Typical block houses. Download free block house projects. Creation of individual projects of houses and cottages from blocks

The construction industry is developing and improving every year. All this became possible thanks to unique and modern developments and technologies. Construction can now be carried out in optimal directions, that is, in non-residential buildings, as well as cottage communities. Free block house projects have become available to everyone.

Very sustainable prefab house project

Sure, the "game" can create a variety of prefab house plans, although the reality is that simplicity is cheap when purchasing a prefab building. Spain hardly has an eco-prefab housing industry, as people usually have a very vague general understanding of it, associating it rather with temporary structures and poor quality.

An example of a modern prefabricated house

Shapes, new technology and the various compositions of plans in modular homes follow a modular aesthetic of great value, and in some cases even risqué in its design. Modern prefab housing is here, and it's an example of dumb innovation.

More information about this home.

All kinds of illustrations and examples can be found in specialized companies or on the Internet. Houses built from blocks today have truly become a real breakthrough in the construction industry. Many Internet users and clients have already been able to appreciate all the benefits provided by free block house projects.

Imagine that you are the one who builds your house. Colombian architect Oscar Mendez, who designed this model using discarded plastic with the aim of reducing the country's housing shortage. The construction of bricks, Mendez explained, is carried out by melting and mixing various types plastic; everyone gives them various properties bricks. Then, using an innovative injection process, these bricks are created into “Lego blocks.”

Photos of block houses according to standard and individual projects

The brick shape allows people who do not dedicate themselves to construction and who have no experience in this field to assemble houses with only about three hours of training. At the same time, the pieces remain fixed, the architect explained. Finishing a house with an area of ​​40 square meters requires the work of four people over five days. These homes cost 30 percent less than traditional materials.

The main advantages of building a house from a block

Every person knows that such work as building a house is a rather expensive process. This can be explained by the main parameter - time costs. At the very beginning of construction, it is difficult to estimate how many months this or that work process will take. Houses made of timber, as well as other materials, require a person to constantly monitor each stage. This is necessary so that absolutely no problems arise later.
To get house designs from blocks and at the same time significantly reduce cash costs, you need to purchase standard designs one-story house. If you contact specialized companies, then a professional will work on the work. But it can be noted that individual block house designs will be of high quality and correct.

A specialist in such a matter will take into account many different factors, such as climatic conditions, terrain, topography of the earth, as well as many other external factors.

Block house: design features and costs

The final price is about 20 million pesos, he said, adding that they can last up to four centuries. Regarding the construction conditions, architect Mendez explained that the blocks are made with additives that help delay combustion in the event of a fire. In addition, they are thermoacoustic. “In a hot country, bricks allow the temperature inside the house not to be as high, and in cold soil they help maintain warmth compared to the outside environment,” he said.

For example, in earthquake-induced earthquakes, the structure is tied to the foundation, making it so strong that it can be classified as earthquake-resistant. Although plastic tends to be lightweight, a block of this material weighs three kilograms, and a full house can reach six tons.

Where can I find free timber house designs?

Many people want to avoid spending money on projects. Therefore, it will be useful to know where to find free offers. It is worth noting that download finished projects houses that can be built from timber can be found on the Internet. Many people today provide such a unique opportunity.
But every person must remember that he still needs to take into account own terms, soil type and climatic conditions. The presented finished projects are just an example of a house, so you can download ready-made illustrations and examples only for the idea of ​​future construction.

What materials are there to build a house?

You can select following materials for construction, which are in great demand and popularity today:
  • Brick houses. All people know that brick is a fairly popular material for construction. It has been used by many tens and hundreds of children. Therefore, many have already been able to verify its durability and excellent reliability. IN modern world There are a large number of building materials on the market, but brick buildings are still in great demand.
  • Beam. Houses that were built from such material were recognized as environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless. With the help of timber, you can achieve cleanliness in the house, as well as a beneficial effect on a person’s lungs. It differs from others in a useful and unique quality - it is the ability to regulate indoor air humidity.
  • Foam block houses. It is worth noting that such buildings will have high durability, because special liquid additives are added to the presented material during production. The foam block has thermal characteristics, which help normalize the microclimate in any room.
  • Over the past few years, houses made of aerated concrete have been in great demand and popularity. Buildings are erected quite quickly and easily. New residents of aerated concrete houses will be able to appreciate excellent quality, strength and even elasticity. Thanks to this material, absolutely any ideas and ideas can be brought to life.
  • Wood is the only and unique construction material, which has the ability to breathe. Only it is endowed with a special structure that allows you to constantly maintain regular air exchange inside the material. The tree has a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being and also has a unique design.
We can note the main advantage of all the above materials that are used for construction.

