Full estimate for the construction of the house. Estimate for foam concrete blocks for the construction of the box. The main sections of the estimate

Any construction after the creation of a house project should be based on estimate documentation. It is the estimate for, as well as at home from any other material, that allows you to prevent possible downtime in work, outlining the amount of costs close to the total for all stages of installation. In addition, the estimate documentation allows the developer to correctly distribute the stages of injecting funds into the construction site and accurately control the entire financial process. And in order to understand how to make an estimate correctly, we present the material below.

What will affect the final value of the house?

The absence of these connections, of course, will greatly increase the design. Another notable consideration is the cost. project documentation, security, fencing and landscaping. Land - the price of land, the terrain of the land, the more, the smaller house the cheaper the house. The smaller the area, the fewer corridors and partitions, the more money saved. Project - typical projects are cheaper than individual projects. - self-help construction is cheaper than a turnkey house. The price of the material - at home affects not only the choice building materials, but also on windows, floors, tiles, plumbing and other components. Passive houses do not require more than 15 kWh.

Items displayed in the estimate

To understand the principle of formation budget documentation and to see the example of the estimate proposed in the material, it is necessary to understand from which points the document should be formed. Remember, if you miss one of the stages of construction and do not include it in the calculations, then you can get into an unpleasant situation, which is fraught with negative consequences for a half-built log house.

Zero houses have minimal energy consumption, in addition, the energy needed for operation comes from renewable sources. Requirements to reduce the energy efficiency of buildings are becoming more stringent. What building materials to choose for these types of houses?

Unlike others, the vertical cavities of these bricks are filled with small polystyrene balls, which makes it possible to exclude radiation heat transfer inside the brick. The perimeter walls of these bricks no longer need to be insulated. The thermal insulation parameters of the masonry of these 50 cm thick blocks are so great that they are equivalent to the thickness of polystyrene thirty-six centimeters thick or a seven-meter solid brick wall. If you are thinking about a new building, let's calculate the energy needs of your future home.

Important: it is always necessary to start budgeting by studying the project documentation. Namely - the calculation of the square meters of the walls of the outer and inner, as well as the area of ​​​​the roof and foundation. These data will allow in the future to calculate the most accurate number required material and, accordingly, the costs of its acquisition.

Choose carefully, because the material from which the house will be built will never be changed. This question seems to be asking everyone who decides to go for building a family home. The truth is that it is impossible to answer this question, but on the basis of some simplification, it is possible to estimate the price per square meter of a family home building.

Since we are planning to build a new family home, according to the rules applicable to new buildings, we need to think about a low energy house. Fixed assets expended in addition to houses built a few years ago are in best windows and add a thickness of thermal insulation to the roof and floor of the house.

So, the estimate documentation for the construction of a house from a bar should include the following items:

  • The cost of purchasing everything wall material, including fittings, fasteners (dowels), insulation, etc. It is worth remembering that depending on the type of timber (planed, profiled, glued), the amount may vary. And the cross section of lumber plays an important role in obtaining the final amount.
  • The cost of arranging the foundation and floor inside the house. It is worth noting here that most often the installation of the basis takes 30% of the total amount of construction financing. Although a lightweight type of foundation can be arranged under a log cabin, which will save money in some way.
  • The cost of finishing material both outside the house (if it is necessary for planed timber) and inside the cottage. It is for this that we will calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of the building.

This is an amount that she works well with mathematically, since it is enough to move the decimal point three places to the right of the total living area of ​​the house. This results in a better price for building a 1m2 house than a smaller one. The same applies to apartments, where the price per 1 sq. M decreases with an increase in the useful surface of the apartment. Of course, taking the same building standard.

The price does not include a kitchenette with appliances, furniture, house fencing, utilities. We also consider building on flat, sloping conditions far outweighing foundations, their price in addition to flat terrain can only be estimated according to the specific conditions on which the land is.

  • Roofing expenses, including both roofing material and rafter timber, battens, as well as insulation, waterproofing materials and all fasteners.
  • Also, the estimate should include funding for the work of professionals, if it is planned to build not with your own hands, but with the help of invited craftsmen.

Tip: Maybe the specialists will not perform the entire scope of work, but some specific task. In this case, it is better to immediately include the cost of work in a tedious cost item.

A good construction company should be able to buy building materials for less than you, even if they sell them for only slightly better than buying them as an individual. The cost of individual people on the construction site can also cost the construction company less than you, of course it must add to its margins and profits.

From the above it follows that if the contractor is not too greedy, he can build his house cheaper than you. This is true, of course, only if you have your time and money. If you have a large and friendly family who will come for free to build a house for you, it can make you a lot cheaper. However, the quality of the question is questionable, since people's manual skills have plummeted since the advent of computers.

