What herbs clear the lungs of nicotine. How to cleanse your lungs after years of smoking. Preparatory stage of cleansing

To truly “clean” your lungs after quitting smoking, you can spend a lot of time, effort and, of course, money. You can do nothing at all - sooner or later the body will get rid of the consequences of many years of smoking. But by providing yourself with all possible help, you can achieve a smoother adaptation period after many years of addiction. And the likelihood of failures will be as low as possible.

Changes in the body of a person who quit smoking

The lungs need to be cleansed, consistently and systematically.

However, in this difficult process, it is worth starting not with the search for the most effective recipes, but with the understanding that different people experience cleansing. respiratory tract from, resins and other toxic substances lasts for periods of time of varying duration.

Usually the process takes from four months to one year, and throughout this period, a former smoker may be bothered by various unpleasant manifestations such as increased coughing attacks, sputum discharge, etc. The intensity of the manifestations depends on the length of the smoker and how many cigarettes he smoked per day.

Will the lungs recover?

Yes. About three to four months after a person has completely given up smoking. During this period of time (provided, of course, that not a single cigarette was smoked during this period), the trachea, bronchi and lungs begin to cleanse, and after about a year the respiratory organs are gradually restored.

Congestion that causes inflammation goes away, the constant cough becomes less suffocating, and then goes away completely. Active “cilia” on the surface of the respiratory tract resume their activity and are cleared of tars and toxic substances.

Basic methods of lung cleansing

After completely quitting cigarettes, the human body experiences stress in some way -. Traditional medicine offers proven recipes for remedies that can reduce its manifestations and also effectively cleanse the lungs.

Among them, I would especially like to mention oats, onion syrup, garlic, pineapples and herbal infusions. For greater effect, you can supplement them with the healthy habit of regularly visiting the bathhouse to make the cleansing process comprehensive.

Important. Without anamnesis, and consultation with the attending physician, no methods traditional medicine, nor medications It's better not to take it. This can lead to serious complications!

Recipes for folk remedies for cleaning smoker's lungs

Well, let’s see what popular recipes for cleaning the respiratory tract are.

Oat cleanse

Milk decoction of oats is one of the most famous and effective ways to cleanse the lungs, which have been exposed to the harmful effects of nicotine and tar for many years. Its effect is noticeable within a week after regular use: the cough intensifies, and with it thick sputum begins to leave.

It is prepared like this: one glass of oats is poured into two glasses of milk, heated to a boil over high heat, after which the heat is reduced to minimum, and the broth is cooked until the liquid is half as much. The broth, cooled to a warm state, is drunk all at once, in one go, and the gruel is ground until smooth and consumed during the day before each meal.

In addition, oats are also used in.

Infusion of violet and oregano to cleanse the lungs

The infusion has a mild cleansing property, helps to liquefy and remove mucus without irritating the mucous membranes and increasing coughing.

To prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. dry violets and oregano, pour the mixture with 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, strain the infusion and divide into three servings to be taken throughout the day. The course of treatment should be continued for at least a month.

Onion syrup

Onion syrup is very effective, and it is prepared very simply: a large onion is cut into small slices and covered with sugar, and then set aside in a dark place.

The resulting syrup is decanted and drunk throughout the day in four doses. It is enough to carry out this procedure once a week so that the body begins to gradually cleanse itself not only of the effects of many years of smoking, but also of some chronic infections.

Herbal infusion

To prepare multi-component herbal infusion you need to take 1 tsp. primrose, poppy, pine buds, horsetail, elderberry, sweet clover, lungwort, licorice, plantain, pickleweed, soapwort, isodod, thyme, elecampane, fennel, tricolor and fragrant violet, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over them and leave covered for 2-3 hours.

After cooling, strain and take one glass before bed. The minimum course of treatment should be two months.

Eat garlic

To feel relief, just add fresh garlic to your dishes every day or eat it yourself.

Eat pineapples

Pineapples contain bromelain, which has a powerful, prolonged effect on the body: lowers cholesterol, removes toxins and cleanses the lungs.

In addition, pineapples have an anti-inflammatory effect during exacerbations and gently soothe nervous system, reducing the craving for smoking.


For some diseases, significant increases in temperature are contraindicated, so before visiting a bath or sauna you should definitely consult a doctor. However, if the attending physician allows it, it is advisable to include such a rest in the general program for cleansing the lungs.

When exposed to hot air, blood circulation throughout the body improves, blood vessels and bronchi dilate. Together with sweat, harmful substances are eliminated through the skin, and all systems, including the respiratory system, are healed. The inhaled air more actively dilutes mucus, making it easier to cough up.


To cleanse the lungs, there are a huge variety of different recipes, among which there are not only effective traditional medicines, but also no less effective medications.

