of independence and conduct diagnostics.
  4. The logical structure of the technology is aimed at analyzing the previously achieved goal, the results obtained, and the subsequent development of attention, memory, and cognitive interest.
  5. Correction of the educational process contributes to the construction of an individual development trajectory for each student.

Educational Technology Components

The technological map of a technology lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard (boys or girls study according to it, it doesn’t matter) involves the formulation of the main parameters for each educational lesson.

The teacher determines diagnostic goals and thinks through the effectiveness of the lesson. In this case, the learning process will be truly effective, and the achievement of all goals and objectives is guaranteed.

Features of technology lessons for girls

The technological map for a technology lesson (girls), in addition to the theoretical part, necessarily contains information about those practical skills that schoolgirls must master during the lesson. The teacher tries to provide a certain reserve of teaching time in order to practice theoretical knowledge in practice. Depending on the characteristics of the group coming to the teacher, the technological map is adjusted.

System of V.V. Guzeev

What is a technological lesson map for the Federal State Educational Standard? Technology (girls) is a subject that is primarily aimed at training future guardians of the family hearth. That is why in the map of each technology lesson, the teacher must leave some reserve of time for practicing the basic, universal skills provided general education program in this academic discipline.

V.V. Guzeev noted the importance of correspondence between the initial goal and the final result. In addition, the author of this technique pays serious attention to current diagnostics, as well as forecasting the individual development of the student, checking his approach to the goal.

Characteristics of the technological map of the training session

We will present what characterizes the Sample by technology later, first we will give a general definition. A technological map is a kind of passport for a future lesson project intended for a specific group of children. This is a special form of teacher designing the learning process. The teacher combines classical thematic planning with the development of each specific lesson.

The technological map of a technology lesson (boys) involves a description of all the actions of the teacher and schoolchildren, indicating methods of control and features of the organizational process. With its help, one can consider the learning process as an integral system of training sessions connected by content, target, operational, control, regulatory, and reflective stages. It includes development planning for each individual student, monitoring his assimilation of certain knowledge, as well as the development of additional special skills.

To plan the final results of the formation of children's ideas on a certain topic, rules, facts, and laws are selected that correspond to the psychological characteristics of schoolchildren.

If desired, the teacher also includes interdisciplinary connections in the technology lesson map, defining continuity between topics and sections. Thanks to this, the teacher structures the educational material into optimal level. Each topic is necessarily divided into several subsections that are logically interconnected. For example, first boys get acquainted with metal processing technology and safety rules. Then, having a theoretical basis, they begin to work on the machines. Theoretical knowledge is also important for girls. Having become familiar with the features of a hidden seam, they practice their skills in practical activities.

Design of a technological map

You can imagine it like this:

  • The 1st step is to determine the expected results after considering the topic being studied.
  • Step 2 involves determining the first and last classes.
  • The 3rd step consists of breaking down the content of the topic being studied into separate blocks.
  • The 4th step involves highlighting the main material for specific lessons.
  • The 5th step involves predicting the goals and form of the lesson in a specific block.
  • The 6th step is related to the preparation of tasks for self-control of schoolchildren.

Example of a technology lesson map

Here is a lesson on technology offered by T. I. Shamova:

  • Lesson number in the curriculum.
  • Topic of the lesson.
  • What should the student know?
  • What should a schoolchild be able to do? (Subject skills are indicated.)
  • Development and consolidation of universal skills.
  • Lesson type.
  • Demonstration materials (tables, presentations, portraits, models).
  • Techniques and actions with which the teacher will check the degree of mastery of educational material.
  • Self-monitoring of students (reflection, thanks to which the student tracks his progress through the program material).

Lesson "Patchwork"

We offer an example of technology lessons for girls according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

Lesson topic: “Patchwork”.

Type educational event: integrated lesson.

Methodological base: textbook (UMK): N. V. Sinitsa, V. D. Simonenko. Housekeeping technology, 5th grade.

Educational equipment: personal computer, multimedia.

Material base: sets of patchwork fabrics.

Purpose of the lesson: to develop technological skills and abilities when creating products using the patchwork technique.

Planned results:

1. Subject: development of cognitive interest among students in arts and crafts.

  • Cognitive - familiarization with the formation of ideas about the use of patchwork in everyday life.
  • Regulatory - mastering the technological sequence; mastering the production of samples using the patchwork technique.
  • Communication - creating favorable conditions for cooperation.
  • Personal: develop aesthetic taste, develop an interest in work, and the ability to follow safe work rules.
  • Communicative: emotional attitude towards cooperation.

Involves explanation of execution rules test task, showing the girls samples of fabric made using the patchwork technique.

Together with the teacher, the topic of the lesson is formulated, a goal is set, and tasks are determined.

