What are houses built from today? What are the pros and cons of heavy and light houses? The disadvantages of frame objects include:

Building a new home is always a big expense. Few people can afford to build without paying attention to estimates. Most often you have to save money to fit into the budget. However, the savings should be reasonable, because the owner and his family will live in the new place. The building should be warm, dry, comfortable, and pleasant to look at. How to achieve this without overpayments? First of all, save on a team of workers. If the developer has the necessary skills, then everything or almost everything can be done yourself. You can also choose inexpensive materials, available technologies, standard design. How to build a house with your own hands cheaper? What is worth saving on, and where is it better not to risk it?

Quality wooden houses according to the most important indicators modern house are not inferior to other types, especially in terms of comfort, strength, ease of use of modern materials and economy. The disadvantage of wooden prefabricated buildings over reinforced concrete is a shorter period for technical use. Life monolithic buildings, which are in barbaric exploitation and without constant repair, are shorter than those of maintained and usually exploited wooden houses. Everywhere in Bulgaria you can see poorly used and poorly managed reinforced concrete blocks and brick buildings.

Savings start with choosing a project. The more complex the architectural forms, the more expensive the construction costs. It is irrational to try to reduce costs at the expense of workers, technical supervision or quality of materials by initially choosing an expensive project.

It is better to clearly determine the necessary living space, without depriving the family, but also without allowing yourself extra square meters, choose a simple roof shape. This will allow you to create a cozy home that fully meets the needs of the family, but without architectural “excesses” - a multi-pitched roof, bay windows, columns, arches.

House made of gas and foam blocks

Prefabricated houses made of wood and its derivatives can have a long technical service life, i.e. The period from construction to demolition is completely comparable to the period of construction of other buildings. Proof of this are houses made of timber frame or columnar structure, where this technical life is often more than 300 years. Hundreds of examples are examples of seaside and mountain villages and towns where ancient wooden buildings are still inhabited or converted into small hotels, restaurants and creative venues.

It makes sense to consider options for building a one- or two-story structure with a residential attic.

A residential attic is much more profitable than a separate floor. The construction of the floor will require more materials - for walls, insulation, finishing

If you choose lightweight building materials and suitable technologies for building walls, you can save on the foundation. A less powerful structure will be needed, plus the formwork can be made from substandard boards or used fiberboard boards.

Another “disadvantage” is the attack of wood from biological pests - fungi and insects. The solution to the problem is to use dry wood treated with antiseptics and insecticides during production and assembly. During life, water leakage, overflowing of external walls or other conditions for the development of wood pests should be avoided. But these requirements also apply to other types of buildings. Some pseudo-experts illustrate unstable prefabricated buildings carried as match boxes from destructive tornadoes in the United States.

The only thing you don't want to cut costs on is cement. You need to buy it of high quality, otherwise the strength of the structure will be in question. The depth of the trench under the foundation must also correspond to the calculated weight of the building in order to avoid severe settlement, which can lead to cracks in the walls.

What is most often used during construction:

In fact, a tornado destroys everything in its path. However, in the so-called Tornado Alley, such buildings continue to be built. Unlike other countries, our country does not have hurricanes with great destructive power. There is no recorded case of a wooden house broken by strong winds or thick snow in Bulgaria. Most fires in residential buildings caused by smoking and heating appliances, ranging from furniture and textiles, to furniture, not construction. In fire conditions, even unprotected wood structures have higher fire resistance than comparable steel, and in some cases comparable to steel concrete.

  • brick;
  • beam;
  • gas block

When constructing houses and cottages, frame technology is increasingly being used. This is a promising method that allows you to build quickly and at minimal cost.

To find out what will cost the least for construction, you will have to calculate estimates for each of the options, because... the cost of the material itself is not always an indicator of benefit. For example, choosing multi-purpose resources can help reduce costs. The cost of a two-in-one hydro- and vapor barrier will ultimately be cheaper than buying two different types isolation.

Despite the burning of wood, the structures it builds and its fire protection derivatives are no more dangerous than other buildings if the necessary precautions are taken. The main objectives of the alliance are: - to encourage and ensure compliance with this traditional and at the same time complex form of construction; - creation of a system for ensuring the quality of production and installation by internal and external control; - Distinction from manufacturers of wooden barracks and bungalows, which do not comply with any technical standards, norms and rules, but are advertised as manufacturers of wooden houses for permanent residence.

