Geodetic works on the land plot - by whom and how they are performed

Geodesy emerged a very long time ago. Even in Rome, many centuries ago, work was carried out to determine the boundaries land plots. People even had a god who controlled the borders. The Romans called it Terminus. It was believed that he sets marks using stones for this.

At present, the purpose of geodesy, of course, has changed significantly, but the principle has remained the same. Today it is the measurement of distances and angles, as well as holding topographic survey to establish the relief of the earth's surface site.

Why do you need site surveying

Surely a lot of people are interested Why do you need land surveying, because at first glance, the work that she performs is not so significant. But this is only at first glance. In fact, it is very important for construction work. Geodesy performs certain actions:

  • defines and provides Full description land borders site. With this approach, it is possible to establish the exact demarcation of their possessions;
  • establishes special signs at certain borders. Such landmarks have an established pattern and are effective from the point of view of the law;
  • issues relevant documents that confirm the authenticity of boundary marks, the reliability of their establishment;
  • establishes the reliable area of ​​the land plot;
  • issues topographic maps compiled based on the results of research;
  • provides a survey plan of the land that was surveyed.

Do I need to do geodesy of the site

The current legislation of Russia has norms and instructions that determine the performance of geodetic work. After studying them, the question do you need to do geodesy of the site, disappears on its own. According to current laws countries, any construction is carried out after the approval of the project by the architectural department. In the package of project documents in without fail should include the results of the conducted geodesy on the specified land plot. So, if construction is planned on the land, geodesy needs to be done first.

It is also very important for creating a project to have information about the location of closely lying engineering networks, about the presence of a site slope, about the position of ownership relative to the cardinal points. Such information greatly simplifies the process of creating a project. With its help, it is very easy to determine the optimal location of the future structure. Carrying out geodetic works also helps to reduce the costs required for construction.

Goals of geodesy

The main goals that are pursued when performing geodetic work for design and construction are:

  • obtaining reliable information necessary for the performance of construction work;
  • establishment of the boundaries of the future structure on the land plot in accordance with the developed project;
  • ensuring during the construction of the geometric shapes of structures in accordance with the approved project;
  • determination of deviations of the geometric shapes of buildings from the design documentation;
  • study of deformation processes of the surface of a structure during construction work under the influence of natural phenomena or human actions.

Only with complete information can one understand why geodesy is needed how important it is to carry it out before the design begins. Different types of structures require the performance of various tasks. If necessary, ground, underground, air and underwater geodesy can be performed. Each of the types of work is aimed at establishing the required tasks and studying surfaces.

Who conducts geodesy

If you need to carry out geodesy of a site in Moscow, then you need to contact a company specializing in such services. Specialists high level with many years of experience will conduct research and provide all the necessary information, plans, maps, technical projects for legal grounds. Professionally carried out geodetic work on the site contributes to the trouble-free connection of the structure to technical networks, the creation of an unsurpassed landscape design, construction strictly according to the established project, and as a result - reducing the cost of construction works. Geogrunt specialists will quickly and efficiently perform all studies and provide a full package of documents.

Geodesy is a very important event, because the future construction, its reliability and durability depend on the quality of its implementation. It also affects the arrangement of the territory, as it provides the most best options for the construction of buildings of any purpose. With the help of geodetic research, you can also determine the most advantageous option for creating a landscape.

Geodesy of the land plot

Every day, people contact us on issues related to geodetic work, which includes a lot of different work on land. But very often callers cannot understand the terms. In this article, I would like to dwell on such a concept as " site geodesy».

Geodesy itself is the science of the earth's surface and measurements on its surface. And since this is a very broad concept, various works are often generalized into it, from surveying a land plot to compiling a topographic survey of the territory. And although all these works include the measurement of the site with drawing on paper and digital media of information about these measurements, it is necessary to distinguish the essence of each of the works. After all, in order to conduct a survey of the site, you will need a cadastral engineer, and to draw up a topographic plan, a surveyor.
Fundamentals of geodesy is the measurement of angles and distances, everything else is calculations based on these measurements.

