DIY noodle paintings. Pasta paintings: creative ideas and DIY master classes. Pasta ball for Christmas tree

There are many options for how to decorate the rooms of your home for the New Year holidays, but one of the most original and exciting is to transform your house or apartment with unusual holiday decor, made with your own hands from what each of you likes. Let’s say you can make such masterpieces of art from paper, cardboard, yarn, plastic bottles, eggshells, walnuts and many other types of nuts, wood, salty and sweet dough, cones, acorns and other improvised materials. Human imagination is quite limitless, which allows us to easily and quickly create interesting handmade products. The Internet, which contains a huge number of techniques that describe the creation of such funny little things, is a great help to us in this today. But in order to find what you want, it’s worth doing a fair amount of digging, spending your precious time on it. To avoid this, we decided to provide you with all the necessary information in our useful article. In it you will get acquainted with 88 photo ideas for the best pasta crafts on New Year 2020 with your own hands, which will appeal to all your family and friends. Don’t worry, dear friends, there is nothing difficult or impossible about this. Thanks to our invaluable master classes, you will be able to... as soon as possible make chic New Year's decorations for your home or simple and affordable gifts for friends and relatives. But don’t forget to involve your children in this creative activity. Believe me, they will spend their time having fun and, moreover, usefully, creating appliqués or other types of holiday crafts for kindergarten or schools.

New Year's crafts from pasta

What could be more beautiful and original than New Year's crafts made from colorful and varied pasta. Of course, many of us are accustomed to seeing them in a completely different form, more appetizing and aromatic, with sauce or ketchup. However, our imagination does not let us get bored, searching every day for more and more new ideas on how to get creative. Now it's time for pasta. We transformed them with our own hands into wonderful decorative creations that can outshine even store-bought Christmas tree decorations with their brightness and uniqueness. Get to work immediately, because there is not much time left until the New Year 2020. In this short period of time, you should have time to fabulously transform your home. But first, find out what so bizarre and unusual can be made from this material at hand:

  • Santa Claus, Snowman, Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters;
  • Christmas balls, snowflakes, angels and other decorative decorations;
  • multi-colored garlands;
  • symbol of the year - Yellow Pig;
  • houses;
  • vases;
  • decoration of champagne and many other bottles on the festive table;
  • paintings;
  • photo frames;
  • photo albums;
  • New Year's ball - mobile;
  • decorative dishes;
  • figurines;
  • applications;
  • postcards;
  • Christmas trees;
  • topiary;
  • candlesticks;
  • baskets;
  • decoration of glasses;
  • Christmas wreaths;
  • beads, earrings, bracelets, hairpins and other types of jewelry;
  • caskets;
  • mirrors and so on.

As you can see, the assortment is quite wide and varied, which allows us to choose for ourselves the most affordable and completely uncomplicated pasta crafts. Your whole family, not just your children, will certainly enjoy this activity. Therefore, preparing for the New Year 2019 will turn into a real holiday for you, which you will create with your own hands. Browse our wonderful selection of photo ideas and your imagination will be greatly enriched.

These New Year’s creations can be easily presented as an honorary gift to someone. To get more inspired by this creativity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with other creative ideas presented in our video. Here you will find not only decorations for your home and souvenirs, but you will also be able to see what types of children's crafts can be made for a kindergarten or school for annual holiday exhibitions or classroom decoration for the New Year 2020.

Rainbow pasta

In order for your DIY crafts for the New Year 2020 to turn out colorful and fun, you need to color the pasta before starting creative work. There are a considerable number of methods for transforming these flour products. The most accessible and popular among them are:

  • acrylic paints;
  • gouache;
  • aerosol paints;
  • PVA glue and glitter;
  • food colorings.

Everyone has the right to choose the option that suits them best. However, it is worth noting that the most effective and high-quality method is using food coloring. General approval is due to the fact that this component carefully paints even the most complex configurations of pasta, such as spirals, scallops, shells, springs, snails and other types, without leaving behind any blemishes. Let us plunge into this creative work in order to learn in more detail all its secrets and subtleties. And our step-by-step master class will help us with this.

Work process:

  1. First of all, we select a convenient container for coloring these flour products. To do this, it is advisable to choose a small plastic bucket with a lid.
  2. Having chosen the color of food coloring you like, add it a small amount water and pour it into our plastic bucket.
  3. Now it's time for our pasta. We send these fancy flour figures into a container with prepared dye.
  4. Close the lid with the contents and begin to shake rhythmically so that all the products are evenly painted.
  5. After this, we should dry them thoroughly. For this we need plastic bag or baking sheet. In this case, it is contraindicated to use paper, since you will have to subsequently tear off our blanks.
  6. We place our multi-colored flour products on a plastic bag, while maintaining a certain distance. We need this so that our crafts do not stick together, since then it will be simply impossible to separate them.
  7. During the drying process, our rainbow figures should be stirred periodically. There you go! After a certain time, you can safely begin creating festive masterpieces for the New Year 2020 with your own hands.

Pasta topiary

A pasta topiary will be an excellent decoration for the rooms in your home for the New Year 2020. This craft looks quite unusual, because we are used to seeing it as a ball with flowers, Christmas tree decorations, rhinestones, beads, decorative stones, dried fruits, but not flour products. However, you should not be wary of this idea, since as a result of creative diligent work you get a rather original little thing that is very easy to make at home with your own hands. Let's try to create such New Year's perfection.