It is advisable to take them in conjunction with other preventive measures to cleanse the lungs after smoking, and always after consultation with a competent specialist.

Ambroxol (Lazolvan)

"Ambroxol" is indicated for use in chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by increased formation of viscous sputum. Promotes rapid liquefaction and removal, facilitates coughing.

When taking the drug together with other medications, no negative effects were noted. However, before starting treatment, if the patient has to take other potent drugs, it is advisable to warn your doctor about this.


“Acetylcysteine” is used as an effective mucolytic medicine, which is used not only in the treatment of viral and colds of the respiratory tract, but also in the complex cleansing of the lungs in people who have quit smoking.

Relieves prolonged coughing attacks, thins the mucus that forms on the inner surface of the bronchi, and promotes its coughing. Provides gradual removal of even abnormally large amounts of thick mucus.


"Gedelix" is indicated for use for dry coughs, when there is a need to liquefy and remove accumulations of sputum from the lungs.

On this moment the drug is presented in two forms: syrup and drops, so everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves. The effectiveness of both forms of the drug is at the same level.


"Mukaltin" has an expectorant effect on the body, which, with regular use, simplifies the discharge of sputum. This allows you to make your cough more productive and relieves the stagnation of thick mucus in the bronchi and lungs.

Made on a plant basis, the drug is allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation.


"Ascoril" has a thinning effect and promotes easy expectoration of sputum. It has an enveloping and bronchodilator effect on the lungs.

The drug contains the substances guaifenesin, recementol and salbutamol, which have a positive effect on bronchial obstruction and mucostasis. After a short period of use, the cough is relieved, the accumulation of sputum is reduced, and the lungs are completely cleansed.

Signs of cleansing

A typical sign of systematic cleansing of the body is a constant cough and sputum discharge. In this way, the body tries to cleanse the inner surface of the lungs and bronchi from harmful deposits.

Over time, the cough decreases and breathing becomes easier. It becomes easier to wake up in the morning, and a good appetite returns. In addition, mood swings may occur throughout the cleansing period. They should not be considered an anomaly and if they occur, you should simply try to smooth them out by taking specialized means, long walks, breathing exercises etc.

Video on cleaning the lungs

To summarize

Afterwards, it is important to reconsider your entire lifestyle: start eating right, add as much physical activity as possible.

This will make lung cleaning more effective, minimize the likelihood of breakdowns and mood swings, and help maintain normal weight. Having given up cigarettes, many people notice a significant increase in appetite, which is caused by the restoration of olfactory and taste buds.

Even simple half-hour walks on fresh air have the most beneficial effect on overall well-being, improve mood and allow you to take each next step with renewed vigor towards completely ridding your body of the consequences of many years of nicotine addiction.


Then download the smoking cessation plan.
With its help it will be much easier to quit.

When smoking, the bronchopulmonary system is primarily affected. Toxins and harmful substances released by cigarettes settle on the mucous membrane. This causes diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Polluted airways cannot function normally, as a result of which the smoker develops asthma, pneumonia, and colds progress. To restore them, it is necessary to free the respiratory organs from mucus and accumulated dirt. Folk remedies and medications will help cleanse a smoker’s lungs at home.

The lungs of a healthy person cleanse themselves, but in a smoker they are not capable of this, since their functions are impaired. Not only nicotine, but also toxic gases enter the respiratory channels. Cigarettes contain carcinogens that cause lung cancer. Flavorings irritate the mucous membranes and contribute to allergies.

In addition, dust and microscopic particles of dirt in the air settle on the surface of the lungs. The inner lining of the respiratory organs secretes mucus to get rid of toxic substances. As a result, the smoker develops a characteristic cough. When phlegm clogs all the channels, airway obstruction begins, which leads to death if left untreated. Lung cancer develops due to toxin poisoning.

Periodic cleaning of the respiratory system removes mucus from the body and restores the functioning of the bronchi and trachea. Performing this procedure prevents lung diseases and increases their volume. It is also recommended to clean the respiratory ducts for passive smokers who inhale poisonous air. It has been proven that their body is no less polluted than that of people who abuse cigarettes.

The cleaning procedure at home should be carried out carefully so as not to cause excessive mucus production. This can lead to bronchial obstruction.

Who should not undergo the procedure

To prevent treatment from causing harm, you should first consult with your doctor. Lung cleansing is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • bearing a child, breastfeeding;
  • exhaustion;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • tuberculosis disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • presence of oncology;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Before cleaning the bronchi and lungs, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the products used. It can be provoked by medicinal herbs, honey, berries.

Popular methods

You can cleanse the bronchi and lungs yourself:

  • breathing exercises;
  • folk remedies;
  • medicines;
  • proper nutrition.


