End apartments in a panel house. Corner apartment: the pros and cons of choosing

Is it worth it to get involved or then you suffer both with housing and with its sale?.. Who lives or lived in the corner, how is the experience?..

I have a corner apartment on the 9th floor, a brick house, so the apartment is not just warm, and sometimes even very hot (provided that this is what bothers you), so I don’t suffer from housing in it :)
Regarding the sale of a corner apartment: they are really more willing to buy non-corner apartments (although there are those who want to buy EXACTLY a corner apartment, and on the last floor, in order to limit the number of neighbors (IMG: style_emoticons/default/smile.gif), though very rare), however it is still possible to sell it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I also live in a corner apartment in winter, it is very hot, and if you take it in a new house, put a long battery in this corner when finishing in order to insure yourself if the heat is not very good, and when selling, if there was an extreme floor, it would be sold longer, or the price tag is a little less put, in principle, there are no more minuses ....

I live in a corner building on the 11th floor, a brick house. Heating is more than enough.

Rather depends on the availability of heating and ventilation. I'll tell you by my own example. In microdistrict. Orgtrud in panel house corner apartment on the second floor. Before the construction of a modular boiler house 200 meters from the house, it was bad in winter. I had to heat it with all kinds of heaters, but the walls still froze, the wallpaper turned black, the windows froze ... in general, all the delights and horror stories of a corner apartment. Everything changed a few years ago, with the new boiler house all the troubles are a thing of the past, it is warm in winter, the windows do not "sweat", the walls do not freeze, and there are no neighbors in two rooms, behind the wall))

The mother-in-law has a loggia almost the entire wall of the corner room. And the other wall of the same room froze through in winter. This has never happened before this winter. Now they are waiting for the summer, they will insulate the wall from the outside - coat it with something. The house is brick.

Still, there is a problem of freezing of the walls near the corner apartments, there is.

With heat in the corner, I think it depends on the house. I rented a corner apartment (4th floor out of 5), socket. In winter, at -20 outside, it was hot in the apartment. I liked the fact that it was very sunny in the apartment (2 windows in the room).
But I also rented a non-corner apartment in a brick, at -5 on the street - it was already cold at home.
Now it is not angular in the panel, it was also hot this winter.

There are apartments that buyers traditionally dislike. Treat them with fear and distrust. It is believed that living in them is horror as inconvenient. Noisy, windy, cold, someone peeks through the windows all the time. This, as perceptive readers guessed, is about corner apartments, end apartments, located next to the elevator and other technical premises.

This article is a reference and information material, all the information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

What is true here, what is not entirely true, and whether it is possible to turn the minuses into pluses, the browser "" figured out.

"Inconvenient housing": the traditional view
Prejudice against "non-standard" apartments has a long history, which originated in ancient times thanks mainly to panel housing construction. It was in the houses of the old series that the inconveniences, which will be discussed in our article, manifested themselves especially clearly. Recall that five-story buildings were put on an industrial basis in the early sixties, then nine-, twelve-, seventeen-story buildings appeared. So this mass “dislike” is about fifty years old, and, apparently, it will continue like this as long as there are people in the world.

So, what do people say about "uncomfortable apartments"?

corner - cold, and the higher, the colder. If the "corner" is internal, then the apartments are dark, besides, curious neighbors look into the windows (it happens that with binoculars - horror!).

End - no one looks into the windows (no one), but the cold ones are blown by all the winds.

Next to the elevator very noisy, you can hear the elevator going back and forth, the doors slamming.

Next to the pipeline - there is also a roar, especially when the neighbors clog the garbage with a lid from the garbage chute, and the flight down of the glass container brings a special “pleasure”.

Of course, all these claims are justified, fair, but they do not apply to the entire housing stock, but, as we have already said, mainly to panel housing of the old series, as well as poor quality - with poor heat and sound insulation, such explanations were given by the experts we interviewed .

“If you are planning to buy an apartment in a panel house, it is advisable to avoid the boundaries of the apartment with a staircase. Mechanisms and doors of elevators of an elevator plant, which are often equipped with standard panel houses make a lot of noise, you will hear this noise through the wall,” warns Dmitry Kotrovsky, Vice President of the development company Khimki Group.

