When there is a fist of death. Why a new Overwatch hero could flip the balance of the game. Death Fist Skins, Victory Poses, Emotes, and Dialogues

This guide takes a detailed look at how to play Doomfist in Overwatch. We look at the strong and weaknesses hero, and we move on to the mechanics, recommended strategies, and what to look out for.

Real name: Akande Ogundimu;

Occupation: Mercenary;

Where is it from: Oyo, Nigeria;

Connection: Claw;

1. Synergy:

Death Fist is an extremely wealthy hero, considering how fragile he can get when caught in the wrong place, he hopes to team up with heroes who can protect him and help him retreat or secure assassinations. With her multiyear healing and biotic grenade biotic grenade, Ana is the perfect ally for Deathfist when he attacks with his combo. Doomfist works well with any of the "close" tanks, as they ensure that the backline is pursued, while Doomfist picks out the target and knocks it down or, in the case of Zarya, blows whatever moves with its shield.

2. Opponents:

Death Fist is easy to kill when it can't catch the target it is aiming at, and given that Soldier: 76 often rises to heights, it will probably do massive damage before our hero reaches it. Pharah and her ability to stay airborne are also a huge challenge for Doomfist, as he simply cannot catch her in his combo. Another ideal opponent for Doomfist is able to use Sombra which hacks him, completely covering his mobility and damage and essentially making him a large dummy. Orisa works incredibly well against Doomfist, given her ability to close off her combo by simply using Shield Field, as well as slowing it down with her Stand ability.

3. Against whom it is strong:

Doomfist is great for both Genji and Reinhardt given that their survivability depends on their Damage Reflect and Defense Barrier abilities respectively, but Doomfist can ignore both attacks. He surpasses heroes who just can't get away when they're busy, and once Ana uses his dream, the goal becomes easy for him.

Combining abilities in any order are the most effective method get rid of the enemies you face.
Tremors and Bombard can be used as an effective move to put pressure on the enemy, no matter how much damage they do.
Rocket attack at Doomfist can be incredibly dangerous, especially when trying to attract an entire team. Focus on the goal and study it before deciding whether to retreat or not.
Doomfist has huge damage for its class and can attack quickly.
Use Meteor Strike to focus a single enemy, such as backline support, which can be quickly removed from combat rather than wasting it and trying to hit your entire team of enemies.

5. Role in the current meta:

Doomfist fits perfectly into the incredibly powerful Comanche combat currently found in every level of the game. He interacts well with two of his favorite tanks, Winston and D. Wa, and holds back one of the most popular defenders, Reinhardt, a lot. You can often see him picked in a traditional 2-2-2 pick, replacing one of the older DPS picks like Tracer or Genji, especially when attacking.

Given his risky playstyle, he often ends up dying too quickly without the full support of his team.

We share our impressions of the new hero.

On July 27, the long-awaited hero - Deathfist - appeared in Overwatch. It's deeply woven into the lore of the game, and was hinted at by Blizzard from the first trailer. His gauntlet has overwhelming power, so expectations and fears were high: Doomfist must be the strongest hero at the same time and not break the game.

Let's see what happened with Blizzard.

Why was he expected at all

If you haven't followed the development of Overwatch lore, the hype has passed you. Deathfist became, in a sense, the protagonist of the very first trailer for the game, shown at BlizzCon 2014. Funnily enough, Blizzard didn't have it in the game at the time. The glove was an excuse to play off the heroes.

Unlike Sombra, who was awarded her own ARG, the Fist was "teased" by quite common methods. The glove itself was intriguing: if so much attention was paid to it in the trailer, the idea of ​​becoming its owner, to put it mildly, attracted. Posters at one of the locations, Numbani, hinted at such a prospect in the game.

The title of Death Fist in the Overwatch world does not refer to a specific hero, but to the owner of the glove

There was also the glove itself. Numbani is a hybrid card. The attacking team captures the point with the cargo, and then delivers the cargo to the other end of the map. The cargo in Numbani was carrying the Deathfist Gauntlet. It turned out that the escort team delivered the glove to the museum, and the rivals were trying to appropriate it for themselves.

Before the release of Orisa at the beginning of the year, the map was changed. Among other things, the glove disappeared. This raised two questions from fans: why push the empty cart and when to wait for the Doomfist.

So he appeared. As expected, this is the third wearer of the glove. The guy's detailed story can be read.

What can he do

One hit kill.

Doomfist's main skill is Rocket Strike. Because of him, on the Blizzard forums every now and then there are topics about which Fist is omnipotent and imbalanced. Charging the gauntlet, you make a sharp leap towards the enemy and deliver a crushing blow. The longer you charge, the further the jump and the higher the damage.

When fully charged, the hero deals 100 damage and knocks back the victim. If you guess the position well, the victim will fall into the abyss or hit the nearest wall - and take up to 150 more damage. This is enough to kill almost any hero in one hit. The skill recharges quickly: only 4 seconds.

In addition, there are "uppercut" and "tremors". Both recharge for 7 seconds. The first skill deals 50 points of damage and sends you into the air with the victim (at the same time, it adds vertical mobility to the hero and allows you to catch Farrah in the air). The second is to jump forward with a hit to the area. Tremors work best in conjunction with the uppercut: its damage depends on the initial height and can go up to 125 units.

Ulta, "meteor strike", sends you into the sky for 4 seconds: during this time you can freely travel around the map, choosing a landing point. It works a little strange: in most cases, if you jump from the ground or move the cursor to it while in flight, you will not be able to land on a higher surface.

But when you land, deal 300 damage in the marked circle.

For dealing damage with any skill, barriers are accumulated at the Doomfist: a temporary bonus to health. The initial health of the hero is 250 units. Damage with a normal skill adds 30 barriers. A successful ultimate adds 75 for one sacrifice and 150 if you hit at least two.

