Brief description of the main types of buildings and their design features

How to choose a building type: All buildings are divided into six classes (see point 3). This classification is based on two criteria: building elements and fire resistance limit. If these factors are not mentioned in project documentation, ask for additional information.

  • Building elements: Classification is based on types building materials, be it wood, steel structures or brick, from which the following building elements are erected:
    • Building frame;
    • External load-bearing walls;
    • Internal load-bearing walls;
    • Non-load-bearing external walls and partitions;
    • Non-load bearing interior walls and partitions;
    • Floors, including load-bearing beams and floors;
    • Roofing, including load-bearing beams and ceilings.
  • Fire resistance limit: This is the second criterion to determine what type of building it is. The materials used in the construction of the building elements listed above have a certain fire resistance limit. The fire resistance limit is usually calculated as the time during which the fire is turned off. fire protection system reacts to standard fire resistance test. This indicator is expressed in hours, for example, 0 hours, 1 hour, 2 hours. Sometimes, depending on the need for additional functional and target data, fire resistance may be assessed in terms of additional characteristics.
    • Rule of “least force”: When choosing the type of building, it is important to remember that the future building will be only as strong as its weakest element. For example, a brick building may have a weakly protected wooden roof. Wooden roof is the weakest element, since wood has zero fire resistance. Thus, the building class will be defined as “Brick and beam structure” (see below). Now imagine that the roof surface is made of metal. Since the load-bearing structures in such a building are not made of wood, the class of the building is determined as “Heat-resistant” brick building” (see below).
  • Required information: In order to determine which ISO class a building belongs to, you need to find out what its elements are made of:

    • Frame;
    • Load-bearing walls (internal and external);
    • Interfloor ceilings;
    • Roof;
    • Fire resistance limit.
  • Building classification: All buildings are divided into the following types or classes, each of which is described in detail below:

    • Frame building(ISO class - I, IBC type - V);
    • Brick and beam(ISO class - 2, IBC types - III, IV);
    • Lightweight heat resistant(ISO class - 3, IBC type IIB);
    • Brick heat-resistant(ISO class - 4, IBC type IIA);
    • Fire resistant improved(ISO class - 5, IBC type - IB);
    • Fire resistant(ISO class - 6, IBC type - IA).
  • International Building Code (IBC) and Insurance Services Office (ISO): These are the two main sources that classify buildings by type. All descriptions of building types below will be given with reference to these organizations. The ISO classification is traditionally used by insurance companies, while the IBC classification is used among architects and builders. If a company follows the ISO classification and the design documents are written using the IBC classification, it is important to be able to correctly translate the design data into the ISO standard. (There have been cases where the building frame was incorrectly classified in terms of fire resistance due to errors in reading the design documents). Below are descriptions of building classes from both classifications:

    • International Code of Buildings (IBC): This is a collection of basic building models compiled by the International Code Council (ICC). It is accepted in most US states. Most of the articles are devoted to fire prevention. Its main difference from the International Fire Handbook is that it looks at fire prevention from a construction and design perspective, while the Fire Handbook focuses on the process of fire prevention itself. Portions of the handbook overlap with the International Plumbing Handbook, the International Mechanical Handbook, the National Electrical Handbook, and various national fire codes. The IBC classification is more detailed, each class is divided into types A and B.
      • A – stands for “protected”, in the sense that everything structural elements buildings or structures have additional fire protection coating, whether drywall, spray or other approved coating. Additional coating increases the fire resistance level by at least 1 hour.
      • B – stands for “unprotected”, the structural elements of the building or structure do not have additional fire protection. The fire resistance limit of such elements is equal to the fire resistance limit of the materials from which they are made.
    • Insurers' Organization (ISO): is a provider of data, assurance, risk management and legal services to property insurers and other clients.
  • Classification of buildings and structures

    All designed, constructed and reconstructed facilities are divided into building And structures.

    Ground-based buildings with premises for work, rest, study, etc. are called buildings.

    Buildings for technical purposes, such as bridges, dams, factory pipes, gas pipelines, etc., are classified as structures.

    By purpose buildings are divided into two main groups: and industrial. According to the main functional process, buildings are divided into Various types, presented in Fig. 1.1.

    Rice. 1.1. Classification of buildings by purpose

    The required qualities of a building are achieved by technical means, the use of which is regulated by national Construction Norms and Rules (SNiP). This regulation uses different kinds classifications. Let's look at some of the main ones below.

    By number of floors:

    - low-rise– up to two floors in height;

    - mid-rise– 3 ÷ 5 floors;

    - high number of storeys– 6 ÷ 9 floors;

    - multi-storey– 10 ÷ 25 floors;

    - high-rise– 26 floors and above.