If under " land surveying» preparation of a topographic survey of the site (or geo-base) is implied - surveyors will measure the object not only along the perimeter, but will also include the relief of the site and the communications available on it (including underground) into the geo-base

Another thing is when site geodesy” are called land surveying services. In this case, this work is already carried out by another specialist, who measures the site along the borders, draws up boundary plans and receives cadastral passports.

It also happens that " land surveying” is called the selection of soil samples for the design of the foundation. This type of work already belongs to geological surveys, which, as in previous cases, have been successfully carried out by our organization for many years.

For a long time, applied geodesy has been commercial activities, therefore, if you need any kind of work related to the surveying of the site, then you will have to contact a surveying company. Why do you usually have to carry out geodetic work on the site? The list is very extensive: this includes connecting gas, and drawing up an improvement project (landscaping), and registration / re-registration of a land plot, and building a new house. Any summer resident and country resident, sooner or later, will face the need to carry out geodesy on his site. Today, without measurements of the site and a geodetic plan of the area, there is practically nowhere. And these works are a necessity that falls on the shoulders of the owner of the land.

Often land surveying requires coordination with various authorities, operating organizations or simply neighbors in the area. Here, try to entrust all the arrangements for the coordination of the company to the geodesy contractor. Because otherwise you can lose a lot of time, nerves and money.

As you already understood, site surveying is a broad concept that can mean almost anything. Therefore, when contacting a geodetic company, you should be ready to answer clarifying questions: why do you need to conduct geodesy of the land plot, what source materials (base) do you have, where will you provide the geodetic plan and other data obtained after geodesy on your site .

About how much geodesy of the site costs, you can check on the corresponding page. But we want to warn you right away that the price in each case is calculated separately and depends on a number of factors. To calculate the cost of surveying your land - call our operators.

We carry out geodesy in the following settlements:

    Moscow Moscow region Aprelevka Balashikha Bronnitsy Vereya Vidnoye Volokolamsk Voskresensk Vysokovsk Golitsino Dzerzhinsky Dmitrov Dolgoprudny Domodedovo Drezna Dubna Egorievsk Zheleznodorozhny Zhukovsky Zaraysk Zvenigorod Zelenograd Ivanteevka Istra Kashira Klimovsk Klin Kolomna Korolev Kotelniki Krasmoarmeysk Krasnogorsk Krasnozavodsk Krasnoznamensk Kubinka Kurovskoe Likino-Dulyovo Lobnya Losino-Petrovsky Lukhovitsy Lytkarino Lyubertsy Mozhaisk Mytishchi Naro-Fominsk Noginsk Odintsovo Necklace Orekhovo-Zuevo Lakes Pavlovsky Posad Podolsk Protvino Pushkino Pushchino Ramenskoye Reutov Roshal Ruza Sergiev Posad Serpukhov Solnechnogorsk Stremilovo Stupino Skhodnya Taldom Troitsk Fryazino Khimki Khotkovo Chernogolovka Chekhov Shatura Schelkovo Shcherbinka Elektrogorsk Elektrostal Elektrougli Jubilee Yakhroma;

Services geodetic survey of a land plot are highly demanded among our clients. Many customers choose "Almax-Geo", as we offer a professional approach to solving your problems, as well as high quality service. Not only residents of the capital and the Moscow Region, but all Russians without exception can use the service for engineering and geodetic surveys. Our specialists travel to all regions of the country to carry out geodetic works.

Goals and objectives of geodetic survey

The subject of study of geodesy is the earth's surface and objects located on it. Thanks to the tools used by this discipline, it is possible to determine the exact parameters of objects located on the surface of the earth, and create their graphical display in the form of maps, engineering and topographic plans and other technical documentation.
To date, experts identify several main areas for the development of geodesy:

  • space geodesy, in which measurements of the earth's surface are made from satellites;
  • higher geodesy, the purpose of which is to study the processes that occur in the earth's crust, as well as the gravitational field of the earth, which allows us to answer questions about how our planet was formed and what trends are observed in its development;
  • engineering geodesy, to the category of which the geodetic survey of a land plot belongs. This section of science is of applied importance and is an integral part of the implementation of construction projects;
  • surveyor geodesy, responsible for conducting geodetic surveys underground. In practice, this technique is used in the construction of the subway, geological research, etc.

Why is land surveying necessary?

