Services of the construction company Baudorf

Industrial Building Design is subject to a set of norms and rules that every designer must take into account. Industrial buildings serve to serve industrial enterprises, Agriculture, transport, etc.

Industrial Building Design

The company "Metal structures MSK" provides design services industrial facilities on conditions favorable to the customer.
Industrial facilities include both production areas and the entire infrastructure of the industrial complex. Our specialists are well acquainted with the implementation of complex complex projects. You can trust us with any of your ideas.

Design work is an integral part, without which no construction will begin. For reconstructions, modernizations of buildings, etc., drawing up project documentation.

Do not forget that drawing up a project is only a small part of that large-scale project called construction. It is impossible to do without a competent transport and logistics interchange. Only the right choice industrial design will allow you to recoup all costs and achieve success.

Design of Hazardous Industrial Buildings

To carry out the design of hazardous industrial facilities, it is necessary to have the appropriate permits and competencies. To the dangerous industrial facilities include all facilities where all types of activities with hazardous substances are carried out.
On dangerous production facilities prohibited use technical means that do not have a Rostechnadzor Permit for use.

Design of Civil Industrial Buildings

The design of civil industrial facilities involves solving a complex problem associated with going through several design stages. First of all, a set of all permitting documents and pre-project documentation is created. Next comes the development and coordination of basic structures and premises, as well as network diagrams of all types.
At the last stage, the working documentation necessary for the implementation of the project is prepared. The degree of quality of the constructed facility and the possibility and duration of its operation depend on the correctness of its implementation.

Activities of the design organization

Our design organization provides the following types of services:

  • Development of pre-project documentation.

What it is?

Pre-project documentation is the stage at which a sketch of the future project is created. The specialist selects materials that will be needed in the future and arranges them into a single album. Finished work can be shown to government services for approval, as well as to architects who will further develop the project.

  • Creation of the approved part of the project.

At this stage design work are divided into certain zones so that the list of main actions is constructive and order can be traced throughout the entire engineering system. Here several more albums are added to the existing ones. They contain the main details concerning future architecture, energy supply, development of water supply, sewerage, heating and ventilation systems. Also at this stage, the impact of the object on the environment is traced.

  • Development of working documentation.

Designing factories and production facilities involves careful consideration of all technical aspects of construction. Working documentation consists of large volumes of drawings of all systems and structures, as well as some individual elements. Only after the final development of working documentation can a specialist submit documents for construction.

  • Author's control of the actions performed.

Each project, after it comes to life, is controlled by specialists from our design organization. We carefully monitor the construction process and are ready to advise the contractor on all issues related to project documentation. Practice shows that not a single construction project is complete without controversial issues, when urgent changes to project documentation, search for new solutions, etc. are required.

BAUDORF has been operating in the construction market for more than 20 years. During this time, we managed to gain many years of experience, a good reputation and many positive reviews from Customers.

We owe our success primarily to our qualified personnel, carefully thought-out marketing plan, loyal pricing policy, high level provision of services.

Our company BAUDORF offers its Customers an extensive range of services, which includes:

  • design industrial buildings;
  • construction of real estate;
  • construction of warehouse complexes;
  • construction of logistics terminals;
  • construction of refrigerated warehouses;
  • construction of factories and factories;
  • and other objects commercial real estate;
  • reconstruction of industrial buildings;
  • technical support of constructed facilities.

The principle of our work is primarily based on the quality and efficiency of work. Construction of industrial enterprises of any complexity is not a problem for us. Thanks to the many years of experience of our specialists, the company can safely say that we employ some of the best professionals in the industry. The BAUDORF company is engaged in the design and construction of industrial buildings and structures of any size.

Industrial enterprises vary greatly depending on the products they produce, so each new job- this is a new and interesting facility, the construction of which we carry out in the shortest possible time.

Designing industrial facilities is a very complex and labor-intensive process. But our company’s specialists adhere to the principle: the more complex the work, the more interesting it is to do it.

You can trust us and be confident that your project will be completed to your satisfaction. We take a responsible approach to any work, so we can say with confidence that we will implement the project within the strictly allotted time frame and within the budget.

Today, the construction of industrial facilities is a large, specific, separate area. construction work. The quality of the work performed directly affects the future operation of the enterprise and profit. Therefore, neither the design of industrial facilities nor the construction stage industrial buildings should not have any omissions in their process.

Absolutely all industrial buildings are daily subject to enormous dynamic and static loads, including vibration vibrations from operating equipment, a large flow of people, and the influence of aggressive chemical components. Therefore, the construction of industrial enterprises should be carried out only with high-quality materials, in accordance with innovative technologies and professional execution. Initial calculations and design industrial buildings must provide for absolutely everything existing nuances risks and dangers, because the slightest discrepancy may result in refusal to allow the building to participate in production processes.

