Wilma psychology. Psychological causes of diseases - Luule Viilma. Luule Viilma: a new reading

Luule Viilma (6.04.1950 - 20.01.2002) Finished secondary school in Jõgeva. In 1968-1974. Studied at the Faculty of Medicine of Tartu state university. She worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist for eighteen years. In 1991, she entered private practice. Three months later, she took a 15-day initial course in parapsychology. This marked a significant turn in my life. Three months later, it turned out that I see. I do not want to use the word clairvoyance, it would not be entirely fair. Since my clairvoyant friends have proven to me that I can see, I do not consider this to be any special gift. More precisely, I can not imagine how it could be otherwise. She was a practicing doctor, whose patience, calmness and eccentricities in communicating with patients in the first years of work were used in a good way. Perspicacity and far-sightedness also come in handy all the time. For the last eight years, already at another job, she caused many problems for her colleagues, who had material interests and fears, and was forced to leave traditional medicine. Apparently, imperceptibly for myself, I moved further and further aside and became more self-confident - after all, all the same, Aries. Of the privately practicing gynecologists, I am the eighth licensed gynecologist in Estonia and the first in the county. Black sheep among whites. Was and is. The sword of fate is brought.

As a private doctor, I hoped to finally start treating patients normally, without constant fatigue and in the right way. Three months later, I went to the courses, which I enjoyed like a hot bath before bed for peace of mind. I found it, only the bath imperceptibly turned into an immense sea of ​​​​spiritual knowledge, and I no longer see the shore. I see that the bottom is getting deeper and the waves are steeper. Fear was polished away by suffering.

Since childhood, I have regulated relations with the complexities of the material world in a simple way- she forced herself to take on unpleasant work or be in very conflict situations, but at the same time she turned off. I didn’t see, I didn’t hear, I didn’t feel bad, I just stayed in my thoughts where I felt good. I never figured out if it was a fantasy world or a dream world. The only strange thing was that I always did well with material work (at school I was considered smart and conscientious, at home - obedient), but when they asked me if the work was ready, I often found it difficult to answer. I knew that I had started work, but whether I finished it, I did not remember at all. Now I know that I am able to shut down or keep out the negative to such an extent that only a photograph can prove my presence.

I grew up in the era of atheism, I was taught that there is no God. But when someone mocked God, he became a defiler of the sacred for me. I felt a presence next to me higher power, which supported, gave courage, controlled and tugged at the conscience. She didn't have a name. My existence was determined by feelings, I always knew how to convey them to others. I often happened to be both a magistrate and a defendant.
It is no coincidence that over the past three years God has strengthened my healing abilities precisely at the level of interpretation of the sphere of feelings and the sphere of thoughts. I consider everything important in the world, but the thought is the first in importance. The word is the expression of thought on the physical level. I have been given the right and ability to explain complex things in simple terms.

From the teachings of Christ, I learned the doctrine of forgiveness and love, as well as the ability to heal people with its help. Unfortunately and unfortunately, the results of treatment are saved only when a person understands why he is sick. To do this, he must know a lot. The healthier he wants to be, the more he needs to know.
In early 1994, I wrote my first work, Love, Forgiveness and Health. Until a person learns this brief basic knowledge, I do not start treatment. In about a year, I learned a lot and thus got the opportunity to explain to patients the root causes of their ailments. Let's call them stress. When stress is released through forgiveness, the disease disappears.
Wrong thinking leads to wrong action, and sickness is a reflection of this. The physical man is able to understand if he is taught to do so. It only takes desire. The will determines the result. Whoever looks for someone to blame outside himself will not recover.
You can start changing yourself right now, it's never too late. But still it is better if we know the root cause, then the result is achieved faster and easier.

Everything I have said should explain to you the origin of your illness in such a way that it is possible to immediately begin treatment. Find only time to think logically.
I also want to emphasize that this teaching is one of many possible ones. The person himself needs to find the right one. All of them are parts of a single whole.

Remember Christ, who came to teach people the simple wisdom of forgiveness and love, but to whom the people did not listen because of their stupidity. Christians today preach that Christ came to atone for the sins of people by His suffering. And what was he to do? The people did not want to accept his teachings, the people wanted the sins to disappear by themselves. The people continue to commit sins and still hope that Christ will redeem them again and again. But did the sufferings of Christ deliver anyone from adversity? They didn't deliver. Only sincere faith in forgiveness and Divine love helped. Christ set the example. He taught to live with forgiveness and love in the heart. His ascent to Calvary only showed how difficult the path of a teacher is. You can turn inside out, but before a person feels the weight of his cross, he does not begin to think. Life cannot and should not be easy.

Humanity has acquired too little intelligence in two millennia. Fortunately, the number of exceptions is growing. Exceptions sanctify the Earth. Do it and you!

With the help of these books, I wanted to convey the information that I communicate to every patient. If it's too long, please forgive me.

Peace of mind and love to you! Dr. Luule Viilma.

Viilma Luule is one of the famous psychosomatists, esoteric psychologist, parapsychologist, Estonian gynecologist. Received fame after the release of a series of books "The Teaching of Survival". Luule died in 2002, but her table psychosomatic diseases is still in great demand.

Illness from the point of view of Luula Viilma

The basis of any disease is stress. By the strength and severity of the disease, one can judge the strength of stress. As soon as negative energy outweighs inside a person, he immediately falls ill. This state indicates that the tension has reached its peak. The severity of diseases is directly related to the strength of stress: first, there is poor health and general weakness, then swelling and inflammation, after that, if the tension does not subside, tumors appear.

It is important! Neither stress nor disease occurs without a cause. This is the result of wrong actions of a person.

Psychological Causes of Disease: Luule Viilma

According to Luula Viilma, brain diseases arise due to a person's dependence on education and knowledge, due to worries about failure in knowledge. Rheumatism speaks of self-interest and the desire for profit. And the skin of the face reflects deceit, rudeness, insensitivity. Let's take a closer look at what else our body says.

The connection of the spine with life principles

Vital energy flows through the spine, in some areas it branches and affects other organs. Luule calls these points chakras. Each of them has its own name and meaning:

  • Root chakra (coccyx area). Responsible for endurance, stamina, will, physical strength. Problems at this level speak of unwillingness to live, insecurity, anger at stronger and more resilient people.
  • Pubic chakra (navel area). Sphere of feelings and sexuality. Problems at this level speak of the inability to love, to enjoy sex. And also it speaks of a sense of shame, self-humiliation.
  • Solar plexus chakra. emotional center. Responsible for all emotions and self-realization of the individual. If a person does not understand his emotions, does not know how to express them, or suffers from a tightness of his potential, then problems arise at the level of the solar plexus.
  • Heart chakra. Responsible for love and compassion. Heart disease arises from resentment, suppression of love, rejection of oneself.
  • Throat chakra. Responsible for communication skills, the ability to speak and defend one's opinion. Problems in this area speak of helplessness, inability to live according to one's desires and possibilities, fear of failure, feelings of rejection, envy of other people.
  • Forehead chakra. Responsible for the realization of desires and plans, mystical abilities. Dissatisfaction with one's life and appearance, insatiability, disappointment in one's ideas and ideals, the collapse of hopes lead to illnesses at the level of this chakra.
  • Short chakra (temechka zone). Symbolizes the connection with God, perfection. The meaninglessness and lack of spirituality of life, constant stress lead to pathologies at this level.

It is important! If the spine is curved, then it must be straightened before starting treatment.

Skin diseases and allergies

Allergy speaks of anger. Most often, the body gets rid of tension through the skin:

  • Non-healing wounds speak of the accumulation of irritation, anger and other negativity.
  • Itching indicates the wrong movement of vital energy or a blockage in movement.
  • Dryness indicates depression and anger.
  • Peeling suggests that the negative requires an urgent exit.
  • Red spots signal a combination of fear and anger.
  • Psoriasis speaks of mental abuse.
  • Oily skin is characteristic of intolerant people who tend to express all the negativity right in the face.
  • Age spots signal a lack of recognition, self-esteem, self-realization.

In children, skin problems arise due to conflicts with the mother and stress in her life.

Diseases of the spine and joints

According to the condition of the spine and joints, one can judge the life principles of a particular person. The spine is bent if a person tries to please everyone and please. If the children's spine is bent, then this indicates a desire to please parents. Curvature to the right - mom will like the desire, to the left - dad.

It is important! If you are busy with sedentary work, then you need to regularly knead and stretch the spine. Do a set of exercises twice a day, repeat each of the exercises 10-15 times.

Diseases of the nervous system

The nervous system is responsible for the perception and analysis of information, response to it. Neurons absorb our emotions. If a person receives positive emotions, and his nerves are healthy, then information is absorbed and processed quickly. Unnecessary data is forgotten, and useful information turns into knowledge and experience, wisdom.

Let us consider in more detail the psychosomatic causes of some neurological diseases:

  • Down syndrome affects those children whose mothers want to appear smarter to others than they really are.
  • Neurasthenia affects empty people, those who operate with knowledge and other people's ideas, but do not have their own opinion.
  • Insomnia develops due to feelings of shame and guilt, fear. A person is worried about what is happening in the world, because of his inability to help all people.
  • Parkinson's syndrome arises from the realization of the futility of efforts. A person worries about the fact that, despite all his efforts, he does not benefit other people.
  • Spastic paralysis is a disease of those who constantly force themselves.
  • Depression develops due to the fact that a person is ashamed of his feelings.

This is interesting! A too strong man, hardened by life's difficulties, nervous system strong but fragile. Any new test can make such a person insensitive and indifferent.

Diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur not only because of the internal negativity of a person, but also because of food cooked at the time of a bad mood. Food cooked under negative conditions is considered poisonous.

Consider the causes of some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • spasm of the esophagus - fear of moving forward;
  • food getting into Airways– non-observance of boundaries between work and personal life;
  • stomach cramps - fear of failure, fear of taking up work;
  • gastritis - anger;
  • ulcer - growing anger;
  • cancer - the next stage in the development of an ulcer, reflects the continued accumulation of anger;
  • inflammation of the duodenum - the inability to complete what has been started, the tendency to shift responsibility to other people;
  • diarrhea - haste, lack of time for personal life;
  • poor digestibility of nutrients - inability to absorb life wisdom;
  • appendicitis - anger breaking out;
  • diseases of the caecum - procrastination;
  • diseases of the colon - indecision, fear of taking risks;
  • diseases of the colon - anger, rash acts;
  • diseases of the rectum - dissatisfaction with one's work, blaming others for one's failures.

