Legalize the entrance group in a residential building. Input group approval

Coordination of the input group in all necessary instances takes quite a lot of time. To do this, you need to get an architectural design task and provide a working draft that meets not only architectural and sanitary standards, but also standards fire safety, the requirements of gas workers, power engineers, the traffic police, the metro service and other authorities. Our studio is ready to develop a quality project and take over its approval. In this case, all your wishes regarding the design of the entrance group will be taken into account, and the will be as affordable as possible in the implementation, since we ourselves manufacture all the elements of the structure and are engaged in its installation.


The procedure for coordinating a separate entrance

According to the law, produce construction works affecting input groups can only be obtained by obtaining official permission. In addition to standard organizations, in some settlements there may be special requirements. For example, in Moscow, you may need the consent of the metro administration if you plan to go even slightly beyond the facade of the building or expand the existing one. land plot input group.

Rice. 1. Coordination of the input group - the most important stage

The coordination of the input group itself occurs in stages. a brief description of and some specific points of this procedure are given in the table below.

Preparing a draft design Draft design (EP) is a design sketch of the entrance group. It is performed from several angles and includes photographic fixation of the existing state of the object. Anyone can develop a design project, but in order to take into account all kinds of building codes and requirements at this stage, it is better to order it from a licensed design organization.
Obtaining an Architectural Design Assignment (APZ)

At this stage, it is assumed that the preliminary design has already received the approval of several authorities:

  • the project and color solutions are coordinated with the architect of the district and the chief artist of the city.
  • Based on the EP, the traffic police issued a conclusion on the possibility of installing an entrance group in this place, as well as a decision on the need to arrange a parking lot.

With these documents and the ES, you need to contact the main department of architecture in order to obtain an APL.

Working draft preparation

APA includes different sections that must be present in the working draft (WP). In most cases, in addition to a detailed study of all structural elements, it is necessary to provide for:

  • power supply project;
  • ventilation and heat supply project;
  • sewerage and water supply project;
  • fire extinguishing project;
  • project of internal reconstruction and redevelopment.
Collection of additional approvals

Most sections of the project are necessarily coordinated in the relevant authorities (heating networks, gas workers, energy, water utilities, etc.). In some cases, for example, when arranging a store in an apartment, it is necessary to transfer the object to a non-residential fund. Then, for the arrangement of the entrance group, coordination is impossible without additional documents, for example:

  • garbage collection agreement
  • extract for an apartment from the house book;
  • certificate of verification of housing conditions;
  • acts of agreement with the tenants of the house;
  • a copy of the apartment's financial account.
Working draft approval The working draft, together with a package of additional approvals, is submitted for consideration by the interdepartmental commission in the council or the Prefecture. In some cases, the project is considered in both commissions. If all requirements are met and all norms and standards are taken into account, a permit is issued for the construction of the entrance group.

Please note that you cannot purchase materials or start their manufacture based on a preliminary design, as they may not meet fire or sanitary safety standards and building codes. It will be a shame if the acquired expensive material turns out to be unsuitable for one reason or another. To avoid this, it is better to order even a design project from specialized organizations that can take into account such nuances already at the design project development stage.

Rice. 2. Creation of entrance groups is a multi-stage process with many
“pitfalls”, the elimination of which our studio undertakes

Some documents can be received while the working draft is being developed, since the requirements of many instances are known in advance. This is another advantage of contacting a professional organization that designs and manufactures entrance groups. Coordination and issuance of many permits takes from 2 to 4 weeks, but thanks to an integrated approach, the total approval time can be significantly reduced.

We invite site visitors to familiarize themselves with the variety of entrance groups by application, materials, door type:


Material selection

Choice of door type

Organizations in which the input group is coordinated

What instances need to be bypassed in order to obtain permission to build an entrance group? Coordination in some organizations is mandatory only if the scope of their activities is affected. For example, if batteries need to be moved during the arrangement of the entrance group, in Moscow it is necessary to coordinate with Mosgorteplo and heating networks, but coordination with the fire department is mandatory in all cities. Below is an approximate list of the main organizations for the city of Moscow, without the consent of which the installation of the entrance group is illegal:

  • the owner of the house or its balance holder (HOA or DEZH);
  • county housing inspector;
  • SES - sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the district;
  • UGPS - district fire control;
  • district architectural and planning department;
  • energy supervision, Mosenergo;
  • when transferring batteries - Mosgorteplo and heating networks;
  • if there is gas in the house - Mosgaz and the gas technical inspection;
  • if affected bearing structures- Moscow State Expertise.

Rice. 3. Coordination of the input group, performed in our studio,
relieve you of the burden of a number of problems

And this is only the main list of organizations whose consent must be obtained. In a number of cities there are special regulations that make it difficult to obtain permission to build an entrance group.

