Advantages of a brick house over a panel house. The right choice: brick house or panel house

Boris, Moscow asks a question:

Good afternoon Currently, the most pressing issue for me is purchasing a home. There are a lot of offers of panel and brick apartments on the real estate market multi-storey buildings. I would like to know a professional opinion on what to prefer: brick house or panel, and also identify the main advantages and disadvantages of housing in these houses. Thank you.

Therefore, every year prices for electricity and energy resources are rising. We are increasingly worried about growing municipal expenses, and we gradually become slaves to our own apartments. It's time to look for alternative construction technologies. One such alternative is thatch construction, i.e. houses built from timber frames, straw and clay.

This technology is becoming increasingly popular in Europe and the United States. The area of ​​investment in straw construction is increasing from year to year. Thatched houses are environmentally friendly and have high energy efficiency. As the proverb says, “new ones are simply forgotten old ones.” Looking for alternatives construction technologies for energy-saving and ecological houses everything more people refer to the experience of their ancestors, tested over the centuries.

The expert answers:

Buying an apartment in the life of every person is a very important step for which you should be well prepared. It is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative aspects of living in panel and brick high-rise buildings. And only then, based on your personal preferences, make the right choice in favor brick house or panel.

We offer you new technology for the construction of energy-saving passive buildings. The cost of heating or cooling such a building is close to zero. During this time, we have done a lot of research and received all the certificates for our panels. We offer ready-made and proven technical solutions. Installation of panels for eco-houses takes 3-7 days.

The eco-block is a wooden frame filled with compressed straw and sealed with a layer of clay plaster on both sides. In accordance with the design of the house, we make individual elements: straw is pressed into wooden frame panels using hydraulic press, and then after pressing the panel undergoes a process of cutting the excess straw. Infrared radiation causes excess moisture in the gypsum to disappear. The dried block undergoes a finishing process. At this stage, when the client wishes, we do all kinds interior decoration: preparing walls for gluing wallpaper, plaster, wood siding etc.

  • The panel is clamped to the flashing station.
  • The thickness of the wall, consisting of two layers of plaster, is 450 mm.
  • The plasticized block undergoes a pre-drying process in a cell.
Our ecological blocks are manufactured in factory conditions, the entire process is strictly controlled at every stage by our engineers, starting with quality control of raw materials and block geometry.

Several decades ago they were extremely popular panel houses designed to solve housing issue everyone in need.

The main positive aspects of such houses are:

  1. Low cost, speed and ease of construction of such a building. Use of cheap building materials and simplified technologies.
  2. The cheapest apartments. This is based on the speed and low cost of construction.
  3. Convenient location. Thanks to the widespread construction of these houses in their time, almost all of them are located in the central areas of the city.

You can consider a number of significant disadvantages that the panel has apartment house. These include:

A number of advantages of our buildings. The home owner bears minimal costs for heating, cooling and lighting the building. Natural ventilation is cost-effective and prevents the formation of mold and mildew. Fire resistance - our blocks are resistant to open fire and high temperatures. . An environmentally friendly apartment correlates perfectly with the increasingly popular everyday in a healthy way life. It's not only fashion trend, but rather a necessity modern life. By reducing our use of energy sources such as gas and coal, we contribute to improving the environment and slowing down climate change.

  1. The panels do not retain heat indoors well. To create a comfortable microclimate in your home, it is necessary to install good heat and sound insulation.
  2. Inconvenient apartment layout. In such houses you can often find apartments with adjacent rooms, low ceilings, small kitchens, etc.
  3. The roof of a panel house acts as a serious drawback. In bad weather, due to the specifics of construction, it often leaks.
  4. The exterior of the house is not particularly aesthetically pleasing.

However, it should be noted that in Lately issues of combating the shortcomings of such houses are being resolved with the help of additional cladding of facades, sealing seams with special sealants, etc.

So don't delay purchasing your family's health! Entrust your dream home to professionals! For those who want to build a house during this period, the option of an iron house, on a light metal structure, is the cheapest home option. After the iron house, as a price, comes the traditional brick and concrete house, the most expensive option is wooden house.

How to build a house on a metal structure. Metal structure frames are attached to concrete base mechanical anchors and chemical ampoules that provide the final fixation of the house. This fastening method involves attaching threaded rods to a base using chemical components that form a kind of adhesive. The frames are attached to the base from 50 to 50 centimeters.

Now you should pay attention to the brick house. The big advantages of such a structure will be:

  1. Long service life.
  2. Strength and reliability of the structure.
  3. Good heat and sound insulation properties.
  4. Original appearance.
  5. Fire resistance.

There are few disadvantages of brick high-rise buildings:

  1. High prices for apartments.
  2. Uneven shrinkage of the house is possible.
  3. Long-term construction.

Thus, having considered the main pros and cons of panel and brick houses When buying an apartment, you can now make the right choice depending on your personal preferences and financial capabilities.

The interior walls are made of double-layer plasterboard. An insulating layer of fiberglass molded with aluminum foil is installed between the outer and inner cladding. The benefits of a house built on a metal structure are many. These include low construction time, the ability to assemble in any weather conditions and increased resistance to earthquakes. For example, building a house with an area of ​​150 square meters, ground floor plus flooring, takes about 45 days, since the house on a metal structure is made in a proportion of 70% at the factory.

Choosing new apartment, many buyers do not pay attention to the material of the house itself. But in vain! The most common types of modern multi-storey buildings now there are brick and panel houses. Today, I want to think about what material is better for houses, warmer and more reliable than brick or panels……..

First, perhaps, I’ll tell you about multi-story panel buildings.

