Lasagna time. Lasagna with minced meat. Recipe for delicious lasagna in a frying pan – “Uno momento”

Lasagna is a multi-layered Italian casserole cooked in the oven. This dish is a unique union of two cultures. If you think about it, geographically this dish is more suitable for Italian cuisine, which is clearly evidenced by the presence of thick tomato Bolognese sauce in the dish. But on the other hand, it also contains one of the key sauces of French cuisine - bechamel. Both of these sauces, combined with Italian pasta, give birth to a unique dish - lasagna. Durum wheat pasta coated with Italian tomato and French creamy sauces, a large amount of cheese and all baked in the oven. Agree, this is very tasty even by ear. In fact, that's how it is. There are several secrets to making Bolognese and bechamel sauces, which will be discussed below. Preparing them is very simple if you follow a number of recommendations. If everything works out for you, and it will, then you will add a wonderful, simple and delicious recipe for lasagna Bolognese to your recipe book.

Bolognese sauce is actually not even a sauce at all. This is a stew, which within Russia is usually called sauce. And it is prepared in the same way as any other stew - by long stewing. Stick to the recipe and you will have an excellent stew that is ideal for lasagna, pasta and as a main course.


  • Minced beef – 1 kg.
  • Onions – 1–2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 pc. medium size.
  • Celery – 2 stalks.
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves.
  • Tomatoes in own juice– 1 jar (350–400 ml.)
  • Dry or semi-dry red wine – 50–100 ml.
  • Dry Italian herbs – 2–3 tsp. with a slide. Basil, thyme, rosemary.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

The recipe for Bolognese stew is quite simple, but requires a little time. First you need to fry the minced meat. Take a large frying pan, pour oil into it and heat it well, but do not overheat it. As soon as a slightly noticeable smoke comes from the frying pan, immediately add the minced meat. It must be constantly stirred and pressed down with a spatula or spoon. Your task is to ensure that the minced meat becomes not only crumbly, but also fried well. First it will start to sizzle, then it will release a lot of juice and only after the juice has evaporated will it begin to fry. Get a nice brown crust. Once the juices have evaporated, this may take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the diameter of your pan. Place the minced meat in a large saucepan with a lid and set aside; you will need it a little later.

To give future lasagna an even more expressive taste, you should also add vegetables to the sauce. The Italians call a mixture of fried onions, carrots and celery - sofrito. They prepare it for future use by rolling it into jars. We will prepare it. Cut the onion, carrots and celery into small cubes. Chop the garlic very finely. Pour a little vegetable oil into the same frying pan in which the minced meat was fried. It would be good if you did not wash the pan after frying, as a lot of tasty food remained on it. Heat the oil and fry the vegetables, stirring constantly until the onions are golden brown. Add the garlic at the very end so as not to lose its flavor.

Transfer the vegetables to the minced meat and turn on the heat under the pan. As soon as it warms up, pour the wine into it and evaporate for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes in their own juice, Italian herbs, pepper and salt. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 2 hours. You can prepare this sauce in the oven. Just cover with a lid or foil and simmer in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for the same time. This will make the sauce even more tender, since the heating in the oven is more uniform than on the stove. At the end, taste for salt and add salt if necessary. If the sauce is too thick, thin it with a little water. There should be enough liquid to saturate the lasagne sheets while baking.

One of the 5 basic sauces in French cooking, the recipe for which does not include a large number of ingredients, and it is not difficult to prepare.


  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Wheat flour – 50 gr.
  • Milk – 350–400 ml. About 2 glasses, maybe a little more.
  • Salt, ground white pepper, nutmeg ground.

There is no exact recipe for this sauce. It always depends on the flour and butter which you are using. But don’t be alarmed, we will learn how to cook it, so to speak, by eye.

Place a piece of butter in a saucepan and melt it over medium heat. Wait until it starts to bubble and add about the same amount of flour and mix well with a whisk. The consistency of this mass should resemble wet sand, i.e. be a little viscous, but not dry. Fry the flour until a distinct nutty smell appears. At the same time, the color of the flour mass will change from light to slightly golden. As soon as the kitchen smells like nuts, add milk in 3-4 additions, stirring well with a whisk each time. If the boil is too intense, remove from heat periodically, but reheat after stirring. Season with salt, add nutmeg and white pepper. You can use black if you want. White pepper is usually used because its grains are not as noticeable in the sauce as black pepper. The sauce should be quite thin, as it will thicken when it cools. Dip a spoon into it and look at it back side. The sauce should stick to it a little and if you blow on it, a wave-like pattern will appear, which the French call a “rose.” Remove from heat and stir every 2 minutes for 10-15 minutes. This will prevent a milky film from appearing on the sauce.

Then everything is simple - all that remains is to assemble the lasagna, preheat the oven and, in addition to the 2 already prepared sauces, a little more cheese. Any you like, but it must be semi-solid so that it melts well and stretches when cut after baking.

Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees and start assembling the lasagna. Depending on the manufacturer, lasagna sheets may need to be boiled a little. The pasta package will tell you this, so cook according to the directions on it.

Select a baking dish and pour some white sauce. Distribute it evenly. Place lasagna sheets on top, then Bolognese tomato sauce, a little white French and of course cheese. Continue until you have at least 3 layers. The latter is usually coated only with white sauce and sprinkled with cheese. Bake in the oven for about 35–40 minutes. Then be sure to let the lasagna cool for 20-30 minutes. While it cools, the pasta abundantly absorbs all the juices from the sauces and the lasagna will be very juicy. Cut into rectangular pieces that are convenient for you and enjoy your meal.

Italy many people associate with pizza, pasta and LASAGNA. And if you won’t surprise anyone with pizza now, lasagna has not yet become so widely known, although it deserves it!

Now you can easily try lasagna in any cafe or restaurant. But, my advice to you is to try making lasagna at home, and you will never order it in a cafe again, because it’s better at home!

Yes, lasagna is a little time consuming to prepare, it will take you a couple of hours to prepare it. But I will give you one more piece of advice, and if you listen, you will be simply happy (forgive my indiscretion, but I myself am delighted with this idea)!

And the little secret is that if you still have to tinker with the preparation, then it’s worth preparing a large portion or even two servings (well, about two, maybe I’ve gone too far) Cook a lot, as much as you can eat, eat it, and the rest is lasagna divide into portions, pack in cling film, bags, molds - as convenient for you, and put them in the freezer (naturally, the lasagna should be cooled well first; in addition, only when cold can it be cut into even, beautiful pieces, and when hot or warm you will never cut it beautifully). And when you come home from work and you don’t have any time to bother with cooking, frozen lasagna will come to your rescue! Just empty it from the packaging and put it in the oven for about 30 minutes. While you are changing clothes, washing your hands, setting the table and calling your husband and children to the table (you can still have time to prepare a salad of fresh vegetables), the lasagna is already warmed up, all you have to do is wish your loved ones Bon appetit!

More practical advice To reduce cooking time: divide cooking into 2 days. On the first day, prepare the sauces, cool and put in the refrigerator. And the next day, assemble and bake the lasagna. You will do all this casually, and the result will be amazing!!!

And finally, if you want to prepare lasagna for guests, also prepare the ingredients for lasagna in advance, assemble it completely, sprinkle with cheese, tighten cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Those. the night before, you prepared everything. And the next day, all you have to do is transfer the lasagna from the refrigerator to the oven, set the table, wait for guests and receive compliments!

P.S. Just remember that lasagna is difficult to cut into even pieces when hot. Just accept this as a fact, stock up on a SHARP knife and cut it smartly, without bothering with the evenness of the pieces. After all, the main thing about lasagna is its amazing homemade taste!


Mold size: 20x20 cm
lasagne sheets (dry) 6-10 pcs
cheese (Russian type) 300 g
For the Bolognese sauce
minced meat (beef and pork) 600-700 g
5-6 ripe tomatoes or 400 g peeled tomatoes in their own juice
white or red dry wine 100 ml
bulb onions 2-3 pcs
garlic 2 cloves
butter 1-2 tbsp.
vegetable oil 4-5 tbsp.
parsley or basil
freshly ground pepper
For the sauce
milk 800-1000 ml
butter 80-100 g
flour 80-100 g
nutmeg on the tip of a knife
freshly ground pepper

In the oven Bake lasagna on the middle level of the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees.
In a slow cooker Bake lasagna using the “Stew” mode.
In a convection oven bake lasagna at 190 degrees and average speed blowing

How to bake lasagna

Products for lasagna
Lasagne - 12 sheets
Beef - half a kilo
Parmesan - 50 grams
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Onions - 1 head
Garlic - 1 clove
Dry white wine - 3 tablespoons
Oregano - 1 teaspoon
Thyme - 1 teaspoon
Tomatoes in their own juice - 150 grams (can be replaced with ketchup)
Salt and pepper - to taste
For the sauce
Butter - 50 grams
Parmesan cheese - 50 grams
Flour - a quarter cup
Milk - 2.5 cups
Nutmeg - a quarter teaspoon

Food preparation
Peel the onion and chop finely. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater or pass it through a garlic press. Pass the meat through a meat grinder.
Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add oil, add onion, fry for 5 minutes, then add minced meat and garlic and fry for 10 minutes, stirring. Salt and pepper the minced meat.
Pour dry white wine into the minced meat, simmer for 2 minutes. Add spices and softened tomatoes, freed from skin, simmer for 1 minute, cover with a lid.
Boil half a liter of water in a saucepan, add salt (1 teaspoon of salt), lower the lasagna sheets one by one for 3 minutes, then place each boiled lasagne sheet in a bowl with cold water.