After completing the theoretical block, a physical minute is held (3-5 minutes).

The girls begin the practical part of the lesson. Using scraps of different geometric shapes, they create patchwork compositions in groups.

The work received in groups is analyzed, and the correct use of the patchwork technique is checked. This is followed by reflection and summing up the lesson.


Federal standards of the new generation, introduced in secondary schools, oblige technology teachers to draw up individual maps for each educational lesson. Innovative technology allows the teacher to involve his students in project activities.

Practical work (9th grade)

“Processing the frill and connecting it to the main part”

Cut out the main piece measuring 15x15 cm.

Cut out a frill piece 10x25 cm.

Work sequence

Graphic image

Finish the flounced edge of the frill with a closed hem seam, making a tack. Seam width - 15 mm

Make two machine stitches with large stitches at a distance from the stitching edge of 7 mm and 10 mm

Assemble the frill piece using stitch threads so that its dimensions match the main piece.

Baste the assembled frill to the main piece. Place a basting line between the assembly lines. Sew the frill by making bartacks. The stitching seam width is 15 mm. Remove temporary stitches. Press the sewn seam.

Finish the edges of the frill and the main part with a zigzag stitch. Iron the ruffle stitching seam towards the main piece.

Secure the ironed sections with a finishing stitch, making bartacks 5-7 mm wide. Perform final wet-heat treatment.

Map of operational control for the implementation of practical work “Processing the frill and connecting it to the main part”

Criteria for evaluation

Correspondence of the dimensions of the cut out parts according to the specified values ​​(main part 15x15 cm, frill part 10x25 cm)

Hem seam width with closed cut (15 mm)

Frill seam width (15 mm)

Performing a backtack at the beginning and end of the seam (5-7 mm)

The quality of the assembly (uniform


Overlock stitch quality

Quality finishing stitch(seam width 5-7 mm)

Quality of wet-heat treatment

Total points

Processing a patch pocket with rounded ends

1. Check the cut details.

2..3 baste the top edge of the pocket, folding along the notches.

3..3stitch the top edge of the pocket.

4..Remove the temporary stitch (running stitches). 5.Iron the top edge of the pocket.

6.Place a hand stitch along the bottom edge of the pocket in straight lines

running stitches.

7.. Pull the bottom edge of the pocket using a hand-stitching thread

cardboard pattern.

8.Iron the pocket using a pattern.

9..Mark the location of the pocket.

10. Baste the pocket to the main part of the product.

11. Sew the pocket onto the main piece.

12.Remove the temporary stitch (running stitches).

13. Iron the finished pocket.


Map of operational control for the practical task of the Olympiad (grades 10-11, processing of a patch pocket with rounded ends)

Control criteria

Number of points

Points earned

The quality of processing of the upper cut of the pocket (compliance with the width of the hem, quality machine stitch) ________________

The quality of performing WTO operations for the upper cut of the pocket

Quality of pocket corner rounding

Quality of pocket stitching (quality of machine stitching when stitching, presence of bartacks, correct location pocket on the main part) _________

Quality of final wet-heat treatment

Total 40 points.

Finishing the back neckline with facing.

1. Check the cut details.

2. Cover the outer edge of the facing with a temporary stitch (straight running stitches), bending it 1 cm.

3. Stitch the edge of the facing.

4. Iron the facing.

5. Baste the facing to the neckline.

6. Stitch the facing to the neckline.

7. Sweep the piping along the neckline using oblique basting stitches

8. Place a finishing stitch along the neckline with a seam width of 5-7 mm.

9. Iron the neckline.

Recommendations for correctly completing the practical task: students need to carefully check the details of the cut, correctly use the necessary accessories, equipment and tools (scissors, sewing needles, threads, sewing equipment, patterns, etc.), as well as correctly perform technological operations. Attention!

At the end of the work, carefully check the completed sewing unit. Remove all remnants of thread from temporary seams and perform wet-heat treatment of the finished product.

Operational control map for the practical task of the Olympiad
(grade 8-9 back neck treatment

Control criteria



Quality of processing of the external cut of the facing
(machine stitch quality, WTO quality)

Quality of neck facing
(quality of machine stitching, availability

Presence of a transition edge

Quality of finishing stitching

Quality of final damp-thermal

Organization of work, compliance with safety regulations

Option A.

    Fold the bottom of the product 1 cm to the wrong side and sweep.

    Fold the hem section by 2 cm and sweep.

    Hem with hidden stitches (2-3 stitches per 1 cm).

Self-control: the stitching is even and neat; the width of the seam and the number of stitches per 1 cm correspond to the specified values; presence of fastenings; WTO.