Women's diseases

Women's diseases speak of a girl's rejection of her appearance and destiny. Consider the private causes of some diseases:

  • Irregular periods - a sense of shame for craving for the opposite sex, denial of femininity, the perception of sex as something sinful.
  • The absence of menstruation is the desire to prove integrity, to wash off sin.
  • Abundant bleeding - the desire to prove one's sinlessness, innocence.
  • Dryness of the mucosa - excessive concern for appearance, the physical shell.
  • Bleeding during pregnancy is a thirst for revenge on those who reproach a woman for poor performance of maternal duties.
  • Breast diseases - fear of close relationships, a sense of shame at the mere thought of the love of a woman and a man.
  • Breast cancer - accumulated dissatisfaction with the husband, unsatisfied desires, bad attitude from the husband.

It is important! Forgiveness leads to awareness, and awareness leads to wisdom.

Fears and their placement in a person

Fear and anger are the two main emotions that cause disease. However, each disease has its own fear. Let's look at the most popular:

  • Fear of loneliness, dislike causes diseases of the skin, lungs and heart. Children who karmically inherit this fear are born with heart defects. In addition to physical pathologies, the fear of loneliness becomes the cause of mental disorders: imbalance, weakness of cognitive functions, ADHD. People with such problems are stubborn and indifferent, do not know how to admit their mistakes.
  • Fear that other people will accuse of coldness and lack of love. Generates heart disease and tuberculosis.
  • Fear of guilt. It causes diseases of the liver, heart and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fear of financial failure. It is more often observed in men when they are accused of being unable to feed their families. This fear results in sexual weakness, decreased libido and potency. Women get sick female organs, and fear is born in the event that a woman encroaches on men's duties.
  • Fear of economic collapse. Causes diseases genitourinary system and diseases of the lower extremities.

Dr. Luule Viilma's Method: Stress Relief

Illness is the result of negative thinking, destructive attitudes, self-rejection. For healing, Luule recommends accepting yourself, forgiving mistakes, accepting the experience of the past, learning to control your thoughts and emotions.

Accept the fact that we cannot control everything, but we can control our perception of the situation, change our attitude towards it. And perception depends on our mood. To get rid of stress, you need to return to the past, analyze your actions, change your attitude towards them. Stress has arisen because of your mistakes, because you have incorrectly positioned yourself in society.

It is important! It is necessary to constantly know yourself, develop, get rid of the negative. A person with negative thoughts, dislike for himself and the world becomes a magnet for illness and misfortune. Life is a constant flow of energy. A person must also be in constant motion.

On developing self love

Self-love, self-acceptance begins with self-forgiveness. The more you get to know yourself, the more reasons you will find within yourself, and the more negativity you will have to face. It is important to accept it and the fact that your life is the result of only your actions. Only after accepting and forgiving ourselves can we accept and forgive others.

Table of diseases and their causes

Luule Viilma arranged the causes of diseases in a table and selected affirmations for each case.

DiseasePsychological factorsaffirmation
AllergyIrritation, fear of "they don't like me"The outside world is kind to me
ArthritisResentment, fear of lonelinessI don't get offended by people for their attitude towards me.
AsthmaFear of life (repressed or unconscious)I am open to life
Infertilityparenting fearI'm ready to take responsibility.
GastritisFeeling of hopelessnessEverything is in my hands, I will find a solution
HaemorrhoidsAnger and anger turned into the past, suppressed anger as a character traitI say goodbye to the past, let go of resentment. I radiate positivity.
GynecologyDenial of femininity, one's bodyI love my body it's the best
EyesUnwillingness to see what is happening now in lifeIt is pleasant for me to look at my life, I live for my own pleasure.
HerniaOverwork, exhaustionI am calm and relaxed
GumFailure to make a decisionI have the strength to make a decision and deal with its consequences.
StomachFear of the unknownI'm not afraid of change, change helps me grow
TeethInability to convince, underdevelopment of analytical thinkingI am firm in my thoughts and actions, my judgments are correct
IntestinesInability to part with something outdatedI easily let go of the past, changes contribute to my development
LungsInability to live a full life, enjoy lifeI live bright and interesting, I enjoy life.
ThrushOld unspoken resentment against a partnerI accept and forgive my partner.
The role of the victimI love life, let me live for myself
TumorsStubbornness, pangs of conscience, hatred, unwillingness to say goodbye to old beliefsI do not wish harm to anyone and do not impose my opinion. I am busy with my life and live the way I want it.
LiverApathy, loss of interest in life, tearfulnessI am open to life and my surroundings, I enjoy life.
kidneysDisappointment, shame, failureI do everything right, I deserve respect.
PsoriasisFear of losing respectI deserve respect, I deserve better
EarsAnger, unwillingness to hear somethingI hear only pleasant and positive information.
CelluliteHatred rejection of something (oneself or someone)I radiate love for everything that surrounds me, and for myself.
EpilepsyInternal conflict, persecution maniaI live in harmony with myself

You can find an explanation of all diseases in the author's books:

  • "Soul Light"
  • "Stay or go"
  • "Without evil to yourself",
  • "Warmth of Hope"
  • "Light source of love",
  • "Pain in your heart"
  • "In agreement with yourself"
  • "Forgiveness is real and imaginary."

Based on these books, we have compiled a summary table of other diseases and their causes:

Adenoids in childrenParents do not hear their child, do not understand his worries. Adenoids - swallowed tears of sadness
AlcoholismSelf-disrespect, guilt, loss of meaning in life, fear of loneliness
AnginaAnger that makes you want to scream
AnorexiaFeelings of guilt, feelings of helplessness, fear of coercion.
Bacterial and fungal infectionsMental imbalance, lack of expression
MyopiaFear of the future
PainAnger, feeling helpless, looking for a scapegoat
bulimiaDisgust for current life, desire to live differently
Veins (diseases)Anger at the opposite sex
Thymus gland (diseases)The desire to become a respected, significant person
Viral diseasesDesire to leave home and life
Weight (overweight)Infringement of one's desires, the desire to be honest, combined with the fear of being bad
Inflammation of the ligamentsVicious criticism
Double chinselfishness, selfishness
MiscarriageFeelings of shame due to pregnancy
Gas formationThe desire to change another person, to impose his beliefs on him
SinusitisHidden resentment
FluSelf dissatisfaction
Gums (bleeding)Revenge, the desire to take revenge on the culprit of troubles
DysbacteriosisContradictory attitude to the activities of other people
CholelithiasisAnger and fear of her expression
DependenciesSelf-punishment, the feeling that no one loves a person
Delayed intellectual development of the childViolence by parents over the soul of a child
HeartburnCompulsion and fear
hiccupExperiences due to the loss of the meaning of life
CystUncryed sadness
Bleeding internalDesire to appear better than it really is
Bleeding from the nose in a childAnger, resentment, feeling of helplessness
Elbows (problems)The desire to stand out from the gray mass
Anemia in childrenResentment and irritation of the mother against the father, accusations that he cannot provide for the family
Marasmus senileDesire to live an easy life
Meniscus (injury)Resentment against those who betrayed, knocked the ground out from under their feet
Bladder (inflammation)Feelings of humiliation, a desire to earn recognition for one's work
Adrenal glands (diseases)chronic fears
Urinary incontinence in a childFear of the child or mother for the father
ObesityImposing one's opinion on other people, greed, the desire to defend oneself
EdemaConstant anger and sadness
PleurisyAnger due to restriction of freedom
weight lossThe desire to give other people everything you have
VomitFear of the future, disgust
DiabetesProtest against orders
SclerosisInertia of thinking
Weakness (general)Self pity
Soul emptiness
Cramps of the calf muscleFear of moving forward
The temperature is elevatedexhaustion
PhlebitisAnger related to finances
SnoreRelationship problems with people
chronic diseasesShame, fear of shame
Thyroid gland (diseases)Fear of "bending" under life
Eczemapanic malice

How to work with the table and healing affirmation

The first column contains the names of diseases (in alphabetical order), the second - the psychological causes of diseases, the third - the affirmation for healing. Find your illness, get acquainted with the causes and analyze your condition, say affirmations.

It is important! If you did not find your disease or its causes in the table, then you need to independently analyze your condition and draw up a unique affirmation. Or you can turn to the tables of other psychosomatists, such as Louise Hay, for help.

Affirmation for various diseases

An affirmation is a positive statement that changes a person's thinking. You need to repeat positive thought forms twice a day. To achieve the best result, they must be combined with psychotherapy and in a healthy way life.

We propose to consider the main human organs and affirmations for them:

OrganWhat symbolizesaffirmation
SpineThe flow of vital energy, freedom, confidenceMy body and brain are plastic and flexible.
A heartLove and JoyMy heart knows how to love, it radiates joy throughout the body, broadcasts love for me and others.
Headpositive thoughtsMy head thinks easily and calmly.
EyesResponsible for the perception of the beauty of the worldMy eyes see only beauty.
EarsHear the harmony of the worldI listen to everyone who prays for love.
ArmsJoy and ease of changeI am happy to accept changes, everything works out for me.
NervesFeelings, feelings, sphere of communicationI am relaxed, focused and calm.

Cleansing the body at the physical and energy levels

Surely you have heard about the importance of a healthy and fast metabolism and the need to remove toxins and waste. But have you ever thought that such a cleansing is needed at the energy level?

At the physical level, we are talking about the process of anabolism (creation) and catabolism (splitting). On the spiritual level, it is about the desire to give and receive. When there is an advantage in one direction or another, diseases develop. This is slagging on a mental level. You can't just give or just take.

If you take care of the mental cleansing, then the physical cleansing will happen by itself. The lymphatic system personifies the essence of man. Under the influence of fear, the vessels narrow, which impairs blood flow and prevents the removal of toxins. And in a too brave person, the vessels are dilated, which reduces the pressure in them. This again leads to poor blood flow and poor cleansing. A balance of healthy fear and determination is important.

Current page: 1 (total book has 15 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 10 pages]


100% +

Luule Viilma
Get rid of any disease! Healing Handbook

© Viilma L., 2010

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Wonderful guide! Great amount useful information on a variety of ailments - the point of view of official medicine is presented, and the warm words of Luule Viilma, filled with love and light, revealing to us the real cause of the disease!

Andrey E., St. Petersburg

The book is very conveniently arranged - all diseases are grouped into systems, it is easy to find what you need. And the information is accurate, the advice is capacious and useful.

Irina A., Ufa

An excellent book for admirers of Dr. Viilma's work and her followers. It perfectly complements the volumes devoted to individual diseases.