It is important for smokers to eat right. You need to include foods that help cleanse your lungs in your diet. It is necessary to drink more fluid - up to two liters per day. This is necessary to maintain normal water-salt balance. Good cleaner - green tea. It eliminates carcinogens and poisons from the body.

Nicotine washes ascorbic acid out of cells. Its amount must be replenished by eating foods containing vitamin C. There is a lot of it in:

  • white cabbage;
  • citrus fruits;
  • sweet pepper;
  • rosehip.

There are products that reduce the craving for smoking. They also help eliminate toxins. These include:

  • a pineapple;
  • eggplant;
  • milk;
  • celery;
  • broccoli.

Plants such as ginger, garlic, and onions have an expectorant effect. They quickly remove mucus from the respiratory canals. Expectoration is caused by the use of broths, oatmeal. Oats are a proven remedy for reducing nicotine cravings, making them very beneficial for smokers.

Breathing exercises

Such exercises enrich the lungs with oxygen and increase their volume. With regular performance of the respiratory complex, the bronchi are freed from phlegm and their function is restored. You can clear your lungs of nicotine using one of the popular methods:

  • gymnastics Strelnikova;
  • Frolov complex;
  • yoga exercises for breathing.

It is best to master such exercises with a trainer in a fitness center. Thoughtless use of techniques is fraught with negative consequences for health.

Example of a cleansing breathing exercise:

  1. Take a deep breath through your nose;
  2. Hold your breath for 5-6 seconds. Pull the abdominal muscles inward;
  3. Exhale slowly through the mouth. The lips should be formed into a tube;
  4. After this, you need to take a break - breathe for about a minute at your usual rhythm;
  5. Repeat the exercise from the beginning.

This gymnastics is done three times a day for three approaches. The room must first be ventilated, ensuring an influx of fresh air.

Drug treatment

If a person smokes for a long time, a large amount of mucus accumulates in his lungs, which is difficult to remove with the help of breathing exercises. Then it is recommended to use medications that effectively cleanse the bronchi. Additionally, such medications remove swelling and stop inflammation of the respiratory system. Popular products sold in pharmacies:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Gedelix;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Ascoril.

Before starting treatment, you must carefully read the instructions to make sure there are no contraindications.


Tablets with expectorant action. The active substance is ambroxol hydrochloride. It increases secretion in the bronchial passages. This leads to increased mucus outflow. The product relieves coughing attacks that smokers suffer from.

The drug is indicated for diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by mucus secretion. To cleanse the bronchi, take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. You can use the medicine if your cough gets worse, regardless of food intake.


Natural preparation based on herbal ingredients. The main substance is ivy leaf extract. Available in the form of syrup. Used for respiratory infections accompanied by cough. It has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic effect.

Plant flavonoids improve the circulation of oxygen in the blood and help cleanse the mucous membranes. The syrup is taken 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. You can also gargle with this product.


Herbal preparation in tablet form. The active substance is marshmallow root extract. Additional elements: tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate. The medicine contains natural mucus isolated from marshmallow root, as well as asparagine, starch, and pectins. The elements in Mucaltin envelop the walls of the bronchi, preventing inflammation and eliminating cough.

Plant mucus protects the lungs from irritation and eliminates phlegm. The drug promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. The medicine enhances the effect of other mucolytic agents.


Effective drug with a strong bronchodilator and expectorant effect. The active substance (salbutamol) relieves bronchial spasms, eliminating cough. Reduces lung irritation and restores their functions. Bromhexine in the drug causes increased sputum outflow.

The product is available in the form of syrup. The liquid stimulates the production of bronchial secretions, reduces the viscosity of mucus, and facilitates its removal from the respiratory passages. Drink 2 teaspoons of syrup 3 times a day.

Traditional methods

You can cleanse your lungs after smoking using alternative medicine. The following methods are used for this:

  • bath;
  • inhalation;
  • taking expectorant drinks on a natural basis.

The moist hot steam created in the steam room easily dilutes mucus and speeds up its transportation from the lungs. In addition, it has a healing effect on the entire body, accelerating blood circulation and increasing tone. For best result It is recommended to use essential oils to scent the air in the bathhouse. They help clear the bronchial passages and eliminate spasms.

Inhalations are done using a special device or by breathing over a saucepan with steam. The following components are suitable for this procedure:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • dried medicinal herbs;
  • essential oils;
  • onion, garlic juice.

Add the selected ingredient to boiling water and stir well. If the inhalation solution is made on a herbal basis, the decoction is first boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the dishes from the stove and breathe over the steam, covering your head with a towel.

The procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to burn the respiratory tract.