When making calculations, one should proceed from the fact that the finished building must be comfortable for living and comply with heat conservation and safety standards.

The advantages of a frame structure are lower time and labor costs for the construction of a building. The design is lightweight, does not create an increased load on the foundation and does not require its reinforcement

An excellent example of the popularity of building one- and two-family new wooden houses is the fact that in Germany it is about 14%, and in Austria about 35%. It provides answers to all the questions a person asks about this type of manufacturing and construction. The persons subject to the national census are listed in Article 4 of the Population and Housing Census Law, and the subjects for which data will be collected are described in Article 6 of the Law. In particular, the following data are collected for persons to be observed during the census.

First name, last name and given names. A single citizenship number for Bulgarian citizens and for foreigners who have been granted a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with Art. 23, paragraph. 3, paragraph 2 of the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria and the foreigner's personal number for foreigners who have been granted a short-term or long-term residence permit in accordance with Art. 23, paragraph. 2 and paragraph 3, paragraph 1 of the Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Option #1 – frame house construction

A dwelling using this technology can be built within a period of several weeks to several months, depending on whether the owner builds it himself or hires a team. Finished buildings are durable and resistant to deformation. The estimated service life is approximately 75 years.

Load-bearing structures are convenient for subsequent cladding finishing materials, because all elements are unified. This significantly expands the choice of facade cladding options: siding, cassette panels, and block houses can be mounted on the walls. Sheathing increases the strength of the entire structure without significantly increasing its weight.

Permanent address and current address. Completed level of education. Economic activity of employment. Place of work or educational institution. A type of transport used to travel to a place of work or educational institution. Internal and external migration of people.


Data on ethnic group, religion and native language are provided voluntarily in accordance with Art. 21, paragraph. 2 of the Law on Statistics. When collecting information they will use following definitions. Only the following persons should be considered to be ordinarily resident in the geographic area.

Video about the design

There are two main technologies, each of which has its own characteristics.

Frame-panel. How to build a house cheaper? Collected with my own hands. Of course, this will require skills and equipment. Thanks to this species construction, this is possible, although you will need to invest a lot of time and additional money in the purchase of insulation and other things. The frame is made of wood and covered with sandwich panels. Each part has to be installed separately, which affects the timing and complexity of construction.

Basic materials for building houses

If a person has several habitual residences during the year, his habitual residence is the place where he spent most of the year, whether he is elsewhere in the same country or across borders; From home and returning to the family home on weekends, his/her usual place of residence is considered to be the family home, regardless of whether his/her place of work is located elsewhere within or outside the same country.

Normal residence of primary and secondary students educational institutions away from home during the academic year is considered the family home regardless of whether they are studying elsewhere within or outside the same country. College or university students' usual place of residence away from home is the address at which they are registered during the academic year, regardless of whether the place of residence is an institutional or private residence, and regardless of whether they travel elsewhere in the Interior or outside the same country.

Frame-panel. This option is expensive, but reliable and requires much less labor. The structure is assembled from ready-made panels, which are manufactured at the factory to special order. The panels are supplied already insulated and completely ready for assembly. If we compare the prices of panel and panel buildings, the former are more expensive. However, the final cost may turn out to be the same if workers are invited to assemble frame-panel housing, because you have to pay for all types of work separately - assembly, cladding, thermal insulation, finishing.

The exception is where the place of study is in the same country, the usual place of residence may be considered to be the family home. An establishment may be considered the usual place of residence of any of its residents who have lived or intend to reside there for at least 12 months at the time of the census.

The general rule regarding the place where a person spends most of the day also applies to conscripts and armed forces personnel who live in barracks or military camps. The usual place of residence of homeless or unmarried persons, nomads, wanderers and persons of no fixed abode is their place of residence at the time of the census.

The assembled wooden frame already looks like a finished house. It only requires cladding and finishing. Steam and waterproofing materials are installed into the walls of the structure at the factory, which helps to increase the service life of the building

Undeniable advantages of the technology:

The usual place of residence for children with two different residences is where the child spends most of his time. In cases where a child spends equal periods of time with two parents, the usual place of residence is where the child is on census night.

Characteristics of aerated concrete blocks

Based on the definition of usual residence, persons who reside in a census location but are absent or expected to be absent for less than one year at the time of the census are considered temporarily absent and as such included in the frame. Persons who live or are expected to live outside the census area for one year or more are not considered temporarily absent and are therefore not included in the total. This applies regardless of the length of possible periods during which they visit their families.