“Processing the bottom of the product with hidden hemming stitches”

Control criteria

Sweeping seam allowances at the bottom of the product

Seam width 2 cm

Number of stitches in 1 cm

Evenness, neatness of stitching

Making bartacks

WTO quality

Compliance with T/B

Practical work on technology grades 7-9

Option B.

    Cut out an oblique strip at an angle of 45° to the warp and weft threads, 7-8 times wider than the finished edge (the width of the finished edge is 0.5 cm).

    Fold the strip in half lengthwise, wrong side inward, and iron.

    Apply the strip to the main side of the main part, align the cuts, and baste.

    Stitch 0.3 - 0.5 cm from the cuts.

    Wrap a strip around the edges and sweep out the edging.

    Stitch into the stitching seam.

Self-control: ; machine stitches are even and neat; the width of the seam and the size of the edging correspond to the specified values; presence of fastenings; WTO.

Operational control map

“Processing the bottom of the product with an edging seam with closed cuts”

Control criteria

Compliance with execution technology

Cutting the edging strip (width of the strip, direction of the grain thread)

Finished edge width 0.5 cm

Accuracy of the adjustment seam

Making bartacks

WTO quality

Compliance with T/B

Option A.

    Cut out the facing and adhesive lining according to the shape of the neck, 4.0 cm wide.

    Align the spacer with the wrong side of the facing and iron it.

    Apply the facing side to the front side of the product, align all the cuts, and sweep away.

    Stitch, seam width 0.5 cm.

    Notch in the corners not reaching the line by 0.1 - 0.15 cm.

    Baste the edge of the facing 0.5 cm to the wrong side.

    Stitch, seam width 0.1 - 0.2 cm, iron.

    Fold the facing over to the wrong side of the product and sweep it with an overflow edging.

    Apply a finishing machine stitch, seam width 0.3 cm, iron.

    Attach the edge of the facing using hand-blind stitches to the product every 5 - 7 cm.

Self-control: compliance with execution technology; machine stitches are even and neat; the width of the seams corresponds to the specified values; presence of notches, fastenings; WTO.

Operational control map

“Processing the neckline of a bob neckline with an undercut facing”

Control criteria

Compliance with execution technology

Cut the facing and adhesive pad

Processing of adhesive pad

Maintaining the width of the seams

Making notches

Evenness, neatness of lines

Availability and quality of edging

Making bartacks

Making blind stitches

WTO quality

Compliance with T/B

Practical work on technology grades 10-11

Option B.

“Processing a collar with set-in piping”

    Cut out a bias strip at an angle of 45° to the warp and weft threads, 5 times wider than the finished edge (the width of the finished edge is 0.3 cm).

    Fold the strip in half lengthwise, wrong side inward, sweep, aligning the cuts, and iron.

    Baste onto the front side of the upper part of the collar, aligning the cuts (make a fit on the rounded edges).

    Place the collar and undercollar facing inward and baste.

    Stitch, seam width 0.3 - 0.4 cm.

    Check the symmetry of the collar, cut off excess seam width at the roundings, turn the parts inside out, sweep them away.

Control criteria

Compliance with execution technology

Open the facings

Maintaining the width of the seams

Performing landing

Evenness, neatness of lines

Edge width

Making bartacks

WTO quality

Compliance with T/B

Self-control: compliance with execution technology; machine stitches are even and neat; the width of the seam corresponds to the specified values; collar symmetry; presence of fit, fastenings; WTO.

Operational control map

“Processing the neckline of a bob neckline with an undercut facing”

Technological lesson map

Subject: "Technology"

Technology teacher: Smirnova T.P.

Basic textbook “Service Labor Technology” edited by V.D. Simonenko

Lesson topic: “Designing an apron”

Target: in the process of studying the labor operation “designing an apron”, achieve the following educational results

Personal result :

(learning objective 1)

- understand the attitudes, norms and rules scientific organization mental and physical labor using the example of performing the operation of constructing a drawing (3rd level of knowledge acquisition - comprehension)

Meta-subject result :

(learning objective 2)

- be able to diagnose the results of the operation of constructing a drawing according to accepted criteria and indicators (2nd level of mastery of the action - initial skill)
Subject result :

(learning objectives 3-7)

- to master the concept of the design process (Cognitive sphere – 3rd level of knowledge acquisition – comprehension);

Present the types of tools for constructing a drawing, techniques for constructing a drawing (Cognitive sphere - 2nd level of knowledge acquisition - presentation);

- be able to perform the technological operation “construction” in compliance with the algorithm for constructing an apron drawing (Labor sphere - 2nd level of mastery of the action - initial skill);

Be able to substantiate the quality indicators of intermediate and final results of the drawing construction operation (Labor sphere - 3rd level of comprehension)

Develop motor skills and coordination of hand movements when working with hand tools(Physiological-psychological sphere - 2nd level of mastery of action - initial skill).