Necessary documents for approval of the input group

The main documents for the construction of the entrance group is a draft design and a working design developed on the basis of an architectural design assignment. At the same time, the interdepartmental commission issuing the building permit considers a working draft, to which a very weighty package of documents must be attached, including:

  • copies of licenses of design and construction organizations;
  • acts-agreements with neighbors (for residential buildings);
  • contracts of author's and technical supervision;
  • a copy of the technical passport of the building, a certificate of its condition and floor plans with an explication not only of yours, but also of the adjacent premises;
  • when redevelopment of an apartment (arrangement of a store) - an extract from the house book, the consent of all registered persons and owners, a certificate of verification of housing conditions;
  • garbage collection agreement
  • insurance contract.

Coordination of the entrance group by the specialists of our studio

Our studio can take on the entire range of work on the development and approval of the project of the entrance group. Thanks to our extensive practical experience, we know what points should be paid special attention to, as well as how to speed up the approval process. At the same time, the project developed by us will meet all your wishes regarding the design, and its implementation will be affordable - because we expect that you will entrust us with the manufacture and installation of the structure itself. Due to the fact that all the necessary specialists in our studio are gathered under one roof, the price / quality ratio for the development and coordination of the project remains at an acceptable level.

What should be the input group? What are the requirements for its equipment, lighting, materials and other features? In this article we will consider the main acts regulating installation and operation issues.

Requirements for the characteristics and equipment of entrance groups

The main document that regulates equipment issues is SNiP 2.08.02-89 (applies to apartment buildings, public, commercial and other institutions). If you need to arrange an entrance group only for apartment building, in this case, you should pay attention to 31-107-2004.

The entrance group must meet the established rules and requirements:

  • Structural standards.
    SNiP 35-01-2001 specifies provisions aimed at providing access to the facility for persons with handicapped.
  • Requirements for ensuring fire safety at the facility.
    These requirements are set out in 3 main documents: technical regulations on fire safety requirements + SNiP 21-01-97 + GOST 12.1.004-91
  • Complex of sanitary and hygienic requirements.
    For example, SNiP 23-05-95 regulates all the lighting features of the entrance group of the building. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems must comply with SNiP 2.04.05-91
  • Architectural standards and others.
    This applies to building situations in a historical or cultural area: you need to get approvals in order to appearance entrance group corresponded general style and decoration.

The concept of "input group"

The entrance group is called the part of the building that separates the room and the street. People enter and leave the building through the entrance group. The legislation indicates that before the installation of such an element, it is necessary to put a project and make sure that it meets 100% of the established requirements and criteria.

5 elements of a standard entrance group

The "entrance group" includes several elements, each of which has special requirements for construction, sanitary-hygienic, architectural and other standards.

  1. entrance platform
    It must have a ramp for the movement of people with disabilities; in addition, it must have a canopy with a drainage system. If construction is carried out in a cold climate zone, then the designer must provide for a heating system for the entrance area. Finally, at the entrance area, a place must be provided for placing the stroller, and the dimensions must be at least 1.2x1.2 m.
  2. steps and
    Another mandatory element of the input group. When arranging, it is important to keep in mind the requirements laid down in SNIPs and other documents: no more than 18 lifts, a height above the sidewalk - a maximum of 15 cm, the presence of handrails.
  3. Tambour
    It may or may not exist (depending on the climate zone). For example, on the territory of objects belonging to I - III climatic regions, the arrangement of a vestibule is mandatory. The depth in this case should be at least 1.2 m. In some cases, the requirements are tightened to 1.5 m with a width of 2.2 m. There are also requirements for arranging a “double vestibule”, for opening external doors inside the vestibule.
  4. Lobby
    It can be attached, built-in or mixed, located on the 1st floor, interconnected with the elevator group.

  5. You can use glazed, but able to withstand increased loads. All requirements for condition, materials, technical characteristics are in SNiP II-3-79.

Input groups are used:

  • v shopping malls and shops;
  • in schools and kindergartens;
  • in beauty salons and SPA centers;
  • when entering a commercial, industrial or office building;
  • at the entrance to an apartment building.

Stages of design and budgeting for the manufacture of the entrance group

  1. Selection of suitable solutions and type of construction.
  2. Selection of the necessary materials.
  3. Making a list of all necessary work and materials.
  4. Determination of the cost of work.
  5. Timing agreement.
  6. Conclusion of the contract and start of work.

Entrance group - an element of the building, appearance, specifications, the materials and other features of which are regulated at the level of a number of documents. It is better to entrust the design and installation to specialists who know everything about the requirements, take over all the approvals (if necessary) and provide you with a professional result.

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ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING SOLUTIONS FOR MULTIPLE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS - SP 31-107-2004 (approved by Gosstroy RF) (as amended on 01-12-2005) (2017) Relevant in 2017

5.1 Entrance group of premises

5.1.1 The entrance group and the minimum required composition of the premises with it are accepted depending on the regional characteristics of the construction area and the level of living comfort, determined by the design assignment.

5.1.2 Entrance group of multi-apartment premises residential buildings(except for blocked ones) it is recommended to design, including:

Tambour (single or double depending on the climatic region of construction);

lobby area;

Premises for duty at the entrance.

In reconstructed residential buildings, the vestibule zone may not be provided.

According to the design assignment, wheelchair rooms (for storing children's and outdoor wheelchairs) are provided as part of the entrance group.