  • Financing of all communications in the house, including plumbing, sewerage, electrical wiring, etc.

Important: when making calculations, it is worth taking into account the design nuances of a log house, such as ledges, balconies, bay windows, roof slopes, etc. The estimate also includes the rental of special equipment, if any, for installation work.

You won't have a guarantee for many parts of a self-help building, so you'll have to deal with all possible building errors. From practice, we can say that build errors will inevitably occur, just keep them as short as possible and remove them as quickly as possible. Again, the general contractor has the advantage that if you have a well-formulated contract or have a storage guarantee, you will be motivated to quickly fix these shortcomings so as not to pay unnecessary fines.

If you build a house through a series of sub-contractors that you squeeze to the maximum price, you can count on their subsequent unwillingness to resolve faults and cancel blame from one to the other so that you cannot easily fall into blame. When preparing for split work, it is important to know that in some situations it is necessary to obtain a final administrative decision - "permission to break up". Detailed information is contained in the section of this Law "Progress in Construction".

Tip: if the analysis and evaluation of the soil on the site has not yet been carried out, then it is worth allocating funds for this stage of work.

Principles of calculations in the preparation of estimates

To estimate documentation for the construction wooden house was complete, it is necessary to understand that the document is drawn up on the basis of the materials necessary for the construction. And the calculations themselves are carried out based on the following data:

Expansion costs vary depending on: the size of the building, its design, the way it is operated, and its location. In some cases, they can make a significant contribution to your new investment, so be sure to evaluate them ahead of time and include them in your budget. These costs include: facility breakdown, material disposal, "nature use" fees, and storage of materials in a landfill.

Demolition of the house with manual or heavy equipment. Ore recovery with material recovery is certainly longer than with heavy equipment. The handbrake allows materials to be recovered for reuse. Building materials in good condition - brick, wood, roofing, steel beams - can be used to build a new home. Some Decoration Materials, such as thick oak floorboards, can be used after repair or processing to complete new house.

  • The type of material used to build the walls;
  • Price per unit of its volume (packing/m3/pallet, etc.);
  • The total amount for the entire required amount of material. Plus, it is desirable to add 5-10% for possible price fluctuations upon purchase and for the stock of material. This should also include the cost of transporting goods to the construction site.

Calculation of the cost of the foundation

In turn, concrete is used for flooring on the ground or under hardened pavement on site. It would be better if most of the material from the break was used to build a new house, but it is practically difficult to make and is not affordable. Technological progress that has taken place in the field housing construction over the past ten or so years, has made the widespread use of materials of destruction economically unsound. The use of home-made materials in demolition will require the development of individual project documentation, which at the very beginning increases the cost of all investments.

In order to understand how much you will have to spend on the installation of the foundation, you need to calculate its parameters. So let's pretend we have cottage from a bar, the perimeter of which is 6x6 m. Taking into account the fact that a lightweight type of basis can be made under a lumber house, we have the following parameters:

  • Depth - 40 cm.
  • Width - 40 cm.
  • The total length along the outer walls is 24 meters. To the same indication we add the length of the foundation for internal partitions. Here we take another 8 meters of total length as an indicator. In total, we have 32 meters of foundation with a depth of 40 cm and a width of 40 cm.
  • Now we multiply 32x0.4x0.4 = 5.12 m3. This will be the total volume of shallow strip foundation under our building.
  • Next, you need to find out the cost of m3 of ready-mixed concrete.

Important: Note that self-preparation of concrete in such quantities is difficult. And since it is necessary to fill the foundation in one stage, it is better to order a ready-made solution. Thus, the strength of the base will be undeniable, in contrast to the method of phased self-filling.

However, what is disadvantageous for us may be beneficial for others. Sometimes you can remove old house at no additional cost, thanks to a work order in exchange for remanufactured materials. This mainly applies to wood and brick houses when the materials are in good working condition.

If manual breaking is not economically viable or we need to quickly remove a building, we should consider using heavy construction equipment. The table below shows the unit costs of demolition and the unit costs of waste transportation, assuming that the work is carried out construction company using heavy equipment without taking into account the recovery of the material. Price indicators for breakaway works have been given per 1 m3 gross cubic meter of destroyed object that can be calculated in a simple way by multiplying the outside dimension of the building by the ground component.

  • So, we multiply the cost of m3 of concrete by the required volume obtained. Here we add the possible costs of delivery and rental of special equipment. But it is quite possible that these items are already included in the price of the concrete mix.
  • Now, to the cost of the foundation, you need to add the cost of the boards to create the formwork. Here it will be enough to calculate the total footage of the formwork, and we know it, and multiply by its height. We get 12.8 m2. That is how many boards will be required before the construction of the formwork. We multiply the volume by the price m2.