Select and accept the learning goal(s) for the lesson;

Based on mental operations of comparison and generalization, identify general and essential features of the concept of “design”;

Create an approximate basis for actions when performing techniques for constructing an apron drawing;

Based on the analysis, identify and understand the quality indicators of the apron design operation

Perform practical work on constructing a drawing of an apron regulatory:

Perform actions to maintain the workplace (before, during and after work), monitor the implementation of drawing construction techniques;

Perform reflection


- carry out external speech activity when discussing techniques for working with drawing tools and safe work rules;

Carry out communicative interaction in class with the teacher and classmates in the group


- perform self-assessment of the results of your work, reflection.

Lesson type combined

Educational technologies: information Technology, critical thinking, problem-based learning, developmental learning

Teaching methods : explanatory-reproductive, motivating-search, instructional-executive (techniques of teaching and learning: explanation, demonstration, demonstration of working methods; conversation; problem dialogue; work with a textbook, workbook; with computer-assisted lesson, practical work)

Object of labor : apron pattern

Interdisciplinary connections : mathematics (angles; parallel and perpendicular lines, construction of figures)

Necessary equipment : textbook, workbook, demonstration materials and equipment: electronic support for the lesson: computer, projector, technological map for making the product “Pattern of an apron”, instruction card for performing design techniques.


Learning objectives and learning content


students (UUD)


teachers (methods, teaching aids, educational technologies)

Level of achievement of planned results





1. Org. Part

Prepare for work in a lesson on the topic “Designing an apron”

Observe and listen to information from the teacher and duty officer

Communicate in the process of preparing for the lesson, cooperate with the duty officer

Organize and check your preparation for the lesson

Listens to the duty officer;

Checks students' readiness for the lesson

2. Repetition of the material covered, updating of knowledge

Repeat and update knowledge on the previous topic “Measuring the human figure and recording measurements”

comprehend the essence of the teacher’s question;

Reproduce (verbal) educational material;

Listen, comprehend, analyze

comrades' answers;

Express and argue their point of view on the issues under consideration

Build their external speech in accordance with the essence of the issue

Carry out communicative interaction in class with the teacher and classmates

Evaluate and correct their answers and the answers of their comrades

talks with students on the previous topic of the lesson

Motivates students to work.

Level 2 (algorithmic)

3. Goal setting

Determine and accept the learning goal(s) for the lesson.

Understand the cognitive purpose and main objectives of the lesson;

Formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson,

Express their opinions on the formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Determine general ways of interaction in the lesson

plan tasks (work) for the lesson in accordance with the goal

With the help of leading questions, leads students to determine the topic, purpose and lesson plan

Level 3 (heuristic)

4. Learning new material

Identify the general and essential features of the concepts of “design”, “modelling”, “model”;

Get acquainted with the tools and devices for constructing an apron

Perceive information (listen, observe, comprehend);

Answer the teacher’s questions, identify cause-and-effect relationships in the educational material

Clarify information on the textbook and computer presentation

Working with workbooks

Listen to the teacher’s explanation and the answers of their comrades;

They build their external speech in accordance with the essence of the issue;

Exchange opinions;

Learn to formulate and argue their own position

Assess the degree of perception of educational material (self-assessment)

Build their judgments and mental actions;

Plan their work with a textbook, computer presentation, workbook

Explains, talks, asks problematic questions

Demonstrates tools being studied, presentation slides, finished patterns,

Organizes students’ work with a textbook, computer presentation, workbook

Level 2


Level 3


5. Introductory briefing

Create an indicative basis for actions when performing the operation of constructing an apron (installations, norms and rules for the scientific organization of mental and physical labor when constructing an apron);

Determine indicators and quality criteria for performing a design operation

Listen, observe and comprehend the methods of action when performing the construction operation;

Analyze the design of the object of labor, the technology of its manufacture, methods of working with drawing tools; establish cause-and-effect relationships; put forward hypotheses;

Remember and reproduce educational material

Formulate and express their opinions, form judgments;

Carry out external speech activities when discussing methods of working with drawing tools and safe work rules

Plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

Exercise self-control

Stimulates the cognitive activity of students in understanding the design and manufacturing technology of the product;

Explains and shows algorithms of methods of action, methods of work; typical mistakes, ways to prevent them; organization of the workplace; safe work rules;

Finds out how students have mastered the educational material


6. Independent work, current briefing

Perform practical work on constructing a drawing of an apron pattern

Perform workplace maintenance and control actions when performing techniques for constructing an apron drawing

Perform labor techniques and construction operations;

Identify and understand the features of the performed labor techniques and operations during construction;

Perform actions to select tools, maintain the workplace and control during the construction process

Build working relationships with the teacher and peers, working individually and in pairs

Cooking workplace for design;

- plan the stages of completing the task,

Monitor progress in completing a task,

Perform self-control from the standpoint of compliance of the results obtained with the educational task.