There are many situations when the owner of the land has to resort to the services of surveyors. The most common reason is the need to create a site, that is, determining its coordinates for cadastral registration. In addition, geodetic work allows you to resolve disputes that arise between the owner of the site and subcontractors. As a rule, we are talking about disputes about borders.
Geodesy of the land plot is aimed at studying the terrain and objects located on the territory of the site.
This event is complex and consists of several stages:

  • analysis of existing cartographic materials related to the site;
  • reconnaissance of the area to be investigated;
  • creation of a justification for performing topographic survey;
  • carrying out geodesy;
  • processing results.

Based on the data obtained as a result of geodetic work, a computer or graphical model of the area under study is compiled.
Also, this information is used in the preparation of an engineering and topographic plan, a summary diagram of engineering communications and other important documentation.

Geodetic works in construction

Engineering geodesy methods are widely used at all stages of implementation construction project. Prior to the start of work on the construction of the structure, geodesy of the area is carried out - a geodetic survey of the site. The event allows you to study the relief of the site, its physical and geographical conditions, on the basis of which a decision is made on the appropriateness of using the selected area as a construction site. In addition, the survey will determine the most optimal location of the building relative to other buildings and structures located around the site.

It should be noted that geodetic works are necessary regardless of the scale of construction and make it possible to avoid many unpleasant problems. For example, if you are planning to build country house, the surveyor will help determine which way the slope is located on the site. Even if outwardly the terrain seems absolutely flat, this is only an illusion, since a slight slope is always present! As a result, if the owner of the land neglected the geodesy of the site, there is a good chance that the building will be in the most unfortunate place, that is, moisture will accumulate under the foundation. This significantly degrades the performance of the structure and leads to the need to design a complex drainage system, and this entails additional costs.

Geodetic studies of the site will also be useful if you plan to contact specialists in the field of landscape design. To choose the right design adjoining territory, the designer carefully studies the relief map of the site. This is also true for the arrangement of parks, recreation areas and other recreational facilities.

During the construction of a building or structure, a control geodetic survey is used. Its purpose is to define actual situation elements of the facility under construction and its compliance with technical documentation. This measure is aimed at avoiding discrepancies between the project and its physical implementation, as well as timely detection of the occurrence of deformation. When carrying out work, high-precision instruments are used: electronic levels, tacheometers, etc.

Geodetic control is carried out several times and is mandatory at each stage of construction. Based on the results of geodetic work, a decision is made to start the next stage of construction.
As for finished buildings, geodetic surveying is also relevant here. For example, facade surveying allows you to create informative three-dimensional models of the structure. In addition, the event makes it possible to carry out accurate calculations to determine the flow finishing materials, which will be needed for facade work, which reduces the cost of the project.

Whatever caused the need for geodetic work, our specialists will brilliantly cope with the task assigned to them.

It can be implemented only if there is sufficient information about the land. In the presence of such information, two parties of legal law are objectively interested - the citizen and the state. Ensures the realization of the interests of both parties - geographic map as a source of once recorded information about the territory.

However, such a source needs constant changes and additions. Below I will tell What is land surveying and what does it look like? Let's also look at what makes up cost of geodesy work.

There is such a thing - the topographic basis. This is a basic geographical map, on which all natural and anthropogenic objects that existed in a given territory during the last geodetic work were plotted.

The complete cartographic basis of Russia was created long ago - in the middle of the 20th century. Since then, a whole information-geographical system has appeared, creating the basis for the management of territories. Now the creation of a map has become unthinkable without space technologies, but topographic survey on the ground has not lost its relevance.

To understand what a topographic survey of a land plot is, its functions will help:

  • Fixing new objects or shifting the location of old ones with drawing on the topographic base once created;
  • Marking on the ground and drawing on the map the boundaries of areas with different characteristics and legal status;
  • Implementation of land management works by order of the owner of the site for redevelopment of the placement of objects and zoning;
  • Fixing the location of engineering networks with an assessment of their condition.

Topographical survey has two goals: creation of an information base for effective government controlled territory and optimization of the use of the land plot by its owner. On the border of these two functions, a third one arises - the information basis for establishing the owner of the site.

In other words, a legal dialogue between the state and a citizen regarding a land plot is impossible without a plan and a map as the final product of geodetic work.

