Thesis: Lesson as a means of developing cognitive activity in preschool children. Conditions for the development of students' cognitive activity in the learning process Formation of students' cognitive activity in learning

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Changes taking place in last years in the education system, its reorientation towards humanistic, personality-oriented and developmental educational technologies, force us to take a fresh look at the processes of learning and development of the student’s personality.

The intellectual development of the child in our gymnasium is given Special attention. Starting from the first grade, we try to involve children in research activities, teach them to work in groups, both in class and in extracurricular activities. Working together encourages children to develop and demonstrate such personal qualities as independent goal setting, awareness, selectivity of behavior, developed reflection, adequate self-esteem, and flexible thinking. In these working conditions, the quality and originality of completing tasks significantly increases, group cohesion, a sense of pride in common success, mutual assistance, and friendliness are manifested.

Communication plays an important role in the development of personality. After all, communication is not only the exchange of information, but also the establishment of mutual understanding, the exchange of ideas, and the exchange of experience.

Communication is the most important condition for the harmonious development of the individual, for the development of his cognitive and creative abilities. The main condition for such development is the organization of educational and cognitive work.

Every lesson, every extracurricular activity should be structured in such a way that the child solves some problems or tasks through free discussion and analysis of these problems.

It is necessary to involve the child in collective cognitive activity, the essence of which is searching, comparing approaches and results obtained during joint research work. Only in this case will students acquire real knowledge.

It is also necessary to know the levels of cognitive activity of students.

“It is easier to do your job in a friendly environment than in an unfriendly environment. Malevolence... fetters and paralyzes, especially sensitive and unstable people. Feeling a friendly atmosphere, they immediately find themselves, master their powers and show themselves in the most positive way.”

Zero activity level:

Students with this level are passive in class, have difficulty getting involved in academic work, and expect the usual pressure (in the form of comments) from the teacher. They are initially deprived of the desire to learn, the incentive for further growth.

When working with this group of students, the teacher should not:

Expect them to immediately get involved in work, since their activity can increase gradually;

Offer them learning tasks that require a quick transition from one activity to another;

Demand immediate answers because they have difficulty improvising;

Confuse them while answering by asking unexpected and tricky questions for clarification;

Abruptly include them in work immediately after the break, because they switch quite slowly from physical activity to mental activity.

Emotional stroking is needed:

Address the student by name only;

Do not skimp on praise and approval;

Maintain an even, encouraging intonation during classes;

If necessary, touch the child soothingly or reassuringly;

Emphasize the positive construction of phrases: no threats, no orders, etc.

Activity level “depends on the situation.”

They quickly start work, but at the first difficulties they feel disappointed and give up or prefer the path of least resistance: working from samples.


Learn to use an answer plan, rely on reference signals, create algorithms for a particular educational action, drawings-tips (“legal cheat sheets”), tables, diagrams created by the students themselves or together with the teacher.

Protection of crossword puzzles compiled by students themselves;

Highlighting key words and the main idea of ​​a paragraph in the text, followed by independent “completion” of the text, enriching it with explanations and examples.

Complete the entire task, but mark in the margins with a special icon the place to which the teacher will check this task. There may even be an unspoken competition between students to see who has the test icon furthest from the beginning of the exercise.

Performing activity level:

The Germans consider a productive situation when out of a hundred people 99 have high performing culture, and one has creative abilities. This ratio, in their opinion, ensures the stability of the functioning of any enterprise.

Students of this PA systematically complete their homework. They readily participate in any form of work that the teacher offers them. They consciously accept the learning task and mostly work independently.


They can connect to the technology for assessing oral answers and written answers of classmates, i.e. take on the role of an expert, consultant. At the same time, it is necessary to equip them with criteria for evaluating answers so that significant disagreements do not arise.

Include the most various shapes discussions: round table, expert group meeting, debate, court hearing, Socratic dialogues, brainstorming.

Write a diary or other written document (letter, excerpt from a chronicle) on behalf of a historical person (diary of geographical discoveries, historical event from the point of view modern man, “Time Traveler Report”).

Creative activity level:

The task itself can be posed by the student, and new, non-standard ways of solving it are chosen;

The student’s position is characterized by a readiness to engage in a non-standard learning situation and a search for new means to solve it.

A creative approach can be unexpectedly displayed by students at any level of educational activity: zero, situational, performing.

The main idea of ​​the developmental education system, in my understanding, is education for the general development of the child, and not vice versa, general development for his education. My task, the task of a subject teacher, changes diametrically. Previously, I had to take into account the level of mental development of the student in order to teach him anything. Now I must strive, through the means of my subject, to increase this mental level development so that the child can learn independently, so that he becomes a learner, not a learner.

I will briefly outline the principles of the Zankov system and my understanding of these principles.

1. Training at a high level of difficulty. That is, I should focus my work not on the zone of the child’s actual development, but on the zone of his proximal development. I believe that it is natural that the degree of difficulty must be observed, otherwise the child may lose interest in learning, learning will cease to bring him the joy of overcoming, positive emotions.

2. The leading role of theoretical knowledge. The student, first of all, must study the phenomenon, comprehend the concepts, and establish their connections. This will help, I think, to avoid many mistakes. Only then begin to develop skills, and then it will take less time and be more effective.

3. Fast pace of learning. This principle, it seems to me, suggests not rushing through the lesson, but a refusal from repeated repetition, the so-called “chewing gum,” and provides an opportunity for a deeper study of the material, to identify more of its connections and aspects.

4. The principle of students’ awareness of the learning process. In my opinion, this principle means that the student must be aware of how and through what educational activities lead to new knowledge. The object of observation should be the process of cognition itself.

5. The teacher must work on the general development of all students in the class, including weak ones. Children are at different levels of development. And, as I understand, it is impossible to adjust the development of students to one average standard. We must strive to ensure that the child’s capabilities are revealed and his individuality is clearly expressed. That is, strive to promote each student along his own scale of development.

INTELLIGENCE. The unlimited possibilities of our thinking are based on the cooperation of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which have different areas of activity. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to use both halves of your brain, to use internal resources more effectively and thus achieve success.

Some researchers define a person’s ability to think creatively and logically as intelligence and note that “over the past 10-plus years, we have witnessed an unprecedented decline in the intellectual level of our schoolchildren, which is reflected in the results of special tests, such as the “School Preparedness Test.”