To work you will need:

  • pasta various forms;
  • hot glue;
  • old newspapers and paper;
  • wooden skewers;
  • spray paint;
  • threads;
  • wooden trunk;
  • scissors;
  • flower pot;
  • plaster or alabaster;
  • stationery knife;
  • decorative elements: sparkles, satin ribbons, beads, artificial grass or moss,
  • scotch.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The basis of the topiary can be a ready-made foam ball, and if this is not available, then, by collecting all the old newspapers in the house or some kind of paper, you can form a ball of the required size, crushing it with your hands into a dense, hard and heavy lump.
  2. In order for our base to take a uniform shape, we should completely coat it with glue, wrap it with thread, and then with tape.
  3. After this, we need to make a recess in the ball in order to further secure our wooden trunk.
  4. Now our craft should be given a decorative, neat look. To do this, take spray paint of any color you like and process our product. You just have to be extremely careful; at this stage, gaps and all kinds of flaws are unacceptable.
  5. After the drying time has passed, we proceed to the most important thing - decorating our topiary with pasta. You need to start this stage from the top of the ball and gradually move towards its middle. After which you should turn the product upside down and secure the wooden trunk. Then continue gluing until the end.
  6. When this work is completed, you should take a flower pot or any other container and fill it with gypsum or alabaster mortar. After the mass has set a little, it is necessary to install our product into it. Let it sit for a bit.
  7. We take spray paint and treat our craft with it, which we subsequently dry thoroughly. There you go! For the New Year 2020, such a creation will be an excellent decoration for the interior of your home, as well as an excellent gift for your relatives or friends.

If you want to make several of these souvenirs for New Year's Eve with your own hands, then look through our selection of photo ideas that will inspire you for new works.

Our video lesson will tell you a few more interesting ideas on this topic.

Master class on making crafts from pasta

Pasta painting

A very beautiful and bright product for the New Year 2020 will be a painting made with your own hands from pasta. This craft will impress all your relatives who gathered at your place on New Year's Eve. By the way, you can present it to someone as a gift by making several copies that differ from each other. The work of creating such beauties will not be particularly difficult for you, because there is nothing easier than this task. You will soon see this for yourself.

To work you will need:

  • gold cardboard;
  • pasta in the form of shells, scallops, pipes and much more;
  • PVA glue;
  • gouache;
  • golden decorative spray;
  • brush.

Manufacturing process:

  1. The basis of our picture will be golden cardboard. On it we will form flowers and the general background. To do this, take pasta in the form of shells and, placing them on PVA glue, press them with your finger onto the cardboard, creating petals. In this way we collect all the flowers that are shown in the photo.
  2. The stem will be flour products in the form of tubes and thin wavy noodles, and the core of the flower will be small figures or crushed spaghetti.
  3. To make our craft look interesting and resemble a painting, we need to make a kind of frame from combs and small details. Secure the whole thing with the same PVA glue.
  4. After our composition is assembled, we need to treat it with a golden decorative spray. You can choose any other shade at your discretion and desire. If you want, the finished product, after drying, can be opened with acrylic varnish for a more impressive shine.

This painting, made with your own hands for the New Year 2020 and framed with a wooden frame, will look gorgeous on any wall of your home. And its golden radiance will please the symbol of the coming year - the White Metal Rat - so much that it will certainly bestow its attention and patronage on you.

Browse our photo ideas so you can quickly decide what your future will be like. New Year's craft. By the way, your children can also take part in this interesting and useful activity by making cool paintings for kindergarten or school.

If you want to make other creative works in addition to paintings, then you have a great chance to build a photo frame from flour figurines. This will greatly diversify your activity.

Master class on making photo frames from pasta

Festive pasta bowl

Among the wide range of handmade pasta crafts for the New Year 2020, it is worth noting the vase. It looks quite impressive with fir branches on the New Year's table or bedside table. The work of creating such a product is not at all difficult. You just need to stock up on patience and flour products the desired shape. So let's get started.

To work you will need:

  • shaped pasta;
  • pasta - bows;
  • container as a basis;
  • spray paint;
  • glue gun;
  • red food coloring;
  • decorative elements at your discretion.


  1. We take a base for our work, for example, a vase or a cut plastic bottle. It will serve as a fastener for creating the frame of the vase.
  2. Using hot glue, you need to tightly connect all the figures of the flour products you have chosen, starting from the bottom, and then, placing them in rows on top of each other, form the walls. This process should be carried out very carefully, as pasta has a fragile structure.
  3. After our craft has completely dried, you should pull out a glass vase or other container of your choice from it.
  4. Start tinting the surface of the product with spray paint.
  5. You can decorate the vase at your discretion. In our case, these are bows that we painted with red food coloring and attached to our masterpiece using hot glue.

This is the beauty we made with our own hands for the New Year 2020. You can use it as a bright and original addition to the interior of your home, and, if you so desire, present it as a significant gift on New Year’s Eve. But to do this, you should try to create other types of pasta crafts, which are presented in our selection of photo ideas.

If you decide to make several of these excellent gifts, then turn your attention to a box made with your own hands from various kinds of flour figurines. Everyone will certainly be happy with such a souvenir. With the help of our video tutorial, try your luck and surprise all your loved ones and friends with your skills.

Master class on making a decorative box from pasta

Snowflake on the Christmas tree

For New Year 2020, pasta makes beautiful crafts in the form of snowflakes for the Christmas tree. It’s not difficult to do this with your own hands; moreover, this activity will appeal to children of preschool and school age. They will be able to make excellent decorations in the shortest possible time to transform their group or class, which will earn the respect of educators and teachers. For this creative work, you can use various flour products, the main thing is that they look harmonious in the overall New Year’s tree composition.

To work you will need:

  • different types of pasta;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint.


  1. To make a craft in the form of a snowflake for a Christmas tree, you need to fasten together the flour figures you have selected. For this, pasta is used: wheels, stars, shells, bows, etc. You need to form a pattern out of them, and if you like it, you need to get to work.
  2. When you have a glued snowflake, you should treat it with acrylic paint for a more aesthetic appearance. Colors such as gold, silver and white look very nice. As decorative elements for our handmade product for the New Year 2020, you can use glitter varnish, PVA glue and glitter, rhinestones, beads, and seed beads.
  3. After decorating our snowflake, you need to attach a thread to it. After drying, the toy is ready to decorate the Christmas tree. In this order, step by step, you can create any type of product - flowers, stars and other toys.

Browse our selection of photo ideas, which will offer you the most beautiful works on this topic.

