Fire distances between buildings. Fire distances between houses: why observe them? More about fire safety

This time we will talk about what a fire distance (gap) is, what it is intended for, and based on what prerequisites it is selected and standardized.
First of all, let's define what a fire gap (distance) is. So, the fire distance is the standardized distances between objects (buildings, structures and (or) structures), which are established in order to prevent the spread of fire between them.

Figure 1 - Passage of fire between adjacent facades. Its structure must be separated from the structure of adjacent buildings. Fireproof wall must be able to remain vertical when the roof structure collapses. Wall fires should not have any openings, even if they are protected.

There should be at least 2m, or the fire flame on the wall should increase by 90cm as shown in the picture. Figure 2 - Buildings isolated by wall fire. Figure 3 - Isolated buildings by distance. Separation between buildings 65. Alternatively, isolation can be achieved at a safe distance between two buildings. The same procedure can be used on any internal facades of the building itself. For example, in Figure 4 there is an open atrium at the bottom of a building consisting of two towers.

At the time of publication of this article, fire protection distances are standardized in accordance with SP 4.13130.2013 “Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protection facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions.”

The key characteristic when choosing fire breaks between buildings, structures and structures in accordance with the current regulatory framework is their degree of fire resistance and class of structural fire hazard.
For example, for industrial and warehouse buildings, open ground warehouses, various clarifying requirements for fire safety distances are introduced depending on the fire hazard category and the type (volume) of stored materials.

The distance between the facades of the two towers should be kept to a minimum to prevent fire from spreading between them. Since one of the facades that has windows is a shopping center and without vertical finishing between floors, even if the other facade is blind, if the distance is less than the minimum, in the entrances to the walkways connecting the two towers.

Walls with windows Walls without windows Minimum distance to prevent spread. Figure 4 - Atrium in the building. Basic security measure human life in fire is the prediction of rapid evacuation of the population. IN multi-storey buildings emergency ladders are needed. They can be unclosed, closed or smoke-proof. In the case of buildings on the first level, vacancy is easier. However, in large public or in public places Where there are mobility difficulties, a detailed study of the size, number and spacing of emergency exits is important, based on current legislation and common sense.

The degree of fire resistance of a building, as is known, characterizes the geometric immutability of the building during a fire, in other words, its indestructibility (stability) during a fire. Therefore, the lower the degree of fire resistance of a building, structure or structure, the sooner the destruction of it or individual structures will occur, which can lead to the spread of fire to neighboring objects.

There should be a visible alarm through smoke and complete clearing of paths leading to the outside of the building. A secured enclosed staircase is a well-ventilated staircase located surrounded by fire walls and equipped with fire-resistant doors as shown in the picture. Table 1 - Types of emergency ladders by profession.

A structural element can be analyzed in terms of its resistance to fire and its response to fire. Fire resistance is an ability structural element resist the effects of fire while maintaining its sealing, thermal insulation and stability functions. Finishing materials are all materials or a set of materials used as caps between building elements. Once a fire starts, it tends to spread through the fire load, which also includes ceiling, wall and floor coverings and finishes.

The structural fire hazard class, as is known, characterizes the fire hazard of the building structures that make up the building. The higher the fire hazard of building structures, the faster the fire develops and the higher the likelihood of it spreading to neighboring buildings, structures and structures.

Thus, as follows from the definition of the term “fire distance” and from the concept of the parameters by which it is selected, the fire distance should exclude the spread of fire from a burning object to neighboring ones. Speaking abstractly from the requirements of the norms fire safety, then the choice of fire gap value is based, of course, on the factors that determine the spread of fire from one object to another. Let's look at them.

The materials used in coatings and coverings are extremely important for fire safety since, depending on their composition, they can contribute to a greater or lesser extent to the evolution of fire. The fire reaction characteristics that must be evaluated in these materials are flame propagation speed, smoke quantity and density, amount of heat generated, and toxicity. On initial stage Finishing and coating materials installed in walls and cladding are more susceptible to fire development than those installed on floors and can contribute significantly to the evolution of fire by being in positions that promote their ignition and combustion.