Finally, Fist has a stylish shotgun prosthesis right in his left hand. One shot fires 6 shells of 11 damage each. The beauty of the rate of fire: you can make three shots in a second. There are four shots in the clip. And there's a catch: you can't recharge. Ammo regenerates automatically, one per second.

How does it feel

Blizzard did not hide the sources of inspiration: they wanted to introduce into the shooter a hero who looks like a fighter from a fighting game. And they did it. Death Fist is entirely geared towards melee and combining skills. Combo lists are even popping up on the forums. But the most effective looks like this: "rocket strike" + shot + "uppercut" + shot + "tremors" + shot.

The soldier was lucky to fly past the wall, but he has no chance against a combo

Fist's skills make him arguably the most dangerous hero in Overwatch. He can "one-punch" weak enemies every four seconds. Having successfully completed a combo, it can even kill a tank.

He is also one of the funniest and most unusual characters in the game. And definitely the most proactive. Playing with the Death Fist makes you feel like the Hulk. Loudly rush into a crowd of enemies, smear someone on the wall, die and sit satisfied.

Please do not do this in competitive mode.

How to play them

In fact, Doomfist is an opportunist. All of his attacks imply pressure, but it is extremely important to choose the time, place and victim.

When Death Fist first appeared on the test platform, he was predicted a bright future in "", but soon the hero was nerfed. The general mobility of the Kulak has dropped sharply, and now he is uncomfortable in the "dive". Moreover, for the defense team you will be a priority target, Fist's hitbox is huge, health is not so much, and interrupting your missile strike is not a problem. For this, Orisa, Reinhardt or any hero with a paralyzing skill will do.

Therefore, in attack, he is a flank hero. Uppercut allows Deathfist to climb walls that are not too high, and thanks to his ultimate he can travel long distances and land behind enemy lines.

Death Fist is very good at defense. He does not need to waste his skills on the defense of gates or corridors: he is already in an advantageous position and is ready to meet guests. Against the main characters of the "dive" Fist is very effective. The "missile strike" knocks Winston out from under the dome, stops Reinhardt's jerk, kills Lucio. Only Farrah gets a definite advantage, but if she does not fly high enough, Fist can fly up to her with an "uppercut" and shoot her with a regular attack.

The hero works just as well against the flanking heroes: the miniature hitbox Tracer does not save from a "missile strike", and Genji, at the sight of the Death Fist, can only flee. The Reaper and Sombra are only effective against the Fist if they catch him by surprise.

How will it affect the meta

It is believed that the Doomfist seems "imboy" only to inexperienced players. His "missile strike" takes a long time to charge, and each attack threatens to quickly destroy the Fist himself. And by itself, his blow is not such a curiosity: Hanzo "one-shots" with a cluster arrow, and earlier Turbosvin actually played the role of Fist: his hook guaranteed the kill.

The players even got the impression that Roadhog was deliberately weakened to be replaced by Deathfist. He easily catches inattentive enemies, and if Blizzard does not decide to "nerf" him even more, the hero will settle down in fast play and low-ranked matches for a long time. But in reality, he is situational, dependent on combos and extremely vulnerable. A close-knit team will quickly catch him.

But there is an interesting feature: the most effective heroes against the Doomfist are also often situational. The widow and Hanzo playfully kill him from a distance. Bastion in turret mode does not care about his "missile strike". McCree blasts him a combo with a grenade. Junkrat - a trap. The roadhog - with a hook. And the dexterous Sombra leaves him completely without skills. Etc. Against the most popular heroes of the meta, Fist, on the contrary, is extremely effective, and of the healers, only Ana can “besiege” him with her tranquilizer.

In the meantime, we are waiting for him to appear in Competitive mode, share your impressions of the Doomfist. And thoughts about why push an empty cart.

On July 27, a new hero - Doomfist or Doomfist - appeared on the main servers of Overwatch, as early as next Thursday, August 3, he will also be unlocked in competitive games, so it's time to figure out how best to play for and against him.

To begin with, very briefly about the abilities, so that you have the most general idea of ​​the character.

    This is an attack hero with a health pool of 250 hp. The passive ability gives him temporary shields, 30/75 for each hit with abilities / ult on enemies, increasing health to a maximum of 400. The main weapon is a weak shotgun with 4 rounds in the clip. Rocket Strike - Doomfist darts into places, knocking back an enemy in the way, inflicting 49-100 damage to him, and if he flies into the wall - an additional 49-150. The amount of damage depends on the degree of charge of the hit, the maximum is reached in 2 seconds, during which the Doomfist moves very slowly. Uppercut - The Doomfist leaps forward and upward, tossing uppercuts into the air of enemies in front of him, dealing 50 damage each. Tremors (Slam) - Doomfist leaps forward 8 meters, dealing 50 damage to enemies in a cone in front of his landing site. Meteor Strike (Ult): Doomfist soars into the sky, becoming invulnerable, after which the player has 4 seconds to move the target and choose a fall site that will deal 300 damage to the enemy in the center and descending to the edges of a circle with a diameter of 16 meters.

Deathfist is a sprinter, not a marathon runner, he is able to deal a lot of damage in one portion, but quickly fizzles out. After all three of his abilities go into cooldown, and the clip is empty (and it is spent in 1.3 seconds), he becomes extremely vulnerable and almost unarmed.

All three of his abilities are used both for dealing damage and in order to rush into battle, they are also necessary for retreating. Usually, for maximum effect, the attack uses the entire trio, interspersed with shotgun shots. After such an attack, Doomfist has nothing left to retreat. If you didn't kill everyone, it will be extremely difficult for you.