Checks students' readiness for work

Organizes practical work on the manufacture of the product;

Performs targeted walk-throughs of students' workplaces.

Level 2 (algorithmic)

7. Final briefing

Perform assessment and self-assessment of work results in accordance with established criteria and quality indicators (calculate the width of the apron and the length of the belt, construct a drawing of the apron according to your own standards)

Perform reflection;

Take homework

Identify, comprehend the mistakes made, establish their causes

They express themselves and listen to the teacher’s (comrades’) value judgments about their work.

Evaluate and analyze the results of the work performed (reflection – Which moments of the lesson were the most difficult? Why? Which moments of the lesson were the most interesting?)

Organizes the activities of students to analyze errors and their causes;

Together with students, evaluates the results of their work in the lesson and gives grades;

Assigns homework

Level 2 (algorithmic)

8. Cleaning workplaces

Perform workplace maintenance activities after work

Perform labor actions to clean workplaces in accordance with generally accepted rules of conduct in workshops

Build relationships, distribute functions for organizing cleaning of workplaces and workshops

Plan work to clean workplaces;

Evaluate the quality of cleaning

Organizes and controls the cleaning of workplaces for all students and staff on duty

Level 2 (algorithmic)


Instruction card

Construction of a drawing of an apron with a bib.

Section names


1. Determination of the waist line

Construct a right angle at point T.

2. Determination of the hemline

From point T downwards, set aside the measurement value Di and place point H.

3. Determining the width of the apron

Sat:2 + 6 = = 26 cm

From points T and H, put the resulting value to the left. Place points Ti and Hi. Connect points Tj and Hi with a straight line. Construct a rectangle.

4. Determining the location of the pocket


1. Set aside 6 cm from point T down and place point K.

2. Draw a horizontal line from point K.

3. From point K to the left, set aside 7 cm and place point Ki.

4. From point Ki down and to the left, set aside 15 cm and put points K 2 and Kz-5.

5. Connect points K and K 2 with a straight line.

6. From point K 2 to the left and from point K3 down, set aside 15 cm and put point K. Construct a square.

5. Determining the length of the bib


Extend the straight line through point T up and put 14 cm on it. Place point B.

6. Determining the width of the bib

1. From point B, draw a horizontal line and put 7 cm on it. Place point Bi. 2. From point T, move 8 cm to the left and place point T2. 3. Connect points Bi and T2 with a straight line.

7. Determining the width of the belt

From point P, set aside the width of the belt 9 cm. Place point P.

8. Determining the length of the belt

St x 2 + 20 =

30 x 2 + 20 = 80 cm

From point P, set aside the length of the belt 80 cm. Construct a rectangle

9. Strap width

From point B, set aside the width of the strap 7 cm. Place point B.

10. Strap length

From point B, set aside the length of the strap 50 cm. Build a rectangle.

Nikonova Maria Vitalievna and methodologist Popova N.A.
Educational institution: Zernograd Pedagogical College
Brief job description: TECHNOLOGICAL MAP OF A TECHNOLOGY LESSON (lesson “discovering new knowledge”) Class: 1 Lesson topic: “Working with paper. Origami. Fish." Lesson type: “Discovery of new knowledge” Goal (as a product): To make a fish using the origami technique from paper.

Tishchenko Yulia Viktorovna
Educational institution: GBPOU RO "Zernograd Pedagogical College"
Brief job description: During the lesson, the children will remember rare animals and plants of the Don region. Get to know new people. They will answer various questions, for example, “The purpose of creating the Red Book,” “What animals are in the Red Book of the Rostov Region.”

Vishnevskaya Galina Anatolevna
Educational institution: MBOU "School No. 1 named after V. P. Ekimetskaya"
Brief job description: Lesson summary and presentation for a technology lesson in 5th grade or extracurricular activity(during a subject week, competitions, games in the subject) to help technology teachers.
The resource may be of interest to teachers primary classes when conducting lessons on the surrounding world and extracurricular activities.

Aulova T.L.

The purpose of the lesson:


Educational –

Developmental –

Educational – promote:

Career guidance

Lesson type: general methodological

Forms of student work:in pairs, collective

Teaching methods


Vocabulary work

Personal results

Subject results

Meta-subject results





Lesson steps

Purpose of the stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Techniques, UUD

1. Organizing time

Student activation.

- Good afternoon!

Introduction of guests.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Personal: Communicative:



Regulatory: goal setting; planning.
Cognitive: general educational – logicalCommunicative:

How are the kitchens different?



