What is the best dark chocolate? Bitter chocolate - composition, calorie content, beneficial properties and harm for men, women and for weight loss

Once it was drunk cold, then it began to be consumed hot, and today for the most part we eat it solid. All this is nothing but chocolate. Until the beginning of the 17th century, “chocolate” was a cold drink made from crushed cocoa beans, from the 17th to the 18th centuries it was a hot spicy drink with the addition of milk (). And the first hard bar appeared in 1842 in Bristol, then traditional chocolate production began to develop, new types of chocolate bars appeared. Now in the world there are a huge number of factories and varieties of dessert. They all want to be called "the best", but who among them can rightfully be considered the best?

What chocolate is considered the best in the world

The best chocolate is the one that is made from natural and quality ingredients in accordance with the traditions of preparation. There will never be any cocoa powder in the composition of such an exquisite delicacy. An important role in the issue of superiority in quality is played by countries producing delicacy. The leaders in the chocolate industry are Belgium, Switzerland, France, USA, Italy.


In this country, delicacy is treated as a work of art, it is no coincidence that in Belgium there are 16 chocolate museums, 12 factories and about 2000 specialized stores. This European country is considered a leader due to the use of selected raw materials for production. Delicacy in Belgium is made from the best variety cocoa beans, which grows in the Congo. By the way, the Congo used to be a colony of Belgium, so they remain suppliers of raw materials now. The luxury brands of the Belgian dessert Godiva, Daskalidès, Callebau, Guylian, Belvas, Leonidas are in demand all over the world due to their unsurpassed quality and incredible packaging design. For a quarter of a century, the Godiva brand has taken first place in world competitions.


There are the most sweet tooth here: per capita in the country there are 11.6 kg of chocolate treats per year. The Swiss dessert contains the largest percentage of cocoa butter, it is made only from elite cocoa beans of Ecuador, Venezuela, Madagascar. Swiss handmade chocolates are also recognized as the best in the world. Since 1901, the observance of the traditions of dessert production in the country has been monitored by the organization Chocosuisse (producers' union). Lindt, Teuscher, Maestrani, Toblerone, Coop, Sprungli, Milka are the leading brands.

Swiss handmade chocolate


The French not only prepare amazing chocolate, but also teach everyone this craft. The school exists at the Valrhona factory, 3 days of classes there cost about 1000 euros. In Ten-l'Hermitage, where the pastry shop is located, there are also guided tours of the factory. The Bovetti brand is famous for the production of eco-chocolate with natural fillers. And Apéritif is famous for its unusual and delicious dessert, if I may say so, because the fillings of chocolates are mustard, various spices and herbs. This dish is recommended to eat with wine.


Obviously, the quality of a product can make it the best, but it gets boring pretty quickly, you have to constantly surprise consumers in order to stay on top. This is what the American brand Vosges Haut-Chocolate does, in their assortment you can find high-quality chocolate with pieces of fried bacon, with salt crystals and sweet caramel, with ginger and turmeric, with mushrooms and wasabi.


This country is famous for the Amedei confectionery factory, which produces the best 63% black delicacy, according to reputable chocolatiers. The same brand is also the most expensive in the chocolate industry. Other well-known brands of chocolate in Italy are also famous for their excellent taste properties, their names are known all over the world: Perugina Cioccolato, Ferrero, Cioccolato modicano.

What is the best dark chocolate

The bitter treat must contain a minimum of 55% cocoa liquor and 33% cocoa butter. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the healthier the product. Real dark chocolate is made without fillers and additives, it contains only grated cocoa, cocoa butter and sugar. The last ingredient should be presented in a minimum amount.

With oh bitter chocolate

The bitterest chocolate dessert contains 99% cocoa. Its taste is not like the taste of ordinary dark chocolate (72% cocoa liquor - this percentage is considered optimal), you won’t be able to eat a lot of this delicacy. The production of such dark chocolate is difficult: cocoa beans from trees over 10 years old are used for it. But the unique taste and benefits attract gourmets, they are ready to wait for their tidbit for at least a thousand years.

The most "bitter" brands:

  • Lindt 99% COCOA - a Swiss brand, the content of grated cocoa in a bar is 99%;
  • "Apriori" is a Russian brand of the chocolate factory "Fidelity to Quality", the cocoa content is the same.