Tatiana P., Moscow

The book is very convenient to take with you on trips, on vacation - the most important thoughts from the books of our beloved Dr. Luule are concentrated in a small volume.

Svetlana I., Irkutsk

The disease came as a surprise to me… And I sat at a loss, sorting through Viilma's books, not understanding in which one I should look for answers to my questions, advice on treatment. And then there is this book! The answer was found immediately, and I have already begun to work on overcoming the disease!

Igor P., Arkhangelsk

The words of Luule Viilma, warm and gentle, honest and fair, are the best cures for any disease. This book is not just a reference book, it is a real "pharmacy"!


At the end of January 2002, the car in which Lulle Viilma and her husband were traveling collided with a car that flew out of the oncoming lane. It was almost a head-on collision. Two hours later, on the resuscitation table, Viilma's heart stopped...

“Now I understand why my life was full of suffering and grinded me like a millstone” - these are the words from farewell letter Lulla Viilma, read at her funeral.

When we fall ill with even a trifling disease, we ask: “For what?” and the more we try to understand why we deserve the disease if a serious illness overtakes us.

Lulle Viilma's books help us understand that in any illness, in any suffering, there is always an opportunity - an opportunity to know yourself better, to get rid of fears, to give up hatred and thereby gain better life, happiness and health.

Wilma spoke about it this way:

“Happy is the life in which there is a measure of good, considered not only good, and a measure of bad, considered not only bad.

Only man is given the ability to give something to others and to receive what others give. The more this ability is realized only in the material plane, the stronger the giver thinks only about his own self-interest, and the taker thinks about his own. Invisible forces, they are stresses, reduce a person to such a primitive state. By releasing stresses, a person ceases to feel like a prisoner and acquires a Human in himself. Comprehension of oneself is a process not only interesting, but also giving happiness.

People are accustomed to consider as a disease a violation of the physical functions of the body, which lead to a violation of normal life. Modern medicine seeks to explain even mental illnesses by organic “breakdowns”. But despite all the achievements modern medicine, often she cannot give answers to questions, why does this or that disease arise and how to cope with it? Why?

Viilma believes that “illness, physical suffering of a person is a state in which the negativity of energy has exceeded a critical line, and the body as a whole has gone out of balance. The body informs us of this so that we can correct the error. It has been informing us for a long time with all kinds of unpleasant sensations, but because we did not pay attention and did not react, the body became ill. Mental pain, from which conclusions are not drawn, develops into physical pain. Thus, the body draws attention to a situation that needs to be corrected. Suppression of the pain signal with the help of an anesthetic means aggravation of the pathology. Now the disease must increase in order for the person to become aware of a new alarm signal.

The root cause of every disease is stress, the degree of which determines the nature of the disease.

What does this give us? Hope to be cured by learning to hear your body and understanding the signals that the disease gives us. Following Viilma, using her wisdom, we get the opportunity to get rid of those ailments that we cannot overcome traditional medicine.

A few words about the book

Viilma did not deny medicine and did not call for refusing the help of doctors! Moreover: she strongly did NOT recommend treating some diseases only with the power of thought! Therefore, with disturbing symptoms, be sure to undergo the necessary studies and a course of treatment!

Use the help of Viilma and the principles that are set forth in her books, not instead of treatment, but along with it!

This book will help you understand how traditional medicine and Viilma interpret the causes and course of a particular disease.

Working with the book is very simple: all diseases are grouped according to their usual features into 14 sections, for example, Diseases of the blood, hematopoietic organs And Circulatory systems and diseases of the digestive system. The sections consist of a list of diseases, for each disease a brief traditional description is given, as well as how Viilma interpreted the causes of its occurrence and what methods of deliverance she offered.

This book - ambulance for those who, having learned about the diagnosis, do not want to wait - they can start working on themselves right now, immediately, gradually supplementing and expanding their knowledge, if necessary, using all of Viilma's books that were published earlier. But this book will also help those who are already well acquainted with the works of Lulle Viilma to refresh their knowledge, remind them of the importance of basic truths, because repetition is the mother of learning.

As Lulla Viilma said:

"Whoever wants to harvest the fruits that grow in the garden of learning here, he must turn his whole life into unceasing exercises."


Neoplasms, or tumors, are pathological growths of tissues that consist of qualitatively changed cells. These properties of tumor cells are transferred to new cells. The causes of tumors are a number of reasons: genetic predisposition, immune status, trauma, viral or bacterial infections, various external factors (for example, the presence of radioactive radiation, smoking, sunburn abuse).

Pathology never arises from scratch. If we noticed the signs given by the body, then the disease would not arise. If we thought correctly, there would be no ailments. The body of a person is his true friend, which never leaves anything unattended, which always informs about everything.

Big things always grow out of small things.

At the first stage, when negativity is still insignificant, a person experiences a feeling of heaviness, a vague malaise, bloating, etc., and all this is especially in the evenings, but not a single doctor finds anything, and no one even talks about treatment. It’s good if they don’t consider him a simulator or a neurotic.

In the second stage, when the body sees that the stress is not being released, it must begin to concentrate the negative energy of the stress so that the person can " save up» her. It can't take stress beyond its own limits. As a result, already visible or palpable swelling occurs.

At the third stage, there is a further accumulation and compaction of stresses so that they fit, and there is an accumulation of fluid in the cavities and organs, cysts are formed - benign tumors.

At the fourth stage, denser tumors are compacted.

This is usually where anger comes into play. The most common and well-known mucosal neoplasms are adenoids and polyps.

Benign tumors can become hard as stone and grow to gigantic proportions, but if there is no malicious malice in a person, then they do not transform into cancer.

NB! Justified malice is still malice.

There are benign and malignant tumors.

The cells of a benign tumor almost do not differ from normal cells, while the cells of malignant tumors differ significantly in structure and function from normal ones. Benign tumors grow much more slowly than malignant ones and do not damage the surrounding tissues and organs, as if pushing them apart, while a malignant tumor penetrates into the surrounding tissues, blood vessels and nerves. Benign tumors are usually not fatal and do not cause the suffering that cancer patients endure. Cancer tumors are a direct threat to the life of the patient. Malignant tumors give metastases, i.e., cancer cells, getting into the blood and lymph, cause the growth of new tumors. After surgical removal, a benign tumor, as a rule, does not re-develop, a malignant one can re-grow.


Teratoma is a tumor that occurs as a result of a violation of the embryonic development of tissues. It occurs mainly in childhood or young age; localized in the sex glands, less often in other organs and parts of the body. From simple, relatively benign teratomas, teratoblastomas are distinguished - malignant tumors from the tissues of the embryonic structure, as well as teratoids - malformations that are not tumors, but can serve as the basis for their occurrence. Perhaps degeneration into cancer or sarcoma.

Teratoma arises from excessive heroic suffering due to ugly thinking, when a person does not dare to decide for himself how to live. Teratoma is a tumor, by its nature it is often malignant. If it is malignant, it means that behind the curse "freak" was malicious intent, the desire to take revenge, cripple, ruin life, the desire to insist on one's own, to prove one's superiority. A frightened child who adopts a parental attitude to life absorbs similar energy from everywhere.

uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids, or fibroids, are benign tumors that develop from the muscle tissue of the uterus. The causes may be hormonal disorders, irregular sex life, abortions and traumatic childbirth, sedentary lifestyle, chronic diseases such as diabetes. Often there are no symptoms of the disease. Possible complications: infertility, development of pyelonephritis and hydronephrosis, miscarriage, fetal hypoxia, degeneration of fibroids into sarcomas.

Myoma- a persistent disease, since at present daughters and mothers have very complex, often painful relationships. The daughter's feeling or fear that, " my mother doesn't love me" , faces the mother's domineering, possessive behavior. Forgiveness on the part of the daughter may gradually come to naught, and the fibroid will increase several times in a month.

Forgive the hate.

Forgive yourself that you have absorbed the cares and anger of your mother, as well as your own cares and anger.

And ask forgiveness from your body for what you have done wrong to it.

And your fibroids will disappear before a more serious disease arrives.

Malignant uterine fibroids

Malignant fibroids are most common in women after menopause. On the initial stage symptoms are often absent, with development - there are pains in the lower abdomen, acyclic bleeding, discharge of leucorrhoea with a specific odor. In the later stages, symptoms characteristic of all malignant neoplasms are noted: malaise, anemia, exhaustion, etc.

Thirty years ago, would-be doctors were taught that, for example, uterine fibroids never develop into cancer. Ten years ago, the transformation into cancer was rare, then more and more often. It is probably already clear that if a woman accumulates the cares of her mother (the uterus is the mother’s organ), adding them to her own, and from the impotence to overcome them begins to hate everything, then cancer will form from a benign fibroid.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is becoming more common as women's perverted attitude towards sex is on the rise. Well, they would have calmly refused sex and would have lived happily on. But no. A woman experiencing sexual dissatisfaction becomes nervous, hysterical, angry, angry and, finally, embittered. She rages out of self-pity. The desire to be a good person and not express your shameful problem forces you to restrain the anger boiling inside. AND good woman in no way realizes that he is cultivating cancer in himself. And when it arises, it nurtures it even more.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the mucous lining of the cervix in the zone of transition of the cervical epithelium to the vaginal. The cause of occurrence can be: early onset of sexual activity (from 14 to 18 years), frequent change of sexual partners, smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day, taking hormonal contraceptives, non-compliance with sexual hygiene, immunodeficiency, infection with genital herpes viruses and cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus. Symptoms are: weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, sweating, unreasonable rises in body temperature, dizziness, pallor and dryness of the skin, bleeding from the genital tract, not associated with menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen, swelling of the extremities, external genital organs, bowel dysfunction and Bladder etc.

A gynecological examination can detect many cancers at an early stage. Doctors are able to cure cancer at an early stage, but most women do not visit a gynecologist. Each has its own reasons. Many are afraid of doctors to death, because the experience of the past remains incomprehensible to them. Many are afraid of the hospital and illness. A frightened woman does not think that by delaying visiting a doctor, she contributes to the development of the disease. And at the same time, everyone knows perfectly well that it is easier to cure a minor ailment, while it is not always possible to cure a serious ailment. The reluctance to open the intimate parts of your body to someone else's gaze outweighs the fear of death. A woman obsessed with her decency, at the word "sex" dismisses with a condescending smile: "It's not a problem for me."

Frequent change of sexual partners, called the search for happiness, is also an expression of sexual dissatisfaction, i.e. discontent.