The following ingredients are used as the basis for expectorant compositions:

  • onion garlic;
  • honey, aloe;
  • viburnum fruits.
  • infusion of oregano
Oregano medicine

Oregano flowers are mixed with coltsfoot leaves and ground marshmallow root. Herbs take one tablespoon at a time. The mixture is brewed with boiling water in a volume of 600 ml. Cover the jar with a towel and let it sit for 40 minutes. The composition is taken half a glass three times a day.

Thyme decoction

You need to take 50 g of wild rosemary, thyme, and chamomile. Thyme has strong expectorant properties. Chamomile stops inflammation and calms. The grass is poured with 800 ml of boiling water. Then put on fire and boil for 20 minutes.

After this, the drink is infused for half an hour, then it is filtered. The collection is drunk two tablespoons before meals 3-4 times a day.

Sage tea

Sage is brewed with chamomile and rose hips. Take 400 ml of boiling water for two spoons of the mixture. The drink is tightly closed and infused under a towel for 20-30 minutes. Then the composition is filtered and a teaspoon of honey is added there. They drink one mug of tea in between meals.

Honey balm with aloe

This is an effective composition for clearing mucus from the lungs. Aloe has powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Honey has a positive effect on the mucous membrane, enveloping it and relieving irritation. Natural red wine removes toxins from the body.

Aloe pulp (200 g) is crushed into pulp. Add honey to it, preferably liquid, in a volume of 300 g. Mix thoroughly, pour in 300 ml of Cahors. The mixture is shaken, covered with a tight lid, and placed in a dark place for 10-14 days. Balm is consumed 20-30 ml half an hour before meals.

This remedy quickly removes mucus from the bronchi. A thick liquid of natural origin envelops the mucous membrane, relieving irritation. Kissel effectively cleanses the channels, normalizing breathing. In addition, oats are a proven remedy for reducing nicotine cravings. With its regular use, people easily give up smoking.

A glass of oat grains is steamed in boiled water, then 600 ml of milk is poured in and boiled for 50-60 minutes. When the oats are boiled down, cool them and grind them in a blender. This volume is eaten at one time for breakfast or dinner. The course of treatment is one week.

Viburnum syrup

Berries remove toxins from the respiratory tract and tidy up the respiratory system. Take 250 g of viburnum per liter of water. The fruits are poured into a saucepan, filled with water and brought to a boil. Then boil for 15-20 minutes and remove from the stove.

The drink is cooled slightly and the liquid is drained. Then add two tablespoons of liquid flower honey and leave for 4-5 hours. Syrup is taken 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Onion and garlic tincture

Natural phytoncides contained in onions and garlic create an expectorant effect. These plants are natural antibiotics. They disinfect and have an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the tincture, root vegetables (taken in a 1:1 ratio) are peeled and ground into a pulp.

Granulated sugar is poured into the mixture in a volume equal to its quantity. Knead and put in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Then you need to squeeze out the juice and pour it into a jar. Drink 30 ml of tincture 3-4 times a day.

Pine cone jam

Lightly boiled pine cones clean well. To do this, you need to pick young, green fruits with a light coating from the forest. It would be good if they had resin on them. The cones are placed in a saucepan and poured cold water so that they are completely hidden. Bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer over low heat for 6-8 hours.

Then the composition is removed from the stove, strained and sugar is poured into the liquid in an amount equal to the volume of the mass. After this, cook for another hour, then cool and put in the refrigerator. Eat one spoon of jam between meals 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of fir needles

Substances contained in Christmas tree needles have expectorant properties. In the spring-summer season, you need to cut young branches from fir or spruce. Their needles are soft and light. The needles are separated from the branches and filled into a glass jar.

The container is filled in layers: one row of pine needles, one row of sugar. You need to press on the needles so that they lie tightly. After this, the container is hermetically sealed and placed in a dark place for 3 weeks. The needles will give juice, which is decanted after time. It is taken a teaspoon three times a day.

Clearing the lungs of mucus and phlegm is a necessary measure for the health of the entire body. On the inner lining of the lungs there are special cells that are responsible for clearing the airways of dust, mucus and pathogenic microorganisms. Violation of the cleansing function leads to the accumulation of all kinds of dirt in the bronchi, which does not allow oxygen to fully pass through and provokes the development of inflammatory and infectious processes. Besides dirty air Tar and nicotine settle in the lungs and penetrate there with tobacco smoke. It is not immediately possible to clear a smoker’s lungs of nicotine compounds.

The duration of the recovery process depends on the smoking experience and the general condition of the lungs. Cleansing the lungs - necessary stage after getting rid of this bad habit. A person may not smoke for many years, but his lungs will not fully recover without outside help. Modern medicine offers various medications based on natural ingredients that promote expectoration and the release of dirt along with sputum. There are also many folk remedies that will help cleanse a smoker’s lungs of toxic compounds and tars.

