What awaits twins in the year of the dog

What awaits your zodiac sign, the horoscope for 2018 (Gemini) will tell. Find out if you are lucky in your career, in love and in family life. What will be the prospects in terms of career growth, is it worth hoping to meet your "soul mate"? The stars will tell about this and much more!

For energetic Gemini, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring many fresh, innovative ideas. But, since the forces of any person are not unlimited, you will have to choose the vector of your development yourself. Perhaps you should focus on finding the right partner for marriage? Or is it time to think about a more promising and highly paid job? Or should material concerns be relegated to the background and engage in creative self-realization? Dare - everything is in your hands!

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 predicts that the representatives of your zodiac sign will not be bored! During the "rule" of the Yellow Earth Dog, you do not need to indulge in boring thoughts and analyze the situation. The voice of intuition will wake up in you, which will help you make most of the right decisions. If life takes you in a new direction, then you don’t need to resist it - what if you can see new opportunities for self-realization?

Horoscope for Gemini women for 2018. It cannot be said that this year you will be deprived of the attention of fans. However, only you can decide whether to start a light flirtation, a serious relationship, or completely ignore the next boyfriend. The horoscope for the Gemini zodiac sign for 2018 recommends that you focus not only on your personal life, but also on work affairs - in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, good prospects for career growth open up.

Horoscope for Gemini men for 2018. Your main priority for the next 12 months will be taking care of your loved ones. You may have thoughts about changing jobs - consider this decision carefully before taking any action. With the arrival of autumn, you will feel that your strength is running out, so try to plan your vacation for September. In November, refrain from large purchases or making dubious deals - the horoscope for your zodiac sign predicts that it is highly likely to run into a scammer.

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2018

Spring of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is a great time for romance! If you have a tender feeling for someone, then do not hesitate to admit this to the object of your sympathy. It is highly likely that your feelings will be reciprocated. Women who want to increase their attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex can use.

Lonely Gemini who want to find a mate - take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Contrary to popular belief, in your case, even an office romance can be very successful. The Yellow Earth Dog has already agreed with Cupid on your account, and the prankster angel did not refuse to "borrow" you some of his arrows!

Family people in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will have a good opportunity to restore a little faded feelings and return the former romance to the relationship. Moreover, for this they do not have to go on an expensive tour or arrange a banquet in the most prestigious restaurant in the city. It is enough to give your "soulmate" warmth and sympathy - and the response will not be long in coming!

Career and business horoscope for Gemini for 2018

Do you think that the work takes a lot of time and effort, and the results achieved do not meet your expectations? Yellow Earth Dog is ready to correct this egregious injustice! Entrepreneurs in 2018 will come up with fresh ideas that will help them start a new, more promising business. And employees can count on generous material bonuses from the employer!

The work of Gemini employees in 2018 will be appreciated. Now it is very important not to miss corporate events - from banal planning meetings and trainings to a New Year's party or the successful completion of a major deal. You must prove yourself not only as a talented, but also as a loyal employee. In this case, the authorities may well think about promoting you to a more promising position.

Gemini businessmen - during the first six months, try to save assets, collect capital. In the summer, you will have the opportunity to engage in a very promising and profitable business, but this will require a substantial amount of money. However, the horoscope for 2018 for the Gemini zodiac sign guarantees that your investment will pay off many times over and will allow you to reach a fundamentally new level in the future.

Health and Wellness

In February, chronic sores may worsen, which will adversely affect your performance. In order not to have to go on a forced vacation, take care of your immunity from the very beginning of the year. Be outdoors more often, do physical exercises daily - warm-ups and light physical exercise able to drive away all stagnation!

In July and August, hypertensive patients will have health problems, especially Gemini who live in major cities. Try to appear less often under scorching sunbeams, and if you have an air conditioner or a split system, then do not save on air cooling! Health is more expensive than utility bills. Minimize the consumption of sweets and completely eliminate alcoholic beverages from your diet.

Talisman for 2018 for the Gemini sign

The optimal talismans for representatives of your zodiac sign will be. A small key will help attract material wealth into your life, while a small porcelain figurine in the form of a mask will allow you to establish more trusting relationships with others. This will be especially valuable for consultants, managers, politicians and other professions that involve close contact with people.