    The following types of floors are distinguished:

    above ground floor– floor when the floor level of the premises is not lower than the planning level of the ground;

    basement– floor when the floor level of the premises is below the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the premises;

    ground floor – floor when the floor level of the premises is below the planning ground level of no more than half the height of the premises;

    technical floor– a floor for placing engineering equipment and laying communications. Can be located in the lower (technical underground), upper (technical attic) or middle part of the building;

    attic ( attic floor) – living quarters located in the attic volume.

    When determining the number of floors of a building, the number of floors includes all above-ground floors, a technical floor, an attic floor, as well as a basement floor if the top of its floor is at least 2 m above the average planning level of the ground.

    Buildings are also classified according to the main wall material:

    - stone(made of brick and natural stone);

    - concrete(made of artificial stone, concrete and lightweight concrete blocks);

    - reinforced concrete;

    - metal;

    - wooden.

    By construction method buildings are distinguished:

    - from small-sized elements(small-sized elements are structural elements of buildings that are moved on a construction site manually or using small-scale mechanization);

    - from large-sized elements(to install these elements, powerful lifting mechanisms, cranes)

    - monolithic(pre-cooked concrete mixture is placed in a mold (formwork) directly on the construction site, where it hardens).

    Buildings are classified in terms of durability, which is determined by the period of preservation of the operational qualities of the main structural elements(foundations, walls, ceilings and coverings, etc.). The materials of these structures must have sufficient strength to withstand long-term static and dynamic forces, frost, moisture, bio- and heat resistance, resistance to corrosion and various aggressive influences. Practical engineering methods for calculating the durability of buildings have not yet been created, therefore, in building codes and regulations, buildings according to durability are conventionally divided into three degrees:

    - I degree– service life more than 100 years;

    - II degree– service life from 50 to 100 years;

    - III degree– service life less than 20 years.

    Class III includes, for example, buildings with wooden external walls. However, the service life of a building, regardless of the materials, is influenced by the conditions in which it is located and the quality of its maintenance.

    Depending on their purpose, significance and durability, buildings are divided into four classes by capital:

    - buildingIclass, meeting increased requirements - key buildings in urban development, designed for a service life of more than 70 years (theatres, museums, Palaces of Culture, train stations, etc.). This also includes unique buildings of national importance, designed for a service life of more than 100 years (Kremlin Palace of Congresses, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, etc.);

    - buildingIIclass, meeting average requirements - mass-produced buildings that form the basis of urban development and are designed for a service life of at least 50 years (multi-story residential buildings, hotels, administrative buildings etc.);

    - buildingIIIclass, satisfying medium and reduced requirements - lightweight buildings of reduced capital with a service life of 25-50 years.

    - buildingIVclass– with minimal requirements.

    Large public buildings and residential complexes belong to class I (no restrictions on number of floors). Most civil buildings belong mainly to class II, small residential buildings up to 5 floors belong to class III.

    Building materials are also selected in accordance with the class of the structure. For higher classes, the most durable, reliable and fire-resistant materials and structures are used, ensuring uninterrupted long-term operation without frequent repairs.

    Industrial buildings are classified according to their purpose, number of storeys and types of internal transport.

    Depending on their purpose, industrial buildings are divided into main production, auxiliary and service buildings (energy and storage).

    The main production buildings house workshops that produce finished products, semi-finished products or basic materials for production.

    In the auxiliary buildings there are workshops serving the main production (repair, tool rooms, etc.), as well as plant management, laboratories, canteens, etc.

    Energy buildings house production facilities that supply basic industrial buildings energy (boiler houses, compressor houses, power plants, gas generators, etc.).

    Warehouses include buildings used for storing finished products, raw materials, etc.

    Rice. 1. Main types of industrial buildings: a - a one-story building with a reinforced concrete frame and a self-supporting wall; b - multi-storey building with reinforced concrete floors; c - a new type of industrial building with a water-filled coating; 1 - foundations for columns; 2 - outer row columns; 3 – internal columns 4 – linings; 5 - foundation beam, 6 - waterproofing; 7 - crane beam; 8 - column consoles; 9 - load-bearing elements of the coating; 10 - enclosing elements of the coating; 11 - stone end walls; 12 - self-supporting wall; 13 - crossbar; 14 - large-panel slab, 15 - floor; 16 - asphalt screed; 17 - expanded clay concrete slabs; 18 - vapor barrier

    Different technological processes, depending on the products being manufactured, require different areas, different heights of premises, different equipment, directions of cargo flows and organization of processes. Sometimes the manufacturing process generates large amounts of heat and substances that are explosive when combined with air. Depending on the above, industrial buildings are of two types: single-story and multi-story.

    IN one-story buildings x (Fig. 1, o) such productions are located, the technological processes of which require large and high premises (with large spans) to accommodate large-sized equipment, cranes or special lifting and transport equipment with a large load-carrying capacity. Buildings of this type house industries that generate large amounts of heat.