Fire spread between buildings.
So, the main factors (mechanisms) determining the spread of fire between buildings, structures and structures are the following:

Burning particles (sparks). During combustion various materials sparks can be formed that are able to travel significant distances, often exceeding fire breaks, without losing their ignition ability. Burning particles in most cases do not pose a great danger as a direct source of ignition. It should be noted that this applies primarily to buildings, structures and structures, therefore, when determining fire distances, for example, between residential and public buildings, or between two residential buildings, the possibility of combustion transfer through sparks is not taken into account.

It is therefore important that the architect thinks about the safety of the building from the design of the structure to the selection finishing materials environment. Tests carried out in the laboratory can determine the characteristics required for the right choice materials. As an example, Table 1 -.

Ceiling and lining. Table 3 - Classification of flooring materials. Safety of structures in fire situations77. Safety of structures in fire conditions. Structural materials lose mechanical strength at high temperatures. Figure 1 shows the resistance of materials. In this figure, relative resistance is the mechanical strength value of materials at high temperature divided by the resistance value at room temperature, that is: relative resistance =.

The appearance of sparks near “cold”, or combustible structures slightly heated above the ambient temperature, as already noted, does not pose a serious danger. At the same time, during a fire there may be cases when the transition of a fire from one structure to another does not occur only due to the heating of combustible structures to temperatures lying in the range between the temperature of ignition and self-ignition. Those. The only thing missing is a combustion initiator (ignition source) - a spark! In other words, sparks pose a fire hazard due to the combined effect of both the sparks themselves and thermal radiation.

Resistance to room temperature. In Figure 1, steel material is used in both structural profiles and reinforced concrete armatures. 1. Figure 1 - Change in material resistance depending on temperature. Although the temperature in materials is lower than that of a fire, it can be very high, so if there is no structural protection, strengths structural materials will be significantly reduced and will not be able to withstand fire stress. Thus, it is important to know the temperature range that the structure will reach in a fire, which will obviously depend on the temperature of the gases in the burning compartment, i.e. the temperature of the fire.

Direct exposure to flame. In the case of a close location of a burning and irradiated building, a fire may spread as a result of the direct impact of open fire on the combustible building structures. As a rule, in practice this occurs as a result of non-compliance with fire safety distances. The determining factors in the spread of fire between buildings by this mechanism, in addition to distance, are the power of the fire, wind speed, and the size of the opening through which the flame is released from the burning building.

This heat transfer can be decomposed into radiative transfer and convection. Heat transfer within structures is called conduction. When you bring the lamp closer, you feel the warmth, even in a vacuum, due to the radiant flow. In the compartment, radiation comes from hot gases, flames and heated walls. Figure 2 - Radiant heat flux.

Due to the difference in densities between gases with different temperatures under combustion conditions, they move and touch building elements, transferring heat. Figure 3 - Convective heat flow. Structural elements when heated in a certain area, they transfer heat to other areas through conductivity. If the fire had an extremely long duration and constant temperature, all areas of the structures would reach the same fire temperature. Fortunately, this is not the case.

Convective currents. The spread of a fire by this mechanism is possible only in the case when buildings, structures or structures are located very close to each other and the temperature of convective flows (smoke) is several hundred degrees Celsius. In practice, this possibility is also realized due to non-compliance with the fire break.

Heating due to fires has a relatively short duration of action in structures, and the temperature changes over time; after heating, natural cooling of the compartment occurs. The following points are as important as the others mentioned in this book. They are less detailed because they avoid the author's main goal, which is compartmentalization.

Minimum dimensions of access gate, vehicle, and access routes are displayed. It is important to remember that access and parking must have a foundation with sufficient structural capacity to support the weight of the vehicle. The access road must support vehicles 250 kN on two axles.

Thermal radiation. This mechanism of fire spread between buildings is the main one that determines the value of the fire distance. Ignition by radiation occurs over much greater distances than as a result of ignition by direct flame or convective currents. A heat flux of 35 kW/m2 can lead to spontaneous ignition of wood almost instantly without the presence of any ignition sources. And a heat flux of 12.5 kW/m2 leads to the ignition of wood by an ignition source, such as a spark or a burning brand, for example. This value is widely used in world practice.