These are the kind of crafts you can make at home very easily. But we still advise you to familiarize yourself with our training video, which will be useful for you.

Master class on making snowflakes with your own hands

Pasta snowman

New Year's holidays are not complete without fairy-tale characters such as Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman and many others. We previously made these heroes from plastic bottles and cups, cotton pads, felt, paper, cardboard and other available materials. But today it's time to try to create them using pasta. Our craft will be a Snowman, which we will skillfully form with our own hands for the New Year 2020.

To work you will need:

  • pasta - flowers - 1 kg;
  • PVA glue - 3 tubes;
  • inflatable balls - 2 pcs.;
  • felt black, red, white, orange;
  • ready-made or hand-sewn hat;
  • scarf;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • needle and thread;
  • scissors;
  • long skewers for handles - 2 pcs;
  • white spray paint;
  • transparent glue sealant.


  1. First, we inflate our balloons, but we should make one of them a little smaller, since it will be the Snowman’s head.
  2. We take two deep containers and insert inflated balloons into them so that they hold steady and do not fall during further work.
  3. Let's get started with the actual design balloons pasta in the shape you choose. To do this, starting from the base, we attach our flour figures in a tight order using glue, keeping the direction towards the tail itself, but not reaching it completely.
  4. When everything has dried thoroughly, we pierce our balls with a needle and carefully remove them from the resulting structures.
  5. We connect the two halves of the Snowman together with transparent glue and sealant.
  6. After drying, treat the body with white spray paint.
  7. While the product is drying, we need to make clothes for the Snowman with our own hands. If there is a ready-made hat that would fit a given head size, then great, but if not, then you need to sew it from felt.
  8. We take measurements from the head and make a pattern first for the hat, and then for the mittens and scarf. We sew everything by hand or on a sewing machine.
  9. We also cut out the eyes, mouth and buttons from black, white and red felt, and then glue them to the Snowman.
  10. All that remains is to make the nose. For this we need orange felt. Having made the pattern and sewn the parts, we need to fill the carrot with cotton wool or padding polyester. We attach it with glue. Ready!

This is an excellent DIY craft that will decorate your home for the New Year 2020.

Christmas tree

To create a Christmas tree craft with your own hands for the New Year 2020, you can use simple pasta for this purpose. The process will be very exciting for you and your children, because it includes not only the main work of creating a decorative item, but also the preparatory work, as a result of which you will turn ordinary flour figures into multi-colored decorations that attract everyone's attention. Select the types of flour products that you like best in the store and get creative.

To do this you will need:

  • pasta;
  • green cardboard;
  • lid;
  • glue;
  • food coloring.


  1. The basis of the Christmas tree will be cardboard, rolled into a cone. It is advisable to choose green for this durable material so that the gaps formed as a result of work are not so noticeable. In the absence of cardboard of the desired color, you should simply use any paints: green, silver or gold.
  2. Then the finished painted pasta is attached to the base with glue. You can use the lid as a stand for the Christmas tree, which should also be repainted. The star that adorns the top of our artificial cardboard tree needs to be created from a different type of flour product so that each piece has its own personality. This craft will decorate any interior, whether it’s your home, a kindergarten, or a school. She will cheer up everyone around her in the New Year 2020.

Our photo ideas will provide you with a lot of positive emotions, as well as inspiration for your own works.


It is not necessary to buy a candlestick in stores for the New Year 2020 in order to beautifully decorate a festive table or any part of the room in your house, because even ordinary pasta makes wonderful handmade crafts. Having created a decorative candlestick with an interesting pattern, you can put it anywhere, the main thing is that this product will delight you every day and delight your family and guests.

To do this you will need:

  • pasta;
  • dye;
  • glue.


  1. For crafts for the New Year 2020, it is better to choose embossed pasta. They need to be glued together, creating a product in the form of a candlestick or basket. To do this, you need to use some kind of small bowl to make it convenient to form our craft.
  2. After our product has dried, if desired, it can be repainted using acrylic paint. If you want, before you start your creativity, you can make blanks from flour figures of your choice, which should be transformed in a special plastic container with food coloring of the color you like. This way your work will ultimately look brighter and more impressive. For this purpose, you should use all kinds of sparkles. The candle flame will add a little glamor to your candle holder, which in turn will sparkle on New Year's Eve.

There are some great options for making candle holders that you will definitely love. Check them out in our selection of photo ideas.

A handmade candlestick creates a wonderful homely atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Its creation will not detain you for long; on the contrary, you and your children will be so carried away by this type of activity that you will want to make other types of such products, but in a different design.

If you and your child are tired of brightening up your leisure time by modeling from plasticine, drawing, coloring, making various applications on the theme of spring, winter, autumn, summer and the like, then there is an excellent win-win option - to engage in unusual creative work, as a result of which your home will turn into true splendor. And guess what our needlework will be related to, of course, it’s pasta. Don’t be surprised, because their purpose is not only to nourish and saturate you and me, but also to fascinate with beautiful works of art in the form of paintings, spectacular decorative dishes, boxes, animal figurines, fairy-tale heroes And so on. If this is really some kind of innovation for you, then take a look at our article. In it we will provide you with 10 photos of ideas for unusual pasta crafts with master classes for beginners and video tutorials that will certainly come in handy in your home creativity. So, let's get started, dear friends!

Christmas wreath made of macaroni

Crafts made from pasta can be different, both everyday and festive. So, for example, you and your child can make a Christmas wreath with your own hands. And what, the materials at hand that are needed for creativity are always at hand by our caring housewives. All that remains is to awaken your imagination and desire. And for this, we recommend you our step-by-step master class for beginners, which will reveal to you the inexhaustible possibilities of needlework, and for free.

For production you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • stationery glue;
  • pasta of various shapes;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon;
  • golden spray paint.
  • a bell with a bow to decorate the finished product.