Is it possible to clear the lungs of nicotine?

When smoking, a person inhales more than a hundred different toxic substances that settle on the mucous membrane of the lungs. These substances form a thick, impenetrable layer of dirt, which prevents oxygen from penetrating into the bronchial tissue in full. If the lungs of a healthy person are able to self-clean and resist viral and respiratory infections, then the lungs of a smoker are exposed to negative factors and are easily affected by the environment. Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit, but few people manage to successfully quit it without outside help. This is due to the fact that nicotine and other toxic substances cause addiction in humans and have a bad effect on the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. We can talk for a long time about the dangers of smoking for the body, but the most important thing that every person should know is that smoking can cause the development of lung cancer.

The process of recovery of the body after quitting smoking by day

If a person has a strong cough with phlegm after smoking, and coughing attacks become suffocating after every cigarette smoked, it’s time to get rid of this habit forever. The sooner a smoker begins to cleanse his lungs, the higher the likelihood of them complete cleansing. The products of tobacco combustion penetrate into the tissues of the respiratory system and are almost impossible to remove. This will require a long period of rehabilitation and systematic use. medicines. It is impossible to clear the lungs of nicotine and tar if a person has not stopped smoking.

How to speed up the recovery process?

The lungs perform a number of essential functions for humans, and no single organ can replace them, so if the airways are affected, appropriate measures must be taken immediately. The lungs are not only the main source of oxygen, they also protect the body from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. The bronchi neutralize the effects of viruses and bacteria, protecting the body, so human immunity also depends on the health of the lungs.

If a person wants to clear the airways of dirt for prevention, then it is enough to drink a lot of water and inhale with essential oils.

This will speed up the removal of toxins and restore the lesions. It is more difficult to clean the lungs of a smoker, especially if he has been smoking for more than 1 year. To do this, you need to completely eliminate tobacco consumption and take special medications that will help remove dirt.

To prevent lung pollution from tobacco smoke, it is enough to drink a lot of water.

Cleansing the lungs by inhalation at home

You can cleanse your lungs of toxic substances at home. There are many ways to cleanse the bronchi, but the most effective means is inhalation. Inhaling the vapor helps to thin mucus and remove it from the bronchi. Inhalations are also quick help to restore cellular composition. Inhalations help beneficial components penetrate deeply into tissues and enrich them with oxygen. To clear a smoker's airways, inhalation is a quick way to relieve a cough. Inhaled vapors relieve inflammation and irritation, reducing coughing and increasing expectoration.

Exist different ways how to do inhalation at home. You can breathe in vapor by covering your head with a towel or buy a special device that turns its contents into steam. For the procedure, it is better to use natural essential oils of mint, lemon balm, sage, cedar, etc. You can also do inhalations at home based on mineral water. You can also breathe solutions sea ​​salt or use herbs to cleanse the lungs. Inhalation also allows you to warm up the bronchial cavity and stimulates them to reject mucus and dirt. In this form, it is easier for the active substance to penetrate the cells of the bronchi and inhalation - an effective aid for the prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Inhalation warms the bronchi and stimulates them to reject mucus

Cleansing the lungs with medications

Normally, the respiratory tract is able to clear itself of toxins. Up to 3 thousand liters of oxygen pass through the lungs per day. They contain thousands of bacteria and viruses, and healthy lungs cope with their effects, protecting the body. On the inside of the bronchi there are cilia that secrete mucus. It is necessary to remove dirt. Nicotine and tar glue these cilia together, increasing the viscosity of the mucus. Special medications will help normalize the secretory function of the bronchi:

  • Ambroxol. An expectorant drug that promotes the release of surfactant. This substance prevents eyelashes from sticking together and thins mucus.
  • Gedelix. Medicine with ivy extract in the form of syrup and drops. The effect of the medicine is due to its thinning, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Preparations based on ivy extract help to quickly cleanse the smoker’s bronchi, gently stimulating expectoration and the release of phlegm.
  • Ascoril. The drug penetrates deeply into the tissues and enriches them with amino acids. The drug has an expectorant and thinning effect and accelerates the release of sputum.
  • ACC. A powdery drug that is used to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases. The medicine improves sputum discharge and increases the viscosity of secretions.
  • Bromhexine. An effective drug that has a calming and expectorant effect, soothes and increases the viscosity of sputum.

Ambroxol thins mucus in the bronchi

Drugs for the treatment of pulmonary diseases can be taken only if indicated.

Before taking the medicine, carefully read the instructions and follow the correct dosage. Medicines should be taken after consultation with a doctor.