Making lasagna sauce
Pour the milk into a saucepan, place on low heat and heat without bringing to a boil. Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, add flour and cook for 2 minutes. Pour in hot milk and cook, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil, then add grated Parmesan cheese, nutmeg, salt and pepper. The lasagna sauce should reach the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Baking lasagna in the oven
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Place the first layer in the mold - lasagna sheets, then minced meat and sauce, then repeat the layers. Pour the sauce over the top of the lasagna and sprinkle the lasagna with grated Parmesan cheese. Place the lasagne pan in the oven and bake for 35 minutes.

Baking lasagna in an air fryer
Preheat the air fryer to 190 degrees for 5 minutes. Place the lasagna pan in the air fryer and bake for half an hour at medium fan speed.

Baking lasagna in a slow cooker
Cover the bottom of the multicooker with a baking sleeve with a reserve for further convenient removal of the cooked lasagna from the multicooker. Layer the lasagna in a multicooker pan. In order for the rectangular lasagna sheets to be evenly distributed in the slow cooker, they must be cut into pieces. Then fasten the edges of the sleeve, set the multicooker to the “Stew” mode and bake for 1.5 hours.

How to bake lasagna in the microwave
For microwave lasagna, use half as much food.
Grease the dish with vegetable oil, pour in a little sauce. Lay out the lasagne sheets, placing a little mince on each one. The top layer is minced meat.
Pour sauce over lasagna and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place the dish with lasagna in the microwave and close it. Set the microwave to 700 watts for 30 minutes. After the baking time has passed, test the lasagna to see if the minced meat is done. If the lasagna is raw in the center, add another 5 minutes to the baking time.

Fun facts about lasagna

Should you cook lasagna sheets before baking?- if you are preparing the dish for the first time, then definitely “cook” it so that the pasta sheets are definitely soft. Also, if the sauce turns out to be thick, then there will not be enough liquid in it to cook the lasagne sheets in the oven.

To prevent the lasagna from turning out dry, it is important to place the minced meat on the top layer, because the sauce will in any case be absorbed into the lower layers, and the oven will slightly dry the top one. This is even good for minced meat with cheese - you get an appetizing crust. But lasagna sheets, when dry, will make the dish dry. If the oven is hot, you can cover the lasagne pan with foil.

If the lasagna still turns out a little dry, you can fix it in 2 ways:
Method 1, less labor-intensive and risky: remove dry lasagne sheets, place all the minced meat from the dried layers on top and sprinkle cheese on top, then lightly brown the cheese in the oven.
Method 2, more labor-intensive: add sauce and “finish” the top layers. It is important to take into account here that the lower layers will also cook and may turn into porridge.

The best cookware for baking lasagna - square, thick-walled baking dishes in which layers of lasagna are placed without leaving any free space around the edges.

Lasagna is very high-calorie dish - about 500 kcal/100 grams.

Ground beef is allowed in lasagna replace for pork, veal or chicken.

Parmesan cheese In the lasagna recipe, you can partially replace it with Mozzarella.

Lasagna sheets can be used instead of pasta sheets thin pita bread, however, the dish will no longer be as “pasta”.

To surprise your guests with lasagna, you can replace the meat with mushrooms(forest, frozen chanterelles or fresh champignons).

Sheets homemade lasagna prepare like this:
Wheat flour (half a kilo), 2 chicken eggs, a quarter glass of water, a pinch of salt - mix all the ingredients and knead them into a very stiff dough. Cover the dough with film or put it in a bag and leave for half an hour. Then knead the dough again. Sprinkle the work surface with flour, place the dough on it, roll it out using a rolling pin (if you don’t have one, use a glass bottle) to a thickness of 1-2 millimeters and cut into rectangles. Homemade lasagna sheets are ready!

At submission Cut the lasagna into square pieces, place on plates with herbs on lettuce leaves, garnish with slices of fresh cherry tomatoes and thinly sliced ​​carrots.

How to bake semi-finished lasagna

Semi-finished lasagna in the oven
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees for 5 minutes. Remove the lid from the lasagna, place the lasagna in the pan, without defrosting, on the middle rack of the oven. Bake lasagna for 35 minutes; Bake pre-thawed lasagna for 20 minutes.

Semi-finished lasagna in the microwave
Place the lasagna pan in the microwave, open the lid/film slightly, heat for 11 minutes at 700 watts; Bake pre-thawed lasagna for 7 minutes.

Lasagna, cooked with minced meat, came to us from Italian cuisine itself. Nowadays, this dish has become very popular in Russia, as well as. It's really impossible not to fall in love with her! And this love begins from the very first bite! It is assembled like a construction set. Layers of lasagne leaves alternate (in composition and taste, like any other pasta) with sauce and juicy minced meat, mainly Bechamel. There are a large number of types of it. Well, today I want to cook, of course, one of the most popular types.