Work process:

  1. For this pasta craft with a master class for beginners, you need to familiarize yourself with it so that the work turns out neat and beautiful to look at, just like in a store. To do this, we will first need to make a cardboard base with our own hands in the form of a dense ring, the size of which will determine the size of your future product.
  2. After the cardboard base is ready, we need to start decorating it with pasta. We take glue and, using our imagination, attach various figures so that no gaps in the work are visible. You can refer to our photo or create something of your own, more beautiful.
  3. Upon completion of the stage of assembling the Christmas wreath, we will need to decorate it. We take golden-colored spray paint and completely paint our product with it.
  4. You can use a red satin ribbon as decoration. We should wrap it around our craft, and glue the cut ends together.
  5. At the base of the wreath we hang a bell with a bow. Here's a New Year's alternative to store-bought holiday goods. Try and you will certainly succeed!

Decorative cup

A cup made from pasta can be used for decoration, as well as as a craft for kindergarten. Use just a little imagination and be patient, and as a result you will have a joint activity with your child. To understand how to make a cup with your own hands, you can look detailed description With step by step instructions in our master class for beginners.

You will need:

  • Pasta,
  • Cup,
  • cling film,
  • PVA glue,
  • Paints.


  1. We wrap the cup cling film so that its edges are bent inside the cup.
  2. Apply glue to the bottom of the cup and begin to place flour products on the glue, not forgetting to put some space between them.
  3. When the bottom is ready, we begin to cover the sides of the cup with flour figures from the bottom. This way you need to cover the entire cup, leaving only the handle.
  4. We wait several hours until the glue dries completely.
  5. Take the cup out of our blank and continue gluing the pasta to the place where the handle was.
  6. Next, from the same material at hand we make a handle for our craft.
  7. You can glue small flour figures in the form of shells or circles to the top edge to make the edge of the cup look smoother.
  8. When the product is completely dry, you need to paint the entire cup with white paint and the edges with silver.
  9. Using small pasta, you can make a decoration for our cup in the form of a snowflake or a star, and paint it in silver. Our cup is ready!

Video: master class on making a cup of pasta with your own hands

Box of macaroni

For little fashionistas, you can make a very beautiful and unusual jewelry box from pasta with your own hands. This craft is not just beautiful, but also useful. Any little fashionista will love not only her appearance, but she will get great pleasure from the work done together with her mother. To do this, you can use our instructions with a step-by-step description in the master class for beginners.

You will need:

  • Pasta of different varieties,
  • Cardboard box,
  • PVA glue,
  • Paints.


Video: master class on making a pasta box with your own hands

Flower "Rose" from pasta

If you really like flowers and want to surround yourself with them everywhere and always, then we invite you, dear needlewomen, to study our interesting and useful master class for beginners. He will give you a wonderful photo idea of ​​how you can create a whole bouquet of roses from ordinary pasta. This craft, by the way, is also suitable as a gift for your grandmothers, mothers and just friends. Let's start!

To work you will need:

  • scallop-shaped pasta;
  • foam glue;
  • green wire;
  • spray paint red and green;
  • small foam ball;
  • pasta in the form of ears.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take a foam ball and attach a green wire to it, the length of which will depend on the size of the stem of your future flower.
  2. We carefully attach the pasta in the form of scallops to our foam base. This must be done tightly, trying to avoid even the slightest distance between the flour elements.
  3. When the rosebud is ready, we will need to decorate it red using spray paint. This work We also do it carefully.
  4. Now we need to create leaves for our craft. We glue flour products in the form of ears together so that they resemble a leaf. We paint them with green spray paint and attach them to the wire stem of our flower. You need to create several such blanks.
  5. When the rose is completely made, proceed to creating the next flower, since you should end up with a bouquet consisting of three or five branches of decoration. This is how easy it is to make a cool bouquet at home, especially in winter, when you really want warmth, sunshine and the scent of summer.

Curly hedgehog made from pasta

You can make a very cute hedgehog from pasta that will decorate your interior and surprise your friends. The main thing is that even small children 3, 4, 5, 6 years old can cope with such work. You can also use such a hedgehog as a craft for kindergarten or for an exhibition. To understand how to make such a hedgehog, watch our master class for beginners with step-by-step instructions.

You will need:

  • Pasta (spiral, small stars and one medium-sized shell),
  • Salty dough,
  • Bow,
  • Beads for decoration and for eyes,
  • PVA glue.


Pasta applique

For very young children, a simple, but no less beautiful craft - applique made from pasta - is perfect. This handmade applique can be taken to kindergarten and school in 1st grade. Let's look at the detailed instructions in our master class for beginners on how to make this creation.

You will need:

  • A sheet of paper or colored cardboard,
  • Pasta rings, leaves,
  • Black pepper,
  • Brown felt-tip pen,
  • PVA glue,
  • Dye.


  1. We paint all the details of our application in advance. The leaves are green, the rings are golden, the pepper is red.
  2. We paste pasta in the form of rings around the edges of the cardboard so that we get a frame.
  3. Mark the branches with a felt-tip pen.
  4. We glue leaves and pepper berries around the branches.
  5. You can also glue several berries in a loose order.
  6. When all the parts are glued, color the background of our craft. yellow so that there is a white background near the twigs, berries and frame. This way you can make various applications that will look very beautiful.

Original Christmas tree

On New Year's Eve, we all decorate our home, and handmade crafts bring a special atmosphere and comfort to the room. And one of these decorations can be a beautiful Christmas tree made of pasta. You can make it together with your child and bring comfort to your home. To do this, we recommend viewing our step-by-step master class for beginners.

You will need:

  • Pasta (bows, stars),
  • Cardboard,
  • Scissors,
  • Disposable wine glass,
  • glue gun,
  • Aerosol paint green and gold.


  1. Remove the stem from the wine glass and begin to paste it with pasta - bows from the wide part, moving upward. Glue the bows vertically.
  2. As you get closer to the top, start gluing half a bow on so that the tree has a natural taper towards the top.
  3. Take two stems from the wine glasses and glue them together so that the wide parts are on the outside.
  4. Now glue our leg to the Christmas tree using glue.
  5. Paint the craft with green paint.
  6. Paint the star-shaped pasta golden and, when the paint dries, decorate the Christmas tree with these “toys.”
  7. In order to decorate the top of the Christmas tree, you need to glue several flour figures together to make a star. Glue it to the top of your head. We got a very elegant and beautiful Christmas tree!