Cleansing the lungs with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers different ways to clean the airways. Clear folk ways You can even use the bronchi of a smoker, but cleansing the lungs will take a long period. You can cleanse your lungs using the following recipes:

  • Oat decoction. 200 grams of oat grains need to be poured into 500 ml. milk and simmer over low heat for 3 hours. Strain the broth and drink 1 glass 1 time per day before bed.
  • Decoction of licorice and marshmallow root. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped root and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of marshmallow into 500 ml. boiling water Bring the broth to a boil, set aside and drink 100 ml. 2 times a day.
  • Infusion of elecampane root. Chop 1 elecampane root and pour 500 ml. boiling water Cover with a lid and leave for an hour. Take 1 glass 2 times a day.
  • Tincture of spruce shoots. Chop young shoots of spruce or pine and pour 300 ml. alcohol Leave for 6-10 days. Drink 25-30 drops before bedtime.
  • Honey remedy. Pour 1 tablespoon of liquid honey with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Licorice root syrup. Grind 1 licorice root and pour 500 ml. water. Bring to a boil and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Strain and pour 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Keep on fire for another 15 minutes. Set aside, add 100 ml. vodka and mix thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon before bedtime.

Smoking is a harmful addiction that affects almost every third person in the world. However, if a person still has the strength to quit smoking, is it possible to reverse the damage done to the body? How to cleanse the lungs and bronchi after smoking and what rules should you follow first?

Nicotine removal

Few people know that nicotinic acid is required by the body for normal functioning. Other names for this substance are vitamin PP and niacin. Normally, this substance is produced by itself during metabolism. However, when smoking, this important function for the body stops - this is a reaction to the effects of nicotine. What exactly is happening? After nicotine is removed from the body, the production of nicotinic acid resumes only after three to four weeks.

How long does it take to remove nicotine?

Eight hours after smoking, the oxygen content in the body normalizes, and after four hours, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood stabilizes. Nicotine is completely eliminated after one or two days. However, it is a mistake to believe that if you quit smoking, the body will be able to recover quickly. The removal of combustion products, tars and toxins that remain in the lungs can take many years. This period is directly dependent on the characteristics of the body, smoking experience and additional efforts to cleanse the lungs and bronchi.

First you need to decide on your drinking regime. You need to drink about two and a half liters of water per day. It helps empty the lungs and dissolve toxic substances. Green tea has a similar effect. It is necessary to monitor your nutritious diet, which should consist exclusively of healthy foods. To remove pulmonary sputum, you can use a steam room. In the first weeks, it is useful to do ten-minute inhalations every day using essential oils of mint, juniper and pine.

It should also be noted that when removing mucus, useful and regular physical activity is useful - swimming, jogging in the morning, fitness and outdoor games. However, the sports regime should be planned correctly, controlling the resulting load. It is worth considering some other ways to cleanse your lungs of tobacco smoke.

Folk remedies

Medical experts officially confirm the positive effect of use medicinal herbs to restore the condition of the lungs. However, before you cleanse your lungs after smoking with folk remedies, you must definitely discuss this issue with your doctor, since many plants have their own contraindications, and an expert can select the ingredients that suit you.

The easiest option is to purchase a ready-made herbal mixture at the pharmacy and use it in accordance with the attached instructions. You can also collect the herbal mixture yourself:

The following remedies can also help improve your lung condition:


Get rid of toxic substances in the body The following medications will help an ex-smoker:

You can also cure the effects of smoking with the help of certain pills..

Breathing exercises

To comprehensively get rid of the consequences of cigarette use, do not forget about proper breathing. Short walks in the evening or morning in the fresh air are very beneficial for the lungs. In this case, you need to breathe with your whole chest and without haste. Among other things, you can use special breathing exercises.

In order to clear your lungs, you need to take a comfortable position. It is better to do this near an open window sash. So, try the following complex:

Healthy foods

In order to get rid of the negative consequences of smoking as soon as possible, you should supplement your menu with foods that are rich in fiber, legumes, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables. Replenish the deficiency of vitamin C in the body, because nicotine interferes with the full absorption of this natural antioxidant. For this purpose, you should eat more apples, kiwis, citrus fruits, cranberries, currants and strawberries. Best helper for recovery after quitting smoking - everyone knows garlic. It is also useful to eat horseradish and ginger.

Often former smokers are interested in the effect of milk on the consequences of smoking. Professional toxicologists have proven that this product only absorbs toxic substances only in the digestive system, which has a general healing effect on the body.

How long does it take for recovery to occur?

The period of rehabilitation of the body directly depends on the intensity and length of smoking. For an ex-smoker, positive changes in the lungs are observed already two to three months after quitting cigarettes - the alveoli of the lungs will begin to be cleared of accumulated tars that prevented the full penetration of oxygen into the vessels.