On the other hand, 1 m3 of destroyed structures was reported for the transport of garbage. Building a home is a lifetime investment, so it's important to plan the entire project well. Before choosing a plot and project, we must specify the entire cost estimate. With changes in the real estate and construction market from year to year, the cost of building a house also changes.

In this calculation, we do not take into account the cost of buying a building plot and connecting it to the media, since land prices vary greatly. The cost of buying a home project and its adaptation. The amount of money we spend on a home project depends on whether we choose individual project or a project that usually requires a later adaptation. In case of purchase finished project the total cost should not exceed 5-6 thousand. To maximize your cost savings, it's best to use a home design database that includes most of the architectural work available.

  • And, of course, the cost of reinforcement must be included in the foundation costs. In this case, you need to know that for a foundation width of up to 40 cm, reinforcement in four longitudinal rods is used. At the same time, with a foundation length of more than three meters, it is necessary to use longitudinal reinforcement with a cross section of 12 mm. For transverse jumpers, a rod with a cross section of 6-8 mm is used.
  • To calculate the amount of reinforcement needed, it is necessary to multiply the total length of our foundation by 4 (the number of longitudinal rods). At the same time, we multiply the obtained value by another 10% in order to have a margin for joining the rods in knitting. In total, we get the total footage of longitudinal reinforcement with a cross section of 12 mm. The value is multiplied by the price of the material per volume. We calculate the transverse rods by dividing the length of the foundation by the step of the location of the reinforcement in the knit. Then we multiply the resulting number by 2 (two rows of the location of the transverse bars).

Important: after calculating the cost of purchasing material for the foundation, you must not lose sight of the price of the work of the master who will knit the reinforcement.

This makes it easy to calculate the cost and economics of choosing a particular project. If, however, we define an individual project, the total cost can reach 10 thousand. zł. Therefore, buying a special project will pay off if you have a non-standard plot, for example, a large angle of inclination. How much does it cost to build a house in an open and closed state? Our calculations were carried out for the wet state of open and closed.

Foundation The first stage of construction is the foundation. In this assessment we have included: excavation, foundation benches, foundation walls, insulation, concrete slabs, foundation structure. Walls The next step involves the construction of supporting walls. The cost of this part of the investment will be more than 7 thousand. zł. To do this, we must add a salary to the construction team of 5.7 thousand people. zł. In turn, building partitions will be much cheaper, because building materials are no longer so demanding.

We calculate the purchase of timber

Before proceeding with the calculations, it is necessary to determine the type of timber for construction and its cross section. Thus, we find out the price of the material necessary for the construction of the house. Now you need to calculate the total volume of the timber in m3.

For example, for hollows we pay about 2 thousand. zł. For this, the mason's reward will be close to 2.8 thousand people. zł. Ventilation and chimneys We must also include ventilation and chimneys in the calculation. More will have to be spent on a chimney - about 2.9 thousand.

Ceiling and Roof Case one-story house will be sufficient wooden ceiling, which will cost about 27 thousand. zł. In turn, the construction of a simple gable roof will be about 30 thousand. zł. The sum of the total roof structure together with these elements will be up to 45 thousand. zł. At this stage, we complete the construction of the house in a raw open state. Summing up all the costs, the investment at this point will be less than PLN 124,000.

You need to calculate like this:

  • First, we calculate the total perimeter of the house. In our case, it is 24 meters (we consider without internal partitions, since a beam of a smaller section for subsequent finishing will go to their device).
  • Now multiply the perimeter by the height of the walls. Let's take 2.6 m as an example. In total, we have 24x2.6 = 62.4 m2.
  • And then you need to multiply the resulting value by the thickness of one bar. In our case, this will be a bar with a section of 150x150 mm with a thickness of 15 cm. 62.4x0.15. In total, as a result, we get 9.36 m3 of timber required for the construction of all external walls.
  • Now you need to calculate the amount of timber in one m3. And since for each section of lumber its quantity in 1 m3 varies, the calculations are performed by dividing the total timber required for the construction by the volume of one unit.
  • It remains to enter all the data obtained into the estimate table and multiply the result by the price of one bar or by the price of m3 of lumber. Do not forget to include dowels and insulation in the cost of expenses.

Tip: the calculation of the cost of installing internal partitions is carried out according to the same principle.

Roofing costs

The construction of a house cannot be considered complete if the box does not have a roof. This Finishing work can be postponed indefinitely, and the installation of the roof for a wooden building must be carried out immediately after the completion of the forcing of the walls. Otherwise, the tree will get wet.