Do you have a cherished desire that you certainly want to fulfill in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog? In this case, we advise you from cardboard! This magical artifact is able to attract positive circumstances into your life, which will have a beneficial effect on the realization of desire.

Dates of birth: 21.05 - 21.06

Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.

Element Gemini: Air.

Gemini Symbols: twins, mask, hand, star.

Happy Gemini Days: Wednesday, Sunday.

Bad day for Gemini: Thursday.

Gemini Metal: mercury, gold, amalgam, silver.

Gemini Gemstone: aquamarine.

Gemini Plant: fern.

Gemini Numerology: number 7.

Gemini's most inspiring color: bright yellow.

Opposite sign of Gemini: Sagittarius

Gemini should not think that if everything is going well for them today, then this will continue for a long time. In the year of the Yellow Dog, representatives of the sign will experience the sensations of a thorny path more than once, they will have to go astray and stumble more than once. The stars do not promise Gemini high rises and incredible luck, but at the same time they do not portend any special difficulties and problems, the solution of which will cause serious difficulties.

2018 will be a period of high activity for us. Most representatives of this zodiac sign may face the fact that their goals and plans will not be realized as they would like. The energetic and active disposition of the mistress of the year will allow Gemini to show these character traits in their behavior to the maximum extent. Gemini will want to be in time everywhere, moreover, such a rhythm of life will be within their power, they will succeed, but by doing so they can complicate their lives. If the Gemini does not begin to concentrate, then achieve good result fail in either direction. Representatives of the star sign are advised to decide on specific tasks.

Representatives of the sign in 2018 should abandon numerous projects and choose only the most significant of them. The Year of Yellow will require discipline from Gemini, the ability to prioritize, even to the detriment of their plans and ideas. If the representatives of the sign manage to get together, learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, then they will be close to success and will be able to achieve their goals.

The correct distribution of priorities and priorities will allow Gemini to look at many things easier, to relate easily to what is happening, and not to bother with unnecessary problems. This will help them not to expose their psyche to destruction, protect themselves from negativity and feel great.

Jobs for Gemini in 2018

Success in professional activities in 2018 will depend not so much on the position of the stars in the sky or luck, but on the actions of the representatives of the sign themselves. The outcome of situations that will arise in a team or in business will entirely depend on how the Twins behave. The patroness of the year, the Dog, will especially vividly show the activity and restlessness of Gemini, provoke them to take on one thing or another. The heads of the representatives of the sign will be filled with an abundance of plans and ideas, they will want to realize everything at once, however, in an attempt to cover such volumes, and even cope with it qualitatively, it will not work. In many ways, this will cause a breakdown, a waste of energy. Gemini will have to direct all their activity in the right direction, make an informed choice in favor of this or that business in order to get a positive result and, as a result, financial reward.

Representatives of the sign, whose work activity is concentrated in the team, the stars warn of the likelihood of a feeling of disgust, teamwork will become oppressive. There is a possibility that the state when the meaning of development and guidelines are lost will have a detrimental effect on mental health and in many areas of life. To avoid such situations, it is important for Gemini to have clear guidelines, despite obstacles, to go towards their goal.

Correctly set goals, good professional training and the ability to find an approach to people will allow you to find Good work, many representatives of the sign will be able to enlist the support of acquaintances to obtain the desired position. Many Gemini get the opportunity to develop in those professions where they will not be "tied" to one place, but which allow them to travel and communicate a lot.

Financial horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

Overall, 2018 will be a financially stable year for most Geminis. Expenses for family needs or helping friends are not excluded, despite the fact that such expenses will be of a temporary nature, at the same time they will hit the pocket quite hard. However, over time, everything will fall into place, the situation will improve and the material issue will not be put at the forefront by representatives of the sign. Small expenses will be associated with helping the family, representatives of the sign will not refuse money to loved ones.

The stars warn of the danger of falling for the bait of scammers, the period at the beginning of the year will be especially dangerous in this regard. Representatives of the sign must be very careful with money, not to invest in any dubious projects, and we are talking not only about their own savings, but also about spending the funds that they were entrusted with. This can be extremely backfire up to and including criminal penalties.