One year without cigarettes will significantly improve cardiovascular health(cardiovascular system) and improve immunity. Experts say that on average, ten years of regular smoking requires seven to eight years to fully detoxify. In order to accelerate positive changes in your body, you should regularly expose it to moderate physical activity. This is the best treatment.

Smoking is a harmful and hazardous activity for health. All nicotine addicts understand this and try their best to give up the bad habit. But the body does not immediately return to normal functioning. For example, respiratory problems, especially smoker's cough, may worsen after quitting tobacco. This is temporary. In this way, the bronchi and lung sacs are released from accumulated toxins and poisons. Let's take a closer look at how long the lungs are cleansed after smoking, and when they will fully recover.

When you inhale tobacco smoke, many harmful substances enter your lungs. Tobacco tar, dust, and other toxic compounds - all this is deposited on the bronchial mucosa and the surface of the alveoli.

Hot tobacco smoke burns the airways, causing the epithelial layer to die. The ciliated cilia on the surface of the alveoli are supposed to remove small particles of dust that have entered the respiratory system, but under the influence of the resin they stick together and can no longer do their job.

All this leads to the appearance of a sticky film on the surface, which is very difficult to “push” out. Phlegm accumulates in the bronchi, and the body tries to remove it through bouts of severe coughing.

The normal process of expectoration in nicotine addicts is disrupted, so in the morning they experience painful attacks of the so-called “smoker’s cough.” First, during the day, a dry cough occurs, then in the morning, after the first cigarette of the day, attacks occur that last until the sputum is completely separated.

The cause of smoker's cough is that the ciliated epithelium stops working. Removal of mucus from the alveoli becomes possible only with the help of strong spasms.

After an attack, your ribs and sore throat may hurt all day. Frequent viral infections, shortness of breath, chronic bronchitis - these diseases usually accompany nicotine addicts.

In addition, tobacco lovers often develop lung cancer, tuberculosis, and emphysema. The respiratory organs receive greatest harm from inhaled smoke, therefore tobacco smoking is the basis of a number of pulmonary diseases.

You can distinguish smoker's cough from other diseases by the following symptoms:

  • usually the attack occurs in the morning;
  • body temperature does not increase;
  • cough may occur when taking a deep breath;
  • after sputum separation the attack stops.

Changes in the body after quitting tobacco

After quitting smoking, noticeable improvements occur in the body. Bronchospasm quickly passes, nicotine and carbon dioxide are removed from the blood, and after three days of abstinence the smoker’s condition improves. Soon the sense of smell is restored, food becomes tasty again.

Immunity returns to normal, acute respiratory diseases appear less frequently. Shortness of breath ceases to bother the former smoker, he can again quickly climb to a high floor.

But the body needs time to get rid of toxic substances, tar and tobacco dust that have accumulated in the lungs for years. Therefore, after quitting cigarettes, health deteriorates:

  • Due to changes in metabolism and lack of nicotine in the body, immunity is temporarily reduced. Inflammation and colds may appear;
  • Irritability, nervousness, and sometimes depression occur;
  • Normalization of blood pressure may be accompanied by slight dizziness;
  • Appetite increases sharply. The former smoker tries to replace the need for nicotine with food. There is also a craving for sweets. All this can lead to excess weight;
  • Sleep disorders often accompany quitting cigarettes;
  • The morning cough of a smoker after quitting tobacco intensifies, sometimes becoming suffocating. This is due to the fact that the surfaces of the alveoli are cleaned from many years of pollution. The cilia begin to work normally, sputum comes out of the lungs along with tar and dust.

You need to quit smoking immediately. Reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke usually does not help you break the bad habit. Most easy way give up tobacco - realize the pointlessness of smoking and decide to leave the terrible addiction forever. The support and understanding of a loved one will make the process of quitting a bad habit easier.

How the lungs are cleared after quitting smoking

The body recovers after poisoning by tobacco combustion products in stages:

  • On the second day of abstinence from nicotine, mucus is released, the cough becomes wet, and the smoker coughs intensively;
  • After two days, bronchospasm disappears, breathing returns to normal, shortness of breath and asthma attacks are a thing of the past;
  • On the third day, pulmonary surfactant, a substance that lines the inside of the alveoli, begins to recover. Thanks to him, they do not stick together and function normally. Nicotine and tobacco tar block its synthesis, and this leads to constant hypoxia;
  • After five days, the secreted mucus may turn brown, which means that the alveoli are being intensively cleaned;
  • On the fifth day the mucous membrane oral cavity completely restored, bad breath disappears;
  • On the tenth day, lumps of mucus are found in the sputum. This is also an indicator that the respiratory organs have begun to free themselves from harmful accumulations;
  • The ciliated epithelium removes accumulated dirt from the bronchi. The cough becomes noticeably stronger, with copious sputum production. This condition lasts for about two weeks. This is a normal process. It is associated with cleansing the lungs and restoring the functioning of the cilia.