However, school teachers themselves note that children have begun to write worse, read less, and think one-sidedly. Despite the fact that there are currently programs that promote the development of thinking skills, most students remain away from them. Firstly, because school teachers themselves are often not familiar with them, and secondly, because the use of programs requires a certain system (inclusion in the structure of the lesson). Our teachers, unfortunately, too often “chase” the volume of material: “Give as much information as possible on your subject!”, forgetting that it is the undeveloped intellect that prevents the student from mastering the material. In our work, we proceed from the hypothesis that intelligence is not only possible, but should be developed. It's time to complement the standard curriculum mental abilities training program. There are many exercises designed to improve a person’s intellectual level. The exercises we propose are based on three archaic theories of human intelligence and cover a wide range of cognitive and other abilities.

At the moment, in the psychological and pedagogical community there are at least three main approaches to the problem of creative abilities:

There are no creative abilities as such;

Creative ability (creativity) is an independent factor, independent of intelligence;

A high level of intelligence development implies a high level of creative abilities and vice versa.

Based personal experience and pedagogical practice, I am inclined to share the third approach, especially since recent studies show that “early intellectuals adapted extremely successfully to society.” The fact that the process of “flowing” of intellectual abilities into creative ones occurs during the creation special conditions, I am convinced every time I deal with a newly recruited class with in-depth study of physics and mathematics (physics and mathematics). This phenomenon even got its own name: “physicist syndrome.” The point is that, having received a large portion of new knowledge, at first almost none of the students see other ways to solve problems related to the use of “old” knowledge. However, soon this search for difficult paths for oneself stops and a vision of the optimal solution appears. There is no need to be afraid of this process; it usually passes, and students remember their torment with a smile.

However, we have to agree with the thesis that a high and even ultra-high level of intelligence does not guarantee creative achievements.

The accepted point of view that children with already developed abilities end up in such classes gives some teachers the opinion that nothing special can be done in the direction of the development of these children.

Carefully considering the problem of developing abilities, we can use the following classification:

Intelligence is the ability to solve any problem based on existing knowledge, i.e. ability to apply knowledge;

Learning ability is the ability to acquire knowledge;

General creative ability is the ability to transform knowledge (it is associated with imagination, fantasy, finding hypotheses, etc.).

That is why, when I go to class, I try to help students learn methods of transforming intellectual energy into creative energy. To do this, in my opinion, students must first of all have knowledge of the scientific (rational) organization of labor. It should be noted that students in advanced mathematics classes take this with great interest. The desire to know oneself, characteristic of early adolescence, receives a mechanism for implementation. The children listen with pleasure and interest to recommendations on how to remember better and how to organize information correctly. They are interested in learning what the features of thinking, memory, imagination are, and how conscious and subconscious actions to assimilate material are combined. In other words, during the lessons I try to teach them to learn in accordance with the objective laws of personality development, as well as taking into account individual characteristics.

By presenting such information during a lesson, I manage not only to mechanically convey to them a large amount of knowledge on the subject, but also to create in them the need for self-development, increase learning motivation, and also show them that when achieving high quantitative indicators in algebra and geometry, They remain a huge field of action for the study and development of internal resources.

It must be especially emphasized that in order to “create, you need to assimilate the pattern of activity of a creative person, through imitation, reach a new level of mastery of culture and strive further.” In addition, creativity requires personal cognitive efforts.

TO personality traits a creative person should be considered:


Openness of mind;

High tolerance to uncertain and insoluble situations, constructive activity in these situations;

Developed aesthetic sense, desire for beauty.

Listing the parameters of creativity, W. Guilford mentions the following:

Ability to formulate and detect problems;

Generating ability large number ideas;

Flexibility as the ability to produce a variety of ideas;

Originality as the ability to respond to stimuli in a non-standard way;

The ability to improve an object by adding details;

Problem solving ability, e.g. ability to analyze and synthesize.

It is easy to see that almost all of these abilities can be used in one way or another and receive an impetus for development, both in mathematics lessons and in others conducted according to an in-depth program. From my point of view, this activity cannot only be the prerogative of the teacher, but must become necessary for students. I see this as a task that every teacher must solve in his lesson. Because you cannot force them to be a creative person against their will. This quality is either inherent in the child from birth, or consciously cultivated by him with the help of a significant adult.

The role of a significant adult at this stage of development of a creative personality cannot be overestimated.

It would be great if every teacher could be a model of creative behavior for teenagers.

Even A.A. Leontiev believed that “optimal pedagogical communication between the teacher and schoolchildren in the learning process, which creates best conditions for the development of student motivation and the creative nature of educational activities, for the formation of the student’s personality, provides a favorable emotional climate for learning, ensures the management of socio-psychological processes in the children’s team and allows for maximum use of the teacher’s personal characteristics in the educational process.”

Speaking about the professional qualifications of a teacher working in such classes, it is necessary to emphasize that he must not only be fluent in the subject itself and the methodology of its teaching, but also, oddly enough, masterfully pedagogical technology: speech, facial expressions, gestures, emotions. intelligent child student

Combine this with a sense of humor and good looks, and we have the ideal portrait of a person who could play the role of a significant adult for developing students.

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The search for conditions for the formation of new methods for the development of cognitive activity is dictated by the tasks of improving the education system. The development and methodology of such formation is an urgent task of psychological and pedagogical science and the practice of teaching children.

There are several approaches to understanding cognitive activity from the means that are used in the process of a child’s cognition of the world around him. N.N. Poddyakov considered the main means of cognition to be children's experimentation aimed at transforming an object for the purpose of knowing it, the result of which is the formation of generalized methods of practical research of a situation. Models and diagrams act as a teaching tool and reproduce hidden properties and connections in a visual form. The properties of objects are perceived in accordance with the norms of sensory culture.

L.A. Wenger believed that the main means of a child’s knowledge of the world around him were standard and model forms of mediation, considering them as a special form of cognitive activity of preschoolers. [7]

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that there are different types cognitive activity of children: their characteristics are determined by various means that are introduced during the learning process and used by children.

The formation and development of cognitive activity in preschool children based on the use of schematization was studied by Z.M. Istomina and L.M. Zhitnikova. These works made it possible to establish that children with great success use artificial external means (pictures, icons, diagrams, plans) in the process of memorizing visual material if they are first trained in the ability to establish semantic connections between what is remembered and what is used to remember, and then this skill is included in the context of solving a mnemonic task.