Fibroadenomatosis and breast cancer

The second very common female disease is breast fibroadenomatosis and breast cancer, the border between them is unsteady and can disappear in an instant. As a rule, it crushes fear.

Fibroadenomatosis is a disease of the mammary glands, a nodular form of mastopathy, which is a tumor with clear contours. The first signs may be pain and a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands, which become more pronounced before the onset of menstruation. The cause of the development of the disease can be: stress, sexual dissatisfaction, gynecological pathologies, hormonal disorders, refusal of lactation.

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor. In the early stages, it is usually asymptomatic. The main causes of occurrence are: genetic, endocrine, irregularity and late onset of sexual activity, late delivery or no delivery, refusal to breastfeed or short-term feeding, precancerous diseases.

Stress is associated with this disease, in which a woman blames her husband, for example, for not loving her, or the wife feels guilty because her husband does not love her because of infidelity, misunderstanding, inexperience, etc.

If the pathology is in one breast, then, since stresses date back to the embryonic period, the problem is related to the relationship with the mother and father:

- my mother does not love me, and I blame her for this;

- the realization that the father did not love the mother, pity for the mother, developing into pity and compassion for women in general.

In general, the mammary gland is very susceptible to reproaches, complaints and accusations. A woman attracts such a man to herself, because she cannot stand and hates complaints, reproaches, unfounded accusations, because she inherited this stress from her mother. The situation can be just the opposite - the woman herself loves to groan, complain and lament.

If such stresses accumulate, and doctors do not deal with them, then bitterness arises, fear intensifies, which develops into anger, and here a catastrophic mistake has been made, the consequence of which is cancer.


Finally think about yourself! Find your stresses and release them. Do not deny their presence, do not try to proudly be taller. A brave person looks the bad guy in the eye and forgives him.

Are not a special miracle diseases of the mammary glands in men and boys. The reasons are about the same, but with male nuances.

Brain cancer

He who does not know his own worth begins to evaluate himself, and in the same way others will evaluate him - by what else, if not by external form.

Who wants to be liked, he racks his brains, trying to figure out how to do it. Since the greatest proof of love, which everyone likes, is considered to be sacrificing oneself on the altar of love, this is exactly what they resort to. There are small sacrifices, about which the person himself knows, while others do not notice it. There are great and very great sacrifices when one's own life is sacrificed. To whom life is still sweet, he puzzles, which causes headaches. Whoever adopts the slogan that he and only he is obliged to come up with something, otherwise he will not achieve favor, will continue to rack his brains until spiritual torment turns into physical. Despair over one's own stupidity and inability to come up with something, for example, leads to brain cancer.

The causes of brain cancer are not fully understood. As in other cases of malignant tumors, the occurrence of brain cancer is affected by heredity, adverse environmental factors, the presence of bad habits, and injuries. Symptoms vary and depend on the location of the tumor. As a rule, this is a severe and constant headache, which increases when the head is tilted, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, impaired vision and hearing, impaired coordination, etc.

Whoever tries to please with rational thinking overworks left hemisphere, which is affected by the disease. Whoever tries to please by anticipating someone else's mood, but does not foresee it, the despair caused by mistakes accumulates in the right side of the head in the form of an illness. Its severity depends on the scale of stress. Features of the course of the disease depend on the degree of despair.

The head is also damaged in those who prefer to submit to the pride of their neighbor. Why? Because he sacrifices his own mind to please the mind of his neighbor. He provokes his neighbor to ridicule his mental faculties.

Whoever consciously turns into a slave, wanting to prove his benevolence, loyalty, fidelity, love, etc. at any cost, earns brain cancer.

Cancer of the digestive system

see Diseases of the digestive system

prostate cancer

If a man tolerates women prodding, interfering in men's affairs, or having them do men's work for him to save time and thereby maintain his reputation, then a man earns a disease corresponding to his accumulated anger, which is often cancer. Although women are able to do men's work, they will never do it right. You can drive a nail into the wall, but it will be more reliable and safer if a man does it under the gaze of loving female eyes. If a woman, in her impatience, grabs at men's work, then she humiliates a man, and then she is killed when her, in general, a good husband leaves this world because of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor of the prostate gland. The reasons for the occurrence are not completely clear. It is assumed that the main risk factors are: age over 65 years, the presence of prostate cancer in close relatives, testosterone intake, a diet rich in animal fats, etc. At the first stage, symptoms are not observed, with the development of the disease, symptoms of prostate cancer may be: frequent urination, pain and burning sensation during urination, urinary incontinence, the presence of blood in the urine, pain in the pelvis or back, etc.

A man, for whom the masculine principle is associated with the genitals, absorbs all male insults into the prostate gland, since the prostate gland is the organ of physical masculinity and fatherhood, and the prostate gland becomes ill.

Anger at his helplessness, which arises in a man due to the fact that the female sex constantly mocks male dignity and fatherhood, and the man cannot respond to this like a man, leads to prostate cancer. A man's anger at his sexual weakness, which does not allow him to take revenge in a rude way, also accumulates in the genitals.

The Estonian writer Luule Viilma writes about how to improve life and health - books in chronological order, in series. The author tells how to regain energy and build a life that each of us deserves.

forgive yourself

In agreement with yourself. Book of Pride and Shame

The author shares practical advice about how, with the help of which each person can easily learn to exist in harmony with himself, find harmony and, as a result, begin to enjoy life. Luule Viilma will help you restore peace of mind, drawing on years of experience in spiritual practices and medical research, which she applies to this day. Farther

Healing of the soul and body

The book talks about the effects of which diseases women are susceptible to and what consequences this may be fraught with for their body. Moreover, the author is convinced that most of the successful treatment directly depends on the right attitude, since only by the power of thought a person can set his body for healing. Farther

  • Cleansing the body at the physical and energy levels

I forgive myself. Lectures and talks

The author tells readers how, with the help of such simple things as forgiveness and acceptance, to find answers to all their questions, get rid of problems that have piled up, and most importantly, how to use the teachings in practice. It is believed that like will always attract like, which is why in any situation one should not look for the guilty in any case. Farther

Healing energy of Viilma

The book is a kind of guidebook that helps to find inner balance, to realize such significant concepts for a person as "life" and "death", "freedom" and "love". In addition, the author also helps readers to begin to better understand not only themselves, but also their soul mates, children, to establish relationships with others through forgiveness. Farther

Doctrine of Survival

Luule Viilma talks about what every person needs to do on a spiritual level in order to stay healthy and strong, as well as how to learn to feel happy. IN modern world a spiritual crisis has come in society, which must be overcome and done with dignity. The book provides answers to many other important questions. Farther

Our hidden opportunities, or How to succeed in life

It turns out that the most difficult thing in the world is to help yourself, but even this is not only possible, but also necessary to learn. No one except the person himself can penetrate his soul, help him from the inside. No doctor and no medication can cope with this task. But in order to learn how to help yourself, a person must also know his feelings. Farther

Get rid of any disease! Healing Handbook

With his books, the author seeks to show people that any disease, even the most severe, hides a unique opportunity for a person to get to know himself better. This will help not only to overcome all difficulties, but also to get rid of fears, hatred and significantly improve your own life. So the person will become healthy and happy. Farther

Luule Viilma: a new reading

The handbook describes an incredible number of diseases, as well as the main causes of their occurrence in the life of each person and Viilma's advice on how to get rid of them most effectively. On the pages of the book, the reader will find answers to many important questions that were previously unknown to him, and will conduct self-analysis. Farther

Listen to your best friend - listen to your body

The book is needed in order to help every reader find true happiness. Without happiness and good luck, a person cannot get the maximum pleasure from life, against the background of which he has many problems. The author insists that the key to success in life is knowing your own body, only after that you can really see the world with different eyes and rethink a lot. Farther

No series

The mission of every person who came into this world is to become a parent sooner or later, since the tendency to reproduce is a natural need for people as rational beings. With the help of this book, the author seeks to give parents basic knowledge about the issues of raising children. Helps parents raise a healthy and happy personality. Farther

soul light

The author devoted many years to the study of medicine and spiritual practices, which eventually allowed her to develop her own teaching, which she willingly shares with readers. It turns out that anyone can be happy. To do this, you must follow one simple rule - to be able to forgive, and not only those around you, but also yourself. Farther

I forgive myself. In 2 vols. Volume 2

A person must remain a person in any situation, regardless of what events fate presents him, even if these are the most difficult trials. Only the person who learns to forgive and accept himself, knows his inner self, hears his body and ultimately finds the long-awaited happiness that everyone needs so much. Farther

It's no secret that much in a child's life, including his emotional state, character, complexes and other features, directly depend on the mother's attitude. It is important that from the moment the baby is born, parents see him as a person, regardless of his tiny age. Every child is a potential adult. Farther

  • The main book about life crises and fears, or How to understand yourself and start living
  • Luule Viilma. Healing with the Light of Love and Forgiveness. Big book of getting rid of diseases

The language of love, happiness and understanding

From time to time in the life of every person such unpleasant things as stress happen. Some experience them at work, others at home, and some even in transport on the way to the store. In any case, they negatively affect our emotional state and on every mood for the whole day. Therefore, it is extremely important that a person recognizes the signals sent to him from above. Farther

999 wise thoughts

This book contains wise sayings a practicing doctor who has been studying medicine and researching spiritual practices for many years. Over the years of his work, the physician has managed to publish a huge number of books on self-healing, forgiveness, acceptance, parenting, restoring peace of mind and many other relevant topics. Farther

A lesson in healing that disease gives. Forgiveness is the strongest of medicines!

Hardly anyone would argue that all our illnesses are the result of disagreement with ourselves, when a person cannot hear his own body and understand what he really sincerely wants. That is why it is important to learn to live in harmony with oneself, to hear oneself, not to be afraid of difficulties, but to overcome them, and not to forget that the main thing in life is love, health and forgiveness.

If you want to learn more about psychosomatics, follow the link below.

Luule Viilma

Illness, the physical suffering of a person, is a condition in which the negativity of energy has exceeded a critical point, and the organism as a whole has gone out of balance. The body informs us of this so that we can correct the error. The root cause of every disease is stress, the degree of which determines the nature of the disease. The more stress accumulated, the more serious the disease.
Health will come when you understand the cause of your illness. , start living right, and you will recover. It's never too late to fix mistakes. Our body is like a small child, constantly waiting for love, and if we take care of it at least a little, then it sincerely rejoices and pays us immediately and generously. Talk to your body! It will understand everything because it loves you.
Love is the absolute and most powerful force.
Learn the art of forgiveness, then you will get what you need. Forgiveness breaks all bonds. Forgiveness is the only way to let go of the bad and open yourself up to the good. This is the highest liberating force.