The best bitter chocolate

The quality rating of dark chocolate presented on Russian market(expertise of Gosstandart):

  • Lindt 70% COCOA;
  • "Glory" (factory "Red October");
  • Melanie elite 90% cocoa;
  • "'Gold Mark' Russia. Generous soul";
  • AlpenGold Bitter. Bitter Chocolate 70%.

The best milk chocolate

A milk chocolate treat should contain at least 25% cocoa solids and 18% cocoa butter. In addition, it must contain whole milk powder and vanillin.

The best brands of milk chocolate (Russian market):

  • Dove, milky;
  • “'Bliss' Russia. Generous soul";
  • Isis, Belgian Milk Chocolate;
  • "Korkunov" De Luxe;
  • Milka, milky.

The list is based on an analysis of the composition of the product and customer reviews on the Internet.

The best white chocolate

This type of sweet delicacy does not contain either grated cocoa or cocoa powder, but it must contain at least 20% cocoa butter, as well as dry film milk is 14%, milk fat - 3.5%, sugar - 55%, and vanillin.

For the first time, a white dessert was obtained in the 30s of the last century by Nestlé. Today, this firm also occupies a leading position in the top of the best white chocolate, below are other brands worthy of attention:

  • Millennium porous - this brand offers a large number of fillers specifically for the white type of chocolate (mango and coconut, strawberries and yogurt, nuts);
  • ROSHEN porous
  • Alpen Gold with almonds and coconut

The best dessert chocolate

Perhaps this subspecies of dessert is the most elite, and its cooking process is the most laborious, but it also has the most delicious taste. For the production of dessert tiles, at least three varieties of the most expensive cocoa beans grown in various African countries are used. The processing of grains is also different. During the preparation process, cocoa beans are conched (continuous stirring at a temperature of 60 degrees), usually this processing can take from three to five days. As a result, the product becomes tender and melts in the mouth, and its consistency is homogeneous, and here it acquires a pronounced aroma. Dessert tiles are much more expensive than ordinary ones, this is due to the price of the raw materials themselves and the production process of the finished product.

Delicious delicate taste of dessert chocolate

In a real dessert bar, the percentage of cocoa beans varies from 35 to 55, cocoa butter - up to 25%, the sugar content in it is quite high. Also, the composition of this product often includes various additives and fillers.

Russian producers of real dessert chocolate:

  • factory "Red October", dessert line - "Mocha";
  • "Kommunarka" - the factory provides a wide selection of dessert tiles;
  • confectionery factory "Victory of Taste";
  • confectionery factory named after N.K. Krupskaya, dessert - line "Special"

The best brands of Russian chocolate

Russian manufacturers of sweet treats are far from being the world's leading manufacturers, however, some brands are not inferior to the chocolate magnates of the Old and New Worlds in terms of quality and taste.

The best brands of Russian-made chocolate:

  • "Fidelity to quality";
  • some enterprises of the United Confectioners holding - Russian Chocolate, Babaevsky;
  • "Victory of Taste";
  • "Russia".

The factory "Victory of Taste" deserves special attention. This is a fairly young Russian brand that has established itself as a high-quality, but affordable for the majority. The company's policy is based on the use of only natural raw materials. The factory follows global technological trends and produces product lines without sugar. The enterprise has a number of awards for participation in Russian and world competitions.

most expensive chocolate

  1. La Madeline au Truffe by chocolatier Fritz Knipschildt. Price: $250 for one candy. The high cost of this dessert comes from the price of the main ingredient - truffle oil, it costs about $ 1,000 per pound.

  1. Wispa Gold Chocolate (Cadbury factory). Price: $1628. This amount will cost a chocolate bar with edible gold.

  1. Le Grand Louis XVI (Debauve & Gallais factory). Price: $900. The brand is proud of its historical past: they were the supplier of sweets for Napoleon.
  1. Chocolates with Edible Gold (DeLafee factory). Price: $508. Elite cocoa beans from Ecuador and gold that you can eat are the secret to the success of this dessert.

  1. Amedei Toscano Black Truffles. Price: $294. The manufacturer decided to combine all the concepts of luxury in this product: Swarovski crystals, gold, luxury champagne, truffles and the best chocolate.

The biggest chocolate bar in the world

You can treat many friends with such chocolate

If you can eat "a million chocolates" at a time, then we've found a dessert your size. The world's largest chocolate bar was released in 2011 by Thornton. They prepared tiles weighing 5 tons 792.5 kilograms. Happiness for the sweet tooth size: four meters long and four meters wide. The factory decided to make such a huge chocolate bar in honor of its centennial anniversary. The largest chocolate with an area of ​​16 square meters: the company certainly did not fail with the treat, there was enough for everyone.