Personal: Regulatory: Cognitive:

5. Phys. just a minute



Complete the task

Personal: awareness of your capabilities.
Regulatory: the ability to regulate one's actions.
Cognitive: logical – analysis of objects in order to identify features.

Organize meaningful perception of new information

  • What is a zone?

Interdisciplinary connections


Answer questions.

They work according to the textbook.

Communicative: Cognitive:


Unraveling breakword in pairs.

Do they answer questions?

Regulatory: Cognitive: general educational Communicative:

Regulatory: Personal:

8.Reflection of activity


  • What did you learn in the lesson?

Take a quiz on the topic
The teacher advisesformulates conclusions

Regulatory: Communicative: Personal: realize the success of your activities


Write down homework


Cognitive: Communicative:engage in dialogue, express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.


Lesson steps

Purpose of the stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

1. Organizing time

Student activation.

Get students ready to work.

- Good afternoon!

The teacher greets, monitors readiness for the lesson, and completes the assignment.

Motivation for students' learning activities

“Challenge” to discover new knowledge.

Create conditions for interest in upcoming educational activities

Unraveling breakword in pairs.

3. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities.


Bring students to an awareness of goals and objectives.

Formulate the goals of the lesson, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.

4. Updating knowledge.

Participate in discussion problematic issues, formulate their own opinion and give reasons for it.

Organize meaningful perception of new information

Ask questions:

The teachers are listening.

6. Initial check of understanding.

Ask questions about “new” knowledge:

Answer questions.

Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Ensure meaningful assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, acquire skills and abilities

Conducts introductory, current and final briefings.

Practical work is carried out according to plan with the teacher demonstrating individual work techniques. Instructions on safety precautions and sanitary hygiene are carried out in the form of a conversation.

Discuss in groups justify

9.Reflection of activity

1) Organize students’ self-assessment of their own educational activities.

Summarize the work done in the lesson.

Organizes reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

  • What was your learning task?
  • What did you learn in the lesson?
  • Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?
  • What difficulties did you encounter?

Take a quiz on the topic
The teacher advisesformulates conclusions, sums up the joint and individual activities of students,gives grades for work in class.

Organize a discussion and recording of homework


Write down homework


Technology teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7, Poronaysk Aulova T.L.

Technology lesson on the topic "Interior of a kitchen-dining room. Kitchen equipment." 5th grade

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of students’ ideas about the main qualities of the kitchen interior, its features


Educational –

1.Build knowledge, practical skills and kitchen design technology skills.

Developmental –

1. Exercise self- and mutual control.

2. Activate creative abilities.

3.Develop and broaden the horizons of students.

4.Develop the ability to discuss work in pairs at the reflection stage.

Educational – promote:

1. developing the ability to work in a team, a culture of work and communication, and a dialogical way of communication;

2 . nurturing independence, creative activity, labor discipline, responsibility;

3. creating conditions for the development of students’ oral speech during the lesson;

4. fostering cognitive needs, the ability to empathize, and love for folk traditions;

Career guidance– introduction to the profession of designer.

Lesson type: general methodological

Forms of student work:in pairs, collective

Teaching methods : explanatory-illustrative, partially search, problem-based, project-based

Equipment: projector, computer, presentation, breakword, test, design samples, route sheet by type and type, dictionary, reflection sheet, templates, fabric, scissors, colored pencils, paper, staplers, sewing needles, finishing material, threads, instruction card

Vocabulary work: apartment, kitchen, interior, planning, zoning, style, decoration.

Planned learning outcomes.

Personal results

Subject results

Meta-subject results

Formation of motivation to study the topic, aesthetic feelings, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation

Knowledge: about the requirements for the kitchen interior, layout options. Methods of equipment placement. Skills: apply the knowledge acquired theoretical knowledge in class in practice.


Planning own activities, assessment of quality and level of assimilation.


Extracting the necessary information from a conversation or story. Development of an action algorithm.


Educational cooperation (the ability to negotiate, distribute work, evaluate one’s contribution to the result of common activities).

During recess: Mark your mood and well-being on the board with one of the emoticons.


Lesson steps

Purpose of the stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Techniques, UUD

1. Organizing time

Student activation.

Get students ready to work.

- Good afternoon!

Introduction of guests.

A conversation about the differences and similarities between humans and animals.

Passing the floor to geography teacher N.P. Ibragimova

The teacher greets, monitors readiness for the lesson, and completes the assignment.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Personal: mobilization of attention, respect for others.
Communicative:planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers.

Motivation for students' learning activities

“Challenge” to discover new knowledge.

Create conditions for interest in upcoming educational activities

A geography teacher introduces students through a presentation to various types home, leading students to understand the topic of the lesson.

When analyzing the presentation, they come to a conclusion. That in every home there is a fireplace.

Cognitive: general educational – logical– selection of grounds and criteria for comparing objects; building a logical chain of reasoning, proof.