Geodetic survey of a land plot - what is it and by whom is it regulated

Surveying is a state function. Accordingly, it should be regulated by laws and normative sources of various hierarchical levels.

  1. Codified laws: housing, forest, land urban planning codes;
  2. Laws of the Russian Federation of a special nature: “On land management” dated June 18, 2001 N 78; "ABOUT state registration rights to real estate and transactions with it" dated July 21, 1997 N 122-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015, with amendments and additions that entered into force on December 1, 2015; "On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" April 15, 1998 N 66;
  3. Various normative sources of a departmental nature: Guidelines on carrying out surveying of land management objects dated February 17, 2003, approved by the Federal Land Cadastre; Guidelines for conducting land management in the formation of new and streamlining existing land management objects, approved on February 17, 2003 by Roszemkadastr; Instructions for land surveying, approved by the Federal Land Cadastre on 04/08/1996; Instructions on the procedure for control and acceptance of geodetic, topographic and cartographic works, approved by Roskartografii on 29.06.2000

Carrying out geodetic works as part of state actions aimed at the effective management of the territory and the formation of a transparent system of right holders has a complex multi-level regulatory framework. Therefore, I propose not to focus on regulatory documents, but to move on to the issue of ordering works on geodesy of the site.

Where to order a geodetic survey of a land plot

You can order geodetic work in any specialized institution that has a license to carry out such work. The choice of a potential contractor is an individual matter, someone is more interested in the price, someone is more interested in the experience of conducting survey work. The main thing is the availability of a license and equipment from the contractor, as well as special permission from the customer.

You can get permission for geodetic work from the Department of Architecture and the Cadastral Service. For registration, the following documents must be submitted to the relevant authority:

  • a statement describing the planned work;
  • work estimate;
  • terms of reference describing all actions and their results;
  • contract;
  • license of the chosen organization;
  • contractor's action plan.

Geodetic services in Lately extremely in demand. Demand generates supply, so each region usually has at least 5-10 organizations that meet the needs of the population in the cartographic design of land plots.

The cost of works on geodesy of a site within one region is approximately the same. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the qualifications of the company and reviews on the Internet.

5 factors affecting the cost of land surveying work

1. Feature of the region

The concept of singularities includes both the established market system, affecting the price range, and the nature of the area. The price range depends on the level of competition, the demand for services and general level prices and salaries in the region.

Works carried out within the city can be cheaper than topographic survey before economic development plot somewhere in the mountains. In turn, due to low demand in remote regions, the cost of topographic survey of a land plot and the removal of points may be lower than in megacities.

2. Remoteness and transport accessibility of the object

Remoteness and bad roads always increase the price of surveying a site. An exception is possible only in regions with low demand for services when using local geodetic organizations.

3. Plot size

This is one of the main pricing factors. Usually prices for different types works are determined per hectare, hundredth, square meter. There is no need to talk about some kind of average price range in isolation from the types of work, since everything also depends on what exactly is supposed to be done.

4. Type and range of work

Geodetic works carried out on the site can be divided into the following parts:

  • surveying the boundaries and marking them on the ground and on the plan - the cost of carrying out the boundaries of the site in kind 500-2000 rubles for one favor;
  • topographic survey for building permit - 8000-10 000 rubles for 1 hectare;
  • area measurements to identify the degree of compliance with existing documents - 1000-3000 rubles for a hundred;
  • facade survey, that is, work on the placement of facades and the identification of objects - on average 50-100 rubles for 1 sq. meter.

5. Duration of work

This approach to pricing is rarely used. For example, to calculate the cost of surveying a site in the current construction. The starting price, of course, depends on the size of the object and the area of ​​​​the site, but is most often measured by the value from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles per month.

However, market conditions always allow you to successfully maneuver in the price range, finding the golden mean between cost and quality.

When deciding to build a new building on your site, you may encounter a lot of questions. First of all, it will be necessary to conduct a geodetic study and prepare documentation that should be sent to the architectural department. Many people miss this moment, erect a building on the site, and then suffer and do not understand why it collapses.

Consider what land surveying is, and answer all the important questions.

Land owners often, in order to save money, do not want to conduct a topographic survey of the site. However, surveyors say that these works should bemandatory, especially before construction.