Everyone loves good chocolate. It is difficult to find those who are indifferent to this product in the same way as real high-quality chocolate. In order for a treat to bring not only pleasure, but also benefit, you need to be able to choose the right product. How to do it? Read our article.

Useful properties of chocolate

Many people know that chocolate in reasonable quantities can have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Just what is its usefulness, already big question for many. Indeed, good quality chocolate can not only give moments of enjoyment of taste, but also rejuvenate the body.

The most important advantage of chocolate is that it is included in the top three products with a strong antioxidant property, and this is not only long-term youth, but also life extension. This quality applies only to dark chocolate. The ability to cleanse the body of toxins and cholesterol appeared in this product due to the high content of flavonoids. If you eat dark chocolate every day, you can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Many people say that after eating a piece of chocolate, their mood improves. This is due to the fact that this product contains a huge amount of tryptophan, which contributes to the release of serotonin, and this is a direct effect on endorphins (happiness hormones). Therefore, in order to distract from problems and save a large number of nerve cells, it is worth eating a slice of black delicacy at least once every couple of days.

Chocolate with milk - loss of antioxidant properties

Anyone who wants to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins with the help of chocolate should remember that only good dark chocolate is an antioxidant. Even the smallest amount of milk in the composition of this product will make it completely useless in this regard.

Also, do not drink tea or coffee with milk when you eat dark chocolate. Milk can be drunk only after a couple of hours to avoid mixing it with antioxidants.

The first criterion for choosing chocolate is the price

Don't skimp when buying treats. Good chocolate cannot be cheap, so always pay attention to the price tag first, and only then proceed to study the composition.

The high price of a product is the first indicator of the quality of the raw materials from which it was made. Cocoa beans and cocoa butter are not a cheap pleasure, and therefore the cost of the finished product is high. It is not necessary to choose only imported chocolate, guided by a large number of numbers on its price tag, unlike domestic products. Many Russian producers produce truly high-quality products, and the price for such chocolate will be much lower than for foreign-made goods.

Choosing the best chocolate by composition

In order to benefit from chocolate, and not harm the body, you need to carefully study what is written on reverse side packaging - the composition of the product. Which chocolate is better determines the order of writing the products used to make it.

  1. In the first place should be chocolate mass, which includes grated cocoa, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, cocoa beans.
  2. Not all manufacturers add soy lecithin; its presence in a small amount does not harm the quality of the product.
  3. Sweeteners or sweeteners.
  4. Cinnamon.
  5. Vanilla.
  6. Dried fruits or nuts.
  7. Herbs and spices (cardamom, mint, chili and others).

This is an optional list, the composition can be limited to the first paragraph. But if you prefer good chocolate with additives, then writing the contents should be in that order.

If in the first place is soy lecithin, sugar, powdered milk, cocoa butter substitutes, vegetable and milk fats, this means that the product is not real chocolate, and you can’t buy it!

soy lecithin

If you are really interested in what kind of chocolate is the best, then you need to know about soy lecithin. This ingredient is not dangerous, but it does not bring benefits either. Some manufacturers add it only in order to reduce the cost of the produced chocolate, partially or completely replacing cocoa butter with it.

If soy lecithin is on the product list after cocoa butter, then its content is minimal. If this cheap substitute is in the forefront with cocoa powder, then you can safely leave it on the store shelf (if you choose high-quality elite chocolate).

Also, some manufacturers add soy lecithin to hide the presence of a large amount of powder added instead of grated cocoa. Cocoa powder is a production waste that does not have any useful properties, like lecithin.

For the budget line, a high content of cocoa powder and soy lecithin is considered the norm, but for elite varieties it is completely unacceptable.

What should not be in good chocolate?

It is not enough to know what should be in your favorite treat. It is also necessary to take into account the ingredients that are unacceptable for the composition of the product. This applies not only to expensive chocolates, but also to budget ones. The following content can be harmful to health:

  • vegetable fat or margarine;
  • palm or Coconut oil(substitutes for cocoa butter and soy lecithin);
  • baking powder, flour;
  • syrup;
  • non-natural dyes and flavors;
  • water-retaining agents, stabilizers.