The layout of the entrance group should ensure the availability of housing for people with limited mobility, taking into account the established SNiP 35-01 requirements (to the arrangement of ramps at the entrances, entrance platforms, to the parameters of vestibules, lifts in the lobby area, etc.).

The entrance platform in front of the entrance to the residential building must be equipped with a canopy and a drainage system. Taking into account local climatic conditions, it is recommended to provide for heating of this platform and ramps at the entrance.

5.1.3 Planning decisions vestibules of multi-apartment residential buildings should be provided taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction area and the number of storeys of residential buildings in accordance with the rules established in SNiP 31-01.

5.1.4 Lobby premises in multi-apartment residential buildings (except for blocked ones) can be:

Built-in (or built-in-attached) and attached;

Placed in a separate volume;

Placed in the space of a partially unbuilt ground floor.

The location of the lobby can be different in terms of a residential building and is interconnected with the placement of elevators. The options for placing the vestibule in relation to the node of vertical communications are used in the structural-planning cell adjacent to the staircase-elevator node (LLU) or in the opposite cell.

5.1.5 The room for the duty officer at the entrance (or the security room) should be located in such a way that it provides a visual overview of the door leading from the vestibule to the vestibule of a residential building (in the absence of a vestibule, an overview of the passages to the elevators and stairwell). Perhaps a video surveillance device for an external view of the entrance to a residential building and the surrounding area.

In the premises of the duty officer at the entrance, telephone communication with the premises of the joint dispatch service (ODS), intercom communication through the intercom, and, according to the design assignment, also with apartments should be provided.

As part of the premises for the duty officer at the entrance, a working room with an area of ​​​​at least 3.5 m2 and a bathroom equipped with a sink and a toilet should be provided. The entrance to the bathroom is arranged from the working room. Placing a bed in the room for the duty officer at the entrance is not allowed.

The room for the duty officer at the entrance must be fenced off with structures made of materials of the NG group and equipped with an autonomous fire detector, and in buildings with a height of more than 28 m - with an automatic fire alarm.

5.1.6 On the ground floor, it is recommended to provide a pantry for storing cleaning equipment, equipped with a sink. It is recommended to locate the pantry adjacent to the room on duty at the entrance, it is allowed to place it in the basement or basement floor with an outside entrance device.

5.1.7 In multi-apartment residential buildings (except for blocked ones), it is recommended to place subscriber cabinets:

In the presence of elevators - in lobbies, elevator halls or passages to elevators;

In the absence of elevators - in the lobbies, on the main or intermediate landing of the first floor and in the passages to the stairs.

When placing mail cabinets, one should be guided by their dimensions, and at the same time, the normative parameters of the passages should be provided.

in lobbies with large area glazing, with artistic decoration or wall cladding with valuable materials, subscriber cabinets can be installed on the floor.

5.1.8 Subscriber cabinets are hung directly on the walls or installed in niches at a height of at least 0.6 m from the floor. As a rule, cabinets should not be hung on the walls adjacent to the living quarters of the apartments. Places for installation of subscriber cabinets must be illuminated.

Individual subscriber cabinets in blocked residential buildings it is recommended to install near the entrances to the apartments or to the apartment plots, and the combined subscriber cabinets - at the border of the plots.

5.1.9 In the first, basement or basement floors of multi-apartment residential buildings, non-apartment utility pantries for residents of the house can be arranged, their number is determined in the design assignment. The width of the corridors in front of them should be at least 1.1 m.

It is recommended to provide a sprinkler fire extinguishing system or other fire protection systems in the premises of non-residential utility pantries in coordination with the local departments of the state fire supervision. Water consumption for the calculation of sprinkler systems - 1.8 l / s.

For a sprinkler fire extinguishing system (with a guaranteed standard water pressure), it is recommended: connection of sprinkler system pipelines to the drinking water supply without installing a control and alarm valve; installation of sprinkler heads in each utility pantry; installation of a locking device sealed in the open position at the points of connection of the sprinkler system to the domestic and drinking water supply; installation of alarm sensors in the compartments of the floor in the ODS room; the gap between the fences of neighboring pantries with a size of 0.05-0.1 m.

5.1.10 In blocked residential buildings located along the red line of the street, it is recommended to make the floor level of apartments above the sidewalk (or the center line of the passage in the absence of a sidewalk) at a height of at least 0.5 m. Determination of a specific floor level depends on the amount of snow cover in the construction area .

At the same time, it is recommended to make two entrances to the apartment (except for residential buildings located in the climatic subregion IB): the main one, leading to the front, and the second - to the utility zone. At the main entrance to the apartment of residential buildings designed in I and II climatic regions, it is recommended to take the size of the vestibule at least 1.65 x 1.65 m (when passing with a turn), and in conditions of temperatures of the coldest five-day period below minus 35 ° С - perform double. In areas with high level snow cover, it is recommended to open the doors of the vestibule into the room. The porch must have a platform measuring at least 1.2 x 1.2 m with space for a pram and a bench, as well as a ladder with a width of at least 1 m. Above the porch, including steps, it is necessary to arrange a canopy.

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