Christmas tree house made from pasta

We offer you our original and colorful pasta craft with step by step wizard class for beginner adults and their children. If you like the idea in the photo, then go ahead and make it at home.

To work you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • office glue;
  • scissors;
  • pasta in the form of tubes, bows and spirals;
  • spray paint;
  • acrylic paint red and white;
  • wooden stand;
  • lace for loop.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We make four equal walls of the house and the floor from colored cardboard. We glue them together. The size of the product should be whatever you like best.
  2. We make a roof from a rectangular piece of cardboard, bending it in half. We attach the finished roof to the walls of the house. Stationery glue will help connect all the parts of the craft. Don’t forget to immediately take care of the loop for hanging the future toy on the Christmas tree. We place it on the base of the roof. You can glue it, or you can simply tie the ends of the lace into a knot at the moment when the roof itself was just being manufactured.
  3. We place our product on a wooden stand or one you have and begin to decorate it with pasta. We do this as in the photo provided. We decorate the walls, roof, fence from cardboard. Flour products must be painted first or at the end of the work with acrylic or aerosol paints. As you wish, dear friends!

Decorative basket for candies

You can surprise with your handicrafts by presenting sweets for tea in a beautiful pasta basket. Making such a craft is very simple, you just need a little patience, and the result will please you. This basket is suitable for children 5, 6, 7, 8 years old. Let's move on to the master class for beginners with detailed instructions, as well as photos and videos.

You will need:

  • Pasta (wheels, shells, leaves, spirals),
  • Aerosol paint,
  • PVA glue,
  • Balloon,
  • Felt pen.


  1. Inflate a medium-sized balloon to keep the basket neat.
  2. Use a felt-tip pen to mark a line horizontally - this will be the edge of the basket.
  3. Apply glue, starting from the very bottom (bottom) to glue pasta in the form of wheels, and continue gluing to the marked line.
  4. Next, we make the handle of the basket from flour figurines in the form of leaves. Glue them in two rows slightly at an angle from each other.
  5. We wait until the glue dries completely, then pop the ball and get an almost finished craft that needs to be decorated.
  6. Decorate with shell-shaped pasta along the top edge of the basket and on the top of the handle.
  7. At the junction of the base of the basket and the handle we glue a round flour figure, and along the edges of it - spirals. This composition will resemble the sun.
  8. When everything is dry, we start painting. Cover the basket completely with blue paint, and paint the decorative details (shells and sun) in silver. This will make your vase look more impressive.

Video: master class on making a pasta basket with your own hands

Modern pasta comes in a wide variety of shapes and is very affordable, making it an excellent material for decorative arts. Crafts made from pasta turn out to be unique masterpieces in the hands of adults and children.

It is clear that the completed crafts, due to their fragility, cannot serve any practical purposes (the same boxes or vases), but they can decorate the interior well.

In the pictures we offer you can see how pasta of various shapes are combined to create decorative elements, such as, for example, different types of flowers or ornaments. An excellent solution is a volumetric option - overlay elements on a homogeneous background structure.

Before you start creating specific crafts, it is important to understand two points: how to connect pasta with each other and how to paint them, because an unpainted product is not able to make the expected impression.

Connecting elements of pasta

The most successful option for joining pasta is, of course, gluing. Do-it-yourselfers suggest using either PVA glue or the deservedly popular hot-melt adhesive in the form of a glue gun. It is worth saying that both of these methods have disadvantages: in the case of PVA, it will take a longer time for gluing the elements and not a very strong connection that can break if the craft is twirled in your hands; Hot-melt adhesive requires some skill, as it sets very quickly - first practice quickly and accurately connecting the necessary elements. The advantage of PVA is considered to be cleaner work, without visible drops and sagging of glue. The best option for you naturally will be determined with time and experience.

This is an important, somewhat frightening process for many at first, which, in reality, is not anything complicated. In principle, you can paint a finished product, or you can assemble it from already multi-colored elements. It is best to combine both approaches to achieve the best result.

Pasta is not only a delicious side dish, but also an excellent material for creating all kinds of crafts with your own hands. After all, they are so easy to process, available in large quantities and in the most different types. For preschool and school-age children, “pasta crafts” will help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, and for adults it will become an exciting hobby. In this material you will find 15 ideas for DIY pasta crafts, 100 inspiring photo examples, several simple instructions and step-by-step master class on coloring pasta with food coloring.

Idea 1. Pasta angels

Pasta crafts in the shape of angels can be turned into a garland or a set of Christmas tree decorations. They are made very simply, so you can easily make a whole lot of lovely angels with your child.


  • 20 mm wooden ball (for making the head).
  • Large tubes or Italian rigatoni (for the mantle).
  • Wheels or flowers (for the collar).
  • Horns (for hands).
  • Small stars (for decorating a dress, also suitable for simulating hair).
  • Ditalini (small tubular pasta for creating hair).
  • Bows or butterflies (for wings).
  • Glue gun.


First, glue the wheel to the tube with hot glue, then the ball head to the center of the wheel, and under the collar, glue bow wings to the body.

Now glue ditalini hair onto the ball in several rows. By the way, you can arrange small hair tubes in two ways - across the head and along. Finally, decorate the angel's robe with stars: glue one on the collar and a few more on the hem.

Make as many angels as you want and then get to painting them. You can come up with your own design of angels or paint them in White color like in this master class. To do this, place the figures on several pencils or wooden skewers, stick them into foam or into the ground, and then paint the angels with three layers of paint.

Once all the figures are dry, using a very fine tip marker, draw closed eyes and a mouth on their faces.

Want to make your angels even more elegant? Make a halo for them from wire and gold beads, and paint the stars on the mantle with gold paint as shown in the photo.