Video - distance to the fence from buildings according to GOST

Figure 1 - Minimum width of the access road. Figure 2 - Minimum width and height of access gates. All information in this book is based on prescriptive requirements and procedures. Prescriptive methods are those that do not always have rigorous scientific evidence, but are enshrined in national and international norms or regulations. Scientifically advanced methods using computer programs have been well studied in developed countries. These can be mathematically modeled: the three-dimensional geometry of the study environment, including the type and location of the fire load, the way fire and smoke spread, and the movement of people to emergency exits, among others.

A very important caveat must be made. The fact is that thermal radiation is the most dangerous factor in the spread of fire between buildings and structures, while burning particles are not taken into account due to their weak ignition ability (large thermal thickness building structure). However, when it comes to fires in forests or other vegetation, in open warehouses of combustible materials, one cannot ignore the transfer of burning particles over long distances. The scattering of sparks and firebrands during such fires occurs within a radius of up to 300 m, and at storm wind speeds over distances of up to 1 km.

From computational simulations we draw conclusions that do not always match standardized recipes. The purpose of this book was not to cover this more modern area of ​​analysis and design. Firstly, since these studies, although they exist, are still nascent in Brazil, later, because the results obtained in computer programs must be very well evaluated, and for this, several concepts presented in this book should be considered. The author believes that before moving on to computational models, one needs to know the prescriptive methods and concepts on the subject.

It must be said that the development of a fire in a building and, consequently, the choice of fire breaks is influenced by the presence of automatic fire extinguishing installations, as well as the time of arrival of the first fire departments. In other words, these factors significantly influence the development of a fire and its spread between buildings.
Therefore, in the domestic practice of regulating fire breaks, the time of introduction of fire extinguishing forces and means was initially taken into account.

The moment the author closed the text of this book coincided with the tragic fire of a nightclub in Santa Maria. This book focuses on tall buildings, whose Brazilian legislation has been modernizing since the tragic Andraus and Joelma building fires. If there has been non-compliance with current legislation, this should be investigated by the competent authorities. Experts and researchers should re-read standards and other regulations to ensure that they also need to be updated.

Classification of buildings and risk areas for occupancy groups. Detached or combination homes and condominiums. Residential buildings in general. Boarding houses, boarding houses, residential premises, monasteries, monasteries, geriatric residences. Maximum capacity - 16 seats.

Well, and finally, I would like to note that at present there are no regulatory requirements in the field of fire safety that would allow calculating the fire distances between buildings, structures and structures.

Important addition to the article dated November 7, 2013! Requirements for fire safety distances.

Hotels and similar self-catering in apartments and similar. Trade with low fire load. Haberdashery, metal products, dishes, goods for hospitals and others. Trade with medium and high fire load. Buildings of department stores, magazines, commercial galleries, supermarkets in general, markets and others.

Sufficient fence height

General shopping mall. A place for professional service or business. This is the value of the radiant surface's façade width or height, whichever is smaller. If there is no vertical subdivision, ℓ refers to the entire façade of the building. If there is a vertical separation between all floors, ℓ refers to the sidewalk elevation.

The correct question was posed in the comments - “the question of the mandatory use of fire-fighting distances remained unclear, since this norm is excluded from 123-FZ. And what to do with fire safety distances today remains an open question.” Well, we will close it as much as possible.

So, at present there are only two (!) ways in which the protected object meets fire safety requirements. These conditions, or methods of ensuring fire safety requirements, are described in Article 6 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements.

Standards for the location of a residential building in relation to utility structures

The designer must ensure that the method and procedure described here are accepted by the fire department of the state in which the building will be constructed. Table 2 provided some specific fire load values. The purpose of this book is not to provide architectural details, but concepts related to fire safety, with an emphasis on passive protection. Aspects that must be addressed in the design are highlighted and some examples of architectural failures are commented on through examples.

The fire safety of the protected object is considered ensured when one of the following conditions is met:
1) the fire safety requirements established are fully met technical regulations adopted in accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, and the fire risk does not exceed the permissible values ​​​​established by this Federal Law;
2) fire safety requirements established by technical regulations adopted in accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” and regulatory documents on fire safety are fully met.

For detailed description project, it is necessary to consult the technical instructions of fire brigades, Brazilian regulations and municipal work regulations. The author of Fire Safety in Buildings: Considerations for Architectural Design has been devoted to the field of fire safety for 25 years and recognizes the low prevalence that this topic has in the technical environment. Although a civil engineer, he noticed conceptual flaws in architectural projects. Due to this, he decided to contribute to architecture by writing this book.