Fiction, visual arts, music, cinema, filmstrips can be combined into a group of artistic media. This group is very important for the development of cognitive activity, as it contributes to the emotional coloring of the acquired knowledge. Numerous studies (N.S. Kaprinskoy, L.N. Strelkov, A.I. Vinogradov) show that children vividly, emotionally and trustingly perceive fairy tales, poems, stories read to them, and look at illustrations for books. Children are strongly impressed by the work of artists if they depict the world realistically and understandably to a preschooler.

Nature is an effective means of development. By studying the changes occurring in nature and performing elementary experiments, preschoolers enrich their experience, which they then use in independent activities.

A means of developing cognitive activity is also the subject-transforming activity of children. During the material action, the child’s existing knowledge and mental actions are activated, and they are carried out. further development and skill.

Game is an effective means of cognitive activity. In the game, the child actively reflects the world. A distinctive feature of the game is the very method that the child uses in this activity. The game is carried out by complex actions, and not by individual movements. These actions include speech. The game is the form creative reflection child of reality. While playing, children bring in a lot of their own inventions and combinations of imagination.

A game is an operation of knowledge, a means of clarifying it and developing cognitive activity. [ 16 ]

Artistic and productive activity is also one of the means of developing cognitive activity. Design contributes to the formation of more accurate, specific ideas about an object, develops the ability to see what is common and unique for a whole group of objects. Pedagogical guidance of children's cognitive activity in the design process consists of purposefully enriching children's ideas in the process about objects, knowledge and structures, and the specific direction of these observations. [32]

Education is the most significant means of developing cognitive activity. Its significance is determined by the fact that the teacher takes a leading position: he transfers to children the knowledge defined by the program, develops skills and abilities. During the classes, thinking and speech are developed, and cognitive interests are formed.

The means of developing cognitive activity is speech. The ability to understand speech and speak makes this process an important means of understanding the world around us. In turn, cognitive activity has a huge impact on the development of his initiative speech. The child develops the need to ask the teacher about objects and phenomena of surrounding activity that interest him.

Another factor in the development of speech, as a means of cognition of the environment, is Practical activities the child himself. For example, games and toys activate children’s speech provided they create a situation of communication with adults and peers. For preschoolers, the main means of cognitive activity are toys, objects and didactic games. The development of cognitive activity largely depends on the rational selection of toys that stimulate independent search for information about properties and qualities. The information obtained as a result of examining and transforming an object is used to develop subsequent gaming actions with it.

Thus, the choice of means for the development of cognitive activity and their complex use depends on the leading cognitive task, on the age of the pupils, on the level of their general and intellectual development.

Nadezhda Parasovskaya
Tools for children's cognitive development preschool age

From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. And especially the child - preschooler. Chinese proverb reads: “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I’ll remember, let me try and I’ll understand.”. This is how a child learns everything firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees and does it himself. When the child is actively involved in the process knowledge all senses are active. Scientists have proven that the more senses involved in the process at the same time knowledge, those better person feels, remembers, comprehends, understands, assimilates, consolidates the material being studied. As is known, the basis educational activity is educational cognitive task, which presupposes the presence of search knowledge, methods, skills and stimulation of the active use of connections, relationships, and evidence in learning. Modern teachers are faced with the task of teaching preschoolers navigate the flow of information coming to them from everywhere. It is important for children not only to correctly assimilate and structure information, but also to be able to purposefully search for it. To do this, it is necessary to use various facilities. Important means of cognitive development of preschool children are: informative-research activities, project activities, gaming technologies, information and communication technologies. Let's look at them. "Project activity"- this is the creation by the teacher of conditions that allow children, independently or together with an adult, to discover new practical experience, obtain it through experimental, exploratory methods, analyze it and transform it. Project activities are based on the co-creation of all participants in the educational process. A project is a set of actions specially organized by an adult and carried out by children, culminating in the creation of creative works. The project method is a teaching system in which children acquire knowledge in the process of planning and performing increasingly complex practical tasks - projects. The project method always involves students solving some problem. The project method is relevant and effective, it develops cognitive activity, research thinking, communication and practical skills of the child - preschooler, contributes to the successful transition to the next stage of education. For the younger one preschooler characterized by increased interest in everything that happens around. Everyday children will know more and more new objects, they strive to find out not only their names, but also their similarities, and think about the simplest causes of the observed phenomena. The project method contains various forms of research work that easily fit into the joint activities of the teacher and children preschool age. This one age characterized by more sustained attention, observation, the ability to begin analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. And, importantly, the project takes into account joint informative– search activity children, teachers and parents. Most teachers preschool educational institutions They are very sensitive to children and support them emotionally. However, this emotional support should not result in a willingness to complete a creative task for the child, be it formulating a creative idea or searching for possible ways to solve a problem.

The child expresses original idea, it needs to be supported and slightly modified. This is especially important for passive children who do not have positive experience in taking initiative.

But the teacher’s task is not to wait for an unusual solution. He must look at the situation he already knows and how to solve the problem from the point of view of the space of possibilities.

According to N. E. Veraksa, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Modern preschool education» and programs "From birth to school", one of the main tasks of a teacher when organizing project activities preschoolers is that to support children's initiative. A child’s initiative necessarily includes cognitive component. Cognitive initiative manifests itself whenever the child begins to solve his own problem, and not the task that the experimenter set for him.

The project method can be used in working with children, not only older ones, but also starting with younger ones preschool age. Research objectives for everyone age specific, allow you to determine learning objectives, form the prerequisites for educational and research skills in accordance with the main lines development.

The first stage is imitative-performing, the implementation of which is possible with children 3.5–5 years old. At this stage, children participate in the project "on the sidelines", perform actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him, which does not contradict the nature of a small child; in that age There is still a need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards an adult and to imitate him.

Second phase - developing, it is typical for children 5–6 years old who already have experience in various joint activities can coordinate actions and provide assistance to each other. The child is less likely to turn to adults with requests and is more actively organizing joint activities with peers.

In that age children accept the problem, clarify the goal, and are able to choose the necessary facilities to achieve the result of the activity. They not only show a willingness to participate in projects proposed by adults, but also find problems on their own.