  • Economical. Light weight is an obvious opportunity to save on the foundation, and short time- on workers' compensation. It is believed that houses built according to frame technology, are the cheapest, but the efficiency largely depends on the area of ​​construction, the selected components, finishing, etc. Calculations by experienced engineers show that this is beneficial if the length of the building does not exceed 20 m and the number of storeys is 3. Often the design decides everything.
  • High energy saving ratio. The structures warm up quickly and efficiently. The walls are made of materials with low thermal conductivity, so the structure retains heat well. The wall thickness can be 15-20 cm. Additional benefits include reduced heating costs compared to a conventional building of the same area.
  • No shrinkage. The walls of the structure are strong, resistant to deformation, highly rigid, and the house itself does not shrink. This also has a positive effect on construction time: Finishing work You can start immediately after completing the main work. The cladding does not require additional processing, which reduces finishing costs.

Disadvantages or things to consider:

My home is my castle

Persons covered by the census who do not meet the criteria for usual residence at the time of the census and do not live or do not intend to live in the place of enumeration for a continuous period of at least 12 months are considered temporarily present and are therefore not included in the total population of ordinary residents.


A workplace location is the geographic area in which a professionally employed person currently works. For those who work primarily from home, their place of work is the same as their usual place of residence. The term "worker" refers to work performed by a "professional person" as defined by Current Occupation Status. Running “mostly” from home means that a person spends all or most of their time working at home and less or less time in a workplace other than home.

  • To assemble such a structure you need special knowledge and tools. The qualifications of the builders are of fundamental importance, so not every developer can do it himself, and the team will have to be carefully selected.
  • Wooden frames require additional treatment with compounds for biological and fire protection.

When choosing a project Special attention need to pay attention to ventilation. Artificial materials provide excellent thermal insulation, but from the point of view of environmental safety they leave much to be desired. If the home is small, then theoretically you can get by with natural ventilation, but ideally, a normal air exchange system should be calculated and installed for it.

Marital marital status - Marital status by family law during the critical period of the census. Each person is classified according to their most recent legal marital status at the census cutoff point. Actual marital status is the actual marital status of a person, regardless of its legal form.

Employment status reflects a person's relationship with a specific economic activity during the last seven days before the census cutoff point. According to labor status, people are divided into. Economically active - employed and unemployed. Employees are persons aged 15 years and older who spent at least 1 hour on a cash or in-kind basis during the reporting period. Employees are also considered to be those who were not working during the observation period, but were temporarily not working due to illness, paid leave, strike, training, maternity leave, stay, etc. unemployed persons are persons aged 15 years and over who are unemployed during the reference period but are currently available for work. They are available for paid work or for independent work, during the control week and two weeks after that, or are looking for a job, i.e. took specific steps to seek paid or self-employed work for four weeks, the last of which is the reference week.

During installation frame structures“wet” technologies are not used. This feature is a big plus, because... allows you to work at any time of the year

Tightness is one of the main advantages frame house, because serves as a guarantee of good thermal insulation. But it also has a downside - a violation of air exchange. To prevent human waste products, dust and other factors from worsening the microclimate in the building or reducing the amount of oxygen in the air, it is necessary to design a high-quality ventilation system

Economically inactive are persons who have not reached the minimum age established for exercising economic activity countries; persons receiving income from pensions, rent, interest, investments; students; hosts. “Profession” means the type of professional activity performed within a profession. The type of work activity is described with the main tasks and functions associated with the activity. Classification of persons by Employment, Industry and Current Activity status is based on the same workplace.

What to make it from:

  • Tree. Despite all kinds of processing, wood is exposed to moisture and microorganisms. On average, such a frame lasts up to 60 years and is inferior to metal analogues in strength, lightness, and resistance to destructive environmental factors.
  • Metal. A lightweight thermal profile is used for manufacturing. Its advantages are excellent fire resistance, light weight, and corrosion resistance. Metal parts are not susceptible to attacks by fungi and mold. All this can increase the service life of structures to 100 years.

What would be cheaper to build from? When drawing up estimates, there will be a clear advantage for wooden frame. However, if you “look into the future” and take into account the higher performance properties of the thermal profile, then its service life fully pays for the costs.

The foundation can be chosen tile, columnar or strip depending on the type of soil. You can save on an easy-to-install roof - gable or mansard. The choice is up to the developer.