Distance between houses: rules and regulations

Professor at the Department of Structural Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. Author of 8 books and more than 150 articles. Reviewer of 14 scientific journals. Our actions are aimed at developing simplified calculation methods and providing free software tools that allow testing the fire resistance of steel reinforced concrete composite structures.

Fire code requirements. Let's consider the second condition. On July 12, 2012, Federal Law No. 117 came into force, which amended Federal Law No. 123, essentially removing from it the requirements for fire safety distances between buildings and structures. It is important to note that the requirements for fire safety distances between petroleum products storage facilities and adjacent facilities still remain in the Technical Regulations.

Then, with some delay, the firefighting community learned that SP 4.13130 ​​was already in force, which was approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 288 of April 24, 2013 and came into force on the same day.
Thus, on this moment, as stated earlier, in relation to buildings and structures various classes functional fire hazard (except for petroleum product warehouses, etc., see Federal Law-123 in the new edition), SP 4.13130 ​​is in effect.

At the same time, as follows from the provisions of SP 4.13130, the requirements for fire safety distances between buildings and structures are applied deterministically, i.e. It is impossible to justify fire breaks by calculations.

There are two sides to this situation - negative and positive.

The negative aspect of the impossibility of substantiating fire breaks by calculation is the too narrow application of fire standards and the application of the same requirements to many objects that are diverse in their design and space-planning solution. In other words, fire clearance regulations are not flexible.

The positive aspect of the fact that calculations cannot be used to justify the requirements of SP 4.13130 ​​is that it eliminates the possibility of “hack-working” and adjusting calculations to the required conditions, as happened at one time after the widespread introduction of the practical application of avoiding fire safety requirements by calculating fire risk. After all, there is currently no approved methodology for such calculations.

Fire distance and fire risks. Let's consider the first condition associated with the possibility of deviating from the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety by calculating the fire risk, at which it will be less than the standard value. Let’s say a building or structure is designed in violation of the requirements of SP 4.13130, but all the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations adopted in accordance with the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” have been met. In this case, according to the requirements of Federal Law-123, the building has the right to exist provided that the fire risk meets the required values.

To determine fire risk, there are currently two methods approved by orders of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations:
— a methodology for determining the calculated values ​​of fire risk in buildings, structures and structures of various classes of functional fire hazard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 382 of June 30, 2009;
— a methodology for determining the estimated values ​​of fire risk at production facilities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 404 of July 10, 2009.

Fortunately, changes made by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 749 dated December 12, 2011, removed objects of functional fire hazard classes F1.1, F1.3 and F1.4 from the methodology. Therefore, at present, for these objects it is not possible to justify compliance with fire safety requirements by calculating fire risk.

For other public facilities, the method allows one to calculate the fire risk for people in the building. However, there is no calculation algorithm and corresponding mathematical apparatus that allows calculating the fire risk created by the protection object for neighboring objects. There are also no appropriate criteria by which to judge the level of fire danger of public buildings created for neighboring objects, the fire distance to which may be lower than the standard.

The situation is different with production facilities. In addition to the fact that in the event of a fire (explosion) at a production facility, a fire risk is created both for people on the territory of the facility itself and for people in neighboring facilities.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 93 of Federal Law-123, the amount of individual fire risk as a result of exposure to dangerous fire factors at a production facility for people located in a residential area, public business area or recreational area near the facility should not exceed one hundred millionth per year.

Thus, from this point of view, the calculation justification of fire gaps between production facilities and neighboring buildings and structures using fire risk calculation is possible.

Arbitrage practice. In my opinion, an interesting situation may arise when the issue of fire breaks is considered in court, for example, in a claim for recognition of ownership rights to unauthorized construction, or in a claim to invalidate the conclusion of an expert from the State Expertise.

Here is an excerpt from Article 222 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:
The right of ownership of an unauthorized structure cannot be recognized for the specified person if the preservation of the structure violates the rights and interests protected by law of other persons or creates a threat to the life and health of citizens.