In addition, the list of requirements that includes the construction of industrial buildings and structures is supplemented by norms and regulations on labor protection, compliance with requirements and regulations fire safety, environmental standards, protection from chemical influences. Any design of industrial buildings involves the development of complex modern system air conditioning and heating.

Therefore, the choice of a company that will carry out the construction of industrial structures with high quality, in accordance with all the above requirements, on time plays a fundamental role.

The fundamental stage is the design of industrial buildings

During the construction of industrial enterprises Special attention is given to the design stage. The technological features of future production are taken as the basis for this process. In this case, the design of industrial buildings is developed with the participation of the chief technologist of the enterprise, and the technological and production schemes of the facility’s operation are fundamental.

In many cases, the construction of commercial real estate is characterized by the presence of large spans, high-height premises, and enormous existing loads that arise due to the presence of a significant amount of suspended or technological equipment. For this reason, one of the most difficult stages in the design process is the aspect of developing communication and engineering systems, because the quality and functioning of production directly depends on their uninterrupted operation.

In industrial construction companies, developers must have sufficient experience and high qualifications to carry out the process in accordance with all the numerous features, requirements and standards.

Industrial engineering is one of the most effective ways improvement of the state's economy, in other words, industry is the basis of the state. In the current period, the country needs to build at least 2000 industrial enterprises. Only in this case will we get an economy capable of competing on the world stage, capable of producing Better conditions for the lives of our citizens. This is because construction of new industrial facilities attracts to the domestic market foreign investors and industrialists, and also allows for development Russian companies in related directions.

Should be considered modern technologies industrial construction , allowing to achieve a quick payback for such objects, as well as their versatility and relative cheapness. Modern materials, used in industrial construction, help to reduce the cost of constructing a facility, which allows for a return on investment within 10 years. Energy audit and cost-effective design and construction procedures solve the main industrial problem - saving on energy supply industrial enterprise . Specialists from Engineering Company 2K note that this market segment has an annual growth of 20 to 30% - the best figure compared to other industries.

Presentation of the Engineering Company "2K" in the direction of "Industrial Construction"

"Engineering Company "2K" constantly introduces technological products into its activities progress in construction, which in turn occurs continuously. One of these innovations was the use of “fast-build” or modular industrial construction. Its meaning lies in the installation of ready-made metal structures and sandwich panels on a foundation basis, characterized by lighter weight, lower cost, and the ability to minimize the impact of external factors on the building and increase it energy saving characteristics. Objects constructed in this way are distinguished by their versatility. Therefore, it is quite common for construction companies to initially build a facility, preparing all utilities and infrastructure along the way, and only then, having found a consumer for it, adjust it to certain requirements and features of future production.

To date industrial engineering most in demand among enterprises specializing in production building materials. This is followed by enterprises in the automotive, light, food and wood processing industry.
In addition to new construction, the reconstruction of buildings and facilities already erected in Soviet times is popular, because it is faster and cheaper to transform what has already been built than to create assets from scratch.

Construction of industrial buildings

Our specialists took part in such projects as:

  • construction of the electric furnace melting complex of PNTZ OJSC;
  • reconstruction of the Northern Central Processing Facility;
  • reconstruction of the Pechora Central Processing Plant, a structural division of Vorkutaugol;
  • construction of a timber processing plant in the Tomsk region;
  • construction of an aluminum smelter in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • construction of a cement plant in the Kaluga region;
  • construction of the Verkhnevolzhsky brick factory;
  • construction of a feed mill complex in the Kaliningrad region;
  • organization of automobile production and production of auto components in the Primorsky Territory.

Due to increased demand, supply naturally increases. However, not every company can implement a project efficiently, taking into account all the wishes of the Customer. This requires the presence of certain resources: a modern material and technical base, qualified and professional staff, and, of course, experience of fruitful activity in this field. We can safely say that industrial engineering is our main specialization, this is what we are focusing on today. Our knowledge base in field of industrial construction is one of the best in Russia, we have formed a powerful information system and continuously increase our potential in this area. "Engineering Company "2K" constantly participates in projects construction of new industrial facilities. Our competencies include the ability to work with domestic and foreign contractors, operate Russian and imported technologies and equipment. In the future, we plan to become leaders in this industry.

One of the requirements for companies operating in the market industrial construction, is the ability to carry out its activities at all stages of construction, from project development to commissioning of the finished facility. “Engineering Company “2K”, as one of the leaders of the Russian construction market, is ready to ensure high-quality and professional implementation of your plans.

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