What type of foundation should I choose for a house made of blocks? Is it possible to build it immediately on a turnkey basis? First, let's look at which foundation options are, in principle, acceptable when designing houses from blocks:

  • First type. Monolithic slab foundation with stiffeners. It is a concrete slab 200 mm thick and ribs (ribbon under load-bearing walls) 400 mm deep. Such a slab must be reinforced with twelfth reinforcement with a 100mm mesh. In addition, the organization of a sand cushion that has previously been compacted is required. The advantage of this type of foundation is the fact that the foundation is also the floor of the first floor. This allows you to save on installing reinforced concrete or other floor slabs. However, the cost of such a foundation is quite high, and if there is a slope on the site, which is almost always found outside the city, then this can sometimes result in unexpected expenses for the customer and an increase in the cost of the contract already during construction. It is also not in her favor that the house is actually level with the ground, which of course will not be comfortable in snowy winters, as well as in rainy times.
  • Second type. Ground floor. Allows you to increase the number of storeys of the house, which is convenient in those villages where the number of storeys in construction is limited. People also often suggest using ground floor as a cellar. And it is this that is most often asked to be added when designing a house from turnkey blocks. But not everyone is ready to pay the second price of a block house for such an underground floor.
  • Third type. Bored or drilled piles tied with reinforced concrete beams. The absolute advantage of this foundation is that it can be done all year round. It is well suited for areas with a significant slope. If you make such a foundation in accordance with building codes, its cost will be 20% higher than the foundation slab
  • Fourth type. Pile-grillage foundation. It consists of reinforced piles passing the freezing depth, namely 2.5 meters. They are installed in all corners load-bearing walls, as well as between them in increments of 2-3 meters. The piles are connected with reinforced concrete tape. The tape is buried 20 cm into the ground and protrudes 40-60 cm above the ground. Thus, the finished floor will be at a level of 60-80 cm above the ground. This is convenient when building a turnkey house. As for the cost of this type of foundation, the question is ambiguous. On the one hand, this is the cheapest type of foundation, on the other hand, it requires the installation of a basement floor. Let us remind you that this is not required for a slab foundation. If you make this ceiling from hollow reinforced concrete slabs factory-made, then its cost is equal to or even exceeds the cost of a foundation slab. If you make an overlap from wooden beams, then the pile-grillage foundation will definitely take first place in the ranking of the most economical foundations for houses made of blocks.

Turnkey construction of a block house

Now regarding the construction of turnkey block houses. If we are talking about construction in the summer, then there are no problems with finishing and engineering work. But it is important to start house design work on time. Let's calculate the approximate amount of time needed to carry out certain types of work when building a house from blocks.

  • designing a house, agreeing on technical specifications and signing a construction contract. 3 weeks
  • excavation; hidden work on foundation installation, foundation reinforcement; pouring concrete for the foundation. 3 weeks
  • time to settle the foundation is 1-4 weeks (depending on weather conditions and weight of the house)
  • installation of walls and ceilings; installation rafter system. 2-3 months
  • roof installation; Finishing work; installation of window blocks. 2 months
  • engineering work 2 weeks

So, the full construction cycle can take up to 8 months. Of course, a lot depends on the area of ​​the block house. However, basically the construction of a house from turnkey blocks is divided into 2 parts, namely the construction of a foundation with a “box” and, secondly, finishing and engineering work.

Block houses with attic

Block houses with attic this is a variety of architectural forms, economical use of materials, spaciousness of interior spaces and comfort that is not inferior two-story houses. This is why designs of houses with an attic are so popular among Russians. In addition, their price is cheaper than projects with other floors. Construction is no more difficult.

The roof of a house made of blocks with an attic can be decorated with cuckoos or decorative ridge elements. If window openings on the gables is not enough; to fully illuminate the rooms, additional lighting can be provided using roof windows installed directly in the roof. Examples of such projects are widely presented in our catalog.

The attic can be with or without elevation. What does it mean? If the attic is without elevation, then it means the bottom rafter leg(or more simply the roof) starts directly from interfloor covering. If we raise the attic (side) wall of the house, then such an attic is considered to be raised. They raise it near the house from blocks from 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters. Of course, you can do more, but then such a house made of blocks will already be considered two-story. The prices of such turnkey projects lead to a proportional increase in cost.

The technology for building a turnkey house with an attic is no different from houses made from blocks of a different number of floors.

We wish you happy construction!


WoodHouse Company

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