This is the main difference between Doomfist and the heroes with whom he is most often compared - from Genji and Tracer. Those not only move faster than the rest of the characters in the game (6 m / s versus the standard for everyone, including Doomfist, 5.5 m / s), they also have a lot of escape abilities: double jump, wall climbing, dash, triple blink and rewind time. They also recover more evenly than that of the Doomfist, so it's much easier for this couple to press the enemy's rear and calmly go back to safety. They do not have such sharp failures in defenselessness and disarmament.

Bursting into a crowd of opponents as a Doomfist is not a very good idea, usually leading to a quick death.

The fist is good at duels with almost anyone, is capable of overpowering even 2-3 opponents, but only when he is caught by surprise, and not him. For Doomfist, you need to understand the situation very clearly in order to properly distribute his powerful, but extremely limited arsenal. Hence the first rule is not to miss. There are few second chances for a Nigerian.

A miss usually means death, when the 4 seconds cooldown of Jet Strike, and especially the 7 seconds of Uppercut and Slam, seem like an eternity, in which you have only an uncomfortable shotgun on your side, quickly rolling down to eerily rare bunches once a second.

This is, if quite briefly, now let's try to figure it out in detail.

Doomfist - Forty-five-year-old Nigerian Akande Ogundimu, the real leader of the Talon, escaped from prison. His right arm is reinforced with implants to withstand the power of the glove. The prison governor did not seem to take this into account, which allowed Akanda to break through the wall even without the Fist. And yes, it turns out that he puts a cyber prosthesis on a cyber prosthesis.

This is the second in a row a new hero from Africa, tied to Numbani, but, like Orisa, Doomfist has all his lines in English (although they both pronounce them with an accent), and not some African dialect.

This somewhat complicates the task of distinguishing an allied Doomfist's ult from an enemy one purely by phrase. With Genji, Hanzo, Widow and others, it's easy - if something foreign and incomprehensible sounds - run.

With English-speaking characters, you have to memorize two similar phrases and, in the heat of battle, try to remember what that means. Despite the thousand hours in the game and the golden frame, I still confuse Lucio's phrases. But apart from the practical side, this is just weird. Why even both Egyptians received a portion of phrases on native language, and the Africans were cheated?

Ana and Sombra were quite original characters that brought a lot of new things to the game. Doomfist and Orisa are also played very freshly and unlike other characters, but all their abilities seem to be worn by the rest.

Torbjorn already owns the Projectail Shotgun, although self-loading is something new. Rocket strike is essentially Reinhardt's Dash, as the German dreams of it (lightning fast, much safer and with 2.5 times shorter cooldown). Slam is his own Earthquake, only combined with Winston's jump, cut in strength like the Graviton of Dawn when turning into Orisa's screed. Uppercut - yes, it has no analogues, but it doesn't really change the game much (compare with Ana's grenade or Sombra's hack).

Doomfist is often said to be played more like a fighting game hero than a multiplayer shooter character. It's strange that I haven't seen an even more specific reference: Doomfist is Jax from Mortal Kombat. Steel hands, flying fist forward, trembling of the earth, uppercut - well, kamon. It's a pity, Doomfist does not know how to grab opponents by the breasts or intercept them in the air.

It's funny that of all his abilities, the most confused and amused people are the usual melee strike, which deals the same 30 damage for everyone. Not only is the doomfist no exception and inflicts the same amount, he also hits for some reason with his weaker left fist - which is without a glove.

Blizzard clearly decided that if he hit right hand, then the figure of 30 damage will seem completely ridiculous, but they did not want to increase it and cancel equality.

But at the same time, Genji was allowed to cut people with their wakizashi and the damage did not bother anyone. Considering that it’s for Genji, because of this, it’s the most pleasant to strike close, I think here it was worth giving up one convention for the other - so at least pressing the button would have been more buzz.

And yes, it was not Terry Crews who voiced the hero in the end, something didn't work out for them.

Passive ability: gains shields for each enemy affected by its abilities. 30 for normal and 75 for those hit by the ult. Maximum shield limit: 150 hp, total maximum health on a full charge: 400 hp. Shields melt at a rate of 3 units per second (similar to the shields from Lucio's ult). Naturally, Sombra's ulta blows them off instantly.

Primary weapon: left fist knuckle bombard. This is a shotgun, but not a hitscan, but a project type. That is, the fraction does not reach the target instantly, like the Reaper or the Pig, but flies for a while, like Torbjorn, so the target has to be “led”.

The bombard fires 6 pellets per shot, each dealing 11 damage, 66 damage per shot. Headshots are counted, so the maximum is 132 damage if everyone hits the head. Given the spread, this is only possible by shooting at close range.

Bombard damage does not drop with distance (unlike other shotguns in the game).

There are 4 charges in the fist, they recharge automatically - one at a time, and not with the whole clip. That is, after shooting, you first get one cartridge, then the second, and so on, which allows you to start shooting earlier. You can forget about the reload button on this hero - it does nothing. Auto-charge works even if you have fired only once, without waiting for the empty magazine.

The bomber fires 3 shots per second, reloading takes 0.75 seconds for each cartridge, all 4, respectively, are charged for 3 seconds.

This is, by the way, the slowest recharge in the game. For most heroes, it takes 1.5 seconds, for Genji, Tracer and Farra - one, for Bastion, Torba and Zen - 2, for Orisa with her 150 rounds - 2.5. Perhaps this is the price for automatic charging, which you can not think about, but in my opinion, it came out too high.

It should be borne in mind that auto-loading does not work during a shot, so if you hold down the left button, then after the first four shots, the rate of fire will drop from 3 rounds per second to 1.1 per second, like Farrah's. That is, the shot itself slows down the reloading by another 0.2 seconds. Damage per second, respectively, falls after the first four shots from 198 to 72. The Angel, let me remind you, has 100 damage per second, and then some of the pellets fly by.