At the very first and honestly deceptive glance, this dish may seem complicated and time-consuming, I thought the same thing about. But in reality this is not at all the case. Because it’s easy to prepare, but it will take (well, what can you do) a little more time to prepare it than we would like. But I assure you, the time spent on it is worth it!

If you haven’t tried this dish yet, then it’s time to familiarize yourself with cooking lasagna with minced meat at home! So, the first thing you need to do is go to the supermarket and buy lasagna leaves. If for some reason this is difficult for you, then you can prepare them yourself at home.

Lasagna prepared according to the classic recipe

if you love Italian cuisine, in this case, they should know how to properly prepare such a dish. This recipe is simple in principle and is considered one of the most famous hearty meat dishes in the world.


Bolognese sauce:

  • Pork – 700 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • basil, oregano - to taste
  • black pepper - a pinch
  • salt - to taste.

For the Bechamel sauce:

  • Flour - 50 gr
  • butter - 50 g
  • milk - 3 cups
  • nutmeg - 1/3
  • salt.

For sheets:

  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • flour 4 tbsp. spoons
  • mozzarella – 300 gr
  • parmesan - 100 gr
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Peel and cut the onion into half rings, lightly fry it in olive oil.

We install a meat grinder and make minced meat from the meat.

Place in a frying pan with the onions and cook over medium heat.

In order for the minced meat to brown evenly and not burn, you need to constantly stir it with a spatula and break up all the large lumps.

We make small cuts on the tomatoes as in the photo and pour boiling water for about five minutes.

Then remove the skins from them and grind them in a blender.

Pour basil, black pepper and salt to taste into the cooking meat and add chopped tomatoes. Continue simmering for 15 minutes.

For the sauce:

Melt the butter in a cup on the stove, add the flour and whisk thoroughly with a whisk. And then lightly fry it.

Pour milk in small portions and mix vigorously, add nutmeg and salt.

The mixture should have a consistency similar to pancake batter.

Sift the flour into a bowl and beat in the egg. Knead the dough, you should get crumbs, which you pour onto a clean table and knead with your hands.

The result is a fairly elastic dough that needs to be wrapped in film and left for 30 minutes.

Now we need to cut it into strips, approximately into equal parts.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and begin assembling the lasagna.

To do this, we need to take a suitable form with a high side, which we coat with bechamel sauce.

And lay out the leaves overlapping.

Spread the minced bolognese sauce on top in an even layer.

We thoroughly coat everything again with bechamel.

And sprinkle the whole mass with grated cheese.

We lay out the layers in the same order as we did the first time.

Wrap the pan in foil (be careful not to touch the cheese) and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Then remove it and bake for another 10-15 minutes until done.

Remove the dish from the oven and leave to cool slightly.

Lasagna with minced meat according to the classic recipe is ready, cut into portions and serve.

How to make Bechamel sauce for lasagna


  • Butter - 50 g
  • flour - 3 tablespoons
  • milk - 400 gr
  • nutmeg - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • ground white pepper - a pinch
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

First, fry the sifted flour over medium heat until light golden brown in a dry frying pan.

Add slightly melted butter there and keep it on the fire for about two minutes, stirring constantly with a spatula.

Then add spices: nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste. Let's languish a little more.

At the very end of cooking, add the bay leaf, close the pan with a lid, turn off the stove and let it brew for 10-15 minutes until done.

All that remains is to remove the bay leaf from the Bechamel sauce.

And whoever liked it, cook for your health.

Delicious lasagna with chicken and mushrooms

Are you interested in this dish? In this case, this recipe will definitely come in handy. It turns out to be quite versatile and suitable for both a regular family dinner and a festive one.


  • Chicken fillet – 500 gr
  • champignons – 300 gr
  • hard cheese - 180 gr
  • cream 10% - 100 ml
  • sunflower oil- for frying
  • Bechamel sauce
  • pasta lasagna
  • rosemary and coriander - to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the chicken fillet, boil for 5 minutes, then cool it and cut it into small cubes.

Add here the chopped chicken fillet and pour in the cream.

Stir and simmer for five minutes, add seasonings, salt and pepper to taste.

Now take a suitable deep baking tray, grease it with vegetable oil and pour Bechamel sauce onto the bottom in an even thin layer, and lay lasagne sheets on top.

Apply the sauce again and place the filling of fried meat and mushrooms on it.

Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Cover with lasagna. We repeat the next, upper layers in the same sequence. And we complete the formation of the dish by laying out sheets on which we apply Bechamel and sprinkle with cheese.

Place the filled baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes until cooked.

Our dish is ready, let it cool a little and serve.

Lavash lasagna recipe with minced meat

Fans of such a hearty and tasty dish will find this simple recipe useful, which is prepared simply and quickly, and in its own way taste qualities almost not inferior to the classic one.