1 sq. m metal frame weighs 30-50 kg, with casing - about 200 kg. Low specific gravity finished house allows construction on unstable soils. The profile is also used in the reconstruction of buildings with heavily worn load-bearing structures

Option #2 – brick construction

Brick is one of the most popular. Houses made from it can hardly be called cheap. The walls have to be made thick, plus they require additional insulation, which leads to an even greater increase in the cost of structures. The weight of the finished structure is large, so the foundation needs to be truly strong. It is done to the entire depth of soil freezing.

It's difficult to save money on it. The disadvantages include long, labor-intensive construction. However, the durability of structures, their Fire safety and practicality largely pay for the costs.

If you look at the prices for the construction of a high-quality building on the websites of specialized companies, you get the impression that the cost is low. However, even the price of turnkey construction does not include fine finishing: installation of flooring, interior doors, plumbing fixtures, etc.

If you do all this yourself, then only the costs of purchasing materials should be added to the cost. If you need to hire workers, then also pay for their labor. Construction is profitable only if the owner of the site initially selected the project correctly and can carry out most of the work independently.

Video: about bricks for buildings

Option #3 – aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete block is a worthy competitor to traditional brick. Building a box is significantly more profitable than erecting it. The wall thickness can be reduced by 1/3 without losing its thermal insulation properties. The material itself is noticeably lighter, which allows for savings at the expense of the foundation. An additional “bonus” for the home owner is good sound insulation.

A dwelling made of aerated concrete blocks “breathes”; air exchange in it is not impaired, because through pores. However, for the same reason, blocks are not considered the most the best option from a waterproofing point of view. If construction is carried out in violation of technology, the finished structure may also be blown out. You need to pay attention to the finishing.

As for the construction time, an aerated concrete structure can be erected 2-3 times faster than a brick one; it practically does not shrink. Special adhesives are used to connect the blocks. In this case, it is undesirable to use the usual cement mortar, because it produces thick seams, which can cause the formation of “cold bridges”.

One of the disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks is their relatively low frost resistance, so you will have to take care of high-quality finishing. The materials you can use are plaster, siding, stone

Option #4 – economical timber buildings

For the developer, timber is more profitable than anything else. If we compare timber and brick wall in terms of heat-saving properties, it turns out that a structure made of spruce 220 mm thick and a brick 600 mm thick will be equally warm. Usually for construction they take 200 mm timber, use 100 mm thick insulation and apply a layer of plaster from 20 mm.

Advantages of timber:

  • efficiency;
  • fast construction (built in a few weeks);
  • simple technology;
  • environmental Safety;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • comfortable microclimate;
  • ease of construction.

If you are choosing what is cheaper to build a house from, then timber is a win-win option. This is profitable, and the technology is simple, and almost any site owner can master it if he already has construction skills.

When building houses from timber, you need to carefully design heating and energy supply systems. The buildings are considered a fire hazard. Wood is also afraid of moisture, so it requires protection from dampness and fungus.

Compare prices per square meter

How and what is the cheapest way to build can be seen in the estimate figures. If the calculations are based on average indicators (soil freezing depth - 1.5 m, groundwater– 2.5 m, sandy loam soil), then you can determine the cost of construction of 1 square meter. Depending on the components, the numbers will be as follows:

  • frame structure – 875 rubles;
  • brick – 2330 rubles;
  • aerated concrete – 2000 rubles;
  • timber - 1900 rubles.

Review of popular materials - video

It's obvious that frame house will cost the developer the least. When finally deciding on a choice, you need to take into account all the features of the project, the soil, and the site itself. The calculations do not include payment for the services of the construction team. Salaried work force– this is an additional (and considerable!) expense item.

At the current stage of development, there are more than 20 technologies used to build private houses. It is impossible to say unequivocally that this technology is the best, and this one is completely bad. They are all imperfect, they all have positive and negative aspects. To correctly answer the question “What kind of house to build”, you need to decide on the basic requirements that you place on your home. Choose a technology for them. Definition better home Everyone has their own, and so does the material and technology.

What are houses made of?

All external walls can be divided into two large groups: inertial and non-inertial. Inertia houses are built from materials with high heat capacity. They tend to accumulate heat and then emit it. Moreover, the radiation comes in the infrared range. Such houses are warm even at relatively low air temperatures. The feeling is this: infrared heat is better perceived by our body.