The first two weeks are the hardest for quitting smoking. The desire to return to a bad habit can be very strong. The main thing is to survive this period without cigarettes. Coughing attacks and deterioration in general health are temporary and will soon disappear.

After you stop smoking, your lungs will eventually clear themselves of toxins and dirt. But you can speed up their recovery using various methods, for example, medications or traditional medicine.

The lungs will be completely free of tar and dust in eight to nine months. This period depends on the length of smoking and the amount of tobacco tar that is deposited in them. If nicotine disappears from the blood within a few days, then the plaque of tar and dust on the surface of the alveoli is removed slowly. Full recovery for a nicotine addict usually takes one year. The smoker needs to be patient during this difficult period and under no circumstances return to the old habit.

Quick cleansing of the lungs and bronchi

You can help your respiratory system get rid of toxins and tars faster. Various methods are used to clear the airways, from special exercises to medications.

Breathing exercises

Classes are carried out in a ventilated room three times a day for seven approaches:

  1. First, take a deep breath, then several fractional exhalations while holding your breath;
  2. On inhalation, the stomach inflates, on exhalation, it retracts;
  3. A simple exercise that increases lung volume and improves blood supply to the bronchi helps to restore the lungs. This is blowing up balloons.

Walking and playing sports outdoors are also good for the respiratory system. As the load on the lungs increases, the process of restoration of damaged epithelium occurs faster.

Swimming in the pool, playing volleyball, football and other active sports will help actively cleanse the respiratory system.

It is necessary to ventilate the room as often as possible, monitor the air humidity in the living room and be in the company of smokers as little as possible so as not to inhale tobacco smoke. Thanks to this, the lungs will recover several times faster.

Baths and saunas

Hot, humid air helps the lungs and strengthens the immune system. It is useful to use brooms made from birch, eucalyptus, oak, fir, as well as pine oils.

When visiting a bathhouse, you should avoid sudden changes in temperature - it is better to postpone jumping into an ice hole or a snowdrift to another time. During the period of lung detoxification, such exercises are undesirable.

Traditional methods

To remove tobacco tar from the lungs and restore their normal functioning, traditional medicine is used:

  • Mix honey with lemon and drink one tablespoon three times a day before meals. The medicine is taken for a month. During this time, sputum production will increase and breathing will improve;
  • The bay leaf is infused in a thermos and drunk a third of a glass before meals. Dosage – six leaves per 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion improves immunity and helps remove phlegm;
  • Oat grains - two tablespoons per glass of water, boil and infuse. Drink the decoction before meals three times a day, 70 ml;
  • A mixture of tricolor violet and oregano is infused in boiling water. It can be drunk instead of tea;
  • A tablespoon of plantain is poured with boiling water. Drink 20 ml of the decoction before meals;
  • A glass of milk with a spoon of honey also helps remove phlegm from the body.

Apply folk recipes preferably at the same time as playing sports and physical exercise. Then the healing effect will be maximum.


Medications can be used to thin and remove mucus, stop bronchospasm, and normalize the functioning of the respiratory system.

Before using medications, you should consult your doctor. A number of drugs may be contraindicated for the patient; self-medication is dangerous and unacceptable.

To speed up expectoration, the following medications are prescribed:

  • Mukaltin. Liquefies mucus and speeds up its elimination. Made from marshmallow root extract, drink it four times a day;
  • Acetylcysteine. Quickly removes mucus from the lungs. It is produced in the form of effervescent tablets or powder. Take twice a day after meals. Available under the names ACC or Fluimucil;
  • Ambroxol. Cleanses the lungs and removes phlegm;
  • Doctor Mom. The medicine has a complex effect on the body - it thins mucus, helps expectoration, and relieves inflammation. Made from extracts of turmeric, ginger, licorice, others medicinal herbs;
  • removes phlegm from the lungs along with tobacco tars. Drink it one tablespoon twice a day. The drug consists of ivy extract;
  • Eucabalus. The basis of the medicine is plantain and thyme extract. An effective mucolytic agent. Take one tablespoon twice a day.


This method can also speed up the removal of tars from the respiratory tract. To do this, add medicinal plants or essential oils to a pan of boiling water. Then cover yourself with a blanket and breathe in the steam for about ten minutes.

There is no need to use excessive concentrations of oils. The smell from inhalation should be mild and pleasant. Eucalyptus, pine, wormwood, and chamomile are best suited for the procedure.

It takes a long time for the body to get rid of the effects of smoking. But over time, the functions of the respiratory organs will be restored in full, the cough will disappear, and overall well-being will noticeably improve. The main thing is to lead healthy image life and under no circumstances return to smoking.

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