Monolithic structure. Pros and cons of a monolithic frame house? Is it worth building it? What it is

Monolithic frame construction today is gaining high momentum in popularity. With the help of such materials, buildings can be erected with high durability, and at the same time with a low cost. installation works... By the way, for buildings it is allowed to use any configuration settings and choose a variable number of floors. This technology was used to build a television tower in Toronto, 555 m high.In our article, we will consider all the advantages and disadvantages monolithic structures.

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Raised foundation with walk-around space is one of three foundation types; the other two are concrete slab foundations and full-height cellars. Tell us your needs and connect with pre-selected companies in your area. Compare free price quotes from multiple companies and save time and money instantly! No commitment to hire or purchase ever!

How much does a home foundation cost?

The value of a fund raised varies greatly depending on the size of your home, its location, and the region of the country in which you live. On the way, you will save a significant amount of money on utilities or repairs. Homes built on raised foundations are elevated, so they are less likely to be hobbled. Comfortable floors. With a raised base, floors are usually made of wood, which is much softer and more comfortable to walk on than concrete. Aesthetically pleasing - most people prefer appearance a house raised to ground level. And it can serve as a refuge for unwanted animals like possums and skunks and their droppings.

  • Easier access to utilities.
  • The raised foundation makes it easier to access plumbing and under-house wiring.
  • Lower risk of flooding.
  • More assembly costs - Higher funds are more expensive to build.
Slab bases, also called foundation slabs are made from a flat piece of concrete that is poured directly onto the ground.

Monolith concept

What is monolithic construction? It is characterized by the construction technology by pouring concrete into the formwork structure. Before doing this, it is necessary to install the reinforcement cage in advance. Each of the parts should be mounted in such a way as to continue the one-piece structure. To do this, seal all joints and seams. Such elements are obtained with a flat surface. For the foundation of the cottage, you need to create a powerful slab thicker than a meter, additionally reinforcing the device with steel reinforcement.

How much does a concrete slab cost?

The slab bases are several inches thick and are reinforced with iron bars. Slab-built houses do not have basements or scans. However, keep in mind that prices vary depending on the size and location of your home and your geographic location.

Stronger floors - Slab foundations are more stable than raised foundations because they are made of concrete. You never have to worry about whether the floor can support heavy objects like waterbeds or pianos. With the slab foundation, some of the plumbing, electrical wires and ducting work under the concrete slab. Homes with slab foundations sit right on the ground, so they are more likely to flood. In some flood-prone areas, building codes prohibit slab foundations. Not so comfortable - concrete is hard rock, so it's not so comfortable to walk or sit. Over time, walking on such a hard surface can wreak havoc on your joints. Homes with slab bases also tend to be colder. Not so aesthetically pleasing - many people think that houses on the first level are less attractive to the eye than houses.

  • You can get back to your new home faster.
  • Difficult to access utilities.
  • This leads to complex and costly repairs and modifications.
  • High risk of flooding.
What are the outer walls for my massive house?

The construction of a concrete monolith was invented back in the Roman Empire, and in our country it gained popularity only in the 19th century. This technology was used to build an imperial palace in the city of Pushkin and a weaving factory in St. Petersburg. Over the years, the installation method has only improved its characteristics.

The nuances of the construction process

Cons of monolithic houses

The key question that many builders ask is: "How will my house be built?" Often, builders are unhappy with semi-spread media or one-sided home builders looking to implement their concepts. However, they are often not the best for the builder, but the cheapest or easiest for the manufacturer.

We have eliminated so-called carbonated concrete for “our” homes here, as this soft and light stone does not meet the requirements of a massive home. This, moreover, construction material which must be chemically manufactured with hazardous aluminum powder as a propellant. Don't forget about brickwork with core insulation. In the case of a facade, it is necessary to consider which construction and physical properties are effective here. Stress on outer wall essentially: noise protection, load-bearing capacity and thermal insulation.