Despite the fact that the definition of the term “threat to life and health” has never existed in legal acts and regulations on fire safety, the court has the right to decide whether or not the object of protection in question creates a threat to the life and health of people in neighboring buildings and structures .

A court decision on this issue can be based on evidence from the competing parties, including calculations in which the fire distance is justified.
Perhaps similar court decisions are already available in the regions, it would be very interesting to learn about them.

Thank you for your attention, I would appreciate your opinions!

1. Fire distances between residential, public and administrative buildings, buildings, structures and structures of industrial organizations, depending on the degree of fire resistance and the class of their structural fire hazard, should be taken in accordance with Table 11 of the appendix to this Federal law.

2. Fire distances between buildings, structures and structures are defined as the distances between external walls or other structures of buildings, structures and structures. If there are structures protruding more than 1 meter of buildings, structures and structures made of flammable materials, the distances between these structures should be taken.

3. Fire distances between the walls of buildings, structures and structures without window openings it is allowed to reduce by 20 percent provided that the roof is made of non-combustible materials, with the exception of buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance and buildings of structural fire hazard classes C2 and C3.

4. It is allowed to reduce the fire distances between buildings, structures and structures of I and II degrees of fire resistance of structural fire hazard class C0 by 50 percent when more than 40 percent of the premises of each building, structure and structure are equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations.

5. In areas with seismicity of 9 points and above, fire safety distances between residential buildings, as well as between residential and public buildings IV and V degrees of fire resistance should be increased by 20 percent.

6. Fire distances from buildings, structures and structures of any degree of fire resistance to buildings, structures and structures of IV and V degrees of fire resistance in a coastal strip 100 kilometers wide or to the nearest mountain range in climatic subregions IB, IG, IIA and IIB should be increased by 25 percent .

7. Fire distances between residential buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance in climatic subregions IA, IB, IG, ID and IIA should be increased by 50 percent.

8. For two-story buildings, structures and structures of frame and panel construction of the V degree of fire resistance, as well as buildings, structures and structures with roofs made of flammable materials, fire distances should be increased by 20 percent.

9. Fire distances between buildings, structures and structures of fire resistance degrees I and II may be reduced to 3.5 meters, provided that the wall is more tall building, structures and structures, located opposite another building, structure and structure, is a fire protection type 1.

10. Fire distances from one-, two-apartment residential buildings and outbuildings(sheds, garages, bathhouses) on a private plot of land to residential buildings and outbuildings on neighboring plots of land land plots should be adopted in accordance with Table 11 of the Appendix to this Federal Law. It is allowed to reduce the fire distances between the specified types of buildings to 6 meters, provided that the walls of the buildings facing each other do not have window openings, are made of non-combustible materials or are subject to fire protection, and the roofing and eaves are made of non-combustible materials.

11. Minimum fire distances from residential, public and administrative buildings(functional fire hazard classes F1, F2, F3, F4) I and II degrees of fire resistance to industrial and warehouse buildings, structures and structures (functional fire hazard class F5) must be at least 9 meters (to buildings of functional fire hazard class F5 and classes structural fire hazard C2, C3 - 15 meters), III degree of fire resistance - 12 meters, IV and V degrees of fire resistance - 15 meters. The distances from residential, public and administrative buildings (functional fire hazard classes F1, F2, F3, F4) of IV and V degrees of fire resistance to industrial and warehouse buildings, structures and structures (functional fire hazard class F5) must be 18 meters. For these buildings of fire resistance class III, the distance between them must be at least 12 meters.

12. The placement of temporary buildings, stalls, kiosks, sheds and other similar structures must be carried out in accordance with the requirements established in Table 11 of the Appendix to this Federal Law.

13. Fire distances between solid end walls with a fire resistance limit of at least REI 150, buildings, structures and structures of fire resistance degrees I - III, with the exception of preschool buildings educational institutions, stationary medical institutions (functional fire hazard classes F1.1, F4.1), and multi-level parking garages with passive movement of cars are not standardized.

14. Areas for storing containers must have fences and be located at a distance of at least 15 meters from buildings, structures and structures.

15. Fire distances from the boundaries of urban settlements to forests must be at least 50 meters, and from the boundaries of urban and rural settlements with one-, two-story individual development to forest areas - at least 15 meters.

- Article 69. Fire distances between buildings, structures and structures
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