The third stage is creative, it is characteristic of children 6–7 years old. It is very important for an adult at this stage develop and support creativity children, create conditions for children to independently determine the purpose and content of the upcoming activity, choose ways to work on the project and the ability to organize it.

Important in kindergarten informative-research activities children, which is based on spontaneous experimentation and search activity of the child. This type of activity includes experimentation and exploration. IN informative-research activities preschooler gets the opportunity to directly satisfy his inherent curiosity (why, why, how the world works, is practiced in establishing cause-and-effect generic, spatial and temporal connections between objects and phenomena, which allows him not only to expand, but also to organize his ideas about the world, to achieve high mental development.

"Experimentation"- form informative-research activities aimed at transforming things or accelerating the processes occurring with them. When forming educational activity experimentation is considered as means, close to ideal.

"Study"- special shape informative-research activities aimed at the child mastering ways to implement educational initiatives. Statement and solution educational tasks are carried out by the child using search actions.

Research, search activity is the natural state of a child, he is tuned to knowledge of the surrounding world, he wants cognize: tears the paper and sees what happens; conducts experiments with different objects; measures the depth of snow cover on the site, the volume of water, etc. All these are objects of study.

Exploratory behavior for preschooler- the main source of obtaining ideas about the world. Our task is to help children carry out these studies, to make them useful: when choosing an object of study; when searching for a method to study it; when collecting and summarizing materials; when bringing the resulting product to its logical conclusion - presentation of the results obtained in the study. Inferences children are based on their own practical experience, and not on the verbal information they receive from the teacher. Therefore, practical methods must be used.

To conduct research activities, it is necessary to equip "Laboratory". It should contain devices - "helpers": laboratory glassware, scales, objects of living and inanimate nature, containers for playing with water of various volumes and shapes. Natural material: pebbles, clay, sand, shells, bird feathers, tree cuts and leaves, moss, seeds, etc. Recycled material: wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabric, cork; different types of paper; dyes: gouache, watercolors; medical materials: pipettes, flasks, measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, syringes (without needles); other materials: mirrors, Balloons, butter, flour, salt, sugar, sieve, candles.

One of the areas of children's experimental activities is experiments. They are carried out both in classes and in free independent and joint activities with the teacher.

Experience is observation of natural phenomena, which is carried out in specially organized conditions.

In organizing and conducting experiments, several stages:

1) Statement of the problem (tasks).

2) Finding ways to solve the problem.

3) Conducting experiments.

4) Recording observations.

5) Discussion of the results and formulation of conclusions.

Cognitive the objective of the experiment must be clearly and precisely formulated. Its solution requires analysis, correlation of known and unknown data. During the experiment, children express their assumptions about the causes of the observed phenomenon, choose a solution cognitive task. Thanks to the experiences of children develop the ability to compare, contrast, draw conclusions, express judgments and conclusions. Experiments are also of great importance for understanding cause-and-effect relationships. It is very important that every child is involved in the process of conducting experiments.

It is especially interesting for children to experiment with objects of living nature. So, having placed two onions in a jar with and without water, children watch their development: which bulb will germinate faster, why, what effect on development plants are rendered by humans. Children come to the conclusion that moisture is necessary for plant growth. In the process of conducting research activities, we we develop environmental literacy children, we cultivate an active environmental position. Inanimate objects are also studied nature: sand, clay, snow, stones, air, water, magnet, etc. For example, we suggest making a figure from wet and dry sand. Children discuss what kind of sand is being molded and why. Examining sand through a magnifying glass, they discover that it consists of small crystals - grains of sand, this explains the property of dry sand - flowability.

Creative cognition nature contributes to the formation of ideas about the basic patterns in nature. In junior age this is the variability of the seasons and the dependence of changes in living nature (i.e. in the life of plants and animals) from changing conditions of inanimate nature.

In order to teach children to identify the simplest connections in observed natural processes, work can begin at the age of 4. In that age we develop in children an idea of ​​individual, frequently occurring phenomena of inanimate nature (precipitation - snow, rain, hail; properties of sand, water; morning - evening, day - night, etc., as well as introducing objects of living nature - indoor and wild plants, wild and pets. As a result, children acquire a certain amount of knowledge about the natural world. They develop informative interest in natural objects, the desire to learn new things about the properties of things, to actively explore them. They ask questions: “Why do birds fly away in the fall? Where do bugs and butterflies live in winter? Why is the snow melting in the room? In that children's age attention becomes more stable, they can observe animals and plants for quite a long time.

The essence of observations lies in the sensory knowledge natural objects through various forms of perception - visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, olfactory, etc. Children introduce you to a small amount plants indoors and on the site. Looking at them, watching them grow and development V different conditions external environment, preschoolers learn to distinguish plants, name them correctly, focusing on characteristic features - shape, size, color of leaves, fruits, flowers, stems. The content of animal observations includes the following: Components: way to travel (how and with the help of which organs it occurs); appearance: body parts, structural features, characteristics (color, shape, size) external organs; orientation in space (how they listen to sounds and noises, how they look around); how they react to their surroundings; habitat: terrain features, food, other animals - neighbors (enemies, neutral); relationships with people (reaction to their appearance); life manifestations in different seasons: changes in color during transitional seasons, nest building, food supply, searching for food in winter.

In addition to the content, it is extremely important to determine the organizational and methodological forms of conducting observations of natural objects. The pedagogical process should be structured in such a way that interest children to the inhabitants of the corner increased, ideas about them are constantly expanding. These requirements are met by cyclic observation, which is organized at various routine moments in everyday life.

A single cycle is a series of interconnected observations of a specific object in a corner of nature or area kindergarten. Each of the observations in the cycle has its own content, its own purpose, does not repeat other observations, but is interconnected with them. The cycle of observations allows the child to sensory and independently acquire a system of specific knowledge about the animals or plants that live in his neighborhood. Repeated access to the same object for 1-3 months creates a stable children's cognitive interest in it. As a result, children develop a need for new independent observations.

Special observation cycles are dedicated to representatives of plant life. peace: indoor plants, plants growing in the kindergarten area (rowan, maple, pine, poplar, etc., primroses. Everything that is constantly near the child should be noticed by him, should attract his attention, cause interest: wintering birds, insects, etc.

Another thing is gaming technology. In the Federal State General Educational Standards preschool educational game is seen as important means socialization of the child’s personality – preschooler. The right to play is enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child (v. 31). The purpose of gaming technology is not to change the child or remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity "to live" in the game, situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Concept "game pedagogical technologies" includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly stated learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be justified, identified explicitly and characterized by educational cognitive orientation.