Anyone who starts learning books by Dr. Luule Viilma, becomes a student, mastering the most beautiful of arts - with himself and the world around him. Having created the doctrine of the relationship of love, forgiveness, health and success, Dr. Luule actually showed the path of such development, where both the process and the result are equally fruitful - by loving and forgiving, we make our life better and happier today and guarantee ourselves the preservation of health in the future.

Man, according to the books of Dr. Luule Viilma, as healthy as he wants, because bodily diseases cannot be considered separately from the state of the spirit and soul. Illness and life problems are an unconditional reflection of a chain made up of wrong image thoughts and wrong actions. “Thought is action, and a bad thought lurking in a person always does evil and the body doesn't need excuses." In order for this negative connection to break up, you need to learn to forgive, freeing yourself from stress. And this is a real daily work, because a person is used to “looking for someone to blame”, fighting against the bad and thinking little about what is really “good” and “bad” for him personally.

In his books Dr. Luule names the main emotional "enemies" of a person- fear, guilt, resentment, the desire to possess and rule, jealousy and envy. Conscious and unconscious, they create rigid "cells" of tension - stress - so that the body and soul of a person lose the ability to develop freely, and, therefore, remain full. vitality and health.

To release stress, you need to find and understand what kind of stress arose as a result of a particular situation, and then forgive and ask for forgiveness. " Think, seek, find, forgive and get better"- wrote Luula.

A careful study of her books, filled with the deepest wisdom and true knowledge, of course, makes it possible to learn both of them (and to recognize stress “in person”, and to get rid of it). And the guidebook brought to your attention was created in order to consolidate the knowledge gained while reading books by structuring them.

Guide compiled on the basis of books by Dr. Luule Viilma, published in Russian in Yekaterinburg by the U-Factoria publishing house. The entered numbering of books corresponds to the order of their publication in Russian and is given in the footer of the guide. Childhood diseases are in italics.

Stress is a tense state of the body that occurs as a defensive reaction to negative or bad stimuli. Stress is an energy connection with the bad that is invisible to the eye. Everything for this person bad, is stressful.

Luule Viilma, from Soul Light

Book 1 - "Soul Light" Book 5 - "Light Source of Love"

Book 2 - "Stay or Go" Book 6 - "Pain in Your Heart"

Book 3 - "Without evil to yourself" Book 7 - "In agreement with yourself"

Book 4 - "Warmth of Hope" Book 8 - "Real and Imaginary Forgiveness"

Disease/Problem Stress Book # Page no.
Adenoids in children Parents do not understand the child, do not listen to his worries - the child swallows tears of sadness. Book #3 54
Allergy Panic rage; fear of "they don't like me."

Unwillingness to suffer in silence.

Book #1 Book #4 71, 136-139 130
Allergy (manifestations on the skin) Panic rage. Book #2 66,216
Allergies in children (any manifestations) Hatred and anger of parents in relation to everything; the child's fear of "they don't love me." Book #1 137-140
Allergy to fish products in children protest against



Book number 6 53-55
Allergy (skin manifestations in the form of scabs) in children Muffled or suppressed pity in the mother; sadness. "G 82-83
allergy to computer Protest against the transformation of man into a machine. Book #8 220
Allergy to dog hair Protest against slavery. Book number 5 138
Alcoholism Fear of "no love"; fear of "they don't like me"; a man has a feeling of guilt before a woman for his unreliability; self-flagellation. Book #1 220-221
Loss of the meaning of life; lack of love. Book #2 30
Heartache caused by a lack of self-esteem, a deep sense of guilt. Book #3 14, 80, 165-166
Reluctance to be sad. Book number 5 213
Alzheimer's disease (atrophic process of the brain) Absolutization of the potential of your brain.

Maximalist desire to receive.

Book #4 234
Amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) The presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside, the unwillingness to admit the existence of such problems. Book #3 57
Angina Anger expressed by shouting. Book #3 129
A feeling of unbearable humiliation. * Book #6 96
Angina in girls under 1 year old Relationship problems between parents. Book #1 124
Anorexia Fear of coercion. Book number 5 66
Feelings of guilt, helplessness, depression of life,

negative loop

on your appearance.

Book number 6 243-244
Anorexia Self-pity for not being able to live a fulfilling life. Book number 7 67
Anuria Unwillingness to give vent to bitterness from unfulfilled desires. Book #4 105
Appendicitis The humiliation of an impasse. Book number 4 145
A state of physical impasse that occurs as a result of a spiritual impasse. Book #6 155
Appendicitis in children Inability to get out of an impasse. Book #1 125*
Appetite (increased, illegible) The desire to compensate for the lack of vital energy. Book #2 210-216
Appetite when feeling full Anger against those who do not accept your kindness. Book #2 190-212
Arrhythmia The fear of "no one loves me." Book #2 59
Arteries (diseases) In men - the presence of anger towards women. Book #3 117
Asthma Suppressed fear. Book #2 66
Fear of being treated poorly. Book #3 227
Lack of courage to live a fulfilling life. Book #7 76, 77
Shyness in showing love. Book #8 279
Asthma in children Suppressed feelings of love, fear of life. Book #1 106, 154
Atelectasis Sadness due to the inevitable feeling of lack of strength for their freedom. Book #4 235
Atherosclerosis Wrong attitude towards your body. Book #1 78-80
The steady, unwavering desire of a woman to become stronger than a man and vice versa. Book #3 101
Fear of "they don't like me"; the sadness of a stupid fossil. Book #4 112,253
Amyotrophy Family stress. Self sacrifice. Book #1 122
Fear of interfering with the mother in her eternal haste, so as not to provoke her to tears. Book number 4 189
Aphthous stomatitis (disease of the oral mucosa) Blaming oneself, regretting one's behavior. Book number 6 222-224
Bacterial and fungal diseases Unbalance and balance. Book number 4 133
Unspokenness and a group of other stresses. Book #6 99
Hips (problems) Problems of economic and material life. Book number 4 171
Childlessness Relationship stress

with Mother.

Book #1 117
Pregnancy ectopic The unwillingness of a woman to share a child with anyone. Book #3 189
pregnancy, abortion The fetus feels unloved; subsidence of the 4th vertebra. Book #1 101;126

- male

- female

Problems in

relationship with mother. Submission to the mother in the choice of a man - a sexual partner.

Submission to the mother in the choice of girlfriends.

Book #6 Book #1 Book #3 159 117 188
Myopia Fear of the future. Book #2 126
Bechterew's disease



Feelings of guilt towards parents. Book #1 114

- acute

- chronic

Acute anger, comes immediately, as soon as someone angered you, and you began to look for the culprit; stupid anger, a feeling of helplessness about the realization of one's anger; long-term anger. Book #3 44-45
Borelliosis (tick-borne encephalitis) Anger towards money-grubbers who want to appropriate your material achievements. Book number 5 154
Bronchitis Depression from problems

relationship with mother or spouse, the feeling of love is infringed.

Feelings of guilt and spitting it out in the form of blame on others.

Book #1 127
Book #3 228
Bronchitis is chronic. Fighting a difficult and unfair life. Book number 7 112
bronchiectasis Imposing your goals on others. Book #3 228
Bronchitis girls Problems of communication and love feelings. Book #1 124
bulimia The desire to take possession of an illusory future, to which in reality a person is disgusted.

The desire to live as best as possible and the unwillingness to live the life that is at the moment.

Book #5 Book #6 66 245
Veins (diseases) The anger of a woman against a man and vice versa Book #3 117-118
Thymus gland (diseases) Fear of being "no one", the desire to "represent something", to be an authority. Book 6 117-119
Viral diseases. Self-blame. Book 6 Page 97-101
Viral diseases in children The desire to leave home, to die is a wordless struggle for one's own survival. Book #1 126
Sense of taste (loss in children) Reprobation by parents of the sense of beauty in a child, declaring him devoid of a sense of taste, tasteless. Book number 8 184
Weight (excess) The desire to be overly honest and express everything bad, and at the same time the fear of expressing this bad, so as not to turn out to be bad in the eyes of others. Book #6 130-133
Forbid yourself to have what you especially want to have. Book #6 204
Dropsy of the brain in children The accumulation of unshed tears by the mother, sadness about the fact that they do not love her, do not understand, do not regret that everything in life is not going the way she wants. Book #4 279
Inflammation of the vocal cords An expression of malicious criticism. Book #1 127
Inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx in girls Stress resulting from communication problems. Book #1 124
Inflammation of the lungs (acute) Acute anger towards accusations. Book #3 228
Double chin Selfishness, selfishness. Book number 8 33
Allocations own - sweat, sputum, urine, feces - (problems) Problems with each type of discharge are caused by different stresses: anger at resentment, whining, helplessness, impotence; discontent

life in general, regret

Book #3 Book #8 52-58; 133 285-288
Miscarriage Embarrassment due to pregnancy. Book number 8 279
Gases (their accumulation). The desire to change another person with your thoughts. Book #6 177-179
Sinusitis Desire to hide hurt. Book number 8 11
Gangrene of the legs Humiliation, guilt; inability to get out of economic problems. Book #1 87
Gastritis (ulcerative) Forcing yourself. A wish

be nice, humble,

hardworking, while

swallowing bitterness


Fear of "they don't like me."

Book #6 246-247, 264
Helminthiasis (enterobiosis, ascoridosis, diphyllobothriasis) Cruelty. Book number 5 38
Hemophilia Deification of revenge.^^^^ Book number 8 294
Genetic diseases The desire to be a good person in the eyes of others by hiding the bad in oneself. Book number 7 106-108
Gynecological inflammation Disregard for the male sex and sexual life.

Women's humiliation.

Book #5 Book #8 86 84
Glaucoma Sadness. Book number 4 283
Throat (diseases). selfishness, selfishness, Book #6 96
arrogance, the desire at all costs to prove one's own rightness, or the wrongness of another person.
deaf mute Disobedience is a protest against the orders of the parents. Book number 4 127
Pus (in any organ of the body) Anger from humiliation. Book #2 Book #3 Book #4 91 55 24
Purulent processes. Acne. Humiliated malice. Book #4 139
festering eyes Resentment at coercion (desire not to be coerced, desire to live a free life). Book #6 94
Ankle joints (diseases) The desire to brag about one's accomplishments. Book #4 170
Headaches Fear of "they don't like me." Book #1 204, 218
Hostility to her husband (fear, anger). Fear of "they don't like me." Book #3 18, 31
- in the back of the head and neck Blaming others for your own failures. Book #3 131
Headache: - from tension Repressed fear. A state of spiritual impasse. Book #4 Book #6 217 155
- from voltage drop Showing anger after resolving a tense situation. Book #4 217
Headaches in children Failure to resolve Book #1 125
disagreements between parents; destruction by parents of the children's world of feelings and thoughts.