Gemini in 2018 should forget about what financial fraud is, no matter how the representatives of the sign dislike risk and excitement, an imprudent attempt to get rich quickly will disappoint them bitterly. The most optimal tactic for people born under the sign of Gemini would be to save the funds that are on this moment. Very soon they will be able to use them with benefit, there will be an excellent option to increase capital legally, safely and efficiently.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

The beginning of the year will be marked by not the easiest times in amorous affairs Gemini. Representatives of the sign will endlessly promise themselves to end relationships that have become obsolete, but each time they will give themselves and their partner the last chance to restore them, saying that the relationship is not as hopeless as it might seem. It is likely that most of the Twins will be able to find the strength in themselves and break with this utopia. The stars do not exclude the possibility that after a relationship that has exhausted itself, the representatives of the sign will find their man. Whether they push away new love, remembering past failures, or plunge into a new relationship as if into a pool with their heads, will depend only on the Gemini themselves. Even with the most unfavorable forecasts, in the face of a new person, representatives of the sign will make a good friend.

Married twins may not fear for their relationship, no significant changes are expected. Those who are not satisfied with their family life and relationships will not destroy relationships. The stars advise them to find common interests with their soulmate, try to change their views or provoke a partner to change. If the Gemini will complete this work, then they will be able to establish relationships with their loved one and make life shine with new colors and emotions.

In the middle of summer, Gemini will have pleasant surprises in the form of marriages and the birth of children. Lonely representatives of the sign will feel a strong desire to seduce, but will do it rather in order to amuse their pride and for the sake of self-expression. There is a risk that love games of this kind will not end in anything good, with a partner it is better to be extremely careful, delicate and not cause them heartache, remembering the boomerang effect.

At the end of the year, love will awaken with special force to your own children and parents. Such a surge of feelings will be very timely, because it is at this time that the family will require care and love. Gemini should take an active part in the lives of dear and beloved people, offer them their loyalty and care.

In 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog, new chances and opportunities will open up for Gemini. Creative individuals will find a use for their talent: make it a life's work or an additional source of income.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will overestimate life priorities. They will reconsider their environment. They will begin to value close people more and will begin to communicate less with those who treated them insincerely or repeatedly let them down.

At the end of the year, the Gemini will want to reunite with the family: visit the parental home or gather adult children under one roof. Spending time with family will bring peace and tranquility. For single people, this period will be rich in dating. There is a high chance of meeting a life partner.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Gemini woman

Gemini women will feel a thirst for change. They will want to radically change their lives, starting with work, housing and image. The horoscope advises to set and achieve goals in stages. If you simultaneously take on several cases, then there is a risk of not completing a single one and wasting your energy in vain. Changes in appearance you have to start with lifestyle. Proper nutrition, visiting sports sections will help to acquire the desired harmony and give energy for new achievements.

Throughout the year, these women will work fruitfully. Unforeseen difficulties can unsettle them and shake their faith in their strength. In solving problems, it is recommended to be guided by intuition and apply a creative approach.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Gemini man

For Gemini men, the year of the Dog will be a favorable period for career growth and self-realization. Perseverance and full involvement in the matter will achieve the desired result. It is worth temporarily forgetting about the principles and leadership inclinations and responsibly begin to fulfill the instructions of the authorities. Restraint should be exercised in dealing with colleagues and business partners. There will be difficulties along the way, but they can be easily solved.

2018 will bring financial well-being and independence to the representatives of this zodiac sign. There will be temptations to earn money dishonestly, through scams and machinations. The horoscope recommends avoiding "easy money", since after exposure it will be difficult to restore your reputation and good name.

love horoscope

2018 will be a favorable time for free Gemini to make new acquaintances and start a romance. They will be able to find a person who will understand their subtle mental organization and support them. Relationships can take an unpredictable turn. So that parting does not bring mental anguish, you should not trust a person and reveal all secrets to him without knowing him completely.

For those who are in a couple, there will be a period of misunderstanding and coolness in the relationship. It will seem to them that the partner has moved away and is not actively involved in their life. It must be taken into account that the harmony between the two loving people depends on both. The warmth and support given will be doubled back.

business horoscope

2018 promises to be an auspicious time for Gemini's careers. Persistence and hard work will allow them to achieve the desired position. Once in the chair of the boss, do not forget about respect for subordinates. They can show excessive criticism and intemperance, which will negatively set the team.

For businessmen, this year is preparing successful deals and negotiations that will take business to a new level. The horoscope recommends avoiding risky operations and investments - they can turn into ruin.