Also, do not choose chocolate with fillers. Good chocolate will never be filled with jelly, jam and other fillings. Some manufacturers add cognac to the composition, which may (not necessarily) indicate a low quality product. The taste and smell of alcohol is able to interrupt and mask the unpleasant aftertaste of chemical additives. When buying a chocolate bar with cognac, choose only expensive brands.

Visual quality assessment

Many people discover white coating on a purchased chocolate bar, they rush to throw it away or take it back to the store in order to return the money for the damaged product. This should not be done, since "gray hair" appears only on high-quality chocolate.

When breaking the tile, pay attention to the sound. Good chocolate should crunch, and when the slices are tapped against each other, there should be a pleasant ringing, not a thud. After the tile is broken, take a look at the cut: there should be no chipping or obvious irregularities.

Real chocolate will begin to melt quickly in your hands, as this happens already at 32 degrees. And this temperature is lower than that of the human body. The slice should melt slowly in your mouth. If the aftertaste has slightly chilling notes, and in the mouth there is a sensation not of a thick mixture, but of a liquid one, then the chocolate contains palm or other harmful oils, and not from cocoa. A quality product will be viscous when dissolved in the mouth, pleasant and warm.

To determine the presence of vegetable fats in the composition, you need to lower a piece of chocolate into milk. If there are no such components, the slice will sink, and if there are, then it will float on the surface.

Chocolate for those on a diet

It is generally accepted that losing weight should not eat sweets. This is true, but real dark chocolate will not harm the figure if it is consumed in the right quantities.

The best dark chocolate contains at least 56% cocoa. This product should not contain sugar. To enjoy the product and protect the waist from unwanted centimeters, you can eat up to 25 grams of such a product per day. If the composition contains even a small amount of sugar, then you will have to limit yourself to fifteen grams.

It is also worth eating chocolate at the right time so as not to harm the figure. It is advisable to eat it before four in the afternoon, and preferably before lunch.

How long should real chocolate be stored?

Real chocolate should be stored in a refrigerator or a cool dark place, because only with proper storage standards can we talk about the timing. If all requirements are met, then the tile is considered good from the date of production for a period of three to eighteen months. This period must be written on the packaging by the manufacturer, and in no case should you eat the product after the expiration date.

If the manufacturer wrote that within 24 months from the date of manufacture, you can use this product, then you should not be skeptical about this period, and suspect the manufacturer of adding preservatives. Stable cocoa butter crystals can extend the life of a chocolate bar without the addition of harmful chemicals.

Russian chocolate: good quality

Choosing from several products, it is difficult to stop looking at any particular one. Many, in order not to waste time and rack their brains, remove the most expensive imported product from the shelf, which is not worth doing. The fact is that foreign goods, which are more expensive than Russian ones, may be worse in quality. We reviewed the compositions of chocolate from well-known Russian manufacturers, read a lot of reviews about their products. Focusing on the information received, we compiled a list of reliable manufacturers of a delicacy loved by many. So, the best Russian chocolate is represented by:

  • "Loyalty to quality".
  • "Russia".
  • "Victory of Taste"
  • "Babaevsky".
  • "Bogatyr".
  • "Odintsovo confectionery factory".
  • "Russian chocolate".
  • "Red October".

All these manufacturers produce truly high-quality chocolate products.

When buying chocolate, do not look at the bright packaging, it was created only to attract the eye. When choosing, use the tips prescribed in this article, and get a quality product that will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit!

The most delicious chocolate is different for everyone: for some - black, for some - white or milk, for some - porous or stuffed. This confection improves mood, helps fight depression, and is generally good for health in moderation.

Manufacturers are making every effort to surprise customers with new exclusive recipes for a world-famous delicacy and outperform competitors in quality and design. Only the best of the best succeed. Which country produces the highest quality chocolate and employs the most talented confectioners? This makes it possible to determine the award given out by The Academy of Chocolate since the beginning of the 20th century.

The Chocolate Academy was founded in 2005 by the best chocolatiers in the world out of 300 different countries to determine the quality of the output. The award is considered one of the most prestigious and respected, so manufacturers go through a serious selection process before being awarded the title of winner.

Amedei Selezioni (Italy)

Despite the fact that an exquisite delicacy from all over Europe appeared for the first time in Spain, and Switzerland considers it its hallmark, the best chocolate is made by Italians. The Amedei factory was founded in 1990 in Tuscany by Cecilia and Alessio Tissieri, who are brother and sister to each other.