In fact, it feels extremely painful - the hero feels completely unarmed, and given how hard it is to hit and inflict significant damage with an unusual projectile shotgun, the bombard sometimes looks like a stupid fart.

She loses even in comparison with the closest analogue - Torbjorn's shotgun. Yes, the gnome's damage falls with distance, but shooting from a shotgun (especially a non-hitscan) at distant moving targets is for masochists anyway, so Doomfist's advantage here is questionable. Shotgun Torba gives 6-15 damage to each of 10 pellets, 60-150 against 66 for the Nigerian. And he shoots every 0.8 seconds, 5 shots per clip, reload time is 2 seconds. The first 1.33 seconds of continuous shooting Doomfist will be slightly ahead in damage, but if the battle turns into prolonged jumps in a narrow room where it is difficult to hit the enemy, the gnome's shotgun will be much more reliable.

Rocket strike

The blow can be charged like Hanzo's shot. The charge reaches the maximum in 2 seconds, after another second the blow works by itself, you cannot keep it taut forever, like a bow. Like the elder Shimada, charging slows down the movement a lot, and it can also be canceled (for Doomfist - with the main attack button). After being canceled, the ability will still go into cooldown, but often this is much better than flying in under the shots.

Depending on the charge, Doomfist flies from 10 to 21 meters (when he first appeared on the PTR, the maximum range was 30 meters) straight ahead with a slight loss of altitude in motion, if you activate the strike in flight.

The impact knocks back the very first target on the way (without catching the rest even with a splash) - at a distance that also depends on the charge: from 7 meters when clicking and up to 11 meters when fully clamped, inflicting 49-100 damage to it. If the victim hits a wall, an additional 49-150 damage is dealt. That is, if you just press the button and hit the wall with the enemy, this is 98 damage, if you hold down for 2 seconds - 250, instant kill of any character in the game, except for tanks.

Cooldown: only 4 seconds. And this turns out to be key in many situations, since the Blow rolls back first and allows you to escape from danger or finish off the enemy who survived the first "attack to all".


    The blow goes through barriers, the Diva matrix, even Genji's reflection, so it can be dangerous to demolish the closing team with Reinhardt's shield, but it is effective if your allies are ready to attack the enemies left without cover. The strike is considered a stun and therefore interrupts the ults that are sensitive to it: McCree's Reckoning, Hogging, Rocket Barrage, and so on. When facing another rocket Doomfist or Ryan in Dash, both heroes will fall to the ground. The blow does not knock Bastion out of the turret, like the rest of Doomfist's abilities, so this omnic is extremely dangerous for him. Without the second, more important part of the Impact - the slam against the wall - it is not powerful enough, and Bastion does not move from its place. Sombra can hack you in the middle of the dash, interrupting it. The Trap works on Doomfist in a dash, making the Rat doubly dangerous to Doomfist. Not a single ability can escape the trap - all that remains is to shoot, and this, as we have already discussed, is such a help. I often died from a trap, you usually don't have time to shoot a Rat with a shotgun - its damage is much greater. Usually Doomfist feels more comfortable in tight corridors - it is easier to hit people against walls there, but the Rat is still the king of agoraphobes, so it's better not to meddle in the corridors. In open areas, he is much less dangerous and can be killed quite easily.

Despite 3 weeks on the test server, Doomfist was launched with a list of known but not yet fixed bugs. When they are corrected, it will become possible:

    Blow away Diva's exploding mech. Accelerate from the buffs of allies, which affects the flight speed in the dash and its range (so far this is only acceleration from Lucio's songs, but suddenly other types of speed boosts will appear in the future). Inject the enemy into the ice (cryostasis) of the allied Mei (that is, yours, not the enemy's), using it as a wall.

In general, Rocket Strike is the most important and most scandalous feature of Doomfist, because of which there is so much controversy around him.

Like, they just nerfed Pig to uselessness so that she could not instantly kill with one hook-headshot combo, and now introduce a new character with instakill.

Basically, there is nothing very unusual about the ability. This is an accelerated analogue of Rhine Dash, which also allows you to throw enemies into the abyss without flying away into it yourself, but it only hits one target, and not everyone who gets in the way. There are still one-shots in the game (Hanzo's frag arrow, Widow's charged shot), and yet Rocket Strike sometimes really feels especially offensive, since it comes from nowhere and is harder to avoid (maybe we'll get used to it later), and it also gives too strong an advantage in a duel.


Doomfist takes off (forward 5 meters and up by about 8), knocking enemies in a four-meter cone in front of him to the same height, inflicting 50 damage to each.

Despite expectations, it is not considered a stun, and neither is a slam. Let me remind you that for each enemy hit, you get 30 shields, and this alone makes uppercuts in the crowd justified - at least for survival.

The thrown up opponents become more vulnerable (to escape or start strafeing, you must first land), it is easier to hit them, but Doomfist himself briefly hangs in the air at the top of the jump, which allows him to aim with a slam or a rocket strike, and enemies - to make a coli slag out of him ...

Uppercut is not so easy to get used to, especially to aim and successfully catch an opponent at it.

In most cases, you will use it to get away from fire, jump onto ledges (and it allows you to climb most hills) and in conjunction with a slam to increase the range and damage of the latter.

Get used to jumping and hitting the Uppercut at the top of the jump - this increases the height and allows you to jump where one Uppercut cannot climb.

Cooldown: 7 seconds.

Slam (Tremors)

Doomfist jumps 8 meters forward and tosses enemies trapped in a cone 8 meters long into the air by a meter. The direction of the cone can be changed by rotating the camera while jumping.

As I already mentioned, the slam resembles Winston's mini-jump, only here you cannot change the angle of the jump, like in a monkey - you can look at the ground or in the sky, Doomfist jumps along the same arc. At Winston, the damage on landing is dealt within a radius of 5 meters and knocks back enemies a little, while at Doomfist, the effect goes only in one direction, and not in the radius, and the victims are knocked up more and pushed closer to you, causing damage that does not depend on the time in the air , not from the height from which you activate it - no one fully understood this moment.