The following selection of photos shows examples of angels made from pasta of other shapes.

Idea 2. Hair accessories

Pasta can be so beautiful that you can even decorate your hair with it. So, for example, an ordinary hairband will become more elegant if you stick on it spikelets painted with gold spray paint.

You can also make a tiara for a little princess from a headband and wheels and flowers glued together.

You can make hair decorations from butterflies. To do this, they need to be decorated and then glued to bobby pins, clips or hairpins.

Idea 3. “Jewelry” decorations

Here's another idea for ladies - earrings, bracelets, beads and necklaces made from pasta. In the following selection of photos you can see examples of bead designs for younger girls. Children can make such accessories with their own hands, even without the help of adults, because you don’t even need glue, just paints and threads.

But such necklaces, earrings and bracelets can be worn not only by young ladies, but also by their mothers.

Add feathers to macaroni beads to create decorations for a Native American party or children's playdate.

Idea 4. Panels and paintings made from pasta

From pasta of different sizes, shapes and colors you can create wall panels or “paint” real paintings - portraits, landscapes, still lifes and abstract scenes. There are at least two techniques for making pasta paintings.

Method 1: Find a suitable embroidery pattern on the Internet and select identical small-sized pasta. For example, these could be very small tubes or stars. Paint the macaroni in the desired colors (see at the end of the article), and then glue them to the canvas on a stretcher according to the chosen embroidery pattern. You can glue the parts using PVA glue or thermal glue (in this case, it is better to apply the glue to the pasta and not to the canvas).

Method 2: By hand or using a ready-made/homemade stencil, draw a schematic sketch on the canvas. Think about what kind of pasta will suit your design. So, for example, spirals are suitable for depicting hair, tubes can depict the bricks of a house, shells can be themselves, and all the small horns, stars, etc. can be used to “fill” or “draw” contours. You also need to plan what colors will be used for the painting. Keep in mind that you can create a composition not only from pasta, but also from cereals and beans. Having decided on a palette, paint the pasta (see at the end of the article), and then glue them in the desired order.

The following selection of photos provides examples of panels and paintings from pasta that children can make, for example, to decorate their room, for a school assignment, or to give as a gift to a loved one.

Here are ideas for crafts made from cereals and pasta for creative adults.

Portrait of Ernest Hemingway made from pasta and cereal

Abstract composition of spaghetti and pasta on a base of CDs

Idea 5. Garland of butterflies

Depending on the color of the butterfly pasta, you can create garlands for the New Year, Easter, children's day birthday, Halloween and any themed holiday.

You can also decorate a child’s room with this pasta craft.

Making a pasta garland is very easy. To do this, you only need a cute thread, one or two packs of butterflies, and paint or glitter glue.

However, you can make a garland not only from bows; any shaped pasta and tubes, as in the photo below, will do.

Idea 6. Stationery organizer

Any glass and even a tin can can be turned into a cute organizer for stationery items. All you need is pasta, glue and acrylic paints.

Idea 7. Christmas decorations

You can make wonderful Christmas tree decorations with your own hands from shaped pasta. For example, wheels, flowers and shells easily fold into snowflakes. Moreover, the combinations of parts can be so different that each decoration on the Christmas tree will be unlike any other.

The principle of creating a pasta snowflake is simple - first, a core is made from one or several parts, and then 5-6 rays are built around it from different or identical pasta glued together. Before gluing the snowflakes, you need to lay out the entire combination on paper and make sure that all the parts fit together. After the glue has dried, you can begin painting. If you want to cover the craft with glitter, then you need to do this immediately after painting so that the glitter has time to set with the paint. To better secure the glitter, spray the snowflake with hairspray. The following photo slider shows the stages of work clearly.

Here are other options for Christmas tree decorations that you can easily make with your own hands from pasta.

Idea 8. Pasta box

A box made of wheels or flowers may seem like the result of the finest work of a master, but, in fact, anyone can make such a craft with their own hands. To do this, you need to select a small box, line up the bottom of the box according to its dimensions, then assemble the walls of the box directly around the walls of the box using glue, and finally, make a lid of the appropriate size. If desired, you can glue handles assembled from several parts to the sides of the box, and glue the legs to the bottom. Next, the lid and the box should be connected to each other using pieces of flexible plastic or leather. When the product is ready, all that remains is to cover it with spray paint.

There is an easier way to make a box of pasta with your own hands, when a ready-made box or box is taken as a basis, and the pasta is used only for decoration.

The main thing here is to create beautiful and neat patterns and carefully paint both the box itself and the pasta decorations. To paint this pasta craft, it is best to use aerosol cans.

Idea 9. Bookmark

Figured pasta, for example, bows, can perfectly decorate bookmarks for books and textbooks.

To make the bookmark itself, you need to cut a rectangle out of cardboard, cover it with scrapbooking paper (or any other beautiful paper), and then laminate the bookmark with transparent tape.

You can simply paint the pasta in bright colors and/or cover it with glitter like in this tutorial. To make the pasta shiny, all you need to do is treat it with PVA glue, generously sprinkle it with glitter and brush off the excess.

After 2-3 hours, when the glue becomes transparent and dries, the pasta can be glued to the bookmarks using a glue gun.

Idea 10. Postcards with pasta decor

The same bows or, say, pasta hearts can be used to make cards with your own hands. The principle of operation remains the same as for making bookmarks (see Idea No. 9). And here is a selection of photo examples of “pasta” postcards.

Idea 11. Elegant photo frames

Figured pasta can be used to decorate frames for photos, paintings or posters. To do this, you only need thermal glue, a frame, paints and the pasta itself. In the following selection of photos you can get ideas for decorating frames for children and adults.

Idea 14. Mini Christmas tree

If you liked the idea of ​​​​making pasta angels, garlands or Christmas tree decorations, then we suggest adding a Christmas tree made from pasta to your collection of New Year's decor. This craft would look great on a holiday table, console table, or mantelpiece.