So, here everything is extremely simple:

  • We know the roofing area from the project for the house. Based on the available data, it is necessary to determine the total volume roofing material and multiply by the price per unit of its volume.
  • To the amount received, we add the cost of insulation and waterproofing, the volume of which will also be equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof plus 10% of the margin for joints and overlaps.
  • Also, the cost of the timber for the rafters and the ridge should be added to the total amount. The amount of lumber is calculated by dividing the length of one roof plane by the pitch of the rafters. We get the number of rafters on one side of the roof. We multiply this number by two (two sides of the roof for a gable roof of a one-story house 6x6 m).
  • Do not forget to take into account the cost of fasteners, accessories and payment for the work of the craftsmen, if any.

Communication costs

This section of the estimate is one of the most complex and painstaking. Here it is necessary to add a large name of components and accessories. So, for a plumbing system, it is worth considering the cost of such elements:

  • Digging a well or drilling a well;
  • Arrangement of a water intake point (purchase of concrete rings, etc.);
  • Digging a trench for supplying pipes to the house;
  • Laying the entire water supply system (pipe footage of the required section;
  • Taps, filters, mixers and water meters;
  • Pumping equipment for supplying water to the house;
  • Arrangement of a caisson or premises for a pumping station;
  • Installation of all plumbing equipment (toilet, sink, bathtub, dishwasher, etc.).

Now, based on the length of the water supply system in the house, we calculate the costs of sewer communication, the pipes of which will be located parallel to the water main. But now the pipes will have a different and larger cross section. So, the sewerage estimate includes the cost of such elements:

  • Pipes in the right quantity in accordance with the project documentation;
  • All adapters, tees and fittings;
  • Works on digging a trench for the installation of external sewerage (if workers are invited);
  • Insulation of the external pipeline (consumables for this type of work);
  • Septic tank or biological storage device.

And of course, do not forget about the wiring. The estimate includes the cost of the work of a professional who will perform the entire volume from the removal of electricity from the common line in the village to the installation of all sockets and power points in the house. In addition, here in the estimate documentation they include the amount of expenses for cables, wires, sockets, switches and other fittings.

Home furnishing costs

It is important to know that home decoration may include the cost of all window and door units. And then the total amount of the selected finishing material is added to this amount. You just need to know its retail price. But in this part of the estimate, the amount can only be calculated very streamlined, since tastes and preferences can change over time during construction, and the price of materials can either decrease or increase. So here you can achieve accuracy with an error of 10-15%.

Important: having standard mathematical skills, you can independently calculate the approximate cost of a log house. But if you doubt the correctness of your actions and are afraid to make a mistake, then it is better to turn to professionals who will help you fully or partially understand the preparation of estimate documentation.

You can build your own home or use the help of construction companies. Before that, determine exactly the main parameters of your future home - the size of the whole house and each room, the height of the foundation, the height and thickness of the walls, the type of roof and roof, communications in the house. After that, draw up a plan for the house - on your own or in a design office.

Then, with the project in hand, you can invite specialists who will calculate the cost of construction in accordance with modern building codes and rules, and calculate the final cost of construction, taking into account current prices for building materials and labor rates. Since the wizard will make the calculations based on their own prices, it is advisable to make the calculations in several companies, and thus focus on the average price.

If you decide to calculate the construction of your house yourself, then you can make your work easier with the help of special programs. On the this moment There are dozens of programs for preparing estimate documentation. Many of them have free trial period, so you can use them for your purposes for free . But the program, again, will calculate based on standard rates, which can be very different from those that apply in your region.

In some cases, it will be better for you to make a list of necessary construction operations and building materials and find out their price in local construction companies and shops. So you can save a lot.

And most importantly, keep in mind that during construction, prices for services, materials can rise in price, therefore, it is necessary to invest in the budget of future construction a reserve of 20-40 percent of estimated cost(depending on the estimated construction time).

Calculate price construction- it is most important. After all, in this way you will prepare for the construction of a house or cottage from the most important side - the material one. But how to make such a calculation correctly, and what is needed for this?

You will need


What do you need? In order to calculate price construction works, you will definitely need a project that contains: the layout of the territory and premises of the building, the project of the building itself, as well as the facade and roof. Please note that without such a project, you will not be able to make a calculation.

Specific figures Below we will give specific average amounts that you will have to pay for certain construction works:
- price design work- 250 rubles per square meter;
- price works on pouring the foundation - 750 rubles per square meter;
- price general construction works (2500 rubles per square meter);
- price roofing works (600 rubles per square meter);
- price facade works (400 rubles per square meter);
- price engineering works (500 rubles per square meter)
- price sewer installation works (500 rubles per square meter).

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