Officially, Slam deals from 10 to 125 damage (the amount of damage is indicated directly on the scope at the moment of activation). If you jump from place to surface at the same height (in other words, on a flat floor), then 49 damage comes out, if you use the Uppercut and squeeze Slam in the air: already 84-86 damage. Jump, then Uppercut, in theory, increase the height, but the damage does not change.

The problem is that Slam is nerfed and buggy. On the test server, they could climb to sites that are higher than your current position. As in the new DOOM, you climb a ledge that is slightly taller than your height, only here it could be done from a distance. Sometimes, it turned out to climb to the top, being a dozen meters lower - this was clearly a bug, but people really liked jumping to sites that are a couple of meters higher than your position and the news that this is a bug, and not a feature of many turned away from the character. I admit, it really changed everything and playing as Doomfist was less fun - with a bug he was amazingly mobile, leaving even Genji and Tracer behind.

Unfortunately, after the fix, Slam generally began to malfunction and now it is not always activated - apparently it is waiting for the engine to calculate all the places where it is possible and where it is impossible to land.

This translates into the fact that Slam in half of the cases simply does not survive. The cone marker, marking the landing zone, appears only when you are in the air, which is also inconvenient, after the bug fix it became even less visible, again the delay affects.

In other words, Slam is an ability on this moment not very comfortable and reliable. It does not work so crookedly as the Reaper's teleportation, which sometimes cannot be properly aimed even in a dozen seconds (for example, through the window in the Lidzyan garden), but the sensations are close. Get used to not pressing once, but spamming the button until it wakes up.

The second even more obvious bug is damage calculation. At the moment, if you press Slam, standing on a very high platform, you fly down and the maximum damage is done - 125. But if you first jump from the same platform or use an uppercut, which, in theory, should add more height and damage to you, the blow will be weaker - about 90. This is a frank glitch, which would be better to fix before Doomfist enters the competitive mode.

Slam is also inconvenient in that he combines two actions - a jump forward and a blow to enemies. If the enemy is closer to you than 7 meters away, you will simply fly over him. You have to turn 180 degrees in the air and hook it like this.

In general, you will have to constantly rotate the camera, choosing the direction of the cone, so think about a separate calibration of the mouse sensitivity for this hero. It is more important to turn quickly here than to aim more accurately - the shooter from him is already unimportant.

With Genji and Tracer, he has at least frequent disorientation in common - you constantly use abilities that quickly move you, and to orient yourself again, especially in tight spaces, sometimes you do not have time, how to keep track of where the enemy has gone, whom you have with the same abilities and thrown or thrown away.

Slam, like Uppercut and Rocket Strike, does not knock Bastion out of turret mode, but all three of Doomfist's abilities are capable of knocking back an enemy in Zarya's bubble (including herself). According to recently changed rules, the hero covered by the bubble can be thrown back if the source of the “boop” penetrates the shield. That is, Winston's fists penetrate into the ult, and Lucio's boop - only if he comes up close and literally fits into the bubble with his gun. The same is true for Doomfist - if he himself is close to the victim, it will move, but will not receive damage.

Get used to using the slam primarily as a transport: get away from the shot, jump to the first aid kit, get to the point faster, and so on. Just watch the cooldowns constantly, so as not to fly into the fray empty, spending everything on the way.

Cooldown: 7 seconds.

Ultimate: Meteor Strike

This ability is probably the most unusual thing in the Nigerian's set - it was definitely not in the game. When activated, you instantly become invulnerable and fly into the sky, even through the ceiling. You see on the ground a target with a diameter of 16 meters, which can be moved, it moves by sensations a little faster than the character himself, so in some cases it, like Zen's ultimate, can be used to accelerate - saving the captured object, for example.

On the test server, initially the target could capture the point or contest on its own - you are invulnerable, but you are considered to be present at this point, you could even be healed, but all this has already been fixed, so if you rush to the point, do not delay landing when you reach it.

It takes less than a second to take off, and you still have 4 more to choose the landing site. Time can be easily tracked by how the circle fills from the center to the edges. With the right mouse button (or whatever is responsible for the Rocket Attack on the consoles), you can switch the camera to the top view, the target can climb up hills and go down into the basements, in general you wander around like an ordinary character - it turned out that she was quite fat - I could not to crawl through the quite wide gap left from the passage blocked by the wall of May.

After clicking or after 4 seconds, damage will be dealt to all enemies in the marked radius, in the center - 300, but it is quickly blown away to the edges. However, it is important to remember that even if the enemy was dealt only a couple of points of damage, for each hit you will receive the same 75 shields, which may be more important. Shields do not depend on damage, they count only affected opponents.

The problem with the ultimate is that after your click on the landing, the target becomes visible to everyone - the enemies understand that a forty-five-year-old Nigerian will now fall on their neck and run away.

A second passes between the click and the blow, which allows all attentive opponents to run back a kilometer and aim at your head while you straighten up pathetically in the center of the crater. The Doomfist is invulnerable for a second after the fall, but this does not always save.

In general, the ultimate is far from imbibing, Tracer deals less damage with sticky (there is 400), it is not recruited too quickly, it is quite difficult to kill someone, and making PTH is even more difficult, although it still happens from time to time.

Try to attack her enemies engaged in combat, who will not immediately notice the scream and the reddened ground under them. I didn’t shy away from spending the ult on Widows - they don’t move, look through the scope and don’t see a damn thing around them, so they become an easy target, and they pose a hefty problem for Doomfist, since getting close to them unnoticed, and even climbing up, is extremely hard. It is usually not worth being greedy and saving it for a dream cartoon, unless you constantly combine it with Zarya, Raina or May's ults.