A monolithic frame with your own hands can be built using removable formwork, or non-removable. Such a device can be manufactured with various materials such as plywood, metal and wood. The main task of the structure is to increase the rigidity to protect the shape.

Fixed type of formwork is used in the creation of individual buildings with small amount floors. After it is poured with concrete, it is combined with other parts into a single whole. V modern construction such a product is made of lightweight foam. According to the constructive criterion, formworks are:

In addition: diffusion, heat storage and tamper-proof. The aforementioned structural physical properties on the outer wall, upon closer inspection, are contrasted with a monolithic structure. To insulate heat, you need lightweight building materials that contain a lot of air through the pores or chambers. However, heavy building materials with high bulk density are required for bearing capacity and sound insulation. Thus, monolithic structures made of pumice or clay are always a compromise in building physics.

  • Shield type;
  • Tunnel.

A feature of the first type is its components. So, the formwork is created in the form of shields of various sizes and types, which are connected into a single system using special fasteners. Thus, a reservoir for pouring the solution is formed, which will serve as the basis for the future building.

Tunnel type of formwork is purchased ready-made, therefore such parts are suitable only for certain installation work. It should be noted that tunnel-type products cannot be modified. Its production is carried out by professional companies, manufacturers of building materials. After purchasing the formwork, they are assembled and immediately start pouring with concrete.

Disadvantages of monolithic structures

Since there is no specialist in thermal insulation and sound insulation, as in multi-stage masonry. When considering the thermal insulation composite system and its properties, this is not the case. It is a multi-shell design. Each shell is adapted to the respective building physics requirements. This inner shell has good sound insulation and high load-carrying capacity. The heat capacity of the stones should not be underestimated either. This is the specialist in charge of insulating and transporting moisture in connection with the respective gypsum system.

Attention! If you need a large amount of solution, then it is better to order it at the enterprise. If you need a small amount, you can cook it yourself.

When the laying of the concrete slab is completed, it is imperative to proceed with the compaction of the structure. This action will help to avoid the formation of voids. The best way to accomplish the task is with special tools, for example, deep or surface vibrators. Thanks to this technique, you can build a solid building with quality surfaces.

The main pros and cons of monolithic brick houses

Thawing water usually flows in the insulation system and not in the masonry. Especially in problem areas, such as outside corners of a building, which have a larger, colder outer surface opposite to the inner surface of the heated wall, this is beneficial and rather prevents mold.

The dimensions for the protection against thermal insulation determine the strength of the insulation boards and the heat-conducting group. This allows you to create thin components. With a monolithic structure, the problem lies in the varying degrees of strength of the stone. However, if this is changed by static requirements, the strength class changes and hence the insulating properties. This means that the property of the wall is not uniformly homogeneous, and other measures such as thicker roof insulation, etc. This must be compensated for, as walls often cannot simply be thicker.

Attention! The construction of cottages on a monolithic basis is carried out without additional finishing works so you can save money.

Monolithic houses pros, cons

Of course, today the monolith is considered one of the highest quality materials for construction, but it has all some disadvantages. Therefore, we should familiarize ourselves with the main advantages and disadvantages of building such a device. When choosing technologies, it is necessary to take into account the features of the optimal factors for the material. Next, the main advantages of monolithic structures should be highlighted:

Jumps are also noticeable here, For example, 36.5 cm to 42.5 cm in space is proposed and stands. Deficiencies in the isolation system, often processing errors and poor product selection are decisive. It is recommended to use mineral gypsum systems in a thick coating system as a reinforcing plaster, which is reinforced with fabrics over the entire surface. For this, noble plaster such as pure mineral plaster or silicate plaster. No synthetic resin, this is very problematic as it hardly allows water vapor to be transported.