  • Lavash - 3 sheets
  • minced meat - 500 gr
  • pureed tomatoes - 500 ml
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • parmesan - 150
  • mozzarella – 250 gr
  • olive oil- for cooking
  • butter - 30 g
  • chili pepper - a pinch
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

Bring the minced meat over medium heat in a frying pan until golden brown, add salt and pepper.

Grate the cheese: parmesan on a fine grater, and mozzarella on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the garlic and fry it in olive oil, sprinkling it with chili pepper.

And pour the grated tomatoes into it. Add salt and pepper to taste and simmer over low heat for 12-15 minutes until the whole mass thickens.

The pita bread must be cut into four even parts, each of them so that it is equal to the bottom of the baking sheet.

Grease the mold with oil and place one sheet of pita bread in it and coat it with tomato sauce.

Distribute half of the minced meat evenly on top and sprinkle with Parmesan. Place the next layer and do the same thing, only with mozzarella cheese.

We do this again in this sequence, and on the fourth we put the pita bread on it with tomato sauce and sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

The dish is ready, eat to your health.

Lasagna Bolognese with bechamel sauce (video)

Bon appetit!!!

The recipe for lasagna with minced meat at home is very simple, often reminiscent of filled pancakes. This could be an option with meat, cheese, ham or vegetables. In restaurants, lasagna is usually cooked in the oven. At home, it is prepared in the oven, microwave or in a frying pan. Making lasagna at home is not difficult.

Lasagna is a traditional Italian dish in the shape of a rectangle or square. Lasagna is prepared from several dry sheets of pasta dough with layers of filling, filled with bechamel sauce, and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. The filling can include minced meat, mushrooms, fish, poultry, game, tomatoes and any other vegetables. 🙂

Lasagna is, of course, a piece of sunny Italy! Well, since we can’t go there often, we can easily pamper ourselves with this wonderful dish! :))

Modern lasagna is prepared from several layers of dough, with filling and béchamel sauce placed on each of them. Any minced meat, vegetables or mushrooms can be used for the filling. Sprinkle grated cheese on top - mozzarella, ricotta, parmesan (for classic lasagna). Nowadays, we can easily replace soft cheeses with Suluguni, hard cheeses with regular Russian or Dutch.

There is meat, lean, mushroom, fish, seafood, vegetarian, vegetable, minced, chicken, spinach, potato, and cheese lasagna. Today we will look at simple and delicious recipes this wonderful and tasty dish with minced meat. Let's learn how to cook lasagna at home - with step-by-step recipes and detailed photos.

Lasagna with minced meat: classic recipe with bechamel sauce

Lasagna is considered a classic dish of the city of Bologna, located in this province. That is why the classic lasagna is lasagna bolognese. Each city has its own recipe - Sicilian lasagna, Neapolitan lasagna, etc. Nowadays, preparing lasagna is very simple. You can buy ready-made sheets, or you can make the dough as for regular pasta - using durum wheat flour, eggs, water, salt and olive oil. Classic lasagna traditionally uses 6 layers of dough.

Bechamel sauce is for lasagna what mayonnaise is for Olivier. Of course, you can buy it, but it’s better to make it yourself. This is the most delicious lasagna sauce. The bechamel recipe is not that complicated - we need butter, flour, milk, salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg to make this wonderful sauce.

Italians offer lasagna recipes and sauces in a wonderful variety. Let's try bechamel sauce, which is delicate and gives the dish a special taste. And – which is a big plus – it’s easy to prepare.

How to make lasagna from ready-made sheets:

Let's consider cooking step by step recipe lasagna at home with photos.

To prepare lasagna measuring approximately 20x27 cm you will need:

  • Lasagna plates – 250 g.
  • Minced pork and beef – 500 g.
  • Flour – 100 g.
  • Milk – 1 l.
  • Olive or vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons, for sautéing.
  • Butter – 25 g.
  • Onion – 1 large onion.
  • Cheese – 350 g.
  • Tomatoes – 0.5 kg.
  • Carrots – 1 large.
  • Garlic – several cloves.
  • Seasonings to taste, we use Provençal herbs, universal seasoning (paprika, pepper, turmeric, coriander).

Some nuances of the lasagna recipe at home:

  1. The process of preparing the filling can be simplified if you replace the tomatoes with ketchup.
  2. The bottom and top layers of lasagna need to be poured with more sauce than the middle layer.
  3. Some recipes recommend using Parmesan cheese on top. However, any other hard cheese will easily work for this.
  4. After turning off the oven, it is advisable to let the lasagna cool. Right away, when it’s hot, it will be “watery” and less aesthetically pleasing.

The entire cooking process can be divided into three stages: preparing the meat, preparing the sauce, and baking the lasagna.

Stage of preparing meat (minced meat) for lasagna:

1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for one minute, then with cold water. Remove the skin from the tomatoes.

2. Peel the onion and chop finely. We will also prepare the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Peel the garlic and chop finely.