At first, young people rented a small room of 45 square meters. m, where they made pralines with their own hands and sold their products. Deciding to expand their business, they began to cooperate with a well-known French factory, but they categorically refused to negotiate, referring to the fact that Italy had not yet grown to the level of France. Then Alessio and Cecilia decided to independently find the best cocoa beans and surpass the competition. Going directly to the Venezuelan suppliers, they began to produce exclusive and incredibly tasty products, the quality of which is second to none.

The Academy awarded the company the highest award in three categories at once: for the best black, milk and extra-dark chocolate. A set of 12 tiles will cost the buyer more than 60 thousand rubles, but experts say that such an acquisition is really worth the money.

Teuscher (Switzerland)

The second place belongs to the Swiss manufacturer Teuscher. The company produces more than a hundred varieties of delicious chocolate and exports it to America, Australia, Canada, the Middle East and European countries. It is noteworthy that, unlike the Academy of Chocolate, the company was awarded the first place by National Geographic magazine.

The Teuscher factory was founded in 1932 in Zurich. You can visit its flagship store on Bahnhofstrasse and taste the most delicious extra dark chocolate, which consists of 99% elite cocoa beans.

Leonidas (Belgium)

Belgium is one of the leaders in the production of the famous delicacy. First of all, this is the merit of the Leonidas factory, whose history began more than a century ago. In 1913, a Greek American married a young girl from Brussels and decided to stay in his wife's homeland.

Leonidas Kestekidis (that was the name of the novice confectioner) patented the brand and opened his own business. Confectionery cafes opened one after another, so Leonidas partially handed over the management to his nephew Basilio. The smart young man set up international deliveries, and soon the products appeared in stores in America, London, Greece, etc. Today, the network includes 350 stores in Belgium and 1250 more around the world.

Bovetti (France)

The creator of the French brand is the confectioner Walter Bovetti. He opened his business in 1994, and today he successfully operates 2 factories, one chocolate museum and one flagship store with a wide range.

A feature of the product is its non-standard appearance. A creative confectioner makes delicious chocolate in the form of nails, a hammer, decorates desserts with flower petals, adds spices and spicy pepper. Walter believes that aesthetics should not be inferior to organoleptics.

Valrhona (France)

The French company is one of the largest manufacturers in the world, annually producing 600 tons of delicious chocolate. Its distinguishing feature is high-quality raw materials. Elite cocoa beans are used in the manufacture, so the main assortment of chocolate is black, bitter and extra black. All products are not only tasty, but also environmentally friendly, because they do not contain flavor enhancers and aromatic additives.

The brand was founded in 1922 by an aspiring confectioner Gironnet, only the name was completely different - Chocolaterie du Vivarais. Over time, the business became a family business, and thanks to the heirs gained worldwide popularity.

Michel Cluizel (France)

Another French manufacturer in the ranking is Michel Cluizel. Manufacturers pay special attention to product quality. Unlike other manufacturers, they process the purchased raw materials themselves, roasting and grinding grains. A distinctive feature of the products is a seal with the inscription "Noble ingredients", which is not found anywhere else in the world.

The firm is a family business. The founder of the brand, Michel Kluizel, inherited his love for gourmet dessert from his parents, professional chocolatiers. The family opened its first store in the late 1980s. Today, the factory employs over 200 workers, experimenting with recipes under the strict guidance of the chef.

Scharffen Berger (USA)

Americans are ranked 7th in the ranking of the best chocolate in the world. The company was founded in the 90s of the last century in Berkeley (California) by winemaker John Shafenberger and physician Robert Steinberg. They released several types of delicious dessert, which immediately gained popularity among Americans. Soon the founders opened their factory, and the business began to gain momentum.

In 2005, the giant concern Hershey became interested in the brand. For $50 million, the company bought out Scharffen Berger, making the founders consultants. To this day, the products are exported to many countries of the world and surprise customers with exquisite taste and new products.

Lindt (Switzerland)

The Swiss company is one of the oldest modern manufacturers. Its history dates back to 1845, when father and son Sprüngli opened a small pastry shop in Zurich.
The family business developed very rapidly, and soon the Austrian and another Swiss factory were bought out by the heirs, united into one concern. Thus, the full name of the company sounds like Lindt & Sprüngli AG.

Lindt produces delicious stuffed desserts, chocolate bars and sweets packaged in fun cans and boxes. The branded chain of shops and cafes can be seen all over the world.