Money horoscope

The Year of the Dog will bring Gemini additional sources of income. Unexpected success will give you a feeling of satisfaction and pride in yourself. Representatives of this zodiac sign should not relax. You need to remember about loans and debts that need to be repaid. Large purchases should be postponed until the end of the year. This time will be a favorable period for investment and acquisition of real estate. Free money is better spent on travel or gifts for loved ones.

Health Horoscope

In 2018, Gemini needs to be vigilant about health. Stress at work can lead to bad habits such as smoking, alcohol or drug abuse. Walking in the fresh air, meditation techniques, proper sleep and rest will help overcome emotional stress.

Older people who have cardiovascular disease will have a high risk of heart attack and stroke. They are advised not to ignore the symptoms of malaise, visit a doctor and undergo a course of preventive treatment.

This year Gemini should pay attention to the diet due to the high risk of food poisoning.

The astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for the expressed (typical) representatives of the Gemini sign. If the vast majority of the stars and planets of your horoscope are in the sign of Gemini, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Atypical representatives are, as a rule, people born on the border of signs.

Horoscope Gemini for 2018: joy and luck

Almost throughout 2018, until November 9, Gemini Jupiter will be in the 6th house - the area of ​​​​work and health. Then he moves into the 7th house, which is responsible for personal life.


In 2018, the work will be given to Gemini unusually easily. They will not be burdened by what they do and will earn good money. Representatives of this sign will show remarkable organizational skills, but they themselves will be able to easily cooperate with other people if necessary. If they have to render a service to someone, they will do it with pleasure.

Relationships in the workplace will be great, this applies to the entire team as a whole, subordinates and superiors. If the twins are offended by their boss, they will prefer to hide it, if. for some reason, they will not be satisfied with their subordinates, then they will also try not to demonstrate this. The job will be permanent, stable and well paid.

Under the influence of Jupiter in the 6th house, Gemini can begin to engage in some kind of charitable work, generously giving the fruits of their labor for the benefit of those in need or the whole society as a whole. Since the 6th house is also the house of health, doctors born under the sign of Gemini will be able to achieve special success, including financial success. They will not have any problems with the clientele in 2018.


In the field of health, the representatives of this sign at the beginning of 2018, and subsequently, are also not expected to have any particular problems. Even if they feel unwell, it will not last long, Gemini will recover quickly. They will be able to count, if necessary, on the best treatment and touching care of others.

According to the Gemini 2018 horoscope, this will be a period when representatives of this sign will even enjoy their illness, and therefore, when they have any problems at work or in their personal lives, they will willingly pretend to be sick, counting on sympathy and understanding. And getting them in full. However, all illnesses during this period will be caused mainly by immoderate work, the desire to achieve a quick result, or some kind of excess.

Gemini needs to remember that everything is good in moderation and even positive results or impressions in too large volumes can hurt.

When Jupiter is affected, problems with the liver, weight gain or the development of tumor processes are likely.

Personal life

Starting May 15, 2018, Jupiter in this sign moves into the 7th house, which is responsible for personal life, marriage and partnerships. From this day on, a happy and beneficial period begins here. If the Gemini had any problems in relationships with a partner, they will be resolved in the most successful way.

As the horoscope predicts for 2018, Gemini can hope for a happy meeting with the love of their life, which, at the same time, will also be financially secure. There will be a high probability of a very profitable and happy marriage. If the energy of Jupiter is used incorrectly, the Gemini will treat their partner with excessive optimism, without exposing him to any criticism, which can lead to falling into relationship addiction.

In general, starting from the second half of May 2018, the Gemini will be able to count on complete understanding with their soulmate, their relationship will be built on common goals and mutual feelings, so they will be strong and lasting. Gemini will selflessly serve their partner, receiving in return the same and full support in all endeavors.

In some cases, the Gemini partner may be older, in others - more wise and experienced. Such a partner can play a big role not only in the personal, but also in the professional sphere of Gemini. Or in any other, when it will be necessary. The twins will be able to do some joint activities with their soulmate or go on an educational journey. All this will greatly contribute to your social growth and well-being.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: difficulties and trials

During 2018, Gemini will have Saturn in the 8th house - the house of birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and a change in egregor. This house can bring both success and destruction in equal measure.

Extreme and fears

In 2018, Gemini will need to work through various extreme situations and their attitude towards them. Therefore, one should not be surprised that every now and then they will fall from one crisis to another and it will take quite a lot of work to resolve them.