3. Grind the tomatoes into a paste using a blender.

4. Sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil until half cooked.

5. Add minced meat to the sautéed vegetables and fry. At the same time, it is important to make it fine-grained - for this, stirring, divide it into small pieces. Add seasonings.

6. When the minced meat is ready, add tomato paste from pureed tomatoes and garlic. Simmer for another 10-15 minutes and set aside to cool. The meat is ready for lasagna!

Preparation of bechamel sauce:

1. Heat the milk and melt the butter in it.

2. Add flour, stirring constantly. Boil until the consistency of liquid sour cream.

3. Add seasonings to taste.

4. Beat the sauce with a blender until smooth.

Baking lasagna at home:

So, after everything is ready, you can “assemble” the lasagna together. The “assembly” algorithm looks like this:

  • 1st layer: lasagna sheets, overlapping 1 cm.

  • 2nd layer: bechamel sauce.

  • 3rd layer: half of the minced meat.

  • 4th layer: 1/3 cheese.

  • Layer 5: lasagna sheets.
  • 6th layer: bechamel sauce.
  • 7th layer: the rest of the minced meat.
  • 8th layer: 1/3 cheese.
  • Layer 9: lasagna sheets.

  • 10th layer: the rest of the bechamel sauce.

Bake lasagna in an oven heated to 170-180 degrees for 40 minutes. 5 minutes before turning off the oven, sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top of the pie.

Lasagna is ready!

Serve with vegetables and herbs!

A simple recipe for lasagna from pita bread with minced meat at home

For cooking you will need products:

  • Minced pork and beef – 500 g.
  • Milk – 0.5 l.
  • Flour - half a glass.
  • Ketchup – 150 g.
  • Onion – 1 large onion.
  • Carrots – 1 large.
  • Cheese – 250-300 g.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons, for sautéing.
  • Pita.
  • Seasonings to taste.
  • Garlic – a few cloves, to taste.

Preparation of minced meat filling:

1. Peel the onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Sauté onions and carrots for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.

2. Add minced meat and ketchup to the onions and carrots, fry until done. When frying, it is important to use a spatula to separate the meat so that it has a fine-grained consistency.

3. Add seasonings. Turn off the gas, cover with a lid and let sit for 10 minutes.

Preparing the sauce:

1. Heat milk, butter, grated cheese in a saucepan.

2. Gradually add flour and seasonings.

3. Boil for 5-7 minutes, beat with a blender.

The result was a creamy cheese sauce!

Let's make lasagna from pita bread in a slow cooker:

1. Place a sheet of pita bread into the multicooker bowl, first lining the bottom with parchment paper. If the shape of the pita bread is square, the edges can be folded.

We line the multicooker bowl with parchment paper, and only then put food into it. You can also use a baking sleeve. Then the lasagna can be easily removed from the bowl by grabbing the ends of the paper or film.

2. Place half of the minced meat filling, pour in 1/3 of the sauce.

3. Repeat the layers again: pita bread, minced meat, sauce.

Lasagna is prepared in three steps: the filling is made, then the bechamel sauce is boiled, and then the lasagna itself is assembled. You can use a slow cooker for each of them, but then you will have to wash the bowl each time to proceed to the next step. Therefore, it is best to cook the filling and sauce in a frying pan and bake the lasagna in a slow cooker.

4. Final layer: pita bread + remaining sauce. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

Lasagna in a slow cooker does not get a golden brown crust like in the oven. To make lasagna look appetizing, the top layer should be cheese.

4. Place the bowl in the multicooker and turn on the baking mode.

5. After 40 minutes, the lasagna is ready! However, you should not take it out immediately, since the sauce has not yet thickened.

After cooling, the dish is easily laid out, just tilt the bowl.

Lavash lasagna is a delicious snack that is quickly and easily baked at home.

It turns out soft, tender and very tasty!

Lasagna with pita bread and minced meat in the oven, step-by-step recipe

If we didn't find lasagna sheets, this dish can easily be made without them. Lavash recipe - often referred to as lazy lasagna. Let's cook it in the oven.


  • Lavash - 3 sheets;
  • Minced meat - 500 grams;
  • Hard cheese - 300 grams;
  • Mozzarella cheese – 1 package;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Fresh herbs or dry seasoning;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

For the bechamel sauce:

  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Butter - 50 grams;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook lasagna:

1. Grind carrots and cheese on a fine grater.

2. Take a tomato and separate the pulp from the skin. You can, after making a cross-shaped cut, put the tomato in deep plate and pour boiling water over it for 2-3 minutes. Then the skin will come away from the pulp more easily.

3.To chop the tomato, use a blender or chop it very finely.

4. Pour olive oil into a frying pan and put grated carrots there. Fry it until golden brown.

5. Place the minced meat in the pan and stir the mixture. Cook for 10 minutes.

6. Add ground tomato, salt, pepper and herbs to taste to the minced meat. Cook the mixture over medium heat until the liquid evaporates.

7. Melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. (Butter - 50 grams). Carefully remove the foam.

8. When the butter is completely melted, add flour and pour milk into the mixture. Stir the sauce constantly until it thickens. Milk - 0.5 liters. Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.

9. Take a baking sheet and grease the bottom with bechamel sauce (Milk, butter, flour).

10. Place one sheet of pita bread in a baking tray and grease the bottom with sauce. Place half of the fried minced meat. Sprinkle the layer with grated cheese. To make the second layer of lasagne, repeat this step again.

11. Add the remaining bechamel sauce and grated cheese on top. Spread slices of mozzarella cheese.

12. Preheat the oven to 180°C and place a baking sheet there. Bake for 40 minutes.

The lasagna turns out juicy, with soft pita bread inside.

How to cook lasagne from ready-made sheets in a slow cooker - homemade recipe

Previously, lasagna was baked only in the oven, but with the advent of the multicooker, housewives are increasingly preparing this dish in it. Let's look at the recipe with step-by-step photographs.

We will need:

  • Lasagna sheets - 6 pieces
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Minced meat - 250 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.
  • Tomato - 1 large;
  • Tomato paste - 4 teaspoons.

For the bechamel sauce:

  • Milk - 0.5 liters;
  • Butter - 60 g;
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook juicy lasagna in a slow cooker:

1. Peel the tomato. Let's make a cross-shaped cut. Place the tomato in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then pour cold water over it. After this, the skin comes away from the pulp much easier.

2. Cut the tomato into four parts and place it in a blender. Add 2 teaspoons tomato paste. Mix the ingredients until smooth.

3. Fry the minced meat directly in the multicooker in vegetable oil without closing the lid. Don’t forget to pre-heat the vegetable oil (or olive oil) and then put the minced meat in a bowl. Cook for 5-7 minutes in baking mode.

4. Add salt, pepper and 2 teaspoons of tomato paste to the fried minced meat. Stir the meat mixture until smooth. Transfer the finished minced meat to a free plate so as not to occupy the multicooker bowl.

5. Place butter in a clean multicooker bowl and set to baking mode. When the butter has completely melted, add flour. The mixture must be stirred quickly so that it does not burn.

6. Add milk and nutmeg to the resulting mixture. Stir the sauce constantly until thickened. If it turns out too thick, add a little milk.

7. Place the lasagna sheets in a pan with salted water and cook them for 2-3 minutes.

8. Place parchment paper on the bottom of the multicooker and grease it with bechamel sauce.

9. Place 2 lasagne sheets on parchment paper, greasing them with bechamel sauce (milk, butter, flour) and half the minced meat. Pour the layer with tomato sauce (chopped tomatoes and tomato paste). Repeat this step again to make the second layer.

10. Place two lasagna sheets on top of all layers, grease them with bechamel sauce and sprinkle with cheese.

11. Cook lasagna for 40 minutes in baking mode.

The dish turns out so juicy that no additional sauce is needed.

Pasta lasagna with minced meat - homemade recipe

Pasta lasagna with minced meat belongs to the category of “lazy” lasagna recipes. But it can be prepared in such a way that in terms of tenderness and richness of taste it can compete with any other lasagne. The culinary secrets that turn a dish into a magical one are quite simple.


  • Pasta – 1 pack
  • Milk
  • Nutmeg, salt - to taste
  • Minced meat – 0.5 kg
  • Fresh tomatoes – 2-3 pcs (or tomato paste)
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Butter
  • Vegetable oil
  • Cheese – 100 g
  • Tomato paste
  • Basil, dill, parsley - to taste.

How to cook pasta lasagna with minced meat:

1. Choose Italian curly pasta for the base of the lasagna. The type of cheese doesn't really matter. Sunflower oil is also quite suitable. The main ingredients of the dish are shown in the photo.

2. Pasta will not turn into a miracle if you do not enhance its taste with bechamel sauce. To prepare it, melt 40 g of butter in a frying pan and gradually add 40 g of flour to it, evenly distributing the flour over the frying pan and stirring continuously with a wooden spatula.

The goal is to prevent the formation of lumps. Then slowly pour in the milk, continuing to stir the mixture quickly and thoroughly. The result is a custard mixture of flour, butter and milk. If you still cannot avoid the appearance of lumps, they can be eliminated using a mixer or rubbed through a sieve.

3. Add a few pinches of ground nutmeg to the finished bechamel sauce.

4. Boil the pasta until half cooked (about 5 minutes, depending on the type of pasta). Don't forget to salt the water.

5. Salt the water, sprinkle the pasta with a little vegetable oil.

6. Chop vegetables - bell pepper, carrots, onion. Instead of bell pepper, you can add celery, zucchini and other seasonal vegetables. fresh tomatoes.

7. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a frying pan and add three tablespoons of vegetable oil to it. Place the vegetables and fry them until transparent.

8. Add salted and peppered minced meat to the vegetables. Let's start frying everything together. Add five tablespoons of red wine to the minced meat.

9. Add enough water to the tomato paste (about 1.5 tablespoons) and pour the mixture into the frying pan.

10. Pour a few tablespoons of bechamel sauce (flour, butter, milk) into the bottom of a heat-resistant bowl. To be on the safe side, you can line the bottom of the dish with foil. Place a second layer of pasta. The next layer is meat and vegetables. Then pour the bechamel sauce over the meat layer. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it on top.

11. Repeat again: layer of pasta, bechamel, layer with meat, bechamel, grated cheese. Place in the oven and bake until done for about half an hour.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs and basil leaves on top.

This is a real celebration of taste - both hot and cold!

Recipe for delicious lasagna in a frying pan – “Uno momento”

Lasagna in a frying pan is a quick, tasty, satisfying and special recipe. To make it delicious, the frying pan must be non-stick, and the mood must be mischievous and cheerful. Like Alexander Abdulov and Semyon Farada, when they performed the immortal hit “Uno momento”, which translated means “One moment”, in the film “Formula of Love”.


  • Flour – 0.5 kg
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Mineral water
  • Salt, garlic - to taste
  • Minced meat – 0.5 kg
  • Tomato paste – 1.5 tbsp. l
  • Fresh tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Small zucchini – 1 piece
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Butter – 50 g
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l
  • Cheese – 100 g
  • Dill, parsley, basil - to taste

How to cook lasagna in a frying pan:

At the very beginning, you have to choose the lasagna base option - ready-made purchased Italian sheets or homemade dough. For this recipe, we will prepare the dough ourselves if there are no ready-made lasagna sheets.

1. Sift the flour through a sieve and spread it in a mound.

2. Make a “crater” in the middle of the slide and drive three eggs into it. Knead the stiff dough, gradually adding a small amount of(no more than 50 mg) mineral water. Don't forget to add flour to the board.

3. Preparing the dough and rolling out the dough sheets is the most time-consuming part of the work, but if you try, the result is worth it. Along the way, you can hum the song of the Italian retinue of Count Cagliostro. Knead until the stubborn mass under your hands turns into an elastic and smooth dough. Set it aside for 20-30 minutes, covering with cling film.

4. Finely chop the peeled and washed two carrots, zucchini and onion.

5. Place a piece of butter and three tablespoons of vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) in a heated frying pan. Gradually add all the vegetables - onions, carrots, zucchini - into the heated oil and fry them until they become transparent and acquire a light golden hue.

6. Add minced meat to the frying pan (beef, veal or chicken to your taste), mix together with vegetables and fry over low heat, stirring occasionally. First add salt and pepper to the minced meat. Minced beef or pork is stewed for 30-40 minutes, chicken or turkey - about 20 minutes.

7. Let's return to preparing the dough sheets. Divide the dough into approximately six equal parts and roll them out thinly with a rolling pin, from the center to the edges. If you have a machine for rolling out dough, you can use it. The thinner the dough, the better. If you don’t have time, you can remove the minced meat from the heat for a while and cover the pan with a lid.

8. Cut the rolled out dough into leaves and place them on top of the minced meat in one layer. We dry the remaining leaves, put them in craft paper or a cloth bag in a dry place and use them to make the next lasagna. Before placing the blank sheets on the minced meat, immerse them in boiling water for two minutes. It’s not scary if the leaves overlap somewhere - they are thin and the dough is fresh, so they are guaranteed not to be raw.

9. Place fresh chopped tomatoes on the dough layer. We use it in winter

10. Dilute 1.5 tablespoons of tomato paste in boiled water and pour lasagna on top in a frying pan. The liquid should completely cover all layers.

11.Simmer until done, about 20 minutes. We regulate the process of evaporation of the diluted sauce - if the liquid becomes low, cover the lasagna with a lid and continue to simmer over low heat.

12. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

13. Sprinkle the lasagna with cheese before removing it from the stove.

14. Sprinkle the finished dish with parsley, dill and basil. Basil leaves add a unique flavor to lasagna.

Delicious and fun lasagna in a frying pan “Uno momento” is ready!

It is good hot or cold. So satisfying that it replaces lunch or dinner. This is a real tasty morsel!

Happy creativity!

How to cook delicious lasagna with Bolognese sauce (video)

Let's consider interesting recipe making lasagna at home. It uses bolognese sauce as well as béchamel sauce. It perfectly shows the interesting rules (principles) of preparing delicious, homemade lasagna.

Lasagna is wonderful tasty dish! Suitable for both lunch and dinner. You can experiment with the lasagna recipe - add your favorite spices, vegetables, mushrooms! Everything your imagination tells you!

Happy creativity!

Bon appetit!

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