Cognitive development involves developing children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development imagination and creativity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world.

Here the choice of games is huge and varied, but it is worth highlighting gaming technologies aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities - these are the so-called educational games, problem gaming situations and gaming technologies aimed at consolidating acquired knowledge, development of cognitive abilities. Gaming technologies include games such as didactic games (games with rules, object games, board-printed games, verbal games, outdoor games, fun games, role-playing games, travel games.

Didactic games.

"Man-made and miraculous world". Together with the teacher, children determine what is made by human hands and what is created by nature. "Who needs what". Ideas about objects used by boys and girls are formed (clothing, shoes, toys, sports equipment). Consolidating knowledge about the objective world. "Lay it out correctly", where children are invited to place vegetables and fruits in different baskets. "Wonderful bag", where children guess vegetables and fruits by touch. "Taste it", where the didactic task is the exercise children in determining the taste of vegetables and fruits (sweet, sour, salty, bitter). "Who's screaming". Teach children distinguish animals by appearance and the sounds made. "My friends". The purpose of this game is to consolidate knowledge children about pets (what they look like, what they eat). The theme of nature is widely reflected in board and printed games. Children enjoy playing games "Who eats what"(what do domestic animals eat, "When it happens"(seasons and seasonal natural phenomena, "Jumps, flies, swims..."(methods of transportation, "Zoological Lotto"(classification of animals, correct naming, "What grows where"(classification of vegetables and fruits and their growth, "Moms and Babies" (animals and their young).

There are a lot of outdoor games in which, in addition to the main goal, development movements is solved and the task of familiarization children with nature. Children enjoy playing outdoor games such as "By the Bear in the Forest", "Shaggy Dog", "Sun and Rain", "Owl", "Sparrows and the car", "Cat and Mice".

A lot of role-playing games aimed at getting to know the surrounding world, nature, and the objective world. For example, "Let's go for a walk", "Shop", "Salon", "Chauffeurs", "Builders", "Family", "Kindergarten", "Mothers and Daughters" and many more etc.

Another means of cognitive development of children– These are information and communication technologies.

Information Technology is a body of knowledge about methods and means working with information resources, and the method of collecting, processing and transmitting information to obtain new information about the object being studied.

Information technology is a pedagogical technology that uses special methods, software and technical facilities(film, audio and video facilities, computers) for working with information.

Information and communication technologies (ICT)- a set of technologies that ensure recording of information, its processing and information exchanges (transmission, distribution, disclosure).

Today, information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of early education. The possibilities of using a modern computer allow you to most fully and successfully implement development child's abilities.

Unlike conventional technical funds information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child with a large amount of ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also develop intellectual, creative abilities, and what is very important in early childhood is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphics, sound, speech, video, to remember and process data at enormous speed allows specialists to create children new means of activity, which are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys. All this places qualitatively new demands on preschool education is the first link of lifelong education, one of the main tasks of which is to lay the potential for an enriched child's personality development.

Therefore, into the system preschool education and training it is necessary to introduce information technologies.

Much children's interest in activities increases, the level increases cognitive capabilities.

The use of new unusual methods of explanation and reinforcement, especially in a playful form, increases involuntary attention children, helps develop voluntary attention. Information technology provides a person-centered approach. The capabilities of the computer make it possible to increase the volume of material offered for familiarization. In addition, at preschoolers the same program material must be repeated many times, and great importance has a variety of presentation forms.

There are 4 groups of information and communication technologies:

Group 1 – these are thematic presentations, including information educational materials on various topics, familiarization with the surrounding world, nature, native land, adult work, professions, etc. For example, "Guess who - animals of Africa" (acquaintance with animals of hot countries); "Traffic light" (familiarity with traffic lights and traffic rules); “For children about water” (introduce water in nature, where it occurs, what happens where there is no water).

Group 2 - these are games used in individual work with children to consolidate the counting of objects, quantity, properties of objects, classification, etc.: "Magic Riddles", "The Mouse and the Number Houses" and etc.

Group 3 – these are ICT materials used in preparation for educational activities, conducting intellectual and educational games, quizzes, KVN: “Journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky”, presentations on Russian folk tales.

Group 4 – ICT materials used in working with children and parents: Consultations for parents and teachers: "Child and Computer", “How and why to play with children”, "Teaching to tell", "Soon to school"; Thematic films, videos: "Mothers Day", "Defenders of the Fatherland", "March 8" and etc.

Thus, means of cognitive development are cognitively-research activities, project activities, gaming technologies, information and communication technologies.

E. N. Lekomtseva, A. S. Pikin

Formation of cognitive activity of a primary school student

The article presents characteristics of the “Planet of Joy” program, which is designed for primary school students. The goal of the program is to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren, an emotional and value-based attitude to the world, the phenomena of life, and art. The cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren is an important factor in improvement and at the same time an indicator of the effectiveness of the learning process, since it stimulates the development of independence, a search and creative approach to mastering the content of education, and encourages self-education.

Key words: cognitive activity, primary school student, extracurricular activities, program, needs, interest.

E. N. Lekomtseva, A. S. Pikin

Formation of the Younger School Student's Informative Activity

The characteristic of “the Planet of Joy” program which is designed for pupils of primary classes is presented in the article. The purpose of the program is to make conditions for the development of the younger school student"s informative activity, the emotional and valuable relation to the world, the phenomena of life, art. Younger school students" informative activity is an important factor of improvement and at the same time an indicator of the effectiveness of the training process as it stimulates independence development, a search and creative approach to master the education content, induces to self-education.

Keywords: informative activity, junior school student, extracurricular activities, program, requirements, interest.

New paradigm education considers the formation of the student’s subject position as one of necessary conditions student development. In junior school age understanding of the subject is associated with such qualities of his personality as activity, independence, and the ability to act.

The term “activity is identified by some scientists with activity, energy, dynamism, others with the result of activity, and still others consider activity in a broader sense than activity.”

As part of our research, we rely on the opinion of A. N. Leontiev, for whom activity is a concept indicating the ability of living beings to produce spontaneous movements and change under the influence of external and internal stimuli - irritants.

At primary school age, the leading type of activity is educational, so it is important to consider the term “activity” in combination with another concept - “cognitive”.