  • The design features allow you to create various design solutions. So you can make your home not only practical, but also beautiful.
  • Installation work is carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • High level of seismic activity. The buildings can withstand earthquake points 8.
  • The monolith frame house has a small and uniform shrinkage.
  • There are virtually no seams in a one-piece construction system.
  • By using the method of laying the monolith, the weight of the building can be reduced.
  • V monolithic buildings the load volume is distributed evenly over all support points.
  • If panel formwork is used, then there is no need to transport the product to the construction site.
  • The pricing policy of installing a monolith is much more economical than other materials.
  • If necessary, certain building parameters, a monolithic device can be customized to any configuration.
  • In such buildings, walls can be installed with a lesser thickness.

Attention! It is especially important to build such houses in places with periodic flooding, since the stove does not allow liquid to pass through.

Advantages of monolithic brick buildings

The disadvantage of a monolithic structure is fire protection. Monolithic building materials are generally non-flammable. All components are tested by the system. Blue gel formation is stronger than in monolithic construction. Therefore, it is important to plan for structural rain protection with roof overhangs and make a leveling layer to neutralize the surface.

Therefore, this type of ventilation is recommended, centralized or decentralized, preferably with heat recovery. However, by all accounts, it is often a purely subjective consideration whether it is a monolithic structure or even a multicomponent one with clinker. It has nothing to do with making physics, but with the feeling of a builder wanting to build a massive house with heavy stones. Pumice stones are very homogeneous and permeable to water vapor. They are purely mineral and do not require any additional chemicals for the application of mineral plastering systems, just like stucco plaster as an internal plaster or cement plaster in combination with mineral plaster as an external plastering system.

Disadvantages of monolithic structures

In this article, we will consider the pros and cons of monolithic brick house from the perspective of a potential buyer of an apartment in it. Let's start, however, with a small excursion into the technology of housing construction.

You get stones with a high bulk density for noise protection or load-bearing capacity, or even stones with a lower bulk density for very good damping properties. Here pumice or clay masonry are very good building materials, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages. Pumice is more susceptible to cracking because it is required to cement. This process usually takes 2 to 3 years. Subtle hair cracking may occur, but this is not important in physics.

There is hardly any sound, because it is a burnt building material. However, it is significantly glazed by the structure and requires fire barriers for plastering. In the case of a pumice stone, it is necessary to ensure that it is coated in bad weather conditions during processing, as it likes to draw up water. This does not damage the stone, but rather a long drying time. The main disadvantage of clay is the region in the prices of building materials. Beams comes from the region and therefore has the lowest transport costs, from mining and manufacturing to the construction site.

What it is

Just a quarter of a century ago, we knew only two main types of houses in terms of the choice of materials and construction technology:

  1. Panel houses characterized by disgusting sound and thermal insulation, the aromas of garbage chutes and freezing seams.
  2. Brick houses, especially old building, were quoted quite high against their background. The priority, of course, was the Stalinks - luxurious buildings with high ceilings and large area apartments.

However: by now, enthusiasm for apartments in Stalinist buildings has subsided. The reason is the wear and tear of communications in them and the high cost of serious repairs.

Multi-layer construction of clinker bricks with mineral wool as core insulation and solid pumice or clay bricks will probably satisfy all requirements, but it is often a matter of taste and, of course, a cost issue, as this structure is the most expensive and therefore the most expensive.

Since a wall system is the most far-reaching solution when planning your dream home, it wants to be thought out. Today we would like to introduce you to the advantages of monolithic construction. Monolithic walls- these are walls that, in addition to plaster and mortar, do not require additional layers of insulation. This has the following positive effects.

You can treat the changes that have taken place in the country since the beginning of the 90s in different ways. One of their positive consequences is undoubtedly: new materials and technologies have penetrated into the domestic construction market in large numbers. Monolithic brick construction, in particular, was borrowed from German and American builders.

How is it built apartment house this type?

Brick is a thousand-year-old building material - and for good reason. Its physical properties are ideal conditions for a pleasant and healthy way life. And in the case of monolithic masonry, the brick can play its full strength. Due to the capacity of the bricks, you get an optimal living climate all year round - pleasantly cool in summer and comfortably warm in winter. Also, the air humidity in the room is ideally balanced by diffusion-free masonry. Mold and other problems that moisture can bring you are spared. The result is a natural and healthy environment.