“You need to look at how well the house is built,” they add experts from the Domostroitel group of companies.- If the walls are thick, with good padding, then this is not a problem. And if thin and soundproofing is weak, then noisy neighbors can become a serious problem. The same goes for thermal insulation. If the quality of the walls is high, then there is nothing to worry about in the apartment, which is located at the end of the house.

What about those who live there?
However, most of these shortcomings, even in the old fund, are, in principle, surmountable. At least you can reduce the amount of trouble. Let me tell you a little story from my life. One of my relatives, a young man of 30 years old, a quite successful entrepreneur, has lived most of his conscious life in a three-room corner apartment, and even on the top floor in an industrial series building of the 80s. From these very 80s and until recently, the inhabitants of this apartment suffered from the cold. Indeed, in winter, it happened that the temperature in the apartment did not rise above 15 degrees Celsius.

However, the apartment had many advantages - it is located in good location(near the Akademicheskaya metro station), it has a very decent area - 78 sq. meters with large rooms and a kitchen, a spacious corridor, practically a hall. So, its inhabitants did not want to part with this apartment.

And recently the young owner made repairs - he thoroughly insulated the house modern material, changed windows and batteries. Now the apartment has a very pleasant temperature, and it looks like candy.

So the owners of various “inconveniences” can be advised the same thing - to warm up (those who live in the corners and ends of the building) and work on soundproofing in apartments located next to the elevator and the garbage chute. Or here's another good advice, gives its customers Evgeniy Sokol, Head of Marketing and Advertising Department, MGSN Sales Office LLC,- choose apartments in which not living rooms, but a kitchen or a bathroom border the elevator shaft. Then the sound pressure residential area will be markedly reduced.

Modern houses: are there these problems?
All our consultants are of the same opinion - in modern, even panel apartments, the shortcomings of apartments from the "risk group" are minimized, and even to zero!

“The widespread opinion about the “ventilation” of corner apartments often has nothing to do with reality,” says Pavel Lepish, general manager Domus Finance.“The walls of modern new buildings, including panel ones, are usually well insulated.”

In the more expensive segment monolithic houses business class (by the way, there are quite a few of these being built in the Moscow region, and the prices there are not at all as crazy as in Moscow) - some well-known shortcomings are generally excluded.

“Garbage chutes are usually not installed in them, the garbage is taken out to specially designated places,” explains Dmitry Kotrovsky (Khimki Group). - The elevators that these houses are equipped with - Otis, Kone, Schindler - are practically silent and hardly disturb the silence in your apartment.

"As a rule, in modern houses there is no direct connection of the elevator shaft to the apartment, and the fire escape behind the wall is not a problem,” adds colleagues Alexey Kharitonov, Sales and Marketing Director, YIT CityStroy.

Cons turn into pros
Do these apartments have any advantages at all or not? Experts say there is. Of course, the neighborhood with a garbage chute or an elevator can hardly be called a virtue, but non-standard layouts can be pulled out as a plus.

hosts end apartments the neighbors do not disturb, nothing disturbs their peace and does not block their view from the window. And if you make a good repair, which we talked about above, then you can enjoy life.

As for corner apartments, opinions are divided here. If the apartment is located on the inside of the "corner", there is not much good. You will have to use curtains and curtains to avoid prying or even unintentional glances.

And if the windows overlook the outer sides of this very corner, on different sides of the world, then this is very good. Such apartments are bright, and in particular, a room in which there are two windows can be decorated and beaten in a very interesting way.

“For example, in the Aquareli residential complex () in the corner section there is a 3-room open-plan apartment, panoramic windows which go out on two sides, - says Roman Semchishin, director of the investment department of TEKTA GROUP.“Due to the good location and the correct geometric shapes (the apartment has the shape of a cube), we managed to achieve maximum illumination of the room.”

Finally, price and bargaining
According to experienced realtors, the cost of “uncomfortable” apartments, especially in Soviet-era housing stock, can be 10-15% lower compared to “ordinary” apartments in the same building. Given the cost of housing, especially in Moscow, 10-15% turn into millions of dollars.

And if an apartment is needed urgently, but there is not enough money, then buying a “inconvenient” can be a way out.

Portal summary
End, corner or located next to the elevator and garbage chute - not necessarily bad. Shortcomings can be successfully dealt with, and you can even benefit from the "non-standard". For example - to save money when buying.