But this does not mean at all that it is useless, you just need to look at it not only as a nuke in the area. Meteor is the most reliable Doomphist escape, in this regard it is close to Winston's and Zen's ults. Sometimes it is justifiable to press on him, just to save your life - for example, when you are in the middle of a successful push and the team can only push him with you.

The plus is that it is not difficult to find an enemy nearby, on which you can land, in 4 seconds. Someone killed you at this moment, after all.

Let me remind you that in addition to being invulnerable for the time that you hang in the sky (for which your tank or medic can reach the point, able to cover / heal you after landing), you will receive 75 shields for each enemy hit by the ult - this will allow you guaranteed to live for another couple of seconds, then decide for yourself - to retreat or push to the end.

And yes, Meteor can save you from falling into the abyss if you figure out how to squeeze it before you touch the level of instant death. You will definitely have a second to decide whether it is worth it.

Also, Doomfist's ulta removes debuffs from you (Zen discord, Ana's anti-heal).

So far, no one has figured out exactly how to play for Doomfist and what style of play suits him best. Initially, they took him for a flanker and tried to play them like Genji or Tracer, quickly finding out that this only leads to constant deaths, since, having flown into the crowd and using all his abilities, he has nothing to retreat, and 4 seconds before the next Jet Strike is eternity, for which they manage to break it into a hundred small fists.

Shooting back after the first four shots is also quite sluggish - almost any other gun in the game is much more effective and accurate. His survival rate is rather weak, as his hitbox is the size of Africa, not like the dystrophic silhouettes of the aforementioned couple.

Sitting in the rear of the Fist is also no use - there is nothing to shoot from afar, there is only something in between that is not completely clear - to sit with the team, accurately calculate the attack and rush into the enemies, without mistakes performing the intended combination of blows, then jump back to a safe place. Do not try to roam the flanks and attack the entire crowd in the back. You can try to catch enemy flankers who have strayed from the herd of medics, to catch McCree by surprise wandering towards the first-aid kit.

The duelist from Dumfist is wonderful and one-on-one he is able to kill almost anyone, including tanks - not with one combo, of course, but he can pick them up.

Problems start when you are noticed and focused, the key here is surprise. If you caught someone by surprise - he was dead, he managed to notice - most likely he will be able to resist or run away. To some extent, this applies to all heroes, but for Doomfist, surprise can be the difference between solo killing three and instant death. The problem is that you have to get close to the enemies at least 10-20 meters to start a combo, so do not try to run to the enemies in open areas and hope for a miracle - they will have time to see you and understand what to do with you.

Doomfist's combos can be very different, the most basic is a jump, uppercut, slam, rocket kick. For running from the respawn - hit, uppercut, slam, hit again, adjusted to the landscape of a particular map. Another convenient option: a rocket strike at the opened target, then an uppercut and a slam to finish off, to attack other opponents or retreat. You can use a slam and an uppercut and in the opposite order - jump into the crowd, throwing them up, then add an uppercut, then you can use Rocket strike on the most dangerous enemy or to retreat - the main thing is that the first two abilities charged you with shields and gave you a chance to survive.

When you get used to the combo, start inserting shotgun firing between the abilities. Shot, uppercut, shot, slam, shot, jet kick - and so on. Bombard cancels the animation of abilities and does not slow down the combo, although it becomes difficult to do all of this, especially given the need to constantly keep the target in sight.

Place in the team

So where will Doomfist join the team? While all this is also not completely clear, but the most likely candidate for replacement looks like Genji, that is, the place of the flanker. No, Doomfist will not flank, he plays in his position, but there is no one else to replace. Soldier / McCree are still needed against Farrah, and if the enemy does not have her, you yourself will need Farrah for splash damage and killing Reapers, Mei, Symmetra, Torba turrets, Bastions, Hanzo and Rats.

Genji in this meta does not feel very well due to the popularity of the Diva / Winston pair, as the monkey does not allow him to live. The Doomfist is not a perfect counter to Winston, but he doesn’t die as submissively as the younger Shimada. The diva also does not bother him much, since all his blows are melee, there is nothing to eat with the matrix. The shotgun is only a small part of his abilities.

It is still difficult to say about any specific strategies and team lineups - they have not yet been invented and tested, but Kulak will be able to change the boring dive meta by starting to mow down flankers with one blow.

You can quite successfully catch a tracer with a reactive strike, and Genji is easily caught at the moment of a naive deflection, which does not reflect a blow to the rear.

As for the game modes - in the King of the Mountain, the Fist feels expectedly good, accompanied by a load - depending on the composition of the teams, but also quite decent on average. The hardest thing for them is to storm the fortified points. Turrets, snipers, scorching from a height or from behind shields, shooting approaches.

It is very difficult to maintain the surprise, which is key for him, if only to wait until the enemies are distracted by your allies and dive into the chaos of a heap, so comfortable for Doomfist. Despite the formal belonging to the heroes of the attack, Doomfist also feels great in defense - a one-shot is always useful. Just try not to get carried away and not chase enemies far from your allies. Sometimes several kills in a row can be very dizzy.


The very first candidate for a Nigerian headache was Somra - her hack and EMP harm most of all heroes who completely depend on their abilities. Lucio, for example, is pretty useless to hack, his song switch just sticks, but they still sound. Genji and Tracer, on the other hand, are not joking - they turn into a nervous piece of meat. The Doomfist has the hardest time, because he also has a battle pepper instead of a cannon. But in a duel with a Mexican, the same surprise decides - who will see whom first. She will hack you on the sly, or you will write her into the wall with an intricate pattern.

The reaper is a serious danger for you, because he is too tenacious, especially when he is cured by vampirism, shooting at your huge ryah, it is rather difficult to kill him from a raid, and after the first attack, the advantage will be on his side.