It will be very important during this period to draw the right conclusions and correctly interpret the signs that fate sends you. The task is to learn, through careful analysis, to find a way out on your own, using only your own will and enthusiasm for this. Let go of selfishness and selfishness.

With the correct use of the energy of Saturn, in 2018 Gemini will be able to successfully and consistently overcome any problems that arise, with a negative one, there will be a danger of developing all kinds of phobias, sometimes very irrational.

Many Gemini in 2018 may have a great interest in the occult and different kind magical practices as a means to overcome crisis situations. If they manage to master them, then a certain vanity may develop, based on a skill that others do not have. And this will affect the development of Gemini not in the best way.

Someone else's money

Under the influence of Saturn in the 8th house, Gemini will successfully manage other people's money, investing it in various funds, enterprises or in some other way. It can be money from business partners or a marriage partner, relatives or friends. The Gemini horoscope for 2018 predicts that they will borrow from someone in order to develop their own business and will be able to return very soon even with a profit.

Bankers, financial brokers, politicians, and lawyers can achieve particular success in their activities with this position of Saturn. The main task of Gemini during this period is to carefully and reasonably dispose of what was entrusted to them, not to seek to make a quick profit, but to slowly build the building one brick at a time.

If the energy of Saturn is misused, financial disputes are likely to arise, including due to inheritance, or neglect of entrusted money and, as a result, subsequent litigation.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: surprises and surprises

In 2018, until May 15, Gemini Uranus will be in the 11th house - the house of like-minded people and well-wishers. Then he moves into the 12th house - the realm of secrets, restrictions, solitude and service to higher powers.

close environment

This position of Uranus will bring Gemini many unusual new acquaintances. According to the horoscope for 2018, Gemini will help many of those around them, but do it in some strange or unusual way.

Despite the fact that during this period the Gemini will have many interesting ideas, not everyone around them will understand them due to the fact that they will seem somewhat arrogant. And all because Gemini in 2018 will be in dire need of the admiration of others, at the same time, due to internal tightness, it will be very difficult for them to establish closer relationships with their new acquaintances. The more unusual friends the Gemini will have, the better they will feel, because such communication will not only make their life varied, but also provide the necessary food for the mind.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 warns that unusual notes may appear in sexual relationships. Perhaps the Gemini will want to try something new for themselves in this area, in connection with which they may have certain problems. Either it will be misunderstanding and rejection on the part of a permanent partner, or the Gemini themselves will be disappointed with their failure or experience gained. Sexual relations with several partners are possible - Gemini will really want variety. However, they also will not limit their partners in any way.

With the wrong use of the energy of Uranus, Gemini will try to use their friends and acquaintances in own purposes, and as soon as they achieve what they want, they will immediately forget about them. Such selfishness will bring Gemini in 2018 a lot of problems, both in public and in private life.

As the Gemini horoscope for 2018 promises, they will make new connections very easily and break them just as easily, passionate affection and tender friendship will be replaced by sudden and sharp alienation, up to outright enmity. There will probably be scandals on this basis, including those of an intimate nature.

The same can be said about teamwork. In the horoscope for 2018, it is noted that the Gemini will willingly take part in the work and just as willingly, without warning, leave the group. The desire for freedom is fine, but it will be important at the same time to try to keep the destruction you produce to a minimum.


After the transition of Uranus to the 12th house, Gemini will try to completely destroy all the patterns and restrictions imposed on them. They will be especially interested in mystical events and any secrets. Yes, and the representatives of this sign themselves will not mind surrounding their lives with all sorts of secrets, preferring not to share their plans with anyone and acting behind the scenes.

Some will start a lot of secret love affairs, others will indulge in meditation and various spiritual practices in solitude, but in such a way that no one would guess about it. Still others join some secret organization. The fourth may have some secret inclinations of a scandalous nature. Fifths will engage in tacit charity.

In any case, all this can seriously complicate the life of Gemini, lead to the emergence of neurosis and related diseases. And exposure will threaten them with major scandals.

It is possible that during this period the Gemini will be attacked by some secret enemies. Rumors and gossip will spread about them, the source of which will remain unknown. Under the influence of uranium in the 12th house, there will be a serious danger of being hospitalized for a long time or subjected to imprisonment, house arrest.