Prepare thick paper or cardboard, a glass bottle or a large glass, hot glue, spray paint (for example, gold), a pack of butterfly pasta and any additional decor such as beads. Cut a semicircle out of cardboard, roll it into a cone and secure with glue. Keep in mind that the higher the cardboard, the taller the tree will be. Having placed the cone on the bottle, start gluing butterflies in one row on its lower edge. Then proceed to the second row, but now place the pasta so that it overlaps the gaps in the first row.

Continue gluing butterflies using the same principle until the very top, so that the cone is completely hidden under the Christmas tree “branches”. Once the glue is dry, spray paint on the tree and then glue on beads for decoration.

In the following selection of photos you can find other ideas for creating Christmas trees from pasta.

Idea 15. Advent wreath

Another DIY pasta craft idea for celebrating the New Year, Christmas or Easter is a pasta wreath. To make it you will need a foam plastic hoop, glue, shaped pasta, ribbons, paints and other decor.

Master class - How to paint pasta

In some cases, pasta crafts can and should be painted only after they are made. For example, if you are gluing several parts, then you will have to paint both the gluing points and, possibly, some flaws. Suitable for this purpose:

  • Gouache;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Nail polishes;
  • Aerosol paints.

But sometimes it’s better to paint pasta in bulk and before starting work. The same standard paints or... food colorings are suitable for this purpose.

Below are instructions on how to use them to color pasta quickly and easily.


  • Alcohol or vinegar;
  • Food coloring in desired colors;
  • Resealable plastic bags (at the rate of one bag per 1 dye);
  • Tablespoon;
  • Napkins.

Step 1: Fill ziplock bags with about ¼ cup of pasta.

Step 2. Add 2 tbsp to each bag. l alcohol or 3-4 tbsp. l vinegar in a bag.

Step 3: Add 5 to 10 drops of food coloring, depending on the intensity of color you want to achieve. Close the bag by releasing the air.

Step 4: Gently shake the bag until the coloring and alcohol coat all of the pasta.

Step 5. Remove the pasta from the bag, transfer it to a napkin or parchment paper and let it dry completely for 3 hours or overnight.

Any mother knows how difficult it is to prepare dinner when a child is constantly nearby. Either he takes out the saucepans, then he calls us to play in another room. But before you abandon your planned activities in favor of playing, invite your child to make a pasta craft.

This activity is so exciting that even adults begin to improve and create real masterpieces, for example, vases and boxes. Today, by the way, we will also consider them.

Well, if you want to diversify family evenings, then I suggest making appliqués from cotton pads or buttons.

So why do I recommend using these products as a basis? Yes because they come in many different shapes. Long feathers, horns, spaghetti, butterflies, spirals and other types. The child’s imagination begins to work better and he will begin to select the forms that he needs.

If he glues the car, then for the wheels he will choose round shape, and to create the body - long vermicelli. Learn to distinguish between short and long objects using this example.

More important reason The fact is that pasta is absolutely harmless, because we eat it. And if a child suddenly swallows and softens the coil in water, then nothing bad will happen.

An additional advantage of this type of creativity is the development fine motor skills. And, as we know, it directly affects the baby’s ability to start speaking earlier. This is why so much attention is paid to finger games and working with small objects in developmental games for children aged 1-3 years.

And of course, the idea is not yet hackneyed, it is new and interesting for children. Which means I assume that she was convincing.

How to glue and paint pasta

So, let's start with the question of what we will use to glue the pasta together. There are many options here. I'll start with the safest ones, which are suitable for very young children.

  1. PVA glue. It is absolutely harmless, but will hold the parts only if they are fixed to a base, for example, cardboard. More suitable for appliqués.
  2. Paste. Also safe and suitable for creating three-dimensional figures. But it hardens for a long time, so it is rarely used for crafts with kids.
  3. Plasticine. Yes, my dears, it will hold feathers and spaghetti perfectly.
  4. Double sided tape. It will hold the part perfectly if you attach it to cardboard, which will become the basis for creativity. As an option when there is nothing at hand.
  5. Hot glue. When glue sticks are inserted into a special gun. The parts you need melt and glue together in it. It can be used by children from the age of four. Attention: under adult supervision.
  6. Super glue. The most undesirable option for creativity. Suitable for very complex bends where a glue gun cannot handle.

So, we sorted this issue out. Now we just need to figure out how to paint the pasta.

There are two options here. You can manually paint each detail with a brush, or you can make many blanks of the same color.

Take liquid food coloring and a plastic bag. Place the pasta in it and pour the desired color on top. Then we tightly tie the neck of the bag and begin to roll the contents with our hands.

Then let it dry and it’s time to create!

You can also take acrylic paints, gouache, watercolors and spray paints.

DIY ideas for kindergarten children (5-6 years old)

You need to start with the most simple ideas for kids preschool age. Here there are the simplest options for the little ones, and there are for those who are older.

Of course, for creativity you may need Additional materials: cardboard, colored paper, plasticine, wire and other devices. For example, like this plasticine snail.

And here is an applique in a nautical theme. It was a very funny idea to make air bubbles in the shape of flowers.

The salted dough will securely hold the spaghetti in place. And after baking, such a craft can be painted.

To develop fine motor skills, it is often recommended to play with cereals and grains. This panel contains all the techniques.

If you only have one type of pasta at home, don’t despair. They can find many uses.

The idea impressed me. for boys who are interested in dinosaurs.

This example can be used to explain how grass and crops, such as wheat, grow. At least they will know where the flour comes from.

A funny sunshine will cheer everyone up.

An application on the theme of autumn, when you need to quickly create something to take to kindergarten.

You can also give the shape of animals using spirals and other types. Look how cute the hedgehog turned out.

You can decorate a garland with bows or make a cord around a paper kite.

You can give your mother such a pasta and plasticine bouquet.

And for dad to make a train. You see, even the layers for lasagna came in handy too. By the way, everything here was held together with hot terminals.

Light topiaries with bright heads.

And here is shown all modern technology: from planes to trains. The boys will definitely appreciate it.

Shell daisies look very realistic.