Mei is rather unpleasant for the same reasons, and her walls may not allow you to move away - it is generally quite dangerous to approach her, and Doomfist has no other choice.

Widows perched on a dais that no one on your team wants to take care of - this is the curtain, you better change right away. Attempts to sneak up, climb, catch up, finish off will take a lot of time for the sake of one murder, and after 30 seconds she will be back in her nest, everything will have to start all over again.

The Rat I mentioned before, McCree is dangerous, as well as for other heroes who rely on mobility. Your 250 hp plus shields are not so easy to break through, but he has every chance of picking you up, so don't be on the rampage, wait until he uses the stun or turns his back.

Farrah is certainly unpleasant, but you have a chance to equalize the difference in height with an uppercut and seal her with a Rocket strike, sometimes you can gnaw her with a shotgun, but it is better to leave her to the professionals and look for easier targets. Due to the constant jumping, it will not be so easy for her to hit you.

If you need something to oppose the enemy Doomfist - take the Widow, Reaper or Sombra, good choice there will also be a Doomfist of his own, able to wait for his fellow to rush to you with a Rocket Strike and catch him on his own.

Ironically, Doomfist's counterparts are exclusively his own subordinates - "Talon", and none of Overwatch. They don't like the boss too much.

In general, the hero came out at least interesting. Despite the fact that his abilities are similar to those of others, he is played like no other. They managed to convey the feeling of the power of the killing machine. This is not Sombra, with which most people still do not understand what to do, not the strange Orisa, this is for once an interesting and dynamic character, for whom it is very pleasant to play.

Therefore, yes, it is definitely worth studying, and after mastering it - and trying to take in a competitive game, this is a strong hero who can constantly take 2-4 gold medals and drag the team on him.

Only it will take a long time to learn it, for the first 5 hours it will seem to you that you are playing for a can of Vaseline or Kenny, who only runs from respawn to the front line, where he is instantly turned into minced meat.

It's not so easy to study it now - in the Quick Play it is taken instantly, in the Arcade there is a 12 dumfist mode, but there the game goes until the first death, and that one can be quite fast, which greatly slows down learning. For some reason, Blizzard removed the "unlimited" mode, where it was possible to take at least 12 Fists according to the usual rules, and did not put it on the main one now. There remain custom games, where the restrictions on heroes are simply disabled, but each time it is rather tedious to look for them and check if other rules are twisted to madness.

If you have a fast computer (you will be the first to see the hero selection screen and be the first to click), then just try your luck in Quick Play. When you get to the warm-up, do not select the hero right away, just click on the portrait and hold the cursor over “select”, as soon as the “warm-up / waiting” inscription in the left corner disappears, strike. Even if someone took him for a warm-up, he will be left with a nose, since the squad will fold at the beginning of the match.

Good luck. As Akande himself says: “Defeat only makes me stronger,” try not to get too strong.

Death Fist is a nickname-title that is assigned to the owner of the glove weapon of the same name, so anyone can become one. Akande Ogundimu is the third current owner of the glove.

Akande Ogundimu is a descendant of a respected Nigerian family that runs a cybernetic prosthesis company. Since childhood, Akande was distinguished by a rare intelligence and charm, which contributed to the expansion and strengthening of the family business, and also showed an interest in martial arts. In his spare time, he studied both traditional African combat systems (for example, dam and gidigbu) and modern ones, borrowing the best techniques and developing his own fighting style. Strength, speed and incredible intuition, allowing to anticipate the actions of opponents, not only became a pass to participate in tournaments across the continent, but also brought him victory after victory.

During the Rise of the Machines, Akande lost his arm. A cybernetic prosthesis of his own company allowed him to recover from his wounds and made him even stronger, but closed the way to the competition. Ogundimu tried to concentrate on his work, but he could not fill the void in his soul. Everything changed after meeting Akinjide Adeyemi - the second Deathfist, nicknamed the Punisher of Numbani. A new friend invited Ogundim to become a mercenary and continue to fight. Together with Adeyemi, Akande was able to use his abilities in practice, and a little later he got acquainted with the “family” of his teacher - the terrorist organization “Talon”.

The claw's belief that wars make humanity stronger impressed Akanda, so when Ogundimu did not want to limit himself to the attacks on Numbani carried out by Akinjide, the teacher lost not only the legendary artifact, but also his life

Becoming the Death Fist, Akande won the respect of the "Talon" and began to help in planning the conflict, which was supposed to result in a global confrontation. The leaders saw even greater potential in Ogundima than in Akinjida Adeyemi. A talented and intelligent commander, able to inspire others and radically solve problems, has become an indispensable figure. However, the plans of the organization did not come true - Akanda entered the battle with the Overwatch strike group, consisting of Tracer, Genji and Winston, and lost. Death Fist was taken into custody and securely locked in a prison for especially dangerous criminals for many years. The legendary glove became a museum piece, and Akande himself remained to wait until the long-planned events took place.

When the time came, Ogundimu felt that it was time to return. At the appointed time, the aircraft "Claw" with the Reaper on board was waiting for him - Deathfist fled, easily dealing with the agents of Helix Security International, and after a while appeared in Numbani. The OR15 protective robots did not become a hindrance, Akande easily destroyed them at the international airport, took possession of his glove and went to Monaco.

There, Deathfist, in company with Widowmaker and Sombra, met with one of the leaders of the "Claw", his longtime ally - Omnik Maximilien, who warned the man that not everyone in the organization was happy about his return.

The conversation was interrupted by an attack by unknown men. Deathfist realized that none other than Vialli, one of the Talon councilors with whom Akande had always had disagreements, was behind the attack. Ogundimu decided to deal with all the disagreements, for which he went to Venice and killed his rival, after which he came to the meeting of the leaders of the "Talon" and announced that it was time to start a war.