Constant resentment.

Book #3 \
vocal cords (inflammation) Unspoken malice. Book #3 229
Gonorrhea The gloomy malice of the lost. Book #3 56
Throat (diseases in children) Quarrels between parents, accompanied by screams. Book #3 198
fungal diseases Desire to get rid of your own shame. Book number 7 173
Fungal diseases (chronic) Chronic shame. Book number 8 300-304
Flu Dejection, dissatisfaction with oneself. Book #3 130
Thoracic spine, pain Fear of being guilty, blaming others Book #2 60-61
Breast (breast disease ranging from benign lump to breast cancer) Blaming another for not loving.

Pride, forcing one's own way at the cost of any effort.

Book #2 Book #6 60
Hernia (in the lower abdomen) An unrealistic desire that aroused anger with its impracticability. Book #2 188-189
diaphragmatic hernia The desire to move from the past into the future in a single jerk. Book number 7 71
Diaphragmatic hernia The desire to break into society, where a person is not expected. Book number 7 71
Lips in a string Arrogance. Book number 8 40
farsightedness Desire to see far into the future.

The desire to get a lot and immediately.

Book #2 124-129
Down syndrome Fear of being yourself. Book number 8 11, 12
Depression Self pity. Book #4 Book #8 350,357 115
Deforming polyarthritis with progressive destruction of bone tissue in children Shame and anger against the infidelity of her husband, the inability to forgive betrayal. Book #3 49
Gums (edema) Impotent anger from unspoken sadness to the guilty about the offense caused. Book number 6 224
Gums bleed, periodontitis Revenge, the desire to sadden the culprit of your suffering. Book number 6 224


- constant pain

Cruelty. Heartlessness. Anger at the team Book number 4 332
- ulcerative bleeding

- rupture of the duodenum

Revenge towards the team. Turning anger at the team into cruelty. Book #4 Book #4 332-333 332-333
- discomfort Distrust of others, fear, tension. Book #6 296-297
Diabetes Demanding gratitude from others. Book #6 307-309
- sugar Book #2 80-82
Wanting others to make my life good. Book number 4 97-100
Diarrhea Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of all cases;

The desire to be strong and demonstrate your strength.

Book number 6 133
Diaphragm (problems; diseases associated with the diaphragm) Fear of being guilty.

Problems of discrimination, bias and injustice.

Book #2 Book #7 60-61 52- 109
Esophageal diverticula Insisting that a person's plans be unconditionally accepted. Book number 6 236
Dysbacteriosis Contradictory judgments about the activities of others. Book number 6 290-292
Diphtheria in children Guilt for the perfect act, which arose in response to the anger of the parents. Book number 6 97
Daytime urinary incontinence in children The fear of the child for the father. Book #3 58
Dolichosigma Fear of the end result. Book number 5 254
Flabbiness of the body Doom, the feeling that "you still won't get what I dream about." Book #2 190
mental illness The desire to have spiritual values ​​- love, respect, honor, care, attention. Book number 6 87
Respiratory tract (diseases, catarrh of children) Mother's contempt for the male sex.

The fear of "no one loves me."

Book #1 Book #6 75

- jaundice in drug addicts

Fear of anger. Anger against the state. Book #2 Book #6 110 305
Cholelithiasis. Fierce fight against evil. own bitterness

Bitter malice.

Anger at your spouse.

Unwillingness to throw out bitterness (humiliation attracts someone else's humiliation).

Book #1

Book #2 Book #3 Book #6

71, 149
Stomach (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Book #2 60, 61
duty to start. Book number 5 249
Forcing yourself to work; the desire to have a lot, to be a model. Book number 6 177-179
Stomach (bleeding stomach ulcer) The desire to rise above others (“if I don’t do it, no one will do it”). Self-confidence, faith in one's own infallibility. Book number 6 247, 265, 270-279.
Stomach (gastric prolapse and gastritis) Fear "I don't need anyone" (passive person). Book number 6 264
Stomach (increased acidity) Guilt. Book number 6 220
Stomach (low acidity) Forcing yourself to work out of guilt. Book number 6 281
Stomach (pyloric spasm to complete blockage) Fear of trusting another. Book number 6 284-289
Gallbladder (diseases) Anger. Book number 6 297-299

- upper abdomen problems

Desire to change yourself and others. Book number 6 139-142, 159-160,214
- mid-tummy problems The desire to make everyone equal. Book number 6 139, 178,214
- lower abdomen problems The desire to get rid of everything that could not be done. Book number 6 139, 178,214
- enlargement of the abdomen The desire to stick out their positive qualities,

flaunt your industriousness.

Book number 6 185-187
- belly fat Constant self-defense and readiness to defend your course of action. Book number 8 254
Fluid (accumulation in organs and cavities) Sadness.

Desire to change others.

Book #4 Book #6 242
Fat embolism Arrogance, selfishness, selfishness. Book number 8 56
Addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, gambling) Fear of "they don't like me"; fear "I have no love"; a feeling of guilt in a man in front of a woman for the fact that he cannot be relied upon; self-flagellation, self-punishment. Book #1 221
Mental retardation in children Violence of parents over the soul of a child Book #1 112
Anus: - itching Tempted by a sense of duty Book number 6 336
– cracks Own merciless coercion Book number 6 336
Constipation Greediness, stinginess. Book no. 2 Book #3 Book #6 218-219
Shame for the fruits of your labor. Book number 8 287
Wrist (problems) Anger at one's own impotence, the desire to punish others. Book #3 204
Conception (problems) Lack of love. Book #2 40
Vision (problems) Self-pity, shame. Book number 8 91, 180
- myopia Fear of the future Book #2 126
Pity for mothers and women in general. Book number 8 91-96
- farsightedness Pity for the father and men in general.

Unwillingness to see the small. The desire to get a lot and immediately.

Book #8 Book #2 91-96 126
- paralysis of the eye muscles The suffering of the mother and the female Book number 8 99
- loss of vision due to aging Unwillingness to see the annoying little things in life. Book #2 127
- sclerotic changes in the eyes

- deterioration in children

Desire to be above tears Shyness. Book #8 Book #8 99 180
Teeth (diseases) Coercion, attempt to change neighbor, violence. Book number 6 216-218, 227-228.
Teeth: - caries The frustration of not getting more than you have. Book number 6 218-220
- decay of children's teeth Father's inferiority complex (due to mother's anger). Book #2 159
- decay of molars in adults Dissatisfaction with your mind. Book number 6 218-220
- broken front teeth

- defects in the growth of teeth in children

Desire to get more than you have. The desire to show one's superiority (to show off one's mind).

A complex of stresses associated with parents.

Book number 6

Book #2

218-220 159
Heartburn Coercion out of fear. Book number 6 281
hiccup Fear of the lost meaning of life. Book number 7 61
Immunity (impairment) Fear of "they don't like me." Book #2 91
Impotence Fear that “I am accused of not being able to feed my family, not doing my job, not being good enough as a man”; blaming yourself for it.

Fear of economic problems.

Book no. 2 61, 165.
Feelings of guilt in a man in response to the anger of a woman. Book #3 196
Feeling sorry for your gender. Book number 8 130-146
Stroke Revenge. Book number 4 102
Fear of the evil discontent of others. Book number 5 105-107
myocardial infarction Sadness "no one needs my love." Book number 4 102
Myocardial infarction in a man during intercourse. Acute guilt. Book #3 68
Children's hysteria Self pity Book number 5 206
Coronary artery disease Fear of being guilty, of being accused of lack of love; guilt. Book #2 59-60
Stones (bile and kidney) Bitter malice.

Desire will rise above the bad man

Book #2 Book #6 66 260
cysts Unexplained sadness. Book number 4 241
Intestinal gases Militancy. Book #3 223
Intestine (organ diseases - see digestion, organs)
Tick-borne encephalitis Anger towards mercenary extortion. Book number 5 154
Skin (defects) wounds, ulcers dryness Constant outpouring of malice. Ashamed of one's own honesty. Book #3 Book #8 48 296
Skin diseases Malice.

Protest against affection

Book #2 Book #8 90
Knees (diseases) Stress associated with moving forward in life. Book #4 Book #6 169 35-36
Bones (injuries, fractures) Poorly realized, vague anger at a person. Book #3 49, 120
cat scabies Pickiness in the family. Book number 5 153
Creutzfeldt - Jacob's disease. The desire to turn the course of life back, that is, militant conservatism. Book number 5 176
Book number 7 36


Selfish love. Book no. 8 59
- Problems Revenge. Book number 8 295
thickening of the blood Book number 6 91-93
- slowing down of blood circulation Guilt. Book #2 204
- many blood cells

- few blood cells

Book #3

Book #3

Blood secretions. Desire to take revenge. Book number 4 102
Book number 4 48
- lowering Guilt. Book number 4 49
Bleeding internal Book number 8 172
Book number 8 284
Book #3 203
Blood. Dysfunction of the hematopoietic system. Over-demanding purposefulness. Book number 7 36


Selfish love. Book no. 8 59
Problems Revenge. Book number 8 295
thickening of the blood Passionate desire to be rich, greed, greed. Book number 6 91-93
- slowing down of blood circulation Guilt. Book #2 204
- many blood cells

- few blood cells

The anger of struggle, revenge, anger at men.

Evil subordination of mother and wife to men.