Why is land surveying necessary?

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, when applying to the architectural department of your district or city, you must submit to the authority a document confirming that these works have been carried out , and the test result. Usually in the project they write whether it is possible given land use for construction.

Consider why land surveying is so important.

In the project specialist:

  1. Mark the physical coordinates of the site on the ground.
  2. Determines the shape and location of objects that are already there.
  3. He will indicate the heights and write about the buildings that can be located in this area.
  4. Map the layout of the site itself and the surrounding area. These can be buildings, roads, fences, etc.
  5. Indicates underground communications available underground.

Thanks to the work performed, you will be able to understand what kind of construction can be started, and on what territory.

For example, for urban areas, under certain conditions, it is possible to build a residential shopping complex. And for rural areas - the construction of households.

Turning to the geodetic service, do not rush to conclude an agreement. Have a company worker show you approximate work plan . Modern surveyors send it even in electronic format.

Often, before geodesy of a land plot, it is required coordinate work with different authorities, neighbors, organizations that use this land. It is worth thinking about this in advance.

Usually these events are carried out by the service you contacted.

A complete list of geodetic works on the land

The construction of objects on the land plot should begin with geodetic works. You don't want to build a house and then realize that it is collapsing because the foundation is not stable on loose soil.

To prevent this from happening, you should contact the experts.

The work of geodesists includes:

1. Topographic survey

A specialist traveling to the site prepares a plan of the area with all kinds of characteristics. For example, the soil is described, its samples are taken, the presence of water flowing underground is indicated. It is these features that make it possible to understand the relief of the territory.

And topographic survey is necessary for documentation. You will know the boundaries of your site. The exact coordinates of the area will be indicated in the project. Thus, you should not have conflict situations with neighbors.

Topographic survey takes place in several stages:

  1. First: the specialist prepares the project.
  2. Second: enters the received data into a computer and a database. Topographic plan necessary before starting work as a landscape designer.
  3. The designer must know where it is possible and where it is impossible to plant trees, plants, place sculptures, build pools.

2. Surveying

In a certain area there may be underground utilities . These include gas, water, electrical supply, communications, etc. When building a building, you should be aware of how they are located and where - on your site or nearby.

The project will describe the mandatory building regulations relating not only to underground utilities, but also to existing objects, fences, poles, trees, hatches, pits. In addition, the elevation differences in your area will be indicated, the existing slope, and recommendations will be given regarding the location of the building relative to the cardinal points.

3. Approval correct location and mapping of underground utilities in services

The surveyor must cooperate with the relevant organizations to verify the accuracy of the documentation.

4. Engineering and geological work

This type of work is a thorough study of the soil in the laboratory, the identification of conclusions regarding the bearing capacity of the earth and other important issues.

5. Registration of a boundary plan confirming the placement of boundary marks on the territory of the land plot

6. Registration of geodetic and topographic surveys in the bodies of architecture

7. Consideration of the building project and its comparison with topographic and geodetic documentation

The specialist can identify the causes of deformation of the foundation, the destruction of the building.

The surveyor can place points and main axes of the future structure or determine its size and shape, depending on the specific area.

Who is doing the work?

Geodetic survey of the land plot should be trusted to professionals.

Usually 1-2 people work. It can be surveyor and cartographer .

Consult with your neighbors, find out opinions about organizations on the forums, consult with company specialists and choose the best one. Surely you can find experienced professionals who can answer all your questions and complete the work on time.

Advice: You can ask the company if they have a license to perform this work.

Lead time

How long will geodetic work last - approximately 1-4 weeks.

Time of execution of geodetic works may be different. It depends on where the site is located, what weather in this period, how many documents will be considered in the architectural bureau, as well as from the employment of specialists.

When should you contact a specialist?

You should contact surveyors before buying land. You can consult and ask questions. For example, whether it is worth buying a plot in a certain area, whether such an area is suitable for construction.

And surveyors will conduct research after your purchase. After receiving the documents, you will be able to register the site and plan the construction.

Contract for geodetic works

Contract for geodetic works - important document. He should not be forgotten. A documented relationship is better than a verbal agreement. So the specialist will feel responsible for their actions.

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