Communicative:planning educational cooperation; the ability to fully and accurately express one’s thoughts.

3. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities.

Summarize: The hearth (the heart of the apartment) is a place for cooking, heating, and communication. What do modern people call a hearth? Where is the hearth located in a modern home?
Bring students to an awareness of goals and objectives.

  • What is the topic of the lesson? (SLIDE 1)
  • What language did this word come from? (German)
  • What do you think we can talk about about the kitchen for two whole lessons?
  • Well done. So you yourself communicated the purpose of the lesson. But to achieve it you need to take steps. Work together, listen and hear, put your knowledge into practice.

Formulate the goals of the lesson, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.

Regulatory: goal setting; planning.
Cognitive: general educational – logical– solving a problem, building a logical chain of reasoning, proving, putting forward hypotheses and their justification;Communicative:the ability to fully and accurately express one’s thoughts.

4. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Organize meaningful perception of new information

Organize students to investigate a problem situation.

Now you will look through photos of kitchens. Be careful - you must answer the question: “What is the difference between the presented kitchens”

Presentation “Types and Types of Cuisine”

How are the kitchens different?

Everything you said is correct. Layout plays a big role in any kitchen. LAYOUT.

- familiarization with the layout through the route sheet.(SLIDES GO BACK)

They participate in the discussion of problematic issues, formulate their own opinions and give reasons for them.

Personal: awareness of your capabilities.
Regulatory: the ability to regulate one's actions.
Cognitive: logical – analysis of objects in order to identify features.

5. Phys. just a minute

Health saving + comprehension and consolidation



Complete the task

Personal: awareness of your capabilities.
Regulatory: the ability to regulate one's actions.
Cognitive: logical – analysis of objects in order to identify features.

Find a match (on the board) go out one by one and attach a photo to the correct column

Sink, microwave, cupboard, freezer, sofa, Dishwasher, refrigerator, hood, stove, chair, dining table, kitchen table

Primary assimilation of new knowledge. (continuation)

6. Initial check of understanding.

Organize meaningful perception of new information

Ask questions about “new” knowledge:

  • How is furniture and equipment arranged in your kitchen?
  • Did you know that in the kitchen there is a place for each equipment and furniture - a zone.
  • Under what circumstances did you encounter this word?
  • What is a zone?

Interdisciplinary connections

Read the textbook (p. 11). what zones are there in the kitchen, what equipment and furniture go to which zones?


Answer questions.

They work according to the textbook.

Communicative:express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.
Cognitive: extract the necessary information from listening and textbook

Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge.

Ensure meaningful assimilation and consolidation of knowledge,


How can you decorate and decorate your kitchen?

How to call it in one word?

Which planes carry color in the kitchen?

What two groups are colors divided into?

Why did I ask this question?

Kitchens can be light or dark depending on their location. Light ones are a cool color, dark ones are a warm color.

Unraveling breakword in pairs.

Do they answer questions?

Regulatory: planning, control, evaluation, correction.
Cognitive: general education – ability to structure knowledge, choose the most effective ways problem solving, the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement.
Communicative:organize educational and practical interaction in pairs.

Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Ensure meaningful assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, acquire skills and abilities

- Reports the completion of a creative project

Conducts introductory, current and final briefings.

Practical work is carried out according to plan with the teacher demonstrating individual work techniques. Instructions on safety precautions and sanitary hygiene are carried out in the form of a conversation.

Perform according to instruction cards

Regulatory: control, correction, highlighting and awareness of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation.
Personal: realize the success of your activities
Communicative:managing your partner’s behavior – control, correction, assessment

8.Reflection of activity

1) Organize students’ self-assessment of their own educational activities.

Summarize the work done in the lesson.

Organizes reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

  • What was your learning task?
  • What did you learn in the lesson?
  • Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?
  • What difficulties did you encounter?

Take a quiz on the topic
The teacher advisesformulates conclusions, sums up the joint and individual activities of students,gives grades for work in class.

Analyze their activities in class. Carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, Fill out a self-assessment sheet

Regulatory: the ability to correlate the result of one’s activities with the goal and evaluate it.
Communicative:engage in dialogue, express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.
Personal: realize the success of your activities

9. Information about homework

Organize a discussion and recording of homework


According to the textbook pp. 10-19, find photos of kitchens on the Internet different styles. Resource Center.

Write down homework

Communicative:planning cooperation with the teacher.

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from what you listen to, structure knowledge.
Communicative:engage in dialogue, express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.
Subject: define new concepts of the topic, name the stages of the sequence of sauerkraut


Lesson steps

Purpose of the stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

1. Organizing time

Student activation.

Get students ready to work.

- Good afternoon!
The bell rings for us - the lesson begins.