Horoscope Gemini for 2018: mysterious and spiritual

During 2018, Neptune will be with Gemini in the 1st house and stay there for a long time. 10th house is the area of ​​personal success and career, all kinds of social achievements.


Gemini's career aspirations in 2018 will be to benefit as many people as possible, ideally all of humanity. But at the same time, they will want to do it in some unusual way. In addition, the possibilities of Gemini during this period will not correspond to their desires. Therefore, if the energy of Neptune is misused, the representatives of this sign will begin to doubt themselves.

Career development will be especially favorable for those Gemini who are engaged in some kind of secret activity, for example, they are in the secret service. Much can be achieved through their natural diplomatic skills. As the horoscope predicts, in 2018 Gemini will perfectly understand the feelings and motives that drive other people. Psychologists, astrologers, psychics and clergy have good prospects.

In 2018, the Gemini will need to refrain from any intrigue in the office. This will not contribute to moving up the stairs, on the contrary, it can cause an unpleasant scandal, which will significantly damage the representatives of this sign, creating a negative reputation for them.

To succeed, you will need to set clear and precise goals. And this will not be easy, because in 2018 Gemini will tend to fantasize too much, build castles in the air and misjudge the current situation. Chaos and confusion will lead to frustration and indecision, and this, in turn, will often lead to bad decisions.

On the other hand, the situation will favor those Gemini in 2018 who are engaged in some kind of abstract activity that requires a good imagination, such as science fiction writers, philosophers, inventors, composers, actors. Graphic design activities can be extremely successful.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: major changes

Throughout 2018, Pluto will be at the Gemini sign in the 8th house - birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and a change of egregor.

This finding of Pluto again sends us to the field of collective finance, which in 2018 the Gemini will have great ability and the same opportunities to manage.

If the energy of Pluto is misused, the Gemini will run the risk of falling into a serious financial scandal, from which it will be possible to get out only at the cost of serious financial losses.

But this position of Pluto at the same time gives significant abilities for practicing magic or spiritual practices. therefore, in 2018, the Gemini may feel a serious interest in this area. Some representatives of the sign will completely devote themselves to serving some kind of spiritual cult. Or suddenly discover in themselves the ability of a psychic.

Gemini will be able to have a strong occult effect on others. Some of them will take up prophecy, while others will use their powers to apply in research work, where they will be able to predict the result of any experiment with incredible accuracy at the level of intuition. Thanks to such abilities, Gemini will not only be able to find the right way out of any extreme situation, which they will have a lot of, but will also help other people with deed or advice.

Finding Pluto in the 8th house often endows people with powerful sexual energy. Therefore, in 2018 Gemini will be incredibly attractive to people of the opposite sex and will literally twist ropes out of them. Unfortunately, this can also bring a lot of trouble to Gemini in 2018. The opposite option is also possible - leaving for absolute asexuality.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: the vector of your destiny

The ascending North Lunar Node will be located at the Gemini sign in the 3rd house during 2018 - the house of relatives, inner circle and information. The descending South Node will be in the 9th house - the house of philosophy, travel and distant environment.

Of particular importance in 2018 for Gemini is their inner circle - relatives, friends, neighbors and established traditions. You need to direct all your attention to them to improve your life and strengthen your authority. You should also cooperate more with those people who are close to you - their help and contribution to the common cause will be invaluable.

In 2018, Gemini may experience an instinctive fear of foreign travel or rejection of everything foreign - this is completely normal, such contacts should be kept to a minimum. It is better to abandon the stormy public life and devote your time to relatives and home.

Your strength will lie in the secret knowledge that you have learned from your past incarnations, and your task is to put them into practice in real life. The twins will need not to dismiss the views of others, not to try to teach them, but to listen to other people's opinions and learn on their own.

Next year, according to the Eastern calendar, will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The Patron of 2018 will be the Dog. Fire Rooster 2017 brought different signs zodiac life joys and ups and downs, well-being and even anxiety. However, now the Rooster will hand over the reins to the Dog. What to expect from this annual change of patron?

Each sign of the zodiac is waiting for their own, destined by the stars, life ups and downs. In general, the Dog is calm, faithful and will always protect our well-being. Let's figure out what to expect in 2018 Gemini. Is it worth preparing for difficulties or can you relax in the hope of a good horoscope?