Soma (Canada)

Canada is ranked 9th in the ranking of the most delicious and high-quality chocolate. The factory is relatively young as it was founded in Toronto in 2003. The business started as a small production, but demand from customers led to the opening of a factory and two flagship stores.

Confectioners process cocoa beans themselves and come up with new recipes. Thanks to this, the range of products is constantly expanding and replenished with new products. Soma is famous for its exquisite truffles, made according to a unique recipe that is carefully hidden from competitors.

Anna Shea Chocolates (USA)

Sweets are made from high-quality cocoa beans in the best European traditions. Confectioners hone their skills by inventing new delicious recipes and original design. Among the wide assortment you can see bars of extra-dark chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans, as well as blue, light green, yellow sweets with a variety of fillings.

Not necessarily the product, on the wrapper of which it says "chocolate", is such in fact. And even if the manufacturer praises the tile and promises a unique taste, it is not a fact that you will be satisfied with the quality. Find out the rating of the best chocolate in Russia and buy only proven products!

The best milk chocolate

Chocolate with a high milk content is a favorite treat for children and girls. The optimal ratio of taste and quality is present in the following products.

DOVE from A. Korkunov Confectionery Factory

According to the examination of Roskachestvo, the product not only meets all the standards of the Russian quality system, but also outstrips them

According to the expertise of Roskachestvo, the product not only meets all the standards of the Russian quality system, but also outperforms them. It has a delicate chocolate taste, uniform color and delicate cocoa aroma. Contains no cocoa butter or equivalents.

Milka from Mon dalys Rus

Chocolate has a pleasant color and a delicate milky taste.

Chocolate has a pleasant color and a delicate milky taste. The degree of grinding cocoa beans not only meets the requirements of GOST, but also exceeds them. It is planned to assign the Russian Quality Mark to this brand.

Russia - a generous soul "Very Milky" from "Nestlé Russia"

The taste of the product is rich chocolate, the aroma is pleasant

The taste of the product is rich chocolate, the aroma is pleasant. Cocoa butter substitutes are not used by the manufacturer. Studies confirm the presence of natural milk in chocolate.

dark chocolate rating

Real dark chocolate has a rich taste of cocoa beans and a delicate aroma. Your task is to choose the best product from the assortment presented on store shelves.

"Babaevsky" Suite from the Confectionery Concern "Babaevsky"

The product was highly rated by Roskachestvo according to the results of testing

The product received a high rating from Roskachestvo according to the results of testing. It has a traditional chocolate taste without impurities and meets all safety requirements.

"Special" from the Krupskaya Factory

The product has a slightly bitter taste due to the presence of salt and vanilla in the composition, which can enhance the taste of other components.

The product has a slightly bitter taste due to the presence of salt and vanilla in the composition, which can enhance the taste of other components. The undeniable advantage of this brand of chocolate is a fairly low cost compared to analogues.

Alpen Gold "Dark" from "Mon dalys Rus"

The product has small comments from experts: sugary taste and soft texture

There are small comments from experts on the product: sugary taste and soft texture. But still, the brand takes pride of place in the top three among dark chocolate.

bitter chocolate

Chocolate with a high cocoa content is an exquisite delicacy for real gourmets. Choose only the most delicious, healthy and safe products!

Golden Mark from Nestle Russia

Chocolate produced in accordance with GOST and contains 70% cocoa products

Chocolate is produced in accordance with GOST and contains 70% cocoa products. It has a pronounced chocolate taste, which indicates the use of high-quality raw materials. The product does not contain coconut or palm kernel oil.

"Gorky" A. Korkunov" from the Odintsovo confectionery factory

The product has a delicate and elegant chocolate taste without extraneous notes.

The product has a delicate and elegant chocolate taste without extraneous notes. The cocoa content is 72%. Composition analysis confirms the use of natural cocoa butter and the absence of lauric-type substitutes.

"Apriori" from the Confectionery Factory "Fidelity to Quality"

Note: The mass fraction of dry residue of cocoa products in dark chocolate is at least 40%, and in bitter chocolate - at least 55%. Also, the dark version should contain at least 20% cocoa butter, and the norm for bitter is at least 33%.

Natural chocolate is a delicious and very healthy product. It will help reduce the risk of stroke, increase vitality and improve mood. But uncontrolled eating of chocolate is fraught with metabolic disorders, and eating low-quality bars contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body. Therefore, choose only proven products from well-known manufacturers!