According to statistics, corner apartments are less in demand among buyers. If the walls of the rooms face the street, this is considered a disadvantage, since it is believed that they will certainly be covered with mold and dampness, in addition, it is always very cold in such apartments. In fact, the corner apartment, although it has some nuances, is still considered a good option for buying if you know its shortcomings and correct them during repairs. What are the advantages and disadvantages of corner apartments?


Usually, when designing a corner apartment, the project includes extra battery. Thanks to it, moisture and fungus should not appear on the walls. If suddenly it is not there, you should definitely connect the radiator yourself. In no case should you remove the battery on the walls that face the street, because due to the low temperature and high humidity, dampness will appear on them over time. It quickly passes through the wallpaper and this phenomenon not only looks unaesthetic, but is also extremely dangerous to health.

Batteries provide heat to the walls, as long as they are properly connected and flushed annually to ensure unhindered circulation of hot water. To generally get rid of possible mold, you should insulate the wall, but it is best to entrust this matter to specialists. Two batteries in the room are very beneficial, since in winter there will always be somewhere to dry clothes.

End rooms usually contain two windows which has many advantages. You can look at the street from different sides, after choosing your favorite view from the window, sit near it and drink tea. In the corner room with two windows, there is always excellent natural light, which saves on electricity. Seeing the sun in the morning is a great occasion to cheer you up, and watching the sunset from the window is very romantic. The presence of windows on the two outer walls allows you to monitor the car parked nearby, you can put it on either side and be sure that no one will touch it.

Two windows in the corner room are a great way to ventilate without using an air conditioner or purifying the air. At any time of the year, in winter and summer, such ventilation will help ensure air circulation, saturate it with the necessary moisture and oxygen. It is especially good to ventilate a room if its windows are perpendicular to each other.

The obvious advantage of living in a corner apartment is that less common walls with neighbors, which means less cause for concern. Everyone knows perfectly well what it's like to have neighbors behind the wall who can make noise, turn on music at night or watch TV loudly. And so the only ones who will be the source of noise will be only the neighbors from above.

There will be no problems with the subsequent sale, the main thing is to describe all the advantages of the apartment. and when buying, the obvious advantage will be that it will be much cheaper than other apartments, and nothing is more pleasing than a profitable purchase of real estate.

Cons of a corner apartment

Most people know about the shortcomings of end apartments. Firstly, high level heat loss, because it's one thing when you have other apartments on your sides, and another thing if it's a street. Of course, in this situation it will be colder in the end room, usually by 2-3 degrees, sometimes more, depending on the reliability of the thermal insulation, which panel houses below.

The purchase of such an apartment immediately portends financial investments, it is necessary to insulate the wall. If the house is panel, the joints of the panels are also subject to insulation. Unfortunately, insulation does not always help, because if there is no heating radiator near the wall, you will have to use an electric battery. Secondly, it is always hot in the corner apartments in summer, especially if the windows sunny side. There is only one way out - to install an air conditioner or use a fan.

Two windows in the corner room can also be a disadvantage if they are not energy efficient, as they create a draft, which is especially bad if a child lives in the room.

If the house is old, it is likely that during construction waterproofing rules were not followed, because of which the walls can be damp and it will not be possible to put a closet on them or hang a carpet on them. In this case, the problem can only be solved if the outer walls are treated with waterproofing materials.

Very often the problem of corner apartments is condensation on windows. If you do not take measures, then eventually the dampness goes to the slopes and mold appears on them. In such cases, you have to regularly ventilate the room or install air conditioning.


Each apartment has certain drawbacks, but it just so happened that it is believed that the corner apartments are the coldest, because usually their cost is lower than that of other properties. this is true, because the walls of the housing face the street.

This becomes a particularly big problem if the end apartment is located in an old house, since during their construction, the rules of heat and waterproofing were most often not observed. As a result, dampness and mold can form on the walls. At the same time, if you do not take action and do not insulate the walls when buying such an apartment, but simply paste new wallpapers, they will soon have to be removed, since black mold quickly passes to them. If the house is brick, then it is only necessary to insulate the walls, but if the house is panel - also the joints on the panels. To prevent condensation on the walls, it is necessary to use waterproofing materials.

End apartments also have a lot of advantages, you should start with the fact that corner rooms usually have two windows, which means you can save a lot on lighting. As a rule, the best view opens from the corner apartments, and the neighbors bother you less, since there are fewer common walls with them.

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