The walls of non-inertial houses are a “pie” of materials of different composition and sequence. But they all have one property: the materials have good or excellent thermal insulation properties, but have low heat capacity. The main difference between houses of this type is that it is not the walls that heat up, but the air, and it warms up quickly, but also cools down. In order for the heat to last for a long time, the rooms are made airtight. And this has its downsides. Let's talk about the properties and materials of both in more detail.

Inertial materials

Inertial wall material tends to accumulate heat and remove moisture. To retain the accumulated heat for as long as possible, external insulation is required for them. The advantage of rooms made of inertial materials is that in the absence of heating they “hold” the temperature for quite a long time. It follows that such technologies are more appropriate for permanent residences. For temporary visits - for dachas - they are inconvenient and irrational: it takes a lot of time for the walls to warm up. In the meantime, the walls are cold and the rooms are chilly.

Materials for the construction of inertia houses:

  • ceramic brick (solid and hollow);
  • adobe;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • foam block and monolith from it;
  • gas block;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks and monolith;
  • adobe houses;
  • cinder block.

The main disadvantage of houses of this type is the relatively high cost and duration of construction. Somewhere these shortcomings are more pronounced, somewhere less, but in general they are like this: a strong foundation is required, the walls take a long time to build.

Inertia-free materials

Inertia-free houses are built from materials with low energy intensity. Mainly modern materials and technologies that provide a multi-layer cake for walls. The main point is that almost all of them have low vapor permeability or do not conduct vapor at all. It’s the same with air: it doesn’t pass through walls. This means that to regulate humidity and ensure inflow fresh air, removal of carbon dioxide, a competent ventilation system is necessary.

The main requirement for inertia-free houses is compliance with the technology and the tightness of the room, and ventilation is necessary to regulate air conditions

Inertia-free houses are built from the following materials:

  • 3D panel, MDM, SOTA - inside the system there is polystyrene foam, and outside there is densely reinforced concrete;
  • Thermodome, Izodom - in permanent formwork Concrete is poured from polystyrene foam;
  • polystyrene concrete - the new kind material - concrete with polystyrene filler;
  • sandwich panels - they are often built from them industrial facilities, but sometimes, in order to save money, they build country houses;
  • SIP panels - insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene) between two OSB boards;
  • frame houses - insulation between plywood or OSB slabs:
  • vacuum panels - new construction technology, which is not yet used in private housing construction, but already exists.

The main advantage of non-inertial houses is the short time and low cost of construction. Since the walls are light, foundations for such buildings require inexpensive ones. Since they account for a significant part of construction costs, the overall reduction in construction costs is significant. If you are deciding what kind of house to build and the key constraint is money and/or time to build it, you may need to choose from these materials. But at the same time, we must not forget about the design of ventilation systems and be sure to take its cost into account when making calculations, otherwise living will be very uncomfortable, and in some cases, impossible.

This is a diagram used by sellers of new technologies to demonstrate their advantages, “forgetting” to talk about the disadvantages

Wooden houses

Wooden houses stand apart. These are houses made of logs or timber (regular, profiled, glued). On one side the walls breathe, on the other there is little inertia. Previously, such buildings could be classified as partially inertial due to the fact that in the center of the building there was a stove with a large heat capacity. The heat accumulated in it warmed the house until the fire burned.

When building wooden houses today, few people install a brick stove for heating. This is mainly water heating. Therefore, houses can be classified as non-inertial: if a log large diameter still has at least some significant inertia, then the heat stored in the 150*150 mm timber is definitely not enough. You have to either add fuel at night, or install combination boilers that run on electricity at night. There is another way out - to do external insulation. The measure is understandable and quite effective, but only if the insulation and finishing material are vapor permeable.

Without proper care wooden house it will look like this

There is another important aspect: in order for wooden houses to have a normal appearance, they require annual maintenance. This means that every year or every two years (depending on the type of processing) you will either have to work with a brush yourself or hire workers. Without this, a beautiful building will turn black and unattractive. Actually, then there is a way out - to do exterior finishing, and this is also an expense, as is the maintenance of wood - impregnations, paints cost a lot.

As you can see, there really are no ideal technologies. To decide what kind of house to build, you need to proceed from your situation, decide on key points, which will allow you to correctly and with awareness of all the nuances choose the material for the walls and the technology for its construction. Let's take a closer look at a few of the most typical home requirements.