For many, chocolate is a product that brings happiness. Perhaps this is so. After all, a slice of bitter, milk or white chocolate can improve mood and make the world around us kinder and brighter. Many will agree that with a cup of hot drink, any problems fade into the background and do not seem so global. The ancient Aztecs were the food of the gods. But this product stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. However, only good chocolate, consisting of natural products, has such qualities. The range of this product is quite large, but it is not always possible to find a quality delicacy. So, what kind of chocolate is better to buy and what to look for when choosing it?

The benefits of chocolate

According to scientists, the regular use of this product in small quantities helps to avoid the occurrence of certain ailments. With the help of chocolate, you can prevent the development of dementia in old age. In addition, the treat can increase the production of blood cells.

Do not abuse chocolate. Studies show that it is enough to consume only 25 grams of the product per day to get the benefits. For medicinal purposes, it is worth using high quality dark chocolate.

According to cardiologists, chocolate can fully replace coffee. This product is much healthier for the heart. Because cocoa beans contain polyphenols. These substances have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, and also promote blood flow. And this is very important. After all, this phenomenon can significantly reduce the main load on the heart.

What to look out for

Today, on the shelves of many stores there is chocolate from many manufacturers. However, not all consumers know what distinguishes a quality product. Some treats can't even be called chocolate. The main clue leading to the puzzle is packaging. To buy good chocolate, you need to carefully study the composition. Of course, many manufacturers print important information in small print. But it is the composition that will make it possible right choice. Therefore, it is worth spending an extra 15 minutes to buy real chocolate, and not a simple confectionery sweet bar. So what should the product contain?

Good chocolate contains cocoa butter. The product should not contain other confectionery fats. If the chocolate contains cottonseed, sunflower, soybean, or you should not buy such a delicacy. Many manufacturers strive to make a product that was more attractive in terms of price for consumers. It is for this reason that cheap raw materials are added to the composition, which is a substitute or equivalent to cocoa butter.

Substitute and equivalent

Good chocolate contains cocoa butter. Other confectionery fats are its substitutes or equivalents. It is worth understanding these two concepts.

By chemical properties the equivalent is very close to cocoa butter. However, the taste of the delicacy containing this component is much inferior to the natural product. Good quality chocolate melts quickly in your mouth, leaving a pleasant aftertaste. This is achieved through cocoa butter. The melting point of this product is 32°C.

Chocolate that contains the equivalent of cocoa butter will also melt quickly in your mouth. However, the taste of the delicacy will be less tart, not so pleasant and unsaturated. Despite this, a product with such a composition has the right to be called chocolate.

If in the delicacy cocoa butter is replaced with cotton, vegetable, palm, or Eleksan fat, then there are doubts about its naturalness. Do not succumb to the stories of manufacturers who call a similar product chocolate. This is a normal confectionery tile. This delicacy will not melt in your mouth. The taste of such a product is far from real chocolate. The main advantage of confectionery tiles is their low cost.

Lecithin in the composition

Very often in the list of ingredients you can see lecithin. Many don't even know what it is. Good chocolate will contain this ingredient. After all, lecithin is very useful for the human body and is even irreplaceable. This substance is contained in the protective membranes of the brain. It is worth noting that human muscle and nerve cells are 17% composed of lecithin. However, most of this substance is destroyed during emotional and physical activity. The lack of lecithin very often leads to constant irritability and fatigue. If you do not replenish its reserves, memory can deteriorate greatly.

What is the best chocolate: white, milk or bitter

Today you can buy almost any chocolate. It can be white, black, milky, with nuts, with dried fruits and with various sweets. To understand which chocolate is better, you need not only to understand its composition, but to clearly understand what components this product consists of. The main ingredient is cocoa beans. They are the main raw materials for manufacturing and so on. The first few products are used to make real chocolate.

Gorky differs from other varieties of delicacy in its rich taste and unique aroma. It is worth noting that it is this chocolate that is considered the most useful. The product contains a huge amount of tocopherols. These substances give a feeling of joy and lightness. Scientists have proven that it is dark chocolate that relieves fatigue during mental and physical stress, improves blood circulation. In addition, the product has a tonic effect. The basic rule of dark chocolate is a minimum of sugar and a maximum of cocoa. This is what allows you to feel the delicate taste of delicacy, which is not interrupted by milk and other impurities.