Today, “cognitive activity” is interpreted in the works of G. I. Shchukina, V. S. Ilyin, T. I. Zubkova, T. I. Shamova. Auto-

ry consider this concept from the standpoint of the quality of student activity aimed at achieving an educational and cognitive goal.

The most interesting, in our opinion, definition of cognitive activity is given by E. A. Krasnovsky: “the manifestation of all aspects of the personality of a junior schoolchild: this is interest in new things, the desire for success, the joy of learning, this is the attitude towards solving problems, the gradual complication of which lies in basis of the learning process."

Thus, the problem of developing interest arises in the context of students’ varied activities, which allows them to form and develop students’ interests, enriching their personality, and cultivating an active attitude towards life.

Based theoretical research D. B. Elkonina, the development of cognitive activity is carried out through the accumulation of positive educational and cognitive experience. According to the point of view of A. N. Leontyev, cognitive activity is stimulated by the needs of the younger schoolchild. The development of cognitive activity represents the ideal option when its formation occurs gradually, evenly, in accordance

© Lekomtseva E. N., Pikin A. S., 2017

with the logic of cognition of objects in the surrounding world and the logic of self-determination of the individual in the environment.

Analysis of scientific literature and practical experience in the formation of cognitive activity made it possible to determine the structure of cognitive activity: the emotional sphere, the volitional sphere, the motivational sphere, the content-procedural component and the social orientation component.

The cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren is an important factor in improvement and at the same time an indicator of the effectiveness of the learning process, since it stimulates the development of independence, a search and creative approach to mastering the content of education, and encourages self-education. Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the organization of the educational process and one of the forms of organizing students’ free time.

Extracurricular activities are understood today as purposeful educational activities organized in free time from lessons for the socialization of children and adolescents of a certain age group, the formation of their need to participate in socially significant practices and self-government, the creation of conditions for the development of significant positive personality traits, the realization of their creativity. and cognitive activity in various types of activities, participation in meaningful leisure.

To develop the cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren, within the framework of the study, a program of extracurricular activities “Planet of Joy” was created, compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

the federal law"On education in Russian Federation» (Accepted State Duma December 21, 2012. Approved by the Federation Council on December 26, 2012).

Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (grades 1-4) (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373; as amended by orders dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241, dated September 22, 2011 No. 2357 ).

Development concept additional education children of the Russian Federation (approved on September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r)

Action plan for 2015-2020. on the implementation of the Concept for the development of additional

education of children, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r (approved on April 24, 2015 No. 729-r).

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2014 No. 41, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary

epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of educational institutions of additional education for children" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 20, 2014, Registration No. 33660).

The program is designed for primary school students (6-11 years old). This period is the most important for the development of aesthetic perception, creativity and the formation of a moral and aesthetic attitude towards life, which is fixed in a more or less unchanged form for the rest of life.

IN primary school The younger schoolchild develops forms of thinking that ensure the further assimilation of various knowledge and the development of thinking. In the educational activities of a primary school student

There are such special types as writing, reading, working on a computer, creative activity, etc.

The process of switching from family and kindergarten to school is important, that is, the student experiences a change in the dominant authorities, among whom the primary school teacher becomes the main one. Game activity, along with educational activities, remains the leading activity for primary school students. Considering this circumstance, the teacher should use the student’s opportunities for self-organization and self-discipline, which are stimulated by group games, curiosity, and spontaneously emerging interest in all kinds of creative activities. Such manifestations need to be supported, developed, connected to a system of pedagogically organized and purposeful activities.

The “Planet of Joy” program is aimed at socio-cultural self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality, its integration into the system of world and domestic culture, and is a means of shaping the child’s attitude to reality, moral and mental education of the individual.

The goal of the program: to create conditions for the development of cognitive activity of primary schoolchildren, an emotional and value-based attitude to the world, the phenomena of life, and art.

Lay the foundations for organizing meaningful leisure;

Introduce the history and varieties of theatrical, musical and circus arts;

Develop intellectual and emotional sphere student’s personality, creative potential;

To develop an interest in theatrical, musical, circus arts, natural sciences;

Involve students in local history activities;

To develop in students the need to constantly replenish their knowledge and improve their cultural level;

To cultivate moral qualities, discipline, responsibility, collectivism.

The lesson schedule has the following variability: classes can be held once a week (36 hours per year) and 2 times a week (72 hours per year) depending on the interest of the children and the overall academic load.

Form of classes: group.

When selecting content, the structural-systemic principle is taken into account, in which the material being studied is built with gradual complication. However, in the process of children mastering the material, the teacher can vary the order and sequence of topics in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children’s perception of the content of the program.

Types of activities:

Excursion activities that allow students to expand their educational space and contribute to the development of their physical activity.

Literary and creative activities. Here one acquires the ability to express what one wants in the language of theater and cinema - this means listening and dramatizing fairy tales, watching cartoons, films, and writing stories.

Fine arts classes include creating drawings after visiting the theater, excursions, making scenery, non-

scripted, making puppets and

When conducting classes, various working methods can be used.

Methods of conducting classes: conversation, story, game, practical work, independent work, protection of creative works, mini-concert, consultation.

Control methods: consultation, defense of creative works, performance, exhibition, presentation, participation in creative work competitions.

Technologies, methods:

Level differentiation;

Problem-based learning;

Modeling activities;

Search activity;

Information and communication technologies;

Health-saving technologies.

IN work program activities for the formation of UUD are planned: personal, regulatory; cognitive, communicative.

To carry out the educational process under the “Planet of Joy” program, the following is required:

A selection of video clips;

Selection of printed publications and media materials, Internet;

Computer, multimedia projector.

The results of the work of younger schoolchildren will be

present at specially organized “competitive” defenses of creative works and creative projects.

The program contains the following sections: “The whole world is a theater”, “Journey to the past”, “Educational tours around the corners of our Motherland”, “Music of the soul”, “Life under the dome. Creativity and intelligence", "The amazing is nearby".

The section “The whole world is a theater” involves studying theatrical art, types of theater, and rules of behavior in the theater. In addition, it is envisaged not only to attend performances, followed by discussion, but also to stage performances by the program participants.

The section “Journey to the Past” introduces the peculiarities of museum work, prepares for excursions to museums, and the creation of a traveling classroom museum.