In 2018, the hostess of the year will only assist in any business. You can safely rush into battle, plan any undertakings - the Dog will not let you down. The element of the Earth Dog, at the same time, does not like drastic changes. After the impulsive and desperate Rooster, it's time to put things in order in life, work, family, finances.

The yellow color, which will be leading in the year, is the patron of finance. So already in the spring of this year, you can count on some financial take-offs. He must lure money to the family. And for those who are hardworking and thrifty, you should expect encouragement and all sorts of successful deals.

Yellow color attracts not only money, but also energizes, positive, life force. It is the color of the sun and good mood.

Important! Do not argue with the Dog - she does not like it.

The dog does not like fame and comfort. She is satisfied with the most ordinary blessings. She will unselfishly rejoice in them. But it will not be against cute dresses and luxury items.

In 2018, honesty and devotion will be in fashion. After all, these are the main qualities of the Dog, the mistress of the next year. So tune in good year without deceit and betrayal. You should be surrounded by people with whom you will be comfortable and calm, as they say, without a catch and knives in the back. There should be many such in the year of the Dog.

Horoscope 2018 for men

The dog represents devotion. Gemini men with great confidence and hope are waiting for the year of the Yellow Dog. After all, for them it will be more lucky than ever. This year will be busy for them, even like a western from a movie.

Single Gemini men in the new year should expect love adventures. Even short-term relationships are possible, but they will not lead to marriage. The stars advise the Gemini in the New Year not to be picky and far from looking for their soul mate. It will be very close, you just need to stop and calmly look around. She is your neighbor, co-worker, or even current partner.

Gemini men in the year of the Yellow Dog should be ready to decide everything on their own and not wait for the help of their acquaintances or friends.

In the financial sector, ups and downs are possible, wage increases, but this does not apply to those who conceived black schemes, they will not be lucky this year.

Gemini men should not take risks with dubious acquisitions, they can significantly empty your wallet. A positive attitude will help you avoid many unpleasant situations.

Meeting the New Year, be sure that the Dog will be favorable to you and it will certainly be so.

Horoscope 2018 for women

The Yellow Dog will have a strong influence on Gemini women in terms of activity. They will be much more energetic than men. Rather, this will be due not to desires, but to a combination of circumstances. So expect from this year a lot of bright moments that will happen quite unexpectedly.

There is another side of the coin - the Dog prepares certain ups and downs for the Gemini of the fair sex. It is difficult to predict which ones, but it will make Gemini much smarter and stronger. Therefore, life lessons are simply necessary, and this year, alas, they cannot be avoided.

However, each situation can be changed in its own direction - so the Gemini learn to get out of the water everywhere dry.

Important! The dog advises Gemini women not to rush and not to spend money without thinking it over in advance.

This year, the stars are advised to meet with friends more often, to have noisy parties, to open up more. But do not forget in a woman, especially in Gemini, there should be a mystery, keep it and you are guaranteed success among the males.

love horoscope

This year Gemini will have a lot of pleasant acquaintances and meetings. However, not all of them will develop into mutual love or strong friendship. Catch every moment of this communication and do not forget to see the prospect of a future relationship with this person. The dog will help, so to speak, help, so that all relationships are honest and frank.

However, you should not return to those with whom you decided to break off all relations and burn bridges. Otherwise, problems may arise.

In 2018, there is an opportunity to create a strong social unit. Gemini should expect a partner with whom you can spend your whole life. A partner in the broad sense of the word - a friend, lover, comrade, adviser, soul mate. But do not look for the ideal person, fictional. Geminis tend to have their heads in the clouds. And this, in part, will not lead to good.

The love that is born this year is doomed to be mutual and devoted. Like the Dog itself, which never betrays and remains faithful to its owner all his life.

A dog naturally loves to bark, but does so for a reason. And if there is no threat, she will be affectionate and calm. So this year, there is no need to swear in vain, the hostess of the year does not approve of scandals and quarrels.

Business horoscope

In 2018, Gemini is waiting for the realization of old ideas to find their favorite job. Even for those who have already found their place in the labor market, there is a real opportunity to change jobs to a higher paid and more to their liking.

In the professional path there is a chance to develop and improve. Gemini, if they receive a high salary, then it is worth saving. Those. this year of the Yellow Dog, the stars promise Gemini that money will quickly disappear.

Important! Savings this year should be in the first place. If you want financial stability.