Milk chocolate is an ideal product for a sweet tooth, but not for connoisseurs of a unique taste. Of course, this product also has its advantages. Milk chocolate has a delicate and mild taste. These qualities are given to the product by milk and cream. But a large amount of sugar makes the product very sweet.

Many people are surprised by white chocolate. According to some, this product is simply painted. But it's not. In fact, the best white chocolate consists of components white color: cream, milk, cocoa butter, sugar and so on. This delicacy is fatty, sweet and high-calorie. However, white chocolate also found its fans.

Belgian chocolate

The best dark chocolate comes from Belgium. According to traditions, there are no various artificial flavors, additives and preservatives in the composition of the delicacy. Belgian chocolate contains only natural ingredients, among which - and so on. All ingredients are of high quality. It is worth noting that bitter Belgian chocolate is 72% grated cocoa.

Almost every city in this country has a factory that produces this delicacy. In addition, you can visit small shops selling handmade dark chocolate. Among the most famous brands of Belgian chocolate, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Neuhaus.
  2. "Leonidas".
  3. "Gilian".
  4. "Godiva".
  5. "Wittamer".
  6. "Pierre Marcolini".

Belgian chocolate is not sold in ordinary stores, as it does not contain preservatives and other impurities. Certain conditions are required for the storage of such a product.

Swiss chocolate

Switzerland ranks second in the ranking of world chocolate producers. According to statistics, each resident eats about 12 kilograms of this delicacy per year. Among the popular Swiss brands it is worth highlighting:

  1. "Toucher".
  2. "Sprungli".
  3. "Maestrani".
  4. Frey.
  5. "Villaris".
  6. "Lindt".

Swiss good chocolate is made from the most expensive raw materials. The composition of the delicacy does not contain chemical additives and preservatives. That is why chocolate does not last very long. The assortment of delicacies is regularly updated in boutiques around the world.

Elite chocolate from France

France also produces delicious and high-quality chocolate. Gradually, chocolate producers in this country are ousting producers from Belgium and Switzerland. It is worth noting that the French delicacy surprises not only with its unique taste, but also with a combination of products. Some manufacturers equip packaging with sweets and chocolate bars with special sensors that maintain optimal temperature conditions, as well as air humidity. This allows you to keep the treat. Popular French brands include:

  1. Michel Richard.
  2. "Madame Sevigne".
  3. Michel Chatillon.

The best Russian chocolate

The best Russian chocolate is made by companies such as:

  1. "Victory of Taste"
  2. "Russia".
  3. "Loyalty to quality".
  4. "Russian chocolate".
  5. "Bogatyr".
  6. Odintsovo confectionery factory.

The assortment of the company "Fidelity to quality" is quite large. This manufacturer makes a premium product. This delicacy contains 99%, 85%, 75% and 65% cocoa liquor.

Russian chocolate factories

The best Russian chocolate is made at several factories of the United Confectioner holding:

  1. "Red October".
  2. Rot Front.
  3. Concern "Babaevsky".

The products of the latter concern are striking in their variety of taste solutions. It produces chocolate with various additives: ginger, candied fruits, nuts, sesame, vitamins. In the manufacture of some varieties of delicacies, sugar substitutes are used. Bitter chocolate, which does not contain impurities and additives, contains 75-87% cocoa liquor.

Concern "Red October" produces delicacies of the famous brand "Slava". The product is available in regular and porous form. Such chocolate contains about 80% cocoa liquor.

Factory "Rot Front" produces three varieties of delicacy called "Autumn Waltz", which contains 56% cocoa liquor, as well as:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Pieces of orange.
  3. Pieces of orange and alcohol.


The best bitter or white, it doesn’t matter, has cocoa butter in its composition. When choosing a treat, special attention should be paid to the composition. Natural chocolate does not contain vegetable fats, as well as cocoa butter substitutes. A product may only contain its equivalent. If a substitute is present in it, then it cannot be called chocolate. Such a product is called a confectionery tile.

It is also worth remembering that the price of a treat is the main indicator of its quality. Cocoa butter substitutes can reduce the cost of the final product. Naturally, the price of such chocolate is much lower.

A natural product can “gray” over time. The taste of this chocolate is not different from the usual. If the delicacy is covered with “sugar frost”, then it will taste bitter. If there is lecithin in it, then there is no doubt about its usefulness. This component is very important for the normal functioning of the human body. The healthiest chocolate is dark chocolate.

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