The section “Educational tours around the corners of our Motherland” includes local history excursions.

While studying the “Music of the Soul” section, children visit museums of musical art, concert

Philharmonic Hall. Younger schoolchildren go where the music is.

Section “Life under the dome. Creativity and Intelligence" is divided into two parts - "Circus Art" and "Planetarium" - and involves attending circus performances and interactive lectures in the planetarium, composing oral statements, for example, on the topic "What animal and why would I want to perform if I became circus performer."

The “Amazing Nearby” section ends the school year with an educational event - a meeting with artists, scientists, performers and other famous people.

Thus, the formation of a primary school student’s cognitive activity and emotional and value-based attitude to the world is carried out through his inclusion in a variety of activities that are interesting and entertaining for him, and therefore bring joy and surprise.


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Bibliograficheskij spisok

1. Zubkova, T. I. Formirovanie poznavatel "noj aktivnosti slabouspevajushhih uchashhihsja nachal"nyh klassov: avtoref. dis. ... kand. ped. nauk / T. I. Zubkova. - Ekaterinburg, 1993. - 24 s.

2. Il"in, V S. Formirovanie lichnosti shkol"nika: celo-stnyj process / V. S. Il"in. - M.: Pedagogika, 1984. - 144 s.

3. Krasnovskij, Je. A. Pokazateli v obrazovanii / Je. A. Krasnovskij // Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii. - 2002. - No. 5. - S. 53-57.

4. Leont"ev, A. N. Lekcii po obshhej psihologii / A. N. Leont"ev. - M. : Smysl, 2001. - 511 s.

5. Marcinkovskaja, T. D. Istorija detskoj psihologii: uchebnik dlja studentov ped. vuzov / T. D. Marcinkovskaja. - M. : VLADOS, 1998. - 272 s.

6. Realizacija variativnyh modelej setevogo vzai-modejstvija obshhego, dopolnitel"nogo i professional"nogo obrazovanija v ramkah organizacii vneurochnoj deja-tel"nosti : metodicheskie rekomendacii / pod red. A. V. Zolotarevoj. - Jaroslavl" : Izd-vo JaGPU, 2 011. - 312 s. S.24.

7. Shamova, T. I. Aktivizacija uchenija shkol "nikov / T. I. Shamova. - M. : Pedagogika, 1982. - 209 s.

8. Shhukina, G. I. Problema poznavatel "noj potrebnosti v pedagogike / G. I. Shhukina. - M.: Pedagogika, 2001. - 351 s.

9. Jel"konin, D. B. K probleme periodizacii psiholog-icheskogo razvitija v detskom vozraste / D. B. Jel"konin // Voprosy psihologii. - 2001. - No. 4. -S. 6-20.

Gladkaya Elena Sergeevna, master's student, Faculty of Psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk [email protected]

Formation of cognitive activity of students using computer technologies

Abstract. The article presents the methodological foundations for designing a model for the formation of students' cognitive activity using computer technologies, which ensure the effectiveness of managing students' educational and cognitive activity when mastering new material, and also influence the control and evaluation functions of the lesson. Key words: individualization of personality, computer learning technologies, cognitive activity, management of cognitive activity. Section: (02) comprehensive study of man; psychology; social problems of medicine and human ecology.