I found this beauty. The toys are made so similar to the original that they don’t even need to be painted.

The little ones will love these snakes. To keep them in shape, insert a wire inside.

Another idea with fish.

If you stick feathers into plasticine, you can get a hedgehog. For better fixation, toothpicks were inserted. But I would not give sharp objects to small children.

In order to give a similar shape to an animal or fish. You must first draw an outline on a piece of paper. Then the details are adjusted to it.

Bright lefty.

Where would we be without a rainbow? With this example it is easy to learn the seven primary colors.

Very simple but cute applique idea.

Here, in an unusual way, seaweed was made from a strip of paper, which was folded into an accordion.

Also a very simple panel. It seems to me that it would not be a shame to give this to your grandmother.

If you like to cross stitch and have a lot of pieces of canvas or linen at home. Give it to the children and let them print their hands in the paint.

This design also looks original.

Another rainbow that's illuminated by long Sun rays from spaghetti.

Another option for using them.

What do you think of this funny little lamb? It’s very easy and it turns out beautifully.

Option to create insects. In the photo you will see dragonflies.

The cockerel is difficult to make. Here you need to select the size of each workpiece. But you can definitely handle it with your mom.

I christened the application “Sakura”. Because of pink flowers and one trunk.

Look at the shamrocks you get from the halves of bows (they are also called butterflies).

Clown in a bright hat for circus lovers.

Introducing kids to in different forms one concept through this craft. At the same time, tell us that there are straight and winding lines, thick and thin, short and long.

And to relieve mom, invite dads to become participants in the creation.

Invite your child to make the simplest objects that have already found a place in his memory.

Snowflakes made from pasta for the New Year

I didn’t even imagine that it was possible to create such openwork beauty. You look at these snowflakes and you understand that there is no need for purchased Christmas tree decorations.

Most often, pasta collected into one product is spray-painted in order to reach the most difficult and narrow places.

White, gold and silver paints are more popular.

Beads and ribbons are used for decoration.

This is how these snowflakes look on a Christmas tree.

Another idea.

First, a shape is invented. To do this, different products are placed next to each other under different angles. If it turns out beautifully, then the master glues the workpiece together.

Then the craft needs to be dried, otherwise it will not be able to hold its shape.

Another interesting idea.

The golden color is perceived as festive and expensive.

You don’t even immediately understand what this decoration is made of!

We don’t stop there and go see what other winter-themed ideas there are.

Winter themed toys

Toys that you make with your own hands do not always look handicraft. You just need to show all your accuracy.

Christmas trees made from pasta have long conquered all craftswomen. Each type of product produces an extraordinary beauty, unlike any other.

You can also make garlands.

When Christmas comes, it is customary to make angels. Why not use pasta? Look how beautiful it turns out.

They came to us from the West and became a very popular holiday decoration.

More angel ideas.

For this craft you need three types of products. Hands can be replaced with shells.

It's spring now and it's early to prepare for winter. But take these ideas into account, because truly gorgeous things come out.

Master class for beginners

Now let's move on to specific actions. Let's start making crafts according to the instructions described below. I will offer you two master classes.

First we will make a peacock.

For this you will need:

  • Spirals
  • SD disk
  • cardboard
  • Gouache or acrylic paints

First of all, let's prepare the disk. Degrease the surface with nail polish remover. And then we will paint the entire flat side in a heavenly color.

After complete drying, you need to glue the spirals. In my opinion, hot glue works better here. But a child can also use PVA.

Then we begin to paint the pasta in different colors. Try to use a lot of paint and less water. So that the disc does not end up with streaks. You can even squeeze the brush out with your fingers.

All that remains is to cut out the shape of the bird's body and paste it on top of the luxurious tail.

Now I propose to make a butterfly from shells.

We will need:

  • 4 shells
  • 1 spiral
  • Gouache or acrylic paints.

The first step is to assemble the form. The shells protrude in the form of wings, and the spiral in the form of a body. You can replace it with feathers.

Then all the parts are painted and dried. Try to use a lot of paint to make the color richer.

You can add highlights and patterns with other colors.

Then we glue the entire craft together. And the butterfly is ready!

Homemade jewelry for girls

Girls love to play and make jewelry. Probably, the desire for beauty and improvement is in our blood.

Pasta makes wonderful beads, bracelets, earrings and even headbands.

Look at this variety of possible shapes.

And the bow can be painted and glued to an elastic band to make it look elegant.

Pendants and pendants also look cool. How do you like these cats, I would never have guessed that this could be made with your own hands from ordinary semi-finished products.

What about a designer earring? And if you also paint them gold!

Like a true girl, I appreciated the whole perspective of this direction. I think it's time to start making beads with my daughter.

For Easter

The idea of ​​a large egg-shaped one will come in handy for this bright holiday. You can put painted eggs or any other holiday paraphernalia inside.

And so you can understand how to make such beauty, I’ve put together a video. It shows everything in detail.

You may need a whole kilo of pasta. Therefore, immediately think about the size of the egg.

Volumetric crafts for May 9

They do it in everyone educational institutions. And this is correct, because history needs to be passed on from generation to generation.

You can depict cars Eternal flame or an airplane of that time.

I was also captivated by carnations. Just a huge thank you to the master who came up with such a craft. They look like real ones.

With the right amount of imagination, you can make a weapon into a weapon.

And to make a whole rocket.

It doesn’t quite relate to Victory Day, but I couldn’t pass it by.


For those who are confident in their abilities, I propose the idea of ​​a tea set. It can be supplemented with a homemade samovar and cups.

This is a real decor for the kitchen or cottage. You can even decorate a table in the garden.

These crafts attract with their openwork and lightness. they seem weightless.

To collect the entire service into one whole, use a tray.

If you treat the painted surface with varnish, then even moisture will not be able to spoil the craft for a long time.

Home decor

It's time to move on to designer decor. After all, you won’t buy such home decoration in a chain store, and you won’t see it from anyone else.

Let's start with mirror or photo frames.

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