Last year square meter was built for about 380 euros per square meter. The reason for the decline is the price reduction work force, because demand is too low, said Ciprian Ana. The price may be higher depending on the complexity of the project and the quality of finishing. During construction wooden house Two teams must work, one on the ground, the other in the workshop. Once the wooden structure is ready, the house will be installed in the workshop, and then dismantled and transported by car to the assembly site. “The house is set up in a workshop, it is dismantled and each component is numbered like a puzzle game so that it can be assembled on the construction site,” said Steven Lipowitzeu.

Panel houses

Such houses have their own operational characteristics much worse than brick houses. Apartments in panel houses are cheaper than in brick houses. Have you ever wondered why? It's simple. These houses became widespread during the Khrushchev and then Brezhnev times. These houses were built as temporary housing. According to GOST, the operation of a five-story panel house "Khrushchevka", for example, is 80 - 90 years, this is the maximum!

Such a house with an area of ​​about 100 square meters has a construction time of up to two months. “From the moment the building permit is issued, the house will be ready in two months, with foundation, roof and finishing,” said Stefan Lipovitseu, adding that such a house has higher earthquake resistance, better than the classic design, as well as low maintenance costs .

“Another advantage for those who want to buy a wooden house is the elasticity of this material, which prevents cracks in the walls, softens vibrations and absorbs seismic waves,” explained Ciprian Ana. The downside is that the floorboards must be soundproofed. “If you have children and jump on the floor, especially upstairs, the floor shakes and makes noise,” reminded Ciprian Ana. Polystyrene panels, like any structure, act as thermal insulation for a building. Another disadvantage that most may be reluctant to think about is the fact that such a house burns faster.

So why do we have 70–80% panel houses in Russia? Yes because panel house easier and easier to build! Panel houses grew like mushrooms after rain due to the high speed of construction. Panel 9 storey house, build 3 – 5 times faster than brick.

Panel houses have a service life of 80–90 years, this is said because the structure of such a house has metal parts. The house panel itself has metal carcass, filled with concrete. The edges of such a frame are welded together, like cubes in a construction set, and the house “grows.” However, metal tends to deteriorate faster than concrete or stone, so the strength of such joints decreases over time.

“This drawback can be solved by fireproofing the structure,” Stefan reminded Lipovitsa. Those who prefer a home with a more rustic look can turn to the solid wood home option. The price for this type of house, which is suitable for a holiday home, varies depending on the thickness of the beams. The most expensive version, with the thickest beams, 300 mm, has a price of 500 euros per square meter. The disadvantage is that the floors must be soundproofed. “If you have children and jump on the floor, especially upstairs, the floor shakes and makes noise,” reminded Ciprian Ana.

But this is not the only disadvantage. Also disadvantages are poor sound insulation; behind the wall you can hear your neighbors' TV playing. Heat loss, panel houses are poorly insulated, and therefore heat is lost much faster than in a brick house. Such houses need to be heated more strongly. Also, you can’t go wild in architecture, all the houses are like carbon copies, just remember the film “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath”

The space between these polystyrene panels is filled with concrete. Prices for a sandwich house made of polystyrene and concrete, red, with a base, range from 160 to 170 euros per square meter. Polystyrene formwork construction involves three simple steps: placing the opal forms on top of each other, fitting the reinforcement, and pouring the concrete.

The reinforcement is made of reinforced concrete and provides greater resistance to the walls. The turnkey price of a house built in this system reaches up to 350 euros per square meter, with medium finishing. On a normal structure it is turned off and some concrete errors can be eliminated. The sandwich system cannot see poured concrete. Typically, concrete vibrates when vibrating. Vibration can mean the polystyrene is breaking down. Thus, if it could be seen that the wall is not grounded, because there was no specific one, said Octavian Ungureanu, architect.

The next one is brick houses. Brick house is different from brick house. At the beginning of the last century. In Russia, such houses were built with wooden floors and stairs. The maintenance of such houses is several times lower than that of panel houses. But progress does not stand still and therefore wooden floors replaced with concrete ones. Such modern brick houses are designed for long-term living. On average, the service life of such a house is two to three times longer than that of a panel house, that is, 160–180 years.

Last year, a turnkey house cost about 400 euros per square meter. This year, those who want to make their home can make it cheaper by several thousand euros, depending on the size of the house. Taking into account that the demand is lower, the price of a turnkey house with an average cost of finishing without the price of the land on which it was built will be somewhere around 380 euros, said Ciprian Ana.

The most expensive option for a home. A house built on a lightweight metal structure is in the newest way building a house, so it is the most expensive house option. With the onset of the crisis, those who wanted to make their own home began to look for alternatives. Lack of money sparked their interest in the structure of light metal.

A brick house is made entirely of stone (brick) and has practically no metal parts in its structure, so there is nothing to rot.

As a rule, these houses are much warmer, and the sound insulation is many times higher. A brick house can be built much more attractive than a panel one, fortunately there is plenty of room for the architect’s imagination, the brick is small, and therefore you can embellish the facades of the houses a little.

How to make a house on a metal structure. However, the intensive use of polystyrene thermal systems has led to neglect alternative systems isolation. In a steadily declining market, manufacturers building materials have invested heavily in developing new products to differentiate them from the competition. Refurbishment and thermal rehabilitation of homes has been the only oxygen outlet for many manufacturers for a number of years, so new products being brought to market are heading in this direction.

Although polystyrene insulation is last years has improved significantly, there are alternative solutions on the market that may change over time. Some examples are thermal insulation boards, rigid polyurethane foam, thermal insulation panels, basalt mineral wool and new types of bricks that no longer require thermal insulation.

The only negative is the duration of construction; it takes much longer to build than a panel one, and if you buy one, it also costs more.

What type of houses, panel or brick, is of course up to you to choose. However, it is better to overpay a little and live comfortably than to then look for a replacement for your home.

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