To lend money means to quarrel. This year of the Dog, it is better not to borrow them for anyone, because they will not be able to return them to you. Everything related to finance and business is here, nothing personal, as they say, just business.

Things are going relatively well in 2018. Even if you are looking for additional income, your desires will be taken into account and the Dog will definitely help. The main thing is to want this, not sitting on the couch and lamenting about how bad everything is, but to do everything possible to realize financial opportunities.

The hardworking Dog does not like idleness, but she also does not like it when work does not bring pleasure and the necessary finances. So don't hold on to things you don't like. Don't hesitate to drop it and something better will surely turn up. After all, everything that is not done is for the better. In this case, in 2018, luck in business will definitely smile.

Family horoscope

Gemini in 2018 need to work on strengthening family relationships. It is worth avoiding spontaneous actions that can destroy a healthy environment in the family. It is better to spend more time with family members.

The dog loves noisy family gatherings. AT cozy home, when everything is fine, everyone is alive and well, on hospitable winter evenings, having gathered all together, with the whole family at the same table. It is better not to spoil relations in the family. After all, this is the place where you will return after a hard day's work.

The family horoscope for Gemini predicts a sincere relationship. Mercury, under the rule of this planet they were born, will protect them from adversity and endow them with decency.

The addition to the family should be expected this spring. When you find out that you are expecting a new family member, you will be in seventh heaven with happiness.

So the year of the Dog promises to be rich in pleasant surprises. In family life as well.

Horoscope 2018 Gemini from Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa made an astrological forecast for New Year Dogs. So, Gemini, who are used to thinking for a long time before making a decision, need to forget about this character trait for this year. Sometimes you just need to let things go with the flow and not give in to emotions.

At the end of winter or spring, Gemini who have not met their love should expect a pleasant surprise. Pavel Globa promises a fateful meeting.

However, you need to restrain temperament, its incontinence can lead to problems. In August, Gemini can enter into a legal marriage. In 2018, Gemini will be successful not only in the love field, but also in their careers. There is a chance to get a good salary increase and promotion.

However, all this requires a lot of effort to achieve some success.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini by year of birth

Gemini - Rat

The Gemini Rats will have a sharp increase in charisma and charm this year. And so they will have a lot of fans. In 2018, there is a reality of meeting a soul mate for life. However, this year the Rats will have another quality of character - thrift. This will help them to accumulate considerable capital.

Gemini - Ox

Magic awaits the Bulls next year. Their desires will be realized even before you think about them. Based on this, you need to be careful with your desires. If the Bulls have competitors in the love sphere, then in the year of the Dog you have the advantage of gently getting out of the way. Charm in 2018 you do not hold.

Gemini - Tiger

Tigers in 2018 will remain hunters by nature. They will be lucky in business and in love. Just do not scatter money - financial difficulties may arise.

Gemini - Cat (rabbit)

Cats in the year of the Dog should be careful. The main thing is not to tease her. No need to strive for unattainable peaks. This year will have to be content with what we have. Make surprises for the household, they do not have enough of your attention.

Gemini - Dragon

Dragons in 2018 may have psychic abilities. Just don't use them at work or family life. Yes, even next year you will have a lot of boyfriends. You just have to choose one, otherwise you can be left alone.

Gemini - Snake

The snakes must be careful. They will be able to reach the pinnacle of glory. You don't need to be recognized. It will be easy to deal with any problems when there is an idyll in the family, do not allow scandals and quarrels. By the way, this year replenishment in the family is possible.

Gemini - Horse

Horses are expected to have love adventures. They end up in marriage. And also watch your health - it's better to go somewhere for medical treatment or undergo an examination by doctors.

Gemini - Goat (Sheep)

An earth dog will be supportive of Goats. She will give you charm. You can use it all year round and use it to achieve career growth and family well-being.

Gemini - Monkey

Monkeys will not be bothered by anything. The year will be surprisingly calm. No significant changes, no quarrels, no financial losses. So relax and set yourself up for a good year.

Gemini - Rooster

Before the Roosters, all doors are open. Good partners and financial stability will appear in business. You will have many fans who can make you happy. Perhaps this is your destiny. Don't ignore it.

Gemini - Dog

This is your high point. Capture the best moments in life. Luck will be on your side. Update your wardrobe, give gifts to loved ones. Great financial luck is expected at the beginning of the year.

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