Which house is cheaper to build?

Let's start with the fact that the costs of constructing the foundation and frame of a house from all inertial materials industrial production definitely more expensive than non-inertial ones. They have a higher density, and this is reflected in the mass of the building, which leads to an increase in the cost of the foundation.

The most expensive house is brick. We will take it as a standard and compare the cost of construction using other technologies with it. The next most expensive is made from ceramic blocks - about 90% of the price of brick. The most inexpensive of this group are adobe and adobe houses.

An adobe house is 100% environmentally friendly, warm, and cheap. A fairy tale, not a technology

If you have time and the weather permits, over the summer you can make and dry adobe bricks for a very large house. In terms of the cost of materials, they can compete with many modern technologies. Especially if you have the opportunity to extract clay yourself. The remaining fillers are straw, manure, etc. - also either free or cost a little. The only point is that it takes time to make bricks, and sometimes it is more expensive than money - after all, there are no industrially made ones. Another limitation is the climate - not everyone’s weather will allow them to dry the clay to stone density. So this technology is available for budget construction in regions with hot summers.

More expensive than adobe, but significantly cheaper than brick and block buildings. Aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete and foam concrete blocks require approximately 70-75% of the estimate for the construction of a similar brick house. But aerated concrete requires excellent waterproofing and should be used in areas with high level groundwater is risky. Cinder concrete is inexpensive. By the way, you can also do it yourself. But the service life of slag concrete is about 50 years. Further it will be destroyed.

Even less - about 30-50% of the cost of a brick house is required for the construction of non-inertial houses. The cheapest so far are SIP panels. They cost no more than a third of the price of brick construction. For frames - about 40% will be required. But at the same time, the service life is about 25-50 years, depending on the quality of the materials and the accuracy of the technology. However, for this entire group, adherence to technology is key: even small deviations can have disastrous consequences.

Once again, please note that the cost of the ventilation system must be added to the cost of all non-inertial boxes. If it works out - natural, if not - forced will be necessary (it is much more expensive to install and maintain). But there must be ventilation, and it must be calculated correctly.

The construction of a wooden house will require about 60-70% of the cost of a brick one. But it is also necessary to include caulking and sanding of the frame. You won't be able to get by without them. However, if a wooden house is immediately planned for finishing, sanding is not required.

What is the fastest way to build?

The longest construction period is for a brick house (again). Its construction will take at least a year. This is if all technical processes proceed without delays. It will take about 6 months to make a box of building blocks from finished adobe. It takes 1-3 months to build a house from all types of panels. The same amount will be required to assemble frame houses.

Once again, wooden houses do not fit into any group. If you cut the corners on the spot, you will be assembling the walls for about a month, perhaps two. If you ordered finished project and a layout with cut-out bowls was brought to the site; it can be folded in a few days. Add time to the foundation and roof. The total will be up to six months. But you won’t be able to move in immediately after the walls have been removed - you will need to wait at least six months or even a year before finishing can begin - it depends on the initial importance of the material.

Only a house made of laminated veneer lumber can be finished immediately. All other wooden houses must stand for at least six months - the wood must dry out and shrink, take on its operational dimensions. The difference in height can be up to 15-20 cm per frame, and this is a lot. Therefore, finishing begins only after 9-12 months. So in this case, putting up a box and quickly moving into it will not work.

So, there is a sea of ​​features. But if you are deciding what kind of house to build in the country, and you plan to stay there only during the season, and you don’t want or have the opportunity to spend a lot of money, then pay attention to frames or SIP panels. They are inexpensive and can be built quickly. Just study the technology thoroughly: they don’t like mistakes.

My home is my castle

If we talk about the strength of the walls, then in first place are brick houses. These are definitely bulletproof walls. Quite strong - expanded clay concrete, cinder block, adobe technologies. Their density is also enough to stop a bullet. With other building blocks it is a little more difficult - you need to look at the density.

Expanded clay concrete is a good choice - dense enough to be reliable, average in price and construction speed (about 6 months)

Houses with concrete components 3D panel, MDM, SOTA, Thermod, Izod are quite durable. All other technologies are in no way an obstacle to serious shock loads. Of course, nothing can break through them, but they are definitely not a fortress.

As you can see, it is impossible to say unequivocally that any technology is the best. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages, choose the most important points and determine for yourself what kind of house will be built so that it meets your requirements.

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