Our complete guide on how to dominate quality the last hero Overwatch.

Our Deathfist Guide has information on abilities, gameplay tips, and anything you might want to know about the new villain we've arrived in Overwatch.

Overwatch's 25th hero - or rather villain - Deathfist has finally made its way into the game, and it doesn't disappoint. He struggles to damage enemies, smash them into a wall, or throw them into the sky. Not only can he deal massive damage, his abilities allow him to leap across the battlefield with ease, while his Super takes it all to the next level - select a point, click, and your fists fall onto enemies with a devastating explosion.

It's tempting to go forward as an aggressive melee character, and it's easy to put yourself in a dangerous position when you don't need to. To play well as Deathfist, you have to be patient and wait for the right opportunities - when they appear, you will be almost unstoppable.

To help you pinpoint those moments and master this hero, we've put together a comprehensive Death Fist guide to help you get the most out of this criminal hero right from the start and make sure you make the right decisions in the thick of the battle.

As we learn it as well, we are constantly updating this article as we learn new strategies or tips. For now, whatever you find here should give you an edge when playing as him.

Was there a chance to play for him? Got any tips and tricks? Let us know about them in the comments section below and we'll include them in the next update!

The arrival of the Death Fist should shake up the meta, which is increasingly leaning towards dive peaks. We look forward to seeing how he fits into the competitive mix over time, and whether he can overthrow any of the main characters for now.

Death Fist Abilities

Below, you'll find a simple breakdown of how each of the Deathfist's abilities work, with some nifty tips on how to capitalize on them. If you've come across a strategy tip, there is a section below it that talks about how it applies in certain situations.

[LMB]- Bombard - A short-range weapon with a scatter. Recharges automatically.

[RMB]- Rocket kick - Hold to charge, then release to fly forward and knock back the enemy. Damage increases if the enemy hits a wall.

[LSHIFT]- Uppercut - Throw an enemy into the air.

[E]- Tremors - Leap forward and hit the ground, knocking down enemies near you.

[Q] Meteor Impact - Press Q to jump into the air. Move the target circle, then press LMB to get to the target area.

[Passive]- Best Defense - generates temporary personal shields when it deals damage with skills.

Death Fist Origin Trailer

Once Deathfist hit the Overwatch MTP, Blizzard released an origin video for this new character. You can watch it here:

- Don't underestimate Bombard as she deals decent damage - especially at close range. Focus on accuracy before heading out to try other abilities!

“We think Deathfist is best played as a hero that picks out a target (or two) and rips them apart in one flurry of damage. It's easy to think you're invulnerable when jumping into fistfights, but force yourself to question whether every decision will leave you invulnerable.

- Uppercut is not just a tool for dealing damage, we recommend using it as a way to get to high points easily.

- When you have an enemy in mind, this basic combo sequence guarantees a good attack: Uppercut, Tremors, Rocket Strike, Bombard. Of course, this is just a basic example and you can mix it up depending on the situation.

- Rocket strike is a great way to quickly close the gap between you and your opponent. Do not feel like you need to charge it to the maximum, sometimes it is better to use half of your strength to finish off enemies with low health or fly short distances.

Meteor Strike is an ability that is better used to get into an advantageous position instead of just focusing on killing enemies. This is an easy way to get to the back line of the enemy team and collect vulnerable support heroes or low health targets.

- Since Death Fist thrives in fistfights, patience is one of the elements to use. Try to avoid fights and not push the enemy as much as you can, without your own team to support you. He's not a tank, so he doesn't have a health pool to get away from them! Instead, wait and wait for the moment to attack.

- Tremors are another distance shortener, but also good for dealing damage to multiple enemies. Try to use it when opponents are grouped together and they will of course be afraid to stand together again.

- Many of his abilities are not only good for aggressive play, they are also great for ungrouping. Save Tremor or Rocket Strike when facing an enemy and wait until you figure out how to win. If it doesn't work out well, use them to win.

Here's a great video describing how to play smarter on the Death Fist:


Below you will find out against whom the Deathfist is especially strong and weak, with a brief explanation of the reasons.

Strong against

  • Reinhardt
  • Torbjorn
  • Symmetra

Since the Death Fist is extremely mobile, it will naturally confront those who cannot reach it. Heroes like Torbjorn and Ana simply don't have the tools to dodge or react to the Deathfist that tricks them.

Tanks like Diva and Reinhardt are not only susceptible to his mobility, but they also cannot block his damage. They're both tanks that are made to absorb ranged damage, but when it comes to getting it in the face, there's nothing they can do about it.

Weak against

  • McCree
  • Sombra
  • Orisa
  • Zenyatta
  • Widowmaker

Since Death Fist is a melee-focused hero who relies on closing the gap between enemies, he is vulnerable to enemies that can disable his abilities or kill him from a long distance.

Orisa is exceptionally strong against Death Fist, especially since she can stand still and shoot him as he rushes towards her. Let's not forget her ability to Stand !, which makes her a stationary object - perfect against an irresistible force.

Sombra is arguably the hardest counter, as with the click of a button she can disable everything Deathfist relies on - mobility. McCree's Flashbang also works in a similar fashion, capable of stopping the aggressive Deathfist in its quest with a calculated bullet to the head. Don't even think about fighting Mei or the Reaper if you don't like being constantly frozen or dying from shotguns in an instant.

Heroes like Zenyatta and Doom Double are fragile, but for them it's the tricky part. As Deathfist traverses space in mobility environments, there is often downtime when it waits for its cooldowns to pass so it can fire itself around the map again. It is at these moments that Widowmaker can fire a devastating shot, or Zenyatta can lash out at him by firing several balls in his face.

Death Fist Skins, Victory Poses, Emotes, and Dialogues

Here's a breakdown of everything you can unlock for the Death Fist.

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