    Single-story buildings are the predominant type of industrial buildings. They house ferrous metallurgy, heavy industry, mechanical engineering factories, chemical industry workshops, and prefabricated workshops for parts weighing more than 0.5 tons.
    Multi-storey buildings (Fig. 1.6) house production facilities whose technological processes do not require heavy crane equipment, as well as workshops with large spans, high heights and a large grid of columns.

    Multi-storey buildings house light industry, instrument making, radio engineering workshops, some chemical industry enterprises, woodworking plants, factories Food Industry. One such building houses the main production and auxiliary workshops, administrative and utility premises, warehouses, etc.

    Advantage multi-storey buildings Compared to one-story buildings, this is a reduction in the factory area, which is especially important in cramped urban conditions, a sharp reduction in the length of engineering communications, intra-factory routes, and a reduction in landscaping costs. However, it should be noted that the cost of 1 m2 of production space in multi-storey buildings up to 18 m wide is 10-15% higher than in single-storey buildings with a grid of 18X6 columns.

    The main advantage of single-story industrial buildings over multi-story ones is the ease of organizing intra-shop transport and the significant lightweighting of building structures. One-story industrial buildings are built in cases where the products produced are of significant weight, requiring heavy technological equipment.

    In most cases, single-story buildings are built as multi-span, continuous buildings with multi-pitched roofs. In buildings similar type Due to their large width, daylight illumination of workshops through window openings in the walls cannot be fully ensured, therefore overhead lighting lanterns are installed on the surfaces. Lanterns are located along the axes of the building spans. To allow air ventilation (aeration) of building premises, lanterns are installed with mechanically opening covers.

    In multi-span buildings with lanterns, atmospheric water is drained from the roofs using internal drains; for spans not exceeding 25 m, external drains are installed. To ensure normal internal drainage in the roofs of buildings, valleys are installed along the axes of the columns, in which cast iron drainage funnels are installed. The distance between the funnels should not be more than 24 m, the funnels are located in such a way that the longest path for water flow does not exceed 15 m. Depending on the hourly layer of rainfall and the catchment area, the diameters of the funnel risers are determined by calculation; they should not be less than 100 mm.

    Standard one-story and multi-story industrial buildings have been developed for a number of industries. In this case, standard structures are manufactured at the factory, and only installed at the construction site. In order to increase the production of building parts and reduce their installation time, the number of sizes and types of these elements is limited to the maximum possible.

    However, the space-planning and Constructive decisions industrial buildings are to some extent outdated. This applies primarily to multi-storey buildings with a grid of 6X6 and 9X6 columns, as well as single-story multi-span buildings with a small-sized grid of columns 12X6 and 15x6 and with overhead light.

    Continuous improvement of production technology necessitates periodic replacement of equipment and restructuring of the technological process. Experience shows that the obsolescence of equipment occurs faster than the deterioration of buildings. Therefore, there is a need for the construction of industrial buildings in which, without reconstructing the building or its parts, one can freely change technological processes and the placement of equipment. Buildings that meet this requirement are called universal (flexible). Single-story and multi-story industrial buildings can be universal.

    One of the signs of a building’s versatility is the presence of a large grid of columns, which makes it possible to accommodate new equipment in buildings when technology and the nature of production change. To reduce the area of ​​the factory territory, one-story production buildings of a new type have now been developed (Fig. 1, b). In them, as in multi-story industrial buildings, the main production and auxiliary workshops, administrative and utility premises and warehouses are located in one building. These buildings are characterized by a large grid of columns - 12X18, 18X18, 24X12, large production area, and the use of suspended and floor-mounted transport (instead of overhead cranes). Fluorescent lighting (artificial daylight) and air conditioning make buildings of this type suitable for almost any technological process.

    Simplification of the profile of buildings of the new type is also facilitated by the abandonment of overhead lights and the use of flat coverings, which in the summer are filled with a layer of 3-4 cm of water - to protect the premises from overheating by the sun's rays and to better preserve the tar paper waterproofing carpet. In the inter-truss space of these buildings there is a floor where auxiliary, design and technical rooms are located.

    The construction of new types of buildings makes it possible to concentrate construction and installation work on one large facility using enlarged prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, means of mechanization and transport. This makes it possible to significantly reduce construction time compared to the construction of conventional industrial buildings.

    On February 11, 1960, the USSR State Construction Committee, on behalf of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, approved the “Main directions for increasing the technical level and reducing estimated cost construction of industrial and transport buildings and structures”, providing for the introduction of new space-planning and design solutions for industrial buildings in the construction in order to improve the technical level and reduce the cost of their construction.

    In Moscow in 1960-1961. In the Zyuzino region, for the first time in the USSR, two one-story buildings of a new type were built experimentally. It is planned to build industrial buildings of this type in the satellite city of Moscow - Kryukov - and in other cities.