The coming era forces people to think about a future in which society and information resources are interconnected. The course of education, focused on modernization, determined the main directions of activity, reflected in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, in preparing the younger generation for an open economically innovative space. Education has always been the main basis for the introduction of innovative projects into society. The formation of an open educational space as the basis for the development of individualization and competitiveness is closely related to the ability of society to use information resources, determines the development of informatization as an innovative process (Concept of the federal target program “Development of informatization in Russia for the period until 2020”). The concept of “computer technology in education” has several interpretations of the definition; we consider them as technologies that contribute to the activation of students’ cognitive activity. Computer technologies involve the use of various means, the central place among which is occupied by a computer with software . In our work, we propose to use the concept of “modern computer teaching technologies,” by which we mean technologies developed for a personal computer, constantly updated and widely in demand in society. These include a modern software interface and peripheral equipment. Modern computer technologies at this stage of informatization of education are an innovative teaching tool that has great learning capabilities that have not yet been fully studied and not used in the educational process. Therefore, there is a need for a psychological and pedagogical justification for the use of computer technologies in teaching as a means of forming students’ cognitive activity and developing a model for forming students’ cognitive activity using computer technologies (V.P. Bespalko, A.P. Panfilova, T.V. Gabay, V.V. Guzeev ).In the psychological and pedagogical literature there are different interpretations of the concept of cognitive activity. According to M.I. Lisina, cognitive activity occupies a structural place close to the level of need. This is a state of readiness for cognitive activity, a state that precedes activity and gives rise to it. Cognitive activity in learning is characterized, first of all, by the focus of efforts on the assimilation of knowledge, which requires high self-organization from the student, mobilization of mental and physical strength, attention, memory, and will. Cognitive activity is formed and developed in the educational process. In psychological and pedagogical literature, it is considered as an activity and as a character trait of the student’s personality. When characterizing cognitive activity as an activity, it must be considered both as the goal of the activity, and as a means of achieving it, and as a result. When forming cognitive activity, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles: problematic, connection with practice, mutual learning, research, individualization, self-learning, motivation and activity (V.I. Dolgova, N.V. Kryzhanovskaya). During the study, a theoretical model of the formation of cognitive activity was developed students using computer technology, the main goal of which is to implement the social order of society to individualize the educational process and focus it on the formation of practical skills and abilities in students. The methodological basis of the model is represented by systemic, activity-based, person-oriented, competency-based and environmental approaches. The systematic approach as fundamental is considered as a system of principles of student development that reflect the content of education. At the same time, the content of education projects a certain type of thinking of the child - empirical or theoretical, depending on the content of training. The content of an educational subject acts as a system scientific concepts, constituting a certain subject area. The basis for mastering a system of scientific concepts is the organization of a system of educational actions. As a result of the activity approach, the psychological functions and abilities of the individual are transformed from external objective activity into internal mental activity through successive transformations. The specification of the model’s tasks and the necessary actions to solve them are carried out by the personality-oriented and competence-based approaches, which determine the needs for self-organization, self-determination and self-development. A personality-oriented approach involves strengthening and deepening the individualization of the educational process. Taking this into account, a modern teacher must focus on the individual capabilities and personality traits of the student in the process of managing his cognitive activity. The possibility of creating an individual educational trajectory for a student when studying a discipline is provided by the use of e-learning technologies operating in an information-educational environment. The competency-based approach assumes that cognitive activity through computer technology contributes to the formation of basic competencies in students that will allow them to enter the innovative information space in the future. The formation of innovative competencies should be facilitated by the following specific goals: knowledge about the existence of publicly available sources of information and the ability to use them; understanding of data representation in verbal, graphic and numerical forms; ability to evaluate and process information various types and access databases and information services. The environmental approach determines the mechanisms and conditions of the process of students’ cognitive activity. Based on methodological approaches and principles, the structure of the developed model includes the main components: target, managerial, content-based, control and effective. At the target stage of training, the formation of learning goals and their implementation are carried out. Computer technologies make it possible to formulate a target component of training, since it directly depends on the behavioral component of the motivational sphere of training. Students can imagine the prospect of studying the subject, and what skills they will gain in working with modern computer technologies. To maintain motivation, the teacher needs to create special situations that support goal setting and activate students. The presence of a sufficient level of formation of learning motives ensures students’ interest in independent cognitive activity, which can only be formed if the student, during the course of training, masters new methods of educational actions arising from independently assigned educational tasks, masters methods of self-control and self-assessment of his activities. Types of educational activities can be aimed at analyzing the conditions and setting the educational task by the teacher or student, as well as at the active formation of skills and abilities before their “automatic” assimilation. The organization of training is determined by the psychological characteristics of the student. Students with a visual type of memory and an artistic mindset prefer active forms of learning with a predominance of presenting material in a playful way. Students with a thinking type of memory are suitable for independent work with educational material, performing analytical tasks, as well as practicing various skills using computer training programs. Teacher management of a student’s cognitive activity consists of observation, control and correction of erroneous learning. With this form of training organization, management is carried out based on the final result achieved over a relatively long period of training. Its disadvantage is that knowledge gaps are not filled due to their untimely identification and lack of time to correct knowledge. When managing the educational process technical means correction of the student’s activity is carried out after each stage of training. With this form, the individual characteristics of each student are taken into account or individuality is subordinated to group averaging. When taking into account the individual characteristics of the student, the learning process is directed, and in a group form of learning it is scattered. An important condition for the effectiveness of the educational process is an increase in the information capacity of the content of the educational subject. Computer technologies make it possible to increase or decrease the volume of educational material, presenting it in a more accessible form for students to perceive. It is mistakenly believed that computer training programs must contain minimal educational material. To develop long-term memory, it is necessary to increase the educational information base, while observing all the psychological and hygienic requirements for an electronic source of information. The capabilities of computer technology make it possible to include in the educational process material reflecting scientific achievements, the study of which was not possible due to the need to process large amounts of information for its educational interpretation. Modern hypertext and hypermedia presentation of educational material allows you to significantly increase the volume of studied material by expanding the subject matter and range of its presentation. A systematic approach to the design and construction of the interface of educational programs allows not only to increase the productivity of the educational process, but also to avoid unjustified time losses and create an environment of psychological comfort for students. Activity and consciousness in learning can be achieved: taking into account the interests of students and at the same time forming cognitive motives for learning, as well as professional inclinations; creating problem situations in the lesson and organizing the process of solving them; using such forms of training as computer games , conferences using a computer or with Internet access; using various forms of teamwork. The computer combines the capabilities of various learning tools at a higher and higher quality level. When modeling the process of cognitive activity, based on its goals, the teacher determines at what stage, as a teaching tool, a computer will be used and, accordingly, by what methods educational results will be achieved. The control component evaluates the effectiveness of the developed model for the formation of cognitive activity using computer technologies, which is advisable to check using the parameter “Level of assimilation” of knowledge, proposed by V.P. Bespalko. There are reproductive and productive assimilation. During reproductive assimilation, students reproduce previously acquired information (in speech or in the mind) about methods of activity and use it in an almost unchanged form to perform standard actions. With productive assimilation, students not only reproduce previously acquired information and apply it in activities, but also transform it for use in non-standard (non-standard) conditions. The “Level of Mastery” parameter determines the degree of mastery of the activity achieved by the student as a result of training. This parameter objectively assesses students’ knowledge, is fully diagnostic and allows you to set a goal for each educational element. The productive component of the model determines the development of the student’s cognitive abilities, which stimulate, direct and regulate gnostic activity, making it more productive than in their absence. Cognitive abilities include sensory, perceptual, mnemonic, reproductive, intellectual and verbal, which are formed during the development of educational actions and operations. Sensory abilities make it possible to reflect the properties and qualities of objects and phenomena, as well as states of the external and internal environment. Perceptual abilities are manifested in the ability to observe objects and phenomena, to notice the slightest changes in their condition and development. Mnemonic abilities provide complete and accurate memorization, preservation and reproduction of information obtained in the process of cognition. Reproductive abilities make it possible to imagine the internal plan and structure of the objects being studied, as well as the changes that may occur to them in the future. Intellectual abilities are manifested in the ability to analyze and summarize information obtained in the process of cognition, operate with images and thoughts, and draw correct theoretical and practical conclusions. Verbal abilities make it possible to correctly describe cognizable objects and phenomena, summarize the results of cognitive activity, correctly formulate hypotheses, concepts and theories that explain the essence of the phenomena being studied. Conclusions: Modern computer technologies can be successfully used at all stages of the lesson, helping to enhance the educational and cognitive activity of students when mastering new material, as well as influencing the control and evaluation functions of the lesson. Computers make it possible to achieve more high level clarity of the proposed material, significantly expand the possibilities of including various exercises in the learning process, giving it in some cases the character of a game, and continuous feedback, supported by carefully thought-out learning stimuli, enlivens the learning process, helps to increase its dynamism, which leads to the formation of a positive attitude of students towards the material being studied.

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Elena Gladkay, Candidate for a master's degree faculty of psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, [email protected] of informative activity of students means of computer technologiesAbstract. Methodological bases of design of model of formation of informative activity of pupils by means of computer technologies which provide management efficiency of educational cognitive activity of pupils at digestion of new material are presented in article, and also have impact on control and estimated functions of a lesson . Keywords: individualization of the personality, computer technologies of training, informative activity, management of cognitive activity.

Dolgova V.I., Doctor of Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

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