Book #3

Book #3

120 120
Blood secretions. Desire to take revenge. Book number 4 102
Blood pressure. - increase The habit of judging others and finding their faults. Book number 4 48
- lowering Guilt. Book number 4 49
Bleeding internal The desire to be super positive. Book number 8 172
Bleeding from the nose in a child. Helplessness, anger and resentment. Book number 8 284
Palm (problems, pain) Bitterness, exorbitant manifestation of masculine qualities in a woman; or excessive flexibility, up to servility Book #3 203
laryngospasm Rage. Book number 6 97
Laryngospasm in children Guilt for a perfect deed, when a child is strangled by anger. Book number 6 97
Lungs (diseases) Lack of freedom. Hatred of one's own slavery. Book number 5 58
Self-blame. Book number 7 118
Pulmonary pleura Restriction of freedom. Book number 4 242
Leukopenia (decrease in white blood cells) Fear of arrogance. Blaming yourself. Book number 4 223
Lymph (diseases) The anger of a woman at the helplessness of a man. Book #3 115
Resentment for not getting what you want. Book number 6 85
Lymphogranulomatosis Mortal shame caused by the fact that a person was not able to achieve what he did not actually need. Book number 7 85
Frontal sinus (inflammation) Hidden inability to make decisions. Book number 8 11
Elbows (problems) Desire to stand out from the crowd Book #3 204
The desire to prove the validity of their ideas, breaking the road in life with their elbows. Book number 6 262
Macrocephaly The father of the child experiences great unspoken sadness because of the inferiority of his mind, overly rational. Book number 5 180
Anemia in children Resentment and irritation of the mother, who considers her husband a poor breadwinner for the family. Book #3 120
Marasmus senile Book #2 138
Uterus (bleeding) Anger against those whom a woman accuses of being prevented from being a good mother, whom she considers guilty of her maternal failure. Book number 5 79
Uterus (myoma) Fear of "they don't like me." Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Over-involvement in motherhood.

Malice. Warlike thoughts associated with motherhood.

Book #3 Book #5 64, 187-188 80
Uterus (tumors) Excessive feeling of emotionality. Book #3 188
Uterus (diseases of the cervix) Dissatisfaction with sexual life. Book number 5 80-81
Meniscus (damage) An attack of anger at the stagnation in life: at the one who knocked the ground out from under his feet; deceit and betrayal of others Book number 6 37-38
Menstruation is profuse The desire to cheat on her husband and thereby "punish" him. Large accumulation of stress. Book #3 57
Menstruation (lack) The presence of sexual problems hidden deep inside. Book #3 57
Migraine Inability to find the cause of the ailment. Book #3 233
Sadness and fear of "they don't like me." Book number 4 279
Microcephaly The father of the child mercilessly exploits the rational side of his mind. Book number 5 179
Brain (diseases) Neglect of one's spiritual needs for the sake of other people's desires and whims. Book number 8 291
Sputum Anger at whining and whiners. Anger at the accusations and accusers, and therefore at oneself. Book #3 54
Bladder (inflammation) Humiliation due to accumulated diseases. Book number 4 168
The desire to win sympathy with their work; bitterness when ridiculed by others. Book number 6 335
Urolithiasis disease Suppression of one's humiliation due to accumulated diseases to the state of stone indifference. Book number 4 168
Muscle tissue (wasting, muscle atrophy) A sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt. Thirst for glory and power, arrogance towards others. Book #2 165,-167
Adrenal glands (diseases) Chronic fears. Book #2 26-27
Metabolic disease Disruption between giving and receiving. Book #2 217
drug addiction and different kinds addictions - work, smoking, gambling Fear of “no love”, “they don’t love me”, a feeling of guilt.

Fear and anger that everything is not as I would like. The unwillingness to be as one is, the desire to be in a world where there are no worries.

Book #1 Book #2 221
Disappointment in everything and everyone. The belief that no one needs a person and no one needs his love. Book number 4 321-329
Reluctance to be nobody. Book number 5 213
Runny nose (rhinitis) Anger due to resentment Book #3 54,133
Resentment. Book number 4 35
Resentment at the situation, misunderstanding of the causes of this situation. Book number 6 107-108
Neurasthenia The desire to be positive in everything, trying to please others. Book number 7 92
Urinary incontinence, feces. The desire to be free from life's disappointments. Book #3 58, 85-87.
Urinary incontinence in children

- daytime

nocturnal (enuresis)

The fear of the child for the father. Mother's fear for father. Book #3 58
Neurosis Fear of “nobody loves me” Suppressed aggressiveness Book #2

Book #4 Book #5

Nervousness, whims in children Mutual accusations of parents, more often - accusations of the mother in relation to the father. Book number 3 15
Necrosis (tissue death) Anger at your suffering. Book number 4 24
Legs (problems and diseases) Insincerity in communication related to economic issues.

The desire to receive material benefits, honor and glory in everything.

Book #3 Book #6 205-214
Nose (difficulty breathing) Sadness over your own inadequacy.

Sadness. The desire to hide the fact of striking.

Book #6 Book #8 107-108 10
Nose (noisy blowing) Disregard for others. Book number 6 107
Metabolism (disorder) An imbalance between giving and receiving. Book #2 217
Sense of smell (impairment in children) Curiosity. Book number 8 180
Baldness Fears, disappointments, stress "they don't like me." Book #3 59
Obesity Imposing one's will on others. Dissatisfaction stress. Book #2 183-190
Self-defense. Thirst for hoarding, fear of the future. Book number 5 115
The desire to be stronger, the internal struggle with their stresses. Book number 6 243
"I want good things." Book number 8 65-66
Tumor diseases (see also Cancer) Great malice against others or against oneself. Book #2 90, 177
Tissue tumors (atheroma, lipoma, dermoid, teratoma) Malice. Book number 4 244
brain tumor in children Relationship between mother and mother-in-law. Book #3 23
Complication viral diseases in boys The mother cannot cope with the father and therefore fights with him mentally and with words. Book no. 3 197-198.
- mumps - chicken pox - measles Maternal malice due to impotence.

maternal malice due to



-flu Dejection.
Touch (impaired in children) The shame of a child when parents do not allow him to satisfy the need to touch everything with his hands. Book number 8 185
Osteomalacia Book #3 49
Osteoporosis Long-term hidden malice. Book #3 49
Sadness at the loss of faith in one's own ability to restore one's former idealized and promising strength. Book number 4 236
Ostitis (inflammation of the bones) The anger of a woman directed against a man. Book number 4 180
Edema The evil of exaggeration. Book #3 130
Constant sadness. Book number 4 244
Edema on the legs, calluses. Anger "things are not the way I want." Unspoken reproaches to her husband about economic problems. Book #3 PO, 115, 135.
Deviations in the development of the child The fear of a woman that they will stop loving her for imperfection. Cultivating parental love as a desirable goal. Book number 7 207-222
Belching Imposing your opinion on others. Book #3 223
Holding back anger. Book number 6 299
Memory (impaired) Thirst for an easy life, without barriers, without troubles. Book #2 137-139
Paralysis of the limbs Revenge. Book #4 102
Inability to cope with life. Bad attitude towards life. Book #5 104
parkinson syndrome The desire to give as much as possible, but what is given does not bring the expected results. Book number 4 235
Peritonitis (purulent inflammation of the peritoneum) Unbearable humiliation due to the fact that a person was not given enough. Shame. Book number 6 331-332
Liver (diseases) Fear of being guilty. Malice. Book #2 60-61, 89-119
hatred for

injustice; the desire to get something from the state and the feeling of insult when not getting what they want.

Book number 6 301-303
Fear of the state and people who wish you harm. Book number 7 57
Digestive tract (diseases) Sacrifice of oneself contrary to one's desires, but in the name of a goal. Feelings of guilt about work, affairs. Book number 6 136, 158-214.
periodontal disease Book number 6 224
Digestive tract (problems) Not getting what you want, swallowing resentment. Book number 6 89-90
Forcing yourself to be guilty out of fear (that is, fear is stronger than guilt). Book number 6 281-282, 292-294
Esophagus (inflammation, scarring, damage to inflamed tissues, narrowing) Fear of not getting what you want. Resentment and humiliation due to what he did not achieve. Book number 6 235-236
Tearfulness Sadness. Shame and blame. Book number 4 228,273
Pleurisy Anger against the restriction of freedom. Book #3 228
Shoulder girdle: shoulders, shoulders, arms (injuries and diseases) Overdemanding. Book number 5 44
Pancreas (diseases) Destroying anger of a woman against a man and vice versa. Hatred. Book #2 80-82
The desire to do good, first of all, to others because of the fear that a person is not loved. Book number 4 86-100
The desire to surpass oneself, selfishness, selfishness. Book number 6 310-313
Pancreas (irritation) Protest against orders, prohibitions. Book number 6 194
Spine (distribution of diseases and stresses according to


Various stresses. Book #1 Book #2 9
Spine (problems, diseases) - cervical thoracic Fears.

Overdemanding. Fear of being blamed, blaming others.

Book number 4

Book #5 Book #2

Redness on various parts of the body: A concentration of anger that seeks an outlet. Book #3 45, 132
- redness of the ears

- redness of the eyes

The malice of finding the culprit,

doesn't listen well.

Man sees wrong

Book #3 Book #3 132 132
Diarrhea (diarrhea) Despair associated with an acute desire to immediately get rid of all unpleasant things; desire to be strong and demonstrate their strength. Book number 6 133
weight loss The desire to give life more. Book #2 183
Kidneys (diseases) Chronic fears. Book #2 Book #4 26-27 84
kidney stones Secret malice in the soul. Book #2 66
Pride. Book number 8 51
kidney failure Envy. Revenge. Book number 4 103
Prostate gland (diseases) Fear of losing material security, wealth. Book #3 33
- inflammation Humiliation. Fatherhood fear. Book number 7 153
- tumor The inconsolable sadness of a man

because of the inability to be a good FATHER.