    New space-planning and design solutions used in the construction of buildings of this type using new building materials and structures significantly simplify organization and production methods construction work, which reduces the cost of construction and speeds up the commissioning of buildings.

    Single-storey and multi-storey industrial buildings according to their design schemes are divided into buildings with load-bearing walls and buildings frame type.

    In buildings with load-bearing walls, the load from the floors, roof, and also from the walls of the overlying floors is taken directly by the walls and transferred to the foundations.

    In frame-type buildings, the walls are non-load-bearing and carry wind loads and loads from their own weight only within one floor. The load from the floor, roof and walls themselves is transferred to the building frame, which consists of columns with horizontal connections (from purlins and crossbars). One-story industrial buildings are usually built of a frame type.

    Let's consider the basic structures of frame-type buildings and buildings with load-bearing walls.

    In industrial buildings, the most common are precast concrete columnar foundations(under columns and load-bearing walls). Load-bearing walls transfer the load through foundation beams to columnar column foundations. Sometimes strip foundations are installed under the load-bearing walls of multi-story buildings.

    The walls of industrial buildings are load-bearing; they are made prefabricated from reinforced concrete and brick blocks and monolithic. The walls of frame-type buildings consist of lightweight, low-thermal conductivity materials and are an enclosing structure; they are most often made of lightweight concrete blocks and panels.

    Columns, crossbars, purlins, crane beams are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete, and in buildings with large spans (mainly heavy industry workshops) - steel. The span sizes of buildings are 9; 12; 15; 18; 24; 30 and 36 m, distances between columns (column pitch) in the perpendicular direction - 6 and 12 m.

    Floors are installed in multi-storey industrial buildings with beam and beamless structures. Beam floors There are prefabricated ones, and non-beamed ones are monolithic.

    In industrial buildings, as a rule, the elements of the attic floor and roof are combined and form a non-attic (combined) covering.

    Depending on the size of the spans to be covered, the load-bearing elements of the coverings can be slabs, beams, trusses, arches, frames, vaults and other spatial systems.

    The most common types of load-bearing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are: reinforced concrete beams of I-section with spans of 9; 12; 15 and 18 m prestressed beams assembled from blocks 3 m long, span 12 and 15 m; heavily reinforced trusses, arched with a diagonal lattice or segmental with a triangular lattice, solid or assembled from two half-trusses for spans 18; 24 and 30 m trusses are pre-stressed, polygonal, assembled from blocks 6 m long for 18 spans; 24 and 30 m.

    Structural diagrams coatings are available without purlins and with purlins. With the most common non-purlin scheme, large-panel elements rest directly on trusses or beams; with a purlin, prefabricated elements reinforced concrete slabs laid on prefabricated reinforced concrete girders.
    The load-bearing base of the coatings can be various reinforced concrete slabs, namely: prestressed slabs with a size of 2980X5950 mm and a height of 300 mm from concrete grade 300, 2980X11 960 mm and a height of 450 mm from concrete grades 400, 500; expanded clay concrete grades - prestressed with a size of 2980x5980 and a height of 415-475 mm, as well as slabs of autoclaved cellular concrete grades 50.100 with a size of 1490x5980, a thickness of 200-240 mm.

    Installation of coating slabs is carried out in compliance with the following requirements:
    a) large-panel, slabs on trusses or beams are mounted from the middle of the span to its edges;
    b) in spans where there are lanterns, the slabs begin to be laid above the lantern;
    c) the slabs are attached to load-bearing structures by welding corners embedded in the corners of slabs to the embedded parts of purlins or trusses. The seams between the plates are filled with mortar. The support area of ​​the slabs must comply with the design instructions.

    Enclosing parts of coatings protect industrial buildings from precipitation and sun rays, maintain the required indoor temperatures. In industrial buildings, insulated coatings are mainly used. However, in workshops with high heat generation, as well as in unheated buildings, cold coating is used.

    Roofs are made from roll materials, non-rolled from lime-bitumen mastic, as well as from asbestos cement sheets and slabs.

    Rolled roofs made of isol, tar-skin and waterproofing are used for small roof slopes of up to 25% or when installing flat water-filled roofs with internal drainage.

    Roll-free mastic waterproofing is used for flat and low-slope roofs of insulated and cold roofs of buildings.

    Asbestos-cement roofs are installed on large (over 25%) roof slopes. Asbestos-cement roofs are used in cold coatings, as well as in coatings in chemical industry workshops, when the production process produces substances that, at a certain concentration, can form explosive mixtures. The use of asbestos-cement roofs in workshops with explosion hazards can significantly simplify the design of floors, walls, partitions, etc.

    a brief description of main types of buildings and their design features

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