On an extremely durable slab (in the case of low storeys) or pile foundation a reinforced concrete frame is being built. Forget about the usual technology of welding reinforcement between blocks and the subsequent sealing of seams: the entire frame is a reinforced monolith. Reusable metal formwork moves from floor to floor; on-site support columns and floor slabs are poured.

Reinforced concrete is extremely durable, but has poor thermal insulation qualities.

For the construction of external walls and partitions, not he is used, but block materials:

  • limestone or shell rock with their porous structure and low mechanical strength;
  • foam and aerated concrete;
  • and, of course, our old friend - building bricks. Mostly hollow: the load goes to the supporting frame, and in all other respects, in addition to mechanical strength, leaves the corpulent one far behind.

Useful: when laying walls, it is often used to reduce costs per cubic meter of masonry and speed up the construction of walls.

Features of monolithic brick houses

Several features of the type of housing under discussion do not directly follow from the construction technology, so it is better to mention them separately.

  • In most cases, an apartment in such a house does not have a fixed layout as such: in front of you is a studio apartment, which you can divide with partitions at your discretion.
  • Monolithic-brick construction began in the country in the early 90s; it is more typical for the southern and central regions of the country. In the north, with long and extremely cold winters, monolithic construction is not exactly impossible - it is hampered by weather conditions.
  • It is in houses of this type that you can often find autonomous heating systems included in the project. In practice, autonomous heating of housing is 2-3 times cheaper than centralized heating; at the same time, the transition to it in houses with central heating is problematic.

Advantages and disadvantages


Let's start with the merits.

Developers willingly share them:

  • The monolithic framework is especially resistant to seismic vibrations. The technology is just perfect for earthquake-prone areas.

Author's note: in Crimea, all new multi-story houses are built exactly according to the described technology. Here tremors are not uncommon - just remember the earthquake of 1927 in Yalta, described in "The Twelve Chairs".

  • All houses of this type are new. They have no problems with the wear and tear of communications. The wiring is designed for high power, therefore, problems with connecting a modern household appliances will not arise.
  • There are no problems with redevelopment. You can create with your own hands an apartment of the configuration that you like. Even if the partitions have been erected by the time of home purchase, they can be moved without approval: there are no carriers among them. For comparison - in brick and panel houses there is an unambiguous instruction: violate the integrity load-bearing walls forbidden.
  • Typical ceiling heights are from 3 meters. After the low and dark Khrushchev buildings, the space seems unusual and, of course, pleases.
  • The houses are being built in accordance with modern standards of thermal protection: brick facades are insulated with mineral wool and revetted to protect them from precipitation.
  • The brick-monolithic house compares favorably with the strength of the walls from monolithic structures filled with shell rock or foam blocks: hanging furniture, cabinets and shelves can be mounted without any complications.


What are the disadvantages of a monolithic brick house?

It would be more correct to call them not the disadvantages of the technology, but its features.

  • You will not find small apartments in the buildings of new projects. Even one-room apartments start from 50-60 square meters. If the price per square meter is the same as that of Khrushchev, the chances of buying inexpensive housing with a limited budget will be less.
  • Not everyone likes the upcoming amount of finishing work. Many buyers want not to bring an apartment for months in living condition but just live in it.
  • The construction time is noticeably longer than that of panel buildings, and is approaching the time of construction of a brick house. Investing in housing under construction usually means a long waiting period.
  • The monolithic structure of the frame also has a downside: vibrations and sounds propagate along it well. A neighbor with insomnia and a puncher can be a real natural disaster.


From the point of view of the author, the housing of the type under discussion has much more advantages than disadvantages. However, based on the material of the article, you can draw conclusions yourself (read also the article). As always, in the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic. Happy choice!

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