Book number 5 83-84
Proctitis (inflammation of the rectal mucosa) Negative attitude towards their work and the results obtained. Fear of showing the results of your work. Book number 6 334
Rectum (problems) Vicious life struggle does not lead to the desired results. Book #3 57
The obligation to finish what you started at any cost. Book number 5 250
mental illness Fear of "they don't like me", feelings of guilt, fears, anger. Book #2 53-62
Exorbitant desire for spiritual values, the need to rise, the desire to surpass someone or something, arrogance. Book number 6 87
Sadness and grief from the fact that you can not achieve better. Book number 8 230

- depigmented

– pigment

- hemangiomas

Pride and shame. Book number 8 170
Cervical sciatica Stubbornness. Book #2 112
Perineal tear during childbirth Call of Duty. Book number 8 199
Cancer diseases malice Book #1 71
The malice of exaggeration, the malice of envy. Book #3 81, 168
Malicious malice. Book number 4 26, 147
Contempt. Malice. Book number 6 20
The desire to appear good is the fear of being guilty, which makes you hide your thoughts about your loved ones. Book number 6 75-76
Unrealized goodwill, hostility and resentment. Book number 6 137, 248-251
Unkind malice. Book number 7 86
self-confidence. Selfishness. The desire to be perfect. Unforgiveness. Arrogance. Proving your superiority. Pride and shame. Book number 8 19, 30,35,51, 119, 120, 225, 245- 248
Cancer in children Malice, bad intentions. A group of stresses that are transmitted from parents. Book #2 67
Cancer of the maxillary sinuses Humble suffering, rational self-pride. Book number 6 103-106
Brain cancer Fear of "I'm Not Loved" Book #1 207
Despair over one's own stupidity and inability to come up with something. Book number 7 198-199
Proving your benevolence by any means, up to the conscious transformation of yourself into a slave. Book number 8 44, 162
breast cancer Husband's accusation Book #1 207,215
My family doesn't like me.
Suppressed shame. Book number 8 196
Stomach cancer Compulsion. Book #1 207
Malicious anger at myself - I can not achieve what I need. Book #2 191
Blaming others, contempt for the perpetrators of suffering. Book number 6 236-242
Uterine cancer Bitterness due to the fact that the male sex is not good enough to love her husband. Humiliation due to children or lack of children. Helplessness change lives. Book number 4 167
bladder cancer Wishing evil on bad people. Book number 4 168
Esophageal carcinoma Dependence on your desires. Insisting on your plans, which others do not give a move. Book number 6 235-236, 293
Pancreas cancer Proof that you are a person. Book number 8 26
prostate cancer Fear that “I will be accused of not being a real man.” Book #1 207
Anger at one's helplessness because of women's mockery of manhood and fatherhood. Book number 4 165-166
Rectal cancer Anger. Disappointment. Book #3 58
Fear of hearing critical feedback about the result of the work. Contempt for your work. Book number 6 339-340
colon cancer Anger. Disappointment. Book #3 58
Cervical cancer The limitlessness of women's desires. Disappointment in sexual life. Book number 5 74
tongue cancer The shame that with his own tongue he ruined his life. Book number 8 185
ovarian cancer Excessive sense of duty and responsibility. Book number 6 184.
Wounds (various types) Different types of malice. Book #3 48
Multiple sclerosis Not getting what you wanted - anger and bitterness of defeat. Book #2 164
Sadness and a sense of the meaninglessness of life. Book number 7 115
Vomit Anger caused

disgust for life, malice

against outrage


Fear of the future.

Book #3 55
The desire to get rid of insults and injustices, fear for the consequences, for the future. Book number 6 282, 295-296
Rheumatism The fear of "no one loves me." Book #2 59
Accusation through allegory. Book number 4 174
The desire to quickly mobilize oneself, to be in time everywhere, to get used to any situation - the desire to be mobile. Book number 6 250
Childbirth premature Lack of love for the fetus, the child feels that he needs to go away from the place where he feels bad. Book #1 102
Erysipelas. Cruelty. Book number 5 41-43
Hands (problems of fingers, panaritium) Problems related to giving and receiving during and as a result of doing work. Book number 6 158
greasy hair Resentment at coercion (desire to live a free life). Book number 6 94
Suicide Desire to be liked. Book number 7 190, 223
Sarcoidosis Desire at any cost to show their importance. Book number 6 119-120
Diabetes Hatred of women and men to each other.

Protest against orders and orders.

Book #2 Book #6 80-82 196-197
Sexual problems in young men Sadness. Book number 4 236
Semen ducts (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty. Book number 6 159
Spleen (diseases) Fear of being guilty.

Sadness associated with parents.

Book #2 Book #4 60-61 93
Heart (diseases) Fear that I don't love enough.


The desire to please and earn love.

Book #1

Book #2 Book #4 Book #6

Heart (congenital or acquired defect of children) The fear of "no one loves me." Book #2 59
Heart (myocardial infarction) Fear of "I am accused of not loving." Book #2 59-60
Heart (ischemic disease) Book #2 165
Retina of the eye (rupture of blood vessels) Revenge. Book number 4 102
Sigmoid colon (disease) Disappointment; a vicious struggle that does not lead to the desired results. Book #3 57-58
Syphilis Loss of sense of responsibility towards life; malice. Book #3 56
Scarlet fever Sad, hopeless


Book number 6 97
Sclerosis An ossified, uncompromising attitude towards everyone and everything in life. Book #2 24
The sadness of a stupid fossil. Book number 4 252-254
General weakness Constant self-pity. Book number 8 104-110
caecum, lesion of the large intestine A large number of deadlocks. Book number 6 155-156
Blindness Seeing only the bad. Reluctance to see this terrible life. Book #2 128
Tears The sadness of anger at not getting what you want from life. Book #3 52
Mucous discharge (see nose, rhinitis) Anger out of resentment. Book #3 54,133
Mucous membranes. Dryness. Shame, proof that all is well. Book number 8 297
Hearing (affecting children) Shame. Shaming a child by parents. Book number 8 176

- deficiency, dry mouth

- excessive amplification

Fear of life's problems.

Desire to get rid of problems as soon as possible.

Book #3 Book #3 53 53
sex change Stress complex. Book number 7 168-187
Spasm of the larynx, suffocation Rage, malice. Book number 6 97
Adhesions (excessive thickening of tissues in organs, cavities and joints) Convulsive attempts to defend their ideas.

The evil of exaggeration.

Book #1 Book #3 204 47
AIDS Lack of love, feeling of spiritual emptiness. Anger at not being loved. Book #2 91-95
Feet (diseases) Anger due to an exorbitant heap of daily activities. Book number 4 163
Cramps in the muscles of the leg Confusion of will due to fear of moving forward. Book number 4 169
Joints (loss of previous mobility, rheumatic inflammation) Fear of "they don't like me." Feelings of guilt, anger.

The desire to "represent oneself" and the desire to prove one's worth.

Book #3

Book #6 Book #8

Hip joints (pain) Sense of responsibility. Shame. Book number 8 211
Stoop in children Excessive power of the mother in the family. Book #1 43, 86
Tobacco smoking Fear of "they don't like me"; a feeling of guilt, a man's fear of a woman, that he cannot be relied upon; self-flagellation. Book #1 221
Pelvis (diseases) Stress associated with Book number 4 164
attitude towards male issues.

- painfully thin

Fear of not getting what you want. Book number 6 289-290
- thickening, the presence of a large number of fat folds The inability to get by with the small because of the desire to have only the good.
High temperature Tension in a quarrel with the mother, exhaustion. Book #1 127
Strong, bitter anger. Anger at the conviction of the guilty. Book #3 Book #4 45, 132 24
Overflowing with stress. Book N° 7 37
- chronic An old, long-term malice. Book #3 45, 132
Teratoma (tumor) A desperate desire to answer the perpetrators of their suffering in their own words, which, however, remain unspoken. The fear of a person to decide for himself how to live. Book number 7 217
Tissues (diseases):

- epithelial

- connecting

- muscular

- nervous

The accumulation of great anger against others or against oneself.

Self pity.

Book #2 Book #8 91 88
Small intestine (diseases) The obligation to do small things, when you would like to do big things. Book number 5 250
Negative, arrogant Book number 6 318-324
ironic attitude to women's work.
Large intestine (diseases) The obligation to do big things when you would like to do small things.

Negative attitude towards male labor; problems associated with unfinished business.

Book #5 Book #6 250
Nausea Fear that nothing works. Book number 6 282-283
Injuries Evil in the soul. Book #2 164
Trachea (diseases) Anger in the fight for justice. Book #3 229
Trichomoniasis Desperate malice from his frivolous behavior. Book #3 56
Trophic ulcers The accumulation of unexpressed malice. Book #3 48, 117
Thrombophlebitis (inflammation and blockage of the veins) and phlebitis (inflammation of the arteries) Book #3 118
Thromboembolism of the heart, lungs, brain Exaggeration of the importance of the material, economic side of life. Book No. 5 92
Tuberculosis Fear of being accused of dislike. Sickness of lamentations. Book #2 60
Tuberculosis of children Constant pressure. Book #1 215
Tuberculosis of the genitals Complaints about

disorder of his sexual life.

Book number 5 60
Tuberculosis of the brain Complaints about the inability to use the potential of your brain. Book number 5 60
Pulmonary tuberculosis Fear of expressing anger, but at the same time constant lamentations. Book #3 227
Self pity. Book number 5 59-60
Complaining about an unhappy life. Book #7 64
Tuberculosis of the lymph nodes Complaints about male worthlessness. Book number 5 60
Tuberculosis of the kidneys Complaints about the inability to realize their desires. Book number 5 60
Thyrotoxicosis (increased thyroid function) Inner, unspoken struggle against orders. Book number 5 102
Decreased blood supply to tissues A sense of responsibility, a sense of duty, a sense of guilt. Book #2 165
Phlebitis Anger due to economic problems. Book #3 118
Frontitis (inflammation of the frontal sinus) Resentment and the desire to hide it. Book #3 54
Chlamydia Powerful malice. Book #3 56
Chlamydia and mycoplasma stress group. Book number 6 99
Cholesterol (high or low) or, conversely, a sense of hopelessness from the struggle. Book number 7 154-158
Snore Despair from the inability to establish relationships with people. Book number 6 103
chronic diseases Shame. Fear of embarrassment. Book number 8 148,268
Chronic runny nose A constant state of resentment. Book #3 54
thinness selfishness and

self-confidence, but at the same time denying yourself what you want.

Book #6 204
Stress "I don't want to." Book number 8 65-66
Cellulite Anger, the desire to prove to everyone their importance: "see what I'm capable of." Book #2 190
Cirrhosis of the liver Self-destruction. Destructive mute malice. Book number 6 303
sneezing Brief malice. Book #3 54
Neck (inflammation, swelling, pain, swelling) Discontent that humiliates, saddens, makes one angry. Sadness that a person represses. Book number 5 70-71
Schizophrenia Wishing everything was good. Book number 8 204
Schizophrenia in children Obsessive ideas of parents; obsession with the wife to re-educate her husband. Book number 8 237
Thyroid (dysfunction) Fear of being crushed by life. Book #2 181
Guilt. Problems in communication. Book number 5 98-103
endometriosis Mother's curiosity. Book number 8 183
Enuresis (in children) The child's fear for the father, associated with the mother's fears and anger directed at the father of the child. Book #2 14-15
Eczema Panic rage. Book #2 66
Right oviduct (problems) Dependence on how the mother wants to see the relationship of her daughter with the male sex. Book #3 188
Left oviduct (problems) Dependence on how the mother wants to see the relationship of her daughter with the female sex. Book #3 188
Oviducts (blockage) Having sex out of a sense of duty. Book number 6 159
Ulcer of any kind Suppressing the sadness that arises from not wanting to be and to show one's helplessness. Book number 6 156
ulcer bleeding Forced revenge. Book number 6 265
Ulcerative colitis Suffering for your faith, your Book number 6 157
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