They stood up straight, pulled themselves up and smiled at each other.
Mark your mood and well-being in the margins of your notebook with one of the emoticons.

The teacher greets, monitors readiness for the lesson, and completes the assignment.

Motivation for students' learning activities

“Challenge” to discover new knowledge.

Create conditions for interest in upcoming educational activities

  • - The names of food products are encrypted in the breakword. In four minutes, find and write down as many products as possible in your notebook.
  • - What kind of products did you solve in the breakword?
  • - Find in the vegetables, fruits and berries you found a product that you would exclude from the series and on any basis?
  • - What are vegetables, fruits and berries rich in? What do they contain more than other products?
  • - What role do vitamins play in human life?
  • - How to preserve vegetables, fruits and berries?
  • - As you understand folk proverb“A summer day feeds the year”

Unraveling breakword in pairs.

They look for patterns in the proposed series and determine the sign by which this fruit is excluded.

Teachers answer questions and discuss them.

Explain the understanding of the proverb.

3. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities.

Summarize: Prepared foods make food varied in winter and spring; they contain many nutrients and vitamins.

Report and write down the topic of the lesson: “Procurement of products. Sauerkraut."
Bring students to an awareness of goals and objectives.

  • - What is the purpose of our work in the lesson? Why do we need this?
  • To achieve our goal, what work must we do?

Activate students' knowledge. Create a problematic situation.

Formulate the goals of the lesson, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.
They draw up a plan to achieve the goal and determine an algorithm of actions.

4. Updating knowledge.

Identify the level of knowledge and systematize it.

Suggest answering the questions:

  • Does your family prepare food and what kind?
  • What methods of food preparation do you know?

Organize students to investigate a problem situation. Methods of canning.

They participate in the discussion of problematic issues, formulate their own opinions and give reasons for them.

5. Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Organize meaningful perception of new information

Encourage students to provide theoretical explanations of facts.
Ask questions:

  • Who knows Russian folk traditions of preparing cabbage?

If necessary, supplement student messages about Russians folk traditions cabbage preparations.

  • What types of cabbage do you know?
  • Besides white cabbage, what kind of cabbage is popular on Sakhalin?
  • What dishes can be prepared from sauerkraut and salted cabbage?

Technological sequence for preparing sauerkraut or salted cabbage:

  • Establish process sequence and compliance

Discussion and recording in a notebook the features of sauerkraut technology.

  • What utensils, tools and devices are used to prepare cabbage?
  • What can be used as flavoring and color additives? What do Sakhalin residents often use?

Present prepared messages (in teams) about Russian folk traditions.

The teachers are listening.

Participate in conversation; formulate conclusions and make notes in notebooks.

The technological sequence and compliance with the characteristics of the stages of cabbage preparation are established.

6. Initial check of understanding.

Arouse educational interest in the topic.

Ask questions about “new” knowledge:

  • How much vitamin C is retained in foods when salted and fermented?
  • In what type of canning are fruits or vegetables filled with brine?
  • At what temperature is the fermentation process more active?
  • Why do you need to pierce cabbage?

Answer questions.

Consolidation and application of acquired knowledge in practice.

Ensure meaningful assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, acquire skills and abilities

Conducts introductory, current and final briefings.

Practical work is carried out according to plan with the teacher demonstrating individual work techniques. Instructions on safety precautions and sanitary hygiene are carried out in the form of a conversation.

Plan activities in teams. Organize a workplace. Carry out practical actions according to the planned plan.

Work with technical documentation (instructional and technological maps).
Discuss in groups justify choosing your own decision or disagreeing with the opinions of others.

8. Monitoring of learning, discussion of errors and their correction.

Identify common mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, by eliminating and improving them.

Invites students to tell about the results of the work.
Consults, advises, helps
Teaches methods of monitoring and self-assessment of activities. Students’ ability to independently find and correct errors and determine the degree of success

They present the results of practical work in teams, exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used), formulate difficulties and carry out corrections, independently adequately perceive the proposals of the teacher and comrades to correct mistakes.

9.Reflection of activity

1) Organize students’ self-assessment of their own educational activities.

Summarize the work done in the lesson.

Organizes reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

  • What was your learning task?
  • What did you learn in the lesson?
  • Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?
  • What difficulties did you encounter?
  • Give an analysis of your activities in class.

Take a quiz on the topic
The teacher advisesformulates conclusions, sums up the joint and individual activities of students,gives grades for work in class.

Analyze their activities in class. Carry out a self-assessment of their own educational activities, Fill out a self-assessment sheet for the team. correlate the goal and results, the degree of their compliance.

10. Information about homework

Organize a discussion and recording of homework


Find and write down a recipe for a dish with sauerkraut in your notebook.

Write down homework

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